feHneuewea Mar b 2, 1925. THE DAILY NEW3 PAGE THREH FIVE CIVIL CASES At the end of washday BEFOREJUDGE YOUNG WESTERN MANAGER Mrs. N. of County Court Was In Regular m. Session Today Dates Set Westminster -and Naturalization Applications tVAWMHTEO I Taken do you feel? And few ytars of tblf tiring toil will nk you actually a old in appaaranct on day' work now mkts you ff L Kp your youth by using our m SAVA6 ms. T am Thrif-T-aervlce. Its coat is very slight, yet your antiro bundle will be wished carefully, the fit work will be ironed, and just the wearing apparel left for you to finish. And this comes back to you damp, ready to starch and iron or bang on the line. May we send for your bundle next washday? 5c Per Pound, Plus 1c Pep Piece. Minimum Charge $1.00 CANADIAN LAUNDRY AND DRY CLEANER Phone 8. .Wit The "Natural Touch" of the New Quiet 12 Rcm-ingtLii lightens the day's wvirk, improvcs the day's output, and turns typing from a task into a pleasure. No wonder this latest Remington mddcl is win-ring the typist everywhere, no matter what typewriter she has used in the past. And remember that this is only one of the many fundamental improvements of the New Ouiet 12 REMINGTON Write or phone us for a demonstration REMINGTON TYPEWRITER COMPANY McRae Bros., Ltd. FISHERMEN! 1. :: ; -over your Firs I Aid K 1 1 and -er lli il il i- cmn-Ue"f are some if llif tilings you -lnulii have on I iirTore ton put lo sea: IODINE ADHESIVE PLASTER BANDAGES EPSOM SALTS LYSOL BORACIC ACID DRESSING FOR BURNS, ABSORBENT COTTON,. FIRST AID BOOK 1-r voiir Personal Kit von will alo need RAZOR SHAVING SOAP RAZOR BLADES SHAVING BRUSH SOAP TOOTE PASTE COMB TOOTH BRUSH Ui'v - ;iir supplies from ns iiikI le sure of warning satisfaction. ORMES LTD. ITU! i . Pioneer Drnnnlcte I'lura avenue The Rexall Store Phones 82 and 200 Ask for a Tide Book for 1025. They are Free. ET IT AT! HIGH CLASS -GROCERS PHONE 586 - BULK COCOA 2 . for 25c .u'w -k V Washer and Dryer lias no 'Wringer, needs none. Won (Sold Medal at lasl Quebec Fvliiliilimi over till Anicriciin nnd Unniulinii Machines. Cash Price $185.00; nlso sold on lernis. Kaien Hardware Co. County Court is in regular monthly session loday before i . . i juuv-i; u,u IK.'. J.. . - ' liie lomiwliiff oiUrsi Joluj Donnelly vs. Somerville Cannery. $:. to. wages claim,ed in lieu of wrong Tul dismissal, V.. H. Fi.-hcr for plaint i ff anil Williams. Malison & llonzalcs iW defendant, dale lo lu- fixed. Imperial Machine Works vs. Cliiirles T. Waul, 35.i() for re-iwilrslo jfits boa I, Palmore & iVillim for . plaintiff and Wil- I Minis, Manson & (ionzalos for defendant, dale set March 31. C. J'. Kiel vs. J. M. Morrison, 3 10.50 on logsring" contract at Alice Ann, Put more & Fulton for plaintirf and Williams, Man-on & flunzales for defendant date set March 25. Cliarle Levi s. Canadian Fish A Cold storage (jo., $ 123.5 1 in lieu or wrongful dismissal, Wil-lijiuis, Mausoti &. Gonzales for plaintiff and .W. F. Fisher -for defomlunt, dale to lie fixed. Charles Johnnscti vt'. John Shirley et ill,-, unstated damage for wrongful seizure, W. K. Fisher for plaint i f r and Williams. Mam son & (ionzalo for defendant, dale set Mm-rli 18. Applications of Thomas Olsen nf Tenure, ami .Man in Count of Huledale for naliiralizaJion are lieint! taken lhi afternoon. FEBRUARY WEATHER' Total Precipitation for Month was 5.51 inches; 42 Hours of Bright Sunshine The following weather ,uin-oiary for the tnniilh,,of l'1iruilr H issued ryS7C. .lurnvsoiv oT DiiHty Muml, DypgupHi meteoruk- isisl:A. . t - ; JI ej ii. I ejiipr rat u rpy -37 . Maximum InmrWiralurc, 4U Fiiruary"So'nitJ il. Miniintiiii leinperalurr, SS February I nnd It. . Cut hI pieeinilnWmi, S.S1 elM'K. ' Snowfall, K:l iiiehes. Itiiinlall,i.5i jarheii. .. . lliMtr- of Hi'IkIiI siihine. . I'ui al wind mileage for umnl'i rioiMi. flrealest wind niileape in 5 hour?. 731 mill's on February '8. Maximum hourly wind velorily. .'it mile. m Fehruttl t'8. PRINCE GEORGE An , j BABY'S COLDS Children's delicate diRcsfions ate easily disturbed by too much "dosinK." Still Die little ones cold troubles cannot be neglected. At tlie wry first r.icn of croup, sore throat, or any otter cold trouble, apply Vicks UpoKub over the throat and chest. There is nothintr o swnii i in- The city eiilliii'il is In cnliliuu' upplynip! pnwer iiml light to South and tivnlral Fori ieorgi' hut i tfivinu ilie ji deulr there notice ,t hut il may be" tiecnTfisaVy1! to discontinue. Uiu .sek iiex1 winter if the 'jKiwcr 'pfernF can-iint siipolv il over and above' the needs of the city. I'be lrinco (ieorgr (mora Society held a very successful concert in Ibe Ilex Theatre lasl I'uesd night under Jbc con- iliielorship of II. Hull of Ilia-come. Taking jiarl the pro-grmn wrrc J. (Juayle, Mi's. W. J. I'llnian, .1. Hexnn, Mws Virginia .lolinsou, Miss llosff .Jackson. Miss Young, Mrs. (!. Abbott anil .lodge Itoberlson. - . . t M. H. Wiggins is ipk from an extended buliday Inhi on thn I'plside he went in Ibe course ofsliich is far as lios AiiKeles. .1. II. .lohnsftn, flie knsnl holtd proprietor, is on a trip to Victoria. ,Si Hr. Karl Fw.irl iias ceturneil Something over (wo year ago Mrs. N. (now I mug hi New 'e,slininsler moved up Hie roasT WTiere fresh milk was unulitainauk'. he litid tievcr IriiMl (VjniH'Jvini!l, Inn hring fonipetiJiT lMuse ii itei ideil lo try some of every brand. I'a cific cain. fU'st iind hhe says il was 4 ,Uj;i.te. Hieu all Hie others hail (heir opportunity, only to havo. Jier come baek to I'acific. wlilrh she continues lo use evji iifler gelling back lo town. We are grateful for such letters s Mrs. N s. Pacific Milk Co. Limited Head Office, Vancouver Factories at Ladner and from fjrelia, Man., where he wa called on 'account of the serious illnes of his.. innl tier which re sulted in her death. The Ih inl lands NEW HAZELTON occasion licinjr. his eiglliy-birllnlay, JlnhKrl Lang-eiilertaiiieri a number of lits friends at Hie home of Mr. ami Mrs. John Newick last Monday. Thpro 'were speeches by Dr. II. -C. Wrliich, M.L.A., Mr. I'roctor Sr., Jl, it. C-ox and Miss Meiklejohn. Mrsv MarKay sang a solo. r Itev. T; FtirHer is liere on business in" emilheelion with the lln.elton Ullest of M.I,. This week of the team ship series irogies.s for months and Hospital. lie is the Dr; li. ('... Wrinch, Mrs. ; W. Amleroii and her dauMile'r. Ilidierlft, have reluni ed from Vaoitrtiver. 1 M' Trom rnm cs. ii. v. unvtlli has arrived Vniwoiiver to visit her hus band of the Yilkon Telegraph eerviro who is a patient in the linspilal. Sporf Chat ! W ill sec I lie clnsf Joll.i)(J cliampion lial lia,s bivn ii. Hie- iwisl severjr. Hie 'commenccmeii of the annual individual elimination srries. T'ojnonow uighf. the final tournament of the seoml division will take place belweiui The Prince Ituierl llil-Jiard l'arior and Ibe (Weal War Vfleraim. 'Iiliere.is lillle chance of Ilie former leani leing beaten so badly Uial it would be knocked oul of first place, in favor of the St. Andrew's learn, runners-tip. Entries for the individual city championship series close on Wednesday and the first round will start on March 1 2, the dale being sel'.at a meeting of the billiard leugjie execuliW behJ y esleJilay. ,r . . The games ofdjie l'rince Itu- pwl liribbage League are being followod with a good det of in- lewst. Two more sels of games arc schtMluted one lotiiglil and the other on Monday next. Seven of the nine (cams arc f.lill in the running for the season's honors Willi the pretyrenre lying willi the Heglmenl, Orange Lodge, Dry Dock and Klks are siiarina rtrsi idaw. ut, unlay. also have a cliancci, they beinp lied in second plhce but one Fame behind. loiilplil Hie fol lowing Ichiiis will fneel: SI. Andrew's vs. Iry lnck; Loyal Orange LihIkc vs. ".Jtesiment; ren! War Veleraus vs. Mlks; Crollo vs. Sons oT Caiinda. The l'rince Itupcrt Jlijjli Scbool jiiris won the first baskelliall Kiiirve from Anyox iiy'tt score of 17 lu ll on Friday niglil bu( the boys ld.l by HH lo ,20, aCcordiui.' lo word received 'by Diuiplas J'rizxell. The resulls ijf Hie s'eC- ond inles on Saturday" lirfcTitT have nol been leritcdPTbKtMms will be boine on' the steamer lardeim tomorrow. ANJVOUNCEWENTS in Ilaplist iustrubiton.ldirm-ernigWcroun I Musical MllM,'nl eveniiif fVfiinnr is usually rclie-cd in 15 minutes. iCJiuitrli, March I to 8 p.m. - If T lit rapid expansion oi the colonization work of the Canadian National Hail ways in Weeirrn Canada, :an;l the excllcnt results obtained during t!)2l under the directi'-n o? Mr. K. A. Field, Land Comr.iifsioner, have justified the fonnation of pbns for the actjve extension of this work daring 1925, nnd :ome Btaff changes. Formal announccrnont is now made that dating from January ICth, 1D25, Mr. Dan M. J.-hnon is appointed Western Manager of this department with headquarters at Wniipeg, an' appointment which will meet with very general, ap-r . proval throughout e&s't&rn and western Canada where Mr. John-eon is favorably known as a flrt tlats agriculturalist, stockman and business executive. Born on the Xinealm -ky farm at Headingly, nr;ir Winii.p.'g, in 1831, which farm w::s at t.iat time managed by 1 father, Mr. Johnson in his- curb stars' revived a very thorough training in agriculture, both theoretical nni practical. His studiss were j-ursued at Upper Canada College, Toronto, Ont.J VVycliffe College, Gloucestershire, England; Ontario Airricultural College', Gurlph. Ont., and Toronto University, from which institution of learning he graduated in 1003 with the degree of Bachelor of Scientific Agriculture. From this date until 1D15 ha was busy on the land as a pra.ticul fanner at Myrtle, Ontario, and North Battle-ford, Saskatchswan, gaining in tKat period irc-ilaable exptriencs of the farmer's prcbtems as they are cncoun'erH in actual operation. Hav n-r by Ibis lime acquired a reputation ns .1 stnek raiser, he was in August, 1915, appointed Market Uc ' ntativo of the Dominion Live ;..o-k Branrh at the Union Stock Yp -.!, St. Boniface, and in 1018 S-1 vr'-hn- of Stock Yards, (hai'g'") with the rnl'orce-.njcr.t of th? Li'? Sto-k "id. Live Stock Pro-iurls A t of 'l. 'V, and further pror.:f: I in 1 "0 In be Chief of Stock Yards Scrv-trp f ir the Dominion C.x-r:;iuc::f. On July 1t, v;2.:, Wr. Johi.Kon resigned his .-orti: n will; the Dominion Goveinwcr.t r lei-fiirie Agricultural Ag-nt fir (he C.N 1L, and was apnoin C Ti:'t-nl Agricultural Agert r.i Frli. 1st. ll'Cl. His wide ex-if-i n r with ag-c ultural, live pt.irk. I laud s ttle-mcnt matters, sad extensive acquaintanr? v in ihc- direc-dy interested in such .-..ntt- will be of considerable assistan e in the performance of l-iv th-c dutie, which, in view of thi immcne importance of active cobmizition work to westrn C!':u,, nnd the Canadian Nal una'. Kailwa s, affords almost unVmi'.nd r.- -e Tor his activit'. Amoug otht"- features of the work ret .:.'!!. Johanor's p-rs-'n1 ! d:rect:"n ; that of the mrbi''m"it Fervie for farm hel" which the Colon'-.itinn Departmrnt hs orcan'ztd as a matter of placing newly arrived immigrants in farm labor. Alex S. Millar, well known Smilhers mining man, returned to Hie city on the l'rincess Mary Salni.ilay afternoon after having spent a couple oT iiioiiIIih at Ketchikan. He will proceed to (lie interim' train. u this evening's The temporary power line from Allin Avenue for the elevator has been completed and elect ricily w.io was himed over the line on Sal-I The connection is on l , course, the M. Andrew s. Wan temporary and ?ives a load or Veleraus and Sons of Canada S5 horse pnwer which will be UM'd duriiiif construction oT the elevator. i The many friends of Mrs.: David II. Hays, rormerly a resident of l'rince Itupcrt, - will re-, frret to know that she is still ipiite ill. Mrs. Hays is now in a' small sanitarium al 1)11 Kasl Villa Street, l'asadena. California where she likes to' hear froui hor friends, notwithstanding her. inability to write in response'. 'Mrs, Huys is fortunately able loi tak( short rides. DANCING The lasl course id" six adult dancing lessons of .this season will commence on Monday ul 8 p.m. af i'll IMnl Ave. Phone 511. Mrs. II. O. Crewo. 51 Advertise In the Daily News. Do this and keep his clothing soft, pure and comfort able Nothing is so sensitive as baby's skin I Even the slightest roughness in his diapers, shirts and bands will inflame and irritate it. Much trouble is directly due to washing diapers with harsh soap $oat containing free alkali. The alkali clings to the little garments in the form of a fine, white powder almost impossible to rinse out. This causes "diaper rash." To save baby's skin, use Lux for washing all his clothes. It is the mildest, purest, gentlcst cleanser in the world. Lux contains no free alkali, and the pure suds rinse out completely. Lux keeps baby's garments soft, dean, comfortable and safe I Lever Brothers Limited, Toronto. Hp IcanadianF VACiric How to wash iiaptrt Remove (olid matter at once and loak diapers in cold water. Whisk two table-tpoonfuls of Lux into thick suds in a tub of very hot water. Let diapen soak a few mqmcnts, then dip up and down, pressing suds repeatedly through them. Rinse thoroughly in three waters. The "Rest" of Your Life WALNUT VENEEH RESTWORE BEDROOM SUITE 4 $130.50. Dresser and Dressing Table, filled willj .British I'lale llcveled Mirrors. Cane .Seals in Mencli ainJ Chair All wood bed I'ljiiijijx'il willi guaranteed cable spring and good wool mattress. Barries Home Furnishings 3rd Avenue and 1st Street WINTER Phone 123 Steamship Service S.S. PRINCE RUPERT oails trotn l'rlhce tlupurt FOR VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE, liiluruii'illale point vacli Frlilay V.UU a.m. For STEWART and ANVOX Wiiliiisilay. it. 00 p.m. THE S.S. "PRINCE JOHN" leanet PRINCE RUPERT fortnightly for VANCOUVER; la QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, SATURDAY, 5.011 p.ln lot I'rtnif (H-orge, EDMONTON. WINNIPEG, all polnla tasl '.in Canada, United States. AGENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. Cll Tlchit Office, S2S Third A, Prlnca Rupert. Phono 260. Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupsrt PRINCESS MARY For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skaqway njw s.. March 6,, 16, 27 For Vancouver,. Victoria and'Seattle March 10, 20, 31. ..." S.S. PRINCESS BEATRICE For Butcdalo, Swanson Bay, East Bella Bella, Ocean Falls, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, and Vancouver, every Saturday, 11 a.m. Agency for all Steamship Lines, . Full information froid W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent, ,v Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.cV T UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. .Sailing's from Prince nupert. 'or VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Swanaon Bay, and Alert Bay, Tuaaday.'S P.M. 'or VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, AUrt Bay, and Swanaon Bay, Saturday, 10 A.M. For ANVOX, ALICE ARM, STEWART, Sunday, S P.M. For AN VOX, PORT SIMPSON and Naai Rlvar Cannarlaa, Friday A.M. 123 2nd Anu. t. Barsalay, AganL Prlnca Rupart, B.O. r.i a a .1 :