APPRECIATION BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManus I TVlts THlNt . rS Thkj r.nnnNFf.s t I I W-lfii2F'5 I I Dm; i rnra)TvT -re I II M . OF HOSPITAL N WAvUKirt. TEts TOiW I . . TMATb OVER--MOW ME reeo" TfiUuVQO.ThE 1 MllE ..DaV FER ME. HEALTH Letter Received by Secretary It5 MAKIN An ?r& m rs. rahWn,w s m & r ' v -izn From Patient With Donation I INVAO.ID OUT For Children's Ward OF-' ME-J ino loiiowing lelicr was re ceived from a patient wlif was rocpully hi t Ii e hospital accom panicd by a Ion dollar donation to the children's ward: "I bog lo take this opportunity of, expressing through you to'llio president and board of directors of your excellent, institution my heartfelt gratitude of the manner in which t have boon treated while a pat ion I in the Prince Rupert (lenoral Hospital. "Words fail to adequately express the splendid and effi cient trcaimcnt accorded lo me bolh by the doctors and nurses, and I only wish llrtil those people who are in any way skepti cal as lo the proper manage nvent and efficiency of (he modi cal and surgical treatment afforded by the .Ji. could undergo my twelve day experi once, not perhaps from the operation standpoint under which I wont so successfully, but from the standpoint of seeing at first hand the high standards lived up to by the graduate nurses and the nurses in training. The manner in which the nurses of all ranks bestow their enthusiastic attention upon all patients speaks for their keen interest and capable train ing. j-"As a small token of appreciation lo'the loeal medical and nursing profession and the management of the II. in general I lake .great, pleasure in enclosing herewith my cheque1 for 10 in aid of the proposed children's ward. "Wishing you and your splenr did .colleagues every future success," I am, yours very faithfully, "I. A. M. fiRATEFUL." CAMPAIGN AGAINST LEWD LITERATURE Some American ' Sold in Canada Should be Banned it Is Claimed VANCOUVER, May 8. "We are marshalling forces lo bar filthy literature from Canada," said (lev. A. .M. Sovereign, presi-denf of the fieneral Ministerial Association, discussing flie decision of that organization, Ir, protest, to civic, provincial and Dominion authorities against-Jlie entry into .Canada, of "filthy magazines masquerading as lit-' era I ure." "II was a newsnaiiennan who r:.. i .(...- ..i ever seen.; ; "These magazines are attractively produced," said Mr. Sovereign, "and I would think that, in connection with growing hoys "Capital is more plentiful and men with means are evidencing mure failh in the community. Co-operation between labor and capital will undoubtedly have the ofoct of sldl further bettering conditions generally." CHILDREN'S PARTY AT SKIDEGATE WAS LARGELYAHENDED Last Entertainment of ..Season Before Men Left for Trolling Grounds at Hippo Island SKI DEC! ATE, May 8. A very successful children's parly was held at the DutTerin Paltullo school on the evening of .May 2. While it was attended by adults, everyone had lo come dressed as a child. The prize winners for the best dressed couple were won by Miss Sinclair and fi. Cray of Dead Tree. Point. A recital ion given by Mrs. A. Har rison of All ford Hay out il led "You Men" was well received. Th school building was pack ed to the doors. Capl. H. F., Huberts brought I he crowd over from Sandspit on his launch Q.C. !irl and' the skipper of the Skidegate, fioorge Newberry brought the Queen Charlotte visitors while A. Heeb drove a Publications loan down Die r.asi coast in a wagon and Wallace Young brought the crowds from Skido gale .Mission in his car. Tlie event was the last of I he season as everyone has now gone to the Hippo Island trolling grounds, bolh whiles and natives. All that remains on the Inlet is the mill crew at Queen Charlnllc. SUPPLYING TROLLERS QUEEN CHARLOTTES SKIDEfiATE, May 8. The , . " f',M ,m,,H '.Canadian Fish A Cold Storage fact thai the Vancouver markup . ,,o;, c,,jpf Zabassa. is flooded will, lurid, lewd, il-,n t Hpr( aiisnn P!llllP ,, lustraled magazines, coming ffiw (isri. Iinr a ajr regret lo stale, frpui the Ln.led1)Mf.(1 ,r,00 ffa,nnj, of uaUnt. Stales was amazed at their.(() . )(0as ,l0(.o ani, 1PI1 ".'TV, , 1,,aV!.1,,'i'" ',,ver'ea9i reeded to Massett lo supply Ihe and I ll.onght. I had seen crude fishermen there with gas and nil literature, bu the examples I,.,,,,, ,,, lmyrfknl n pi,0 ,s. -Aiiinori ,11 1 in. iiitv.-illlg Ol Ilie aM,J ,Miuisicriai .Assneiaiion .Monuay were worse than anything I had Fishermen think (lie king will be lale tliis year. ' ' SKIDEGATE Mrs. A. Chrislensen, Mrs. A and girls whose minds are so Duval, and Mrs. M. McKinnon of .susceptible, their influence Queen Charlotte have been here would be lowering in the ex- visiting Mrs. K. C. Slovens. The Ireine.' 'Local Women's organizations are being apepaled lo for co came in on the launch Messmate. The Conservative leaders here operalinn in a drive lo ban suCh have received a wire from head literature from Canada, and it is quarters al I'rince lluperl urging understood that the parenl- Tejiehers' Association has a formal protest lo Dominion and provinciaf aulhorilies well under way. LABOR MAN SEES AN IMPROVEMENT AHEAD R. H. Neelands Says Outlook Is Exceptionally Bright and Work More Plentiful VANCOUVER, May 8. An optimistic nolo was struck by R. H. Norlands, M.P.P., president of lluv Vancouver Trades and Labor Council, when interviewed re garding labor conditions in the1 cily. He slnles that the outlook' is exceptionally bright, that; work is becoming more plentiful) and there are few mo.mliflrft' of;. Ihe morrnntilo craris unaiJiu 10 pec.uro employment. ; "It looks as if we are on the verge of belter times," he said. ' soviet, ' C ji " V dm Int l FTuf rc. "' Crm Rrittm rihll rnnvnt gu' . i ' (hem to gel together and lakepro-liniinary slops toward nominating a Conservative representative fur the district, to contest Ihe constituency at the next election. It. Roberts of Tlell and E. E. Wiggins,, skipper nti the Q.C.llov are preparing, for the trolling at Hippo Island. Capl. Don Yelf, skipiier of Hie Hojhune, eame in with a dock load of bail and a hold full of ice on his way lo Hippo spring salmon. "TRY A NIP TONIGHT." The Original Label look for it at th Vendor and insist on GRANT'S "BEST PROCURABLE." Tliis advertisement is not published or iljsplayed by Ihe Liquor Control Hoard or by the fiovernmenl of British Columbia KETCHIKAN TO VISIT RUPERT Baseball Team Coming For July 1 and Local Team Goes There July 'Doc" X. It. Walker from Ketchikan has been conferring with Hon Self and other local baseball officials willi a view lo lo buy-having international games play ed on July I and July I this year ill is arranged that Ketchikan The Canadian Fish Co. of will send a team, here on July 1 Huledale will have Ihe boats ami Prince lluperl will visit llp(lnine Overtime, and Kauol there, taking a big excursion packing for them this year from ' fatty for July 1. Hippo Island. 1 I be plans will be further dis- BURNS LAKE M. I.. Prentiss is a visitor here from (irande Prairie. Mrs. T. (!. Martin has arrived bore from Sniitliers lo join her husband who has been appointed forest ranger at Hums Lake. H. fi. Donaldson has arrived from Telkwa to lake tin position is lodger keeper in the local branch of Ihe Hoyal Hank. T. fi. Martin, Sr. of Clearwater, near Kamloops, is here veiling liis son, Forest Hanger Martin. T. fi. Conger of Tschoniku! Lake has returned home after spending Ihe winter in Alberta. .Mr. and Mrs. V. Sclijeblerup have lefl for Victoria. II is hop ed that. Hie change will be bene ficial lo Mrs. Schjeideriip's health which has no been of the best lately. THE HOTEL BILL Visitor' fio lo Ihe proprietor and tell him to make my bill nut properly, and write "omelette" Willi two "I's" and not one. Waller- (a few minutes laler) It's all rigid, now, sir omelet, Is; two leas, 2s. PRINCE RUPERT TIDES High .Low HJgh Low High Low Friday, May 8. i B0TTU0 ft GUARANTIED BY -1 tm 1 v.i s. y a . s i0jr8- a.m. ' J. 1:10 p.m. 10:31 Saturday, May 9. I Ml a.m. il.9 ft 11:21 p.m. 8:15 a.m. 2o:J3 p.m. Sunday, May 10 ... . 2:12 a.m. 15:00 p.m. K;58 a.m. 20:5(1 p.m. BEST PROCURABLE 4w' 2,3 19.7 2.1 M00UCI Of SC0T14N0 MuflMltllUU MV(Mlld.CNUVtT OVWOnn lulm 1 11.7 I.I 5.3 22.1 ft Ml.t " I.I " 5.8 " cussed, the baseball organiza tion meeting to be held louighl when officers fur the year will be elected and plans made for the season. Players who expect to take part this year are meeting on the Acropolis Hill grounds Sunday afternoon at l.riit for a warrnup and lo select teams. CALLIES OPEN SEASON WELL 3eat War Veterans Three Goals to Nil at Soccer Last Nlaht The Callies look Ihe first lead in Ihe Sluarl. Shield Renefil Lea gue last night by decisively heal ing Ihe fi real War Veterans three goals to nil. Tin- Vets were somewhat handicapped through some oj Ihe regular players no' being able lo appear but the Cal lies were fully entitled lo their win j They had the upper hand Ihroughoul the game, Ihe Scot-lish half backs" controlling Ihe Vols' forwards all the wa 'the Vets won Ihe toss and kicked downhill Ihe first half. Dave Scot I missed a penalty shot for Ihe Callies and the first goal was scored by W. Mitchell Dave Scot I redeemed himself by making the second counter and Ihe score al half lime .was 2-0. Mex .Mitchell registered I In third onre in the second half. R. Ileniming refereed and Ihe linesmen ' yvere, Alex, Chippeflnn and Harvey .Hiinfim) , i'l'hii learns Jjned ,ui) as ' follows; 1 1 Callies-W. Hamilton; .1. Sims mil W. E. Willisernfl; .1. Harris, S. Currie ami R. Woods; A. Mil- hell, R. McDougall, D. ScOlt, W. Mitchell and T. Hlack. (ileal War Veleranst-S. fiaw- tlioru; W. Karlnn and fi. Coch rane; A. Roy, J. Kinch anoS W Mack; R. II. Skinner. F. Russell Norwood, fi. Milrhell and II Astoria. There was a fairly good at tendance at the game, gale re ceipts aiiiounling to $30. The league standing Is as fol lows: W. I). L. Pis Callies 1002 S. or E. 0 10 1 fi. W. V. A 0 111 j Sport Chat j Furl her plans for the forth corning, hahull soaton will . In made ill the meeting of Ihe exe cutive of I lie Association that is colled for lonighU It Is freely predicted (hat I'rince dtupert wil have ft. guild baseball year in I'AUT) vU the Senior League con sisting of least loams The Elks, Sons of Canada anil Sawmill are the teams, now men tioned. All have a number of good players al their command a;id it is thought they would put. - - - -- If" --. Wanted For Sale For Rent DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word In advance. No Advertisement taken for less than 50c WARTS WAXTKD. lloliable unencum bered woman, capable of looking after rooming house. Re-ferences required. Apply Hox -M7 Daily News olllee. Kill WAXTF.D. fiirl for lee Cremn Parlor. Experience necessary, fiood wages. Apply F..K. Confectionery, tf WANT I'D. Waitress wanted. Apply Prince lluperl Hotel. - m WAXTF.D. House or garden work. Phone lied i(H. Ill MAID Wanted. Apply Mrs. Friz- zell's sloro. tf FOR SALE SACRIFICE SALE. Secure onr pamphlet 011 our Sacrifice Sale for two weeks. Furniture of every description must be sold lo make room for our new slock. Prince lluperl Exchange. FOR SALE. Attractive modern furnished five room bungalow. Large basement; good piano. Everything ready to step inio. 3,000.00. Apply 111 Eighth Avenue East. FOR SALE. 'Nice pleasure boat. i(i feet. 1 2-1 5 ll.p. engine, cheap for cash. Owner and boat can be seen evening ol. Prince lluperl Yacht Club. Cow Hay. 1 10 FOR SALE.- -To sell for" storage charges on May 27. three boxes of household etrecls bo-longing to Mrs. .M. Peterson. Dyer's fiarage. Third Ave. FOR SALE. One pen of while Wyandoltes and one pen of white Leghorns. Phone lilaok :t'JC.. III) FOR SALE and Removal. House ..on English Hill, fiive prior lo P. Camilla. Phone 208. tf FOR SALE. Pleasure boaflVho" C. L. Iloiudel. Cold Storage. Phone 221. If TO RENT HOUSE FOR. RENT on Sevenlh iVvenjiAj . wlllr or without ptatio ami iiirniiure; any or an ior sale: This olfer good six days. F. W. Hart, Hart ApaVlmenls, near corner Sixth and Fullon. l!.'t FOR RENT. Clapp Apartment Wcstenhavcr llros. tf BOARD HOARD -and Room, or board only Firth Avenue East, phone Rod 707. HOARD. The Second Avenue. Inlander. 830 Phone 137. up good compel iljon. However. the lineups will not be definitely known for a day or so al. least fioorge Sisler, pilot of Ihe SI. Louis drowns, has started on a rampage or bulling to fulfill his predict ion that t!'.'5, will be his greatest season in the American league. The SI. Louis star, completely recovered from impaired vision that dimmed his hailing for two years, lias rollerled one or more hits In every game sblce Ihe season opened, giving him an average of .121. Sammy lale of the Athletics, Is leading ,lh hitler with an aveivige of .102, but he has played in only Ion games, compared lo fifteen Tnr Sisler, the ruiiner-lip. Advertise la tho Dally News. BOATS AND LAUNCHES PRICES OF EASTIIDPE i-CYCLE Marine Engines l-H.P. without clutch $185,011 l-II.P. I cylindor MI) 2C.0.00 C-H.P. I cylinder 1ID 150.00 8-11. P. 1 cylinder III 750.00 8-11. P. 2 cylinder MD '150.01) 10-H.P. i cylinder l.D 175.00 All the nlmve except the first include the Famous Joed Reverse fi ear, and full elentriaal and propeller equipment,, The best that money can buy. Basthope dros., 1717 fieorgi.t St. W. Vancouver, H.C. Alway at your service. SNEDDON TAXI 134 Anywhere at Anytime. Five pas senger Dodge Sedan Comfort and Courtesy. Rales: 50c for I or 2 passuigjyxL 2Tte for each additional passenger. PHONE 134 MARINE TAXI SERVICE LAUNCH "Oh Haby" ul your ser vice day or night. Comfort -Safety -finurlcsy. If it's a water trip call Laurie Lambly. l'hoii.; 570 or I3I. TAXI 592 THE DEPENDAHLE TAXI. Dnj and Night service. Comfort and Courtesy is my motto PHONE 592 CONRAD LEE Stand: Richmond Roous. TAXI Taxi 67 Phone (Call George, Paul or Oust Prompt Service and Comfort Day or Niw'.t Stand: HOSS BROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Clock, Across from F.mnr ss Holei BEDDING OUT- PLANTS. Plants I hat grow and repay you Tor your labor. McCarthys bedding out plants are specially acclimatised and can be relied upon to produce the goods. Store Phone - Red 1 83 lireenhouse Phone Hlack 1 08 MoCARTHY'S. COLUMBIA RECORDS NEW Process Columbia Records no scratching. Finest reproductions of latest Fox Trots, Songs and Instrumental music by world famed artists. Call in and hear them. PRINCE RUPERT MUSIC STORE, Third Avenue CAMERON TRANSFER Phone I77 Baggage, Furniture Moving. If you want anything sent for, or delivered, phone us. P.O. Hox (590. KEITH'S CAFE. When in Stewart visit Keith's Cafe in King Edward Hotel now ri'-iifiidelleil. Up-to-date Dining Room and Lunch Counlcr BOB KEITH - Manager. FURNITURE HOSPITAL And fiene.ral Repair Shop. - Re pairs of all kinds prompt ly attended In. Window draperies made lo order. Carpel laying. Furniture crating. TOM BALLINGER Phone Bl Rear Sherman's Market, Fullon Street KNITTED GOODS SWEATERS and all kinds -of knileod goods made lo nrdcr. Phone Hlack 395. If FURNITURE, Article, "Hand Founj,4c i'tew and Secur.dtiaml fm ure Store. We Hy. Sell mh O.RO. PAPAOOPULIS "JJ nirn Ave. raomir FIREWOOD. lie I..IMU, .i!.,!, ,. ,, ,:twr! I'rv !'l"'-i W I. p. : ; n; I'licn,. hi.,,', ti NORTHERN TRANSFER (.all inr I!., 1: .,. , K'.,ih-Northern Trail-!,- '(in I'liiw Red 213. N.sir W. H. MONTGOMERY, JR. MAIL SCHEDULE For the East .Monday-. U I'drif- l.iyH nd 5il-unlays. I'.-e- ,1! iicw a From tho East- Mondays. Veitnesd4ys vi Friday, din- ;il ;t. m. fo Vancouver I'uesdnys- Mud rlofs l I IJMl Tliiiriiliix - s 1 C.P.K. M.iv 1 : r porn Vancour Sundays -' Weitiiesd(i Fridays Satiiiln- t-C.P.K. M.i . I rtl ; To Anyox, Alice Arm- edlie,lii Sundays From Ahvox. Alice Arm- Tuesdays Thursday 1 To Stewart and PreniHr- Satuida ClltlilllV4 To Port Points Thursdays From Port Simpson 7 P.' From Stewart and Pr-wltf-. Tuesdays jjV Sunday- . lf rt Simpson na " . and , River Points jj " : Saturdays To Alaka Points j May 8, t ; f; From Alaska Points- Mav I- -'-' . . dMc1 To Queen Charlotte " Queen C Points ; M"y x'cOLLECT-ON am. rl , 7. nmlmin ft Ainu vs . ,i IM Avm ft ' ,, M;, 6th AVf. I'""' " n 7. ; Ml. AV. Tin.!" , 7.Mtl A I lilt ft SlM-rtr-"'- in y St till AVP. ft .fft. flKVt. I'l'l"" ytu. nt.vt. Wharf 0.T.1'. WW" 0. T. I'. slll"H nt We. A .-.I A '.ill st tl I 1 1 ' ' ami (tl.0t 1(1.11 1 ii." LAND ACT. Nolle, of M'"eCJ if I. APPI 10 i w &; rii.iiM ' ,", ft" b.v.' p,fd M.y !!-. ''J-"J