utAIttADUuT A Mi jr.- II NIL VESSEL! - THs About Yokohama Maru Coming Here CONSULATE POSSIBLE Nm in. n Yusen Kai-lia i' Yokohama Mam, i: i" Japan y way of nun after callhtjr al and Seattle next Sep-''dhIiuk lo Hie -lupan-iiie here. If the call t 'ly the consul has 'il I hat the 'port will ' regularly thereafter. ' msulale may' lie cs-liere. iJa of Prince lluperi , 1 lv returned fruiit where he Interviewed 11 ii' nif nf Hie line, who gave 'the nun VA.Nr-Ol Villi. May H.-llou. YV. Win (III ini'i u -hi isfuetory healing, lit! Hi I'onsul here. TOURISTS OVER P.G.E. RAILWAY Oilman Service lo be Inaugurated; Coal Bolnn Drilled at Hat Creek "uiiuvlaml, minister of ruil- "illl,' n iii cave iiii'i ! e i nv mi ''I'! inn lone ..r Id,, li il I." '"'I'ai u'ii-v in launching' a eam-r, 'ourisl tralllc over the "U,W'V A pullmui. -sleej.ing 'n ,J u lie inauguraled on IH1 r. 'ft I'rmjig operations In deter-; "ze or coal seams al i t.ri-ek " an. proceeding and 1 1 hi. I....I..I. i i .i . . " "nirueu ny me 'T i'ihIwiivk ir il.., tmMiii Ml ci iivi.i.iiIi.ii., r II. n I,,, ' '"' III M 1(1 S III llir u spur Imic niiiy he htiill ' U'llllOll or fn.,ghl of this important PRINCE OF WALES " INOSTRICH -LAND ; Hie Prmre t,f Wales a'r.v.. here today J the ill...0 wl,i,t is known as U. -..fiuiid ou!ltl(j l.ca,Hp of !"'hv r oslriches. until forced lo appeal to the country. Tbci-e Is considerable erilie- iui of the figures given by Sir Possibility of Japanese Calls M)ry riioriilnii in regard lo Hie Being Regular If Proved 'saving lo be made under a union to be Success !of the systems. II i rlalmed - (thai Ibe history id the pasl, rs- V n vi a i .I u ii.ii!peially in Ibe t-niled Stales, jltlH not that I ho preal. warrant saving the expectation would be verji Discussed Situation The House discussed the omhlem yesterday from various angles. The civic vole for Hie department of railways was under review and the vote pasod hut the main appropria tion for the OJS.W. remains further discussion. for linn. Arthur MehHien look the sround thai conditional inutli plication of cnpilal charges on r.nn:iilhiH . .National would lead lo trouble, t he rale ol m Mw..ie was aim ailing and inn-' be cheeked. Some way had lo hi r.miui to nrevenl Ibe Hanadiiin Xiilioual ami Caiiailian Pacini' .nmiii.iiiiir ill I be exnene ol inc oroide's nuclei.- ltoberl Forke, leader of I he Progressives, was not favorable to amalgamation of the two ...... ia lie said thai if one cor poral ton owned nil Hie railway il would also own the country. S1LYERTIP MINE IS GRANTED INCORPORATION or.niinH aL Million Dollars for Development Purposes YUITOItlA. May - ''le Sil vei l in mine owned by Ocorg Vi..Ll.. of Vancouver bus been irranled iiieonioralioii us a mil H ii in...... I : 1 1 1 V . development Com n... .Luis rail for evlensive operations on Hie properly im li.iii.u. 'I'lie lo'esident of lb ....... ,...i I (eoiiferii i." i.icui.-""i.m, . r.aloii. BASEBALL I'. II American Helroll 5, SI. l.iiui '' Chicago 5. Cleveland 7. National St. bouts 10. IMIJsliurg U. Hrooklyn X Hoston 7. New York II, Philadelphia That Is Contained In Report Royal Food Commission of Great Britain Mr. and Mrs. John Chapman of Vancouver Met With Accident Way to Bel-lingham YAXCOL VF.Il, May . -Mr. and Mrs. John Chapman "of Vancouver were drowned last night vNien the automobile in which they were journeying lo Helling- ham skidded on the highway near Cloverdale, ami overturned in a ditch filled .villi water. When 1aken front Hie water im- lernealh the .wreckage, both were ueaii. CONSUL GENERAL of LOXDuX. May H. The chief feature of interest in the niajor-ily reporl of Hie Iloyal Foodi Commission issued today is pr 1 bably (lie suggestion fur co-op-' eraliou wilJi the governments of Ibe Dominions regarding inlrr-empire commerce in food supplies. It may be desirable, the reporl stales. Id discus with the Dominions the possibility of encouraging fooil lo reaeh Hie marvels uf (ireal Britain' in Ibe interest if both producer and ronsumet . TWO DROWNED BENEATH CAR GREATLY PLEASED RalDh J. Totten of U.S. Stale Department Returns to Washington After Visit Here llulnh J. Tolled, consul gcil- eral of Ibe personnel staff, Slate Department. Washington. IM. ailed on Ibe Prince Ocorge tins morning after liavinig paid a isil of inspection to the local I'liiled States consulate, lie will oriiceed from Seattle direct to Washington. Ilioiiali Mr. Totten is one of Hie most widely travelled orii- als in the consular service. this was his first visit on Ibe pacific coast north of San Fiun- ii.. ..... i - i Cisco, lie was greauy 'pieaseu and siiiniised wills llm poll of Prince Itupert and was purlieu- larlv interested in ascertaining! fuels iririi riling Hie past of the place and ils future prospect. lie made II known lo local people Hint he intends, within Ibe next two years, lo return here on a hunting ami fishing trip. YOUNG STRIBLING AS HEAVYWEIGHT BOXER JIOSTOX, May 8. - Young Plribling, the Allanla schoolboy Is now a recognized heavyweight fighter following a .technical knock out verdict over Quinlnn Pomero, Hie Chilean .heavyweight last night, which fourth round. TAXI BOSTON. GRILL 25 and Large Upstair Dining Hall, Ambulance with newly laid dancing floor for hire. Suitable for Service dances, banquets and wedding Anywhere at Anytime. t .. parties. 8 For rates, apply to Boston PRINCE RUPERT and 6th St. Grill, Third Ave. MATT VIPECK, Prop. Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Phone 457, XV N'J. WJ- PJtlNCK ItLPEHT, Hit;.. FHJDAY. MAY 8, IU23. VetUrdiy't Circulation 1 C63 Blrtet EalM 5(7 PlllCE FIVE GENTS. PROPOSE THAT GOVERNMENT TAKE C P. R CHINESE HOUSEBOY BADLY ABUSED WHEN KEPT IN CAPTIVITY RECENTLY Proposal That C.P.R. be Taken Over by Canadian National is Made in House of Commons Progressive Leader is Not Favorable to any TQ ENCOURAGE m - m " m m mm - m i - Amalgamation uaiming nauway ivoma Then Own Country OTT V. May 8. The latest angle on I lie railway ilua- tla i a proposal In merge Hie Canadian Parilir Hail-lir Canadian .National iimler one system lo he operated iMtneul ownership. Musi of I lie members seem In ' liange bill us lo jnsl wlial change should lie made present no iiiiaiiiinily of opinion. The probability i i If will be lone Ibis year, Covernnirnt ownership has It a decided duress as lo make Hie average person i- Belling a double Uom; of it. The difficulty is thai - - - - ,,,, iivi'mmi or parly has yel pre sented a well thought out policy j which seems Milled In cope with jtlic present situation and sceur I In- support nf a majority of Ho' IliellllierS of Hit- House. II will probably he on I he railway poliey dial Hie next eleeliou will lie fought and il is imiI probable Ibe (Jovei-ninetd, .will launch it-1 pulley unlfl aflep tne Veshni "or FOOD IMPORTS It. V. Dick (ii uiar greeted iiv his wiTe. and II. AV. King, who were both in the aft engine ear uf the K-:l:t. which broke away 'y iiy frum its base al Piilham, Norfolk, England, are howiiTiTiiIiediulelA- afler the return of the ship Chinese Houseboy was Injured by Abductors who held him Recently III! boy Trying make him Confess Murder YA.NCOL'YKH, May 8. Medical -examination, il muruiug, shows Hint Wong Fooit Sing, the Chine: from Hie linker home al .Sliaughiiessy Heights HAWTHORNTHWAITE GOING TO CASSIAR Former Socialist M.L.A. Heads Company Recently Formed In Victoria .1. II. lluwtlioriilliwaile, former Socialist member of the lt.C legislature, Is , expected here shortly on his w'uy io IhoCussiar gold fields where Jie will spend the summer. v'JU". llavv'lhorn- thwnile Is preside!)! of. the Stew art Consolidated Cold Mines Co., Ltd., a Victoria concern which plans to enter actively Into the ended in the ilevelopliienl of mining grounds. the northern An Auntie Dr. Eyolfson . . S. Webb Miss Ititlli Stewart lied Cross Society Harry Selig John Dure ... . . II. C. C M. II. C A. J. Stevens W. Mne ... ... . li. Erskinc ... ... Walter Molson . . . Dorothy & Hilly Iloyal Hank Start . Hilly Hunter ... . is staled t' hi'iise- whu is ac cused of murdering Janet Minili, me MHiien gin vviio liven in the same house, has some permanent injuries as a result ul ill-Ireulnieiil al Hie time he was held by abiluclors. Three doclurx examined him yesterday and slate that he suffered a slight frac ture uf.lhe skull, his ribs were broken and he is totally dear in one ear. Efforts are slill being made lo locale the men who carried the Chinaman off and kepi him m confinement. MURDER CASE ADJOURNED Disagreement Between Counsel Necessitates Delay Until Afternoon VANCOUVER, May 8. The preliminary hearing of the case againsi wong roon amy, charged with the murder of Janet Smith, opened this morning In the Point Crey police court. When the charge was read the prisoner did not enter a pica and the case was adjourned until this after noon owing to a disagreement between the defence and crown counsel over the employment of Chlncso Interpreters. MONEY COMES FOR CHILDREN Number of Donations Received Toward Fund For New Ward - - Today's list of acknowledge-1 incuts to tin' children s ward fund include a substantial donation of t(Hl front the tied Cross Society and 20 from Walter Molson uf Montreal who was a visitor in the city yesterday. Mr. Molson, whose brother is .president of the Montreal Jen-iVal Hospital, was shown over Hie local institution yesterday, lie was very Jnleresled and realized Hie need for a children's .ward. Without any solicitation, he handed over a !i20 bill. Previously acknowledged i.00 2.00 , 10.00 ' ,2.00 Uoo.oo v 1.00 a,U.oo 1.00 1.00 -tio - . . !': 1.00 2.00 ';. 20.00 .10,00 , 7.00 -2.00 The annual meeting 6r the Lacrosse Association, culled for last night, was postponed to a future dale on account of oniall turnout. Queen Charlotte Sawm'll Vill Begin to Cut Lumber for Market End Next, Week: Island Actvities The sawmill ul Ijiieen Charlotte Cily, recently urquired ly Kwaii fi Serelh ol Vainouver, will start cutting lor Hie iiiniket on May !." aecoi ding to word brought lo Hie citv on the Prnii e Uhuries wJiicli arrived iroin the Jsiamls last night. The' Prince Charles brought north from Vancouver a jtiumier of men who will be employed in Hie plant. Preparations are being made for the reopening towards lite i-nil ul Hie mouth ul the whaling stations at Itu.-e ami Nwleif larbor. The Prince Charles "brought north some of the mem bers of the staff of Hie latter I iiiaul and aliV Chinese ein- idoyees. It is Understood Ilia the Prince John will make a spe cial trip lo Hose Harbor leaving Vancouver al the end of Ibis! week. I ared n'p preparatory lo its! cosing up lighl. The manager, It. II. Maxwell, expects to come mil by way of Prince ,Ituperl in a couple 'if weeks, 1 On .Moresby Island, the leiggjiig operations oT T. A. Kelly are conl inning steadily. The Prince Charles arrived in port ul 7.."to last iip.'hl art;u:,'au i uneventful voyage up the eoasl NO AMERICAN BOATS SELL HALIBUT TODAY Five Canadian Vessels Dispose of 29,300 Pounds One Salmon Arrival Xu American boats offered halibut catches at the Fish Ex change Ibis morning. Five Canadian boats brought in 2y,J00 iiounds which received over Ho and 5. There "was also a salmon ari-iva the Itnbiu, which sold 2.0011 tiouiids of reds to tie Iloyal Fish al 12c. Halibut arrivals and sales were: Pair of Jacks. 1(1.000 lbs., at 11.3c and 5c, lu A II in Fisheries Margalice, 1,500 lbs., at 11.7c and 5e, and Minnie V., 3,500 lbs., at 11. le and .5c, lo the Hootli Fisheries Canadian Co. Marguerite, 7,800 lbs., al .11.5c and 5c, to Hie Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co. Uraut. a.500 lbs., at 11.7c,. and 5c. lo the Iloyal Fish Co. WILLIAMS RESIGNS FROM SCHOOL BOARD NV. E. William, who has left lite city to take up Ins future residence in Vancouver, bus ten dered his resignation as a mem ber of the school hoard. The city council will be ollleially notified of life resignation al the next meeting. HARRY LAUDER COMING VICTOIHA. May 8.--Sir Harry Lauder, the famous singer and comedian, is expected here shortly in the course of a Canadiun lour. He is now louring Australia after having fulfilled engage ments in Janan. China and Hie Philippines. CUTTHROAT OF The Massett Timber Co.'s saw-i - - mill at lluckley Hay is now being Woman Savs Sh Did Not inionrt to HER HUSBAND Kill but to Frighten and Bluff Him WILL BE SENTENCED XEY WKSTMINSTKU, May 8. - Mrs. Mamie Colich, wif of Paul Cjdich, a 0.,11. .employee of lUuie, 11.11., charged with at-lenipittd murder of her husband by culling hi.i throat, was, lust which WJWM1W.I Wttrrttnrri o o clock as Saturday anU . W0UIldllIg . vvilh noon. sdie hrouglil some 20' . . . .... . first class passengers here from Island noinls and is due lo ''re turn south on the same route; al 8 o'clock tomorrow. t Willi the completion of this Miyage. Hie Prince diaries will; be withdrawn from. Hie Islands i service. She will undergo an extensive renovation al Vancouver preparatory lo taking up Vau- eoiiver-prince lluperi uireci ervice Inwards the end of June. intent to do bodily harm. She twill be sentenced tater. "It s no use beating about tb bush. I cut his throat, but I never meant lo kill him, only lo frighten and blufT'liim" said Mrs. (Colieli, in giving evidence on her own beliair. PIONEERS HOLD BIG REUNION Three Day Celebration Golnp; on 3 In Vancouver Today of Old 3 Timers Y.VXCOUVEH, 01 ay 81 Hurt-e J reds of pioneers of Hie pro-3 vince are here for a big reunion Of men and , women who first sellled in British Columbia fifty or inore years af-'o. They ar guests of llio city for a three day celebration which is now under way. Among those present is Mr. Henry Swaiison of Armstrong, the first while woman burn m Hie interior of Hie province. FIRE DESTROYS QUEBEC VILLAGE Forty Houses Co up In Flames and Many Havo Narrow Escapes: One Killed Ot'EHEC. . May 8. Fire Ue-il roved the village of St. Joseph llalina last night and Ibis morning ilesl roying. SO lo 50 bouses. The properly loss is said to reach a mjltjoit and a ipiarter dollars. OiD man wa killed by a ilynanlte- explosion ami there were iduny miraculous escapes from ilea'lh. Tip- fire started in Hie Victoria theatre as Hie result of a gasoline explosion, flames spreading lo adjoining residences with ama- ing rapidity fanned by 11 high wind. B.C. MAN BISLEY TEAM pTTANVA. May '.8 Bergeanl H. NV. Heaumnnt.vW-Jhe' only British Columbian op the Canu-dlan Ilisley team which will sail on June 13.