i- January 24, 1925. The New Quiet 12 Wins . . . .t r r. before, tn tne imy NEVbK yciirs of typewriter history, has a new model wen Old Kentucky famed as- the world's finest Bourbon whiskey. Aged to Perfection. A h'mo lwnorvil friend of your sucii insiaiu iiivui. i mwu- sands of offices the first trial machine has been followed by installation after installation of Quiet 22s so convincing to both owner and operator arc its many superiorities. . Thercf is a Remington man'at your call who will gladly demonstrate the New Quiet 12 in your office REMINGTON TYPEWRITER COMPANY ' McRae Bros., Ltd. anuarv LLtAKANlt SALE UGAR 1c A LB. SUGAR 1c A LB. ATTENTION LADIES! (In every SiUU idsii rui tnaju uui i iiy uui vaiiuctry Snla von are entitled to S Lbs. of Suaar at 1c a h. Tho I mtt Is 5 Lbs. to every customer. Act promptly and secure 5 Lbs. of Sugar at 5c. ememDer inai we sugar oner is over aim auuvu we saic Bargain Prices THE FOLLOWING IS BUT A FEW ITEMS OF OUR JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE SPECIAL PRICES. LOOK THEM OVER. II i-. medium lit'i'l uui), f . r 50c i ol Ladies' Sl'me fur S2.C0 l" oi Ladies' Slippers, Pump ami Ox funis, assorted i . Tor S3.50 Ui 'mini un all Ladies' ami Chililri'h's Shoes ami ll!li"C Sllppfl'S. Ilubhers. Uffc'. l.sr.. Sale Price $1.50 ivcriills. Ili'tf. W.?. Salel'rire SI. 85 ' tnlielelle WorkiiiK Shirts. Hcr. :t.iHi. Sal- $1.85 Mnimjrli Sweaters. Sixes up In :tn. Kali- I'riec $1.50 i ii Wool. fln and dove, I o.. lialU. Tour for S1.00 ii WoM, down, 2 oz. hulls, : hftlls for . . . . 51.00 Ml. Wool Hlack.Oaslini'cfe PeumniiV, lln-ici y. A :.-v for ... . .". . .'. ... $1.00 s Ilcavv llili (lotion Slorkiiif,', all mzi . :i pair ; ...i. . ... . . $1.00 I) Crochcl Collou, all shades, for . S1.00 i r (irey Collou. :l inches wide, for' .' S1.00 i hi AYIiilc I'lnmiclelle for ...... 51.00 litngihi our lorc i reduced, genuine har'ains in every department in Hit si ire. ABOUR BROTHERS LTD. Annan TU CuaittU "t.yersun biock. J Phone 645 Phone 109. r. F. P. KENNY - DENTIST PERSONAL SERVICE AND RELIABLE DENTISTRY .-a :til nrliand. No mailer what (he nature of your denial limy lie. when you eome to my office yon gel the I oi, such service ami reeeive dentistry (hat is honest. GET MY ESTIMATE FIRST. 1 OldKcutoeky Bourbon Whiskey OTTLtO IN IOND UNDER rCOEJUL GOVERNMENT SUPERVISION J ufnen rnr rnp xrnrt nnn rrni-v urpnr 'is advertisement Is not published or displayed Ly the liquor lioulrol Hoard or tiy the uovcnimeiii ui British Columbiu, I Local and Personal i 11.0. Undertakers. I'lioiio il. : Ilayners, Undertakers, Phone 351 You'll like our ;oall ers Coal Co. l'lione 7. L.0USUII1- tf A. J. Ciin-iui sailed this morn nix on Ihe steamer Princess Ileal rice for Vancouver. we nave runner reduced our stock to clear by January 31. Look It over. Shockley Planing Mills. If Ii. Wilson is sailin,' this afler, noon on Hie Olielohsin for Swan son nay where no will lake a position. John liyliliiivu has cleared four lots on (Iraliam ASrniie on which he Huns later to build residence. Jluihlinir plans prepared at moderate prices. John I'iinlet Moss, A.IM.C elc. Sixteen years experience as nrehilecl and structural engineer. 8H) Suiuinif Avenue, P.O. Ilox 1 27. Mason ,t Hisch l'honoraph? Ilraml new, perfect, fully pilar auleed. I23. I I0. lexired. I reel. Heir. $ 1 1)5 models for Itejj-. s'j(l models for Easy' lenns cxlended if Curl in Mohie Co., Fifth I'.. H. Taliruin arrived in I In city from Vancouver on Hie l'l'incess llealrice this mornin ami i retfislered at I lit Hole! Prince rtupcrl. He Is on one of his periodical liil-dness trips In Hie ilislrict. CP. II. steamer Princess Ileal rice, Capt. 'Iliomas. Cliff, arriveil from I he soulh at 7.30 this moriiiiiK after having' heen up al Tuck Inlel cannery to load salmon. The vessel sailed fur the south on time al II o'clock Mr. anij Jlrs. II. .Moore an moving lo Hie house oil l-'ourlh Avenue West until recently of cupied hy Hie late Harry I.ipsell and Mrs. l.iiiell and have leased their K'siilHiire esiilwu'e on l'iflh Avenhe l..ul iiri Creech to ' V'V Hflil MrV. Ilerl (. Knox,' C.X.K. stiperliili'ndeii eiiKineer. arrived in the city fron Vancouver on. the Prrncesslleal ricj. this '-morning. His' mission is in eouM.ertion with lhf iimkliiK of iepairi lo C.C.M.M. sleamei Ciinadlaii Hover which will he examined In the local dry .dock. Fred Hn,'W" of .Vitueouver, district jrovernor of (he Oy'ro C.luli, will visit I'rince Kuperl next wei'k for the insinuation of .officers in Hie local club.- Pal Mailland, president of I (to Vancouver liyrn Club, may also he a visitor here for IJie occasion. Tin1 chili is making elaborate preparations for its annual ball which will be held next CARD OF THANKS Mr. Younmnan and family desire lo express sincere trali-Inde lo I heir friends for tho many kind expressions of syni-palhy and flowers Veceived in their recent sad bereavement, and those whose kindly niinislra-lions made Mrs. Voiuixman's days more hanpy ami onleiit. HOTEL ARRIVALS Central I., (iarrin. A. asden ami V. CraiK. C.X.H.: (i. 11. I'ycho. Smilhcrs. V - ANNOUNCEMENTS 1.(1.1). i:. Children s Fancy Dress Hall, I'ldiruary 0. (I.W.V.A. my 12. Klks' Annual February 20. Annual Hall, I'cbiu- Novclly dance, If BABY'S Ilk. OWN .SaiifewSOAP,. AlbU lwh4 IJWIW4, Urn.. UnntrML f 111 1 - - ii THE DAILY' NFAVS PAGE THflEf HEART TROUBLE SHORTNESS OF BREATH vMrs. Geo. K. How nun, MurrKljurr, Out willcs: "1 am writlnir vu a r-w Hum to Id ymi kimw of 'my mmtIciicc Willi .Milliiinra Heart and . Mne Villi. Two j'ni aifu 1 Ix-raine very mrly with my licart mid iicrv and w liciii-vcr I tunk Die least lime un nr ttrrrw my Heart would mart I') Jump ami riutlir I ecu Id not walk up ftali'd without luring lo sit down and ret before t wa half way up. on account of my breotli bcoimlug so liuit. I commenced taklntr MILBURN'S HEART AND NERVE PILLS and In no time I felt a gnat Improve- iiK-DI. ami ran tmw lienrilly reeoinmend Hum lo all Ihoce wlxi are troubled with any arfetilon of the lieart." II. Ik . I'lIU are for -ale at all droit and general tHoren: put up only by The T .Milhurn Co.. Limited, Toronto, Cot. ANNUAL BURNS BANQUET HELD One Hundred and Fifty Persons Present at Affair in Boston Hall Last Night For the sevenleenl li time the Scols of Prince Jluperl and their friends gathered lasl niirlit lo celebrate the immortal memory of (heir national bard, lloherl Hurns, on the anniversary of his birth. The hanrtuet took place in the Uostou Cafe hamjucl hall un ler Hie auspicos:0f the St. An drew' .Society iljffl ihere were 150 persons hi attendance. There was a splendid fare which was done full justice to and this was followed by an excellent pronnni of spceclies, conss and musiuai numliers. ()euiftt shorlly aflei i o'clock, (he attftir was in pro press until ntHngi midtiigni Thonias McClynieiU, presidcil oi I he SI. Andrew's Society, was in be chair. In accordance with lime honored custom, as Hie "llnjrgi" was home into the hall by Archie Peyloii, Alex McDonald, th-i society piper, in'iThed before 11 idayiiiK Hie suitable air on Ihe !iap pipes. Huriis' famous poem "To a Hauis" was recited by Joe Hrtiwn after Die national dish had been deiiosiled on Ihe head table. Ilesides the chairman ami loastmasler, Thomas McClymonl. speakers of Ihe evening were l)i II. It. (iraul. who lejilied lo the toast to "The - Immortal Mem ory:" (ieorge Itorie, whose subject was "Ilonuie Scollhnd;" Fred Sork, M.l' in "Canada, and Principal .1. C. Ilrady in re ply lo Ihe loasl lo The Lasses. Soloists were .1. K. Iiavey, Mr: William Millar. Miss . Catherine Jones, Mrs. 11. ('.. l-'raser. ami Mrs. P. J. McMillan. - David lten- uelt favored wilh a violin solo and Hie society orchestra consisted of W. VauiHian Davies, Dave llenuelt and (leorjre Horie. played selections. All number were heal-lily encoreil. W. VaiiL-lniii Davies was Ihe accom-anis( of Ihe evcniiifr. The commlltee responsible for Ihe success of the affair consisted of D. C. Stuart chairman, J McKechaie. J. A. Allan. .1. (i Johnston ami W. Murray. CANADIAN ROVER Prisoner -nun had lo eiuals, TOUCHED BOTTOM C.G.M.IYl. Vessel Will Need Stem and Plates Repaired Following Mishap on Wednesday C.d.M.M. sleamer Canadian lliier. Cd. Joe Flood, due here early tomorrow moriiiutr. is In enler dry dock on .Monday for examiiialiuii fcdlow nifr an accident last Wednesday .when sh louchcil. Ihe shore at Farewell Point, 30 miles out of Ocean Falls. The sleni id' the vessel is dainajjctl and several plates will have to he replaced, II is expected Ihe job will lake about a week. Hepresenlalives of southern yards, are expected here on Monday lo figure on the work. I he Hover lefl Ocean Falls for ;her,. lasl nighl after bavin"; dis charged a cariro nf coal from Vancouver Island. IN THE ASSIZE COURT - I thought every ho tried' hy his Jiidgeo-I am your etpial. PrisonerWriien 'why ain't you lining IrifMj'V. v Church Notices j Baptist Church MurniiiK service at II. Sub ject "The Calvary of liod." Fifi teen minutes of each inornini; service will he devoted lo the children and young people. The firsl Children s Clial will be on Horseshoes." Sunday school al 2.15. Evening worship at 7.30 Subjccl: "Heautifyints (he. !os-pel." Soloist, Miss A. Dalliy, A word lo the Man in the SI reel: s a Church we are here lo proclaim the Truth ami render Icfinile sen ice to the city and people Your co-operation lo Hit end will he valued. You will find it real welcome, at any of our services. . K. (. Turner, Pastor. Methodist Church The Church of Service. Pasor, Kcv. (ieorge 1. Hacker. Dea coness, .Miss Isabel uaddocK. Sunday niiii'iiin al 1 1 o'clock. Sermon topic, "Three limes one are four." Sunday school al 2.30. F.veninjr service n 7.30. The Canadian (iirls in '1'rainiiiK will be in cbai'pe of this service. Special music and (In; 'presentation of a Pageant depicting lb'-work of the organization. Presbyterian Church Mornin;-' worship al II a.m. Subjecl"l'ailh's Triuinph." Suu-ilay School al 12.30. livening service al 7.30. Subject, "Manhood." Preacher. Hev. II. It. (iraiit, D.D. Opening of new church buildr in;.' itexl Sunday. Sunday 7 Coming of Judgment." this ed. Prince Hocks, JO p.m. "The Second C.bnsi and Hie Last Don t fiiil lo hear inlereslinv subject 1 discuss-1 1 a.m. Holiness meeting. 2.30 p.m. Sunday School. Lutheran Church SI. Paul's F.n;Hish Lutheran Church, Mcfropolc Hall. Third Avenue. Hev. P. K. Itaisler. II.D.. pastor. Sunday services. .Morn ing al II. Sermon topic "Scrip tural Hides for Treatment of Ciiemies." Installation oT newly elected deacons. Sunday chool al I2.:i0. Kveniiifr service al 7.30. Sermon topic "The F.s-sentials for a (irowing Church." Heceplion of new members. Soloist, Mrs. Field. WIRELESS REPORT 8 a.m. DKiHY ISLAND. -Haiti : wind fresh; baromeier. 211:1)5: temper ature, 37; sea nioderalc: 8 p.m. M.S. Oregon, Nanaimo for llydcr III! miles from Ilyder; t p.m. Alameda 17 miles from Wranxel southbound; 11.15 a.m. spoke Chelohsin leaving Wales Island otillibouml. DKAD TUCK POINT. Cloudy; calm; baromeier 211.75; temper- alure 3(1; sea smooth. ' lll'l.l. 1IAHHOII. Cloudy, wind southeast, fresh; barometer 2!).-110; leinperaluie, 22; light swell; K p.m. spoke Orill'co lowing OrilTnip Ulnbber Hay for Huper' 155 miles from Hupcr't; M p. hi. steamer Am.. Anyox for Taconia 15!) iniles from Taconia; K p.m. 'iil'c'.Jj.coll 5 miles lrurlh F.gg Island bound Hardy Hay: K p.m. sleiimer Mogul 21)1 miles from Anyox iiorlhhoupd; 2.10 a.m. Huprrl abeam l'oinleri soulhboiiuil. Noon DKiHY ISLAND Cloudy, calm baromeier 2!i.'J2; , temperature 38; sea smooth. DKAD THF.F. POINT. .Cloudy calm; barometer 211.72; leinper-alniT 37; sea smooth. lll'l.l. 1IAHI10H. Overcast, fresh suulbciisl wind: baromeier 2H.85: temperature 37: sea nioderalc; 11.25 a.m. Prince Huper! passed Alert llav southbound. Advertise in Hie Dally News. ' Dr. Martel'i Female Pills Hava iited ntur thouunda rantlthalf century, correcti.ir cau. building up anrl tnoitht-nlnir orirn.. rrlivln UKLAYED, and PAINKUL MKNSTUUATION, NERVOUSNESS. BACKACHE. DIZZINESS. etc, nodanirrrmiidrura. Sold only In 8eledllinr:-Cover TIN BOX with ouraiirnatur. Urugiriiu everywherii, or direct by nrnil, illn pirkin t 00 tMrkwVMkrf Ritay C:, 71 E. treat St, Teruel.Ca. Cirtilarruilaaee riqeest. Additional Comfort Divided Work. 'Multiplied Enjoyment That's the kind of arithmetic we teach with our "Float -Ironed" service. It washes and dries everything, irons everything flat. You may have some touching up to do on some of the wearing apparel but otherwise the entire task of washday is taken off your hands. It's the cheapest partially finished service requiring the least amount of ironing at home. Our Float-Ironed Service is the answer to the washday problem. Shall we solve yours? Float-Ironed J c a pound Plus lc per piece Canadian Laundry and Dry Cleaners Phone 8 m jJcgundrt WINTER STEAMSHIP SERVICE S.S. PRINCE RUPERT "all from I'rlure B.uerl FOR VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE, luleriiiediale ixjinls eacli f'rlday V.U0 aju. For STEWART and ANVOX S.S. PRiJICE JOHN rr Vancuioer January 31; February 14. 23. 'Wednesday, 1 1.00 p.in. Via QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS, PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, SATURDAY, r,.00 p.m. tT I'rlnee Ueurue, EDMONTON. WINNIPEO, an IKiinU tn.-nm Canada, Lulled Slates., AGENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. City Tlchct Office, S2S Third Ae, Prince Rupert. Phone 260. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAK B.C. Coast Service Sailings from Prince Rupert PRINCESS ALICE PHINCtss iyiajit For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway January 12, 26; February 9, 23 For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle January 2, 16, 30; February 13, 27 S.. PRINCESS BEATRICE. Fop aViUdale", Swanson Bay, East Bella Bella, Oca Fall, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, and Vancouver, every Saturday, 11 a.m. Age.icy for all Steamship Llr. Full information from. W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent Corner of 4th E'reet and 3rd Avenue. Prince RuparU UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. Sailing from Prince nupcrt. or VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Swanaon Bay, and Alert Bay, Tuetday, B P.M. For VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Alert Bay, and Swanaon Bay, Saturday, '10 A.. For ANYOX, ALICE ARM, STEWART, Sunday, 8 P.M. For ANYOX, PORT SIMPSON and Naat Rier Cannerlet, Friday A.M. 123 2nd Atenue. J. Barnaley, Agent. Prince Rupert, B O GET IT AT! )!m' HIGH CLASS -GROCERS PHONE 586 REFRESHMENTS FOR DANCES AND SOCIALS