Save Your Eyes (iur optician has had over -'5 years' experience testing eyes and filling glasses. Satisfaction Guaranteed Max Heilbroner The Diamond Merchant of the North Tom Thumb Umbrellas In all the new shades from $5.50 $ll.50 "Demers" "House of Quality." P.O. Box 327. Phone 27 For That New SPRING SUIT Go to M. T. LEE Experienced in Ladies' mid Cienlleuten's tailoring. Prices reasonable and a big clock of English, .Scotlish and Irish , .Tweeds and Woollen floods available lo , select from. Quality and fit guaranteed. Mail orders given prompt attention. ALSO DRY CLEANING AND ' PRESSING P.O. Box 977. Phone 663 337 Third Avenue Prince Rupert - - B.C. Travel by our TAXI It Will Pay You Kadi fare of ,r0c up i-0. ocixes a niiiniiered ticket. Keep llli'se liekrls until further notice in tliis jiapcr. Do you wish for a quick fire in Hie inoruiiiKs? IT o. yel a load of our JJone lry Kihilling Wood. Transfer Work and Heavy lrayar-re our speeialily. WE DELIVER CCAI ICE WOOD The Prince Rupert Transfer & Taxi Co. Third Avenue Phones 189, 112 & Red 461. Dr.F.PIenny DENTIST Exchange Block Phone 109 BAZAAR FOR RIDLEY HOME Affair In Metropole Hall Today Promises to be as Successful as Ever The annual hazaur for the Jlidlev Home, which was opened this afternoon in the Melropole Hall al 3 o'clock by Joe Urccr. gives promise of being as dis- tinclly successful alfair as any iii me pasi which nave consisi-enlly proved most popular. Ladies of niosl all denoniiualioiis in I lie cily have heeu working in ro-ope.ralion for the general cause by taking charge or various departments. The result is I Hie liull presents a very pleasing appearance with a wide offering of articles lo allrait many palrons. Miss Davies and Miss West have general charge while in, charge of I he may booths are the followihg: Fancy Work Mrs. Cross, as- ; sited liy Mrs. MHJoskric. I l'lain Sewing Mrs. Hue. j Children's Clothing Mrs. C.j Hills, assisted by Mrs. Ctoodscllj and Mrs. Whatman ir. Home Cooking Mrs. J. i. Slecn, assisted by Mrs. 1). Mcl). Hunter, vMrs. W. 1). Vance. Mrs. L. W. Kergin, and Mrs. (ieorge llorie. Plants Mrs. C. V. Evilt, as-sisled by Mrs. II. L. Mclnlosli, .Mrs. II. A. Philpolt, Mrs. M. M. Stephens, Mrs. T. Clarke. Mis. (. d. Hushby. Miss Alice Du Yernct and Mrs. T. McClymonl. Miscellaneous Mrs. W. II. Cornish. Candy Mrs. Ilobinson, assisted by Mrs. Ilibbard, Miss Hughes and Mrs. Morris. Second hand stall. Mrs. II. Ulanre. assisted by Mrs. Veireck. Fish pond and children's tall IN PROBATE IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA ' tu llie Matter or lite Administration Act: anil iu llie Miller r ttii' Estate or Kiluy lllrk-TavriHT llyile. biMiavd. lulislalo. TAkt MITICK that by 011I1T r til-Ih.tmr T. M'H. Yoniiir made the day ir April, VI). 15. I was uH.hiU-l Art mini-tra tr or th? estate or Kdwy illrkm Tavener Hyde, defeased, and all iiarllec having claims airalnsl tlie cld est ale are hereby n il u I n il tu rurnlsh same, ln lerly veriried Iu tn on or lierore the IStli nay or Ma.i. .i. in, anil all partus Itidebled to the elale ire. required to pay Uh- amount or their Indebtedness lo me rutlliwllh. OIIMA A. WATT, orririal Adinliii'trator, I'rlnre flupert. B.C. tisiiwi the ir.ih dav r Kuril. tsj5 FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY Combination Specials Heinz STORE SALE By R. Bramley Special prices prevailing will be for two days only and the values offered are-I'd per rent below regular prices. 95c Lot 1 fix Pork A Itenus. plain or iu lonialo sauce, size 1. 7 tins for . . . 35c tot 2 Heinz Cream of To-tniulo Soup, 7 litis for 95c Lot 3 -Heinz Tomalo Catsup, 3 for v. 95c Lot 4- -0 small tins Heinz Cooked Spaghetti,... 95c Lot 55 medium tins I'ork & lleans, plain or iu tomalo sauce 95c Lot 61 large hot Up Worcester Sauce, 1 large bottle Tomalo Calsup, lnie-diiitn cooked Spaghetti . .. 95c Lot 71 jar Heinz Prepared Muslard. 1 . jar Jleinz Sweel ickles, 1 uniall bollle Vinegar ... . . 95c Lot 8 1 jar Chilj Sauce, 1 large tin Pork & Ileans. 2 small Mils Cream of Tomalo Soti 95c Lot 9, 1 tin Ih'd Kidney I Semis, meiliuni size, i large (ins Cream of Tomato Soup, 1 jar India llelish 95c Lot 101 small (ins Pork & Means, assorted, 3 small tins Cream of To- mato Soup 95c Rupert Table Supply 3 Phones, 210, 211, 212 ROYAL YEAST CAKES P&ianjara Quality -Mrs. P. E. liaisler, Mr: ,olinoii. Mrs. A. Akerbei Thor and Mrs. Skatlebol. Palmistry Mrs. Jlreiuner. Fori line telling Mrs. 11. T. Willett. Mrs. J. C. MfLeniian is convener of the lea 'room with' Mrs! I. E. Tretnayiie aud Mrs. (J. ,. Eggert pouring, Mrs. 1). (J. Slewarl as cashier, and Mrs. 11. SI. fi. Lee, Mrs, A.- II. Nichols. Mrsv S. P. Mc-Mordic, Mrs. S. K. Canitibell, Mrs. A. E. Wright, ' Mrs. Lionel Holthy, Mrs. C. 1L larr, Mrs. F. W. Pearson. Mr, 't. (. Crewe. Mrs. Milton (Jon-zales, Mrs C. C. slenhavcr, . . . . . t : l : a ; .hiss .unrgneriie tonng aim .hiss Audrey Itiishliy serving. STOCK MARKET liranby .. .. .. Howe Sound Indian (ilaeier -r U.K. Silver ... Surr Inlet ... Dunwell Premier L. A A Daly-Alaska' Itayview Hid. Asked I. ' 15.50 17.0(1 .u; tj .ivs .2 i I. id .05 K 3.30 .22 .15 .10 .27 1.50 .Of. Vs 4.5(1 2.37 .23 .25 .1 1 Vs "dverlie in thn Dailv ew LAND ACT III I'rinee llu(x-rt Land Dlstrirt; Dlrtrtnl or I'rinee IliiHrt. - TAKE MlTICE liiat 1. MerlU Ites llrlav. it Vancouver, Ii.i: oetiialMm aatmon Itrt ker, I lend i to apply Tor iM-rmisitloii to pureliase tin rollowlnir denerllied lands: - r.oiiintf iieuiir al a h,i pianled Vj mite south or the goittheast eorner or Lot 070J, rtlllie Creek, tianre t, pmrt ItUlrirl; thettee rtvlh Sit-chains; lllenee vent Jii I'liain-'; ttienre win Hi to (tt'ire line In an i-axtArl)' direction to jKdnt or rom-iiieii'-eiiient; containinir 40 acres, more or ll'KS. Ml.lllLL PES lllUSAY. Applicant, i Edwin Elroy liariium. Axent. Iixp-d rll rd. iv-ti NOTICE. IN THE M VTTEH or an application rr i lie mnie ( u irejn eeriincale or line rir l.oln nineteen MVi ami Iviiiitv (Sin. Iil-k Ihlrty-lwo CIS,. Seitlon rive (ii, I'Aly nt I'rinee Itifiiert, Jlaii VS3. Satlxrarlory roor or the do'triirtlon or llie (.ertiricate or title enverlnt the htve land hill in been fiirnllicd irf lhl office It in my Inlentlun In lue. after ine evpiraiKin or thirty oavn rrom tlie rirf imtillcailnn hereof, a duplicate Certificate (r Title eorerlnv the paid land i In llie name r 1'ETElt M. CASSIDY and I l'llK C.ASfSlnV. uhlcli Ortlflcine or title U dated the 1 3th ufrnrt. It 1 3, and numbered Hit I. II. V. MACLEOD, IleirlMiar or Title!. Land llcrlslry Orrice, I'rlnre Ilnpert, B.C. Vanh ih 1(t!l Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone G75 DENTIST I LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Prion CI. Cartage, Warehousing, and ViUlributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal Band and Gravel W Specialize In Piano and Furniture Kovlnfl. AOE SIX THE DAILY NEW 3 Thn Diamonds Aler!. thinking people who are in touch with Hie trend of events and who do not fail to THINK, HEAR, SEE & ACT know that in buyitiK a diamond (hoy must depend l;irx'ly upon the dealer. Our values are equal lo those of any house in Canada and cheaper than many. ONLY ATHLETES SAFE IN ROME Streets Crowded, Very Narrow Sidewalks and Taxis Drive Past HOME, May 7. The municipality of Home lias begun a series of iniioval ions in street truinc regulation wlncli, man.v Holy Year visifor- lo Hie Italian capital hopo, will li;ie Ihe elfecl of lessening the dangers presented lo the en-existence in Home of pcrTinps Hie most reckless motor ear drivers in the world aud the iKiirovsest side-Walks of any of the great capitals. Safely first i w Vork, London and Pads is largely an ad-inonilion lo avoid jay-walking, and Ihe careful pedestrian is safe if he follow- I In- rules of Hie road ami trust to the traffic iioliceiilai). Here. howeer, Ihe only suto 5Viy lies in ducking into a hallway during a particularly busy movement of traffic. Many of the timsl imporlanl squares ami thoroughfares of Home have merely nominal sidewalks for pedestrians or none at all. For most oi llie lenglh of the Corso Imbcm, Ihe city's busiest artery of lialllr, no more than walk while Hi. ml wide, two or three people can abreast on Hie sidewalk. Ihe Via Coui'lolli, Home's Sheet, is about 3U feel including Ihe two narrow sidewalks. The Piazza di Spagrta, the city's tourist center, has ut sidewalk at all and is u mad hcllrr-skellor of Irallie. lespilc the narrowiteas of Ihe. streets Hume's tavicabs, aud I hey are ,hy far the most luxurious and fastest in I lie world, dash along al a breakneck sped. Ihe chauffeurs sounding their old- fashioned horns every few sec onds lo terrify the pedestrians who are unable to crowd onto the sidewalks. EXODUS TO UNITED STATES DECLINING ''Toronto Clobe, The slalislies published by Ihe fniled Slates aul horn jes slmw a gratifying reduction in the migration of Canadians to the Uniled Stales. Up to June, il2S, and inclusive of -'(hat mouth, there was an incre.ase. Since inai time mere. n;t4.jui'n a uo- clihe, as shown ly.thj; following (able: 11)23 11)2 1 July in.rtio 7.HI I August l(i,C85 1 0,1 5 1 September ... T(i,C.7i 10,073 October .. .. 15.H5H 10.113 .November . .. 20.S62 12,321 December .. . 17,551) .11.733 The improvement ctJiliuued during Ihe present year. In January, 1H25, there were 11,151). as compared wilh 15.513 in' January, 1H2S, and in February, 11)25, i.CKO, a compared with 13,li3 in Fehruary, lsl. Should this improvement be maintained, Ihe migration fur will h little more than hulf thai of ll2i. CASSIAR LIKELY TO BE A NEW KLONDYKE (Fdmonton Journal 1 The prediction is being made that a new Klondyke will shorilv be uncovered in Hie Cassiar country in northern Ilrilish Col-imbia, jusl south of the border or Ihe ukon. The ice in llie Slikine usually goes oul about Ihe. Tirsl or May and a large number of prosneclors have been wailing in Wiangell. Alaska, for this iii order lo go in and try Ibeir luck. While Iheir roule involves Ihe shorlcsl (iverlaml journey, Ihe ficlil is Iributiiry lo llie Mackenzie rler syslein. The spo where tlie finds were made, thai are responsible for Ihe pre-seul excitement, Is liilrly miles hnrlheasl ()f 1 lease lake, from which Ihe Dease river Hows inln Ihe Liard, which Joins the Mackenzie. WIRELESS REPORT 8 a.m. DIlillY ISLAND. Par I cloudy, calm; harumeler. 30.0(5: lemper alure, Si); sea smooth; C p.m. spoke sleatner', JctTe rsou, 010 milc, from Sealtle, southbound ; spoke slwinier lteilontlo, 71 miles from KclcJilkan, nortb-briund: 8 p.m. spoke lug Lorne, II milck south of llonilla Island I!i2a show an bound for Caplniii's Coe; H p. in. spoke steamer Admiral Hodman, leaving Waterfall for Kl wark; II spoke sleauier Prince (Ieorge oul iiorlhbouud. DILM) THKK I'tll.NT. -- llaining, calm; baroineler, 2U.H8; (eiuper-afure. 15; sea sioolh. i HULL IIAHHOIt. Showery., calm; barttpieler, 30.02; leiuper-alure, 18; sen smooth; 7:50 p.m. i spoke steamer Lalouehe 23.1; miles from 1'ort Wells north-j hound. . - Noon i DK'IIY ISLAM'. Cloudy.; light soullieast wind: baroineler,, 30.10; leniperalure 01); sea smoolh. - j HULL HAHIIOIlk Cloudy. frc?h; northwest wind; baromeler. 30.-! l; lemperalure, 70; liglil chop;: t) a.m. spoke steamer Venture in' Milbauk Sound iiorlhbouud. IHiAl) TltKH POINT.- ther-. casl, ejilni; bamnieler, 2D.05 temperature. 55; sea siuoolh. A BARGAIN ! ' See tliul chap wilh Ihe fur collar gelling into hU otirf" said Smith. "What nlMiul liim?" anl Fraser. "He's Ihe chap that bought The Kvening Herald." "My word! What did he giv for ilf j "A penny," sntd Smith. j Wonl was received from Ter-. race tMlay is Id the etTeel thai Hie fir on the railway vrade, eus( of there which . interfered j with Ihe leh'graph lines yesler-! day is now under coillrol. ivMrMip in Mm fliilv N'ew HAD BOILS ALL OYER HIM TliPi-e In only on ay tft r't Mil iMjila ami liiat I by rnir - rtit to It1 m-1 i.r tin' lri.ul)if tlif liliHid an Mm barf tilixxl niuot Ih' inail pure in turt tlie Ll I f , Mill illHui'iH-ar. BURDOCK ! BLOOD BITTERS tnim-en tlMs ryplciu ami iciuon- all tin' foul mattrr from tin- Wooil In a i) tliut ri'W llll'llil'IIICH will do. 1 Mm. Clius. Ilanklii, liii.vca. Sak.. wTlli-ii: "A rew year airo my liu-l,uo) I had a terrible tlm Willi bull. On ihic arm lie liml C lnluii'ii hlx rlbow and; wil; rtvii on tlie bak of Ills m-ik. anil; wvithI morr on (lirrct'f nt parts or lit boily. tin tried rverylliliiK be coiilil tlilnk I or, but Hot mi i-rllcr until b tMk llurilork 1 UliiMt IlllUtrx. II "'I tu III nurrixe II ijiin i pli U I) I'clirvrd blm of lilt bulla. In a very Mnirt time.", tins In-i ll on llie market fur tlio tuml Ki cur; be Kure you iret It when you ii k ror It: pill up only by Tlie T. ! Mllliiirii Cu., l.lnilliil, Torutit'i, Out. I WATER NOTICE. ! DIVERSION AND USE. I TAki; miiji:i; mat ttiu ski-ena liivrr I'nikilif (Jomiiaiiy, l.liiilti'd, wlioxc aUilrrsn 1 U 131 suiiilartl Hank Hullilltiir, Van-etiiiver, tl.C, will m ily fur a llcenee in lukn anil iimi & ciililc. reel pur iteeoml tif water out or Wotr Creek wiilcli rtowa iini'tliwealerly and (I ruins lulu l'oriile Uarliniir about iiorlli end r tllli Avenue;! I'ort Cdward Toiilie. Tin water will' ! (livened rrom the n I ream at a pulnli aliuiit one and .a tin If miles rrom the iiioiitli at point of invention or I'ort Kdward Tiinlle water aynlem and will lie used rur Industrial purpiim upon lint liiud described n purl or rorolmre Lot number 4470, llunKe t, r:oat Plslrlct. i Tliia niillcc was posttid on the trroimd on1 the 3rd duy or Mareli, 15. A copy ofl thla notice and an application r-iriiuaut I therein and lo the 'Water Act, ION," will I be riled Iu the orrice or the Water lie-I (order, I'rinee liutrt, B.C. Objections! tu the application may be riled w ith the I aid Waler lleeorder or with the Comp. troller or Water lllidita. I'arllamenl' Ilululmirn, McturU, ll.C, wllliln thirty diiya after the rtrt appeuniuee of thl' notice In a local newnpaper. Tbe date nfl the rim piiblleiitlon of tills notice Ii March scifi. i p 9 r. . i SKEF.NA IIIVKll PACkINO COMPANY ! LIMITED, Applicant. U A. t. Mallivauu, Agent. r'" ,'p Mar ... BRITISH COLUMBIA The Mineral Province of Western Canada TO END OF DECEMBER, 192S. Ilu.s. produced Minerals ns follow.-: Placer (iold, $70(m2'o:' i n:H,05B;-Silvep, $a,rafU5y; Lend, $5S1i:tt,001; Copper, $l7iM)i,i v.k v ,3r 00t,7."0; Miscellaneous Minerals, $l,108,2r7; Goal and Coke, if2.-.i''H S i. "' 27'-Slime, llrick, tlfintJO. etc., $ai),llu,2J; making ils Mineral ',-od! , ", ,: Dllildl!! villi , Aggregate Value of $810,722,782 Production for Year Ending Dec. 1923, $41,304,320 Tlie Mining Laws or litis Province are tmnc liberal "ami the ft.. ,,w,.t any oilier Province iu Hit- Uoniiiiion, or any nolony in llie Hriljsh ,,,."" ul Mineral locations are granted to iliscoverer for tifiiiiliial fce. Ahsolutc Titles-arc obtained by developing such prujHtrtio, the h ' guaranteed by Crown Grants. ' ' im " Hilt iiiforiiiulion logl'ther with Mining Mepcrls a- d .Maps, max ' i , , addrcshiug mUr THE HON. THE MINISTER OF MlNES Victoria, British Columbia. 4 WESTHOLiME THEATRE TONIGHT ONLY at 7 and 9 "AS MAN DESIRES" All .idapl-ilmii ! (ii iie riji'-. . . . i ' Pundora L.i Uniui," A ph"ln ih i i . . . .,,,.t., front Loudon socielv lo -I i rri 1 1 k '. . ,,, M.h. i,,. ilia and ends with whirlwind -l a i m hi U.Wu i-UikI iu llie South Seus, lltimliudi of dam hi;: II.,mhi,im Mrfu in one of the Ingge-I hnttlli bea seem'. m , iilimil uml ( liglil for an island hollo yMi'H Hover lortr. I. Slnnig f- laoriles. p , Milton Sills, Viola Dana, Irving Cummingt, Paul Nicholson, Frank Leigh, Ruth Clifford, Rosemary Thcbjr, Anna May Walthal ami others. COMEDY -"STOLEN GOODS." PATHE REVIEW. Admission 35c and 10c Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating G. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Englnuers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmith, Pr" makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Be ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant is equipped to handle a! kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 38P i .mil THE WEEK OF MAY 4th to MAY 9th INCLUSIVt w INTRODUCE THE 3RD NEMO-WEEK IN CAN sAelH' "0530 Under the name of Nemolastik md Nemo-Flex The .wo newly .JW'-r: to Nemo lines we are complete range i of ne Girdles, Corsets Brassieres made of elegantBrocados and Novelty rbricS Jabour Bros. . J and . 7 Phone 645. Cor. , 3rd lh.