it. I RNMENT ." un-i-ll IM1 BUI' . 1 - I hUMl... LIQUOR ACT. .tion FOR BEER i riviMi that mi th ... till hi. II. LUST ...wnim " ,lt',',. in re-perl l'i premises ir ,l,iS.. -tiiiMtwl al fM !." u;. " , ,; the i:H.v nri'f'" Hi-lllsli Columbia, -ibed a I.ritA seventeen I,'",;k l 'IDHI 1 ' ' , 1- 1111. si " 'iiiiliiiir to u I;-" i:."""". ... i.v tlin mien iJIIU ' , deposited In the 1 ... ,.. ,-liv ttt erlliri- nil J --- 1 nil 1 II i rini-rj. ' 1: ipprt. .:.. l"i v , ;,!' I). CA8I.EY. at Mnn.wr .jnr Hole!. Appliranl. .f nr 1 inilllK Ul. 1 . KNim."' nr APPLICATION FOR BEER I Kill.. I - J . . .1 I.I pITIIIIW nun? known 11 Hi.' corner or i: in urn i;ii.v or .r iiriii'Ji Colnni- ;..-.! ilnil I-.'., thirircn in II loch 'U'll In .r Krliii'i. i. Miri'il mJe m l nn 1 lli'ilry 'ir- ini.prl ltd 1 i.r lifpr l , . : . it III- for "III P n. ll.i'.. thin Hill rilTF.n BLACK, n nl Uiinarer .1 '.enti-al Hotel, DPlMint K il ill L. II I bivwwim " OF APPLICATION FOR BEER LICEHM, -- .. il that on llw St; vi H1'' under'! miHI r t.iquor Cuiltml 1 if priniii' 1' n that on ihe ii' tit.- iiuitlprmnieil l!if Liquor ilomrol! APPliCATION LICENSE, r 11: i-ittmsE. r , .;"rl. E.r thl.1 lh j, ( I'lln MM K A nsllKII, and rrtiprletof ur Savoy Hotel. Xonllranl RNMENT Linunn act II C K . . i-rLlCATION FOP nirrn "f Mi 'i,";, r P.n...',,.,) oh "! '' 1 tiu I : . l 11 1 HID L. . ....... "met LiiVii ,V"-, a ..11 rki,.i, .. '"" iiiiimti Lanil Ill tllll M,llA .. . .. 1 ruprletor , Mlll;.lrcr . - - uiyuOR ACT. urrrUV r un .. fa... . . 1 simiru IT xi ; ir"i'n in iimm I'll. 1. . Hll IE KlliiUfi hj ui 1. ,." '..".. "ituatPii ti .nsrii.iiA 1.1 j. it iu i i' .1 . . 1 . . I'inuil. l-rn. II I it ... ..! "! np'MI tlM- iandd SulmiJ J'loek forty- '.Mll fori. ..." "I.-'! aeven "'"'flel, Iir' J1!- Wn I"''l and" 1. I,,'9 5 Ik" city or ;"." 11. i'i', ; r Um """iuih t,V Itttipi in, , 01 'i1,1 1 "'C, l'.'i'inlsp. ''I.rinr .'J ''"'li n.C. thu aii, i.urnK '!. pj, Mannier ctut Clement Hotel. APPllciDt, BOYS WERE IN CHARGE OFMETHODIST CHURCH SERVICE LAST EVENING In roniieciion vit Mlii' Father, anil Sijn Weil, which is now being observed, there was a xjK'fiu) I service in I In1 .Mcliuulist ilhiirrb I IhhI niplil Willi I hi' Tuxis Hoysi ill cnargc. v . ,1. v.. name was in lfi chair, f Ik- scripture lesson fruni I.uTio II. "Christ Lost in Hie Temple" wum read liv lost today IfKsnc.iely, physically. In his parents' mid In Hie church, anil Henry lleiliiriinei' uiivi' an Olllll-OSK "Willll Will a I.'.. I I.,. .. . ... 1 I - 11, it ,t,,i;, ..'.Ml Ul.1l mi m I ... , . ... s, Uif iersiRiieti;(iive fur His Hon Special iniurni i.. ......... .... iiviiiu.- wi-ii- uiik nir me iii-iths- inn wild Hie regular ehuir leail-amj il ill' Cmiiii'i-uii nn'siilinpr al I lie fii in- tnvan. A gin 11 1 si.oil enilKl'eatioii alli'iuled n 1 -11 i.itfd at 7;s I'iriiiiiifiiiloii ' '"'ii'i'lh rJmZliV yenlenlay inorii.jr 1 n- I.iilt lUBf-lv, i. . Ill llktek . .ii 1 urn 1 1 , ci tj . : 1.1 a rirl-I s: ill -Iti (I In Hie. l 1 tl if .r Prlnrw It it r iii oin 1iii IK !"l III Mll Of prpinNf. . p.rt, l. r.. tllla f.tli ..- AlVNA M. IUIS8. Jlnntr nnil i.i-w APPLICATION FOR LICENSE IliplCant BEER PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH HAS 23 NEW MEMBERS Quarterly Communion Service Yesterday Morning Three Mombcrs of Session Ordained 'rwily-Hirw new menihnr were ailinilleil in Hie I'resiiylcr-ian Cliuri'li al Hie quartei'ly serviee whiuli look Three nw iin'iiilter of Hie session .lolin I.. Clirislie. .1. W. MuKinley iitnj W. I.. Sainlisiin were or-ildhiKil. Ilex. Dr. II. II. lira ill oflirialeil al I lie service. SALVATION ARMY Special Service Yesterday With "Mother In the Home" as Theme Prizes Distri- buted 'The Mnllier in IWp Home' mm ''ilnown'i'"1 ""' r Hi" irvlc at nt tin corner or , III . 1 .......... 1.. 1 .;:'t 1 enivl.. "fllliflU im land rtiMTII-and tvti-lvi itt. Si'dlon nun R n arcordmr l dppo.'imi in th at ,11m i:iy nr .'iiImti'iI '.1 a :i . tor Unci I ll UlP 0ll t II. ' FOR BEER r .en on Hip Hip niNprlrnnl L- Liquor Control 'P" i In prinlara una- known n i iii A PiMW, In I: r- ii "rortm-e or -:i the land 31- 1 1 and rrairlppp e.-ilnn imp (ti. " -I. ai . .inlln to iIi-k.IIp.I bi Hip "1. 1 iiv or I'rlnrn Ml, lor thp .ilp of FOR BEER :vt-n thai on Hip . tin iinilprKlaniil Liqnnr Control -T" . In pmnip iniif kuiiwti a-ITrr Slrv!, I; I'prt. l-rnvliiPi- 6f IIm- land do 1:1 ar.J rooty U.:ri -tht-pt. ,331', 1 I'rlnre llltpp-rl. map or plan Juli.v orriro at 1,1 ami numbered 1 hi irlata or nunipiliin on the Kalvaliim Army then luting a Hall las' liirsri; cull gi'cgaliim in alleiiilance. i'lier were readings by .Miss .Mum-ford ami Jack (iawlhorne and Hi" scripture lesson was rend Miy .Miss Kililti l.eek. 'I'lie hand uc- 11 r , 'hit iutii1,,,,i,1l'"i''l Hie roiigresalinnal isiiiKi'iK and Mins .Muiiifonl lay- : - fiisToi r aiui Maiutrr led h iiaiiui'orle solo. "Take litis or Hnal Haul. .,,.. , , ,, , -.. Applicant.,' ii1" "in iry in-1- tipi.--- was I he Inxt of a sermon- delivered hy Canl. Ilea. Afler the sermon SO prizes were dislrihul- LAND ACT. Motlct o! Intanlion to Apply to Pirchan Land. Ill Skppna Land uutrirl, I'rlnre Hupert IM-i-i.idliiK 11111 ict, and annate on Ittaml in AkPt'ita lllver Inuiu-diately Miuth ttt Sulvtn Inland. TAKK .NOTICE that liouitla S. Clarke f Uiiriwhy, II. 1:., ix-f tipaiKii sak-Niian, IiiIpimI to apply for H-nuiiiion lo pur llx- fullfWIiut di-orrllml lamH: L.inmif in nut al mi-it iilnnletl (in the 1 -ifi,- aui i,r ttifi iaHiwI iviiir Inifiu. ppii boll! fm- ,inlpl' auulh of salvus UIiimI, said Make thl Klh IMNV. I-IMITED. mi- Manairpr. npllpam , -.lyuUIl Hill, 5' APPLICATION hi-insr plMiileil .11 the pxtrptni- pait pnd or nam l.ilanil. and 0111al11ln1r all of aaid l.lud. Thi" "taki- i il:iniiil 4110 yariM dlrpetlv Miuth or Salni staimn and eon-Ulli I In naiiii- or iNiiiirkis S. Clarke, and naked by hki-hi Thoniai Mill, and roll-UI11MIC 3i ai-n-. more or Ipm. DOI OLAR S. CLA11KE, Per Appnt THOMAS MII.I.S. natPd January mh. t w a ." . GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT NOTICE OF APPLICATION APPLICATION FOR BEER LICENSE. NOTICE j hereW irtvpii that on the tiii h.iu up iiuppt. uiiti iim- ittKlpmlrned IfeltJNlH to apply " Llyuar lAnlrol iWanl for llronse-lu reupvt i pn-inisen l3t narlMir the bllMnir known as Cili Unpen lintel, .'iliialril al tin- ror- ne.r 01 sim'iiihi avi'iiiii- ami .thhi hci. Ill Hie ciiv or I'rinee llupert. I'nvlnce or Urllifh ciiliHiibiH. Mtii tlie land- de aerlbed a l.nls thirleefi (:i. anil fourteen 1 J , In lUnrk eleven (II.. Spi'llon One It, 111 tin- Cliy of I'rluce lluierl. aixord- ttiit lo a rpvlali-refl map or plan tiepoiuipii I- ,1... I Imilrv nrriPM at llui liltV of NOTICE Is liereby Riven that on or arter the lOlh day or Marrli next. Hie MuderslRiied Inleuils to lpply to the Liquor Ciuilrol Hoard ror l Urensu In restu-et ul piTlulses behiR pin t or Ilin bulldlnir knoxvii us 11 Vi'i'l-ll leens P iioipi. IIOIPI, sniiaie ailimif on nn !' i.h 11 1 Mreel. Mass-!!, Qur-n Cliarlolle Islands, ,tM or les- In Hie provlnee or llrltUU Columbia, fur ion sail- or neer nv nii riiip r im open bottle ror consumption on the premises. Haled this loth dav or February, I05. MIIS. M. I.. DUNN, Owner, Applicant. STOP THAT COUGH NOW WITH A FEW DOSES OF DR WOOD'S NORWAY PINE SYRUP Mr. Alex Foster, II.H. No. i. Proton. , Out., xvrlles: tk a severe cold .laok Stevens who patsilleled Ihisl". , wiiim "" "'v a'"' "" ..,... .! ir it were learin my lunR to pier. 1 win ami iroi a tmiiic or ir. WimkIh Norway 'ln Syi'iip-aml I got rHiir arier tlm rirjt fi-w (lotPH, aiul by tlw time I bad rinlUifU tlj wi or Hm boltlf I was innipli.lf.rjt rollBvt-U ?ftr iMilh my rolrl and ronirii." "Iir. WliKfjt" li.n bffii on the markpl rsr llii kki jr ,var; you Uim't fxpirl-incnt with Home ih! w ami untrliij rnunl.v wlii-ll yon buy It; put up only by Tlie T. MIII111111 Co., UiniiPd, Toronto, lint. ed for regular attendance at the 'Sunday School during , large percentage of the prizes were first class ileiioliug ,VJ Sunday's. aMemhince diirtug I ho year.. son us well as making tlie regit lar trip to Anyox, Alice Arm ami Stewart. She will arrive hero, as usual, from the south Sunday afternoon, sail for the north al 8 'i.ii. Sunday, return fi-eim Hie north on Tuesday afternoon and sail for the south thai evening. The Venture will not go farther north than Prince Ituperl, Coming uj the const she will call al Delia Koola and Surf Intel and arrive here 011 Saturday morning and sail, on her return soiilh, al 10 o'clock thai iimi-liinn. MUCH NEWSPRINT SENT UNITED STATES OTTAWA, Out., .March 2. .Newsprint totaling 2t2.H7fi,(M)ir pounds and valued at 8H8,l)'J3, 78.1 crossed the international boundary front" Canada "into the United Slates last year, according lo the iinnunl report of the Canadian pulp, and paper , in- Il .in- Mini,1 ........ .... -. , IMIiiip ttuj rt and nmnbered OifS, for the iluslry. Hlls WHS an IllCreaso of aie or IKwr liy me Fina or iij mn i-i ... .. ... ...... .........i ,,.,. Min ev bottle ror etinmnnptlnn on the premie. I ti,IMlll,IMMI pouilils tlVl'l I III" IX liATIili at I'rlnre llnpprt, II.C, till cm d.iy of Keumary. J0i5. riu.i.r. nnif.i. COMPANY, LIMITED, Per- H H. Ilorhester. .ManiiKer, pplii-itnt GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR LICENCE. BEER NOTICE Is hereby Riven that on the 7lh dav or Marrli next, the undersigned IntPiHlA lo hI.v lo the Uqnur Control Board for a licenee In re'pert or premises IwUiit pari or the bulldlnir known The llavporl Hotel, Ituated In the toxvn or llavsiwrt, H.C., upon the land denerlbed as l.iits rirtv-lhree (53) and firiy-fnur (D, In Murk eleven (III. aeeordlnit to a ri'Klslered map deposited In the l.anii llegUtl-y tirrice, at the City or I'rlnre llupert, lor the nale or beer by the Klaus or by the open bottle ror consumption on the premise. . , , DATED at llavsnort, B.C., this Oth day of February, li&. tMHS.) M. A. DlirVIS, Owner and Manaiter or lliyaport Hotel, pplirant GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT. ports of 11133. Tin; American market now takes 97 per cent it the total vitliui of paper exporl.s. Practically nil of Canada's paper is used in North America. Inroriiorallon of the Hums hake Community Hall Assooia- I j tin lias been gazetted this week under Hie Societies Ac!, wilh heailiiuarters al. Hums Lake. COAST LAND DISTRICT. REGARDING. DISTRICT OF COAST. T k E NOTICE that Parirtc Mills. Mm- I tol,. uT Vaiieoiiver, lirltlsb Columbia, I'tilp and Caper Manuradurers, Inlemls lo apply for a lease or the follnwIiiK dencrllied lands, in Tuast Dlsirlet, HaiiKe 3, In tlie provlnee of lli'lllsii OHmnlila, and bWiiir 11 xvaler lot on 1110 xvesi sine 111 i.ouiu in let, more pailieuiariy ueneruiea as roi intuit - Cniuiilenriinr at a post planted nn blrh tide Une on the west shore of Cousins HUet disiani snuineriy nitwiK khiiip jiui ii n-niii ilin soiilheast rorner of Lot I US, Cuast nisiriei, nance s; ineiue norm M 3det.K., a distance or Q,5uu ft., more or BEER FOR notice NOTICE of OF application application run nn Uw HuuUl,.a4t rrnPr or Watpr .mi..,.- intii. thpttmi nrtrto 17ilpirnn'VV flhinff I in- muilh boundary or nald -vniter lot lien, a aisiaNre or ana ll. ii tue niiiaueiii riniier or said lot 416(1; thenee riilJowluR Hie liijrli ti tw line auiithei'ly a disUuee or 7.enn ft., imci-p ur ,es, lo iho point o( eoiHiiwiii'iiueiU, routalnluR 7d acres more DATED January Mil. 1S. 1'ACIHC MII.I.S LIMITED, Hy JAMES II. I.AWSON, Afllfnnt Kppi-ptnpv 13IH Slaiiil.inl Hank HiilliilnR, BIO llastltiR9 street, West, Vancouver, ti.t. 4 the daily news PAGE FIVE The Man -Id the Moon i"V joy lie uwimfiiieil even iir a bill Lie. TIIK -all .of the I'.S. lo Hio ouiiy jieoplc of tlanaila is not jusl ax loud .as it was a .'ear ao. Vory K0011 il will it-difficult to liear it ul all.! uuft.lhttiK almul weatlier, it keepn Jin1 frioiwiiM olT llii! slreol. TIIHKK is said Jo lie a different -spirit evidenced lielween Uui'licc and Ontario of lale. J'os-olio of lliese.. iicav trovi-ni- iiii'iil conli-ol liranils. IF we doii'l gel thai I'eaco Itiver road ly lliei Voulu we want we should raise a ;-pry of swes-sion. It would hn soiuelhiii'.' Tor lite cuiiiii- 4'oliiiiitiistK In wrilo alioul. ROMK iM'ople. in J'riiiee Ru pert seem In iitlruc the otilyl piaw! uiey can get a irini is m a Those receiving first jirizef harlier slioi. Yet -I've seen were: l.illlh I k, Winnie Hx- ley, Xellip (iurvTch, Helen Sim. Henry Sinllli," Tlinmns Smith, Doris .Smlllt, .Yiinie Smith, lloso Smith, .lean .Mcl.eiui, Kdua .Mc-l.en, Kdward Kane, .lack W'sul-de, Waller .-I'iper, llorlejise I'iper, Adelaide Piper, Andrew i a mail Iriiiimeil jusl silling around a lillle lulile iiianipulaliiig I JFK is like a Yuudeville slinw iiinlv more humorous. !JIAI.S prevenl sliiniin lull aildell, David Waddell, (Iraci-'lnohif the car is .parked. Howe, MiUlred Miinizali. Itosei i Knx. .lark I 11 win. Calheiinu Cad- IF you Idow your own liortt wailadi'i ami Wiilard Ilea. :il is a si'-'n vnu aw in a fn-r. TEMPORARY REVISION SOMK penjde Jire talking alioul I illili-liPUilrnce lull 1 never st-em UNION TIME TABLE!"' J"- ""' '"'-ir , Ifroin my grocer. Camosun will call at Naas River. . ,...,,. ., - , . , , I LOW IJIS are lovely things and Port Simpson and Ven- L,M) ,,, l4hW,w bl yiMfr ture Will Come only ., wilich probably you will buy this far, jal McUirllrs i,r (Sraig's or idlemiie's. Willi the withdrawal -from! service iLts week of I he sleann-r! TIIF.HK'S one. advantage in Cardenu wliii'li is lo undergo two being old. Afler awhile, the in- or three weeks' overhaul at Vancouver, tin- Union steamship Ko.'s steamer .schedule lo points in this district will have some temporary revisions. Tlie (Jr- dejia on her ilurnoLo Y;iui,ouv'-1l4.1iore this week, Will-lie Inker!" off anil suranci' ngenls leave you alone. IF a man would only keep liis eyes open when be iiisses a girl, lie would see his finish right her place will be taken Uf iho. A HICK town Is a pki(s vlnre l-iiniisiiil. Relieving (he Yen-ltlie ieijil,i talk alioul you if you lure, the Camosun will call all play the gramophone iliefore I In; .Naas Itiver and Port Simp- iireukfasl THIS is a dry country, judging from Hie sermons. .IAKF. says he dues jinl know laboul Hip -drought hy .;xperienci. He simply knows from passing a church when the crowd is coming out and noting" Ms size. IF savages did not pay rent and did not have newspapers, why were they savage? ACiAIX Hie monthly thinners are arriving and we urn reminded that he who would enjoy I he dance must iiay the piper. IF the credit system were abolished, where would Hie post oil ice. gel its 'revenue? A UTTI.K billet mine , 'To-Hilly llirough I hi" mail In fad our Hilly's billet Came mnnllily withoul fail. When Hilly read. Hint billet, lie simply stamped and . swore He'd never pay that hill he Hud paid the month before. I XKVKU could understand why jh-ojiIr worried so much about skirts. They 'are always loo long or Ino short or loo shocking or lo straight or loo plain or Ion full or too light. - WIIKX Kve fell down in Kden So hard a fall it hurl, Condemned was she from that time nn 'To always wear a skirl. Discomfort sore il .brought herJ For It was Hie badge of sin, Hut today she wears 'il trim and short ' And soine.iiries very thin. ' ; -, 1 " ' And .some day she may Ihroxv it off And dnvss just like, a man, And snv"l do not care, Adam 'To be under a ban " INVADES BERING SEA SRATTI.K, March 2. On St. l-awrenco Island, American ler-rilory In the Herin? Sea, Iho Hs- Were the "Good Old Days" Really Good? WHEN you hear an old-timer sigh for the days of his forefathers, smile quietly to yourself and think of this. The ancients got along without automobiles, soap, stoves, tooth-brushes.window-glass, breakfast foods, tele-phones without practically all of the things we consider the bare essentials of life. There never has been a time when life bettered itself so rapidly and so consistently as now. New conveniences and new comforts are continually being thought out and brought out for your benefit. In order to reap the advantages that are yours to-day, you must read the advertisements. They bring you news of all that the world of invention.and discovery is doing to make your work easier, your home life more pleasant, your clothing and food problems less difficult. They keep you informed of all that is new in the markets and stores. They tell you not only about the goods, the styles, the varieties and prices, but also where and when these things are to be had. The advertisements are messages from the business world to you. Heed them. Don't overlook the advantages that are yours Read the advertisements kimo girls are culling off their pigtails. '1'iie news Ilia! Hie I hob's the thing has been car ried there, relates Jonathan Wagner of this city, chief of Hit Mnsku Division of Hie United- Stales lltireau of Kducation, by: a radio receiving sol of wide range which Hie division installed on the island. ; NEW HALIBUT BOAT I LAUNCHED IN SOUTH' Cape Beale, Built In Vancouver, Is Stout Craft with Length of 65 Feet Over All The new halibut boat named tlie Cape Heale was launched on Friday morning lust al Hie Heacb Avenue Shipyards in Van couver. I lie-vessel is a com-munily .craft which was laid down some weeks ago by eight Norwegian fishermen. She has fining; lines and has been stoutly constructed of Iir. Her length is IIS feet over all and she will' be powered with an eighty b.p. engine. The'vessel will be operated on a community basis but is beinu regislered uiub'r Hie own ership of Arnell and Hers, Iwo of the party or builders anil owners. BOATS BEING BUILT FOR CANADIAN FISHING COMPANY AT VANCOUVER Four new purse ieining boats nrflhciug built al Vancouver for the Canadian Fishing Co. Kid. They will be powered with full deisel engines. Kach Imat is (iO feel long with a benni of 10 feel. Two are being liuill by- Ki'ick-son Hros of Xorlh Vancouver and two by Dawe of New .Westminster. 'They an being equipped to handle salmon seines 275 Mothers ! We have Rood tpiality NAVY SERGE BLOOMERS, 10 (ii 10 years . At per Pair $4.25 NAVY BLUE SERGE SKIRTS, PLAITED Camisole Top, 10 to It years, at ... ... .. . . 54.25 ..Smart Flatutrl Dresses.. C to 1 1 years "Demers" P.O. Box 327. Phone 27 to 285 fai horns long and 300 j meshes deep or herring seines 2,(MMI lo 2,100 meshes deep. They will have a speed of eiwlil knots. COURT FEATURES SEVENS RHI.HY,, Alur. 2. -There was a sequence of sevens at one of the courts here' .recently. Seven magistrates sal on tho liench; sm'cn cases relating lo the lighting of motor vehicles caine before Iheni; seven polico-ineiijigave evidence; seven letlnrs were't'esnl admitting Jhe, olfen-ces; eyen defendants were lined len shillings each, and seven minutes were required to dis-pos" of the cases. .1, -,W. Selionnovcr. audilpr for the Mussel! 'Timber Co., after spending several days in Hie city on business, left on Saturday night's tralri for Vancouver vin Jasper. JheB.C. Mining Gazette Tlim.iRb mil' enuiiei'lliui Willi tlie publisher- nr thl up l.i-iUti-iiiIiiIiir Journal. w- .an ..I7ei . to a limited number THREE MONTHS' FREE SUBSCRIPTION without mi yum- part, call or Write GRANT KIAHOOD A COMPANY LTD. Memliei-. Vaniniivei strn-k !: lisiniri-Rogera Building, Vancouver, B.C. St. Regis Cafe Prince Rupert's Leading Restaurant. A Bakery Unsurpa44d Third Avenue. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone Ct. Cartage, Warehousing, and listrihuting. Tesm or Motor Service. Coal Sand and Gravel. We Specialize In I'lano and Furniture Kiovlng. Dr. E. S. TAIT DENTIST. Helgtrson Blood.. PRINCE RUPERT, B. 0. omen Hours. 9 t 8. Phone 686. Open Evenings Only Far Special Appointments.