idaf May 8, 1925. THE DAILY NEWB PAGR THREH 'ML jm i 77L If n' (tilWr'a If r tin fm '! Mf" trriimplt t'Zin till. Iftlt lt fill Ml ll ba M Ca. TlfMtt, flever irust any ffWounc A touch of antiseptic ZAM.RUK takes away all pain and danger. INJURY to the skin means a breaking of the protective layer of epidermis and immediate liability to infection from dangerous germs that cause festering, inflammation and blood-poison. Therefore, be ready to apply at once a piece of lint or clean rag smeared with Zam-Buk the great first-aid and skin-remedy. Zam-Buk kills disease germs and takes all immediate danger out of any cut, scratch' or wound. It ends pain and inflammation, draws off corruption and poisonous matter and quxkly ends a peril which even healthy people have to face. Vou can alw ys be sure of safe and rapid healing in accident or skin disease with a box of Zam-Buk close at hand. Proved by scientific test to be over 99 her:al origin. Zam-Buk contains no rancid animal fats, or zinc, mercury, or other mineral 'drugs found in ordinary ointments and salves. A box of Zim Hull ahould be in every home. Kquallr effi-cacioua in cases of eczema, pimples, pvirijus, impetigo, rikh, ringworm, piles, ulcers, poisoned wii'.:nrls and other : :e. '.eiterl -ikin and scalp r le-- V' aii 'It ngRiftf . Lft Congoleum i.'. .m 4 jr , S1k"k Week? YES May 8th to 15th. lie tiki' Hit' ii-m)I( ill I lie iliii-lr.tMnii, rail in ami look Hirtin i'vi ' liuw a larj:t! -Ii'l k K'I ll'i'lt). Prices Right With the Gold Seal CONQOLEUM Guarantee on Every Rug BARRIE'S Home Furnishings 3rd Avenue and 1st Street. Phone 123 H Coast Steamship and Canadian) Train Service r.Ri1C 1UPEBT or PRINCE OCORQE hall rf.lii Trine.. lluM-rl tor - a ftviwnin, tin i villi iiiitiixvuiviu For nd THURSDAY, 10 P.W. . r. .V. ... Wadnaida 10 P.M. TtWT Saturday 10 P.M. Dtitv PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT J,,-!"'''1 nda HSU am. f: ITinrf lirnrirr-. EDMONTON, "imrta, all point Ka.i rn i:atia1a. l.'nliirt "lte Cli. ti.l . aotnCV ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP una. "i uirica. 621 Third Aan Prlnca Rupart. Phon 260 Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailinus from Prince Rupert for V.-,.'"' Wranoall, Junaau and SNagway la 8lh, 18th, 29th, Juna Slh inctuir, Victoria and Saaltla May 1H, 12th, 22nd, Juna 2nd, 13th. For Bui.,, . . rR.r.tlt BEA-IRICL. c.J ! 8w"on Bay, Eait Ball Bella. Oeran Falla, Namu, Alart Bay, i... " Rl,,r nd Vancetuar aary Saturday 11 a m. "K-nC, fnp .11 CI.. .,- r..u II. n frnm. -.. w.vaniBnii, uinca run . 1 1 1 v ..v.. W. C. ORCHARD Qenaral Agnnl. cornar of 4th Straat and 3rd Annua, Prlnca Rupart, B.C. UNION STEAMSHIP 'COMPANY OK B.C., LTD. 'or Salllnirs from Prim- ituprrl, 'or vi7;: IR' v,cTORIA,.wan.on Bay, and Al.rt Bay. Tu.aday, 6 P.m. UVtR- VICTORIA. Alart Bay, and 8wanon Bay, 8aturday, 10 A M for , Pol At'CE AnM- 8TEWART, Sunday, 8 P.M. ttJ Jan a... 0N ,nd N" Cannarlaa. frlday A.M. i. Bar.nlay, Aganl. Prlnca Rupart, B.O. Dr. E. S. TAiT DENTIS r Hclgcrson Block, Prince Rupert, B.C. Orrifu Hours U It 0. X-RAY SERVICE PhairiA GQfl IIVfMV www Pn Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Evenings Local and Personal U.C Undertakers, l'lione 41. .You'll like our. joal I Consum ers Coal Co. I'hono 7. tf Hid yuu nolicis our ailverlise- nii.'iit in loilay's ia)ii-r? I'rince lluM'il 'IranxftT and Taxi. 10'J Mr.. Jim? IJetit xaileJ last nixlif on the I'rince (Jeorgo for Van- ouver tut a busliicsu trip. Tin; ianger train due from Hie Kasl al 3.30 Uiis aHcriioon is ifioited lvo hours and forty iiiiiiuli'.-s late. Coinhinalinn Service. Transfer or Taxi, l'lione 303 for transfer and 80 for Taxi. Wc will do the esl. Jlrowu & Casey. tf m Don'l miss Hie Itoyal 1'urplc Uridse-wliisl and Dance. Friday veiling, May 8, al 8.30 sliarp. Kveryliody welcome. Admission oOtf. toJ Capl. I'. McCoskrlc Mailed litis Innmiug on Mie Venture for Vancouver on ollieial business in conned inn with his duties as harbor master. In ful lire no dos will be al lowed in MrClytnonl 1ik unless 'in the chain. Seeds have iusl een iilanletl and il is for I heir irtili-cl jim that this order has been made. (i.W.V.A. members are re quested to meet al Clubrooms on Sunday at fi.30 p.m. to attend a special service al the Anglican Church lo place the Viniy Ridge t i ). a Memorial cross. 110 Mrs. tieorge McAfee and laughter arrived last night from lieorgelown ami look the steam er Prince (Seorge for Vancouver. Mr. McAfee also arrived in the ily and is regislered at the Prince Hupert Hotel. Miss I. M. Alinnu, niece of C .(). Howe, has returned lo the city after undergoing a serious oper ation in the Vancouver (ieneral Hospital 'Which was followed by a prolonged, period of convales cence uHHUmT cities. Union steamer Venture, Cud A. Johnstone, arrived from Ilia south at 0 o'clock this morning and -ailed at 8 for Naas Hiver points. The vessel is due to sail from here for the south al 10 o'clock tomorrow morning. COAL, $14.60. "The Best." Double-screened Ladysmilh-Welllngton lump. Peerless Egg, $11.00. Peerless stove, 12.50. No soot, clinker, I It t'e ash and no slack. Prince Rupert Coal Co. Phone 15. tf Dr. W. T. Kergin left on Ibis morning's train enroule lo Hie :)ld Country. He will spend a day at llazellon and will I lion go on lo Toronto where he will spend n few days before proceeding to Montreal to embark across the Atlantic. Dr. W. A. Clemens, director of (lie biological sjalion at Departure Hay. Vancouver Island, will pass through the cily next Wedi ut'silay mi his way lo Ottawa lo attend the annual meeting of the hioligieal board. Dr. Clemens will be met al 'Sniilliers and accompanied East by John Dyb-havu who leaves on Tuesday next. The curreul issue of the "Mining and Engineering llecord," a Vancouver publication, is devoted principally lo the Cassiar dis trict. There are a number of splendid pictures which are inosl impressive in thai they depict a bright and'leaulifully verdured country which is in si liking1 contrast lo the general impression that Ihe Cassinr is a hard and ice- bound district. ANNOUNCEMENTS llidley Home Sale. Thursday, May 7. Metrnpolo Hall. Moose Pic-nic June 28. ivn i r. i M it ik cn 111 la Takc-Oyi. k l Rrlien CATARRH el tha BLADDER Eich Cansiule liiinvl Uar.rimaJ7 trwaa of eauntrrnitn KEEP COOL! Ice Cream A Purely Homa Made Product We have leeenily in-slalled the lalesi lyjie of Ice Cream making equipment ami are now in a position to make anil supply ICE CItEAM eqiial to anything produced in Canada. NO SUBSTITUTES ALL PURE FRESH CREAM Try it and be eonvinced KILLAS&CHRISTOPHER Wholesale and Helail De Luxe and Royal Ice Cream Parlors Phones 193 and 17 Valhalla meeting tonight. St. Andrew's Society meeting tonljht at 8.30 regular p.m. .Spring clearance of Curtain -Materials. Plain .Scrims and Fancy nets, while and ecru, SOc. per yard. See .Sixth St. window. Universal Trailing. Judge .Young and II. F. Mc-Leod, court registrar, are Sunday for Ocean Falls where they will hear a number if naturalization application. Harry Ilearns, formerly of the local C.N.K.I express latT and for the past few years employed hy the Massed Timber Co. at Huck-Icy Hay, arrived from the Islands on the I'rince Charles last night anil proceeded ' tor Vancouver on the Prince (ieorgc.. Rev. A. C. Pound of llazellon dev. M. W. Les of Sniilliers; dev. Victor isaiisum and family of Kispiox; dev. J. 11. Young aiid Mrs. Young of Terrace, Mrs. J. Hi Melnlyre of Sniilliers, Mr. F M. Ovens of TelKwa, and Mrs. W. H. QoruisU xfQils cily.'wer an IMA?, (hose who sailed last niglil; on the Prince Oeoige lo attend the Methodist- Conference in Victoria. W. V.. Williams sailed -Jitst night on 1 lie Prince tieorge for Vancouver where he will -open branch ollice for the local law firm of Williams Manson & Uonzall's. Mr. Williams, will return here about the end of June when Mrs. Williams and daughters will move soulh. Their residence on Horderi Street is to be taken by II. H. Lillle, manager of the Union Hank. II. II. Murray of Seallle1 and Sidney M. Hohl of Tacoma, Unil-ed Stales inland revcliue, ollicers, who have been spending a fortnight here checking over United Stales halibut landings mailt at the port during the past five years, are sailing louighl on Ihe Princess Mary for Ketchikan. Litter they will visit Juneau, Sil-ka and Seward and their dulies will Jake them, several moulds. They also have lo do with in vestigation nT United Slale. come, lax returns. In- Passengers sailing for Ihe south on Ihe Prince. Ceorge las! night included Mrs. Kemp (of Prince !eorge), II. Wilson, C. Overs, F, L. llowsley, Mrs. E. (I. Ilrown, Mrs. Allan, Mr, and Mrs. .1. drown, Mrs, W. T. Muse family, family, Mrs. Mrs. K. h. U. U. Nixon, Nixon,1, Iarrelt, .Mrs. W. II. 'Morgan, Mr. ahd Mrs. Waller Molson, Albert Furrow and .1. (S. Thompson for j Vancouver; Mr. ami Mrs. .1. W.' Easlwood for 'Vleloria; .1. 11.' Murray for Seallle, ami E. I.cwij and 11. E) Oiddings for Ocean Falls. -v, Passengers booked lo sail Tor; Mid north on the Princess Mary! this evening include Stair Cap-i lain (jarrulhers, J. A. Stephen, J. S. McDoilald, Dr. P. Whalen, W. llobill, 11. Hreilepbtyg,- O. H.i Johnson, 1). M. Mmval, W. II ' IHake, .1. Preston and M. Hal- Higher Tor Wrangel; D. O'lleilly.: K. Powell, S. M. Iliilil; J, J. Doro, J. M. Walley, II. II, Murl-ay, 1'. Parrish, C. M. Van Marler. II. C. Niinan. F. C Higgs,, N, It. Wal-' kor ami C. H. Onno for Kcl-! Phikiin; J. O. Hinel for Whilo Horse; T. l. Thlis . to Juneau. The Princess Mary arrived from the soulh at 2 15 I fit s' hfleriuimi and will sail for Ihe north, It i exinyted, aljout 3.3,0.. J. II. the dry on the couver 1'illsbury, manager of dock, sailed last night I'rince Oeorge for Van-on business. Hecate t(ralls Towing Co.' tug Lome was in port last evening for oil. While coming In here, I ho tug left al Captain's Covy a tow of logs from" Cum-shewa for a southern mill. Staff Captain Carrulhers of the Salvalion Army, who has been spending the past week or so in this district, returns on the Princess Mary this afternoon to his headquarters in rangetl. (). 11. Johnson, who lias been engaged in ,the Dominion llalhs here for some time, is sailing tonight on the Princess Mary for the north. - He is taking equipment with him and expects to open up a shop at Telegraph Creek or in the Dease Lake The work of overhaul on C.(S. M.M. steamer Canadian which has been in progress al the local dry dock for the past week will be completed on Saturday il is expected and the vessel will I he'll sail for Vancouver lo load for London and Antwerp. The Canadian Prospector s due al I he local dock on Tues- lay for overhaul. A bylaw providing for (he real ion and constitution of the recently appointed city Parks Hoard was put through its first reading al a special meeting of I lie cily council which was held yesterday afternoon. II will be finally adopted at a . regular meeting of lhe; council. The members, of I lie board are S. K. Campbell, E. Van (iaslel, J. C. .McLennan, cily solicitor and cily engineer. WIRELESS REPORT 8 a.m. DKilJY ISLAND. Cloudy calm; barometer, 30.20; temper ;i lure, SH; ca smooth. DEAD THEE POINT. Cloudy, calm; barometer, 30.08; temper ature, S3; sea smooth. HULL IIAIIHOU. Owrcasl light northwest wind; barometer 2'J.'J7; temperature, 17; sci choppy. H p.m. spoke lug Cape Scott, Alice Arm for Ocean Falls abeam Idol Point; 7.30 p. in spoke steamer Princess Healrice abeam Pine Island northbound 12.13 a. ui. spoke steamer Princess Mary abeam Ivory Island norlhbouud; t a.m. steamer Alameda due Charlolle Sound 0 a.m. bound. NOTICE. spok Ojicen south- Noon DKiHY ISLAND. Overcast, calm; barometer, 30.12; temperature, 58; sea smooth,, DEAD THEE POINT. Cloudy, calm; barometer, .30.0'J; temperature, 53; sea smooth. HULL HAItKOK. Clear, fresh northwest wind; barometer, 2t.-H7; temperature, 58; "sea choppy; 9 a.m. spoke lug Pacific Monarch lowing Hiugamon oil Egg Island bound for Draney In- I lei; 0.30 a.m. spoke steamei I Princess Healrire abeam Ivory Island n t t-1 li Ik mi ii 1 1 ; 11:15 a.m spoke steamer Prince Iluperl abeam Pince Island norlhbouud PASSION PLAYERS OHEllAMMEIKiAU. May 0. --The American lour oT Anion Lang and his Ohcrammc rgnu associates lo America has born Mich fruit in Ihe way of orders I Tin. tii.iil..ii .tltitliiw tiflil iilluit fill. and ,'..'.. . , i Mrs. S.-W. Tavlor and .laughter. IJ,7 iAirM " "'"y iUl' T,,' , T ''""'' V It.' J. notion, Mi-, anil Mrs. C. It. Tenders for Ihe purcfiase of the launch "Atlantic" will not be opened until noon, May Hi. W. S. SPILLEll, Inspector, H.C Police. DdD Tliia irratPdl of kin retocdia will rtmova IIiom ikin tHirtion tlmt hav mails your lite a burden. That Intolerable ltchln burning and dincumfort will diiapprar under the malic of thit rrmrdy It haa healed many raea pro aounced hopalM and will rtach your caia. Tkt fi'tl SIM t'i ttlitvtt fn ar jraar mono Trf U. D. i. lata, lea. ORMES LIMITED "Hey, fella's! Here's flavor!" You bet! A flavor found only in Kellogg's Corn Flakes. A flavor no one qii earth could describe! Taste it.-4 and you will agree! Discover the Kellogg flavor today. Thrill the whole family and save yourself work. No cooking. Just fill the bowls from the package, and add milk or cream. Simply delicious with fresh or preserved fruit. Served in all restaurants and hotels. Sold by all grocers. - 4&w CORN FLAKES Oven-Irish ALWAYS pmerfrt llf mi J kttp) Iht Va ttirai'P An icitfM KclUtt fftanl We challenge the World! Try any rdy to eat cereal. You won't find another that eran ap proachea the marreloua flavor found only in Ktllotf' Corn Flakea. CORN M JAKES m LOGGERS' CLUB HAS REMOVED to building next door to l-Vizzell Butcher Shop, across from llie Kmpress Jlotcl We carry a full line of CIGARS, TOBACCOSFRUITS, CANDIES SOCIAL ROOM IN CONNECTION James Zarelli Proprietor Telegraphic Address: "Bushmarlne Prince Rupert." TUGBOATS Day Phones 423 530 Gr. 601 Black 735 Rupert Marine Products Ltd. Night Phonos 687 530 Black 735 Gr. 601 COKBYS SPECIAL SELECTED CANADIAN RYE WHISKY Bottfod in Bond under Dominion Government supervision The Qunliry Whisky of Canoda- sinccl859 as J- This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government' , of , ' British Columbia.