TAXI BOSTON GRILL zn and ft Sfctilg Large Upstair Dining Hall, Ambulance with nrwly laid dancing floor for hire, Suitable for Service fiances,' banquets and wedding at Anytime. Anywhere parties. . U.t.l ... Itind noymt nHi, ,. For rutin, apply to Boston and Bth St PRINCE RUPERT Grill, Third Ave. MATT VIDECK, Prop. Phone 457. Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper " .... UK t ' t Yl t '1 I IMIINCE HUPKHT, ll.C, FMjJAY, JUNE 5, iSB. YMttrd!' Circulation 1683 8lrt Salt Ml . PRICE FIVE fiENTS. -7 ERMANY MUST CARRY OUT OBUGATIONS NTI-FOREIGN MOVEMENT IN CHINA SPREADS UNTIL 150,000 ARE ON STRIKE m m m mm mm m mm m m main win ivor netire rrom Cologne Until German Treaty Requirements Are Fulfilled m..i m l r u..i' r rii ATfi I n iiinnn Strength or Army ana Lomply with ( Other Conditions, says note LONDON, June 5. II- is uulliorilulivrly -tated today tlia'l llrilish hae no in It'iit itin of evacuating Cologne territory iiu- lic inaiiy fulfills the disarmament reuuireineiilH oi ihe ..r ill... ;i in l i rauuiun. Tin- inlcr-idlicd lode on the subject will be made public IIITOW Ullll II Ml IICI SIUIIU mill IIll- Sl,ll(-llll III Illiiui; JM II in . i I . ii i .- i ..i..rr I...... I iiri iiiaiij iniisi suppress nif prvsrin gi-oi'iai siiiii, n-iiui c number of (iernraii police fitnn USO.OOO In 150,000 and Hie rngth 1 1 r the army to 100,000 fighting men. t i it t iir in I l III I l W IX 1X111 Ulftll 1U KKll N ZfcU . mtt m I a I L ma nmiri v rinnn ci r n uliiiu r ind Fishing In Alaska Recently ir Canadian dues lint bold i tlie i was a British Ooluni- ml an voted -In Alaska, lie in;: ted an Alaskan fcrii-t and . ..... . it. .. .... .1 an Alaskan, but nrcnrtlin, American law be was nol. ..... . I II.... .. .... 111. I'll mill Mil l.i. in" illsflnvcrci was iinniylit before the cntir! siuneau ami was mien vzo iui .... . 1 t t i ' " r-iiin,u (oi " ----- ' tlifil Iui niiixl ititl ill. il It LF1L 1 II mi ii niur liv'. iiv i Illllllllu V I In lilrt'IHllll'. nil ii i m ii ii ii r i vi in i 1 1 ii 1 1. 1. was tried before .Indue V. A. it ttittv riArriM VII I IIHHI IV ANCIENT KING orno Aooey in i; uonos Dlsoovered i.MK)., June .0.- While en- v....,.,,,e ,.... .,. , .... i,iii i iir n.Tii " ''l'bnrne Abbey, workmen ills- " tilt I UIIIH 1 I I I , IIll" wan burifiJ iu Urn abboy in Mif tMillin wun nuulr of slonc 111 I'lllllllilliwl llllt lifllllM llf I III' 1 1 IT III llwl U'iimI KllVJtllU An Emergent Communication of Tslmpsean Lodge No. 68 A.F, & A.M. will be held in the iMasonie Tem'oh) on Sunday, June 7, at 2.30 p.m. fur the pornose of holding 8 Miisonlo Funeral Serviee I"1"' our lulu llrn. Harry Iuy All inembeCs and wojoiirn-'"I? brethren are roue.sled l" l lend. lid. 11. Mortimer. I'.M. Keey. . II is further stipulated dial j I In military charaoler prcsenled j in, lay by I In (lermau security police inii-l entirely disappear. Tin- nole stales that" Germany railed In cniiiply with the llnr- (itii conditions of disarmament requirements. !. v NINE WHALES IN 24 HOURS TAKEN TO ROSE HARBOR The wlialnif slalious at Nadeu and llnse llarbnr nn 'ihe Uueen (barlolle Islands are bulb iu operation now and are doiiiK well aecordiiiR lo word broiiKbl here hy Ihe sleainer I'rini c John wliieh arrived last nighl. A lii' season is aelieipaled. So far this reason '-'2 whales have been brought into the Hose Harbor station and last Monday no less than nine arrived within twenty-four hours. 4. ' HANGES AMONG C.N. OFFICIALS William Phillips Appointed Man ager of Industrial Department at Montreal William Phillip has been ap- pointed manager of me inuus- trial deiartmeni, i.anauiau imi-t joint I Hail ways, willi heiuhuar- lers at Montreal. He was lor-nierly Kuropean manager of the I raff if department, London. I'.iiglaml. and sueceeils in ins new offiee W. P. Filzsiminons who has been appointcu general freight iigeiil at Itufralo. ie York. The omrer of Kuropean manager has been abolished. CLOSE GAMES GOLF COURSE Willie Macfarlano and Bobby Jonos Tlod In Two Games WORCI'.S, Mass., June 5. wmi.. Mnefarlane went Into tie with Hobby Jones Inir when Miicfarlam this iiioru-missed a il, , fool null on the eighteenth hole of I heir mulch to decide rhaiiiiiiouship of the ii.., i, i. imi United Slates, each scoring 75. Thcv lied yesterday for ua 1 1 ...... I tumors with 201 each at ,i, ,, of 72 holes in the medal play. KING OF SPAIN Attempts to "Kill Him Have Boon Foiled so Far by Discovery " of Bombs FOURTEEN ARRESTED Alfonso Delays Return .to Madrid Result of Continued Rebel Efforts I'KHI'Ki.NAN, Frame. June 5 Fourteen nervous have been !iir resist. 'at Uarcelonu in eonnee- lion sltli (iliifs against KUw Al i fonso, aei'ordiug lo report si eaeliin here. llAmiKI.MNA, .lune 5.- Vbe existenee of bomb ldds lo Jd.Il Kinsr Alfonso has Iteen.ruiiialid ami Ihe return (f the suverTgn lo Madrid ii postponed. One bomb was discovered iu thf Ira eli lo lie Ira versed by the Itnyal train on Ihe way lo the rilv li it iiIIkm' iilnls. iimi lo blow up Ihe enlraiiee lt the hall I where the k iiijr presided at a 1 meeting Saturday and the other jlo kill him ding bis return 1 journey to the capital have been ! inlcreepled. 1 The bomb found on the rails has been plaeed in the museum and the king took time lo view il. DIE IN EAST RESULT HEAT No Lot Up Yet In Conditions Other Side of Rocky Mountains CHICAGO, June 5. At least 140 persons have died throughout the United States during the past few days due to the heat wave and to drownings and storms. Of this number 71 were In the territory east of Ohio and 69 between Ohio and Montana. New York State reports a continuance of the heat wave this morning, several districts experiencing temperatures of 100. HEADQUARTERS OF GRAIN BOARD GOES TO WINNIPEG OTTAWA. June 5. The .agricultural j-omuiillee. of Ihe House of Commons Ibis morning decided lo move the headquarter of Ihe grain board from Fort Wil liam o Winnipeg. Oranby J... vdverlise In the Daily News. Surf lnlel ; u STOCK MARKET Ilnzeltun ..... Howe Sound Indian - Dunwell Premier ....... Selkirks i. L.'.and t Daiy .MiisVa Hayvlew sllvercresl Hid. Asked H.Dll 17.00 .00 "ii .01 W 10.00 17.00 -.07 3.75 "'7 ".Oi " .25 .25 .10 .15 .05' -j .07 Yi 1.50 2:33 .01 li .27 .'tis .18 , .05 Vi B mmmmmmmmmmmmW LWk- Vmmw' Lady Itichmond Hrown, intrepid woman explorer who braved the wilds of Central America last year, will shortly venture into llrilish Honduras where a civilization of past ages is believed to lie buried English Capital Ready for Two Stewart Mines Rufus and Terminus Both to he Brought Into Producing Class Through London Support VANCOL VKIl, June 5. A special despatch lo the Stiu from Vicloria says llrilish capitalists urt' waking up lo opportunities, iu the new mining districts oT llrilish Columbia. Uen F.rieksen, one of Ihe discoverers of Ihe Premier Mine, now heud of the Hufus. lias received a cable message from Kenneth Me- Callum. of Vicloria, representative of the company iu Loudon, telling of a deal whereby Loudon capitalists undertake part of the financing of, the llufus silver-lead properly near Stewar'l, Development work cm a large scale will start at once A similar deal is behiig put through with Hie Terminus mines whereby London capital will be available for the installation, eipiipmeiit and shipping facilities for Ihe mine lo operate Hon a large scale oi protiuenon. 'this announcement was made: day by Harry Ileywtiod, founder of'wa the mine. Mr. and Mrs. John Kirkland and son, Stanley, were passen gers going south on the Prince (ic urge las", night. They are on their wav via Vancouver und Montreal lo Scotland on a boll visit. Accompanying them A. Hrown, also of Auyox, ,wlio is making the same Indians Are Prohibited from Visiting United States Under trip. Latest U.S. Immigration Order V1CTO UA. June .. Local traiisiHulalion companies were notified Thursday bv United Stales immigration officers here that aliorigiuul inhabitants of Canada will be treated with clas races not eligible to American cilizeus un and therefore nol iiilmUsnlilc inlii Ihe Hulled Stales. Indians since days immemorial of crossing the border freely has been suspended. llrilish Columbia and Washington Indians who are closely relit led have been accustomed lo travel freely Troin one reserve lo another and hilgrule seasonally for fruit picking, fishing and hop picking. Indian Commissioner Ditch-burn lias wired Ottawa to point out bow serious The embargo will be lo Indians on the coast reservations and iisklng thut the mailer be taken up at Ot- luwu made to it. und representation lo Washington in regard Anti-Foreign Movement Spreads Near Shanghai 150,000 are on Strike SHANGHAI. June ."). The inti-foreigii cunipaigu which .started in student riols some. days ago in connection with u strike hguiiisl trcalmenl of (Jhinese in Japanese siiinning mills here j continued to spread with increasing rapidity today and it in ex pected the entire Chinese police force will be out tomorrow. The strikes have been declared 'following continued rioting here and extended overnight until those abstaining from woik are estimated lo number 150,000. Shanghai is divided into several districts known a conees-sious controlled by llrilish and - - ? Frc.nch and also there is the ua-jliye .quarter. The total popula tion is fully a million. There tare t'hinese' police and also im- lfi.,flii! IVnm Inilin ......... Nino FISH ARRIVALS Boats Sold 75,400 Pounds Today at Prices Undor Average Hie Canadian Fish & Cold Stor age uo. Joe llaker a.ono pounds, and Yule, 1,700 pounds al 'J.7o and o.' lo the Royal Fisli Co. Kobe 2,500 pounds at and jc, ami Willie l.ny, nm iitiuiius al l.7c and 5c lo the. Alliu Fish eries. ANGLICAN PASTORS ARE BEING CHANGED Rev. J. B. Gibson From Anyox Goes to Smlthers Rev. J. S. Brayfleld to Anyox Re J. 11. Gibson, who has been Anglican minister al .nyox for several years, arrived on lite Prince George last night from nyox and proceeded on llio iniii iiiiisr s Irani lo Milliners iu which field lie has been tram lerred. Rev. J. S. Hrayfield, formerly of Telkwa, has already moved lo Anyox lo take charge there. Mr. Gibson will lake care of both Smilhers and Telkwa in future. DRUGS LOCATED AND 11,.. .......ill ..I It... I....V II,., I II... .,..-1,1 IIVUKI.illl .i- io U I,VUU SEIZED ON EMPRESS VANCOUVER, June 5.Cus- toms ollicials located and seized worth of uurcolics on i in nr uuivi Xftiiiin -c ..t-..j which docked here Monday from the orient. The drug was found secreted behind steel plates in was Ihe boiler room. Mrs. J. M. Simpson und George Leek sailed last night on the i i,.. t.t.iinp Mill n.fv sir ims v 'rincc neorge lor uiinnin III. .IV. ..... --- l , , , , ..rr....i n... m-i.Miul Pi-nice roille 10 lieveisuihc woeie Uiimtri wliern il has been the will attend Grand l.oue CONFERENCE AT EDMONTON WILL BE LARGE ONE VANCOUVER, June 5. A Columbia delegation is as- Isured at the conference of west- Halibut arrivals Ibis morning '.ri mayors and business repre-totalled 75,Un pounds, ti,ree!entulivcs in Edmonton ul the American boals selling 5 1,01)1,1 opening on July 13. Mayor mtiiiuU nn. I si (..iiiiiitinii lM '.ooiHIalehrord or ImIoiOuIou an- pouiuls. Prices were somewhat lower than Ihe average for the past few weeks. Arrivals and sales: American Columbia UG.OOO pound?, at !iu and tc, to the Canadian J-isb & Cold Slorage Co. Hazel It. I t.OOU pounds, at 10c and 5c, lo the Atlin Fisheries. lnger, -1,000 pounds, at IOc and 5c, lo the llootli l isheries. Canadian Marguerile. 5,500 poumls, at It.Te and 5e, and Cape sipeneer, 8,000 pounds at 0.8c and 5c, lo mjuneeit Hiis 'inorniogr-- - The mayors of Prince Rupert, Victoria, Vancouver, Nauaiiuo 'and New Westminster have agreed to alleiui and it is likely Premier Oliver will go. All the prairie eily majors will attend what is believed lb be Ihe biggest conference evcrV.beld in western Canada. PATRICIAN IS COMING HERE Making Calls at Points Along Coast and Will Take Governor and Lady Byng South VICTORIA, June 5. When the Governor General, Lord llyng, accompanied by Lady llyng, ar they moel t'lisliitii fur imlivcs. In Illl.HS freely Ings of ifte Rebekuhs und Oddfel back and forth between Alaska lows as delegates irom .1 lit? iocu and British' Columbia. ModSX' rives iu Prince Rupert lie will be met by the destroyer Patrician and will proceed south on her. 11. M.S. Patrician, left Victoria Tuesday ilnd is now at Seattle from whence she will go north to Comox tomorrow. At Comox she will engage in her annual gun nery practice and the men wilt do some rifle shooting at the ranges. Leaving Comox together the Patrician and Thiepval will sail north und will call at practically every settlement on the coast, where navigation is possible un-'lil she reaches Prince Rupert where they will await Hid arrival of the Governor Geperal and parly. WOMEN GIVEN MEN'S RIGHTS Can Socuro Divorce In Four Western Provinces Without Cruelty Charge OTTAWA, June 5. Ally a ma jority oT 51 votes the House of Commons pussed the third read ing of Hie 4dll sponsored by J. T. Shaw of West Culgury. Inde pendent, placing women In the-four wesleru provinces on un equality with men fnsofur us grounds for divorce. are" concerned. t 'The vote siood 1 12 lo 01. This meant "that' ;udiiltery is accepted nu causp, wilbmit having to pr6ve c'rueljy iu ud-dition.