AQE SIX Optician and Optometrist YOU CAN'T AFF6RD BAD SIGHT. WE FIT YOUR EYES COR- RECTLY. Carefully trained, experienced, registered optometrist. Qualified by experience and practlca knowledge of optometry, to render you the very best service possible, while our charges will be found reasonable In every Instance. WE REPLACE BROKEN LENSES Diamonds, watches, clocks, silverware, cut j glass, Ivory, genuine leather goods, and a large stock of umbrellas. OUR MOTTO "Price and quality." Inspection Invited Max Heilbroner Diamond Specialist $25.00 full size EDMONTON WANTS LARGER REVENUE (Trying to Make Alberta Govern- ANNOUNCING ment Hand Over Part of Its Income Church of Canada will meet here on June 10. iho week after Pentecost, the same da!e the general council of Hie Christ inn Church riiel sixteen centuries ago at Xleea. WESTHOLME T Tonight Only, Saturday Saturday Matinee, 3 p.m. HEME THOMAS MEIGHAN The Good Luck Star in jk THE IT AlaskaN An adaptation of James Oliver Curwoou's celebrated story. A mil, "lie-itinu" slory of Hie Far North: tin epic of Alaska-. A big, red-blooded .story alive vilh virile strength and dramalie jiower. The old liammer-aml-tung fighl-duys lived over xigniti. A. laic of Hie .struggles by native Alaskans against (he financial powers which slrnve to loot the wealth of (hat faraway land. .Mountain peaks, forest, rivers and glaciers form the sellings. Tl;e highlights include the Masting of mother's grave a vandalism quickly followed by vengeance, n thrilling fistic encounter and a girl's wild leap into the sea front a ship bound (rom Seattle (o Seward. Hough men of the north, picturesque women of the dance-halls, Indians in their native, trappings, whirlwind action and strong love-appeal. Strong cast: Estelle Taylor, John Sainpolls, Frank Campeau, Charles Ogle, Anna May Wong and many others. MACK SENNETT COMEDY "TEN DOLLARS OR TEN DAYS," featuring Ben Turpln. TOPICS OF THE DAY. 50c and 25c. No. 1 Restmore and Simmons Ostermoor Mattresses 3rd Avenue and 1st Street. To Sell at $22.00 three-quarter size For comfort and long wear these mallrcsses remain supreme in Die furniture world Barries Home Furnishings Phone 123 SPECIAL - JANUARY - SALE SPECIAL SILK AND WOOL RIBBED HOSE in 5 different shades. SI .25 Pair. H. S. WALLACE CO. LTD. ROOMS TO RENT IN WALLACE BLOCK. IMMIGRANTS FROM MANY NATIONS AT WINNIPEG YESTERDAY i WINNlPWi. Jan. "Can ada t lie MelliiiK Vol" was attain (exemplified by Hit' arrival at the i:i.M().T(t., Jan. 23. Tlierol Canadian National Staliou of a is a movement afoot hero to try i parly of immigrants from the to make Iho Farmer (loverunicnl. s.S. Mejianlie, mim'bcrujg 3D of Alberta "disgorge" some por- ami represenlalive of 11 Kuro-tion (if tiie taxes collected froniipean nations. The parly was purely municipal sources of I met en route to Winnipeg by in-revenue. Iterprelers of the colonization Edmonton is not raisins suflU hmd development department and cienl revenue lo meet lier'liabili-, arrnnaemenls made for tiie jour- ties and the necessity of increasing (axes is before I hem, A rale of sixty mills on the dollar is discussed. UNITED CHURCH WILL MEET IN TORONTO TOHONTO. Jan. 23. The (ieneral Council of Hie United ney weslwiinl of lliose who were I ravelling: fiirlher than Winnipeg to reach tlicir new homos. The nationalities represented in the parly were: Hrilish, C; Danish, I; Norwegian, 1; Swedish, 2; Finnish, 2: iertnaius, C; Hungarians 5; Polish, I; llou-manians, 1; Ilussiaii, fi; and Ukrainians, 5. Ily provinces the parly was distributed as follows: Hrilish Columbia, 5; Alberta, 17; Saskatchewan, 7; and .Manitoba, 10. ENGLISH BOYS LIKE RADIO BETTER THAN THEIR HOME LESSONS LONDON, Jan. 2'i. ltadio sets ire very cheap iii this country ind good ones can be purchased) for a few dollars. Thus they are luile within reach of school hoys md so great has the fad become hid tin1 licadma!cr of a gra ulnar school in llrailford com-olains that it is causing home 'essons In be skimped, lie has out (nil a circular letter to parents calling tlicir attention to he serious effect lislening-in is having on the work of the boys i Mini expressing Hie hope thai parents will strictly regulate the conditions under which wireless s used. FARMERS NOT SURE IF THEY ARE IN POLITICS Annual Meeting of United Farm ers of Alberta Discuss Mat-tsr at Length CAI.OAUY, Jan. 23. At tin annual convention of the United 'amices of Alberta held here a ureal deal uf lime was taken up discussing whether or not the association was in politics ami if nol why not and if it was why it was. Some of the delegate's were of the opinion that it was in politics 'up lo he neck" while others objected lo this1 and saiil (hat many of the members of the association refused lo join Hie affiliated political organizations and in some districts hardly any would join. The mailer was not settled. SCOTTISH CUP TIES Vale oT .even 2, Caledonian Inverness 0. Clackmannan 0, lluilh Hovers .'!., I.ocligelly S, llreaifalliane 0. King's Park 0. Airdrieonians S. I Dundee 5, Johnstone 0. Motherwell 0, Calsliui 3. SI. Mirren 3, Peterhead 1. Stranrae I, Itnyal Albeit "J. Leilh 1, llearls 1. Kilmarnock 3, Arbroath A, 0. Iykehead I, Furfur 0. Montrose (, Citadel Inverness 2. Hamilton A. 5, St. Uernard 2. Newton (I, Dunbarton 2. Solway Star C, Slenhousemuir 2. Hibernians , Aberdeen 2. lioness I, Helensburgh 1. Albion I, Clyde I. Falkirk I, Morion I. I'.ast Stirlingshire 1, Clachna-cudin 0. Arnilid.ile 3, Civil Service Strollers I. , Ulhurlie 3, Cowdenbeath I. Ayr U. 3; SI. .Johnstone I. Itroxburn 3, Nillidule W..2. Clydebank 0. Queen's Park I. Dundee U. 5, Aberdeen U. I. Queen of South I, Alloa I. Fast Fife I. Hangers 3. Dunfermline Arbroath 1. ( Third Lanark I, Celtic .. llulligalc 0. Parlick Thistle 1. SI. Culhberl 0. Peebles Hovers 0. ! MOST AIR ACCIDENTS ! CAUSED BY ERRORS IN ! JUDGMENT OF PILOTS ! LONDON. Jan. 21 -Most u'via I lion accidents are due to slight I errors of judgment, according lo a recent analysis made of more mat ;.im misimps In I be I loyal Air Force. I (I Avas fouid Ihul of CO. per THE DAILY NEWS January Clearance Sale Have you paid us a visit yet? EACH DAY OUR SALES RECEIPTS GET 8ETTER AND BETTER. WHY? BECAUSE THIS IS A GENUINE REDUCTION SALE AND THE VALUES ARE GREAT. IF YOU HAVE NOT ALREADY PAID A VISIT, DO IT NOW! IF YOU HAVE, COME AGAIN! Men s Strong Flannelette Shirts lleg. -v.'.?"). In ltrown, Khaki, Dark and I.igld (irey. Strongly finished in materials which will give the maximum of wear. Sizes Ji to 17'i, $1.85 Men's Pure Wool Pullovers lleg. .r.!.". These have Ihe shawl collur and are well made. Willi contrasting stripe in dark and light shades. $395 SPECIALS FROM OUR DRYG00DS DEPARTMENT ' SHIRTING Oxford Shirting in smart clean patterns. '27" wide. Keg. iOc per yard. 3 yards for. 85c r... u. a. r.t. o "I'se In town, Service 85c STRONG COTTON SOX Heg s.v. in iiiowu and Mark. 3 Pairs for SOX TOWELS 27 x iS. lteg. 82.00 pair. Ihavy While Hath Towels. Pair :' HANSON'S PURE WOOL SOX lleg. olle. 2 Pairs for 85c $1.45 CASH AND CARRY SPECIALS FOR MONDAY, TUESDAY A liot breakfast IV I IIC "T fS Jar 9 cents Coffee, pancakes kpreaj with butter and syrup, and all I Add nothing ti this flour but water. You have ten Jer, polden-brown, milk-rich r mcakej in a jiffy. And you certain! do knock the H. out of II. C. L. ' Aunt Jemima. Ra.ncake Flour AUNT JEMIMA PANCAKE FLOUR Special, per package 20c ROGER'S GOLDEN SYRUP 5 lb. litis, 40c; 10 lb. tins 75c WAFFLE' SYRUP, with the Maplo Flavor Vi gal. tins. Special 05c Universal 45c KITCHEN CLOTHS Kxcellcnl quality. 20'' x 2T lleg. rUe each. 3 for $1.10 Braces and Belts MEN'S WORK BRACES lie webs. 7oc. Strong mmm - - ; mm MEN'S LEATHER BELTS lleg. 1.01) vine SiUflK Seeded or Senile, 'mm !.. t-kage 65c & WEDNESDAY. FROM 0 A.M. TILL 12 NOON ONLY. CALIFORNIA No. 1 SOFT SHELL WALNUTS lleg. 50c lb. Spe-ial. per lb LARGE WASHED BRAZIL NUTS New slock. Special, 2 lbs, lor Wjrl special, 2 Tor 25c LIBBY'S QUEEN OLIVES lleg. (illc. Special 35c 35c CREAM OLIVE TOILET SOAP for 25c. Per doz( SOAP FLAKES In bulk. lteg. 20c lb. Special, per II Trading Co. 40c 70c 15c Satisfaction ill am II 1 1 1 ji I II Wl i l' i' 1 1 ilW ill J I IIBiWiWilllil llJMIJIiMMMII,iP cent of the accidents, due to cr- y i-nrs in Judgment, lull a small number befell pupils al flyinw iutf schools, while a larce num ber Were caused by carelessness among recently gradnaled pilots. FRANCE IMPORTS CANADIAN FOXES Two Shipments Arrive at Havre And Are Sent to Vosgcs Mountains For Breeding IIAVUi:, Prance, Jan. 2V. Two consignments of silver foxes, one from Alaska; and I lie oilier from Canada, have recently entered Ihf pint; ... Together they total UH animals and all will lie sent lo the Ynsges ni'ounlains for br 1 in if purioscs. Silver fox rurigininaiids very hlh 'prices oullic! I'l'dich market. . . :';' Kitchen Cabinets One of the most useful pieces of furniture in a h ome (Itir Kitchen 'Cabiels j L system itj your kitchen. Plain too will. Inns. drawers, imke board. Tup yilh shelves anil two drawers. Special $24.00 'Aluminum lop with bin, cutlery drawer and dunr conipnrlmcitl. Top with li'ir compartments, sugar container and glassjars. Complete' ,. .. $38.00 .....l hT'lU" '."'""i.1,1'11' UV' l,0or ,;,"''Parlme.,l, lined bread' 1.mXi 'drawers Mko board .'Diablo, flour .mer,,,.,! glass jars. ,uy,s ur, d. l-pioof. ...... . S52.50, $57.00, and $50.00 All solid uak. 3rd Avenue. GEO. D. TITE The Quality Home Furnisher Phone 20