PAfiR TWO THE DATL? X Fragrant and Pure if SALAD A The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA plcas$; everybody, nHilJlitlf' adopt In policy of give aVdnatf II H805 is Kept deliciously fresh in airtight aluminum foil packets. Never sold in bulk. Try it. Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. II. F. PULLEN, Managing Editor. Advertising and Circulation Telephone - 98 Editor and Reporters Telephone ... 86 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. UAIL) KLWTIOH Friday, May HK 1925. No Need To Worry About This Paper. It) writing opinions day liy day on three, four or five dif-feiuMit; subjects each issue of Ihe paper, we are humid' to clif lei n jrreiit deal from many of our readers. Now and then we make mistakes and sometimes we over-emphasize matters which secniVhi us important luil which perhaps with a wider perspective might not he so. i 1'jje other day, when endeavoring lo stir up sonie interest in j the u'ljildren's ward for Hie hospital we trod on Ihe toes ol f'&iiH' of Ihe women, as we intended to do. In some piarl,er we are told we raised somewhat of a hornet's nest and Ihe hor-nels djd considerable buzzing. We are glad, uf it. if women spent jess time at afternoon bridge and silly leas and did more ue fill; work in.-lead, the city would he much belter. However,, thai fsnot our business. The, ladies can ca'rry on their affaiifci any yay.they wish. We would not dare lo say what they should do. All we would like would be lo see the children's ward jirn-perly established ami we have sufficient faith in the men and women of this community to believe they will do it. A gooll beginning has been made. Lord Leverhulme Was Great Man. Lord Leverhulme was a generous and discerning patron of man. or course he had Me reels in Ins character, as all grat men have. The greatness never extends all the way round. Lord Lverhiilme was a generous and discerning patron ol panning. A lew years ago there was a good deal of amusement over Jus differences wilh two celebrated mirtrail painters to whom lie sm for"" his portrait. " In Ihe first instance the paint ing was reiumeu to me painter Willi llie head cut out. It wa al once explained that Ihe return of the mutilated painting w.i entirely unuileiitional, although Lord Leverhulme maintained his general .objections to Ihe painter's efforts. In the second instance Lord Leverhulme objected lo paying Hie .stipulated price fur a full length portrait when only a three-quarter length work .had resulted. Very naturally these incidents caused a certain amount of indignation among painters, and a not at all uncurtain amount of amusement among the general public. To Port Sunlight' Lord Leverhelme presented an art gallery and museum in memory of his wife. He made notable benefactions (o his native town of Bolton, and to Masonic and other charities. Socially he' was one of the happiest of men, and after Seventy, years of age. was often ready lo dance Ihroughoic. a whole .'program. Pertinent Things About The Tariff. " ' Huring his recent speech Mr.' ArchanHtaiilt had some pertinent things to say about the tariff mid Ihe llnbb budget. "Tin-best reason for concluding that this budget is a sound and reaoii:tltlrt one is that it lias failed lo please Hie extreme wing? of this House," said Mr. .Archamhault. "It does not please tin-high protectionist and it also does not please the free trader The biitfget reminds me of Hie altitude of Sir Wilfrid I.niiiitr (in racial and religious questions. The Tories of Ontario used to snv.lhat Sir Wilfrid wauled FYem-h and Catholic domination, and it llie time the Tories of Quebec were staling that Sir Wil frid .was .betraying his race and religion. The principle thai Sir -Wilfrid Laurier did follow should apply lo Hie 'fiscal policy anil IJciuj.Vee in litis budget Hie embodiment of that priiicipl.. Our ireoiixaiihiVnl situation 5 aiirh Midi it mean .iim disruption or Confederation." Dally Mall Service Is Needed Here. A 'despatch to Hie coal announces that Ihe postal authorities have at least consented to establish a daily instead or a ti-Aveekly hnggiig;- enr mail sen ice oji the Canadian National Railway between Edmonton ami Vancouver. That is satisfactory as it means that baggage car mail services are practicable. II is- what we have been nskintr for alternate dm-s Iipi-p The 'weak spot in the mail "service in tin west is now that ..r 41... I!.... f- i . r. . M. mi. imr neiwecn jasper ami I'rmce Unpen. Another effort should lie made to try to impress on the post office Ihe desirability of establishing such a service aiid llius giving Unpeople of this part of Ihe country a similar service to that extended other parts of Ihe west. They offered him a partnenhlp If he could Invert a little money. But he hadn't the money, and the opportunity wi gone. Don't let lack of the money ipoi! opportunity that may come to you. Wtm". One dollar will open a Union Bank Savings Aico. MS UNION BANK OF CANADA Prince Rupert Branch - H. H. Little, Manager BANQUET GIVEN BY MARIANS Members of Gyro Club Guests', of Senior Organization and Visitors From Outside OFFICERS INSTALLED Ketchikan, Portland, Seattle and Montreal Represented at Annual Event The spirit of Holary. that of cltint: In know and .tinuVrsliiiiil and help each oilier, was clearly manifested al Hie installaliou lianquyl of the local Notary filuh al the SI. Kepis ilininjr hall last ecAing when members of the (iyro Club were guests of members of Ihe llolary Club and there were also visitors from. Ketchikan, Seattle, Portland, and .Montreal. Incidentally farewell was said lo W. K. Williams,, one. of Ihe charier members of Ihe local club who left for the 'south lat night lo "establish a branch of his law business at Vancouver. In-. W. 'J'. Kergin presided during Ihe earlier pari of the evening and after Ihe installation Thomas McClymont wielded the gavel. Distinguished Guests I he distinguished guesl of the evenuiK was (mvernoi- Irank Higgs of Portland who came In install the omcers, which he did in n neat speech. Willi him wsts Harry Nuiian. president of the Ketchikan llolary Club; Hob Shaw of the Vancouver Club: llev. C. M. Van Marler of.Krlchi-! kan. X. H. Walker of Ke'lchikatr. Waller Molson of Monln-al. Frank Parrih of Seattle and Hoy McNaughtiin nresidenl of the Prince llnpert (!yro Club. The president drew alien! inn lo a new Holary slandard which is being presenled lo the nw dub at Ketchikan by Prince lliiiert similar to (he one given ihe local club by Vancouver when'lliey were funned. Dr. Kergin thanked Ihe members of the club and particularly Ihe officers for Ihe sniipoii given him during the pasl year. F. Dawson made a neatj speech in which he welcomed j the visitors and congratulated i Ketchikan on its success. Ilei Ihoughl it would be a good thing .'or Prince llnpert if they could imbibe some of Ihe Ketchikan spirit and pull together as they did for anything Ibey wanted. I'Mey were handicapped in not haviiiig a railway like lliis city hail hul in spile of that they forged ahead. The .secret of their success was that everyone I here was working for Ketchikan. Cement Good Fellowship Harry Xuuan expressed the hope that Ihe formation of the llolary Club in Ketchikan would nelp spread Hie cenienl of good leHnwship. He lived here for a number of years and was very glad lo see the improvements I hat were being made here. Hev. C. M. Van .Marler told a number of humorous slories and lobl them! well. He spoke of Hie desire of Ihe Ketchikan club lo work iri harmony with Prince Hnperl andvencoiirage. Ihe spirit 0( "gel logenier." Thomas. MrOlyinfnnt spoke of (he rpret they fell at;V. Ji Wll-liariis 'leaving. He had heeit hVfe since the early days and had always been- a good neighlxir. They would mjss him in Ihe Holary Club. Mr. Williams thanked Ihe club for Ihe expressions and told of having been here in the early days and taking part in Ihe incorporation of the rily. Hoy McXaiiighlnn, president of the (Jyro Club, spoke interestingly of the work Ihe Cyros were doing. here and thanked the Ho-larians for Ihe support in Hie enterprises. Without ihls support ley rnubl do lillle. Best in World Flunk I'arrish of Seatlle men-Honed Hie value of service clubs. In Seallle they had the best Holary Club hrtlie world. lie ad-milted it. lie told of wnme.of the work Ibey were doing and of Ihe cultivation or the International spirit. Hob Shaw of Vancouver spoke briefly and Frank Higgs gave the members of the two clubs a good deal of vood advice" nienliotYinsr V, v- " Its guaranteed pure and purity means value in soap , says Mrs. Experience, to housewives interested in saving. "Of course, you know right away that I refer to Sunlight because Sunlight is the. only laundry bar soap made in Can ada that is guaranteed pure. A $5,000 Guarantee of Purity goes with every bar; and according to the makers, this Guarantee has never once been challenged during the whole lifetime of Sunlight Soap. President. Thomas McClymiie : War' Immediate Past President. Dr. J K W. T. Kergm: Secretary. nl r.ity: Johnston; Treasurer, (ieo: Horii; l)ireciors. Jack Xicho is and 11. II. Lillle. Mike McCarfeiy, who is also a director, was o il of town. VARIED SUBJECTS OF NEW LIBRARY BOOKS; Fine Arts, Literature, Travel and History in New Volumes Recently Received I he following new honk have licen ndded lo Hie shelves of Hie Prince Hupert library: ' Fine Arts "Firsf Hook of Photpgrapliy," by a-ill.- CImifly,. .?; ' "Phjit)ogr';ipliic .VirinVpieiits,'' by Wi Ji, WudhiiHv!'3 ' x".ew Music, by -neMge Dyson. Llteratura Jean Hlewell's Poems. "Lovers or Fn gland," by fl. F. Mohcklon. "Peer Cym.'' by Henrik Ibsen. Travel : ".Mirror of the Sea,' liy Joseph Conrad. ' "Alolls of the Sdn," by Fred-prick O'Hrien. History 'Huskin, A Study In Personality?' by A. C. Henson. "David Thonii.son," by C. X. Cochrane. "Samuel de Chnniplaln," by Halpb Flenley. "The Story of, 'ihe' Canadian People," by D. M. Duncan. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert Frank Parrish. Sea'llle; Hnrry C. Xunan, C. M. Vtin.Marler. X. H. Wal'er and J. Walley, Kel-chlkan: II. W. Chamber and F. H. OnodenoHgh, JnvernoB; s. Hint Prime Hnperl had taken the Donablsori. Port Fsslnglon; Mrs. tnilialorj' steps Inward Ihe for-!"- Palllfison, Massed ; (icn. million of a club in Ketchikan. McAfee, Ceorgelnwn; Joseph Community Hinginor was led by I'lolfel and T. Coval, Winnipeg; Jack Xlcholls while the vocallslsj-L H. Hiches, Vancouver; C. MrO. or the evening were S. K. Camp-!leislmian, Tpronlo; ThnmaH It. bell, John Davie. Consul Wake- Thiis Smilhers; J.- W. Fea, field, ami P. C. Jackonn, with W.C.X.H.; j.. .-. oiniiiimin, Spokane yaugban Davles accompanylnig. Central The new officers initialled were; J. C. Loujli, Alice Arm; J. Ijticpn l narioiie Islands Mat-Lean. Queen Charlotte I llewison. Purt Clemenis A. F. Kobis. Vancouver; F. Dug-gan. C.X.H.; H. Hilcbie. Locke-port; Kd. Swanson, Alaska; Mru. Hirhards. eijy; W. McTuck and J. Jorgensen, Surf Inlel. IN PROBATE. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA In tli- Mailer or the Aclnilnlnlrilion Art; nl In the Miller or the Katal nr Jolin John- . twin. Hwfjwd, lmuiF. TAKE INOTICE. tint by ortler of III Honor P. Veil. Vounr. nude the 7 III ilir of April, A.ll. 102. I v t'xilne(l Ail-lulr.i t ra lrr of Ihr -Uti nr John John-mm, lerer1, and ill parlle IiivIhk rlairn malntl ttr raid are hrrrliy required to rnrnlJli fame, properlr verified m me, on or before the lh (lay of Mar. A ". 1025; and all nartlea Indchled to. the eMale are reqmreii m pay the amount of Ihelr Inrtehlerlnein to me forth-with. NOnMAN A. WATT. orrirlal AdmlnlMrator. ITliice Hnperl, II. t; naten ne in la rt' rell LAND ACT In- rnnro' nunerl I-and nittrlfl; tnurlrt of I'rlnre llnpert. ( TAKK NOTICE lhat "iTHlerlll pea hrlnay, of Vanrotiver, II. C. orrupallon anlinoii liroker. Intends to apply for permfMlon to pnrrhBe the following- derrlln-l laud; - O'Mirnenrlnif al a Mit planted mile oiilh of the dontheat eomer of Uit A70-0, lilllle Creek, llantre 4, Coat Iltrlrl Ihenre north iO rhain; theiire WikI In chain; Ihenre noil Hi lo uliure line In an eaterly direction to point of commencement: containing Jo arrea, more or Icaa. MEItlt-U HES liniSAY, Applicant. Kdwln Elroy liarnuni, Arent. nted prll 3rd. Hnpnajaaaa T " 4 "" ii 1 Tit"H ffc MARINE MOTOR Less Slarler . . . . $250.00 Wilh Slarler .. .. $300.09 (ioverument TaxeR and Freltthl F.xlra 8. E. PARKER, LTD. Ford Dealers Prlnco Rupert, B.C. St. Regis Cafe Prince Rupert's Leading Restaurant. A Bakery UnsurpaMd Third Avenus. F,ll,"y' Mjvj "It's perfectly obvious, too, that when every particle of a soap is pure cleansing material and not loaded with useless adulterants and hardening mater ials then that soap has more cleansing power and does more work with less labour. A little of it goes a long way. In short, it's really economical. "That's why I always use and recommend Sunlight for the laundry, dishes and general housework. Sunlight keeps my hands soft and comfortable too!" Lever Brothers Limited, Toronto, 4. rfeWg, Bccf Wine and Iron is a reliable blood builder and strength restorer. Most every body needs a Spring tonic. We especially recommend this one in cases of anemia, colds or rundown condition. A reliable tonic, which gives the system renewed vitality, is one of the surest means of warding oil coughs, colds and throat troubles f&4 ' and IreLJf . Si iraier ORiViES LTD The Rexall Store. Phones 82 and zoo. ? HOW ABOUT THAT C Lumber . We'are Agents for the Prince Rupert Spruce Mills and can sell their products at mill prices Phone 116 or 564 AENT8 FOR THE FAMOUS NANAIMO-WELLIN0T0N COAL Once Used Always Used ALBERT & McCAFFERY, LTD. SPRING will soon be HERE! START THAT "CLEAN-UPPAINT UP" CAMK" NOW. . Our new slock uf Household I'ninK Vl'lJ"'' ' N'0n lo nmels, mitl Aliltasl i n o hns jnl nrrived. H will 1 1' inveslignle our '(JIiiiiannr Dept. for Vnnii-li'"; ' rfir. (irnining process. Out slocks of mtiiuer VelllliK. ',,"" (iil.,cii neiilers' and .Mechnnies' Tools, Chicken Tools mill Oenertil Hoiiseholtl Necessities ,.re K''"t'n"" coirnilele. ,, :.,,. Call mitl see our line of WKAIUHVKH Uin""'' nans I Agents for the famous Qurney-Oxford STORK'S HARDWARE, LTD. 710 Second Ave. Near foi