ttftiti. jury was suinnntn- Mi' iated Owini.s ufler in- had shot the man! se and testimony uoduen'l -Show ing wa of a quarrelsome MING CO. BEHRING SEA Russia Grants Concession to Concern to Oporato With j Four Whalers M'ATTl.K. Mav 7.- The Vkmi' Wiialmj Company lias been u fifteen year conccs- " ' 11 Hearing Sea olf I In roast " -'tii-u i it hy llussin, 11 Wit 1""llll""il here today. Hie .-.h'anuT Koiniiiaiideien, -i' lia- im engaged in what- ' "'I Lower California coast '"' 1 - i" past wilder, Is to go ""''h " et a- I he mother ship '""wlialern of 1 lie fonipauy CANADIAN CANOEIST ARRIVES IN ROME ' Greeted by Large an Enthus. lastlo Crowd When Reaching Italy's Capital from London ""'ir May 7. (ienrg,. Sinytlo'. "luian anoeisl. who o.-uhllei !!UI" ndou lo Home by way' of ........ WIls B,.l.,.(Ml 1(y a "Miusiasiir crowd upon "L1"'1'" yeslerday afternoon STATION AGENT AT TERRACE TRANSFERRED . V ' s- Creolman Has Gone to Hope II. na His Place Is Taken by D. W. Casset ii'i..! ti. ,1 f. i .. r. i Cr, U .. .u.i, nitiiMJii aeni "i-i-ue,.. ,H )(stIl lrufi;n.,yj T anil 1(iaco 1US) ll(,(Ml NV. Cassell who ean.e ;'um Pe. Mrs. .Creeiman is at 111 Hie lueal hosidlal. duetioii is that Hie planing mill has not been destroyed. The plant was une of the largest in the disliirl and Ihe company had made arrangements Tor a big nut this summer, hav ing about 15,00(1,01)11 reel of logs decked along the railway and in (lie bush.' ir Ihe fire is hell to Ihe -jiwnilll the loss of the company will not be very heavy, as il is believed the mill was well eovcied by , insurance. Men Out of Work The fire will have an appreci able effect upon Ihe lumber out I he company is nol an ex tensive holder or siamiing iim- Advents' n Mo. Oailv New put of Ihe district as Ihe com-j pany proiluceil on an average MO. (ino red of lumber a day.' furnishing employment In 500 1 men in Hie hush ilnriiu Ihe win ter and hair thai number around the plant when operating and in the .summer camps. j As there is cmisiileraliie snow in' Ihe bush to the we! of lllil- f on. II is not thought Ihe fire will occasion any great damage il .standing limber. II is said thai the site of Ihe plant could be changed wilh ad- vanlage. All Ihe logs Hail lo lie M-niighl In il by rail and no ad- vanlnge was taken or waier transport. lier and can doulilless dispose of Ihe pasl season's cnl of logs lo ,r 1 1.1 1... .1.. ailvaul.'lge II mere umim i"- ' lay in ihe mailer of relnijldlng. vluleresl is now well awakened in 'Ihe children' ward at the hospital and money is coming in. The dillicully is lo overcome llic natural Inertia or I In average person and gel him 16 lep in, -either to one of the banks or !o Ihe Daily News ollice and leave Hie money. ' Harry Wasson was fined .$10 and rosls in the city piilicc court Ibis morning for driving a motor car wilhoul a liernse. BYNG OF VIMY. Hue feature or, the morning donations was lu receipt of the sum of Si'.i'ii from a. group of young folks l.uyU Morris. Audrey rremayne, Megan Morris., Hilly llrookshank, '.lack Cade, Hub I I'arker and Frances Tremaynr II is llie-e lillle auiouuls thai rniunl nu1, whielr will oe'iiuiittv' make possible Ibe new ward. II .... . . will lie eav enoiigu u an ueip. Following arc reived up lo nooil today: Previously acknow ledged 185.00 Croup of Children Aid. William Itrown...... 5.00 I he" Skipper .Molher ... (ioverintr (ieneral who will' make brief visit here next mouth. Cold Storage Manager says that Embargo is useless lo bring any 3feto Al Hie right is shown ihe youth n Irinpc oi o Hi, . Ilsiian Tung, wilh, hi: Kugfish lulor The boy empi ior, who was ilcpo-cil before he ever really asserted his rule, is planning an extensive visit to tins continent. Activity of United Stales in Curbing Liquor Running on the GreatLakes Causes Irritation "ltodd was emphatic in the stHleineul (bat reprisals would L tpllow if the I'niU'd Males pursued its announced policy oil. 2.20 shooting nisi ami investigating aiierward AciMirding to tin story. carrying carrying cannon cannon and ami . 2.00 'ruisers . 31 rn irftiir rMTCPC r. on smaller uuns had been cuinmis- 'iiVIlLiJ iJ11 tililtiliJ Electric' Window Bakeries 5,00 cloned for (ireaf Lake St. Andrew's Autlliary 5O.00 Loval Order of Moose 25.00 service. SOAP KING HAS PASSED AWAY Viscount Leverhulme Had Inter esting Life During Which He Accumulated Millions VICTIM OF PNEUMONIA Had Bin Clash with Late Lord NorthcUffo and Won Out In Libel Suit LONDON, May 7. Viseounl Leverhulme, one. of England's ffiealesi industrial leaders known Us Hie soap king died this morning as; Hie. resull of an al- 'ack .of pneumonia, agid 73. Ili'ginning in small way in oap factory In bi'.eauie a inlilli- uillliouaire. iiiauufacturer whn liyided his .profits wilh his em doyees. William ..lleskelli Lever, first Ituron I.everhuliiHV 'was I'1.1'11 liollon. one of; the busy col ton low ns of Lancashire in 1X5 1. Hi father was a wholesale grocer there, and young Lever, id Ihe age of 10, helped in Hie paternal business. Ten yjt'iys laler lie bought a business .for himself in Wiiran. a lowrivVery similar ti ami nol far from his nalh DJiJ ikn Fichintt SihtntinnU-, rUVvlum work IVCIICI IV lft i-rii.i.v.. . , imniiii-iuicd innnageiueui made Lever a .prosperous grocer. Miy 7. "Heller lo the lialilml lisinug siuia- and then, m usinjs nn worn would WOUIII go 1IIIO slruc truck Ihe j,, Canada cannot be brought about by Hie suggested etu- "be lining it lie. ! J mericnn fish entering Hie Canadian ports but y have soap." Allhough be, Slides will exercise, hi famous . Irade-name ' K Ih d Ihe president of Ihe United in.w. V ,i I.,,.., II... dnlv on Canadian fish entering light" during the, first few Sun- 1 liours. Ui iled Slides " So staled T. II. Jolinsoii, genei-ul manager of the Ihe actual niaktug of the soap r itiaiiiiui I'ish e; Cold Storage Company today. He said that when Tor some tinm ,hadlo be en-the report (r the llopUiusoii commission appointed by President trusted lo an oiilside. firju. .. . . ... int.. (In. ltrniliielion costs of American 'and Modol Vllln"e 1 ' Cau'adiau halibut was niade public, tlie report will 'reciimniehll Lever eventual!; ionk some that Ihe president exercise ins ju-erogaine aim reuuie mi; ouiy.worhs " " y''y"', i . r 'I i.u.' i in u. i HI U 11.1 1 . . LARDEAU DISTRICT Obtained Group of Claims Through A. St. Claire Brindle, Formsr Mining Recorder A. It. Trilcs, well known pro- incial mining man, and Lieut. - ul. Jack Leckie of Vancouver. hae taken ner Ihe Melropolilau rroiip of claims in Ihe Lardeau lislrict norlh of Kooleuay Lake, rini'deal was handled by A. St. '.laire Itrindle. A'ielotia mining ngiiieer,- who recently became issocialed wilh Mr. Trilcs ami who Was instrumental in Ihe transfer of Ihe (iold'Cliff mine al Stewart friun William Dann lo Mr. Triles. II Is iuleresllng In note that Mr. Itrindle was al me lime mining lecorTler al I'ioiiI Lake which is Ihe head- iiuirlers of Ihe Lardeau dislricl. BASEBALL American Dclrnil II. S'l. I.Jtiis i. , Philadelphia 0. Nt'w Yni"k lloslon H. Washington 10. Others postponed. National Itrooklyn In, lloslon 0. . Ay TAXI x BOSTON GRILL 25 and Large Upstair Dining Mall, Ambulance wilh newly laid dancing floor for hire. Suitable for Service ' J 4- dances, banquet and wedding Anywhere at Anytime. parties, ! Itind Royal Hotej, 3rd Av. For ral!s, apply to Boston PRINCE RUPERT and 6th St. drill. Third Ave. WHTT VIPECK, Prop. Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Phone 457. VOL XV NO. ! PHINCK Ill.PKHT, Hi:.. Till Its DAY, M,Y 7, iU23, Yttrdy' Circulation 1621 trMt !. 472. PRICE FIVE GENTS. u 'v. BIG LUMBER ILL AT HUTTON IS BURNED BARON BYNG OF VIMY, GOVERNOR GENERAL, TO MAKE SHORT VISIT HERE Big Lumber Mill at Hutton is Destroyed by Fire Valued at $300,000: Planing Mill Savedl , ! ;i in.-- "f approximately :5llU,00'.)f fairly writ covered by ..I ...... I II. ....i. ..I. V ......... .,,.....1.. II... I.i ir lnml.iiH ....II jH-'lt.Hi'1 I'ltMIU III! 1'IIBII .IHVHI llflUH.-, till. IJI I . . 1 1 1 J I Jlllll ,,i I r, ii d liraiii (iruwers at Jlulloii has been destroyed by i,,.' - v!l a warehouse ami Hurt Canadian National cirs viju ii win! Maiming on (lie swing. Tin i.i rr started late yesterday afternoon and was burning iic 'lie wrMijoiinu paengcr train paeit lliroiigli. I In: train SELF DEFENSE Coroner's Jury Exonerated Eu- Gn Owens for Killing John Polo Near Juneau BROUGHT IN BODY I' ''' M Mav 7. Eugene 1- here yeslerday 'opinion of railway officials dial i.-'dy of John Polo, 40 i.i. 1 , whom he. confessed n il tlurinyia Ajuairrl I lie system has simply been disorganized. IT the planiiiK mill wvtr ileslrwyeilMliu JclegrnpluoTn i Miie ul the Saiiduhi fire would go With it 'and, hav-'-. f'l'i' mile south, in rrceiwil mi word of the loss li" Wit lie fO! to I lit nf (he telegraph office, the ile- MONEY COMING FOR NEW WARD v :i hn.ugli to (iicorube ami a locomotive was -cut bark Place for Children In Hospital mi' a 'id fiiiiiuiciit Id figlit tin flames. MOT HIS MAN Ull V 1 lAlhS 1UIUI I lie company's planing niiil, which wa.i located some 31)1) feel west of I hr sawmill and tin; adjoining liimlii'i- yard wilh approximately fourteen mill ion feet i f lumber il is thought' wore saved. In (he planing mill the aider system was installed. No Communication Tlie telegraph service at Hutton we nl out ill coiUiuission aT- ler the fire had 1 n burning a couple of holies and late lids iin.riiiiig it wan impossible to gel any wind through. It is the Will be Provided if al Help Governor General to Visit Prince Rupert on June 27 for 2 Hours OTTAWA, May 7. (iovenior ( Lord ltyng is to isil Frinie ltuerl on Saturday. June 2, arriving liial day on Ifie train from Hie Hast ami remaining just t-v:) liour until six o'clock when lie will proceed soulli lo Vancouver on one of Hie nig slearuer iuaking her regular trip at Unit lime. According lo Hie schedule arranged for liim, be will leave licit' on a nionlli's lour of western Canada on June- t. The itinerary will include slops at Winnipeg, Mount Hobson, New llazelloii, Prince Rupert, Vancouver and. Victoria. will be made -" " - - The trip 'west by j Ihe Canadian National Itailway.l r t rv IITflTn the train being due to arrive at: iilMAIlA VVlW.S Hobson on June 3. al prince iCcorge on June 25, and SniilherH 1 June 2i al 10 a.m. He will arrive at New lla.i'ltou. on June 20 al Carstou and JO to Norlh Kellle Itiver yeslerday ami many more will join lliein loday in Ihe execution of Ihe pledge of the leaders Ihal Ibey will obey the school law in future. WALTER MOLSON OF MOTREAL VISITOR IN RUPERT TODAY Waller Molson oT Montreal, ... . V r ..r one oi me lanious laiuny "i Molsons, bankers ami brewery operators, i a visitor in the c'ty today in Ihe course of a lour of the west. Accompanied by Mrs. Molson, he arrived in the eily on yesterday afternoon's train and will leave for Vancouver tonight. Mr. Molson is president of lb Lake oT Ihe Woods Milling Co. of Kenora. He is being shown around Ihe eilv loday by J. L. Chrislie. Ihe local represeiilativ of Ihe company. ADMIRAL STURDEE FIGHTS LAST BATTLE Was Hero of Battle of Falkland Islands In 1914 LONDON. May 7. Sir Hovel on Slurdee, admiral of Ihe Heel, who commanded Ihe llrilisli siuadron al Ihe battle nf Falkland Islands in till I died today. Robert Forke Remains Head of Progressive Party in Commons; Whip and Chairman Changed OTTAWA, May 7. Hubert Forke remains head of the Piotrrcssixe Parly, it was uiinonuced last night ut Ihe close of Hie third protruded caucus or 1 lie parly held during Ihe past two i.u-w 'rim i-inii'iises were Ihe l-nsiilt of differences which came .... VI 11 1 1 W A m THREE BOUTS '2.30, leave at 5.30 and ur-j ....... ... -. irix e al Prince llupert on Sat u r-i Amateur Championship Bouts day, June 21, al f p.m. and leave! Corr.o to This Country; Two al 0. i TOlHlNm May 7. The Mail and Empire published uj? H 1 1 J h IIIMII IIH1-IM, VMIIillH', HIH.Il IMalllllp. i D0UKH030RS TAKE! CHILDREN TO SCHOOL iHAM FOHK1?, May 7. Fonrt en- you n tf I u k"- bobor Honor boys joys were were leil n-u lo m i . 1 . . .. , .. ,- . -!T .T,n,,Pr?.,'?"al.ra,n,,,1'w,.l,0" 'Vl1' mi"i Ua1 "V! ' )f oiuuii.laiiimii .A JL9 the Uiuletl Slates lo niaintaui a coasl guard on tlie dirni to curb rum running, it wn jircdii led liy..Iolin 11. lt"dd, K.(I., , j. the donations re- former crown attorney. . Winnipeg Winners l)lSTOXMay 7. Canada won three mil of eight of Hie pan- American amateur boxing championship bouts. The United spates won four, South America one. . i! . - , f The CanaiTiaii wlftmmfs' were in the I2l pound class, Agnew Hurlje of Tiirvlo;, Jfiy, Jhe 175 pooni eiass,7IinVf's' "iIamTer of Winnipeg ami in tlie heavy weight class. Angus Snider of Winnipeg. KETCHIKANITES VISITING TOWNi Rotarians from Alaskan City Ar rive to Attend Banquet Here Tonight - s To ' a 1 1 'in I 1 lie installation banquet of the local Holary Clubj Ibis evening alid aerompany a parly leaded by" Dislricl (iovt-r-- uor I-rank Higgs of' Portland lo Hie inauguration banquet al 'Ketchikan al Ibe wid of Ihe week, a party nf Ketchikan llotai-taua arrived in town this morning. The parly consists of Harry C. N'unan, Ketchikan manager of the New Englaml Fish Co. and president of Ihe club there; Itev. C. M. Van Miirter, Melhodist t-lergylnan; Xt H. 'Walker, drug-gis, and Frank Parrisli, travelling salesman and Hotariau o Seattle who represented Oovcr-nor Higgs at the organization in Ketchikan. Tlie parly arrived al H.t5 this morning on the halibut schooner Carolen, Cant. A. J. Anderson, afler a lrij whidli look just over Iwelve hours. They will return norlh on the Princess Mary tomorrow night. HAPPY RITCHIE OFF TO CASSIAR DIGGINGS Will bo Enqaned With Government Survey Party and May Remain In Deaso Lako Country .1 .F .Ititehie, .It '"Happy") is leaving tomorrow tin the Princess Mary for thtr.Dcase Lake, country. ' lie will b) engaged for a while with Hie party of J. A. In'n head over the vole on Ihe budget last Friday- when a numberiSleph'en. public. worK-cngineer, nf. Progressives boiled from Ihe parly and supported the gov ernmenl of Hon. W. L. Mackenzie King, thus giving him u snb- (uulial majority, As a result, of Ihe caucuses several changes have been made in Hie officials of the parly. C. has replaced J. i. Johnson as chief Progressive whip and W. Kennedy will cease to act as W. Stewarl, M.P., of llumboll '. chairman of the caucus. If the pusiiliitltie.s of gold mining in the new fbild 'nro anything like they are reputed to be, Happy says In- may spend next winler lu 'lluOCasslari! He, win there last year and came oul;by way if HaeHon. - &'