Jolt Swallow a RAZ-MAH Capsulp Rtstorta normal bretthing. Qultkly t topi all cboting, gasping end murp fathering In broncniii tut. uivft fob nights of restful sleep. Contain no injuriou or habit-fornirj drugs. 11.00 Dr box at dru ir stores. Snd 5c. for generous trial Tmp!etoni, Toronto. RAZ-M AH GUARANTEED RELIEF Neuralgia Thnuaandt of Canadiant b found thai T.KX.'a ri quickaat and urt rlif rrym Fain. T.KC.'rtdittljronlhpoisorttht wm tra Thy contain no danaafoua or haUl fanning dt.:-a. Yosr'dniggiit roeom-itntnt (hu. Sand 10c for ecoatuia tnU. ' " ' TmpltD. Toronto. Rumll.m 5(JC Haadaehaa vl.UW 1 00 Nurili. N.ur.l,.. SIZE Lumbafo SIZE Palna TRCs FOR SALE BY ORMES LIMITED TCMPLETON'S' RHEUMATIC CAPSUL' II The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, pxcept Sunday, the Prince Rupert Daily New, Limited, Third Avenue. II. F. PULLRN, Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by mail Qr carrier, per month $ 1 .00 By mail to all parLs of the .British Empire and the United Slates, in advance, per year $0.0" To all other countries, in advance, per year $7.50 Transient Display Advertising. .. .$1.40 Transient Advertising. on Front Page.. J.ocal Readers, per insertion .-. 'Classified .Advertising, per inseyHon . . . Legal' Notices, each insertion . '. . Contract Rates on per Inch per insertion i $2.80 per inch 25c per line .2c rer word .'. . . . 15c per agate line Application. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY KOmOK -Saturday. April 18, !P2." Children's Ward For The Hospital. 'Every normal person is fund of children. No one like to ee children suffer and everyone in Prince Rupert would like to efe the sick children get the best possible treatment and every chance to recover. Children here generally are healthy but there are' always exceptions in every place. Also children 'meet with "- ' accidents. Jlisl'jitiw there is a movement on foot to fit up a, children'." ward for the hospital. Hill Vio chapter of Hie .Daughters or the Empire have raised $."HH with which to furni-h it. but there are a lit of internal changes to be made at the hospital before this "l-an he done and .the sum nf.,? 1,200 is needed to make thooe changes. The board or directors of the hospital is taking steps to place the need-, or this ward before the people and doubtless will have a good response. Miss McCaul, the lady superintendent of the hospital, says tne warn is iauy neeueu. iiiere is ai present no part of the lios(iunrwiiere children may be put and given -proper; care. She. knows and everyone who has had anything to do with children win art, iU al Uie hospital also a.ware of the fact. j ' J An organized erorl Jf Anll easily, raise therefpijell mniritit of money as prince Rupert ha- always"shOVii hyr 'dttsirtf ti help ine cniiuren. . . Keeping Down Taxes Of Cities. . , ' ' .... - Vhile'tlicre i a lot of talk everywhere about keeping down taxes 'mi real efforts are maile to put the idea Oilo'effect. Improvements must 'be made In all growing places and: bills must be jiaid. That is the difficulty. forecast frmn New Vestmiiister recently .published in the soilh says tho tax rale there this year will probably be filiy mills, just leii rn;i more than in Prince Rupert. There are nf-leruatives to advaircing the mill rale as suggested. One is to forin a syndicate to take over 'the city's tax sale lands and thus bring Ihcm liable to taxation or hi place a lax on improvements. Reports from other places as well as local experiepre indicates that while spasmodic erforjs are jiia'de to ' keep down costs, the general trend is toward increasing' J he debts' and the co-ts of running the affairs of Hie.. cities. '" niifllous' Madness ' ljjbt1 Uncomrnori. '" ' Veslei-day a man rang up this paper and declared that he was Jesus Christ and predictinj; that there "-would be earthquakes here and asking that, we warn people. '.o reniain indoors on that account. , .Jhere TiiaUvaysi such people in the world. Thev go crazy oyer I't'ligiou ;nd Hie distortion is oflen brought about Ihrqugii JMrHfcW bodies. I.'ive.n ji Jiy-allhy body ami "llbr niiii.l, likelyi lo Jte.'JialanctML Tbe daiicec is in nol tirm,..rK .irinn- r... iiwv. oilfier Xy'nllowiug attacks from '.disease. or th'ro'iigi' qvrwork or ybrry becoming run down:, nieMidvis'lhe?fTrsPcare of ;ev Uil". Then comes Hie mind, -',., v. Opppsiti.on To , 4eMnfl Treaty. ..'. The opposition to the Sealing Treaty is apparently grow-Uig. -Nictoriit js taking the lead iii the nialler because that was JliiM'ily the sealing centre for .the "coast and rill scaling . voxels .. in.lde'llieir lU'adipinrters there. .This is lu lime to take action fo see that the treaty 'is, not coilinued. While it is yet a considerable time before the ir.alj niu be ahrogaled, a year's notice lias lo be given and P"b-Ji.e sentijuenl has: to be focilsscd on this question. Open sealing is what we want.- "third's Eyelids Inflamed Stuck Together and Bled" M. E. p. Klmfcall, pntwhUUe, Alta., writci: "9 .W JE'fl 'forn birth wai troubled with inflamed eyelid, and in spite ,o! leYfral ;emedie, grew wor.e until at the age of lix- ilf ,I!P1, hT W could not be opened after leep without bleed' aK.Tv iiir, wxy autnafge nicking the lidt together and adhering with great tenac ity. The child t grandmothers were con-tulted by mail, and both responded with a little sample box of Dr. Chase's Ointment. These were used as directed, and lasted until we could obtain a further supply from Edmonton. Improvement was very marked from the first application. The waxy discharge was easier removed and did not reappear. Inflammation .sub. sided arid has not returned' Dr. Chase's Ointment 0 (1A. box, all dealer or ICrtmanmn, IlaUvi A Co.. XA Toronto SUMMER TRAIN SERVICE SET Better Running Time Provided and Jasper to Get Two Trains Daily RUPERT'S TIMETABLE l..NIPi;i. April 18. change's in passpnper I rain schedules affecting all points. YV"iim,jiMr and west to the Pacific cbast in connection with Hie oieralion umler .summer time tables are announced by Cana- lian National Itailway officials here. .The jicw train service wilt j:ie two dailys to Jasper Na tional Park and tliis, in view of I In anticipated heavy tourist traffic, is considered an iiiiport- int . deyelopnieul. The suninier sclicliijc will also reduce tJta running time of trains one an.' two. the Continental Limited one hour between W'innipejr and the 'aeifie coast, and one and a half hours between Vancouver nnd Winnipeg. Kasthoiimi lo .Mon treal there- will also tie a saving of thirty minutes in running lime Irom Winnipeg. L'nder the new schedule, effec tive May 3 out of YVrnnipc.g, trainNo. 1 will arrive from Montreal -a I 8.15 I.m as al present ut the time of departure is nut vol hack to 10 p.m. instead of '. p.m. as at present. The time of arrival in Vancouver is the same as now, 7.25 a.m,, of tho third day. No. eastbouml will leave Vancouver at y.50 p.m. as at lresenl but will arrive at Wiimi-j peg at it.05 a.m. stead of 10.:iO a.m. and leave for Montreal at lit a.m. instead of 11 a.m. Train No. 3 ."The National" from Toronto, arrives, at Winnipeg al 0.15 a.m. as at present. The operation of thi train, however, is lo be extended to pro-xide daily service between Win-nipeg and I-!itnYontnn and daily except Siiuilay from Ijlimmlon lo Prince tin port. The new train will lcae WiruiffW at 2.30 p.m., commencing May 3, arrive Sas-kajoon 7.20 a.m.. Ilinontiiii K.25 p.m. The daily except Sunday ser vice, hdmonmn lo Prince Un pen, will be (effective May 5, the train leaviuir IMmonlon 0 p.m arriving Jasper 7.05 a.m. and iTinre unpen .j. .10 p.m.. oaiiy except Tuesday. This Imfn vij connect wilh (lie all Canadian National Pacific coast steamships out of Prince It 11 perl north bound lo Alaska and southbound Ifi Vancouver. Outbound at 11.30 Train No. 1 will leave I'rfnre Unpen, easlhouud al 11.30 a.m. laily except Sunday, effective May i. passengers will arrive at. Jasper ;it 8 p.m. dally except Monday. Edmonton 8.20 a.m. daily except Tuesday. This train will leave Edmonton effective May 3 at 8.5o a.m.' daily, arriving Saskatoon 0.15 p.m. and Winnipeg at 3.50 p.m., giving direct connection with the National ' leaving for Toroulo at 1.30 p.m., and also with trains for Ht. Pauland olher southern poinl.s. .'" The cliapigpA Ju time of trains 3 ilnd 1 in. and 'out of Prinze Itupert will give the advantages of i, daylight run through (he famous Hulkley and Skeena River an'as vheie are found some of Ihe mojit striking scenic strelches of tfm line from lied Pass Junction to Prince Itupert. Tie time of arrival at Jasper also gives passengers the oppor- t unity of seeing .Mount Rnbsoii and oilier fatnoun peaks of the Canadian Hockies during day light hours and transcontinental trains will' slop at Motinl Mohson observation, platform, for five minutes as in previous years. Observation Cars An increase in the number of mountain observation cars operated helween Jasper National Park ami the Pacific coast, on the run through the Canadian Hockies, provides for observation cars, of this type lo be U-tacheil to trains 3 and i opera-ling lo nad. from Prince Itupert as well as on the .Continental Limited operating to nnd from Vancouver. In the Letter Box NOPSE-AMERICAN Hdilor. Iiaily News: 'Preparations for the great Celebration to commemorate THI BAIL? ..aSVB ; ' ' M PAKE TWO ----mf-V7? r- uja iiAJ - 31-Fr-' 1 ATBI1 J 1 .nd ! Freedom From Pain Ad I niHAu bveumatW Hi Smkc Iffl Sprayj Ko Snaff j Neuritis '4 .K' m.Li ihe OMennia.fie 0 illf.ui.iuiMi 10 uie .Miicrir.iii n-linepl are progressing and -the affair will be a very elaborate one. y II will lie held tit- the Minnesota .Stale Fair v rounds, , SI. t ' Paul and SlTiineapolis, Minn.. lime 0, 7. 8 and y'llils summer. president Coolidge. will tlf.Ru an address in Ihe afternoon of nine 8. Hcpi-csentalixc ,(f the Norwegian sniver'imienl and slortiug an'd the.. Aearieniie Choir Oi oiii .( 1 1 i" pri'sein. 11 reported tliat Crliwii'l'riiice Olav will also allenifl l'.ery man .and woman of Xnrsc ilesceiit who Van by any possibility spare the time in June should attend this great renl. It is liefirsl great gath ering of its kind in American history. l will be ji gicai and rami review of too years of the history of the North American tinlineiit as exemplified in American and Canadian citizenship of Norse ancestry. It will he educational, inspirational ami enlerlaiuiiig in Ihe highest de. ree. Those now living will never again have Ihe opportunity if attending or enjoyig anything just, like it. Friends and reja- Mves. iiarled for years, will find each other in this great "reunion, revive old memories, live again in Ihe past, witness the pageant of toil years of progress, and come home better Norsemen and better Canadian and American citizens. The historical pageant will lie given on .lime and will he a wonderful and inspiring feature. This pageant will depict in both stationary and moving tableaux lle history of the first century f Norse-American and Norse- Canadian decnpn,cnt, visualizing in most t-nloriol fashion one of Ihe mos interesting chn-i- ters in the history of this II is expected that the Cnver- nor Ceneral will -be the official representative of Canada on Ihe occasion. JOHN DYRI1AVN. N o rv e g i a n .Co n s 11 1 . REPAIR FOUNDATIONS HOSPITAL BUILDING Painting Exterior Has to Walt ;o Epable Money ,to be penl on SUls At the he loHjtilal board it was decided Lt defer the wnrk of naiiiling for thin vear lieeause a considerable sum. probably seven or eight hundred dollars would have to be snenl in renewing the foundations ami ills 011 oiie. side of the building, A report on (he foundations was made by Ablf'rman McKech-uie who round faulty sills in t(i,e X-ray room and the part of the building opposite Ihe nurses' home. After some discussion if was decided that the chairman .should appoint a conuuillee who should select a coippclcnt foreman to undertake the work, liie hospital lo furnish Ihe material and pay Hie wages. It would he tnuuissi- ble lo let the work by contract as il was impossible to fell how much imu to be doiie 1 The . Man . in the Moon l r ' -. ' J it, ' I IT never does tn ge( coni-plelely wrapt up in anything, (iirls don't in their clothe. MAHIHAfiC is a big cross word puzxle which many' ajleiiipl lo solve bill no newspaper has ever pufilished the correct solution except in Ihe hirl Is column. TlIK dinieuiy,wl(h ;npl hridei is iney are poorly gfootned. iral lie was loo. fat His wife was too jh'in, And so alas lieivvee'n the two They made a helluva din. JAKK says m hoars there's annlher heauly p'arhr burling up In Prince Hupcri a'nd he: wonders why hey need il. liul 'thf'n Jake always was a till ()f a joker'. ' ' ' 1 Tennis, I'm. ob" Is a game itj love; Jl's played Willi a raeipiet Willi llio Niin above. Tbe .of lovo Is noDiinv at all, Ho lentils is noihing Hut hilling a hall. TIIU shrik who thinks a woman's "no" means "yes'' should get married. NuH aed. Somelhin ! Ten Years Ago J In Pflnritj Hupoft J The liranliy Co. anooiiiice. thai there is no work for unemployed at Anyox and thai there are already some I. "ill men llieiv awaiting jobs. Cd. Carnegie, repreeniative of the lirilish war olllce. Dr. A. (i. W. Wilson of Ihe federal de-parliueiii of mines,' and lr. Alfred Slatisfiebl, professor of metallurgy al MeClill Fniversily are visiling Ihe coast lo investigate the pos.sihililies of shell manufacture and establishment of a copper and zinc refinery. It. P.. lienson, Ihe pholograph-er. relumed today from T01011I0 where he had been lulled on account of Ihe illness of his mol liT er whose condition is still pre carious. TJBEST WHEAT Whether Ihe price of wheal is high or low, Canada never fails lo produce Mi.e best tpialily In (Is great annual cereal. . Canadian hard Spring wheat is known' I lie over for Ihe quality of the flour il yields.) hen testing floors for quatitv, ihe most satisfactory lest is lo bake the .flour Inlo bread. The baking lest tells llio whole lory. Mleclric llread is made from Canadian-milled flour, lis quality and flavor Is ihn direct re-sull of I ho ood wheal which Is lis origin. F.leclric Window Hukerics p2 o 1 SMOKERS always prefer their tobacco in perfect condition; this is assured, when they demand it packed in the famous Vacuum (air-tight) tins. The following well known brands are now packed in the famous Vacuum (air-tight) tins. ' ' ' OLD CHUM Virginia FUkepUT SMOKING Tobacco REPEATER FINE CUT (Pipe or Gprette Tobacco) REX Smolinj MIXTURE (for Pipe or Gfirette) DIXIE Eright PLUG SMOKING Tobacco OLD VIRGINIA Bright PLUG SMOKING Tobacco ,OD GEN'S CUT PLUG SmoVlug Tobacco A OGDEN'S FINE CUT (P V v--r," Always ask for tjierflpysJum(Airilll Whale Bone Brushes A Whale Hone Hnh 1 ? impart lone and vigor ami im a hair. A splendid head oi g i its consistent use. We have a shipmenl of Whale Hnnc Jti direct from Ihe manufacturers iu F.i'K1 1 pnrlleularly good ipialily and low in pi From $1.25 Up. Thev linvn oiee lifirks nnd till! Il i'.i" H' up well under use. Come in and m k' v '' ' m ORMES LIMITED The Pioneer Druggists The Renll Store 3rd Avenue and Sixth Street Phone 200 and 82 Ruilding Matgg LUMBER - Dimension. Hhipjap nod I h"'P ' l.nlh MnnhliiiL's. flak. Fir nnd Lot n w Vyneors, Sash and Moors. ,( Wt if Cement, Lime, Plaster; Brick, Firebrick, Fireclay, Cement, Plaster of Paris, Sand and Gravel, ""0,Bj. ducts, Wood Pipe, Vitrified Pipe, Agricultural Tiii Ing Papers, Asphalt and Rubber and Asbestos Rooims Hunt the Famous NANAIMO - WELLINGTON COAL ALBERT & McCAFFERY, LTD. Phones 116 and 564 LINOLEUM RUGS Easy Kept Clean Cut Down Housework All Patterns in stock v. - I 1 i-. . n ."a !m ,,."jf J I I -. a. . ai , , , , . .if X. y AYV. -.- - a. a tan A- - " 'a.'ai'a.'V.' V .'.a For EveryRoon1 in the House BARRIE'S HOME FURNISHINGS I nird Avenue and 1st Street phone 123 I,