" "Us l TAXI I and I lir Oliver r.'Milence I IHJIIlU :nl ui niiil iii iirevcnl it KSKY Hll inAY.N -www w msmm a v NOT A BONUS BUT FOR RECUPERATION lie hi if holidays fur was ii Jsrnssru n I lie no-j Ihiii ; tasi iiishl at the '! ul' mty liail n rulitiir on1 i'Mif thai hnliduyn viri nnl lltlllr A'l1 Til... t. k r.ltl..il II lll'f III ll linn I nii.ilikl'lilty if i n til" i uiiiih and were not lo he ' 1 i II II II IIIIIIIIM WIIII'II I'l ieei neil when Hie.V left r I'iy of Hie hospital. II (V lUilll.l ... I I I I I'"lliluy. il ns i.iitnli'.l nut. ""iird had aliea.lv ileeided 1 '"HI d was siisMM-sli..! tlml "iK shoulil lm looked up kf np nrunwcuiDc IS MUCH IMPROVED I I VI,.... " '' l. i,i,l H 'III.. Ilnkol ""Muiiilm-,., Wn KiilTei-i-.l a , his Insli ,.,, ,.lir "Mill .... . . . " ' ' VII ,1111 M JH., '"'''I Ihllrli inn ...I .....1 II... "l'unu ii mi nr "I'"'1 fin his hiai lo re- Ii ii FPTlfiM innni i u i t i ii r r wi n -vii ni i Liflli JUDGMENT RESERVED V M;oL VI :u ,,,i ih. 1 1 i i i . ' "" I'een resened by '.u i - ,,r ....... . . . ' in .imiiitii ii. ii... .... " ''Uincrwoiii ri-imi u u" Mr. Jii.ii,... v III. I. .. . t . v ... 4.. ..,, Ul.,l .... .. ... . , u 'I'l Ii 11 ' '"I II K Ilkiii.i1 Mil . . 1 ...... . . "it ui ine hcis- M.'tf " 'in iiry. "muiih I t DIES 111 IK ..... ... K Ii - ' '" WIUI'II'H 00, president "Miilk VII TV i. i ...... I I " " moi'tiing. recently swamp land hut hud Itei'ii rouVerleU into a Iwan 1 j Till artificial lake with hundred uf eleclric lights and a dance floor. RIVAL RAILWAYS GET TOGETHER TO ELIMINATE WASTE MONTR KAL. April 18.-A definite proposal for (he sclf-cliniation of the duplication of services hy Ihc Canadian National uud '.aiiuliiin I'neifin Hallways is under consideration, ar-emiliny tu statements made hy Sir Henry Thornton and .1. II. Ileatly. IfctllLI... . . 1 1 . . .1 . . . r II.,. . IT . " " " t t -w- . MVIF1F , 7.. I.V"..7 17 ill. " I MAKING INQUIRIES FOR ALBERTA LANDS Kli.MO.VION. Aid. IK Xuiiier. ous inquiries are leiiik' received from the fulled Stales and ..It..., tit.rldi.r I'.minihi fiskiniy the iHitikiiiion I. and Office for information on homestead pros, peels ami iii'rieullural opportunities. Tlic majority durinjr Ihc past few days hac had rejrard lo (lie Peace Ilfvcr and (irande Prairie dislricls. WiliiiiiiBlon, :alir.: Stillwaler. Vancoiixcr and Victoria, Dunkirk. Pnnl Homme and Dal-tiuny. Sask.. are anions the places recently heard 'from, and n considerable number of sclller are in prospect from these, points. Full Information has been forwarded Ihcin. Letters received at Ihc land office Inst month totalled i,?0H, whjle 5.738 Idlers were sent nut. Homestead entries for March, it i" reported, were exactly the same in number ux those for the correspondinR moulli of !at year. OLD COUNTRY FOOTBALL Enqllsh League, Dl. I. Arsenal 5, lluniley 0. slou Villa I, I'reslou N.K. . Itlackliurii Hovers I. Sunderland I llurv I, IlirmhtKhaiii I. Iludderstleld lown (I, Cardill city 0. I.iserpool '.rollenham llolspurs u Manchester C. I, I I" l unci -. Newcastle I (t, lUdlou Wan'crs I Noltinjjhaiu Forest 0, llroinwich Albion I. Shellield S, Nolls County n. West ham U ., I'.verlon I. Scottish League, Division I. Airdrieouian 2, Hiberniaii 0. Celtic I, Ijuecuspark 1. HearU I, Dundee 0. Kllinarnock-SI. Jolinclone, not played. Morion 2, KaiMi Hover. Partlck Thislli" I. St. Mlrreit .1. Third Lanark I, Falkirk 0. Molherwell I, Hanger Advertise In Ihc Daily News. 4 beiiiK etpiippcd by Jlill 00 Chapter I.O.I .ll. was discussed by the Hospital Doard last nijrlit. S. K. Campbell, ctiatrmait. said he llioupht they should go' to the public for the money. The j nature of the institution dc-1 maiiiled public support. Hill 00! Chapter I.O.D.F.. had done n al 1 work In raising k.Miii in h- spen! f on Hie equipment ami the H'-d Cross had also aided lull now he i thought the public should hcj uiwn an opportunity to subscribe. To pul in (lie ward iti was necessary lo move the case! room lie-. lairs-4i ml the csjimntrd cost of -rreryHtiier wiis-Blyg-iHi. J. I.. .Christie said he llioiiht the Mini could be collected by May 1. .Miss .Mc'.aul. lady superintendent, said 'at present H'mre was no place lo pul children. They could hardly t,'o into the inen's ward and the only allcrnalixc was the woman's ward. There they disturbed Hie, female patients as women were always disturbed iT they heard a child cry. They could nol use a private room as there was already a hi? demand for those. .Mr. Campbell said Hie present condition did not make for the best work and he tliouuhl if people realized thai they would lie willing lo stib.Tribe Hie money. On million of Alderman Drown seconded by J. L. Chrislie the chairman was authorized lo appoint a, rommillee to i-ro into the matter and take action. ALBERTA IS ASKING TENDERS ON BONDS FDMONTOX, April IK. A new Alberln debenture Issue id" $.'t,-71(1.0(10 is lo be made on April 25, and Ihc provincial treasurer is now' calling Tor lenders. About 200 financial houses in Canada ami the Lulled Slates are being uoliricd. The new debenture will bo Tor I lie purpose of refunding an issue of $1,000000 maturing May 1, and the balance of $200,000 will be taken from Hie provincial sinking funds, the debt or the province lkelng reduced by thai aiiKiuut. CAR OF SEED POTATOES REACHES PRINCE GEORGE FIIF.DF.IIICKTO.N. N.ll., April IK. A car load of potatoes ship ped from New Drunswiek ha reached Prince (irorifr. D.C. ten .days brier shipment. WALES PLAYS IRELAND TO SCORELESS DRAW WltKXIIA.M, April 1. Wales and Ireland played a scoreless game of soccer Unlay In the in Icrnalionul mulch, the result be ii k a draw. doc ric 5 BOSTON GRILL Large Upstair Dining Hall, t I with newly laid dancing floor for hire. Suitable Jor Anywhere I '"''.irjc,,, dances, banquets and wed. ding parties. and 6th " i;v.. " ' PRINCE RUPERT For rat, apply to Boston' MATT VIDECK, Prop. Orill, Third Ave. Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Phone 457. II . Oil, Vi- PH1.NCJK HLTFJIT, H.C.. SATl HDAY, Al'ItlL 18. IW3. Yeitrdr' Circulation, 1475 Strut BiIm 401 PRICE F1VK CENTS. REAT RECEPTION TO PRINCE OF WALES NT-ltRROKST MOVEMENT IN R I.GARIA IN WHICH MANY HM IMS f i j . . f n ar necepnon to mnce a Gorgeous Spectacle KWO. M'ril IS. The Prince of Wales, who has witnessed mi'sxmi one ui me most m in ii i; ami ro octui sncc nc rs nr c.irrrr ui the Dllt'liur Ivor, lie reccu ion or the mi He ncinccs us ir Tn Hie unerasing lliruli of tomtom and tlic weird strains :.n r or heslrus more tiian l'0,oou African troops in brilliant it- reviewing siami lor several Hours KtA KN U DO VIOLENCE Oliver That Ooukhobors After Him I' Itriu 1 .MO II I". I "Hi - iihng a message : iv Pri'tiiicr Oliver ii -iti'i The Doukho- i violence In your -"u ift'sOl) befr'Tfie . i . . ... i . I . : 1 1 II A", IMtll I Jlkl Mill, HOSPITAL WARD FOR CHILDREN Need Set Forth by Directors and Lady Superintendent at Meeting APPEAL TO PU3LIC Committee Will be Appointed to Consider Matter and Take Action Tliu ni'i'il ir a children's ward and Ihc possibility of raisiun 1.200 necessary in do Ihc pre tic scene of (he review was i liminary work prior to the ward At luiigsville .Ontario, is a bird sanctuary condjirlrd ly Jack Miner. Canadian iialtirali-l, author and lecturer, who provides" food and shelter for birds, whelhcr during inlgru-'-. 'ury eason ur for .Uuiljiorury abode -M . Shipping Combine is Defended w House of Commons by British Manager of Chamber of Shipping OTTAW A,, April IS. A defense of llu conference ysieni in effect among North Atlantic Steamship lines was made befoic the cotnniillce of the IIoti.se of .Commons on oceun rales by Jlenry Uleiiiou, general manager of Hie chamber of shiijiing ol the United Kingdom. He lold Hie corinnillee thai, those win) controlled Die merchant fleets in Canada, Ai'wlralhi and Ihc Urn-led Stales had "found il essential in Hie interests of their ship pers lo confer as lo .rales." The allegation made by Preston, who investigated the matter for the Canadian gou'rntnent, thai steamship companies formed a ciganlic world romiliine vt which the Nor'ti'i Atlantic conference was but a part, was untrue. Cleinson said. Siirh a world combine was an Merry Widow from Pittsburg Jazzed up London Society by Entertaining in a New Manner i lly Sylvia Muyfuir, LONDON, Kug., April IS. Canadian Prcs's Ihc social game in London cost? Mrs. Harry It widow of Pillsliiirg, Da., oilghl lo be able lo . Whal Drown, the i Val v ' at II pnv ii I'll 1 1 good idea ol il by Ihc lime Ihis season is over. Lasl sumiiiT Mrs. Drown look .Norfolk House, Ihc young Duke or Norfolk- town mansion, and besides jazzing up London lo an unprece dented exlcut slie did whal nobody had ever done before her, namely, had Hid Prince of Wales lo breakfast after all all nifc'bt treasure hunt, iuid hud Hie firmuus American dance 'bands I'roni the Hotel Saoy to play for him as he ale his bacon and egg. Counsellor in London helped lo Now Mrs. Ilrowu has lakeiU,nuk,. Mrs. Drown receptions Spencer House, a bigger iiimii-j ,,uk like pages of lebirll; and siou than the otliV'i tho Cor- nuVv another name, one of the uelius Vamlerbill had il lasl ,IU, pruininenl Lonijon society year and she has hinted to her. Vumen thuuyh slightly inipe Irien.ls Ilial slie Is not going lo 'cuniou is ineiilioned as her so-. i . i. , i . . . . rest on ner laurels, jrue, niuiu : eiiil sionor. I hat is a very is no Wales to be enlerlaiued! ,.xpensie item. Ibis cummer but there are hiii brothers. London is begiuiiingj to lick its lips, nol altogether) iii'daphorically either,, because Mrs. Drown s banquets and re-j ceptions were fatuous for their rare foods and wonderful chain-pague. If Mrs. Drown were ever induced ;hich, of course she never will be lo tell Hie world what her social triumphs have cost her she would have lo write a good deal off for her 'Mailing lists." II i fairly well known in Loudon thai Mr. Post Wheeler, Hie wife .'( the former Anierieaiii DEATH LIST IN BOMB OUTRAGE LONDON. April IK The death list from Hie big bomb outrage in Svcli Krai Cathedral at Sofia lias reached 100. Including five member of the Hulgariaii Pur liuinenl. Many of the wounded are expected Li die. Advertise in Hie Daily News Reprisals in Bulgaria Follow Bombing and Attempt on King Boris 1- - II I I I II n I t SOFIA, April lti. Tic Hulfe'ariun government is taking cxliuonliiiary measures to prevent l'liillier development of the terrorist campaign which was marked Ijv an allcnipl aga iist King .Doris and Hie loinbiiig of llie-cathedral of Hvoli Krul. Laige numlieis of commiiiiisls and iigrarians have been arrested and il. js reported a number oT commiiuibts were killed during the uiglil following the outrage in Hie cathedral us a ro still oi the deep reeling or. Hit populace over thai arfair. Sjreei trafric in So Ha is. proliiliiled and soldier? patrol 1 lie city. All stores are being closed. VANCOUVER THIEVES CARRIED OFF SAFE OPENED ON STREET VANCOCVKH, April IK. - Thieves entered the premises id the .Mrl.c Han, McCarler Feed Co. early this morning, curried the safe lo Ihc street on a hand truck, where they opened il willi limls taken Trom the -road repairing outfit and escaped with cash estimated at l.0O(). MANY mSElS LOST Cyclops was Larne Ship About Which Many Theories are Extant WASIllNHTON. April 17. - Morn than 1,000 American iiaval men have gone down lo watery graves In a score ol vessel lliut have disappeared from the face f tho earth, without a truce. From the brij: Reprisal, losl in September, 1777, lo Hie lug Ciinesloga, that disappeared in the Pacific In 1H2I, there i a liapler of nuvul history on which the navy tiepurlmeul is ible lo Hi row but little light. Ou.l .standing among the uuac-ouuled forcraH in' modern day is (he naval collier Cyclops, cou- erning vvliich Ihere is a Ina.e of fuuciful thWuy, but no olliclal fuel. Naval vessels have searched Hie sea for tidings of these missing craft, but their fate r-niains a mystery. Naval ollleers consider me case ol ine iyciop. unusually puzzling, for she was equipped wlllt radio uud appar ently encountered no storms, her cuntuiu lasl renurliuur ull well and fair weather. She was 51 feet long, 05 feel beam, and of lli.ooo Jons. Theories ,e,iI that the Cyclop vvns improperly loaded and spill in two; thai her inachliieiy was disabled and her radio put oul of commission and that slie was scuttled, and Dial an enemy submarine destroyed her. but ofllrial information re- ardiug her is wholly lucking. SCOTTISH DISASTER (JRF.F.NOCK, Scotland, April IK. Mttny persons were k lidiul ? Many person were killed in u disaster al Ihe reservoir. The nature of Hie accident i nol described in Ihe- despatches. DENIES ELECTIONS OTTAWA, April IK. lion. II. S. Deland denied the reports attributed lo him that the election will be held in October. WRINC EPF A VI ID K IXUUl VllUlUULt 1 V1V lllLl LIGHT GRAIN LOADINGS "Deliveries Over C.N.R. to Van . : couver Since Last August Number 3662 Cars Wl.NNIPF.O, April IK. The spring break-up-'and consequent t u I., !. muii iiitiii.-s i in miimiit ine FOOT AND MOUTH coun try districts reduced the delivery i i.iK.vi-4iiu:-JjVEcfuriiers iiifjvuLiilrv elevators, on Canadian' National tines in the Western province during' the period April 111 lo April 10, according lo I he weekly (grain loadiny report issued" by ) the Canadian National today, a ! ii.iiiilti.ifi imii li.i.ilili'Tw ,.f M.i. WITHOUT ANY TRACE ! Mi below Hie one thousand mark for Hie first lime in several, weeks. A total of K2.713 cars containing 1 1 1,0'ja.OOO bushels have been loaded over Canadian Nulionul lines since!! August first, the loadings duriugR lasl week bein K85 curs con- laiuing 1,221,000 bushel. Su- kulciiewuii willi 071,000 irmdiels loaded during the weeks loadings Alberta 227,0110 bushels. " Deliveries lo Vancouver from Aiigusl 1, H2V to April 15, 11125? have lieen 3,002 car. The lotiil vrrain reported in store al tlJS. point at midnight April 10, wasr L'J03,0(0 bushels, DISEASE REGULATION " HAS BEEN SUSPENDED VANCOUVER, April 18. -Wtui was received tndiiy rrom Otluw4 that Hie fool and mouth disease teulatiou prohibiting the im-? portulion into Canada of good packed in straw 1iad been sus peinleil on coudilioii Hint Hie itu porter pay. Hie cosl oT fumigut-iug Ihe goods ul a fumigation sluliim. It is assumed It ere thai such a station will be established in Vancouver shortly under Dominion supervision. CLAPTON WINNER OF AMATEURJOOTBALL. LONDON. Aprjl Clapton won the Fiiglish Football Association cup for amateur leums. defeating Solithall two trials lo one. BASEBALL American Doslon I, Philadelphia 3. Chicago .1, Detroit t). Cleveland l,.Kl'. Louis 0. Washington 0, New Vork I. National New Vork 2, Hostpn 0. SI. Louis R. Clncinnulli C. Pittsburg it, Oliieago 0.