Saturday, January PARK FOUR ,, ,9; BRINGING UP FATHER By George McMa HOSIERY SALE 25c off each and every pair in stock "Doners" Phone 27 P.O. Bo 327 SERVICE NOT SERVITUDE Has jl eyer occurred to you that Iho multitude of "IIoiispIkiIiI Helps" offered for sale are of themselves lifeless anil incapable of servico unless controlled and directed by tbe already overburdened housewife Laundry service alone js alive, vital, imposing np new obligations, and asking nothing but your friendly disposition, to change servitude into servico, May we call? Phone 8 DunwcA a-?b ftrkvioo DRY Birch Wood FOR SMALL HEATERS, EOc Per Sack HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue. Phone 680. Night op Day. WE BUY BOTTLE!. JUST ARRIVED Children's, Growing Girls' and Misses' SHOES At Lowest Prices MRS. GRAHLMAN Second Ave. Dr. E. S. TAIT DENTIST. Helgerson Block, PRINCE RUPERT, B. 0. Office Hours, le S. Phone 8. Open Evenings Only Pm Special Appointment. St. Regis Cafe Prince Rupert's Leading Restaurant. A Bakery Unsurpassed Third Avenue. tINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 68. Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motpr Servlee, Coal, Sand and Gravel We Specialise In Pln Md Furniture Moving. I tJlMPLX CMSrSOT PRACTISE. -. -i oint4irHt, MNr - VMEIRIM - . - " - r - " ' TSST . NEW COUNCIL METLAKATLAI Annual Election Took Place at Village Yesterday Capt. H. G, Clifton, Chief 11. (i. Clifnn, chosen chief councillor for Hie native villain j of .Mellnknlla Ibis year, is a full; fledged and certificated tujr boat master. For many years he was jii conunand of one of the (icnrgelown sawniill's tups.. The election of the Mellakalln council for the year 11)25 took idace yesterday. Indian Aaenl W. i:. (Jollisoii piesiiliiic-. The new1 nunrillors elecled were as fol lows: Capl. II. fi. CJiflon, .John I). Lpjpljlnn, II. 1'revost, V. M. Lrjfihlon, l'eler Venn and Reuben Leiffhlnn, The choice of Capt. Clifton as cjiief councillor was made, at the inauxijrul meeting of the new council which was held soon after the .election. I'dward S. I.eighton was chosen secretary-treasurer and fleorge Iho Leihlon, village constable. The following standing committees were appointed liy the chief councillor: Fire, water ami light John I). .ejlito! (chairman) and yVilljairr, J.eighlon,- House ami lot . prevnsl chairman , and II. I.eighton. Schnid and health William Leighlon (chairman'i and Peter Venn. ' Roads and bridges J. Leighlnn (chairman) and Prevost. Village police, affairs, it was decided, would b directed liy the whole coupcil as a conimittee. The chief councillor, ex-of-i flcin, iti n member of all com'- millees. The village of Metlakalla al ready possesses a splendid wnter system wilh laps running In all the houscsi Now the village is considering the installation of en eleclric light system ami, by next winter, it is Imped that the I streets ami resiliences will be il-lurnlnaled by electricity.' The fedora I department of public works has already promised the village a new landing slagc which is badly needed. GRAIN IS MOVING LAKEHEAD TO EAST '.Belrig Taken by Rail to Atlantic pprts; 2,236 Cars For Van- couver YYL'NPFi. Jan. 21. More thai) 80 million bushels of grain contained in 51,831 cars has hern loaded at points on the Canadian National Western lines since August I according to the, weekly grain report of he Can adian National issued last night During the period January 10 to 22 inclusive, n total of 1.H8 enrs containing I,f35,fiu0 bush els were loaded, Alberln, with lir2,nnn bushels loaded, was Iho Ifeaviest marketing province during the week, Inspections, for the week were I, .1)8 ears aim since August 1 a total of 2,20 cars have been delivered In Vancouver. Canadian Nallonnl officials report a substantial nil , rail movement of grain from the , i.aKeneau in eastern pnrls now under way. A MODERN STUDENT Teacher -You'll have In slay In after school and work on ynnr geography lesson. Nlllie J can'l. locate jlhoso cities on (hn map, hut with my radio I can lime in on the whole lot. WITH ' nrSTnrCTt P I II I I I IVOOCO AJNO TELL I I W WIFE II iTHEM TO WOP J II WF, . CNT N. m IbiT-T IT- t ' I Vl'EL-L nWHIUC-OU KXjVX "1 5 V .1,,. r . . I II I mini I ". w ryM. i irvn i 1 .v-vmsi cr C -.r.iiM-. r-J U?'&& Xl III riutKmmwoiiuutKiauxxKg prince George gotel TORONTO In Centre of Shopping and Business District 250 ROOMS 100 with PrivitaBithi EUROPEAN PLAN I, WINNlTT THOMPSON, MAN'S. Dlft MR. AND MRS. HACKER HOSTS TO CHOIR AND THEOFFICIAL BOARD Enjoyable Time Spent Last Night at Methodist Church Parlors Kchoed ami re-echoed Ihrough meniory-laden precincts of the Methodist Church last evening, followed iy hree rousing llrilisli cheers I hat awakened the neighborhood to a full realization of n whob'heai'led gralilude couched in no uncertain tones by the thirty pdd gucsjs who hail iarliken hf a nmst. sumptuous repast and yet were able to voice llp'ir .appreciation in this demn- ralic way of Iho hospitality ol their liosls, llcv. (I. i. am) Mrs. Harder. It was the final event of an evening long to he remembered. I'he members of Hie Methodist Church official board and choir. their wives and sweethearts were the honored guests of I heir pastor ami his family at Hie parsonage. Mr. and Mrs. Hacker entertained right royally and luring Hie course of Hie evening unearthed a series of games and stunts that look the company by storm. The most notable, of these gloom-dispensers were the U2ft calendar race, (he shirt waist, romance, the blindfol mi-ami-misM puficii rice contest and n rogue's gallery of Ms jiiguished personages remin Iscenl of vogues thai used In be. Aiiiong those present were Mr. :tnd Mrs. A. Plant. Mr. and Mrs Virker.s. and Miss H. f1ckers; i; and Mrs; lliggart, Alr.'hnd Mr. W. A. Malhieson. Mr. ami Mrs Lancaster and Miss M. Lan caster, Mr. ami Mrs. Cornish, lj'r. and Mrs. W. T. Kergiji and .Mrs. W. II. Kergin. Mr. anil Mrs Sdujres. (tie Misses Stella and Claire Nickerson, Wiutiio. Dibb U Hanling. M. Ilarton, I. Had dock, Mrs-. Manson, Mrs. Magar Mrs. Mcfiregor and Messrs. W Wiilforil, H. Price. K. Harrie. C Cameron and .1. Wnlslenholme. BRONCHITIS M IXTWiE: h, wm'A yam am B7I mm mux M9NCHITIS MONEY BACK GUARANTEE Sold in Prince nnperl by ORMES LIMITED 'COLTS TEAMS ' WERE BEATEN 'Various Leaders In Basketball Leagues Improved positions Last Night i:iks, r7; .cos, ;in. i rot I h, 3) ; Colls, Iti. Tiny Tims, 20j Colls, 15. The le;ims, bearing Iho title of Colls fi'od badly in all three basketball games last night. Play wiiK quite. Pit In form, however, and Jeadersi in Ihc various leagues further added to their iiargins over runner-ups. In the Senior Leaxue match, lie Klks led the Colls all the vay though not by any long dis- uice uulil near ihc end of the iline. At half tune, ie score was 2.1 to 17 for I lie I'.lks, and at ull tune, 57 to 30. The ColU Aero no up to strength, .some pf he regular player hot being on lie lipe-up, (ioorgc Mllchell refeveeil and be teams lined up as follows: Klks W. l.amhie, Dave Hal. four, K.blie Siuilli, Arlhur Phil ips and Mike lludenich. CidlsW. MitcheJI, !:. McLean. I. (iurvicli, I). l'vh.rl mid I'.. .elterinan, Intermediate League The (irollii yas full value fur its victory over the Colls in Jhe Intermediate League. (ioorpe Mitchell refcreeil and the line- iips were as follows: (initio y. tiray (caidain). Vipernl Meagher, V, Cavalier, Dido Curvjch and 0. Hill, (Jolts-'W:- Wlathall, Douglas I'rizzell, (it" Shenlon, Arihui I'hillips, It. Smith (raplniiw and K. McLean, Junior League Italph Smitli referced the lunior League match and the I teams were as follows; Tiny Tims Y. Kalsuyama, I' Hajsler, I'.. Dingwall, C. Thomp son, I. Kalsuyama and II. Walk- r. Colls Spirn (iurvich, II. Mac- doiiabl, J. McN'ully, Mike Comat ilina, S. .toy ami I'. McDonald. League standing In dale fol low: V. L. Pis Senior League I'.lks 7 .1 II Sons of C.anada fl 12 Colls 4...i;.--. 4 .Intermediate I League 1 ,-. Cnillo' 8' 3 DS Colls (i i 12 Ilegiinenl I 1) 2 Ladles' League Maple Leafs .... 5 10 (iil's 5 1 Junior League Tiny Tims 12 Colls 12 I I Sport Chat Mrs. I. Stewart of Vancouver has the reputation of never hav ing missed her daily swim, win icr or summer, in Knglish Hay for the past Mxlcen years. In lb llilrd annual Yulelfde. dip in Hi icy waters of Knglish Hay on Christmas Dav last three womer members of the Amateur Swim niing Club look part. There wer? also a number of men. The Athletic. Leagues of the Y.M.C.A.s of the United States and Canada will hold this, spring. Hie largest group of national an. I International indoor competitions ever staged in the world. The events will begin in February and will rxlrmj over a period of month. Dlslriibuled among vnr Ions larce cities of the stale Hi rninpelillnns will Jncludo bowl lug, basketball, swimming, vol leyball, handball, elf. The Olympic games at Paris Daily News Classified Ads. B: CENTS PER WORD IN WANTED .1. WANTKD,- 170 piles. 15 to CO feel. Apply YV. T. Muse, I'rincn lliiperl, H.C. 'OMAN requires daily work. phone 77.1. 21 MALE HELP WANTED 100.00 a month to distribul everyday household necessity in rural ami small lown districts. No money needed, Million dollar firm lichjml it. Wrjle for particulars and stale trrrilory desired. II. 1,. JOHNSON, .079 McDenuolt Avenue. Winnipeg. TO RENT IIOOM for rent in private house for respeclalde inan. Address Hox 228 Daily .News ollice. 21 l-'C-n nK.Vr. Furnished House keeping suite, -110 Sixth Ave. Kast. Phone llluo 278, If l() iic.vr.- Modern flat. with fi replace, Apply Max broner. KOH ItKNT. Singer Sewing Machines. Phone Mlun 381). tf FOR SALE 'OH SALF,. KilMien cabinet like new. Phone Hlack 27(1. 21 LOST OST.-- Overcoat, on Sixlh Ave. West. Finder please nolify Alberta Market. If last, summed proved ,to be the greatest since the renewal of he games in I HUG. Forly-fivf allous, 0,700 athletes and I.200 lllrials participated, I tie games also ullracled a record numbe f neWKliapermeu. A total of 24 press cards were issued, 511 lo foreign reporters and 210 to Venchmen. The foreigners sent 13,571 telegrams carrying a lolal f l!i(,57i words. A total of 80,251 spectators, 150,08 of whom were deadheads, aljemled I he games. I'he team chosen by the Prince Rupert Hadniinlnn Clult fo defend lllw... lliilliirn. "H($iiiisi iiiit i i i s i H.(!. Regiment six has beeii hiisen as follows: A. II. Car inichael, Jack Johns, Harry I'linnipsoii, Joe Scott, Hob Harl- lelt and L'. W. Palinore. Alex. Rix who is playing for the Regiment is also a member of tlic' other club and Cnrmichacl who plays for the P. It. H.C. is t member of llm Regiment as well INADEQUATE SUPPLY- TEA PRICES HIGHER J on prices are going up mainly because lea Is being de-innndcfl by millions pvoro people lea is Hie cheapest and-eerlalnly one of the most palatable and satisfying beverages known, f Iti I Hie lea-growers havn been un able In rneel the tremendous de maud, II lakes three years for n lea bush In mature to the plucking stage. ., 4. PRINCE RUPERT TIDES t Sunday, January 25 High 2:08 a.m. 20.0 ft. 13:5.1 ii.m. 22.7 fl. jiOW . RiOl a.ifii 5.1 20:.'tr. 0.2 Monday, January 26 High 2:ti a.m. 21.0 ll:U p.m. 22.2 Low ftiR.! a.m. 5.0 21:10 p.m. 0,7 I KHOW IT 1 M H NMHERl fS-V 3EI I WRIT A HAMMER ADVANCE. No Advertisement ROYAL CANADIAN NAVAL VOLUNTEER RESERVE '.llr.CHLiTS WAN' l'KD. Sea ex- pei ience not necessary, lleg-tilar Naval instructor being appointed. For full particulars apply Naval Headquarters, Hays Hiiibling, near Totem Pole, on Mondays, Wednesdays ami Fridays, 7 to U p.m. BOARD AND ROOM HOARD and Room at the Inlander centrally located, one half block from Post Office, 830 Second Avcn. phonn 137. tf ACCOUNTANCY HOOKS wrillen up Halance sheets, financial stalemenls and income" tax returns prepared by ivviert accoiinlanls. Hales reasonflile. Wrilc P.O. Hox 833. If DRESSMAKING MRS. HAMILTON, experienced dressmaker, Federal block, Dressmaking, alterations, suiU and coals. First class work. Reasonable prices, Phono Hlack 4IG. , tt CHIROPRACTOR . R. E. EYOLFSON Graduate of tho National College of Chiropractic, Chicago, No. 1 Stephen's Block Hours; 10 to 12; 2 to 5; 7 to fi. Saturday afternoons and Sundays by appointment. Phone Blub 85. TAXI Taxi 67 Phone (Call George, Paul or (lust Prompt Service and Comfort Day or Nig' t Stand: 30SS BROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Llork, Across from Empress Hole FURNITURE. New and Secondhand Furni ture Store. We Buy, Sell and Ex change New and Secondhand Ooods. Qk0. PAPADUPULIS, 839 Third Ave. Phoie 640. AUCTIONEERS IT will pay you lo consult us wnen you itestro to sell or purchase furniture, or any article. PRINCF, RUPF.RT KX- CIlANfiK, Auctioneers. DEPARTMENT OF LANDS. NOTICE nppneauon ror orating Ptrmlti for th BMIM 1B2K. ApiillrnUiiiis tor rx-nnlts In triin live Murk on llm Crown ranxn wiihln earn nranir dlmrlrt or the Crovlnee or Hrllluli Ciilninlila, MiilM hi. filed with the IHMrli't Forei'ler at CranliriNik, Furl Oi-nrre, Kaml'mpa, .Nel-mn, I'rlnee Itupert. Van imner, Vernnii and Williams Lake on or Iiernre Mnreh slat, IJ5. It Illllllk unit fi,.n, rol'IIIH 1 1 III 111 ii Which l.l.l. In . anlimlt ......... .r, iriiUons may lie ohialned rrom I he pi. trlrl Forenler- at the almve mimed plaeea or rrom the Pepartinenl or l.and.i at Vle-lorln, Ii. C. 0, II. NAHF.N. Pepiily Minister of Umls. Penartinent or Lands, Vlitmla, B.C. January Bill. 1 0 g r. . LAND ACT. None of intention to Apply to Laa Land In Skeena Land Mtrirt, lieronlinir pis. nm .1, i i nn i- iniiieri, ami situate, an-iro maiely two miles soullieast Jiinrtlnii of 1 1 ii- skeena and Oeslall fllvers on die Skeena Illver. Hike notice Hint r.eorire Frlllell of I'rlnre Unpen, ll.c, oiTiipatlon tiierriiant. . ' , "! "T I'enn s on lo leas the followlnir desrrllied lnils: ......i.,T.,Vnr,,l,r.fl " PWi'l'il on Ihc .. . i-iieein nivcr, inenor south-vet r, chains: thence somheant III rhaliKi thence northeast it rhains; Uicnce. nortli' "i hi riinni" aionir in hank of ih Skeena Illver lo the point f,f commence" nieot, and ronialnhiR 6 acres, more, or r.Eonor n, rfum:t.i., . j . Name Of Applicant . Paled January Hn. 18JS. CANCELLATION OF RESERVE, NOTICrf IS IIFI1FBY OiVFN that reserve serve roverlmr l.ot mi c..iP. t,1.. trlcl, l cancelled. O. B, MAPF.N, Pepiify Minister ot Unds i-anns. Lands Pepartmint, Vlrtnrla, B.C., 101b December, I9t. r SD Iff I i 2o Taken for Let than 50c m TIMBER SALE x G603. Thw will Iifi orreivif f AlK-ili.n. At iimiiii hf an ruury, I Mr., in it fn siipi'i-vUor, t(ni tli-i -. it.. c XniWi'j, iii rut oii l.umi li;i,ii t, a I'lile mil I'llinif 'Hi mi i! i Hell l ake, SU miles .niiliu Caviar lililrlri. Kim (5; years will ln -.' iimval r IIiiiIh'I'. ITovlil.'il ony fine ' I lie aiirllull ill Tnll m.l; tdiili'l' In lie i.ii ii(mI SI lit. ult'I ireuleil an line tfiij. liiriher pnrliiiilar r ftp : irr, vieinru. H. i . nr iu I'rlnei' Hiijwrl, H.C. TIMBER SALE X 6830. SmIpiI TptkIcm will lie rt MlnHier nf Uii'l, al Vi -ti thai) ikmiii nn the KMtl 9H. fur inn rurrnaiie nr i. In rut 4.r,,unu feel ,r anil lleinliH-k, mi ail mi Srwrll (nlel, yueen Cliaji '.n; t irlrl. Two van will iw HI i r i inuval or tirntier. Further llruljrn M,' imi Irr. Vlrtorla. .i: . r nn Crliiee Hiiirl; H.C. TIMBER SALE X 6838. Sealed Temlera will be rr ;-r 1 t il Mlnlnler or l.andj. at Vlrtcr:a, r ' o than noon on the Rtb- dav ' I ia3. ror tn nurrnne or l r i-'-ii In rut &.l&0.(IOfl rit or . tl anil Hemlock, on an ar a t. I93H. Selwvn Inlet. U: i Ijlniut I ami. Iilmrlrt. iTwn li vran will be all, nwival of tlmher. . Fiirmer nart rinarn or' inn -n. r-T Irr. Vlrtnrla. H.C. or Drttrld I Ml rMnrf Ruro rt. B.C. . , LAND ACT. Nolle of Inttntlon to Apply to Furtllu Land . . In Skeena UikI niMrj, llunerl liei-nrillnir murrlft. aiir(lniately one ami one half r.. J or Salvua stiilon, on Salnfc U'v llivrr. . Tike Notir that lluUiUf Ir iUJ Cjrletnn St, Hurnatj- ' ' l.nrT, Inlen.H lo apply rur I o nurrhn. the rollowlnir ih coinmenrlnir at a p""! V 1 '' 1 antithwrnt corner or Lot In nndi thenrr noulh-jrali - ' mstrlv no yariiii: tWne i, .-r -tt-il aMiroilmatelv BOO virile: tlier ii sun yarn, to poini oi iH-ai'. prlHlnr alt thai pnrtlufr uT si - J wet of ixil 4i)3 anil cinl;.- 'B acrra, more or le. THOMAS MILLS Aamit.r-.r nupoi-F nr,? LAND ACT Nolle of Intention to Appl to LaaM Ltsl in ITliir linpert Lann "-" Vi ol ronllnir hl.lrlrt or I'rlnre Itlltw-I- '!"' nata - at Barnard Cove, l'i .r." -s f.latwt U T.k'. N'n'ile. th.l VnmervlllA """'" I C.onmanv l.lmlteit. of Vanr ;iiv. B.1 l icmH tn aiinlv for ne ernil5lr,n ' 1 ".I fnlliiwlnn ilenerllieil lailiH iiniii' i al ,h. h..,l .T r.tvi r I Iinv.l 1. In, ill. Ihan.-u ll five I i. ...... ....... ..I, .li thri'l mni' r ii,iiii "iit : ,, n-..t ... i.n. .k.ln. mnM .:' If -.S V water mark; thenee south Vt 1 ' ,'! rontalnlnir fifteen (r,i aere n.'ir ",' ,vrnY MUM V I I. ' iuiTFM COM TAN Y Name or an ";,. v l Jerfe- t 4 I Dalfd peremher I7IH. ! itr-- r MINERAL ACT, ........ TV.'.'.... I I M Situate in ' .tlm Skeena Mmm "m ' Ill", It.,!.... M, ...i. .' , I'lltllB lnrated, Month of KalK rrerk khiiiiii i.hrp, nun nnjiiiiiiiiH y .I,. on the Fait end if It. . 'L W. Trenton and p. Wtlmit):. '""'nit I Fre; Mlnr' trtlflejiti 'Tn l'n Wllaoh UTOntC. ' " ' rf Take Nolleo that we, W. Tr , No. fi7nmc, and Pavld Wlh n Nn. 67nnic, Intend al llm W . rtava rrom llie iinte hereof M l ' f , mini... I .... . r..lrl,4!A '1 w niniiiir necnriier ....-... ror a '' r"" V ,Min'r I proveinenls for the pnrpnw of.,n, ml 11 i.iuwii urani or ine i,i,tC furthermore take notv-e ti rV ' Ser, of the Mineral (cl nm W mannnrl hafniu .h. la.M.nCM lI " 1 " ' rirnte of Improvements. .,, Pated this SOth dn ef Nov.. I"l w. r. iiimi"'" , ....H.. r- BE"""! NOTICI OP CANCtLLATION. OF notii'ii iu nnt-W nii-FN. mM !?l i n 11r.11r.u1 reserve rnverlnir lyils eBS( tr l'-'!." f fiuslve, Han re 5. Coast Mstrlol l felled. ... w OK'I. n, NAIr..'v , DepntT Mlfllstcr f U" nepdrlment of r.nd. ' Vlrtorla. B.C.. LAND ACT' ....(. .. t"f nunc or intention to appu ,-i,,ri'" In. inl.ii imeim '.J...jil Island land niMrM'Bccorrtini '"t of Prince miner!. B.C., and sltj " n one mile south of Biisv, Inland. ii . ,, let, and In Veslalton liar, on 'lnin' 0 , .. .lmMl TaVe Nftiice thai occiir&0"n or iwatscti. n r. Manaer, Intends to snnlv 'n'. i. tT U"" ,H roll-inr the ,.he t"' nn . rnmenein- at a pc.t i nhnied Snl" .1. - a j Finn hi Te.Tnnnn v i v: i i' nun' rhaih! thence easf mh,m. ,n;'l) f ehalnst thence tvesl'lft rhalns, n" imnina It acre". nnr or le:,p,ni EU0F.NR II. i,'iiil flamej of API" PMed December I0thl;.-