PAGE FOUR W have a complete line of Tennis Goods, and it is all new 1925 stock. Sykes or Hussey Rackets, $3.50 to $30.03 Presses $1.25 f .Covers $2.00 Rubber Grips ... 25o Out Reviver . . .. 65c Sun Visors .... $1.00 Reach Halls . . . . 50o Slazengcrs 65o Improved Dirmal All Steel Racket, 13, 13, 11 oz. priced at $14.50 Postage paid on all out of (own orders. j! Kaien Hardware Co. "2 J, L Blaio Contractor Agent for J. Ffye Smith Ltd. Hardwoods Store and Office Fixtures. Band-sawing and Planing. Jobbing and R'epairinig. Glass and' Glazing. Sash, Doors and Mouldings. P.O. Box 179. Phone - - - Blue 268 Did You Buy Premier, Dunwell, B.C. Silver, when these .Mines were only prospects History Often Repeats I Gold - Ore . i . ... - at 8' cents is n mighty good buyravhcn you consider the location of their properties. Write us for information on this. Portland Canal Sales Co ,318 Standard Bank Bldg. Vancouver Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone 575 DENTIST Auditorium Dancing Every Evening, 8 to 11. 1 Dance 10c; 3 for 25c Ice' Cream and Confectionery on Sale Cards and Tables MARINE MOTOR Loss Starter . . . . $250.00 With Starter . . . . $300.00 Government Taxes and Freight Extra S. E. PARKER, LTD. Ford Dealers Prlnee Rupert, B.O. meet litem. BRINGING UP FATHER By George McM; A I FOQCOT TO OOVrs tTA.lB AND U hPGW-OOT FOR CONO THAT M rrhm H '?UMfeiBl tut OLD POT HIM OOT I HOPE in aj C at r, -r . ' WE CCT HD OP THAT , CatT boon CROSS WINNER OF CLUB RACE Jack Boddle Gets Prize for Hand icap Sweepstakes Event with "On Time." GOOD ROWING EVENTS Regatta n Harbor Last Nlgt. Proves Interesting Occasion for Boating People The regatta staged last evei- ing by t tie Prince Runei-I Unwind and Yacht Club as an opening ror f 1 1 season's activities proved a very interesting affair which attracted a large crowd to the waterfront. There were manv entries in the various r.-ieinir events all of which were keenly contested. The buffet luncheon served on the point near the! clnh house proved popular and many younstors cleaned up generous supplies of candies, peanuts, etc. I lie three knot handican race for the Yacht Club cup, which was held hy M. M. Sleuliens' Triton," was won bv II. T. Cross' "Frances C." It was a good race in which some fifteen hoats participated and the handi caps were apparently well set. . W. WralliaU's boat really crossed the finish line first but it was disqualified for having started before time. The best and most exciting race of the evening was the six mile handicap sweepstakes race for all pleasure boats in the liar. h.or. This was won bv Jack Mod- die's "On Time" which was Ifin yards ahead of four other boats which were ahout even for second place. These boats were F. P. Quinn's "Nella Lee." Dr. Alexander's ".Male." Dr. West's Wylo," ami C. L. Heindel's "Kcho." There were (en boalsl in Ihe race. Rowing Races The rowing races resulted as follows: .Men's doubles 1, C. E. Starr and C. W. Kirkemlal: 2. M. M.I Stephens and Alex Macdonahl. Ladies singles I. Mrs. Kirk endal; Miss FJIeen Stephens. Mens Singles I, Louis Amadio; 2, C. K. Starr. Mixed doubles I. Mr. and Mrs. Kirkendal ; 2, Mr. and Mrs, Alex. Macdonitld. ,. Jack" Lindsay was starter' for the laifitch races nriL S. D. Mac-,! lonahl. timekeeper. Alex Mcltan was starter for the rowing races and Jack Lindsay, judge. The race committee consisted of Georyn Hryant. H: K. Itenson and A. Macdonahl and the re freshment committee, Jack Lindsay and George Richmond. Giving the events general supervision were Hie officers of the club who are: George Rorie, pre sident; A. Mncdonuld, vice-pre sidenl ; land Jack Lindsay, George Itry- anl, R. K. llenson and Dr. .1. P iCade, directors. Tho Senior league baseball schedule is being advanced one game for the balance of the son on account of the poslpon-men! of the Sawmill-Gyro Clnh set for last Tuesday. This match will be played tonight and the schedule will be carried on h.'neeforth accordingly. This will be the first cranio of the season for the Gyros who are" confident that their chances are as good as any lo pick off the honors for the year. ilid Gym Clubs staged. The younger aggregation is readv nid rarin' lo go but the Rolar-ians are not so cocky now as they were when they firs I talked -1 ii.- .. . .. - . I CALLIES EASILY BEAT VETERANS Score Four to One In Game of Football Last Night The Great War Veterans made a pour showing in Ihe Cilv League fohll.all game lust night and were defeated by I to nil by the Callies. The Vets, who were one man short throughout and played two 1ialf backs, made their first mistake when. nn winning- the Toss, they decided to play uphill against Ihe sun. This allowed the Callies to get away to a good start by scoring three goals in the first half. Sam Cur- .'ie put through the opener ahout fifteen miniltes after Ihe start when he successfully con verted a corner from A. Mitchell. James Hamilton scored Ihe sec ond and R. Woods, the ' third. The Vets had a number of breakaways in Ibis half but there was too nfuch individual play and loo little combination, Ihe result heing failure to finish. In Ihe second half, the sol diers did even worse and, with the exception of a few break aways, Ihe Callies monopolized Ihe play. W. Mitchell scored the fourth for the .Callies from close in. Snm F.rskine made a good try for Ihe Vels with a lontr shot thai grazed the cross bar and went over instead of under. Tom Jo'ne.4 rofereed and Ihe linesmen were A. Clapperton.nnd Harvey-llHnsojiv '1'here. was a fair crowd in aUWi'daiiee.' ' ' 1 The teams lined up as frdlows: Great War Veterans i Sieve Gawlhnrn; George Cochrane ami Frank Hunter; Alex Roy and George Mitchell; Frank Russell, II. Norwood, Sam F.rskine, Jock Campbell ami Dido Gurvich. Callies W. Hamilton; II. Hamilton and M. Andrews; J. Hariris, S. Currie and It. Woods: I A. Mitchell. II Mnhnnirnll W Alex McRae, secretary, Mitchell, J. Hamilton and j Sport Chat j Hen Seir, president of the Prince Rupert Haseball Association, announces (hat an endeavor is being made in arrange a haseball game here on July ID with Hie It-atll that is enmimr nnrll. aboard the steamer Princess Louise that dav with the Kniitiia ! or Columbus excursion from California. It is expected that tho parly will spend two or three : hours here and possibly lontrer. If tho visitors are willintr. a Andrews, League standing lo dale: S. of K Callies Cold Storage G, W. V. A. W. L.- Pts HAD GOOD FISHING AT POPULAR LAKE George Bryant and Charlie Bal-arjno Returned from Khtada With Well-Filled Creels George Hryant and Charlie Ralagno relumed yesterday with well filled creels after a two- lln.. filltrllnf!! l.i I.. T ..I.a jloca earn will be picked out lolKhlada. It was one of, Ihe. first if not Ihe first, narlies lo visit Ihe . popular angling place Ibis season. The trip to Ihe mouth of Ihe river was made on George Rryant's Harla. AN INACTIVE LIVER IS THE CAUSE OF CONSTIPATION When your liver r?t lulh an I In rtlve your wlmle licalth Hitter. tour iMiweU uroiiie roiHllpaled: you have sick (ml bilious twadachn; your ton" rnatc-il and furry: your breath bait; Mwk float before your mm. ami oflm you feel u it you were Mnr l' ..huh u.e muruameni. me raci T,y wll, ,,,, ,h, .,,, ,v iii.ii hum are nsning jor inorcoo tint it win reruiite th ri..w i,t i.n. time they lo. practise indicates that ralnt. riwdallv If In a rrouiteil r.l.r. where Uier I little or no vi-nillallon. When In thl romllilou there la otil t4M tiling- tu do. ami that la tn lake MILBURN'S . LAXA-LIVER PILLS lo art properly on Ihe bowels, and thui figure they are up against f,Mr '' rinou matter that an outril thai may he aide to show them how the net same really should be played. For nale at all druirirlsu and dealers; put up only by Th T. Mllburn Co Limited. Toronto. nt NEW FLOAT AT THE SALT LAKE Good Work Being Done at Ap proach to Park Giving Plenty of Mooring The new float at Ihe entrance to Salt Lake Park is taking shape rapidly and can already be used for mooring boats, although the approach Is not yet finished. The dock Is much more suh-stanlial than any that has been there before, and Ihe slip will he a better oile. When it Is com-pleled jl will be very convenient for pleasure and other boats, all of whom will have equal privileges there. Some work has also been done at the lake lo the floats hut (he improvements are not nolle fin ished, particularly at Ihe ladies dressing rooms. PRINCE JOHN IN Made Quick Five Day Passage up Coast Under Generally Good Weather Conditions Making a speedy voyage tip the roast in spile of Ihe fact that she made rather Inner stems al Rose, and Naden Jf arbor whaling stations al each, of which' poInU 100. Ions of coal was dischartred. C.N.R. fc'te.'i'mi-'f lViiirt.' ' cfnlm Capt.'Neil McLean, arrived In port from Vancouver via the Queen Charlolle Islands at 9.30 last night. The vessel left Van couver al 7 o'clock last Saturday night. Wealher was favorable except for a stiff northwest blow between Skidegale and Massed. The vessel brought up from Van couver Ihe crew of Ihe cannery al Lpckeporl which is lo be re opened Ibis season. She hail about' 25 passengers and a light freight cargo from here. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert W. Harvey, prince Genrcre: 0 Mrs. W. F. Hinns, lit nornl Can-0 nery; Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Kennedy and J. H. Gibson, Smllhers; Mm. Ileeln Nucich and II. F. Kergin, M.L.A., Alice Arm; George McAfee, Georgetown; William S, Day and A. Harvey, Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. William W. Slew-art. Pillsburg, Pa.; Mr. and Mrs. James Martin, Mnssell; Miss M, Hennessey, L. A. Maloney and II. R. Frost, . Buckley Hay; R. II. Falun, Terrace. Centra) L. Hawkins, v, R. Hucknell, John Clark and A. Alfredsnn, Vancouver; F. Duggan anil C. (fosinan, C.N.R.; Mr. and Mrs. I. D, Daimpre, Kllkalla; Mabel K. While, Stewart; M. A. Campbell, W. McLean, Queen Charlotte City; II. Roberts, Port Clements. Wanted For Sale For Rent DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken for leu than 50c ....... .7 .-.1.1, V. Ill 1111 f description. Prjnce Rupert Vvnll 'i mm I e MAID Wanted. Hotel Central. FOR SALE Ag.Camhs; Landscape Garden I GFFF.RS wanted for Lot , block section P.O. Ho d.7. Lift 132 :OR SALK. Ten acre ranch, all fenced, half mile from Telkwa; ideal for small fruits and chickens; seven room house. :n uy ,m, open fireplace in living room, water in kitchen. furnace in hasemcnti Price $750.00. t00.00 down. For particulars apply lo Thorpe & Hoops, lelkwa, ll.C. i-'OIl SALK. Knl ire household furniture including Victrola Rugs, Linoleum, Dining Room Suite, hedrnom suile, fixtures. dishes, sewjng machine, elt Suile 2, Waldrou. Apis. Phone -Tt. Lit KR.NKST Slubbs, A.R.H.S.; CM ing. Plans and estimates for garden.. Ferns and olher plants from $3.00 per do. F.O.H. Usk. ll.C. FOR SALK. Lot II. block SfK section 7, with new four room-ed house not quite finished. $325.00. Apply Klondike Store Filllon Slteel. ;i2 FOR SALK. Cabin launch Kva. 27 feet, fully equipped, in first class condition. Apply Ward Kleclric and Marine Supply. l;nw Hay. tf FOR SALK. Commercial Ilplel, Prince Rupert, furnished. A bargain, M," M. Stephens A Co.. Lid. t FOR SALK. "Savage" , Kleclric Wimhing- Machine, ? 1 55.00 Cash. Phone lllue 43. F()'n, fiAt.K Pleasure jjoal,,1I-:cho, c; u: 'Heindel. Cold Slorago. Phone. 221. if TO RENT TO RKNT. Furnished rooms. Hoi 'and cold water. Centrally iocalcd.. Reasonable rents. Norfoid' Rooms, Fullon Street. Phohd jJlack 321). tl COM FOllTAHLK bed-silling room lo rent. Suit two men. Phone Hllle. 339. 3 FOR RKNT. Clann anarlmenl Weslenhavcr Hros. tf FOUND FOUND. Mooschcart pin. Ap ply Dally News olllce. FURNITURE EXCHANGE Furniture Houghl, Sold and Kxehanged. Ranges, Healers, elc. moderately-priced. Kvery-Ihing for the Jiome. Call in nnd nok around. ALEX. MACKENZIE, Third Avenue Phono 775. (John Christie's obi stand.) 44i PRINCE RUPERT TIDFIt Saturday, June 6 High (i;33 a.m. 21.'.) 13:22 p.m. 19.1 Low ....... 7:15 a.m. 1.3 10:14 p.m. 5.7 fl, HOARD and Room, or board only. 413 Fifth Avenue Fast. Phone Red 707. HOARD. The Second Avenue. Inlander, 830 Phone 137. B0AT3 AND LAUNCHES RICKS OF KASTIIOPK 4-GYCLK Marine Kngines 4-H.P. without clutch $185.00 l-II.P. 1 cylinder Ml) 200.00 CII.P. I 8-11. P. 1 8-11. P. 2 10-11. P. I cylinder III) cylinder III) cylinder MI) cylinder I.D SHEDDON TAXI 134 450.00 750.00 150.00 475.00 All Ihe above except the first include the Famous Joes Reverse Gear, and full electrical and propeller equipment. The best that money can buy. Kaslhope Hros., 1717 Georgia SI. W. Vancouver, ll.C. Always al your service. Prince Rupert Boathouse, Agents Phone 381. Anywliere al Antime. Five pas senger Dodge Sedan Comfort and Courtesy. Hales: 50c for I or 2 passenger. 25c for each additional passenger. PHONE 134 MARINE TAXI SERVICE LAUNCH "Oh Haby" al your scr vice day or night. Comfort-Safety Courtesy. If it's a walcr I rip call Laurie Lambly. Phones 570 or I3L TAXI 692 THK .DKPKNDAHLK TAXI. Day anil Night service. Comfort and Courtesy is my motlo. PHONE 692 CONRAD LEE Stand: Richmond Rooms. TAXI Taxi 67 Phono (Call Georce. Paul or Gust) Special G and 7 passenger Stude- hakers al your service, day nml night. ROSS BROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Dlock Across from Kmpress Holol. FURNITURE HOSPITAL Hd General Repair Shop. Re pairs of all kinds promptly attended lo. We repair lype-writers, gramophones and do picture framing. Carpet laying. Fnrniluro crating. TOM BALLANGER Phone lllue 025. OIL SKINS 3I8 Fifth St Patronize Home Industry. ' Ask for Lo Claire's RUPERT BRAND OIL SKINS Hesl bv lest Made in Prince Rupert by Rupert Hoys ami (iirts Phone: Black 404 KEITH'S CAFE. When in Slewnrt visit Keith's Cafo in King Kdward Hotel now ro-mndelled, Up-lo-dato Dining Room and Lunch Cnunfer BOB KEITH - Manager. CAMERON TRANSFER Phono M77 Bannao. Furniture Movlna. If you want anything sent for, or delivered, phono us. P.O. Hox 009, NORTHERN TRANSFER Call for Haggago and Kxpress Northorn Transfer. Day Phone' Red 213. Night phono Green 397. W. H, MONTGOMERY, JR. Inn 1 j OIMJ iNriPuTVM Scki Cml Britain nghu ctvd. ' ' ' ' tl j G 5 jjf Some difficulty is reported in gelling the much heralded lennis tournament " between the Kotan .Article, rounds wmnimm I BOARD . , WANTED. Wanted to rent fur- tiished bouse centrally located. VA ill lake good care. Mrs. J Heveridae, General delivery. 13'. WANTKD. .To buy or exchange fuetilliir.. ntnl ulni'ju s.r COLUMBIA RECORDS "r- JTOeesg Cohr- , ... , - no nrrat, ;,r,g, f. Product,,,.,, of J ,D Trots. su; an:II1J1 all in and hut ik.. PRINrr DIIDrii. ....... i . . : 1 .. """"I music tTQM in . . . tu .lie J( . BEDDINQUT PUT, i)it.i.iu 11.. , for yum u! j, .ijjj., beddniB 0,,' jua: . ,m ally ari-iiiimt 1 , .;i fc relied s' uuov j 1 good. Store I'd . . p; Greerij..i; V': j) t,M McCARTHYt TOM CALCHEFf Experienced Tailor ."Mill lliaill! .. . ' ti PreHi!.t a' j A .- 'i V..: .. :..,&.. Fulton Sircfi .svri FURNITURE. New and Stcondbtnd Fill ure Store. We li.ij, Sell tsdli 1. . . p ..... cujuge ,iew iaa rceitfiui Goods. QfcO. PAPtDOPtLIJ, d39 Third .Ave. ?io FIREWO00. He Ciimf"' i,v r Dry Mm w ' . T Freh -nn' w Mini,.. W A. IS. AC:S(N ii Cpti PHOTO FINISHIJIO P. J. RYAN P.O. I! I I'nii. v rtm-f B-C Service !-il S;-u" !' KNITTED GOODS SWIUTFU3 and all rnoiie iiiurs MAIL SCHEDW For the EaiV ftf ..!.... W'e From the Eit Mondays, Wfdnwdtf" Friday, due at 3.30 p.m To Vancour -fj. knifed goods made lW ... in-. . on P tnmiiit and Sl tirdavs. clones al If39 ' Tuesdays- ...i al 1.15 s P r .Man l.u. j;5A, saiuiiiii; Thursdays Sundays From Vncour Sundays Wednesdays Fridays 9:15 P 9.15 P-1 Saturday . . . . .. 11 m H 8 and t.t 10:30 A I0:)(l To Anyox, Alice Arm- pJl Wednesdays j pj. Alice Arm- From Anyox, Tuesdays g pi Thursdays To Stewart ana . , pj. Saturdays 7 P. Snnil.iVS 1.1- From Stewart and rr."'" jj, Tuesdays .8 P Sundays . u.ji To Port Simpson Points-Thursdays ini From Port '""""" River Points DUI ill i"- To Alaska Pointy May ' """,,-From Alaska Point Mav 12 ami , .,, point" To Queen Charlotte Mnv 9, . ..... H11" From Queen Chr,-Points May 7 and -L M A