pafwMay Jn' 1 1925. THE DAILY ITEWB ft ' i ""''mjx MP ymr Iai)mrite pipe johacco Doing of the Mosquito Fleet which is the X cnier source of Prince Rupert', prosperity (ienerally speaking the amount fhaiibill landed ami I lie amount f commercial business done on ,l,e waterfront, this week ha sen well up 10 inc. average for nf lli l-U'il 'I'Iiuh.. mis nun: i in n- 8 lot or work lieing carried on at 'tlm local shipyard while lh machine, shop am) electrical: mim1v houses an' doing their hut snare of business.. The enn-Biierii arc gelling into the sca-j .nft'i s'riue ami jnucii repair jwnrk, of a mechanical nature, i i Iking carried mil in the cily. While some; in me Kippers,,painici a " nice iiiiiiuiiii hrilliant while niuir, - i'i ii Rwlm have been fishing: on tho iliftrili iiern banks, report fishing; ilo have been good and wealherhru.h and report immediately for fiiw. oincrs nave siuicu mm un; oiiiy. lienrge was not only an-jili have lieen "palchy" and thefxious to give the good ship llarla wcailier not all thai niieja coal of while on Sunday Iiu nilgli' took for in the summer. jalso indulged in painting Alex. IV-e reports have cinanaleillMeltae's skilf. The skjtr chanced from different nortlieni fishipgjln occupy an advantageous posi- l,inis (.apt. II. llarani of I hell Uw-.tian sciiooner nemocraiMieorge, having accomplished Iwiiidi landed 21.000 pounds oi Thursday, and who has been final nx oil llapn peneer and I Kairweallier, staled that so far ,( ins last trip was concerned weal her was O.K. and the iih volume of fish caught came up in expe. lations. On the other liasd Cap'. I. Pearson of the ihdoner Majestic, with a tidal ar-ymg capacity ofr 55,000 who I l:a heen fishing on the Pnrlloel. ui, off Kodiak Island, stale,; It bad run into bad wcallicr lie entire trip and thai- the were 'patchy.' The Mnje. si ived with a light Caleb of llifiM pound on Thursday v ing. Salmon Run Light ' .'tipper Bert Wcnrmoiilh, who t parking salmon Svilh the Nar-nlinr,- frouk the Imndas Island ii a grounds, arrived in pnr. Wcilnesday. Speaking of the tahnnn run in that district lie, -iwl ' a a I it was not very pond at fienf Iml dial Willi the change TIMBER SALE X7200. Scaled Tender will be rerciv-lseem ed ny District Forester not laleriono's boat away early in the day Una noon on the Uli day oflbefore Mack gits the 3.000 rev- July, 11)25, for the purchase of j Litciire X7200, adjacent Lot (iimhoat Passage, C.ll. .1, n '-ut 075,000 feel board measure nf Sjmice, Cedar, Hemlock unit Balsam Sawing. Two 2 years will be allowed lor removal of limber. Further particulars of the Chief Forester, Victoria, or Hlin bidrict Forester, Prince Iluperl, H.C CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT TAKI NOTIKH THAT: I The Council of the Corporation of the City of Prince Ilu-P'l't intends lo construct n Pavement fifteen feet wide, con-siating of a mattress of timber "Vit which will-be placed a pav-'"f giving a depth at "the crowii f ten inches composed of broken lone and sand, on that portion f lh Avenue comincnciiiig fmm " point eight feet east of the renlre line intersection of Taylor s,vep and 7th Avenue, jhcncoi Msl along 7tli Avenno as shnwijj n Hie plans and profiles de- Polled in the Office of the City F.iuniieer lo the intersection of 'Hi Avenue and the present mal- road on Fujton Street, ns n '0cnl improvement, nnd intends lo specially assess tbo cost uprip land abutting directly on tbo Wnfk, except such portion of the j'0s! as is incurred nt street in-iTsprlions and at nohool pro-Pry. - The estimated cost of the. wnrk is 3,780.00, of which vl 2!) h to he paid by the Cor-P'iilion, and the estimated nn-Jiial special rate per foot frnnt-If .l85l(H7. The specinl ""eminent is I,, , pnid in 10 nn"ual Instalments. ' ' Persona iloslrlnrr In netl- lion 'igalnst midertaklnir the ni"k must do so on or before Ui" 20th day of JulV, lf25. K. F. JONlS, Cily Clerk. u'ed this 13th day of June, 1025 of tides ( Is expected dial the run will considerably improve, The Cold Storage salmon nncker Chief .y.lhassa, Capl. ,.r Han son, came in from I lie llim.o ts- I I . mini iiimiiiil' ki-ouimis on i nn day and returned ()n Wednesday night. The salmon run in thaM district is. steadily imprnvfn?. i A Palntlnn Fiend If you have any old piece of iurniiure lying around llie house. li r preferahly something Mial floats, and you need it just phone up Ceo rye Bryant who will seize his paint pot and ion on the Yacht Club float and .painting his liner, started in 'upon Alec's skilT without per- jmissinri. The genial secretary went out to Shiiwallaiis with his skiff, not noticing that it was painted again, with the result thai himself and dog got beautifully tdastered wlli llie lales! manufacture of while paint. While Alec's canine pel likes In look clean it does not appreciate being dolled up in a coal of while paint without first being consulted on the mailer. The inollo is Watch your step when wandering around the liner llarla, unless you carry a boltle of turpentine for band cleaning purposes. Purchases Echo Hie latest amalcur skipper lo join the happy band of engine AVihders H" the Yacht Club is W. K. Mack, of financial fame, who has recently purchased the speed boat Echo from C. L. Heindel. The Kcho showed up in bright colors during the recent club re. gatta and if the alterations, which her new owner contemplates, are carried out it will be odds against other boat owner enjoying enough walcr lo enable their boats to float. It would a wise procedure lo get IN PROBATE In the Supreme Court of British Columbia In the Mailer of.llie "Adminis- tion Act" and In the Mailer of the F.stale of Ceorge Bennett, Deceased, . Intestate. TAKF XOTICF. that by an Order of Hi Honor Judge Young daled the 5th day of June, 1925, I, llie undersigned, was appointed Administrator of the estate of Ceorge Bennetr, intestate. ; All parlies having claims againft Ibe said estate are hereby reipiired to . forward same, properly verified lo me, within thirty days from the dale of this notice and all parlies Indebted to Hie said estate are required to pay Ibe amount of their indebtedness to me forthwith. Dated at Prince llupert. B.C.. this l.'llh day of June, 1025. X. A. W1ATT, Official Administrator. N PROBATE In the Supreme Court of British Columbia In the Mailer of tb? "Adminis tration Act" and In the Mailer of llie F.slalo of W. M. McOeorge, Deceases. TAKI- NOTICF- that by an Or iter of Ills Honor Judge Young dated Ibe 5th day of June, una, 1 llie undersigned, wns appoint ed. Administrator willi the Will annex, of the estale or ii Mnfieorae. deceased. il nurties having claims nirnlnst the. said estate are here by, required In forward same, properly verineu io me, wiiiim thirlv days from tbo dale of this notice and all. parlies indebted In (he said estate are required to pay the amount, or llieir iniienien ness In me forthwith. Dated at. Prince llupert, B.C., this 1.1th day of June, lfl25 N. A. WATT, Official AdmltlUtrator. olulion per minute propeller J churning the water op lo 1 hint; Avenue. Jack Deane, 'who has passed his first year high school examinations left for his home ;il Port Simpson on the power boat Taplow yesterday and will engage in salmon trolling during Ibe summer holidays. The fallowing boats have been up on. the Ward ways this week for painting; Swing, D.S.T.. Vesta, Minnie V. ami Annie Sophia. The power boat Annie Sophia of Ocean Kalis, which has been commissioned in the limber cruising business for the pat several 'months, is in port for a general overhaul. Sandy Finlayson, well known In niemlwrs of the Yacht Cliib, he having beep for some lime assistant commodore, arrived lr the cily this week -to renew old acquaintances. Sandy has Iieer fishing the west coast for herring for the past several -months. Capt. "Henry Kdenshnw arrived in port this week aboard hi power boal. Kderishaw from Mas-sell for supplies; W. .C Hamilton, nf tlancins fame, has recently joined llie Yacht Club. At present Bill is porting a ennoo but big things are looked for in the speed eating class after the marine architectural li? no prints have been thoroughly looked over. Rode a Halibut In case, there should be -an; question raised hereafter as lo the credibility of ibis story we do not mind, as a special In stance, quoting as the source of information none other than Capt Angell, skipper of Ihu schooner Alaska. Cap I ells Ibe story with solemn countenance, and far be it from us to doubt its veracily. The story has lo do with Dave Nash, an old timer in the halibut fishing, when out in a dory hauling in the halibut. Dave was seen from the accompanying schooner to he straining EcU-HoldiiufSawr Fiit-EasY-CirHim $TMOND! SAWS WORDS CANADA SAW CO. ITD. MONTMCAL TORONTO Vancouver 8i. John. N.B. ; OLD CHUM h the famous Vacuum(Air-Ttfht)Tm j J MKlNG T0BAC0 J every muscle to haul in some thing, which judging from the amount of pep 'lie .put into the operation, was something in llj" nature of a sunken, steam roller After many , heaves and groan Dave brought up the head otahugf Llialibut so large in , fact thai the halibut in refusing lo gel int Ibe dory pulled Dave into Ho water. Just as Dave was leavin; the dory he grabbed a gair boo1 and managed to jab it into the marine monster by mounting on its back. This made the fish sore and willi the. peed of Benson's boat it swam, away willi the nautical jockey astride it. However, Dave did not lose his presence of mind, or his hank roll, bul using llie galT as a steering device he niiaged lo guide the halibut several lime around the schooner.- After several rides around (he boat the jockey eventually managed to bring the monster, fish alongside the dory again when his mate, who had. surmised the se quel of their hero's ilaclics, grab bed both man and fish and pull ed them from Ibe salt chuck. What you you think of that? Tbe fish packer Xorlonia, owned and operated by the Ting- ley Brolher,'' rfalleiKin ,for supplies. Ibis vee.kv Th'n'ortonja i packing salmon from" the Hippo trolling grounds to . Buledale cannery. The 15 fool halibut boat for Capt. John Wicks,' is nearing completion on tbe McLean ways. The Vickcrs-'Pellers 'engine has been installed and everything will be in readiness for the final plunge, on Monday oc Tuesday of nexl week". The next boat for'building is a 1(1 foid hallbul boat for Capl llavmoller. Tills keel will he laid immediately the' Wtcks' boat is (auncneii. Tbo schooner Marguerite, Capl-. "Scully" lleid,'. has been un on Ibe ways this week for clean ing and painting. Capfc J. C. Scot t has had his power boat Maiven on Ibe ways jo gel. llie engine lined up, the slern hearing re-bahitled and the hull re-caulked. The Maiyen has been commissioned ' in the fish packing for I bo Millerd cannery What a Life? (Dedicated lo Andy McDonald who mourns the absence yf bis. wife) Andy leads the "single" lift' since wifey venl nvvay In fact bo's started out to dance by niglit ns well as day. He goes to all the movie shows when Muck Sonnctt's on tho bill, In Through the use of the famous Vacuum (air-tight) tin OLD CHUM SMOKING TOBACCO is preserved condition ; it as when it was Alwaus ask for fact his friends will tell you that he's hitting down the hill. He'll tell you all the girlie's names and what its all about bul walk. in backwards lo the shows and I hey think he's going out. Of money he lias plenty .and like n reg'lar guy be loves to go into 'he hank and make- the dollars 'ly. The teller, he will 1 oil you jus-how liberal Andy is for And? puts 'em through the cage bul that's nobody's bis. At night lime when he's lonely and wants a bit of life he'll light his pipe i Ma's best room, you could en smoke with a knife. Sometimes he's feeling kind of gay, and jusi In make things hum he'll win I the blnomin gramophone and pit il on the bum. But Sunday is his great big day, and Andy's no one's fool, he doesn't rise foe breakfast lo get kids to Sunday School. He lies and sleeps all through the day till hunger gets him up when be rises and goes in next door and there sits down lo sup. lie's never late for bus iness though, of that you may be sure, and if be is late for bed at night his bed's the ofllce floor. On Saturday night he make, things hum by sauntering up the street; yon can 'always tell ils Vndy by looking at his feet. Bur jokes aside, he's awful queer a' keepin bachelors hall,'' 'lio never used lo quile act so and sit around and stall. Cheer up old man, you'll soon be dead, there's belter days in sight and wjfey now will soon be back I.) set all wrong things right. But lake the lip, of one who knows, and keep the hens well fed for we'll celebrate when "she' comes home as sure as lead is leaii. A New Schooner Tbe la.lest Canadian schooner to arrive in port is the Cape Beale, a (15 foot boat recently completed in Vancouver for Capt. John Olson and Associates. Tbe Cape. Beale was In port complet ing her outfitting prior lo 'caving on Wednesday for Ihe northern fishing banks on her mulden trip. The new schooner is a fine looking boat and is powered with . HO horse pvnver Knlerprise Deisel engine'. Skipper John Wyman has re cently inslalle'd n new (5. li.p. Kaslhopo engine in Ills power boat Yamer. Seining Activities Considerable work is going on nl .the Akerberg-Thomsoii shops on boats preparing to engage' in the summer seining operations. Andrew I.ewin nf lh W'ltllnhii'rliLv'u Irnln fur F nL, Knllilvn v - Fisheries stair Is havinif a seine winch installed on his boat an for you in perfect is always as fresh originally packed. the Vacuum (Air-Mt) Tin Lmpcrial Tobacco other skippers carrying out the. same installation include Matthew Hill, Inverness; Joe Ryan, Sunnyside; and Casper Cordon owner of tbe power boat Dolphin. In addition lo installing a seine winch Matthew' Hill has 'Jusj completed putting a new H h.p. Vivian engine in his boat. The Inverness cannery Horseshoe, Capt. F. Dudoward, is having her clutch overhauled and new piston rings. Mr. Dot-man has been in Ihe cily this week from the Wales Island cannery in connection willi Ihe making of a melal hood for Ibe cannery chimney slack at Ihe Akerberg-Tbomson shops. Demonstrating Engine The Ward Kleclrical Supply house, Cow Bay, has recently received a 9-10 h.p. Vickers-Pellers engine from Vancouver which lias been creeled in tbe shop for demonstrating purposes. These engines are becoming increasingly popular, several of which have alrcadv been installed in boats this sea son, lo anyone desiring lo see the engine in operation Mr. Ward extends a cordial invitation. Arrivals . , hi e ric n n.Bq n ajix at $a sj r.. Poinl,' Mi tJifl, 'NepYune, Itainier. (lOnimonwealth; I.eviatban, Itt loosh, Venus, Alaska, Paragon. Prosperity, Vansee, Kanaga, Lin coln, Kmblcuv Valorous, Majes tic, Democrat, Kennebec. Canadinn Selnia, Ringleader, M. M. Christopher, Verna, Wilson, .V. & S... D.S.T., Annie May. Alii, Inez H., Volunteer, Scrub, Sea Maid, Prosperity A., M. f.., W.T., Caygeon. Work is being carried out on the waterfront, btdh al the McLean yards and the "Akerbera-Thoinson shops, where equip ment is being manufactured, in- eluding brailers, or- lago iron hoops from which are sus pendcil, nets clc. in connection with the research work op the halibut fisheries for Ihe International Fish committee undei Prof. W. F. Thompson. There is talk on the waterfront of the schooner Sea Maid, Cap"l. II Doirou, being chartered by the professor for this work 0. II. Taylor, former owner oT the power boat Soumie, has gone lo Bella Bella lo act as special fisherius guardian during ibe summer months, Johji Dybhavn left on yesler . - - i where he Is having a summer r home built. . fc ' a Manufactured bu Co.of Cdnada.Limitcd Economy-Plus Thrifty- ami resourceful housewives of British Columbia see in Carnation Milk not only economy, bnl a pure, nourishing, ever reaily supply Of wholesome milk. Your grocer has Carnation, so you need never run short. Made In Canada Carnation Milk John L. Christie Sales Agent Prince Rupert SPUN PONGEE A splendid quality 33. inch pongeo for Ladies Bloomers or Children's Wear., Reg. 85c. West of England Speolal 65c West of England Store Phone 753. Third Ave. Now obtainable Prince Rupert. Suprema Canada's Fav orite Furniture Polish. At all good stores in small or large bottles. Also "SUPREMA" Mop Oil and tbo famous "Eureka Bleach." Look for the Rooster Label.