25 TAXI and mil B OSTON GRILL Large Upstair Dining Hall, Ambulance A. ' a wilb newly laid dancing Service floor for hire. Suitable for Anywhere at Anytime. dances, banquets and wed. Stand Royal Hotel, 3rd v ding: parties. and 6th St PRINCE RUPERT ;, For rals, apply In Boston WATT VI DECK, Prop. Grill. Third Ave, Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Phone 4S7. '"'i-s VOL XV., NO, 138. V.. - III,, I. PRINCE HLT'EHT, U.tL, SAT). RRAY, Jl'NE 13, 1L'5. Vuttrdar't ClreuUkton 1S6S Slrtit 4a , PRICE FIVK CKNm COAL STRIKE DISORDERS IN NOVA SfOTIA MCE RUPERT ELEVATOR UKM ME IIHDER CRAM BOARD OF CANADA Stotes Robbed and Men Beaten in of Nova more Iroons hemp sent r -"o Ontario H ALIFAX, N.S.. June J .'J. A second detachment of pro-niriul police numbering r0 lefl hen- last night for (lie strike cr::i. It is under!) loud tliu( further troop will he brought from Ontario points. ' . slVliVI.'.Y V V! I,,,,.. ( I'l... .1..J., fonv in, imi Uirporulion ui Uiieiiuinu was nunied early (his morning and a number of mine official at Water ford were hadly beuleu last ingld according lo luteal reports from the Nova Scutia eoal STORMS DAMAGE NORTHERN IOWA 0n Killed and Many Injured With Much Property Damage VIS MOlNliS. June 13. One yiiiau drowned and a dozen pr - in were injdred and large nu of crops ruined as u reull ..r .. ..r .1 j i.. ......Ill vi a -nil ill ntuilivs ill iiuiiii- r i Iowa fhursdrty night. It is 'V mated that property damage; , . 1 . ' 1 . . . . . . I 1. . . r 1 1 ....... i am; u;.'.i iu nunureii ui imuus-Jiitls tf dollars. The greatest tlainaae was caused at Alexander ii 1 -ankliii county. Ihe only low ! known !o have been swept w 'tie wind tprms Many farms destroyed ill other ecatler-J iDcalrtle. HEAVY RAINS IN MANITOBA Flood Causes Damage to Farms When Rivers Overflow Banks WINNIPEG, June 13. Heavy 'a i ii during the nihl it is feared will increase flood dangers in tliat part id Muliiloha which has liceii threatened for two days. "1'lie whole township of Medika is inundated causing 500 persons 'o ncal,e their homes when the liitemoulh iflid ilirch Itivcrs uverflowed, causing heavy dam-& to the-farms. The flood of wafer reached a depth of from "uec to four feeL. Fanners had '(j wade through, carrying their lnldren, RELIEF PARTY AT SPITZBERGEN AFTER AMUNDSEN EXPLORERS ADVKNT- RAY, June 13. 'Neaiuer lugertre arrived here today willi ihe Norwegian fiov- I'Huneiit relief expedition on the "jy to search for Hoald Aiuund en and party, v. STOCK MARKET Rid, Asked ,C- Silver .. I. I.&0 Hufllon 'owe Sound 10.00 su.nti Kihercrest I .15 .iHV-i SJff Inlet ,. .03 'tf .00 ui'ky Jim ; .10 i 'unwell 3.25 1.00 Premier IM'3 - Unll.i.i. .01 .05 JtJfmiiius .70 ..M ,a'y AlasHa .28 Strike Area Scotia Mines in trnm HnlifnY nnH" a1"' i'ol'f it it qut to- Points ..r-n... i. t... -line III lliu llll0 I jllll'M C i sir ike idea. SYDNEY. June 13. The jHrilnh Empire Steel Corporation tore al Dominion Mine .No. 1, and t. near (Mace Hay were raided by a crowd nf 1.5UO strik ing miner last infill. I lie men helped li'iii-l vph Id what they wanted, it is reported. HON. JOHN OLIVER LOSES HIS WHISKERS AND CHIN EXPOSED Special to llaily News MCKMIIA, June la. -After Ihiry years Hon. John Oliver' whiskers have gone, and his chin is exposed for the first time in three decades. ' Premier Oliver last night obejeij. a sudden iuipide, inarched into a barber shop, gave a short sharp order to his barber and left his shaggy beard on the fhor. Member of the Uove.rA-inent are disconsolate. The missing whisker are the rhief topic of conversation around the parliament building's but as the minister said "What can we do? We ean'l make beards grow by order in council." FISH ARRIVALS . Canadian Prices Continue Rather Higher Than For American Halibut Canadian huals continue to get higher prices than American al the exchange. Today's sales were: American Allen. 6(1,000. to Cold Storage at 0.20c and Ic. Chelsea, 55,000, to Paii Tic Fisheries at 0c and 1c. , Norland, 1H.5I"!, 0 Cold Storage al 10.60C and ic. iinilv 18.000. to Hoolh Fish- erics, at 0.00c and to. (ilacier. P-Mion, to Hooth Fisheries at 10.700 and to. Canadian' 'Yule, 8(1(1. to Cold Storage at 1 1.40c and 6c. 1.500. to lloyal Fish 'Co. al 11.10c and 0c. S.A.. 3.1)00. to Atlin' Fisheries nt 1 1.50" and 6c. LABOR LEADER DIES AT CLEVELAND, OHIO CLKNT'LANI), June 13. Warren Slone, president of the llrolherhooil of Locomotive Engineers and one of the most lirotiiiue.nl labor leaders on the roulinent, died here today aged 05. POLICE BATTLE CHICAGO TODAY Gangsters and Officers Shot It Out and Death Occur on Both Sides ' i CHICAGO, June 13 day day at at close close .mailer quarter in a battle which resulted in the death of two police sergeanls and John (Senna, one of the attacking pans and wounding a third poficemaii and two of CcnnaV companions. (ienua is said to be a brother of Angcln (ienna, the gangster recently .... assassinated. MINISTERS WENT SOUTH LAST NIGHT Attorney General A. M. Manson and Minister of Minos Sailed on Prince Rupert After having completed his diurc of Ihe crown prosecutions at Ihe present session oT the Su prenie Court Assue. Hon. A. M. Maliun, attorney general, sailed last, ni'r'htou the Prince" Unpen for llif MHilh. Hon, . T Willi Sloan, minister of miiiet. aV. returned south after having paid a visit to llorreeu and olloy in terior points. LORD BYNG WILL NOT SERVE SECOND TERM OTTAWA. June 13. - Lord Hyug will not remain for a second term as Coventor Ceiier- al. Premier King, replying to a question in the House of Commons yesterday, intimated that His I'.xcpllcncy regretled being uuabre to continue iu office when the present term expires. PROTEST MADE TO BRITISH AT PEKIN TODAY PKKIX, June 13. The Chinese igoxcriuneiil protested today by note to Ihe Hritish legation against Ihe recent killing and wounding al llutkow. The note emphasized the seriousness of the slluatioji and reserved full liberty to demand compensation later. SERIOUSLY ILL. According lo a wireless mes sage ''received by W. C. Orchard U.P.H. general agent here, from Capt. Arthur Slater, Charhw Hlack, a prominent Dawson citizen, is seriously ill on tb steamer Princess Louise which is due here this afternoon from Iho north. I tie wireless ines-ase asked Mr. Orchard to gel iu touch with the sick man's bru llier, William Hlack, who is said to live here. Killed by storm ST. PAIL, June 13. One death, 20 injuries and property loss of li ul f a million dollars re suited from a storm sweeping through Minnesota lust night. QUAKE AT LOS ANGELES l.OS AMiKLliS, 'June 13 At enrlhquake shock' was fell here yeerduy afternoon 1ml no dam ngu'l reported. A Russian Princess av a Canadian Ited doss nurse. Ilxilcd by Ihe Soviet regime. Olga Mariova. s!..!ioued u the (Juetiee ininiigratioii office, slre.lehes foilli a helping hand lo the j i I lie uew comers to Canada. Verdict of Not Guilty in Case "Against Glaudt in the Assize Court Yesterday The jury al Ihe Supreme Court Assizes yeslerd.jy afternoon re Iu rued a verdict of'iio guilly iiulhe ca.e of Rex vs. Claude Vincent Syuios who was churged- wilh iliaiislaughier in conhel'-liou with Hie death of .Norma Munro who was run down by a tiiolor cur driven by him on tebruary IU lasL The jury, which relumed lo ihe court room at l.i'U, was in retirement exactly one hour. When W. ,11. Derry, foreman of the jury, announced Uie verdict to the court. Attorney (leneral Alanson. who had conducted the prosecution, asked thai the jury be polled. Each juryman on the panel, when Ins name was called by the registrar, answered "aye" iu agreement wflli the foreman announce ment. .Mr. Manson then moved for the discharge "of accused. I he defence 'was conducted hy L. W. Pal more. Eloquent addresses to Ihe jury hy both crown ami defence coun- el and a charge by Mr. Justice W. A. Macdoitald, which could by no means have been said to cou- ain undue sympathy for the ac- lUsed, featured Ihe proceedings. Mr. Pa I more ably interpreted he evidence on behalf of his lient, stressing Ihe view that he had taken all necessary precau tion under the circumstances 1 1 1 1 1 had done all in his power to avoid the unfortunate occur- rehcot Eloquent Address Mr. Mansou's address was one of the most eloquent thai bus ever been delixered lo a jury in Prince Iluperl hy a crown prose cutor. II was not ldller but it was clear. He putrthe situation plainly neiore uie jury. n mey desired la make the law govern ing the use of the streets by children the responsibility was theirs Just as much as it was that of the judge or the crown. II was their function to decide whether the driver in this case Vincent Symes 1 had exercised the responsibility jT care and caution devolving upon him. Personally he Could aot believe that the driver- had fulfilled that responsibility and at lenigth hq went into the. evidence lo'Upport iris conlention. His Lordship, iu his charge, while warning the jury ttiat. it ,vas up to them lo form their own conclusions from the evidence regardless of what he might say, impressed .upon them tliul il was their responsibility if they decided that the drixei' was not liable iu this matter. Personally hu did not think that the dmer had taken due precaution as- he approached the sci'ne ut I lie accident though this might not 'have applied at the actual time of Ihe accident. lilts was an important point. Had he taken all Hie care that he should have? He had seen the child iu front of him at a considerable distance.: Ditl he bring the car under the control that was war ranted by the child's tender years? Motorist's Duty Pressing home to the jury that it was il function by law lo draw it conclusions from Hie facts presented. His Lordship emphasized thai a motorist ' continued on page three) attacking KvVang Tung and Can officers ufter u fierce ullack on forced Ihe surrender of Oautoii of business ond homes and the Chinese Bolsheviks Forced the Surrender of Canton and Murder Inhabitants both Military and Civi CANTON, June la. The lunese forces under Rolsheviki Ihe defending Ytinnanese army loduy mid imposed extreme cruellies on Ihe soldiers and elvili mis. The invaders diluted places I bodies of the defending troops-who were slain us. well as (ho of innocent hj slanders ure strewn along Ihe roads. Prince Rupert Elevator Under Grain Board was Uiscusseaby Lommitl OTTAWA. June KI. Prince placed under control of Ihe drain Hoard, it is uniioiinced here. A resolution moved jeslerday iu the ugrii-iillural committee, which was discussing Ihe new grain act for placing terminal elevators under complete control of Ihe. (iraiu Hoard us well as hoard of harbor commissioners at grain transfer porjs, is likely lo be adopted. The ports utfecled by the move, if it comes iulo force, will include Prince Rupert, Vancouver, Montreal, Quebec, Halifax and K(. John. SPEEDY WORK ON PRINCE RUPERT AT DRY DOCK YESTERDAY Speedy work was done i al the dry duck yesterday when Ihe steamer Prince Huoert was in for paiul- itig. The vessel was out of the water at 10:15 and helween that time and V o'clock whn she was iivihv-.'ittwiitedjiiiiitu hud j beeti tlMifedt ftHdtTvred -, i wan a eoal Of atilifouliu paint. The Prince Oeorge will be taken out al 8 ii. in. Monday. : SHRINERS BAND GAVE CONCERT AT SM1THERS Entire Population of Interior Town Gathered to Listen to Music ' SM1TIIEUS, June 13. Word was passed around Thursday af ternoon that the Slinners due lo arrive at 7 p.m. had accepted Mayor Orchard's invitation lo make a stop here and practically Ihe entire population of Smilh- ers was al Uie r ailway siauon 10 Street them.. The band gave a concert thai was most enjoyable. fter the concert the spokesman for the Shriners thanked' the audience for its 'appreciation and welcome. L. S. McCill then, on behalf of Mr. Orchard and the citizens of the Hulkley Valley, thanked them for their entertainment, telling them it was (he first lime . bras baud had given Ji -con ert iu Sinilhers and in a num ber of instances it was the first lime the children had ever heard one. The speeches were followed hy three cheers all round, and to the accompaniment of blasts of their sleam siren the happy tour- ts continued the journey after slop of 15 minutes. SEVEN YEARS IN PEN. STEALING IN MANITOBA IlEOINA. June 13. John Iladick, 22 years of age. and Nick Sehor, 21, ot Carman, Man itoba, were sentenced lo seven years in the penitentiary on eight charges of theft yesterday BOAT BREAKS DOWN The Canadian halibut sohooue Yuill, Capt. James Ryrne, brok her engine clutch while on lior way to the fishing bunks and was lowed back to purl early Ihl morning hy the Alaskun cannery lender Duncan I., Capt. M. A knutsen. Advrrtle tnlh Daily New ee Rupert elevalor is likely lo be' ONE YEAR FOR USING AN AXE . Arthur Stewart, Esslngton Indian Guilty of Wounding With Intent to Harm Ouilty of wounding David Douglas with intent lo d6 griev ous bodily harm, accompanied by vWpuiinendulioH Jor-unercy, was' Rie verdict of Ihe1 Jury tliij aflernoon in the case of Hex vs. Arthur Stewart at the Supreme Court Assizes, Mr. Justice W. A. Macdonald passed a sentence of one year al Okalla Prison Farm, stating that he fell this was i very light sentence. ' The jury was out about ono hour, reluming to the courtroom hortly before two o'clock. This case concluded the pre sent docket and His Lordship again reminded Hie, .juror Uiai the court was only adjourned until August 10f and that thej service would be agili required then iu connection, wijh the Liard HiVer Indian murder, cases. STRIKE ENDS AT NANAIMO All Employees Agree to Return to Work Accepting Cut' In Wages NANAIMO,, June 13. The strike of 1200 coal miners of the Western FuOl Co. ended yesterday by t lie acceptance of Ihe men it a 60 cent cut in the 00 cent a day bonus. Following the ac tion of the underground nien on Thursday accepting tlie'Jrut, the surface men yesterday agreed to return to work Monday. Underground and rallwayineu; resume loday. , ONE KILLED WHEN SAVING BANK IS ROBBEDAT DETROIT ULTllOlT, June 13. One policeman was shot and killed and a citizen was badly wounded today when alteiiipling to . stop four men who held up and rob bed the Centra) Savings Hank of approximately 823.000. CHILDREN KILLED AS STRUCKBY LIGHTNING HltECKENlUDUE, lexrts. June 13. Three children, ranging In age frym nine to .thirteen, were killed and 15 others were injured five probably faJally when lightning struck the choolioue near here last ni'ght.