ww Owners Paid Three Hundred Thousand for Prince Rupert Sawmill YANCOlYKH, Jan. M. The sale of (he assets or the mire ltntTl Holdings Companj, which I 1 1 k 1 1 1 Ilic mill and Imbcr limils or Hie loriner rnuic Huperl I'ulp I'npcr Co., is biiioiinrcd liy .1. A. Hmilli of Hit) Kinilli hollar Company. .Smilli irorpnralcd Ihe Prince Dupcrl .Spruce Mill Company with u iiulul of a million dollars lo handle Ihe properly. II ih understood t h.it Ihe Mini of -S:!UO,(00 was paid fur (lie (.-oh or Hit! -aw mill in itiiiit iuvidcd certain rliiicossions art! iii al ion I r Ilic management says il liopoi U Ln tii icall.c the Prince llupcrl, A Paper t oinpany s nrig-j !ilj al plan of establishing a pulpi ill in Hit norlli, ! LOAN SEEING MINING BOOM Ma uuidui ini Tear win Fifty Million Dollar? In This Jii:'- Province PARTY FOR CASSIAR VANCOl Villi, i'. :ll here, lllillislcr be Jan. 2 1. In a ii -il the mineral production of .. Columbia will exceed' Irtish riv nullum dollars during IV23, iikii n n riTonl for the pro- Mi Sloan furl tier announced lint a party would soon be setil lit u lie ufiexnlored area north If die SliUinV diver toward Ilic iaiiic c.i-erk counlry, where rc- i'li Ifuld discoveries c.'ltisi-d Colt- li'lri-iible excitement. This area s '.)0 miles hy 175 miles and m (lexer been elilered by while Pn'i) ii is of glacial orient ami Ilii' xi'iilouical foruialioii gives kninie nf being a rich mineral lixlricl BLOCK BURNED rlro Spreads to Another Building k i t 1 1 4 SASKATOON and Raging Furiously SASKA TOON, Jan. Our lruiiiiii, Mi'm. Simmouils. is be- Jii-vpd lo have been burned lo li'iidi, Iwo firemen Injured ami I " 1 r a million dollarx worlh of Jlioiintte, was caused by a fire rOilcli deshoyed Hie Dliliklc building. Hie slxlh slorey of Ihe tnl- li"iiiiiiU (irnl n llulldlnv also ''audi and Is nu.w blazliiK furl-"ily II is une of Hid most dlsl iisIioim fin. in h; history of I'lio city. EX-PREMIER ASQUITH t 1 HAS BEEN MADE EARL Former British Premier and Liberal Leader Accepts Honor From King George LONDON, Ju. i!l.- Kx-l'ro inie,. Herbert 11. Asuuilh has'ae i t'pted an earldoin, Having been lereiilcd al Hie recent general election in the seat of Paisley, which ho hebl. for many yearn, il fit believed that As.piilh will re I'ue i com pulilic, life at. least as "iir as (he House uf Homnions H' euncei'iipil unpen, il is in open soon obtainable from the city cor- ARMY OFFICERS IN CHILE FORCE THE GOVERNMENT OUT SANTIAGO, aide. .Ian. 21. A Midden coup of army, nlllccrs look place yeslerday. Hie officers occupying hcadipiarters of Hie Onvcrumcnt. surrounded Ilic building with nrincd force. with Ihe object of bringing aboul neutrality in polities and forced' I lie .Inula Oovern-inein In resign. Hon. William . ,.r mines. ,ie- nniTY AP FnRi.FRV- uuiui I wi luiiuumi Pleading sillily Alexander IlifrolT OLD COUNTRY FOOTBALL English, First Dlv. Ilirmiugham .'), I'reslon . Illackburn S, lluddersrield !J. llollon I, Kverlou 0. Leeds United 0, llurnley Llverjiool I, llury 0. Newcastle V. Maiiehesler C. 0 Notts Forest 0, Notts Coiinly 0. Shellleld U, Arsenal I. Tollenliam I, .Sunderland 0. West llromwich I, Cardiff 0. 0. Weslliam 2,'Aslon Yllla 0. Advertlso .n the Dally News GETS TWO YEARS IN NEW WESTMINSTER PEN. lo Hie charKes. was yesler.lay senlenred by Judu'e Young in ihe Oiiinlv r.iiurl on each of four eounls lo Iwo years in New Weslniiusler, Ilic terms lo run concurrently. bison', who Is believed lo have lot money ganibling, forced and cashed checks tolallinu 173. I'liey were drawn on the Hhnk of Montreal al Stewart and the name used was lliat or Allerk-olf. IlipolT I !! Hie police thai llerkolf was a friend of his and that, as he Itcrkolf i had .plenty or money in Hie bank he could see no harm in drawing upon it as be had done. RADIO EXPERIMENTS DURING THE ECLIPSE Short Wave Length Follows the Sun; Volume and Clarity Increased NKW YOIIK, .Ian. The first 4-eporls of Ihe resiills oi the scientific lesls nunle wnn radio af Iron Moiiulaiu, Miclil- uan, (luring ine ecnpse, nmra 1 j I i I e:iM iii oltiiin; ami clarity. die lliuli'i Corporal ion ot America reporled lliat Its lesi proved Ihal Hie short wave leimlh follows Hie sun ami Ihal lalic was nut entirely a local condition. DOUBLE SERVICE BEGINS APRIL Prince Georpe Will be Overhauled Here Before Going Sack on Run u . The steamer Prince (iror;e, which lias been lied up in Vancouver for .-.everal moulds, will replacn the Prince Ilupert in ll.N.lt. coastwise passemter .service early in March afler il lias relumed here for annual overhaul in the meantime. When Hit Priiici. Illipeil is withdrawn, slif will also be luid lip here for annual overhaul. II is planned lo resume Hie lvvice-a-wi'ek service between here ami Vancouver by tin. sleajiier.H Prince ' Huperl and I'rinen -Heorge about April 15 This service will be in elTecl un-lil lale in June when lite Alaski. service, giving Prince Huperl Hirer boa Is a week, Anyox ami Slewarl Iwo boats and Alaska one boat, is inaugurated. It is expected that the St Margaret, which the coinpanv proposes lo purchase, will par ticipate in Hie summer service between here and Vancouver. Tin? SI. Margarel, il is said, is al ready lo enler passenger service Once Hie final decision bus been made lo purchase her, it 'should mil lake more than two monllo lo get her on Ibis const fron. tiibrallar. SMALL CROP . WORTH MORE Two Million Bushols Loss Raised In 1924 Than Previous Year But Soils Higher OTTAWA. Jan. Si. -Canada's wheal crop for Die year IS)2t is esllnialeil by Ihe Dominion llliretiii or Slatisllcs at 22,Otl7, (Mill Inishels, valued al :2il,3n2, (ion, against a crop oT 17 l , 1 1 V) , nun Inishels in tir':i. valued at !)i:iio,ii;ji.7oo. PROVINCE A PARTY TO CROW'S NEST APPEAL YICTOIUA, Jan. 21. When the Canadian Supreme Courl hears the appeal nf Ilic prairie provinces against the abandonment nf Ihe Crows Nesl rales Drillsh Columbia will lie a direct parly lo their suit, lion. A. M. Manson announces. TAXI BOSTON GRILL 25 and Large Upstair Dining Hall, Ambulance with newly laid dancing flour for Iiire. Suitable for Service dances, banquets and wed. Anywhere at Anytime. ding parties. Stand Royal Hotel, 3rd Ave. For rats, apply lo Boston PRINCE RUPERT and 6th St. Orill, Third Ave. MATT VIDECK, Prop. Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Phone 457. VOL XV,, NO 0, PMINCK IUJPEUT, H.C., SATLIIDAY, JANUARY 21, 1U25. Yuttrday'i Circulation AT 29. SIMM S!m 44. PRICE FIVE CENTS. ECLIPSE SUN WAS A WONDERFUL SIG Prince and Princess was born at While Paul of Serbia, wilh their four-months-iild Lodge, IlichnioniU the residence uf Hie Duke vacationing at the llivicm. sou. Mexander. who tit York, are shown Eclipse of Sun This Morning Caused Darkness in Eastern Canada for About Two Minutes NKYV YOllli, Jai. 2i. The lapi-Iiy v.niijhiug trcuk of darkness was today .daubel over forty tlitiiisaml Miuare miles of llaiiaila and the fniled Hlales. In the palli or the colestial shadow brush formed fietiiently by the sun and moon were parts, uf Ontario, New. York, .Minnesota, Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Alussai hiietls, Connecticut, am Minnie Island. An hour of daylight was succeeded by twilight ami then a few minutes of darkness and twilight and daylight again. linking Hie earth al Iteii Lake, .Minnesota-,- the moons shadow a hundred ' miles widn swept eastward in a curve at Hie rate of 'i.'-'UO miles an hour o the A I Ian lie Ocean, disappearing into space al a . point near Shetland Islands on Hie .lortlieust coast of Scotland aMer striking Ihe earth for 3,n0u miles. Two minutes was Ihe longest time any one city was; covered and on either 'side of tliei blackness was a twilight .one 1,-1 5011 miles wide, extending north! lo Labrador and south to the nUizpn lliver. Thousands of people entered the totality zone lo view the I'lieiioinenn. Scientific Observations Kxcellenl scientific ohserva- lions were made by scientists at Cornell ami Yale Universilies ami aboard Hie dirigible Los Angeles over the island of Nanluckel. Massachusetts. The eclipse averaged four iceonds later than the aslrond-ners calculated. The planils Mercury, Jupiter and Venus were as clearly visible as af night, al-'hoiigh Ihe darkness was no! iial lo that of ni;'lil. (ireen. fold and scarlet colors splashed Ihe horizon. The corona of Ihe no was per reel. Daily's Deads, lancing like drops of liquid lopaz slrung on a sparkliUK (bread, hung in the sky jusl the moment before the eclipse be came lolal. As liiey flickered mil Ihe shallow bauds rioated forlh heralding Ihe approach of an awe-inspiring corona, Alt the olors oT Ihe soeclrum seemed lo burs I pulvvard from the moon's dull i-eiidisli rim. Like a Ihime from a huge blow torch they gushed and .subsided. WHONNOCKPOST OFFICE ROBBED Thief Tried to Cash Check But Excited Suspicion and Decamped POUT HANKY. D.C., Jam 21. Wlinniioek Post Office was entered and robbed of eighty dollars cash and a four hundred dollar, cheek. The burglar presented the check al the Purl llaney Hank of Montreal but rushed out without cashing il when the orrieials became . suspicious. 'J CORRECTION f A typographical error resulted in confusion in the list of stand ing noiiunillees of Ilic city conn ril fur the year P.I25 as publish ed yesterday in Hie Daily News The Utilities couiinjllee "'was oinilled altogether ami Ihe Hoard of Works list was incorrect. These Iwo committees ai'tr as follows: Hoard of (chairman, , Larsen. Utilities i chairman , McKeelinie. Works Aid. Perry Ablt Cas cy and Aid - Aid. Me-Mordh Aid. Drown ami Aid FREE LECTURE By C. W. Cutforth on "LIFE ON EARTH IN THE NEW WORLD" Westholme Theatre Tomorrow, Sunday, 8 p.m. Seals Free. No 'Collection. CANNED HEAT : Lone bandit shoots up bank at Vancouver and gets nearly $1,0 ""FIVE CRUSHED IS BEING SOLD IN VANCOUVER YANCOl A'Llt. Jan. 21. Drinking "canned heal" in Vancouver lias reached such proportions lliat legislation is necessary lo suppress the sale, Inspector Joseph llynes of the city health department declares. He asserted yesterday that hundred's have become "canned heal" victims, purchasing it for ten mils a tin and squeezing spirits -from a gelatin-like . CO-OPERATION RUPERT ASKED Halifax Trying to Keep Business for Canadian Ports and Nlckerson Backs Them Up The eo-operalion of Prince Huperl was today asked by the Halifax Herald in their fight lo ave Canadian ports used for auadian business. C. W. Nickerson, president of the Hoard of Trade, received a wire in re-sard to il and hi reply he pro mised aid on any reasonable demands. Tli,. wire from the Herald cad: People of the maritime pro voices are greatly encouraged uv evidences of growing interest on he nart of other sections of Ihe Dominion in maritime affairs and the place of the niarilimes in Ihe Canadian Federation. Out source of acule ilissalLsrac Hon is the fuel Ihal Ihe .ocean noi ls of Halifax and SI. John are largely neglected while Canadian trade noes through Ihe ports oT another counlry. Will you please wire us on Saturday Tor publica tion on Monday one hundred words of your views on the ipies lion of Canadian Trade for Can adiun mirls. 1 assure you Ihe Maritime people would upprcri ale your interest and co-opera lion. W. II. D F.N NTS. The Halifax Herald Mj Nickerson s reply was as follows: "Prince Huperl naturally be lieves in the development of Canadian purls , for Canadian business. 1 have not all the facts of your case before uie but as general principle We all would favor keeping Lusiness In Canada if not 'at loo great cost. Depend on us for co-operation on any of your reasonable demands to attain thin end. There should be close alllnily between the ports of Atlantic and Pacific." Advertise in the Dally News. Lone Bandit Enters Vancouver Bank Engages Staff in Pistol Duel and Gets Away with Money YANCOl VFJt, Jan. 2-i.--Kidding the Prior .Street branch of Ihe Hank of Montreal today, a lone bantlit engaged in a revolver battle with bank officials and, after wounding the teller, H. Klleslediii Ihe leg, escaped on foot with a sum of money believed lo be under 1,00(1. The bandit walked into Ihe bank and commanded flashier C. K. Draper 'lo product! money. Draper ducked and, picking up a gun, fired at the bandit who jumped across Ihe counter and threatened Manager T. It. James by pointing a gun at his head. He than repeated the demand for money and it was handed over. IN LANDSLIDE Smashed by Rock Before Able to Escape Near Bellingham: Bodies Recovered DKLLINOHAM, Jan. 24. The. recovery of Hie bodies of three nu'-ii who were -crushed tu death in a landslide at this hydro-electric plant al Maker lliver, near Concrete, lias brought the death loll to rive. At the lime or the .slido Hie mem were, .eating lunch In Ihe' derrick house from which they were' fl Ma hie" tcescapa before they were smashed by tons of rock. "Three men were injured. The dead are Charles Markus of Seattle, Hubert Small, of Concrete, Andy Norman ami L. W. Anderson of Mremerton and diehard Turner of Henderson, N.C. BIG DRIVE FOR WHITE CANADA Organization Meeting to be Held In Vancouver Next Week VANCOUVF.lt, Jan. 23. -A big Irive is bring planned to try to secure legislation which will insure a while Canada. A meet ing is lo be held here on Fr'day nexl to start a campaign against Oriental labor lo be known as the "All White" movement. United action is being sought with a view lo forcing the hands or the Ottawa government to lop even Hie admission of Oriental students lo this country. GENERAL KUROPATKIN FIGHTS LAST BATTLE Former Commander of Russian Armies Dies at Age of Eighty MOSCOW, Jan. Si--The death nf Oeneral Kuropatkln, commander in chief of the Itusstan armies during Ihe llusso-Japan-ese war, Is unuounrcd. He was eighly years or ago und died at Shemshurino. TIMBER CONTRACTOR DROPPED DEAD WHEN CLOTHESCAUGHT FIRE POUT COOU1TLA.M. Jan. 21. Willi dollies blazing Wullcr Miller, a well known limber contractor, rushed from a hut and before witnesses could reach him dropped dead. The hut was des-1 royed by fire. HOCKEY SCORES llegiuu 3, Sashuluon 1.