ALADA II seas is remarkable for its rich strength & delicious frag'rance. 300 cups to the pound. Try it. The Daily News 1MUNGE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. II. P. PULLEX, Managing Editor. t PA(JE TWO THE DAILY , RTTV7S Frfib.y. Fresh in Flavor SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month $1.0.0 By mail to all parts of the British Empire and the United Stales, in ndvnnre, per year $0.00 To all other countries, in advance, per year .. $7. r0 Advertising and Circulation Telephone - 98 Editor and Reporters Telephone - - - 86 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION Friday. March 2o, 1925. Concerted Action , Only Effective Method, Concerted action to bring the Peace River Railway through British Columbia is I he only effective method of securing whnl we are after. Dozens of little units operating independent of each oilier can end in nothing lull failure. .lust now thw right method is being adopted and none too soon. Possibly it is too late. At any rule it is the correct thing to do. Premier Oliver is taking I lie matter up wilh the Premier of Alberta will a view to collaboration between that province and this to secure the best results. Ilk .Northern British Columbia there is a certain amount of unanimity. "We may not agree on Hie nutlet but we all agree 1 Mat the railway should come this way. Prince Rupert has ajyo done well in backing up the movement at the capital, which after all, u the only movement Hint can have any hope of success. This, Is Period '- - . - Of. Investigation. This is n period of . investigation. Evewljere, in every realm of life and phase of thought Hie woriilps looking for light. nrsi iww wi- sin; i ty i iik 10 mm um auoui our iisii. .n expert na been appointed to study the halibut and Soother expert it is announced has been appointed by the United Slates . Government to study the herring. We want to know their. Ii re history for in that way only can we lake elective measures In prevent exleiuiiiiiatiou by intensive fishing-. J'fiive us information," is the cry of Hie people. Everywhere the cry goes up. It is the hopeful phase of modern lire. Willi inrormalion many or the objectionable features of lire will disappear. A generation or two ago Dickens, Hie, 'novelist, realized thi piiij-oifc i nr wmii milium. iMie oi ii is cnaraciers telling or some other in one of his books says: "II1 wan led to know, don't yoii know' as keen to know what is goiiig on ai are so and for what purpose. was a il.jniiicd radical. He And 'today people are just around and why tilings Publicity Is Great Reforming Agency. " ' ' One of the greatest reforming ngencies?n the. world is pu(-licily. If the people are lo rule, they must be supplied with information. Thai is why in a democracy a muzzled press is a grave danger. Let in the light and evil ' cannot flourish long. Away back ill the earlier ages if development a famous wriler said, "They love the darkness because their deeds are evil." Knowledge is what the world wants today. II wants knowledge of what is going on in government, in trade, in finance; in science, in every activity or lire. II js in Hie smothering -atmosphere or secrecy that the fires of hate and vice smoulder anil gather vollune until they break out anil become a menace. Still A Nation Or Spectators. We are still a nation of spectators. We like-to waleh mime and read about Biennis' heiiig .sonu-lliintr nllotretlier Vnarl f.-.,m oiirselyi take ake I This "benefits us little. What is of., benefit is' to part ourselves. " T:plh'y,a gamnf 'checkers! is, - of more enefit thim to watch iWtf: VrViit;;g!ini,ej.or kllL v k: H is difficult lu estimate, wind VirnriiVrinm' ;'.r n; ";V.f..'..i;V take jmrt in games of any kind. Possibly ol leu per cent. I he chief recreations that have any value in helping lo co-ordinate the brain and body are fnotliAll. baseball, basketball tennis badminton, crickel. billiards, walking and running, gymnastic exercies. dancing, swimming, rowing, yachting, and " making things with -tools. Anyone taking part in any of these or re- lamu aruvmes may tie said lo lie taking recreation. Within the reach of practically everyone. i FAIR DEALING That all the ideal relations between a businessman ami his the opinio'n of two speakers at the Polary Club luncheon yes; lenlay. (5. 11. Orme ami II. B. Little were lite men who ad dressed (lie club in relation with j their own experiences in .Mr. Orme sa"hl if a man ac cented the srmWls and paid Hie bills, there never were any difficulties with the wholesalers. No iiuestiotrs would arise. In deal-in c with the customer he found it was a matter of fair prices, ipiality of goods and .service were, all required in a successful business. If the merchant bought cheap be should Five his customer Hie advantage or it. Quality. Mr. Orme said, was an important fartor He found it paid to buy the best. .Customers were then $aH.fled,.eviMr if they had to pay more. In the matter of service, . the Hrsl lliinis was lo meet the customer with a smile and never to grnheh. (ive Hie customer what he wants and do mil bother him into buying thinps ho dues not need. - In Banking Banking, according to Mr. Little, is much like any other business. Perhaps there was too much secrecy in Hie business. This resulted from the fact that young men taking up Hie profession were taught to keep any hanking information to themselves, even the size of their own salary cheeks. 'Hip hanker bought in the cheapest market and sold in the dearest, and the difference was his profit. There must be a profit r the banks would nnt.'exil. In buying, the banker paid in terest and service. Kveryone uni'lerslood Hie former hut the laljvr was not quite as clear. It was' easy to understand the cost of keeping up the hank premises and paying the taxes, what they did not realize was the cost of keeping on hand a reserve and cost or moving money in or der lo meet the demands. Savings accounts were those in which, the depositor came with bis bankbook wlosmhe wanlPd to withdraw sums. " A current account was ued tor checking. . In the latter there should always be a free balance lo pay for the service, or the bank was losinu money on it. In regard to the making of loans il was not usually under stood that the hanker . was as anxious to make the loan as the borrower to gel the money provided the security was sound. The alulity oT the borrower to repay had always to be considered. Like all oilier businesses il resolved itself largely into a mailer of fair dealing with prompt and courteous attention. "TARNISH" SHOWS THE REAL NEW YORK LIFE Play Is to be Seen Here Tonight and Tomorrow at "If one bad never visited New They are York.'" stales Column, "hut relied solely noon Hie motion pic- i AND SERVICE ' These Are Two Wain ! or i i Doing Business Say Speakers at Rotary Luncheon line lor m nr her impression iil li.'lfi'fotl Unit there 'were nothinjr fn .New York hut ahnrcls ami lhii m:nisinns of! Ilif rii'li. Or that sill downtown olllres were as snai'iolis lis j palace. and had' twenty-fool Features filinf s. ' "Tarnish," however, is one of the few pie t lire I have acted in which shows .New York as it really is. Perhaps il is because both Mr. (.iohlwyn, .the producer. and Kireclnr !eoi'Ke l'ilxinaurire customer may be summed up inlJllt. thoroughly familiar wilh the fair dealing and service, wns metropolis. 'Tarnish' deals with a typical .New York family and it very accurately piriurcs the life of the Wealthy, Hie uiiddb' classes, and Iheyycry poor. Jim cabarej il shows IS nol an over- gaudy, bizarre alTajr such as nol ew Worker ever ;shw. II is, m course, lively, gay,,exol ic. add to anyone who has vlsiied Broad ways wlllle lights il will recau iiiemnries or Hie most fninnu night cafes. "The whole-' slp'ry seems lo catch Hie spirit .of .Manhal Ian just as surely, end ns accurately as O. Henry caught il in his famous short stories." New Y'ork ilself, apparently. supports Column in his belief. for "Tarnish" w-as one of the most successful stage plays Ilia! Broadway has "seen for years. In addition lo Column, May McAvoy. j Norman Kerry. Marie Prevosi andj Harry Myers have important ; roles in the screen version. '' the play. REVISION WORK ON EXHIBITION PRIZE LIST IN PROGRESS fioml progress is being Inside by the Fair Board's suli-eoniniil-i lees in jheir work of revision j I lie ltf25 prize list. TJie backbone! of the job is now broken and copy i will soon be in the hands of the' printers for the book which il is, desired to issue to prespective exhibitors at the earliest pnsi-: hie .late. Yesterday a strong committee! consisting of Mrs. H. L. Mcintosh. Mrs. M. M. Stephens. Mrs. Ss K. Campbell. Mrs! J. C. McLennan, V.. Van llaslel. William Millar ami II. M. YVinsluw met lo deal wilh the fruit, .vegetaldc and flower classes. WORK TEA GIVEN BY MOOSEHEART LEGION Home of Mrs. Whatman Scene of Social and Philanthropic Event Yesterday 7 ' . i The ladies of the Moosehcnrt Legion held a most successful work lea yesterday afternoon at Hie home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Whatman, Sr., Beach Place. This is one or a series, nf events preparatory lo the big Tall bazaar. Mrs. Whatman poured and win assisted n serving -by Mrs. Perry and Mrs. Hance. HnlTles were won by X. Toinlinson and Italnh .lorgenscn, the binner gelling a fine lunch cloth and the latter a fruit cake, the winning numbers being respectively ) nod 2J. The Man in the Moon IT's easy enough . To .forget the rent, . Or count the money Your wife has spent. You may even rail . To Insure ytair ' life Or rornel when you leave-41 j To kiss ymir w-j'To.1 You limy also forget To go lo work, ' Hut simply slay , At home and shirk. You may forget To imy your bills Or take your Ionic Or swallow your pills. Hut don'l forget To come and renew Your .News Niib.scrinlion When il i due.. ftAX your wife tell a lie? Mln jean the inenieiii hc hears il. NOTHING i ,Ut he done about Hie larilT until the election conies on. Then the tariff will lie. kicked all over I lie country but nobody will be hurt niu'cli,' SUW'OSi; the heallen Jive re as bad J the people in llils most Christian land il would be necessary to mciuI uii.sionaries and perhaps armies to convert them. AI.'IOHOl i n jrfind preservative but it won't preserve, tho O Titina and Katharina (Two of the biggest fox trot hits in years on one record) Now sweeping the country from coast to coast these two big dance hits played in perfect rhythm by the famous International Novelty Orchestra 'His Master's Voice" Victor ' double-sided record No. 195Sd - Hear these othzr dance hils HI See You in My Dreams Fox Trot. i 19553 When the One You Love Loves You Waltz Paul Whiteman and His Orchestra 19533 19551 Oh Mabel Fox Trot Keep Smiling at Trouble Fox Trot Waring's Pennsylvantana (Fascinating Rhythm Fox Trot Oh, Lady Be Good 1 Fox Trot Paul Whiteman and 'His Orch. All on double-sided records, 75c. Victor Talking Machine Company of Cnnnria .Limited His Master's Voice- Victor 'iuilihrium if you take loo much of il. O.N'K sifrn or there bcjng a crev loose is bavin? assncialior ilh nul. THK.way to guard against relliug an ea-lliiiiake shock is to ro riding, in a flivver. VM. ant: masters of our own fates. Yes) perhaps, but we eem to have nothing to Jo wilh "ormiilallng the , lax. rale. ' ADA.M and Kvo- never gol into rouble until they were told no' o do something. f they had tved today Ihey'ij be in' trouble very five minute's. '' J IJV you would be held up to' public scorn and ridicule express' in opinion on Church union, the! .O.D.K. new hall or. municipal lolilicians. I ArlvcrHse in the Daily News. ; Mothcri ctpecial. ij like It lor chil- ! dren at it Uket i the place of inter ' nal medicines. I Local Druggists Have! Modern Remedy for Colds ! AVP"n Sle hich I. Rubbed Orer Throat and Chett for Cold.. When Vicks VapoRub thn 'Vrt,,! uwp cnesi colds, or croup is applied ovrr throat or chest. theimSld ! enuaa. released as wpc. by thKy .BeSPVapoSinh?lcd with each breaUt carry the medication directly to the Shl Ba!5 P?883. l0ninK tte P AUhelnLTi1'6, tlie ""JWlJou J . Eame tlme v'c acts ns a coun- teS1,1, Etimu'atinK the Skin,and?hS, Colds are usually relieved over 'fight VAPORui 333 LOGGERS' CLUE HAS REMOVED S to building next door lo FrixzeU Hulrjirr Shop, from the Empress llolcl We enrrv a full line of CIGARS, TOBACCOS, FRUITS, C. SOCIAL ROOM IN CONNECTION Jamoj Zarelll Stewart. Stockbrokers. Proprietor Another Portland Canal Opporli! The first Trensury Issue iH Hie Hurler Id Ii" M ' Co., Ltd., is now orfered the public at :.'.' K h:t'' , ' is the only oilier shipping mine .beside the I'l-cmif Horllntid Cann! District. Ore ship)ed lnl vr ,ir paid development work. For full infortunium :iIT' H W M ROT TOIM & CO. Family Shoe Store See our Window for .Dne MEN'S NEW SPRING SHOES AND OXFOrii" Sneclnt This Week. Men's nml Young .Men's good iiinlilv elletl hlioes u only Phone 357. Dr F P KF.NNY - Itniv $5.85 Third A' I" Helgcrson Block. rf PERSONAL SERVICE AND RELIABLE deNT' ,,11 go hand in hand. No (untler what Die. iwliire pV. M work tuny be, when you come (( my of''ir,,.,N.", nnn beneril, of such service unit receive deiilislry U'i11 GET MY ESTIMATE FIRST. i