PAGE TWO 1 THE DAILY nrT70 fe Youll agree that f fife " foffpp I jPFT,, Is more Delicious I The Daily News IMUNCB RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Pultlished Every Afternoon, except Sunday, tlie.Prince . Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. II. F. PULLEN, Managing Editor. Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills S5 CO. ft box of 85 pills, Edmanfton, Dateg A Co., Ijtd., Toronto SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, Iy mail or carrier, per inonlli $l.d' By mail to all parts of the British Empire and Hie United Slate, in advance, per year k , Sfl.00 To all other countries, in advance, per year ........... $7.r0 Mlmber of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAlLT EDITION Thursday, -May 7. 1925. Factionalism In Any Community. Pactioiialisni is had in any .community when il is carried to exlrciip'. Wholesome rivalry is all- right hut when il comes lo bitterness, such as has lieen a little in evidence here recently, it plays Jiavoe with ihe city and makes fur anything hut progress. W', as a city, cannot expect lo do anjthing unless we all pull together.' Here is a little slory.clippcd from a house journal thai illustrates Ihe point: Two Garter Snakes That Swallowed Each Other. "Thar war two garter snakes down in the mountains of Kaiutucky, an" these two snakes haled each other worse- than pizen' John Anderson Burns ("Burns o "Hi ..Mountains") lolls the story. f "Alt' so, one day, both o' these snakes got an idea. Th' idea, was to swallow th other snake, an' Ihus remove from Hie fin e o' thV earth th' other snake's presence." '"Both snakeswere suiinin' themselves peaceable enough alongside o' th' road when the idea came to 'em. An' they immediately began to cany out their joint plan." ' So, snake t ' reached over an' began to swallow snake No. 2, tail first. At th' same time, snake No. 2 twisted about and began 1' swallow snake No. I, tail first." ( "Well. Suli. thai made unite a sizable circle o snake t' In1 gin wilh, but gradually the circle grew smaller, until finally th' . .1 ..I! I-. l. I I a circle disappeared entirely, r.neii siuikc nan compieieiy swai lowed th' .oilier snake, an' lliar ini Hi' dusty road was uolliiu iiut alijl o mussed up duM whar-lh'- swallerin' lirocess' had taken place!" , .. r Program Of One Distasteful To Other. 'Community factionalism is like that. Faction .o. I decides that Ihe program adopted by' Faction No. 2 i entirely distasteful to . Ihe world at large and their own commonly in; particular, so they proceed th "swaller" Ihe other faction juid the final outcome IV only "a bit o mussed dust wlinr lb swallerin' process" Huok place! Who of us has not seen factions at work in our -communities:? Tlie only difference in communities is that in some place it's worse than others. Vpiir town needs some oulsiandiiig civic improvement and a group of your more progressive business leaders decide that t)ius and so should be ilonelo bring about a betterment of tha,f condition. The, .announcement that such a program is lo be be-gunfisM. he. signal for the group of "caif l-be-done-isls" to rise up and erect, an obstacle in the pajh of the progressives thosv? wlio want to see Jheir town grow. Old factions are brought into being. Th? idea probably comes to both factious that the only thing to be'done is to remove the other group from 'he face or the earth and in the fight that ensues, the main issue is sidetracked,. The improvement program is forgotten which is exactly what" llieo)islructio'iisls wauled In see happen! lias that e.yer happened in your -community? It has iti most townfcailil cities the. coiinirr over. . , Vi v '" ; Merchant Marine. It' is. with pleasure we join with the Conservative member lop Svliulll VnniMiiii-nM It. I ... I ! r..! .. J.. 11. "1 . . . ,m .. way.' ' tuijoiK 01 me vaipe 01 ine tiniiauian iiovfetnrnejU .Merchant Marine to the industrial' life or British 3-VV,'P ,Jcft,n' nJveut of that Reel it was almost impos-siblem.r Brilish Columbia shippers lo get a vessel to enrrv her produjis lo Ihe markets or Hie world. Boards of Trade and oilier orgaifizatioo took the mailer up ami discussed it but were unable to accomplish anything. Today eilher at Vancouver, Victoria, New Westminster, or Priilce Rupert cargoes mav be shipped jr it is orreriug. because the (ioverumeiit line provides the means of transportation. "Back was Very Painful I am now Well Again" Mrs. Wm. Walker, Webbwood, OnL, writes: I wai tick for tever&l monthi with my stomach, I had pains in the back, and how I used to dread wash day, for my back would pain so that I couldn't lie down when night came. I also had gas on my itomach, and my appetite was so poor that sometimes 1 did not care whether I ate or not. The doctor gave me medicine, of which I took a number of bottles without benefit. At last I started to use Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills, and although I have only used three boxes, I am quite well again." "IHE WHITE SISTER" !j The Mas in the Moor DIFFICULT TO MAKE Company Got Involved In Rebel lion In Algeria When Out on Location have I been locked out of a cily. When we had finished our work in the desert we slarled back for the cily. The Journey of forly miles took longer than we had calculated. The'gales of the cily arc locked fit 5) o'clock and Ave found them locked againsl us on. our arrival. We had lo go back! six miles In a block bouse and telephone in In have the gales opened Mr us." FREE BEER IS A THING OF THE PAST II lakes n real old-timer Lo remember dm olden days when upon some fele-day, freo beer would be given In all who Ihirsl-ed. .Nowadays things woflh while must be, bought and paid for. 11.. I 11. I t lit a n. & --a 11 is more diilleiill lo spend wisely than to ni;.ke money. i THOSK who have been garden- V J" rioce Hupe,M the las few On, f ,he most cxcilinj? ami Idat.frerous locations ever use,! In ' V . , m.slake .in el-Iwas the of a motion ''; y Mm1'" ut "tUC vi..i!...l I.v llenrv Kins oro-l"1' U,rS Iduclio'n unit of '"The While Sls-ra ter," conuna: here tomorrow and Saturday, vl.ic. Lillian !ish stars. Jl .was. necessary to et sonn; desert scenes, 'anil In-order to do this II. e company was forced to go to Algeria, where Hie natives were warring on the Italian frowrnnieiil. Under mili tary guard night and day, lie! aclors were co.slnntly in danger of being attacked by Ihe wild Alolianiiiiedan fighters. s if to emphasize the danger they were incurring, the actors and mechanical staff were trended lo the sigh I of a troop of Italian cavalry hringing into Tripoli, (lie 'capital city, SOU prison ers who hao been caitlured tin a severe engagement the preceding day.. Have Pleasant Dreams II was in I ho country where Ibis battle had been Tonghl that Ihe actors were going to' get' color for the stirring scenes of the story dealing' with the capture of I lie . hero hv Arabs. We could not wail for the re bellion lo end," said Ronald Column, who played the role of iio-vanni, "and against the advice of .(iinseppi Woly, the Covernor (Seneral of the province, we concluded to go mil lo our location on the desert forty miles from the capital cily. So serious was the fighting Ilia'- the cilv wan urrounded by barbed wire en- tangleinenls. Owing to the cooperation of the Italian govern ment, I hough, we -were given i military escort, a baltalion 'of 5(10 infantrymen and ISO native loyal camel troops under com mand of while oillecrs were assigned lo ns. : Taste of Real Thing It was most awcin? lo see the prisoners being brought in by tlie virlors. Il was a laste of real warfare. The prisoners were sullen ami defiant. We look possession of the block house which. had been captured by Ihe Italian I mops and there for six .lays, cniislanlly lieing disturbed by rumors of the ap proach of Ihe insurrectionists. we shot all the scenes uecessarv. "Hegular military discipline was maintained and every pre caution Isikeir to guard against surprise. Kvery day scouts from the camel troop pushed into the desert to make reconnaissance. IL is most inspiring to see the ungainly beasts slarl out. They are used on the desert because horses can not stand Ihe going of the. sand. The camels make peed II. at seenis incredible. Warned of Attacks "Oulposla were eslablishl and wire .entanglements were stretched about our encampment Several times were wefe warned jbat bands of insurrectionists were preparing lo attack us, and Ihe troops, made, ready for a do- perulo 'engagement, as f lie fan- ajjcol rebel defied ilen I !i in their struggle against Italy. Detachments from our guard put a force lo nlule without firing a shot, as the rebels recognized Ihe stipcrioV force. ..... All tifl. us, al one lime , Or other have ben locked out of our homes, but never before Here's to lho,w)m)y Scarce twejijy years old Who thinks ,he will do Just all lieis. t.d.1. A HICK 1 own it's ime where Ihe city counciltwanlslo make truf fle regulation for irainc mat does tint exist. i " AVliliN a shin leaves Yau'comer for .Mexico or 'South. America -she is nut misled at Lloyds even though sin never arrives. lb-re s to. the. boat . , On lhcba'fl"ior, pull, putt, Her owio'ij is vsiuely " A bil of-a niit. I T is 'wonderful in niinufer hnuvlit lejnhliess may contain a There" was onc.ia lillle drcs Tlial .eulalnetb'ii Iil(1;-maid With sweet citrly hair , . Viul nol"'nu3 Inch of hYafd For tbe' barber he (not frliiuuedi Her tn'sses to ii bob Ami lieuealli thal iilb fluffy head She il litis voud like .to rob. SCIENCE AND USEFUL . ARTS IN THE LIBRARY Several book on science and useful arts have recently been added to the library, among Hum icing the following: .'Orgnnie r.heini'slry." by F.'J. Monre. "Marvels of Plant Life," by 1". Itaglisli. "Hoine nnd' tVnununily lly-gieiii'." by Jean UroadbUrsl. "Storage Rat Juries," by .0. W. Yirial. ; "The Flying Machine." by F. W. Laiicheslrr. "Fisheries of Ihe North Sen," by Xeal firven. . "t'.ook Rook of Left Overs." hy II. V.. Clark and I. R.'ltulon. "The Slory of Copper," by Watson Mavis. "How to Sell Through Speech." by tJrenville Kleiser. "Omeul Industry in Cnnada." A. II. Tagge. '. wome?scanadiaF club elects new officers for year Meeting Yesterday Afternoon Chooses Full LUt of Those to Have Charge OflTriMTS for the forthcoming j ear were eiecied a- follows at the yinnunl: meetbiix' ? of tjie WoiniVs Cfirvoliaili Of.ib yesler, day aJflVrnoli - Honorary president, .Mri; t;. A. Kggerl. : President, Mrs-. J. 0. McLennan. Vice-I'residenl, Mr. 0. II. Orme. 4; Secretary, Mrs. S. r I'. . Mc-Mordie. AssislanJ sccreJary, Mrs. Adam Mackie. HER NERVES SO BAD SHE COULD NOT SLEEP Mr, nraris kllHw-n, St. Oeorre. Ont. wrlti-a:- "After having a cevrrr attack of pneumonia I tn- l-rt In a weak and run clown condition. My nrrvci went w tiad I could not li-i.p nlgiiin, and In the day time 1 had IcrrlMr faJntlnif apclU, ca lined liy my heart tielnir Mcak. I'lnally, I sot o bad I had tn take ,to my bed for weikii al a time, tint one day I read about HEART AND NERVE PILLS an decided to try them. After taklnr one bni I rll a allirht lm- 4. in. I up -nest. IlllllgS OI Hie provement. I. have luiw taken rive U.ies. are not nlwiays expensive. Dread, ;n.t have rained 35 io;d in weinu, for instance. II is. cheaper lo 1 am now i.,o,e thn able to do all my miy 11 man Jo make il al home. n-n hoinework at well aa ronsiderahie Iiki hll,ly 108 aufferlnj a l did." I t. - JlM'iitpoM. Several Books on Timely Sub-!' KxecutiVe - jects Recently Added to Collection rv x 1 I r A little higher in price, but- ; $ a few cents make I . . i T V A I I i en i oaks -rvgu j In Pilni uprt H. 1. Wilson, local manager of the Itoyal Rank, is opening a subscription list al Ihe bank for l.e relier of Rrilish subjeels who have been made prisoners of war in (icrman terrilory. Rcnnis Shea, aged 7.fl. briuer cniidoyee of the IO.T.1'., was found ilead in his room Knox lloleL last night. of a tiharf and Pier rrotmed lo he hull! In tlie Prince Ilnpert HarlHir. Prince i llnt ft II r .... .11 t lir..t iu,.llnn. .... watcrrront hlnrk O. plan flts. wc.ion 1. , I'rlnw linwrt. Province of Hrltlh Cotiim-Mi. of the appurtenant rorelmrc ant t lir-1 water lot In front ilieriiif, ronlalnlnr In all an area of I 9 Kinih acce. roore or le: . AMi' .TAKE XOTir.F lhat after tli ei plratlon' or one inonlli (eoni the dale nf ine rie-it pnnllcallon or llil .km ire Thotna Trotler ll under aectlon 7 of the ald ct apply to Hie Mlnioler or Pnhllr WnikP at hl nfnre In the city or Ottawa. Tor n'lproval of the ald alf and plan- and for leave to ronMrnrt the aald wharf and pier. " Haled at Prince rtiiperl. H.C.. hl 4llh day of April. 10SR. THOMAS TnoTtrn. . Py Williams, Manon k Oonzalea. v lila Sol Idiom, IN PROBATE. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA In the Matter nr the Admlnlalrallon Art; and In the Matter nr the Falate nf John John-ami, lieceaed. InleMaie. TAKE NOTICF. that by Order of Ilia lioimr K. wen. vniniR-, made the 7lh day of April, A.n. 1n, I waa aprx'lnicd Ad'- MMM.i.nior in i ne eaiaie or jonn.joim-on, deccaaed, and all parties having claims against ,tlie said ratate are.herehy reaiilred lo JurnlKh wme. properly verified lo ine, on or before the nth dnv of May. A.n. 1 0 2 r. . ami all r.artlea tinlihted tn the estate are cennlred to tmv the Sel..el Vl,l,.,. llr-.,.,l ,,..l I..,. . ----- I ".'""' ""-'t inn-i.iedncai to me rortli- v.... ...tun uiiuiii , mi- mir. i cannoi recoiiiinenn ra . un. Ihe Kleelrie Window Itakeries on i.m-ii-. n a I'llla ..-. fur .... those ,t....A ?!.!'.V..TT. lliird Avenue. omrial Administrator, Prince Himerl, II C Dated tbt t 8th day of -April. 15. : ; Mrs. II. F. Mc- Naughlon. Mrs. I. Mrl). Hunter. lr.. C. A. Kggerl ami Mrs. A. 1!. Wright. in thn A huillii)g al Uie corner ot Third Avenue and Seventh Slreet lised as a grocery store by Mr. ami Mrs. Scion, was destroyed bj fire last night. MAN SLEEPS LIKE LOG, EATS ANYTHING After taking Adlerika I can eal, anything and sleep like a l"g. I had gas on the stomach ami couldn't keep food down nor sleep." (signed II. C. Miller. OXF spoonful Adlerika remotes OAS and often brings surprising relief to the stomach, Slops that fuli.Vbliliiled feeling. ' Often bring' out obi witslc-matlcr you never, (bought was in your system. 1'Acellent for Mjrohic con-slipaliou. Ormes Limited. Mrlrl fif I'rlnrr lllifrl. at rrlnei import. V..n..,,r... xi.i. ii v i.i... Ireasurer. Mrs., H. . .neip., B.r.. rtrripiiH. i.r ih mi ann pin Assistant treasurer, Mrs. .11. A NAVIGABLE WATERS PROTECTION ACT, R.S.B.C. 1906, CHAPTER 115. THOMAS TIIOTIEIl, f.f Iho aiy nf Prill' riu'rl. In Um PrAvlnri. nf Hrlllh Ciilmnblil. IIKIOUY OIVFS NOTICI) tlial In linn umlrr 7 (r llw Mll Art (! ...ItHil ti thx MlnlMfr nr C'llillf Work al oiiitti, iiki in. tiu til lire nr iim im trlrt lirrlnlrir nf Ihf Land HfrlHry tl ? HOW ABOUT THAT L The Rexall Store. umoer City Tltkat Offlta, BZS Third AaH Prlnea wupan. (CANADIAN? PACiriC "vaaiiwar ? V have whiil yon v oit at Hi' - -. ..... -a Al-'i Rnibliiig M nl Ki i Ii. Phone 11 G or 564 AENTS FOR THE FAMOUS NANAIMO-WELLINCTM COAL Once Used Always Used ALBERT & McCAFFERY, LTD. 52: Beef, Wine and 'Iron is a reliable blood builder and strength restorer. Most everybody needs a Spring tonic. We especially recommend this one in cases of anemia, colds or rundown condition. A reliable tonic, which gives ttie system renewed vitality, is one of the surest means of warding off coughs, colds and throat troubles Hi Si ttn ! ORiViES LTD Phones 82 and 200. Coast Steamship and Train Service S.S. PRINCE RUPERT or PRINCE 0E0HQE .ail ri n VNCOUVER. VICTORIA, SEATTLE and Inn "! SUNDAY and THURSDAV, 10 P.M Foe ANVOX For STEWART mi' ptioni ri W I'll PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE RUrBT onTOH, DAILY auapt Sunday 11 au ain. for J';,1"'', WINNlPtO, al iiiiil taM-ili Liiliana. un 1DCNCV ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. Saturday 260 Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailinps from Prince Rup ..,.. yiDI . . .,. : Juna Sth For Ketchikan, an pZ Jan. For Victoria and 'r;M ' Vancouvar, Bih -Vi'B.vft ,llrt " BEAT Rlt-t- All" S.S, PRINCESS , N,mU, For Butedala, Swanaon Bay, Eait Bella BaMa. Ocaan F an., and Vancouver avary Saturday 11 )fofW,,tea A,n.y for .11 L.n... Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, rnn. r UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., Salllun from rrmco Rupert. Tufd,f) j r 'or VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Swanaon Bay, and Alert n Mt 10 " or VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Alert Bay, and Saneen For ANVOX, ALICE ARM, STEWART, Sunday, rM. . For PORT SIMPSON and naaa wiver wonr...i prince IZS 2nd Avenue. . oarnsisr.