T January 2i, 1925. fillina U icing made. from taker's Phone 18. I SAILINGS Im 1 f0M ST. joun I'" m i L1i-WERP00L r it 4 kCliocoMe j (pnCMIUM NO. 1 1 By all means the most satisfactory chocolate for J ingfcnd drinking. ' MAM IN CANADA 6 MerBaker&Ca Limited .-onlrealCanada DonhesletMass. (Mxurofcnoici Rfawt mt f lire itrawberries In t'.;8 Winter Tlma V I "' ' I i t ises of itv ON SALE Thursday and Friday 2 for 25c IV ... ih iiiln'r good ET.'V ! Heinz Tomato Catsup i 1ml In , . . 25c FARMERS' MARKET and K. Butchers l&Grocers Ltd Phones 45-574-Blm) 428 look Here Bargains In Tea and Coffee tor Friday and Saturday Only in umiori unity ami ! v., ,. supply. iv Saniiiiin Coffee, 1 1 hi E5c Siinlinin Coffee, ''i .... $1.00 '' my Coffee. I s 50c '- T-a. Is.. 60c ' ' II ,'iiinn Tea, 5 lb. - $3.25 ace cheaper 1 ;. wile. I Economy Store ! Fifth Avenue East l!'!1 "in "i , M-itliiuner I Ml . .." ' l.,nl..h...u T cHERJB'bu'Rfl.ini,vuiJ''j',r.' I Apr. b-" if l li "!i 8 ,M,.I, I Mi, , v .TO i OlMQbW ','1r 10. Ann. si . .Mflfliirli "0M NEW YORK " ' Mir j, TO LIVERPOOL. "cRuf;.'0'" "f"'" 'v Vnrk) KmnrPM of 1 'im . . Mniilrnyiil 5; "l. PC. Ry M P&Caa chef Q"rce of Prince Rupert's prosperity P!7j Work Handicapped Willi tin weather man raiiipa nl mi a field nf- snnsv iiml frost. waterfront business has been handicapped Ibis week. While in-tcrior reiiair work on bonis has been continued, j has been next in impossiinc, in enmumnce or finish exlcrinr repairs. The paint pots ami brushes have, therefore, come in-for an enforced rcsl an the result nf inclement weather conditions. In ailililiiui lo work bcitur iJiiiif nl Cow Hay a number nf (hi home boats ai'i busy around Seal Cove ami Mm llry Dock, giving a final look In Mm various "yrndgils." Hnals nf Mm Mosquito fleet havo been in fur a fi'w Ml ronuoii a winil slnrins in the past seven days Iml I iy ilinl nf lianl work mi Mm ii.n l i r I In1 Imal owners no serious damage has been done. Several cargoes of raw fnr have been laniled from reniole points rln rills' Mm week. There has lieen it inarkeil increase in activities in this liraimli of Mm waterfront luiijio4 I his year I'olh a regards Mm niiinher of pells landed ami Ihe prices nb-laim'il hy the trapper. Tim majority of Mm furs lamleil have heeil hoilgjij in hy "lioldic" (iohl-hloom, who stales Ihlil while I here are nol so many Indians mil trapping this years as Inst, owing In the remunerative fish-inn season last summer. Mm lose hiili1.ul season lias nieant I Iml more while men have lieen lo Ihe wil.ls o gather in Mm fur liea rers. Wave Adrift In Mm -Joi?. )inwo,'hi''Ji flrnck im walerfruiit on Salunlay nij.'lil Inst Mm .Hhi'M'ieiin'srhnoiier Wavf ofSeallle, which has lieen lieilfor Mie winter al Ihe Cow Hay final, tore Ihe staples from (he ilnok ami got mlrifl. Tin' Imal wiis lilowu ilowu Ihe hai'hor In Tuck" Intel, ('.apt. Pete Jensen, of Ihe schooner l.ysekil, slphteil the roainer anil hrnutrhl her safely hack, 'file Wave is now securely i ieil lo the Hunt ilnck. . Furs Ahoy! Oscar Olson ami .tohn lli'i'p-man arriveil in jiorl early this week ahoanl Mm power Imat Irish Helle from I'oreher Islaml haviu? on iumnl a nice cargo of mnrlen ami mink pells. These two ilouttlily Irai'iiers have heen cruising aroiiml Mie shores nf I'cincess Hnyal Islaml for Iho past I wo months ami have heen ptiltiuir In a remunerative Mme juiltf iiiK froiii the fipe specimens of fur lirmmlit In. jl Ill's. Crosf, who l. lencliinir school al,()oiia liverv. arriveil hi. 1 1 im J e i I hy" y-Wl S'fll r-1 Ms! 'l'i'i . lay evening ami sjienl the week eml al hnnie. Natives Visit The (cnshoal Maikwell, Capl. Mil. Clifion, arriveil al Kilkalla irop) llmlley Hay last Salunlay, with a party of Ihirfy-two unlivef ahoanl who are visilinp lliMr hrelhern for two weeks. Ulreal preparallons hail heen Imaile for (lie entertainment, nf the visitors Jiy Iho Kilkalla inhabitants" ami. doubtless a pooil 'lime will be hml by all. It is liisii.il al this Mum of the year for !lhe unlives In hobl Omir "at llw.iii.i" litit ltiiitiir uitPiiflil mi! till over (lie country iJurinK (lie liusy fisliimr season In the The gasbnal llanna f.. arrivnl from Kilkalla on Sumlay morn-intr-, lal ' o" lake on Mjpplirs for that pnrj. Anions Hie inauy purchases was a enrras of beef. The rngfnc nf Mm schooner Koyusu. rtwneil bv Capl. David llllchie. has rccenlly Ihni'oiiKlily overbnuleil in iiess for Mi' Initial Hash lilh spnt. s next month. been reaili-Iji Ihe Logging Outfit Sold Capl, Klnir, skipper and owner nf the power boat jSlerllnK, wlio has been engascil in hand lop gltiy opcrtiUuns at Silver Creek f . . . i or i im past twelve iniuilhs, has IPeenliy soli his entire oulfil lo i Mil inn it Co., who will continue jljpon In Ihe business disposing of fleorirelown mill last Momlay I cr a shiitilnwn of a monlli i In-1 Craiincss The followintr unsixneil lelier has heen reeeiveil hy Ihe W'hill' TEE DAILY JCEWS PA, IK F7TT. the lieaeli. Whil he was absent nn the trap I i no a (fate sprang up am lilew his final on the bench where it wa wreekeil. lle- ing a resourceful man nf Mm sea! Im iliil nol worry Iml set annul lo make himself comfortable ami as luck woulil have il. Im hail quite a nien silpply nf provisions on liaml. The marooned mariner iliil not siitTer much inconvenience for some after (Ins (Joist arrived will) his power; boat Yale ami took Cap olT I he ' island almii: with his fur i-alfji which con- sisleil of oi)e full Mown weasel The the M-ieni' Fisherman government wharf """" completed, In Hie A fisher fa I .whore, all was -freen, i h i n urn i w ii nun il a.....-.....' there an- some (it, (inn pri'senl feel of Intra nn haml ami these will ,Jii hoomeil hy the new owners in preparation for lowing in the Ami looked if. nun. iniiioti iv ;o. are now Ami A ...I I. hookeil il il. liilililinp a rioaliua: calioose on . 4 Cow Hay Creek ami inli-.l lo com- He look, wlMi hl&lrtr.-eie.l ef nience loinsr operations at. M.e'the 'fisii or ex1fnii slory hi I'lllllUSl iHISMIIIIO IIIHIMI'lll. The rSreni, le saw when liwhl was Krowinv Jim A fish, or ejt'e-lie fjsh rfjiw him, Ami I'ookeil ll ; romh, line, my .M.I..1., (.apt. lle'i.- Jlecoriliu"; angelshy his heil lefl port loilay for W ei?lllll .'ill thill' IiAmIim.I .l.inn n lieortrelown In hrillir ilnwn sev- salil eral Mioiuaml fetl of lumher for Ihe eily ami the I titr May l.uiuher t'ompaily respeeMely. Georgetown Reopens Oullinjr reeomuirnceil nl Anil liinikei i). Marine Products Busy ("nilsiili'i'iililiv reoair unrL i ",(,!heiup earriet! out al Mm Tuck's i,f- Inlet plant of Ihe Hup"rl Marine 'ur ii,.,,. In,. I- n... ....... i. ..i i M..I. (n....i i.. t - ' ' " l'""". ! Ill .'l-lll I u I... iirr ....I II... ...Ill i- I... .:,,... A - .... . ,, i:uuiuk ".""V n.a.iinpss n( oi iiiuuiiir ior oily reiiuii.., ill lip-lop .shape in for (he fislijiifr season re-opens next iiinnth. The i-iiine iineiior sicaui rnuneniions are hein? overhauled ami one ilf Mm main hoilejis is iii'inj; rehilill. Repairs are illlso hcinp; rarricil joul on Ihe rnmpany's lusr I'.ll.T. i ii . 1 1 1 ..nn is puiuio.-.i in nie iioiiej n. C.ina.llaii-1-alrhanks .to h.p. mil nie perpeirator of this'l'fi enirine hein- fitiP.I win. ... frhaslly epistle my he run iHnew svslem of eledriiMl heaUnc earlli. The lellcr reiuls: i,,i,rr- ,....i .. ....... tii. ...i "I IMP I'lll-llllW I'rifili.l Vi.mk- -im. . . - ' ' ii niig lamiiy nre inviteii lo at-teml a mooulijzjil. picnir to be pi veil ill Kim; Tut's toucb on (he African walerfroiil ihi Au?usl 31, r.iio. i pou urriVHi ai Hie com-iiipiiomiipii lake thii par you hiive Jusi missPil niiil if you mis Mm hofll you ilhin'l cnlcli swim for il as there is no extra charge for walkiiifr. You arr reiueslPi ! brinp a hasi-krtul 'of' water in case you vr'l liujsr'. inriictiofjs will be pluje.l diiriuu (he sail lime by the ha.lly afllicl-eil HnolipRii orcheolra eomniiseil ' of four ilrums tun) a slrinvless riilille. Nuijrs will lie ilaneeil by .Miss Tul-Tiil. Music will lie ilireeleil by Hairless Harry, for-inerly barber lo Mm Tut faintly, ami the puy who Inveuleil I Ik ilollar boh. The spurts will uou sisl of a race by lefrless uu'ii for a silver cup mailt- oT brass ami a sailint: yacht race in which ten boats matte of bricks will compete fo a ileail hailjicr. Stalls in Ihe urifuml will furnish very louir shorleakp al tie a ilasli, spahelM al Tic per mile nul ijo.uKhmil holes al He each. Noliee: I'enpjn ealiutT al litis picnic must ilie at home ami anyone fouiiit itcail will bp arrest il ami sent lo jajl fur life. Orphans comiiipr with their parents will )c mliiiil lei) freo for lialf price. We are sure yon will enjoy yourself Tor whioh wo are sorry." Hoals al Mie I try I wlj, which ;ii'i busy overliaulintr. inclmle Ihe Hippo, Capl. Dalil; Kaien,' C.ipl. Hans: niiil Seatuahl, Ciipl. I'. Itorreen. Acfonliiyf In local report 'the schooner Seamalil . is lo leafe pnrl early nexl inoiilh for Sewanl wlii'ie she will lake (in Ice. ami fresh bail In reailiuess for the re-opening nf Ihe fishiiiii season. . Marooned Capl, Chapman, a rcllrcil ileep sea skipper anil alt old Miner in Mm nnrlh.'wlio resides on I'orcli-er Island am does a little Irap-pintr as a hobby, had an exciting experience on Macaulay Island lal week when his Imal. was dashed lo pieces on lite beach Mius leaving him slrandi'il. Cap. had ffone over lo Macaulay Island lo do a little fur Kullieriiifr and lefl his boat anchored off RIBBON S X HAND X et or QUALITY tiA otvAtc erne ONDS SIMOUDS CANADA SAW CO. LIMITED ANCIMIVIA MONTIKAI. It, JIWN, N.I, 1 i ill lie i'ipi-i eiecincal . . ric.'ii tmallnif iipiiiiiir syslem VV4IPIH is an entirely jjpv iipinvalioti in semi-ileisel enpities,' which trivt's more pnwrr ami iloe. u;y with Ihe lurch inillon. I'ive inen have been on i-cnair work al Ihe winter. i;oxi:y you don i honey you lose. eniployeil plant all FURS FURS! FURSI I don't care where you go first to sell your furs but I do know you'll Jl'isjcaJ COfne to me finally. Why? .Be cause I pay the highest prices. W, Goldbloom, Second Ave. The Man in the Moon MOXKY you ihui'l inoney you lose. make pal her It' I'd u, mini of nioney I (ell nu what 'lis, honey; I'd make the worliMook runny. Yes, that's what I'd do, sonny. IF you arn not dning' business it may he . your fault. I'erhaps you forget lo el people ahoul your wares by adverMsin? Litem. IF you are not askintr business, probably you do wan I it. ANOTIIF.H war-would he much more' horrible Mian Hie last. what will be (be next step. IT is credibly staled thai When .Mr. lluglms lefl! Ihe position of secretary of slate lie took Is your wife wiser than you? IF YOU read only the stock and sporting pages, and your wife is like other women, she is wiser turn you. She reads the shopping news. She likes to hear you jingle money in your pockets. She likes to stretch money to the limit, sq she won't have to ask for more. She likes to shop strategically. Know what she does. Comfortablv at home in a cushiony armchair, she scans advertising columns. She compares, judges and selects the goods she desires; maps her route; with least effort and minimum time, goes direct to the planned store and buys. She obtains what she wants at the lowest price it is offered. She is certain of full satisfaction, for she knows advertised goods live up to their claims. She saves time and steps, and returns sufficiently alert to enjoy new advertisements and to prepare you an appetizing dinner. These benefit too. Al .lohnsnn, who il is said cleaned up 0(l,oui in '. lay MiriiiiRh successful investing nt Irince fieorpp, passed Ihrotish Ihe cilv last nijjhl enrnule to noil Vancouver, i ' Messrs. Mclhvee i Son are su- I. husiiipss Ihere ai'pv only Iwojin? Foley, Welch V- Stewart for MiiiiRs to do. Huy and sell. It's i500,0fl0 over a lunnel contract easy 4'iioukIi to buy If ybu liavo'al Hnfrers Pass on the C.l'.H. V. Mie inoney and il's easy enntmli J. Klinendorf of .lewarl lias prone Ii) sell if you advertise. "j to Vancouver to jrive expert ovi-- ' jdeiiee on behalf of the defendant FATIN old Kiiifr Til-ilhl not company, fnl'trcl to do some advertising. He laid all his plans for Ihe special reopening show. ANY woman would ralherliave her liar cut Hum cur expenses. LONDON TO HAVE MONSTER MOVING PICTURE PALACE LONDON, Jan. 21. London's1 ! newest moving picture theatre. Mime eulerprisliiir person would; n... -i!n.,ii.i which is to nr.ivide! be. broadcasting it and- in lhal;u, n,jisi rapital wilh ejiler-way il would be brounht home! a,'nn.t 0r the unit rurnlshedl l Ihe people. nl Headway's Kicnl movie pal-j 1 " iares, will seal .',00(1 persons audi I Itll.MKMIIF.a the linio twheni ' Wj house two hallrnoms and l people listened lo staid and sober ,utr0 n.stnurnril. ' music. Then Jar. was' invenleili -n, ihealre, silitaled in (he and laler people lurhed to tbcj Haymarket. is built on Mm first radio. Now I am' wondering, floor above Hie- street. Valued al jl.Rfin.uoo.'llie house bus beenj leased for fin years at an annual rental nT $100,000. Tim Capilol will havo an orchestra of 50 persons. advertisements are written for your Read them. Help her help you save. Buying advertised products is a bond investment- not a stock spallation his whiskers with him. Mow will a roreis-'o nation he impressed Willi Ilie Dteuily of Mie I n ;!'l Stales afler this? Ten Years Ago in Piinre Kupert January 24, 1915. Aid. A. W. l-jlitu is back from a trio In San Miegn. lie tells an W1IF..N you want friends lo'ainusinjr story of how he heal visit you, whal do Mm do? You 'confidence men who eiidearor to invile (llii'in. Jl's Just; (he same way in business. If you dou'l invile your frieids and I oil Ihein what's mi Mie prost'ani you can't pxpppl to have them call and )njy your stuff. for fleece visitors at the Tin .I nana hull fiplits. Candy Special BROKEN SCOTCH NUT SCOTCH HUMBUGS ASSORTED CHOCOLATES ORANGE AND LEMON SLICES 50c per lb. Call for your Calendar and Tide6 and Guides for 1925. ORMES LTD. THE PIONEER DRUGGISTS Third and Sixth Phones 82 and 200 Prince Rupert, B.C. Towing Towing Day Phones 423 539 Gr. 601 IT WILL PAY YOU to CONSULT US FIRST Rupert Marine Products Ltd. Night Phones Red 618 Gr. 601 539 CAVATC Washer On 1 ttUL and Dryer Mas no Wringer, needs none. Won fiiM Medal al last Quebec Hxhibition over nil American ami (Jatindiau Machines. CnsJi Price $185.00; also solo) on terms. Kaien Hardware Co. i