Anr. six A Watch Sale Worth Watching The Waleh worlli wJiile Is the Waleh tlian can tick, "When oilier watches Are feeling sick. For a Boy - - - $1.50 Watch Chains, 25c We are running an exlra special Watch Hale in Ladies' ami (!eiil'i High tirade ami Medium Grade Wjitches at Kxtru Special Low Prices. DON'T OVERLOOK THESE BARGAINS. Save Your Eyes Our Optician has had over 25 years experience testing eyes and fitting glasses. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Max Heilbroner The Diamond Merchant of the North. One cannot burn the candle at both ends You wouldn't light a candle at Jiotli ends and expect il to last very long. And you can't attend your many duties as wife and mother, then pile on washday labor, and expect lo keep yourself fresh and vigorous. Why not let us take care of washday loil and trouble? One of our many services will fit exactly holh your needs and your purse. And you can "keep the home fires burning" without burning the caudle at bolh ends. Canadian. steam Laundry Phone 8. Kindling I We are offering for a short lime only and for a limited number of loads our "IHIIMD KILN" kindling-wood delivered for $0.00. This is nice clean wood and easy, to split. You have been wailing for this kind of wood for 3 years. Order at once from the , The Prince Rupert Transfer & Taxi Co. 3rd Avenue ie ii w a chance to do your drayagc, wc can satisfy you In every way. Our Taxies will lake you any place and at any time for 50c. Nice clean Sedans. Phone 189-112 Special Dessert For Tablo Use Del Monte Apricots, '-'s, reg. 40c. Special, 5 tins S1.40 Del Monte Peaches, ii's, leg. 35c. Special, 5 tins for $1.25 I el Monte Peaches, 2V4's, teg. Doc. Special, 5 tins for $2.00 Del Monte Asparagus Tips, picnic size, reg. 30c. Special. D tins for t . S1.15 Del Monle Asparagus Tips, while, rug. 50c. Special, 5 lins for $2.00 Del Monte Spinach, il'i's, reig. 30c. Special, 5 tins for $1.15 Del 'Monle Pork and Heans, tails, reg. 15c. Special, 5 lins for 50c Del Monto Catsup, reg. ioo bolllc. Special, 5 holljes for $1.50 (Limit 10 tins to cacl customer) Don't forget the five- per cent discount Mussallem's 417-423 5th Ave. E. Phones ,18 and 84. P. O. Box 575 the LAND ACT. Nolle of Intention lo Apply to LeM Lindi. In the Lain) Hi-(ui(liii(r Lilsirlct of I'ruire l, ik ntuale on Hie iwrlli-uest roast or I'earse l.-lainl, 11.1... airux-Jimti'ly tlini- ihllvs iioilli from the niuuili or Winter Harbor. Take .Notice that i. I'icldinic 'jtranif or Stiini)ftUle, B.C.. iH-eiiiatiou caiiiieryinaii, Internl to apply for a lease or the Tol-lowinir ilocnhe'l lauds: Ooinuieiirliiir. at a miM planted appnu-iiuauiy three miles north from the month or Winter Harbor, feame Islam): then e nyrlliuist ti ( chains, more or Wt, to low water mark; thenrc inirlltra.l along- low water mark one hundred and slly i ICO i rhfiln: llienee southeast two ( i rliaiiis; thenee southwrsl one liundretl and sluy (loui cliann. more or Irs, to iNilnt or rommehrement and rini- taimnr Uilrty two (3D acres, more or less. JAMKS Hr.l.lilM; STftAMj. . . Name or Applicant. Hated May is lit. IUJ5. WATER NOTICE. (DIVERSION AND USE) TAKE MIIKK that William Mnrirnii. whose adilress Is Ijm M'tl. B.C.. will apply' for a hrrni e in take and use s.oou gal-1 Ions dally of water out or spring on' west side or Uiekeorl, 0.t:j.. B.I., I which flows southerly and drains Into uitft arm "I ...ivrull. ...-' I. ....... i .-..i... I duly crown Granted ,n. S35:t y.r.J.,Tle- slop, water will lie diverted rrom the stream at' i.m a point lirlit at source. alMiut l.ioii fwt "'"" 'ater Art. I9U." will be riled In the orrire tr Ihe Water llerorder at I'rlnri: Jtuiiert. H.C objeelliuis to the application may tie riled with the said Water rorla. B.C. within thirty days after the ursi appearance or this notice In" a loeal newspair. The dale or the rirnl publication or this notice Is May ?tlh, tilS WILLIAM MonOA.V. Applicant. LAND ACT. Notlct of Intantlon to Apply to Laaaa Land. In the Land rterordiiitr Mstrirt of I'rinee Ruieri, and Mtuate on the northwest coast or I' parse Island, H.:.. approx-mately Fit miles m,rth tmm the mouth ur Winter Harbor. Take Notice that Cosse-Mlllerd Limited or Vancouver, B.i... occupation packers, Intends to apply ror a lease or the fol-I'lWinir described lands: Coriimenclnir at a mist ImalHy inilrM north thp iimiilh or Winter Harbor, pearne Island; them-e noniiwrri two ( rhani. more or less, to. low water mark; thence northeast alonir low water mark one hundred and rlily (ICO) thalrn: thence southeast two ( i i chains: thence sou III wen mi.. hundred and slJly H60 chains, more or tew. to ilnt or comuieiicenient and con talnlntr thirty-two (3J) arrea, more or lesa. COSSE-MlLLEItn LIMITED. . .Name of Applicant. lted M May lilh. tots LAND ACT. CASSIAR LAND DISTRICT District or Casalar, Stlkliie tilvuion. TAKE XOTIC.E. that I. Walter Julian (llelurned Soldier), or Teleirranh i:rei-V. ll.C, occupation Miner. Intends to apply for peiini, .Ion to purchase the rullowiiiz desrrllM'd lands: Coinioeiirinic at a nop I tilanted alx.iil one mile east or Mcl.eoU sIoukIi near the Stiklne Illver and about ai mlle southwest or Telefiraph Creek: thence north 80 chains; thence east 40 chains; thence sou Hi go chains; tlienre went 40 rhaln to Hilnt or commencement and containing- 330 acre, more or leaa. WAl.TEIl JULIAN. April IQIh, tots. IN PROBATE Applicant. IN THE COMMISSIONERS COURT, TERR nwni ur a lab a; division nuM BER ONE, HVOER PRECINCT In the .Matter or the Kbtalo or Lea I ha oavis, neceaiied. Mimber 16 Probate Notice to tlelra. Hy virtue or an order dulv aiirned and made or record in the above entitled court on the 1&111 day or April, ms. no tire Is hereby Klven to (Tedi UaHs, Ihe aliened husband or the above, named deceased and to all other persons claiming an merest 111 inn anove named esliile mat invy aim earn or 1 lu-iii are hereby re (lulled lo lie ami appear In the above entitled court at II viler. Alaska, and mill. hill aatlsrartory proof of heirship within ruij nays 1111111 me. oaie or tne oral publication hercor. And ir you rail an to appear and rile audi aatlsrartory proof, a decree or UiU roon win ne enieren torrellliiK your In tereat therein. oaie or urn Publication, April 7, Oa'te or l.a I I'ublliallon. Jure 7( OltE.'V V. HILL. ' dmliiloratne LAND ACT In Prince Hupert Land District; District or Prince lluperl. TAKE NOTICE that LMf rill tie Brlaay. ff Vancouver, U.C.. occupation aalinon broker. Intend to apply ror permission to purchase the rollowing described lands: CommencliiR at a poat planted V, mile noili or th aoiitheasl corner or Lot B700 nillle Creek, HaiiKe 4, Coast District! thence north SO chains; tlienre west SO chains; thence aouth to shore linn In an easterly direction to point or commencement! containing o acres, more or leu. MEltlLL DES BMSAY, . . Arnllrn'-..... pdwln Elroy Barnum, enL Dated April -rd, tvit. AURORA IS FINE BOAT Son of American Automobile Manufacturer Is Here Today In Course of Coast Cruise who has somu claim lo fame-as an automobile racer' and aviator and whose car. driven hv Dave Lewis, came in second at the big 500 mile auto mobile race at the Indianapolis Speedway .last Saturday, is mak ing a leisurely cruise along the H.C. coast on hunting ami fish ing benl. Prince Ittiperl will mark the northern terminus of Uiis cruise and the Aurora, after taking on oil and supplies here will return south tomorrow -af- .Iimiiooii o.r Sunday morning with the expectation or reaching Van-couer in about three weeks in lime to participate in regalias I hat at e lo be held in Vancouver and Victoria early in .Inly. Visited Many Points Having come up Ihe coast from Sun Pedro, lite Aurora left Vancouver n week ago Tuesday for I !ie north and, on the way up lite coast, slopped at Jervis Inlet. Alerldlay, Safely Cove ami Swai.-on IJay. Lasl nighl was spent at anchor in Cardciia Bay south or Kennedy Island. used sail through wit 1 1 r l':ltlt mill llio r:l I II li it llim voyage was a slllr northwest gale which was encounlervd in Queen Charlotte Sound. Through narrow parts of Ihe "Inland Passage" Ihe sails were taken down and Ihe auxiliary engine used. Hrlurniiig to Vaneomer from here, Mr. Durant expects o make 000. is buill al at Princess Louise Inlet, s liilet, Safely (love, Alert nTf",""!'',"'0" "arbor, and win be Bay and Catnphell Hiver ... .... ........ .ll.M.,. '.MX.Pr ll"ll I he Ixiinestic i.auhery at Lorkrort. y.C.I. This noliee was ihisIimI on the lilli ilav r May, lia. A ropy or this notlre and an application pursuant thereto and to (ue ot Ihe prettiest ami most Jiamlsoiuely appointed yachts that ever visiled Prince lluperl harbor is tjie auxiliary schooner Aurora which arrived litis morning at 8 o'clock having on board Cliff Durant, ofLos Angeles, son of V. (J. Durant, head of lite Ouriial .Motor Corporation of the United States. The Aurora is 105 feel and is mosl elaborately Mil. mill long' SI.ALHD TKNDKJLS addressed !o the undei'sigtied, and endorsed Clements, H.C." will be received unlil 12 o'clock noon (daylight saving), Tuesday, June 23, 1925, for repairs to the wliarr al Port Clements, Skeena District, ll.C. Vlans and forms of coulrael can be fcen and specification and briiis of tender obtained at this Depart meiil, at Ihe olllce of the District Kngineer, Old l'osl Olllce Huildiug, Vicloiia, ll.C; and al the posl Offices, Vancouver, H.C; Prince lluperl, H.C, and T'or Clemenls, H.C. Tenders will itol lie considered unless made on the printed forms supplied hy Ihe Department and in accordance with the conditions contained therein. Kach lender must be accompanied by an accepted cheque on a chartered hank, payable lo the, orijer 01 lite Mlnisler of Public Works, equal lo 10 per cent of Hie amount or the lender. Honds of Ihe Dominion of Canada or Honds or the Canadian .National Hailway Company will also he accepted ns se?urily, or bond and a cheque If required to ni;ke up an odd amount. Nolc. Hlue prinls can be obtained at this Department by depositing an accepled cheque ro.r Ihe sum of ijslO, payable to Ihe order of the Minister of Public Works, which will he rel toned ir Ihe intending bidder submit u regular bid. , , Uy. order, . -Si iK. rOTUUKN, ttik o.n.i rrRwa Fridnv. I Find i best" for cleanliness Don't call tha plumber wKrn the aink drain rrla choked. A little Uillrtt'a Ljtill probatly clear it In a ftw minutea. Seorea of other around taa aanitary home. GILLETTS PURE FLAKE LYE fiseo Bay on June !" lasl year j tine oTn her firs! Injis was lo Honolulu in Scpti-mlrer when site maile Ihe oya?e in fourteen days and seventeen boni s. Iter cruising speed is eight knols. .Mr. Durant, who i deliglilol with his trip ami ays be Itojies lo come back again ln'foii long ami go to Alaska, i uuaeiHiiii- paiiied by guests. With him bis secretary, A. B. Swauger. Cant. Ityan of San Pedro is mas ter of the vessel and (he pilot litis trfp is Uani. C. P. Kinney. well known .ill along the coast as a former masler of C.l'.K. filled , 'V... 1 1 tllll I'll i:i II 'fiiUiUtitFiiiii W 1 1 miau carries a large amotinl ofi , ,. ,. ... . t" ij.inn'11'iie two ! niimiisi . , l i i . ill. Sslte has it soacious deck , , ... . llenirilHe i.r ulih n. ........ ... ...i. . ..: . . ...iniiiui iiuii; with OIM"" Ul water tirhu " -aViiant Buiidinvic. V,JV' '''V cal" ""'K auoe ,"1 1 f lie three whirl, ne uierior t.oH,w ,s neau i i.ii..,,,, Jun(. 0 intshed .n teak and the j,Hjirtl ,.,.,,, , iuclutle an ice ' plant, iiiauo,:. , , ... .,, , . .. . . , ., handed over lis two million dot- radio, viclrora, ele. She can ae- ..... , ,, , , , , , , lar uuildiriK at lite corner of romiiioi ale eleven guests and ...... . . . v.... i i . . , . lounge and Clturch M reels, h-er regular crew consists of.... , ... , , , ... . .. ., ., , ,, t I oronlo, fur the pr nlittg of eight besides t ie pilot. '-ri. .. . ' . , , , Ibooks and .,. . Sunday ndiool paper 11 illTlll.-i i'V uii'vim. !i 0.11 hue. ! , - ists well as commercial work. Thi 'OWIT IIIIOII. Built at San Francisco The vessel, which cost I ..- large building 14 nix storeys high and by consolidating Ihe printing machinery ni Uie first rout a new boal. having been f,0(,ri ,,1 ftI ,(. Sausalilo in an ! ran- for lilt: ..... . r .... ......... ollicej uf the Lulled I Church olllcials. The entire plant has grown rrom Ihe investment of a few hundred dollars by friends or Hie lafe J)r. Ityerson lo enable him lo publish the first religious paper in Canada. The original shareholders were paid off a few veal's afler Hie organization of "Tender ror Wharf Repairs. Port ,,t (iuardian mi that Ihe niagni- ricent plant is an entirely socialistic enterprise. This plant will render even larger service in the United Church. Special sen ires are being jhcld in Ihe loeal Melliodisl Church for Ihe next two Sundays in honor ot Ihe Union whieh comes into effect on Wednesday next. .Next Stuplay will see Ihe handing over of the Melliodisl Congregation to Ihe Union Church while (he following Sunday a Very unique service of receiving represenlalives of the Uniting cliurclids will be the order oT Ihe day. Afler nexl Sunday I lie local Melliodisl ClmtcJi will be known as Ihe United Chureh of Canada. Kirs I Chuifli. Prince lluiicrf. FATHER OF ALICE ARM MEN IS DEAD T, W. Falconer and AL Falconer, Well Known Buslnoss Men, go South With Remains T. W. Falconer and Al. Falconer of Alice Arm passed through Ihe eily Ibis week ac. compaiiying the reuuilns of their father who die.! 'last Friday al Alice Arm wlilje visiting There. There was a tyineral .service in Alice. Arm on 'sttiiday at. which llevvAV. F: lUishluook tifficialed. the reiuaiits were taken to vnn- riillMT ror foe inlhrinenl 4 Secreliiryi.c.inier Depailinenl or Public Works, ' ! - 1 . OUawa, May 0, 1020. I Advetlie In J)ie Daily News. LAYING CEMENT TENNIS COURTS Will bo Completed In Few Days and then Railway Employeos Will Use Them Work commenced today on laying (ho cement for the two new tenuis courts being, put in by the Hailway Kiiiplixe-s here !or the use of the .members. It is expected- that tbo eotirt will be completed in a Tew .days trnd they will then be open for play ihe courts are on I lie site of lite proposed skaliug rink .plan ned u year and a half ago by the tiro Club o!i railway 'pro perl r 'rear lip- -f.tlioti. They will be a iKteai acipiisilion to Ihe city. QUEEN CHARLOTTE CITY MILL NOW OPERATING Not on Full Scale Yet, However Two Longing Camps Have Been Opened The Silka Spruce Mill al Oneen Charlotte City, controlled by the Southern Alberta Lumber Co., is now culling lumber though not ..i ..ll ....:i - it . , I, ji-i ai iiiii i,iiamy ucmnimg to won I brought by (he I'rinee John which arrived from the Island lasl night. The company has I wo logging citmi's in ocrnliou near Quen Charlotte Cily. passenger boats. C.Aniell sailnl last ni The Aurora is lied tin lodav at "'' I'rinee (ieorge for 'Vau- Ihe Ocean dock. iroiiver on business. He will be J'iLOCAL CHURCH changes mm Final Service on Sunday When Conqretjatlon Changes Allegiance; Church Papers Unite A new Canadian weekly makes its first appearance on Wednesday., June (). The new puper i- n.'iini'il 'I'll.. 'u iiiiIIii.iL' mil I w back in a Tew day ami expect, by Ihe lime that he returns, thai his coulrael with Ihe elealoi will have been finished and his eittipuient will be ready lo go to Ocean Kails where he ha another coulrael. FOOTBALL SCHEDULE. .luite P. Cold Storage vs. Vets June 12. Callies . Sons ot Kit gland. .June Sons of Kngland vs. Wis. Itiite 20. (lollies vs. t'.obl Storage. The lasl two gamed are provisional 011 there being 110 draws in Ihe Dominion .iy cup tiH which vre sel as follows: Jiine 15. Vols vs. Cobl Storage. dune 18. ('.allies vg. Sons: of KiiglnniL duly I. Final. NOTICE OF CANCELLATION Or RCttnVl NOTICE IS IIUIKIIV ljK thai llf resrrre oo.crint rerlain lands near I In Junrllon of orstall and akrrna Itlroi ileslgiialcd Lid l. Ilanae S, t.oa.t Oh trlct. la cancelled. Department or IjndJ. 1 Victoria. B.C., May 4th. mm OEM, It. .IIUKX. Deputy Mlnuttr of Land.. 20 PER CENT REDUCTION on Spring Coats ami Hats Uemers Houso of Quality Phono 27 P.O .Box 327 Dr.F.P.Kenny DENTIST Exchange Block Phone 109 CHARLES T. CABRERA, Mine Engineering and Contracting 017 Second Au'iiuo Toronlo 107 Commonwealth Huilding UcBuy only pure laundry SZ ifJs real economy" 6Qij3 Mra Experience auto.,..- . rfe.", "Many women, I've found, chriose their laumiVy soap merely because it is extra liard or bcuu lV r is big and bulky regardless of the eoaps quality "As for myself, I alway immt on Stmltcht s . ,; . ? . I learned many years ago that it more econ-mn 1 : pure laundry oap, and I believe that Sunlight 1. ti r laundry bar soap made in Canada. Every Kir - carries a 55,000 Guarantee of Purity. "And as every bit of Sunlight is pure J .u, , e cleans quicltly with very little rubbing, and a luti , long way. For washing clothes, dishes and ci,, - , .t give me Sunlight every time. Sunlight docsn t m.i. rough and red,' either. M Le-cr Brothers Limits, T' : make Sunlight. Sunlight Soap WESTHOLME THEATRE Friday and Saturday, 7 and 0 p.m. Saturday Matinee, 3 p.m. "Sundown All epn di'iiii i itl (,).gliiv - v whieh lite s(e f.ilor vvi! ih- -. r t . rugged pioneer-, empire f ! ! . n. e v sleel, women tr hernn m, . I . nlm . i f -1 ii- ' orross half n i-onliiienl lo open op Ho- -west, were in turn pushed out b Ihe e or civilization. Thiv is the momentous slaiitl or Ihe Qtltle Kings mnl their final .- -ncrtiss Ihe Lonler wild IOO.ihmi head of n with flood and fire and Ihe blazing, killing ' tleseft. seeking a new home with hearts m .. hiff pieture. Ilisloro'! Vital! 'If i r 1 1 1 iik - Roy Stewart, Bessie Love, Hobart Bosworth, Arthur Hoyt, Charles Murray, Margaret McWade and E. J. nad-Cllffe as Prentlenl lt'uevell. PATHE REVIEW. 50c and 25c UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C.,UD. 9a.ll.nir from rnnre n'jprt or VANCOUVKR, VICTORIA, Swanion Bar, and Altrt Bar, T. 1 ' g or VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Alart Bar, and Swafiaon 91, Salurt, For ANITOX, AllCC ARM, ST t WART, Sundar, R-M. For RORT nmrtOTt and Naai Rlitr CaanaHat. Frldar ..,. -,,- I US and Atanuo. i. Barnalar, A tank 'r"1' Reaciy-to-wear SPECIALS For Thursday, Friday, Saturday Juno 4th, 5th and 6th v tie 7 Ladies' Summer Coats, iii' luding l'1 ' rj) model. Keg. flfSft.OO. Spet-ial fm Ladles' Cotton Crepe House Drosses- H"11" J295 hroideretl. Heg. :i.7.". K'le Jli05 Ladles' Qlngham House Drosses Iteg. M ' JJf.. Ladles' Sateen Aprons--Trimmed will, .i' 1,11 $2.v:. Hale ;' '.' Ladles' Figured Cropo Drosses Hog. '" $75o 25', DISCOUNT ON ALL OUR LADIES' HATS Ladios' Panama Hats- -Ideal for piniirs "x , 5oo Children's Panama Hats To clear dnriim 11,1 Jabour Bros. Phone 645. Cor. 3ra