i. page roua BRINGING UP FATHER By George McM: i I Local aod Personal I . i - t - - - r" i w i i i I? , OH! tVX LITTLE. J NAOOe-l I-LLOOOCTOR MORrsirf i Think IISvHM- 13 IT- rso.Av? I DUNC,.'r-!-' THINK. IM H.C. Up.derlake.r8, Phone 41. OoevT AND aHE. -j -J ctt' r- You'll like our joa.Il Consuui DOM'T eE 1 I 111 WITH" aiTt W l f I era Coal Co. Phone 7. If ;SOCH A r For Taeksco fone six -vr- m wmn craLsjfcaBa secn-ale." Itob Arthur. If What you have been .waiting for another Gyro Hoedown on May Pay If F s .Mrs. A, :i:tapperlon has again entered Hip Prince lluperf Hos pital suffering with rheumatism Ladysmi.lh - Wellington, "Hie best," alio "Peerless," "smoke less." Prince Rupert Goal Co. tf Moose . annual Memorial Ser view, Sunday, April 19, at 3 p.m. in Melrnpnlc Hall. Fverybody cordially invH.e.d. 92 Mrs. W. S. Fisher and her daughter, Miss Louie Fisher, who 'have hppn visiting for some, lime in Seattle ami Victoria, .have pro-pppilprl to Washington, D.C., to visit with Mrs. Fisher'.s daughter, Mrs. I. X. Linne.ll. neeeiveil our new lock ol Pratt's Haby Cliick Food un.l poultry supplies; Fteiseh man's dry yeast; garden anil fielJ seeds; Sprall's hird and doj supplies, and our famous Fdson Coal. Phone 58. Prince Rupert Feed Co. j Tenders wern received by the hospital hoard lasl night for two range boilers with fillings installed. The lenders were II. I.ater-neau $.100.85; Smith' & Mallelt, ?-'71 and Waller I.ongwill, 280. Smith & Mallelt were awarded thn contract. The cost of hospital operation for Ihe month of March was low er )Unn , the previous nionlh the cost per patient per day being 3.05 as compared with $.1.i3 for February. There were i:i:iil hospital days compared with 0'JH for Ihe previous month. ifisnnp .. ii. nei'encier is visiting P.ort Simpson today ami Will be hn,ck to nfliciale at cere- nionies tomorrow In connection jvilli the jopening of the new l Andrew's Anglican Church. Mrs. ejencir reurns on Ihe Princess Healrice lo.lay to Vancouver. j At a general ine.efing of the I.OJl.K. held .last night in the city polictvvcolirl it was decided not to send a delegate In Ihe Provincial Chapter annual meeting which -will he held in Vancouver on April 23. Mrs. A. U. bepencier is being requested lo represent Prinri; llupert at this meeting. . I.as.l .nlgfit Mrs. U. Mcln-osh, Fourth Avenue Wi'st, en tertained (piielly in honor of Mrs.A. XJ. Depencier and parly today, before Mrs. Depencier sailed on the Princess Healrice for Vancouver, Mrs. Fred Stork. Allln AvetlllP v:i n lirialn&a In her. Yesleixjay, aflenmou, Mr. DeJ'encier Visiled ihe llidley Home. : Alex Danes, l i yoat .old In dian hoy, was brought lo Ihe city yesterday by Provincial Con stable 11. Gibson from Port Ks jinglnn to face I rial on a charge of stealing a 50 bill from Japanese. He was coi.ni.iiil led Sot trial by. Stipendiary Magistrate 1,1. F. Mcl.end and will come up before. Judge Young fur election pn Monday. Letters from .the, American Consul were read al the hospital board .meeting last night in which reference was made, in a recent donation of books Jo .the hospital library from the American Mer chant Marine. Incidentally Mr Wakefield said in one of hit corniuuiiicalions that Ihe Ameri can ,wa.pie.g4 vho Jiad bee,u pal tori Is a.l the. hosnilal sitnko v.c'.l of (lie Irealnient they received n (be local io-slil utton. NOyNCCMENT9 Catholic Spring Sale, after noon of April 20. Melropolo Hall followed by social evening. .. i, Tennis Club Hall, Friday, April Ilidlpy Home Sale, Thursday, May 7. tf Olof Hanson rPlJiniPd on yes terday afternoon's train from the interior. Catholic Spring ;Sale Monday jf(eriin(n In Melropole Hall. Social in cvenlngV U2 Two new cars at your service. lay and night. Moderate charges 'hono lied Nil. C. V. Symes. tf Moose annual Memorial Ser . 9 vice, Sunday, April l!t, at .T p.m. in Metropole. Hall. Fveryhody cordially inviled. ill Harold McRwen, (T.n. division freight agent, returned on yes- lerday afternoon's train from a trip to the interior. John Ilore, district superintendent of government telegraphs relumed on yesterday afternoon train from a trip to the interior on jlcparlmcnal business. I. I.. HIain, contractor, lias taken overF.. II. Slicokleys slock of.. double dressed -lumber, sash and doors. Also llic agency for I. Fyfe Smilli Ltd. hardwoods. For harutsawlng and planiuff. jobbing and repairing, phone Blue 2C8. If Clytle lleJler, president of Ihe llelmonl-Surf Inlet ;old- Mininsr Co., reached the city last night on the company boat after pay iug one. of his periodical visits of inspection ,lo the .Surf Inlet work ings. He will proceed to Phila- elphia on tonight's train. Mr. and Mrs. I). V. Whitehead of Port Arthur reached the city on yesterday w;ifernoon s train ind are registered at the Prince l.luperl Hotel. Mr. Whitehead h the represenlalive of an Fastern conlrurling concern and his bus iness here is in connection with Ihe elevator' eonst ruction. SI. fieorge's Day! 0e your Ijckets and gel Ihe winning num ber for the special prize. It is worth having. Kxlra good prizes for the whist drive. Also a novelty dance ,in Hostpu JIall, irjl 23. at 8 p.m. sharp. Tickets may bo obtained from Mesdames l.eek, Howe, Jlciuinings, Snieelon, Cox and Wilton. Slafl Captain Carrutliers who lime receully ,held-;iyUnled niecti scouts."' Cerlificales Vnff rcgis- Iralion were pysenled from Cornmissioner C. Hicli. ,of Win nipeg and .names were chosen fop the local I roups. The Seoul chose "llupert Troup" and lh? girl guards "The Northern Star." HEART TROUBLE I SHORTNESS OF BREATH I Mrs. r,po. E. Bowman, Mnrrlslinrr, Onl write: -I ain wrilior yon few llne to U-l you know of my jiHrien-e Willi Mlllurir. Heart and .Nerve I'llls. Two years tgn I Ixraine very ifrlr with my heart aril iwrvet anil whenever I took lt lra.t little liit ut eerrli my heart would ?tarl to jitnip and rinlter. I rould mil walk ii-.talrs wIIIkiiiI ruvlnx to sit down and rest Ijefore I was hair-way up, on arroiinl of my hrealh Im-unlar o slmrl. I rommened taklnr MILBURN'S HEART AND NERVE PILLS ami In no time I felt a rt Improve ment, and ran now heartily rerojwneiiir inem in an those who are irouliled with any affeetioD of the heart." II. k .. Pill are for sale at all dnur and rmeral More; mt up only hy Tlie I T Milhurn Co- Limited. Toronto. Ont. Al the hospital board meeting last night the donation of lii(i from the lied Cross Socie-ly tn- wtird the eiiiipiuenl M the case room was acknowledged and Hie donors thanked. The check wns sent by. the secretary. Mrs. Mary S. lnrrissey. The n,ne!jon iif laundry work was dioftyssed at snni,e length by Hip Hospital Hoard al its iiieeliuv last night and finally die lenders of tlie two local latindrk-4 were accepted and Hie fonimiilcc instructed in make n contract for the work, Jo the end of January I92C. There vas a meeting of the hospital board lasl night at which those jjiresenl were S. K. Campbell, chairman, and Messrs Christie, Waugh, Flkitis, Thomp son, . McKtrliilie.. and Secrelary Ilirch, . Mrs; Pai-Mtits aiid'.Mis McCaul, lady siiperinlenilciil, and Dr. Tremayile. Mr. and Mrs. Fniil I'rell and family of Astoria, arrived in the city yesterday afternoon on Hie Princess Mary lo lake up their resilience here for the .summer. Mr. Urell comes here nuniially'ln lake charge of Hie export if mild cured salmon from local can neries for Atucrieyn interests. Having 100 Uuis of freighl fo.r Prin,re Ituiierl, C.P.Il. sleanier Princess Mary, Cajil. C. .C. Safn)ey which .arrived 'al 'i:? yes'icrdnyfj e.jiioo.1.!, Jd Aiio el away jor ii.ie norm iiniii ii in the evening. Tfie vessel had about 00 passengers ulmurd for Alaska ports. bumper load of : uikoiu'i "will come, north on l.h.c steamer nex' trip it is expected. I 1Wj.v , FlKHintMliW SIMICIAI. TACKETS DouUe Hit I CHtST 42 win Pttllllil ! roomy - MAUt IK c: TOWERS A Fisherman s Suit To Suit vThe Fishermen I p'y f in. JiUi iruifr brcait mere fly front rcmovci my pouibility of nett or line catching. P"1 9 PKm. very roomy and pouble ply, Poth (armenti art made in yellow and have a very toujh wearing iwrface. Made by Canada'a foftmct waterproof elothini ntaratureri. in auea M ,to 46. Qn Sfih ey FitUrman Supply nrrcAcnd Jnsuf upon getting a genuine Tpwer's Waterproof TOWEPv CANADIAN LIMITED TWUIYTO VANCOUVER WINNIPEG MONTREAL HALIFAX 22 lFcjw ! ' 1 lie ' Amy llarrisi was .ine.d $25 in Hie .city pohre court Mils morning for inlo.uculion. W. K. Cn.lHou, Indian Agent, relumed on Ihe Vn.luro this morning from a trip to the Naas lliver on depart mental Uosiiioss. Hev. Oenrge O. Hacker, pasl.or of Hie .Heltuiijisl ChAirch, is ctui-fiued . the. .b,oui" for a fj'w lays. wilJj ii,n attack of Jonsililis. Wjllhun Ware, nfllcial n lle Hudson Hay 41o., arrived in Hie city from the interior im yesterday afternoon's train and js sailing for Ynnmmcr liid.iy. Miss Alice P. Mnc.ilougall .of New Westminster arrived in the city from the interior oh yesterday afternoon's train and sailed this morning on Ihe Venture for Hip south. C. P. IUpI Is leaving on the Princess Healrice tonight for (lanlner Canal on busines In connection with Ihe Prince. Rupert Spruce Mills for which con cern he Is limber, scaler.' In celebration , of the opening of Ihe new Anglican Church to morrow, the other congregations in town will join in Ihe morning service. Hishop ,De Pencier will be the preacher of Ihe day. Ser vices will be held at 8 and 1 1 ;c. in. and 2.30 ainj 7.30 p.m. r- Charles Harrelt, well known Harrell Lake rancher, returned on Hie I'rince.ss .Mary yesterday afternoon from n trip south and will proceed to IJift interior on loiuglil s train. He is accom panied by his niece, Mis Daisy Whyle of Vancouver, who will pav a visii lo thc'rammis Man ell ranch. C.P.Il. sleamer Princess Heal rice, Capl. T. ('lille, vhich is ilue in jirl (his afternoon from Van couver and wayporls,. wil.l make long slay her haying some ' Ions of cement lo unload at Albert & McCalTery's dock. The iiiosl of Ibis cement wHI be used in Ihe .elevator foundalinn r.pn- I ruction. Notice thai ll.i.e city was about lo remake- Fourth Avenue anil charge the cost of part of Hie woxk against J he properly owners wa received bv MliV bos'. merijng ilfid -nleil Rafter Aniui riuejjHons had be.n asLeil re garding it. TJi.is. will afTecl Hie hospital frontage. Al a i.i.iecliijg of Hie hospital board Jasl nighl Jhe receipt was acknowledged of a special grant from the Provincial government of 1, 0(10. This had been secur ed through the member for Ihe d'ricl, Hon. T. D. PalluUo, nnd f ilowed a coufere.tice wllU Jin cliaiiaian, S. K. Cauipbell, during Hie ncenl visit of the ininisjcr. W. (I. Watson, who is in,l,er esled in the I,akel(o Lake sum mer resort, arrived from the soulh ,o,n Hie- Will. lire yesterday and returned to Vancouver on the saine vessel this inornin'. lie was .accompanied by P.. t. Hauler of ancouver. Mr. WaUon ex pods lo be back h-e next uionlh and will then proceed lo J.akelsi Noininuliou of otllcers for the Wonin Canadian CU lit for .the lorllico.ming yrar Joofc pliM a' a meeiiug iu, ine .ciiy counc;i ejiamlier last nighl. Up elvcl.w;) will lake place at the annual meeting which will be I.ipUI In tendance of mcinljcrs. DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word in advance. No Advertitement taken for lets thin 50c SMAI.I. FLAT Wauled uiodei'K) Furiilthed preferred. Particulars lo Hox 2 13, Daily News Olllce. 113 l YPFWIUTINil desk wnnli-d, He- ply lo llu 2H Daily News ollice. . 02 FOR SALE FO.Il SAI.K Completely eipiipped pleasure boat. 30 x 'J, 15 h. p. Iterlhs for four persons. New and In first class condition. A bargain for quick sale. Apply Hox 212 Daily News Ollice. FOIl SALIV-Five brooding hens; lies) breed Khode Island lied. Apply Hox 215 Dally News Office, or phone itlaek 338. If OASHOAT for alo. New, 2tl feel lonp. 5-7 horse potter engine. Apply .Caretaker, Ynulit Club. If FOIl SALH Aulo-knitling maHi-ine, in good condition. Montgomery's Store. FOIl SALF. - - Household furniture, nit:. V. W. Moerscli. Phone 13. J0 HOUSES FOR SALE SIX rooms and balh. Two lots flood location 3300.00 Five rooms and bali. Section 5 42.ooo.nu Double corner with good house Section 5 42,150.00 finnd small house. Section 7. 41.000.00 Terms may be arranged. McCalTrey ,v (iibbous, Ltd. TO RENT FOIl HHN'I'. Three large house keeping rooms, furnished com-plele. 218 Second Ave. P3 FIIIINISIIKD Housekeeping Suilo for wal. U0 Sixth Avenue, Fast. Phone Mm 278. tf m IlKNI'. Suite, five rooms. bath, aud range. Apply (I. P. Tinker. Tel. 57. tf FHl HKNT.- -Furnished house, six rooms. Phone .(ireen 103. FOIl HKNT. Clapp apartment . .Wesletihaver. llros,. ,tf APAHT.MFN t for rent in Meeker Hlock. Phone lied 007. 05 BOARD nOAIlI). The Inlander, 830 Second Avenue. Phono 137. HOAIII) AND HOOM, or hoard only. Phone I ted 707. LOST LOST. - Lady's gold bracelet watch. Finder please return lo Daily News ollice. KNITTED GOODS SWF.ATF.MS and all kinds of knileod goods made lo order Phone Mack 305. tf MONUMENTS P. LeClalro Snb. J'.Q. No. I. Prince llupert, H.C. Agent for OranlU, Marble and 8tone Monuments and Headstones. The meeting of Ihe Prince l(u perl lliilepayers' Association wiich was lo have been address cd by City Treasurer D. .1. Mallie son last nighl did not material. in" oniy meuiners present were Pjesidont John Dylihavn. .1. V McKlnley, Mr. nnd Mrs. S. Jotin- son and Secreiary Arlliur Hrooks- May. Leflal.ii changes in llivjizr, there not being a (pioruni ...lliul II 1,1 Ir. .. nl,. rlnollu Tl l . . . ....iiiuiiiiii ,wnr unoping ,l,asl pight. Mr?. U, A. I-Rgerl, president, yvaA in Iie ciuilr nnd lliore was a large at Cukl DuUui ih(V.I cwniil Wanted For Sale ForiRent BOATS AND LAUNCHES PIIICF.S OF fas hion: J-CYCLH Marine I'.ngiiies UILP. without clutch 4185.00 l-H.P. I cylinder MD 20.00 0-11. P. 1 cylinder III IGo.oo 8-II.P. I cylinder IIO 750.00 8-H.P. 2 cylinder Ml) 150.00 Ift-H.P. I cylinder I.D .75.00 All the above exrepl the first include the Famous Jons He-verse Hear, and full eleelrieal and propeller eiuipiiient. .The best thai money can buy. Fast hope llros., 1717 (leorgia SI. W. Vancouver, H.C. Always nt your service. STENOGRAPHER Public Stenographer E. M. EARL Ofllce: Dollar Store, Third Ave. Phone: lied 32 1. SHEDDON TAXI 134 Anywhere al Anytime. Five pas senger Dodge Sedan Comfort and Courtesy. Hales: 50c for I or 2 passengers, 25c for each additional passenger. PHONE 134 MARINE TAXI SERVICE .AUNCH '-'Oh Haby" at your ser vie, day jor iiight. Comfort-Safety-Courtesy. If it's a water (rip call Laurie I.ambty. Phones 570 or I3I. TAXI 592 rilF DFPKNDAHLF TAXI. Daj and Nlaht service. Comforl and Courtesy is my motto. PHONE 592 CONRAD LEE Stand: Richmond Rooms. TAXI Taxi 67 Phone (Call George, Paul or Oust Prompt Service and Comfort ' Day or N1M Stnnd: .1088 BROS. POOL ROOM Meaker Elook, , Across from Ttmnrss llotei FURNITURE WK handle the ! AWCKT1 guaranteed copper bearing Steel Ranges nnd all grades of high grade furnllure wo ex change. PRINCE RUPERT EXCHANGE, Auclloneers FURNITURE. New and Secondhand Furnl.-ure Store. We Duy. Sell and Fx. change New and Secondhand Goods. GEO. PAPADOPULI9. 839 Third Ave. Phono COLUMBIA RECORDS NFW Process Columbia Records no scratching. Finest re- nroducllons of latest Fox Trots. Songs and Instrumental music by world famed artists Call in and hear litem. PRINCE RUPERT MUSI0 STORE, Third Avenue NORTHERN TRANSFER Call for Haggage and Kxpress Norlhem Transfer. Day Phone Red 213. Mglil phone Oreen 307 W. H. MONTGOMERY, JR. PRINCE RUPERT TIDES t f Sunday, April 19 High 10:58 a.m. 18. 1 ft. 23:31 p.m. 10. 1 " Low 5:03 ii.m. 0.1 " 1722 p.m. I.I " Monday, April 20 High 11:51 a.m. J0.3 f.i, Low 5:58 a.m. h.A " 18:09 p.m. 4.0 " UtiaJ, win ni ill':l- rriiir, t; Ollllllit,. i , -ha uimIim - pttlltrit u al iin.ivk.1 , tro-i ii. , trlii . r i .... 4 .1. Ill I h i, ' In il i llllTl i watrrlK ,i i t " urr li. . I- l. i.f II.. v nr .1 I II r . , If VHII I U"i piraili.ii . i ll flrt i i TnUIrr u ., r aiiu Work- al l r-ir aiM fur Iriiit i pir. Iiami ii day (f M 1 1:1 I. If, I ftl ll V ix tut Ihr l-u. for 'I Hlnrk il',' i City nf I itti-n i. of aV atxiw laift- 1 orrirt ii '"ii Ihr MMran ii i th rtrt ; rtlfi''i' in UV mm rank IIUV I ilah niimbrri-i! i ir t I Unit n-1 rrn. V (! I, Willi:!" ' F V i-is t i ,- . ,-i u- Kmii'd IW. I IK' rhlmv lo lb. tut - of llw k ! 'l .'i v.. rnnl-lliir r AVuiK War imi IHOM'. .t- WWI1- I Pltltllr - ' k (iriji la ' aflfrti""' HiUMlnr ' .IV Tim ' W i: Mb - ! J t Imntint t- ptlnrr nup' " April 1 !" LAND CT in rnn"!; nt TkK MiTli E l'l bn.ki'r. hi'- ' ' piurlu I"' il ' CI I.IHIIIII win I h nf ih Hlllm i '' i in thMirf "i "' X' cliln: n" ' 1 11 ra-niTly mi'iweiii'Ui ' Mtr.ni v: n.iifii Ar - WATER NOTICE- TAk'F 1 1 Parln is isis ' nunpr. li 1 " . Ukr ami 1 waifr "Hi imrthwi'-ii' llm-hiilll at' 1.0 illV.'H' -l f . I - - I annul "' ,"'1 , H""!. 1 i t " ;i.t fi r "a I mill in ninitlwT Thl. tint tl. ",' L .1 , inp :iru . ., .., ...i. ...,n,', an" . ' .. nil.-. .' , .i,. - iu.m.111 ami l! ,u .,i.., i iii ttii! ' . r rnrd'T. T " " 1 l' f n. inn 't- i i... i u. ii, 1 . . ,r wit' j r , irnnri . ' ... , i , .,an U iniiliimK' i 'wrt. .lays rn- r.A.'' & in " iioiiri- . -. II. K ' 1 ' 7 rtftSh IN THt SU&II ' . .... M.uor itf . alia IW At J Ill li"- ," "'! r mr fvt, . in tho Msltw .cd. it"? 3 J- . f ttlll'Jtw . fl .J itniinr r Mr"-.;., t I mil. n,irll" inn ' on. !'"''" " .1. M . n-iiiiln-i' ' ,,r n1,, V" bank, D.tcrt the tn