v.c,r. four rRF. V N'EWS V.m.l: -1 BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManm i Local and Persanaii y 1 i i -..-v...- i.i.i i i p, -n ,i.. . 1 1 in" i rm - T-TaO CL X THM MOTMElCi .ow.l i-- ; Lyou&OKfbl1 .---tV VSS" A ' H.C. Undertakers, Phone '41. ni 0 OOM5REL M-f MORE I CAN CO TO TOWMFEC.UIN x-x v2-Hlarrs- f .-fp -U r ' iti.r - r r-' Ori au-v r ' You'll like our oal! Cop.sum vr -. 'i . i i w - .i j ' v v .awv . i ers Coal Go. J'hone 7. Knitted -.sports .good' just 'ar. riveil. .Mrs. (irnhlniiih's. If You'll like my Inxl! Iteason ablo.eharges. J'lione 301, (lay or, niclil. C. V. Synies. If L. W. I'almnre relumed to 'lhr oily yesterday .afternoon from a business trii to Vancouver, The iloparlinenl of marine has just ijnnupil .a leaflet describing Kkulefttile tltllel ami vivinp iiireo- lioiis 1ii re-rafti to tiav'ii'aliiiff it M. 1. .AlfCalTery, wlin has been soulh for tin past fortnight on husines's trip, relumed In the elly on the tiurlleiui yi'Slordav aflernonn. Mi.s K. JI. Harle, who ha heen spending the past t'oupl of nionlhs in (hc -mouIIi, ri4urn-e( Id ihe oily on the. Oat-dona yi-slerday .afternoon. A new dhipiiienl of .ISO -limn Xanaimo-Wolliiiglnn lump. '.coal arrived IhiKiinnrning on tlmdShil-knnl for .Albert & .MeCaffery. I'linnryt TJG mid T,C,l. If A. Soutt, representative of Lloyds, arrived from A'uneouver on the Cardeiia yesterday after-1 noon, Ji is visit hern lining :in connection with the O.fS.M.M! sleamor 'Canadian Voyaffoiirij which is undersoiiiK overhaul at. flielry douk. Coastwise Sleaiushlp & Ilarpe Oo.'h sleamer Anyox arrived in port at 0o'clock this niiiniiiifr discharj-'o.A'aiicouver Island coal for the l'rince llupert (Coal Cci rtnd I'hilpidt & Hvitt. jrim vesri sel in eiiroule to Anyox with Ihn fiarpe OrilT in tow. Captain l'rincp is in command. Mi .Cameron and Miss Mnr rlson, graduates of the Vancou-, vor Oeneral Hospital, arrived in' Ihe city on the Canleuu ynsler day anernoon to rill vacancips on Ihe slaff of the I'rince lluperi, lieneral llospilal iused hy- tin ili'i.'irl.ui-( of iMi.HS iCroiie antl Aliss Itailey fur Windsor, (hit. Capl. .John '.AIcKernan is Iipi in commniid of Mip C'.fi..M..M. (lanadian Voyapur 'whirili is ml-' ilerKOing ovorhaul at ilho dry (lock. It is expected that the vpsspI will ppt... awuy .about I'rH day 'for Viiiicoiivpi' where she will load for Australia. Kor two years, the Voyapeur was ridiup at anchor in Halifax- harbor. Caplain C. Ii. Smith, Maslnr or the Union steamer Chilliwack. has lo rt Vancouver ;for (the Old Countcy to bring out Ihe company's new -hlenmer diiuly 'Cp-; celia. TIip company's oilier two, boats, Lady Cynthia and Caliila,: the latter of which is lo rpplnce the Yenlurc on the nnrlhern run, will he hroupht out hy Capl. A. K. Dickson of the Canlena ;aml Capl. J. A. Kindlay of the Caino-?un. . Some delay was caused the CJP.H. sleamer Princess Mary Cnpt..C. C. Sainley, in landing' here Saturday aflernoon cnroul's south from Skagway to Vancouver. The povprnment dock was couppslptl with fishing 'hosts anii the lighthouse lendor Nmvingloiii anil the vessel was cnmpnllPi" lo put in al(i.T.P. wharf No.-1 un til a berth was cleared for.lipi' al her regular mooring place lo which she returned ami loaded. a 'Carload of halibut. The ves sel finally got away for the soulh about 5 o'clock. lUnion sleamer 'Canlena, Capl .1. A. Findlay, arrived ifrom ilho south' ml. 3:15 yeslerday aflcr noon and sailed at 8 for . Stewart, Anyox ami Alien Arm. The ves sol J i a 1 1 inn tollowlng among, her passengers: l or Prince Hu jipri A. serhich, J. Kipi am parly .(Oceanic) , W. II. Wark .1. P. (Illhcrl. S. Ilicharilson, V) I'osberg. M. I' JlcCnlTery. K.'AV Paliiiore, .r.ill. .Ihiinilloli, ,Miss K M. Earlc, jMiss Cameroii, Miss, Morrison, A. Scoll, fl. Auriol amt, N. Parsell; Tor Slewarl S. 'Dps-champ, William lluuling ami D, J. Hoyd; for Alice Arm, -Mrs. Mlsip McCoy; for Anyox H. fl'j droves. J. II. aicffncr, 'Mr. 'Wiil-J lers, 1). Hoyd, A. 'K. King amt Mr. Wilson; for 'Arranilale. 'A. 'E.' O'Mcara. . a'&me-) ' s -M-K ''' I I tm- iw L Fmw'Scuvict inc r..ra. n,iuni wk .tag lSy H '. ; i """" . . - - " - j i - - . . der the Indian Ant for ilriiiikeir- liess. ,i William llutitiiiiv wp1 knowi iiiminp uia ii, was a inasspi:oi,i; rrom somite lo Sle.warl iMissinpr Ihrouph on Ihe '(lurdena yeriler ay aflernoon. ;I. 111. llelTner of Iho ..Ornnbya ...... .. i :.. t . . if ? wl T.i-i-iin i" Mini w.is u jiasi'ilH;er bound north on the Uardena ye"- leyday afleruouii from Valium-; ver lo Anyox. n. u Jieara or Miiiona, counsel for Ihe A'aas Itiver Indians in couneoliou with their IfllMI liltllllir., ,1 IH.I.W'lliM.T- d i . . .. .. . nip tliroupti 'on the (Jardena :yes- lerday aflernoon bound for Ar ramlalc. Stanley (irilllths, son of Cap'.. (iritlitbs, .head of the Coastwise Steamship ft Harpe,, Co., will pas fhroiigh on the Carilena lomnr- row liflernoon returning lo Seal- lb; afler having -siienl several ays at Anyox. Col. Phillips uf , Winnipeg: passed through on lliel princess' Mary southbound Saliirday aflernoon after having spent si weeks .nl Wrangell conduct inp a Salvation Army .ollicers' training chnoi for unlives who came from all parls of Alaska. An article cnlilled "Cassiai1 and Htf. Destiny appeanitl in the Vancouver .Sunday Sun. H idvocalcs Slewai'l as Ihe poiitl of entry for .the northern .gold diggings with the route via near uiver jrnss. there are spvnral illustrations of Slpwarl lown and district. The author i Vllube" Hull, news edilor .of tlTi Port lani Caua News. J'hp old slpanipr Amur, which was wrecked soul Ii .of here i year ago and which was sub by Capl. A. .Ilerquisl of 'Victoria, Is shortly to lie enlered into coasl .freighting service iiv her new owners under Hie name of Famous. A slight fire hnike out aboard the vessel while -Hhe was al the Aicloria Machinery Depot in Victoria last week. Iteniiy Allen Company. Clean up .March hale. per cent olu faney (ihina and lea -sets. 5(5. Anion Seihich who lias lu'en ott south, arrived in of Alice Arm. n Jiusiness trip the city on the lardena ycslertlay aflernoon Denny Allen ('ompaiiy. Cups and saucers f rum 'I Tie up. I'lalcs om Tc. Soup 'plates from l.ric. 10 iter ceul off dinner .sets. 50 of II. S. .Miiiiro, poneral manager the Ciranhy Co., will he n isseiiffer. poiiiK south Iron; inyox on the Carlluna tomorrow' Mvs. Klsie JhrCoy was 'a pa; si'iiffer .piling tlirough on the Cardpiia ypstprifay a.'lernooii hound frruii Yanciiucr to Alici Arm. . Polor Ilyan and Arthur I.ewi-wprp-finedvl5 mid I0 respeni lively on Salurday (ifterno'ou u'n- Women's Women's. Hospital Auxiliary npnTHJITPn 'fAn i' TotM.. I ea, .March PERMITS rfcKMiSFuR FOR The I I.C. the hidding on June II line 10. (ia.eiie announce of Ihe assizes liert 0 and al I'rince (ieorpe The fire lieparlinvnt, durmp the mouth of February, respond ed lo tjiree alarms. No damage resulted anil Iilllp xiroperty was involved. Mrs, .lack Wyntie and son snil- ed 'on the Canlena last nighl for IVuyox lo join .Mr. Wynne who is acting temporarily as customs ollicer al the smeller town. One. of Ihe latest mining com pany incorporations is thai or flu! . Italiiniv Mining and Devidop- nienl Company with headquar ters at Vancouver and authorized capital of $.(10,111)11. Md. Ilrown's resolulion callinir for an Increase in the city's iniu-i in ii hi wage scale fqr. .ciiinuioii hihor from 5llc lo TiTWv pnt lour 'Will . be.ppv-jeiileil. nl lo- uighl's nipeting of the city council;' ... " I. 1'. (Silhert nrrivpil from YahCtiTiveV on the Cardena yes- lerii.'iy atle-rnnnn and will pro- cppiI hy tonight's train for ter race where he will visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. 11. (Sil- heTt. J. H, I'illshiiry, manager of (lie local liry" doi'k, .returned on this morning's train from Ottawa, wliere he sj)en some lime mi .business in connecloii with the yard, having gone 'lliere I way or ancouver. W. II. Wark, formerly in tin Jewelry ' business in this cilv. arrived on .Ih(i!(inlenai yesiei'i day aflernoon on one of his per iodical business trips in the interests of a manufacturing firm which he represents. Hrinjst I.ove. siiperinli'iidenl ol' ulilllies. sailed last night on the irilena for Stewart on private business. Hp is expected hack on Friday. During his absence. .1. Little, wire chief, will be in teliapge of the department. C.N. It. steamer I'rince .(leorge. which has .been tied up al Van couver for. sevprril-'iiiniilhs. ,vjll arrive7, here liexl Sunday lo oiuiplele 'nverhiitil . u) "illiK dry lock hnforp resuming service in place of the Prince llupert which will receive her annual overhaul. I'lie '(leorge will be in command of Capl. Harry Netlden. .Mrs. Ilantia Ness, who has been in the llospilal for the past lour months returned (home on Saturday and was .welcomed by i surprise parly led by Mrs. senueiitly bought mid 'repaired Rllaisler and oilier .members of. Mbe il.ulberan Ladies' Aid. ,Mw; Ness was very much pleased at being remembered so kindly by nil her friends as well as with i. i i.i.. , .. , in- viiy koi ii i i.-iirii 14101 hiiki ill-. tention which -she received ifrom Hie nurses .while In the hospi lal. RESIDENCES Building Recorded During Month of February Totals $19,150 In Value Including provision eral new residences, ipermils ri-prpseiHing valne of SSlD.int) wpre the building .inspector during thexnumth of for spv-liuililinu a I olal isstiPil al 's office J'ubruiiry. They were as follows: , ll.-.I. Ilcale, addition to house ut 1 Sixth Avei Kast. $150. AV. Sherman, Residence on Taylor Sro,ol, $1,500. IV Wiokdal, concrclp fouiida-, Mon for rpsiilpiicp on Sixth Ave. Ra si, .between Young ami Cotton Streets. Sinn. ' P. .Cameron, .garage oil Ninth Avenue- Fast, $150. A. II, Mol'hnftson, repairs in; building on Third Avenup adjoin-, ing parllon Cafo, $200. .1. A.. Liiisiiy, repairs to Alenei' aparlniciilR. :I00. Mitohell & Currie, resilience fin, Sixlh Avenue AN'est near Mc-DridP Street, 2,8(10. Imperial Ord,e,V Daughters of he Hmpire, ball on Kiftlj Avonue linst, .s,non. K. I.. Iliiplies, repairs to building on Comox Avenue. 1,(100. .Iidin (mrrie, pjiiilence at corner . of Mc.llrnle .Strpet and -'eveiilh Avpiiue, i?5,nno. A.- Cuiseppe, residf'iice nn Highlli Avenue near Seal Cove. School, a 1.500. A. Aslin, rosiilence on Comox. Aveijne, .$2,(100. W; Hoy, shed on Tavloj Street., SI 50, MASQUERADE AT SMITHERS FINF Sixty-five Children Attended An-' nual Event In Town Hall KAIITHFUS. Mar. 2. The annual children's niasipieraile ilaiice given under Hie nnspices of Wlnnen's llospilal Auxiliary, was held in Ihe Town Iliill Fri- lay, oiiglil. About -sixty-five children were masked and most of the cos- WfniPs were -very nttrnctive show ing Dial nmlliers liud glvetv a lol of their lime .iiiu)M)!iliiiico in, the Iilaiiiiing it till indlcrng Of tliff Cos tumes, a costume not spen al any of Ihe previous masquerades was thai repri'seuling llin crossword puzzle, no less than five being 00 ihiind Friday night. The iutlges had a liurd-linie in -select tug the winners. In the various classes, hut afler the grand inarch, .announced Iheir selec tions as follows: Ilesl dressed flirl : .May Smith as 'Crinoline .Lady. Itoy: Vimy AMindl as on Arab. iMosI original Oirl: Pat IV dlelheriiiglon as Miss Jazz. Hoy: lockie Dimloi as Fxpress pnr- cpI. iomic -inri: iK17.ni iteriiiPU n Sarah (infup. Hoy: Chaitlic Dood- son us a Frog. Ilesl pair pat Cnrr anil Pal. OGDEN'S LIVERPOOL 9 CUT PLII "Wanted For .Sale For Rei.t I'Olt PLAIN Illaok i!U7. ROOM lo home. FOUND' Daily FOUND. Daily v ltenl Apply DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per'word in advance. No Advertisement taken for less than 50c WANTKO SHWINti, phono; Prices reasonable. TO RENT in 7 41 BOARD HOAIID. The Srjcoiul Avenue. FOUND comroriahle Third Ave. 711 Inlander, 81)0 Phone K17. FOUND. Hunch of keys on steel ring on Fourth Avo. West.' Owner can have same by Iden- KOtTND. liuucli 'of Jey on ring. including one C.N. II. swilch 'key. Apply Dally News olllce. FOUND. Pair lif chibl'fi bowp woollen mitts." - Apply Daily News oflice. VOUND. I'air child' Tur med kid mitts. Apply ;News ollico. PRINCE RUPERT TIDES IliKh Low Monday, March 2 0:48 20:02 :2;i ii.'CUC a. ui. p.m. a.m. p.m. Tuesday March 3 High 7!58 a. m. 21 :27' p.m. Low 1 :22 ami. 'U:no p.m. Wednesday, 'March HiKh ...... "-WMI a.m. 2:f):i p.m. Low 2:tl A.m. Opal lirooHh. Applj News olllci). Post oflice News oflice. key. App BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY VVANTFD- A partner lo lake an active interest m a long established liusiiiess. iixccllnnl, prospecl-s for making money. For full particulars write llox :M Daily News, Prince llupert, H.C. MARINE TAXI SERVICE AUNCIl "Oh llaby" al your service day or night. Cojnfort Safety --Courtesy. If il's a waler trip call Laurie l.ambly. Phones lllack .'115 or 1.11. COLUMBIA RECORDS NFAV Process Columbia llccords no scratching. Finest reproductions of lulesl Fox Trots, Songs and lustriimenlal music by world famed arlisls. Call in and hear them. PRINCE RUPERT MUSIC STORE, Third Avenue Downey as Hie Prospectors. After the prizes were awarded, oipper was served lo the Child ren. , HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert D. F. Davidson, .1. II. AV. II. Work, .1. P. (lilberl. (i. Auriol anil A. Scoll, Vancou ver; Alex S. Millar, Smilbers; .Mrs. J. Wynne and child, Prince llupert; 'N. Persell and Will F Thompson, Victoria; Mrs. P Pnlerson, 'Cnlgnry; Dale W .Maher, Kansas (Illy; A. IL O'Hrien, Wiiinijiog. Central W. It. Iluok'uaU and C. A. Itogers, A'aiicouvor; Ulharles Wilson, Sinithers; Mr. and Mrs. .1. ScliiMilel ami J. !. Sclieidel. IM- iiionlon. V 17.1 I U 8.8 7.4 Ki.C li.r, ,111.11 .7.5 4 C,A in.i m.t 10:08 p.m. 7.0 fi. fi ft: ROOFING KLICKODD" Coaling. TIip host coaling .for shingle, iron or paper roofs. II preserves the roof nod slops the leaks. Also good for hriok, ooiiorete or slouc wulls. Clmapesl and best. Fslimales given. P.O. Hox ltt. J'hone IU. RAOIOl RADIOI AHR you inleiVslwl in Hadio-sols or pa(tn? I can save you money. 2 tube sots eoniplefo with aerial, phones and batteries, installed, 455. JHioup lied 707. TAXI Taxi 67 Phone (Call George. Paul or liusP Prompt Service 'and Comfort Day or Nig'.t Stand: 30SS BROS. POOL ROOM Meeker LlorH, Acress from Kmnf iM Hotel FURNITURE, New and Secondhand Furni-ure Store. AVo Huy. Sell and Fx change New and Secondhand Cioods. QIP.O. PAPADOPULIS, rtai) Third Avo. Pbone HC AUCTIONEERS IT will pay you lo consult us 'When you dosire lo sell or purchase furniture, or any article. PIlINCF. IlUPF.ill' 1JX-CIIANOF.. Auctioneers. TIMBER SALE X6103. SmII Tcndi'n will bo rer-lvl ty tlie liUlrlil Knri-Hli-i not tiller IImii ttmilt on the t:illi il;iv or Mtrru, gr., for U inn tiii- or l.lrviie Xftlu.1, IM tSM. whs 1 slu.ri. or Mamvll luli-l. owm Ch.ir-lulltf IkIhihN PHlrli'l. hi cut SVA.TTtt lm,i n I ri-il of spriii-e. :mlar. ami llein-'oek Savlors. iinn (l 1 -r will m allnweil fur removal or timlwr. Ftirlhrr imrilrulars tr (In- Chlrt Koro-Kr. Vlrtorla, or list tiimrlrl romtr, I'rlnrn Hiiwrt. H.C.' - TIMBER SALE X 0928. S kil Tfflrti'r Will lie fftvril liy llw MluMtvr or Unit i. at Vlrliirla, not tiler 1I1011 niMin on the 1 mil ilay or MarcU, 1BS. ror the piireli.i or I.lri-ni'p X l0lf, to nil mso.imio r Od.ir. Ileiniock, italMum anil sprnrp nn mi -nrrm alniated rm Ihe luirih (luii-f- or KiyMiali Inlet, llanir 'I, Oiint Land PUtrlrt. Two () ynart Witt li Allmvmt Tor removal or llfnlxr. KnrilM-r ii.irilrnlarK or llxt ctuef Korea tor, Victoria. ll.C. or lilatrlct Koreater, Prince liupisrl, IKC. TIMBEn SALE X GS11. iTIiere will lv orremil Tor aaln at Pilti-llr Aurlloii, nt noon un im nth" ilay ot March, IMS. tn the nrn or tlm Kori-at' llaiiKH-. Ilazellon, ll.i:., Uic Llrenrti XOHl t, In i-iii kiio.oimi lineal r-l or Cellar Poles anil na.Miin Uemluc artil Jackptne Tien on Uit I&7K ami ailjuliiliiir land lliiatt iMnn or MUtluin, i:iaMar l.mul lilatrirt -rnree iaj wins win Imj Jilldwfd , movat or timber. Trovfili-il any one unable to ndeiiil tlte aiiruoit in Miroi! iii.iv miiiiiiit a aealed tetiiler to Im- oxnit. at tint hour or auction ami ireuifil 0110 lihl.f rnrttiir li.irilenlart" or Um Chief Forester, Vlelorla. ll.C, or lilHrlrt Koreiler, I'rlnee llupert, U.K. 1 LAND ACT. for re- nance or intention to Apply to Purchaae -and in HKeena ,nn mairlct. o: Prlnee llupert lieronllnir Dlatrlrt, and mtuato apprintiiinlely one and one hair tulle Weal oMuivuHUtloii, on jnii Minuil, skeeim lane nonce (hat liudoir Laranon, nr 44M carlnion HU, liurnahv. tirrunatlon Loxirer. (ntend.i tn aniiv r.n- turn .n to purrhaxi hip rnllowliiR deserlhcl ,md Wjniineiiclinr at a ptwl planleil at the aoiiilittput corner or l.ot t03, -salvus lulandi 'tlninee oiitheirlv, artoriul- mately H0(l yairti; then lortherlv an- proxlmalely flov .yards: ihenee iioriliwvstJ erly approximaitly hop yanlt; iheiieei Mtutlierly Kim .variU.'to Kint nr'heitinnlnir. roinpriiHnir all that Portion nr h.tIi,,. ii. . fwe .01 un 4KU3 and CDIItalnlllir. ..HlllH '"v., iii.iiu or lean. THOMAS MILLS A irent ror ' IIUOOL" LAIiaSON. Articlei Loit ar.d round, 4c MAIL SCHEDULE For the East-Monday. Wi'ilif-.i.u. n urdnys, closes , p ,m . From thb East-Mondays. V r I , ., ,v. Fridays, ihic .11 ; , :, To Vancouver Tuojulays Mail clo-i - a' Saturdays Fridays, From Vancouver Sundays Wednesdays Thursdays To Anyox, Alice Arm (Irunnm A- AMin . 1st Ave. A Figh'ii -' tllh Avo. it I iiH ' - Slh Ave. A Thorn;.-"! 'iHi 81b III JSt It (It. Ave. A Slicrbi' - Ave 1 1 hi Ave. & Com , ul -.'tit Ave, & Hay-. 1 -' Ave Ave. & Hnys Circle .. Ave. A Col lo S' 5th Avo.A Mi lli il' Pro. Oov. Illilt;- Prov. Oqv. Wliav 1 fi.T.P. Wharf :ml Ave. A 2nd S! trd Avd. A Fill jn -ird Ave A JH" ' iu DDnnlTE, m nr miPorME COURT OF B"1 C0LUMBI." In Hie Mallet ..r and In the Mailer nl liell. teee;i-. T.UK XaiTlr I i Honor K. Meli v or February, i "-' tnttilairalor or ii" Kennel 1, ilerea ttftt fl.HIM" aviin ' 1 Iwrehv tennlnil i uroperlv veririeit iy or Mireli. M-.' (Silled to Ihe - imv ih- " 'ini me rortmvitn. Dated till 91 M fiheena Land NOTICE. IN TIIF MAT l i;n Tor Hie laaiie i title rtr Lots Mill '' (St), lllofk xeveii Cltr or I'rlnee dni Sntlararinrv l Mnifllon or the i Inir the aliore laini to ine It I tnv lui'"' etplratlon or otv n Ptilillcallon tier, i title In the name ror the aald laiM lUle lUleil (In ninntiered 308:i I ii !' Land lleRlMrV OW Prtnre llupert, ' tlinnarr llh ' ' lieroniniK i'1 TAKK rliTi:K Terrace, ll.i:.. 1 C. iL. M. nurw-v ' pallon liimheriii'iii pertnlMlntt t" t' ' ' arrllied l.ind, f '.oiiiiiif ii-liitr al emtmr inland IH' '' siunksllnni Itlver ' 1 or aald river; tie " nrfMiml 'Wis nil I" t containing tt.i arc nl'' CLW, :i ' ..'I'M t LAND ACT sit: 4 15 I'l 1:. M '1 Stevii- and Premier Wednesday- 1 ; ; .l Sundays tJ From Anyox, Alice Arm, Stewirt and Premier Tuesdays Kl Fridays ii To Port Simpson and Naar Rnr Points I 'l'li.,lV. Ill , inn i-iiu.i - a From Port Simpson and !t Rlver Points Saturdays A.l To Alaska Points '-' '' Feiiruai'y From Alaska Points Februar I To Queen Charlotte Island Poll February I 1 From Queen Charlotte 1st- Points . Fohrunry I r EDX COLLEOtlOf- -ill l!i 19 III 15 I II Ji I. .ll . 9.11 ,. ail -, it i "J 1 i i tt ' "' ..mnl '",errlY'