I AOR SIX THE DAILY PfEWS J'da May 8. 19;5. Diamonds Alcrl, thinking people vln an; in touch with tlio trend nf events ami who do not fail to THINK, HEAR, SEE & ACT know thai in buying a diamond they must depend largely uon tlio dealer. Our values are equal to those oT any house in Canada and cheaper than many. Save Your Eyes Our Optician lias had over 25 years' experience testing eyes and fitting glasses. Satisfaction Guaranteed Max Heilbroner The Diamond Merchant of the North IF YOU ARE WANTING A smart and up-to-the-minute Suit or Ensemble Come and see us. "Doners" The House of Quality Phone 27 P.O. 327 For That New SPRING SUIT Go to M. T. LEE Experienced in Ladies' and (ienllemen's tailoring, l'riccs reasonable and a big slock of Knglish, .Scottish and Irish Tweeds and Woollen floods available to select from. (Jualily and fit guaranteed. Mail orders given prompt allenliou. ALSO DRY CLEANING AND PRESSING P.O. Box 977. Phone 663 337 Third Avenue Prince Rupert - - B.C. A Load of WOOD FREE each week This is what we want lo give away, ami we don't uiiiid who gels it. Travel by our Tari and gel a numbered ticket. VOL! then have, a chance on the next load or wood. It's the best kindling in the Cily and each piece is KILN DRIED. Your fire troubles are over when ytni have some of Ibis on liand. If room does not 'permit storage for a full load, then order a hair load. ,The Prince Rupert Transfer & Taxi Co. Third Avenue Phones 189, 112 & Red 461. Dr.F.P.Kenny DENTIST Exchange Block Phone 109 cnnni v sum in the morning ,,.,,' HER TONGUE WAS COATED RIDLEY r., HOME had bad taste in mouth Sum of $637.05 Raised at Bazaar In Metropole Hall Yesterday The llazaar held yesterday in I ho .Metropole Hall proved a dis tinct success; (lie lolal proceeds being $(537.05 derived from the 'various departments as follows: I Kaiiev work 1 32.00: child ren's clothing $120.00; home icooking , $57.75; Plain sewing, S55.t?0; refreshments 18.00; second hand stall 'l2.30; fish pun $S2.00; miscellaneous $10.-75; plants $38.05;' candy $38. 15: palmistry $7.05; fortune telling $.1.50; gifl $5.00. In (he course of the afternoon selections were finely played by. the following members of the' Ladies' Musical Club orchestra under the direction of Mrs. O. Bryant: Mrs. Hinton, Mrs. T. Collarl, Mrs. A. Mackie, Mrs. M. Heilbroner, Mrs. Ackroyd, Miss M. Lancaster, Miss 11. Hlack and A. Mitchell. Mrs. J. llreuuier in her clever palmistry and Mrs. II. J. Willell with fortune telling added much to the enjoyment' of Ihe afternoon. The names of Ihe following ladies who kindly assisted should be added to the list already pub- TIMBER SALE X 7006. Sealed Tender will be received by tin District Forester, Prince Ilupcrl. in later than noon on the 13th day of Ma, IHii. for the purchase of Licence - 70uo. silver Creek. Tucks Inlet, all. 5. to cut ID 9 U. board feet of felled and slaixiuu spruce. Hemlock, Ualsam anil teuar saw-loirs. one ill year will be allowed for re nmval of tlmbvr. I'll rl Ix r particular of the Uilef fores ler. Victoria, or Ihe District I'oreslci. prime llupert, B.C. IN PROBATE IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA ' 111 the Mailer of the Administration Art;, and III Ihe Mailer of the Estate or Edwy Hick-Taveuer lljde. Deceased, Intestate. TAkK MITICK that by order of hi Honor K. MrU. Vunnif made the lOlh da) of April, A. D. I was appuinled Ad nilnlstralor of the estate uf Kdwy lllrks Taveuer Hyde, defeased, and all partie-havluic claims airaiust the said estate an hereby required to ruruish same, properly verified lo me on or before the 16th day of May, A.u. Ill, and all parllr-lnd bled to the estate are required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith. MIHMW A. WATT. Official Administrator. Prince ftupert. B.C. Haled Ihe K.lh (lav of Anrll. tflS FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY Combination Specials Heinz STORE SALE By R. Bramley Special prices prevailing will be for two days only and the values offered ate 20 per cent below regular prices. 95c Lot 1- Iking I'ork & Deans, plain or in lomalo sauce, size l, 7 tins for , . . 95c Lot 2 Heinz Cream of To-nuito Soup, 7 tins for 95c Lot 3-Ilein. Tomato Catsup, :t for 95c Lot 4 ft xinall tins Heinz Cooked .Spaghetti . . . 95c, Lot 5 5. medium tins I'ork tV Beans, plain or in tomato sauce 95c Lot 6--1 large bollle Worcester Sauce, 1 large hot-' tie Tomato Catsup, I Imodium cooked Spaghetti 95c Lot 7 I jar llciii. Prepared' Mustard, 1 jar Heinz Sweet Pickles, 1 small liotlle Vinegar ... .. 95c Lot S 1 Jar Chili Sauce. 1 large tin. Pork it Beans, 2 small tins Cream of Tomato Soup , 95c Lot 91 tin Him Kidney iJeaus, medium size, t large litis Cream of Tomato Sunp, 1 Jar India llelish 95c Lot 10 i small tins Pork & Beans, assorted, 3 small tins Cream of Tomato Soup 95c Rupert Table Supply 3 Phones, 210, 211, 212 Mi!, J'earle. L. Zlnrk, Hants Comer. .VS., write: "I awfully troubled .,!. ..... 11...... .......I I., ml Ull.'ll .11.! m Mill, mi usiii iu ... .. j iini telli I would line to ll down w lillo I was ilolnr my work, j In the iiinriiluir, when I necl to net up, my tongue was rated and I liad a had taste In my mouth and often times, throuKhout the day. 1 was Irouliled with pains In my ttoniarh. I suffered In this way inilll a friend of mine who had used your MILBURN'S i LAXA-LIVER PILLS tojil ii ic offhavinir taken tliein, so I derided to try them, and I can truthfully uy that they certainly did me a lot of (rood. I rannot recommend them too highly t'i all those who suffer as I did." You can procure Mllhurn'a Lava-Liver I'llls at all druggists or dealer: put up. Tor the past 30 years, by The T. Mil-burn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. lished: Mrs. 0. M. Hunt, Mrs YV. A. Matbeson, Mrs. '. (iii-; liuly, Mrs. V. A. Thomas, Mrs.1 I nger, Mrs. Carroll, Mrs. .smith, Airs. Macauley, Miss H. .iehol-j on ami Miss A. Kxley. The trustees of the llidlcy nine desire lo most heartily 'hank every friend, who has in any way contributed towards making I lie Bazaar the success it has proved." 30NFIRE PICNIC FOR ! CHILDREN'S WARD 0h Baby Will Give Proceeds of Trip to Dlgby Monday Evening In aid of the children' ward mill (he launch UJi Baby will be tin by bet skipper, Laurie .anibly, lo Digby Island on Mdn-lay evening leavinjr Ihe fish-Erics' float at 7 o'clock sharp mil reluming at 10 o'clock for he return fare of Sl.ou. A re-iresenlalive of the Ceneral Hospital will , be on board to collect lie fares and tho entire proceeds vill be devoted lo the ward fund. The idea is to stage a bonfire denie on the beach and it is us- J iccled a jrood crowd will be on I land lo lake in an enjoyable' veiling ami at Ihe same lime as-j sisr in swelling the fund of a vorlhy cause. SLIGHT DECLINE IN TRADES UNIONISM' Annual Report of Department of: Labor Shows Present Status of Organizations or f AW A, May 8. Thai there are trade union branches in Canada with a lolal inem-ship of tMWUita is reported by the deputy minister of labor. This is a decline of ini'iubc rsliip if 17,1 ill ami in bj-auches of aH, over the report of a year ago. According to Hie same authority there are Kit international organizations operating in Canada, five less than a year ago. The total international mem-'tership is 2111,081 or 78 per cent tio T I o c l THE MATTF.n Of an iiIlralln for im lnniir of a rn-sh tfrtiruatc of llllo rr IjiIh iilncti-Pii (till and tut-nly (III), liI'Mk ttilrty-lwo (3), Scrtlon rive (S). city uf I'rlnre luawrt. Mae 3. Satlnfii'torv proof of the drxtriirtloii of the Orlirirnle ff title rovirlii 11m almvp Idiirl In vl n linli furnished lo thl nrrii-d it it my iiitrtitiuii to lue., artrr the -ilralion of Unity Cim dnya from the flrt militlratloti hprcof. a diiollrali! c.crtiriral of Title. rnviTlttR Hip kmIiI Uni1 in the immeii of I'ETKII M. CASslIiY anl inVMi CASSII1Y, whlrli Certlf Irate or title Is ilatifl the I3III AliKUtt. 1913, mi'l liumliercd t I. II. V. MM:i.fo. Ileirttrir or Tlllen. I.anrl lh-?llry Orrire, t'rlnrn imtiert, n.C. Miirrh -h. 195 Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone 575 DENTIST LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone SI. Cartage, Warehousing, &nd Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal. Sand and Gravel We Specialize In Piano and furniture Hovlnfl. CLOSING OUT ICO Only Left GENUINE BRITISH ARMY BLANKETS. These Blankets at llii pp.-c will lilerally entire a sensation and we may have lo limit the quantity lo each customer loiuorrow. Duly 100 left ami you will have lo shop early. (Hosing out price, ouch $2.95 $1.45 Auto Rugs ALL WOOL AUTO RUGS $2.95 These are regular $.".'..; value. Absolutely I lie largest size UKiuufarliireil, 110 inches hy SO inches. Beautiful sufl wool, (iuai auleeil less than cost price. To clear at each See our Window for Reductions on goods too numerous to mention in this advertisement lire WHOLESALE CLEANUP OF CHINESE BANDITS Missionary Tells Gruesome Tale of Slaughter Outside Chungchow lers from that region l I lie .Methodist Mission offices in Toronto di.-cloic significant details of n "clean-up" of bandits Extra Special South African Field Boots At this price we are selling our genuine South African Field Boots, super quality. Guaranteed solid leather and waterproof. Be on hand early for this special. Sale price, per pair $3.75 Padmoro A Barnes Dress Boots Fa in mis ".Moccasin Brand" Moots. No finer hoots arc lo lie obtained nn.wvliere Ihan Hie "Mocassin Brninl," no inal-len how much yon pay. Sale price on all lhe-e hoots j if I- pair $5.95 -i i us Hi'- I; S. fashion and seeking lo win i lie good will n ihe children of lKurii, is given liy a lUii' h journalist, Barlebi il. IbMiiigs. who recent ly visito. I loom castle. Another pastime of the former emperor t clleding pholo-graphs of the Prince of Wales, and he is til so fund of culling and pasting up pictures of IJihtii Wiliielmiun of Holland. He dresses most carefully, says Mr. TOIIONTO, .May 8. Spring Hidings, and his suits are always cleaning of a somewhat grue- of the latest cut. At the court some sort is making good pro- j which W illiam coulinues to hold, gross in I'MimV hat West. Lei-! Ihe same sliff ceremonial as ini i..f i ;.. ii. .-ii.. I- .,i..r....l lillll'll III HIMHI! II.IJ.1 I llHSVIU'li One of i lie former ftnperor' chief ambitions lis to' become popular wilh (lie people, ami on a wholesale scale. Where the especially Ihe youiiK missionaries lived last summer in dread of raid- (here hae been eM ciitloiis of bandit leader.- of renown. The wrelcljetl followers of these hnivocfi have perished miserably on a field of slaughter just outside the cily uf Chung-, chow. Wriling from tha.l river' port, Or. T. A. Pincook; a Oann-diau Methodisl inedic.il mls-sionary, says Dial during recent weeks the round-up has been thorough in lus liitricl , "In i.liuiigcl'iow and distrifl Minn1 two lliniiiilid have been e.Xfculed." wrileH )f. J'incock, "ami daily Hie people flock lo the execution gVoujid. I know or five robber chiefs who linv been killed, one very notorious and another who held sway in the bills and whose men looted ami did coiiKjilcrnhlc damages dnrinu the past winter months lo our properly" Willi such perils Mimmnrily rrmoxed (be missionaries hopu lo proceed with addilions lo lios-pilal, schools 4uid chinch. Al-llirtliirli lioililiiiL' Iiiivk been oxer- ,. , , , . ' . . , , . . DIVERSION AND USC. folk ft Doom. He therefore often goes out personally to shop and addressee the lownfolk in (heir n:iliv I nlcli ilialect. He even deigns, now lo lip his hat pleas-! iiully in greeling. whereas for-nierly he had everybody bowing lo Iii in. STOCK MARKET " l-'Oii-m-', '-' "' j ;rul; mmici; M the Skeena lllver Alt be llll'tieil away for 'lack of I rarklnr Oomiiuny, t.linllid, wlmsfi alilret ... ., . lis Ul siHiiilanl lunk llullillinr. Van- STORE TO BE VACATED BY END OF MAY ONLY 18 MORE BUSINESS DAYS. This is your last opportunity to get these genuine British manufactured goods at a fraction of their oriai EVERY ARTICLE IN THE STORE AT A REDUCED PRICE. BE ON HAND EARLY. STORE OPENS AT 8 A M Underwear $1.95 Per Suit livery suit made ,, u,, ' stiuiiileil, unshrinkable wo-d. W-nin Helling at less llian cost of Yaw malm.,! p, $195 cost. Trench Coah BRITISH OFFICERS' TRENCH COATS $27.50 Values Reduced to 519.75. The-f rii.it. , , ily, Iriplr , i f Theie i- in , v lining win. h ilclurlicd w ),.-, ynul helwi i check lining t- j, skill illl i lm walerpp'i.i. S , . ;, $19.75 JOHN CHRISTIE Featuring Selected British Government Goods and British Manufactured Products 327 Third Avenue WestDemer's Old Store of all ui'guiuzi'ii wvtm i-s. In British Columbia tin n J'Jii unions. wjiurr in in warns, llie preseiuM- it)UH,r, h.c, will apply for a nieiiic u of organized bandllry on, a large take ami oi i nii.l bet l;r :''', scale was a factor Workiiig norlliut'slerly ami drains lulo I'orioilsei iil-iIiiuI tut. I i.... In mil line I nariHiiir aooin noriii run n iim flveniie, ag.tinsi umiiM-inking lo gauiei ,,,jrl .;,W,r( Toun.ite. Hie water win materials (, a program. KAISER BILL STILL DRESSES WELL Former German Emperor Seeks to be Popular and Bows to Children of Doom AMSTKHDAM. May H. A pic-lute of Willjvm Hoheuzollern, one linu (iriinau emperor, dres Bid. Asked Oranby ta.Oo ilacier v '.MVj .37 B.C.. Silver M 1 .5(1 !surf lulel , .liri .0(5 ,i Premier 'iM -3.:J7 Howe Sound ! I Ji-50 Indian U! ,i .10 Vi llllltwe MT, Independence IB .So Selkirk's , 05 .05 91 Terminus ''l .-15 L.'fi I... '-'.I .VP i Daly-Alaska , .Hi Mi Bay view -li'i WATER NOTICE. kmii.I i-iii'l iiiiiiil 1 1 (llverleil rroni Uih mirain at a imiIiii uoiiiii one aim a nun unit's ironi inr iii'iutti at point of diversion or I'orl l.ilwanl Towiixlte wmer nynti'in ami will IMI USI'll flir lllltllltl'lll IHUIItlMt IIIHjII III 1 land rii-nri'llH'ri as part or rorolmrc I it I hiniiliiT U7C, Hanks I, Coaot lilKlrlcl. thin mil Iri' v.ii (Misted on the around on 1 the mil day or March, m&, A copy of this mil lie ami an application rirsiianl thi-ri'ln and lo the "Water Art, tllli," will lie riled In the nrrico or tlio Water lie-I'oider, I'rlnce Ituperl, HX. Oliji-ctlnin to Ihe ippllratlon may lie riled with Urn siilil Walcr lieeorder or ultli ihe Cmnp iroller or Waler lualiu. I'arllaiiiiiit liuiiditias, Victoria, i.c., within thirty daya after the firm appearance of this notice In a local newlpitper. The date of the rirst tiulillcatlun or this notice U March Sftlfi. lets. SKKKNA IIIVKIt fACklNO COMPANY, I.IMITKI), Applicant. Hy A. J. .Mathcioii, Ajeul, WSSTHOLME THEATRf Friday and Saturday, 7 and 0 p.m. Saturday Matinee, 3 p.m. " LILIAN GISH in "THE WHITE SISTER" The I)n-e of the mtcimi in a pnvvrr: Ihe beauty ami grandeur of Hume. Napb n liackgroiiiul. The tale of two lover, wli i d ' Irolli, us lovers always do, without reg inl might .have in store, lie, a oblier, i- iv"'" ilevoles Jior life (o Ihe service of oilier- I While Sislerliood liieii lie returns lo d ui nieul of Iter vow. Hy trickery site i- bi' ujjii ings at niglil mid llieu Lilian dish in h" K Angela, a girl. iPicked ami chealed al rveev life one lieroic sacrifice. TOPICS OF THE DAY. V I,, tl 50c and 25c EMO-WEEK THE WEEK OF MAY 4th to MAY 0th INCLUSIVE WILL INTRODUCE THE 3RD NEMO-WEEK Will Li Under the name of Nemolastifc and Nemo-Flex kC to Nemo lines we are in complete range Girdles, Corsets Brassieres - made of elegant Brocades and Novelty Fbric Phone 645. & : cor. 3rd n "