Mal.,h 20. 1025, L VERY time a pen marks an entry in your bank book it is ploughing a financial furrow for you that will yield a money crop in the form of interest. Open a Savings Account at our nearest branch. You can bank with us by mail. On any matter of farm finance consult with our manager as you would with a friend. "AlBank Where Small Accounts Are Welcome" BANK OF MONTREAL Established over IOO years Total Assets in excess of ,1 3SF The New Prince Rupert KYDOCR uMoraung u. t. P. ZO.fOO Ton t-ioaung ury uum maKers, Founders, WooaworKers, u.ic. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Ihir plant jS equipped to immllc nil kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 38F nui nil (iiMii-iul UilO : ., . Plough Financial Furrow - .... . . TliiTh luiToml Hiiis liinl rViumfjic IhiicIios. Have Thorn tn all the Leading Colors and Designs "Demers P.O. Box 327. Phone 27. na-iin Nnt.nnal Railwavs SHIPYARD 1 II X I MM V 11 1 B IB n. H I M W B tataai D Va rfv VaB SUr BM I uiUU Will 5uUil UC liLlULu RT YLlfiv . . . . . AimnhnlfiKI i...... ... ...... . ..... ...... i.... I.',, .-un iv i inillM'IIIIIM I'illlll-, Hi III 71 n . ' "ml Mulmsii,,,, has just iirrivril. II will ;iy you (n v. ii i ii i bi uir - muiii""" ... ,n .... wm S ( MlvS ill l" 1 1 iimv .ii i', -' - i imiiir.s J 0IH, lillll'KI'll .M-IIIMfc, Household Necessities arc generonsU . our imt ol VY t.All-r.vhlt Aluminium. -... me lamous Gurnev-uxiora Hannes WS HARDWARE. LTD. ic. Nnnr Post UII ce. Local and Personal -. a M.C. Undertakers, l'lione 41. Ladies' Spoil Sweaters Mrs Crahlinan's. You'll like our joall Cousum-tf era tioal Cu. l'lione 7. I.adysiuilli - Wellington,' "Hie besl," also "peerless," "smoke-, less"." Prince Hunei-.t Coal Co. tf Nil SciU'erl, president (if Hie Fnipcror Mines Ltd., Stewart. saueu on no- rruire ueorge tins morning for Vancouver. Southbound from Alaska ports to Vancouver. CP. 11. steamer Princess Mary, Captain C. C. .Sainley, is due lu reacii here lo-murrow evenini.'. lierl J-'.. Smilli, assistuul man af?er o I no I'reiuK'i- mhie. arrived from Hlewart mi Hie I'run-i U'iP(!i' Hiis morning and is re- iHtered at tle l'riiire Kuiierl lli'lel. , .Mrs. .lane Ta!lo1,, who has hecii visiliiiK in Micfjuity with, liv daiifrliler, Mrs. Arthur llailey. 2il J-'iflli Avenue Vdt, rrlunisil In her home in Victoria on llu I'rinee (ieorBi- this morniiuf. .1. K. Miller and T. .Mason, I'lislmus iiisiieeliirs, sailed un the xLwiiuir Prince (ieurge" Ilii-iminiiii for Vancouver aflei-having Mii'iil leu days in the ril and district on olliuial duties. Capt. (ienrye l'ritz is. in port today relurniu? from Hie maiden rip lo Hie fishing rrouilds' with his new hoal, Mai-Puerile No. 1. which was liuill lust year in Vancouver. The Imat has a (rood catch of -M'.,ihiik) pounds. .1. McMahnn, masler merlianii-lur P. Ilurns (Jo leluriii'd to Vancouver on Hie Prinne (teorp iln-i moriiiti afler having sptttU a ciiuiile of days in (own InspeeT-mi!; the silc at "(low Hay wliprt Hie iiiiiiiiing or an auatiuir i iilaiiiied. .1. I.. Itlaiii, ennlmeliir, Iihb lakeu over K. II. Slinoktey'M -link uf doulde ln!ied lumljwr. sadiVrtfjd dm Tor .fr .tiyrcfclSi wiiihI. ' For liandsiiwiiiir and lilannw, jiililiin;.' and repairing1 plume lilue 'OH. ,41 Howard l. Canieiftu, general inanauer o! I tie Portland CmuuL ciiddfields Syiulicalc ldd., . ae-iiiinpanied hy William H. Youn-ki'ii. a well known miniiis; man ami assaver. were passangers .'oiiifi lliroufc'h from Vaneouver lo S'ewarl mi tin- Prim'1 (iwirge on Vi'tliicf.ilny. Mr. Cameron will personally supervise development work I hal is lo he done on tho Kxlenuale mine, one of -the company's properties. Machinery and equipment will he shipped TM.rt It litis spring. Passengers sailing this morning on the .xleanier Prince (ieurge for Ihe south included: Master T. Ilalvei'sou. II. II. (iohlbei-g, II. I. i-aros, F. Scoll, .1. McMahon, Oils SeilTerl. W. K. Trump, I). M. Slewarl, H. M. Campbell. I. D. Mc.MastiM', .1. A. McDonald. Miss II. (iiHiihvin, It. ' (iaiiimoii, Morley Shier, I'lioinas Olsen, .1. I-.. Mil ler. T. .Mason, W. I.. Smith, It. (iilison and Thomas Muuro lor Vaneouver: .1. Mcl.aehlan, (i. ib-la Mot he. II. Mundie, (i. A. Young ami .1. C. Hicham for Ocean Falls: Mrs. Jane Talbot and II. Todd for Victoria. V -v 1 rV ANNOUNCCWENTS Knights of Pythias vvliisl drive and dam-c, March 1!. Musical even ins in Itaiitlsl Church, March lo H p.m. If DalTodil Dance, Oueen Miwy Cliapletv I.O.D.I',., Itoslon Hal!, Fasler Mmulay, April I.' I. I Catholic Spring Sale, after- jnooii of April 20, Melt-oiole Hall - followed by social evening. Weekly Cinderella Dance, Sal-iii-ilay night l'lks' Home TiOc. Eli? la liVe-Himk ttitn CATARRH if the BLADDER Si't.f I KichCsnxute riiiinvV ! bears r.meiJTI tUmtartofeovnierfciU ; THE DAILY NEW3 PAGE THREE Star! baby on Eagle Brand it you cannot nurse him. Do not experiment with foods and risk his health, may be his lite For 67 year Eagle Brand has been .the leading infant food. Write for free helpful Baby Welfare Book The Borden 'Co. Limited " lai. .wvruvtff. j W illie Shaw, Kilkiilla Imliaii, was fined $10 1 Hie eily jiolice eiourt this iiiortllm.' lor inluxiea- I ion. I). J. :MjfMnsJei-, inana?er of the Seal Cove avinill, sailed (his llioiMiinjf on the Prince tienrge for Vancuuvot Oil Imsiueos. Ilev. T. J. (Marsli arrived nn tliis iiuiruiiigs --train from 'I'er- ure. He will. Al inn In Hie in- lerior tomorrows iiiithl panied Ity Mru. Marsh who luti heen in the city' for some lime. Mulorsliip llClliugliaiii, Capl. lien Williams, relumed to Kel- chikan last nighl at U.:fii aflci' iuiviug unloaded 6.00(1 cushs of salmmi from Alaska for trans shipment I last nver I he Canadian Nulinnal ItaiKstiy. Jean William Hcurcganl, enleiiced Id two years al New Westminster punileuliary for theft from Hie nrc of Wilfrid (j rat I on, was Lakei) suuHi on Hi- I'rince CtKirge tljfjs morning b Prpvincial (Miiiiable H. Oihsoe of Port 1'ssington. L'uion sloainer .venlurc, Capl A. Johnstone, was in pnrl from 3:15 lo tf.Hii this -morning. The vessel is making her calls mi. the vVaas lliver today aud !s scheduled to sail -iwrkijiic ibiilli at. 10 to 'clock-' loniorrevCmiW-niMg'. 'Sin-has disconliiiued making Hie AiiyoXtCaH. Some excel lent photographs ol Hie lownsile anil walerfronl laken from (hi air last stimmei-by Ihe photographic olllcer of Ihe aerial fisheries patrol have beer received by the Hoard of Trade and arc now on display in I Ik-window of liybhavn it Hanson's (lice. Some of these views wil! he incorporated in Hie bookie! thai is to he published shortly liy the I Inn I'd of Trade. A sketch of the elevator lo be buill here, which has I i retreived from C. I. Howe iV Co., will also appear in Ihe hook. STEAMER CHANNEL IN WRANGELL NARROWS TO BE STRAIGHTENED OUT W ASlHMi TON. Mar. Jii. - An improvement ol much interest In !ish''i-y operator- of Southeast Alaska Tor which Con; ivs htf appropriated .'iilll,(i(HI Is Hi" st raighlening or Ihe sleauiei-rhamiel in Wraiigell Nnrrovvs. Iniproveuienls are planned fur that district whicl) when completed will cost alirnil $t;.rmi,ooii, iiieluiling the vvurk above men-lioueil, Ihe removal of dangerous reefs and rocks and Ihe dr'edginj' of I'elershlirg harbor. WIRELESS REPORT 8 a.m. DltillY ISLAND. Clmuly. fresh soulheasl wind; haroineler ,'iir.L'l: lemperal ure, II moderatU: .swell; 8 p.m. spojke sleaiiier Venture, :io miles nyrlh of Lowe! Ilnlel, nnrlhhmitiil; jIT p.m. spokei steamer Alameda It! ft Kelehiknn J' soulhbound: iiiidtjlglil spoke jsleuiiier Kmpress ijf Asia,. !Ui7 'miles from Yicloria'inlimind. Noon , DKiMY ISLAND, -i Cloudy. light soulheasl wind; liaroniclcr, a 0.20; sinoulh. leniperal ure, 10; seaj CHINESE INVASION OF POLAND LATEST About a Thousand Peddlers Come to Country Thought May be Spies WAUSAW. Poland,Mar. 20. Fearing a so-called Chinese invasion because of the visilM to Ihis country of nearly 1,000 Orientals during Hie last few inoulhs. Hie Polish government has decided that iiu more Chinese will lie uiluiitted until their applications have been passed upon hy the Warsaw Foreign Office. The Chinese fruvcrnnient. is is understood, is awaiting further details of the Polish government's action hefore'lak-iii'j up the question with 'Hie Warsaw officials. The invasion hegpu last fall when Chinese-peddlers I tegan arriving in Warsaw with Chinese wares and curios, most of llieni coniinu hv wav of Merlin. Where visas had been granted hy Hie Polish consulate. Some weeks I,-i!t s'-vcral hundred additional Chinese applied 'for permission lo come lo Warsaw and were ran 1 ! isas, and early this year I here were flintier aiipli- iuls.uu.til it is estimated that approximately 1.000 peddlers iiad visited the country, all representing IheinselViJS lo be li'ailesnien. Espionagc.Euspcctcd llecalling the fact Hint several mouths prior to the oulhreali of the war Poland, then iimler Itussian rule, was visited by several Ihoiisaud Cliinc-e, all re-prosejitiug Iheniselves In he tradesmen ami speaking Russian and Cerinan riuenlly, the Polish authorities have become suspicious. They have received reports from Iheir aiui-tils some of Hie (ijenJals posing as Iradesmen are in reality engaged 'in espionage, probably for Hie Itolshevisl government. They speak itussian as well as (Srr- man. and appeal- lo lie prosper-1 oils whether Ihey do hllich busi- ness or uol. PARLIAMENT WILL PASS LEGISLATION 1 ON FREIGHT RATES OTTAWA. Mar. .'(i.--The government legilatiou on freight 'rales, it is innlei-stood, will not, set any definite rales but simply set forth a se of principles as a. guide to the Kail way Jioard, which is Hie supreme authority next lo Parliament. BILL DESIGNED TO SUPPRESS SEDITION OTTAWA, Mar. .'0. A hill liming to slreugilien the law against sedition was mlroducedi into the House "i Commons by I McMasler, l.iheral nieiiilier for I triune. , REGINA WINNERS OF HOCKEY SEMI-FINALS 'The resulls of Ihe game played last :niglil in Ihe semi-finals for the memorial cup was llcgina Pals i, Fori William :t. Itegina wins Hie round by 7 lo t. SHORT, THE TALL MAN "Isn't a lawsuit involving a patent rirhl about the dullest thing imaginable?' asked one lawyer lo another. "Not always." was Ihe reply. "I allemh-d a trial id thai char-icter not long ago that was really funny. A tall lawyer named Short was reading a ( word document he called a brief." HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Ruport John W. Allen, Digby Island: J. II. Scoll, Swanson Hay; It. iib-miii, Port l-'.ssinglou ; W. F. Minus. Malmoral: Oeoi-'e IV II. Adams. F. Adams and 11. Atchison. Claxlon. Dors your baby suffer the burnlnj Itch. tli terrible naln ol ecsema and other skin troubles f Here if In.tant relief. Jut a tew drops of the latent liqulil remedy, and all itching is one all Itching, all pa'", all Irritation walieU away. r irl SIM ittlt nlltvt y r r m . Try U. D. D. . t. ORMES LIMITED r all washing and cleaning you cant beat this soap says Mrs. Experience, who chooses soap for its economy and labour-saving value. "Sunlight puts the sunshine of cleanliness into the home! For washing clothes, dishes, wood'work, lino leums, in fact, for anything thatrcan be cleaned with sc-p and water l,call on Sunlight. Andunlight docs its work' so well and leaves cvcryreiing svyect and clean. "Sunlight really is economical, toof ji'ou see, every, bit . of it is-pure, cleansing soap, containing no filling or hardening materials, which arc only waste as far as wc women arc concerned. "You get greater cleaning value out of a pure laundry soap and so I say, 'Always keep a good supply of Sunlight . on hand'. It really improves with age. And because of its purity, Sunlight ts kind to your hand and keeps them smooth and comfortable." Sunlight is made by Lever Brothers Limited, Toronto. Sunli -: CRIBS :- 1 ONLY WOOD CRIB Drop side, ivory enamel finish ami dcenrativc panels at head anil fool, and niallre.-s with animal design ticking, $22.50 IRON AND STEEL CRIBS Moli sides drop, while enamel finish. $13.50 and $26.10 Barries Home Furnishings 3rd Avenue and 1st StreeL I Better Health Improved Absolute Appearance Satisfaction Hv replacing down ami missing teeth you insure llVriTKIl MASTICATION. Heller Maslicalioii insures HKTTKIt NUTIUTION. Heller Nulritioii insures HKTTKll IIKAlTII, and Heller Health insures u HUTTKH and IIAlMMKll L1FK. Dr. H . L. Smith Block. Phone 575 DENTiST Hours 0 to 6 Evening by Appointment SPECIAL SELECTED CANADIAN RYE WHISK3T Boffud m Burnf under Dominion Government supervision TheQualihWliisIvj'ofCanada- This advertisement Is not Liquor Coulrol Board S-fil) Phone 123 Alexander since!859 1-29 published or displayed by. the or by the Government of , Urilisu Columbia, on tiO ii i in tiS 0 x i t i w s c M J I I .1 t Ji t 1