o 1 OOK ay Tenni fitwl IimIIw ffii'lnrw in 1' CI .,,,,1 f '.,. I Il ' J " ' - - - uva e uiaii THE CHOICE OF EXPERTS m " r r- e a f A n . FOR SALE "TKr A Nlf TO. SIGHT" GRANT est Proeiira! en ie oniciNn s I KO'td fun uiwl good exercise, and you'll eniov il ull ic more vmi t5'wu i-iimi'iucui. Wrigi & Ditson K .-lahlislieil IS71 5i years' .experience in making in.no. .slrmm: with nernialite. mil nfd'Hi'ii i.v r.w.i.ii,.., meed without conditions for Hie full season. Tennis Balls 50c ... 1l...nilc mil IluIU 1 halibut Gear $10.00 to $25.00 per skate including gangings and hooks Canadian Fish & Cold Storage To.. Ltd. The Rexall Store PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. WATSON'S TONIC ALE AND STOUT . v to make, easy to "i ik A most whole- ic and nourishing daily rintsk. each 75c OLD FASHIONED ENGLISH TOFFEE delirious wrapped T Tec made by (iatiotiK-. Per lb. 60c 3rd Avenue and 6th St. WATERGLASS One tin preserves about 21 dozen eggs. Ituy and preserve lliem while they ure cheap. Per tin . . 25c KODAKS, FILMS, SUPPLIES Developing and Printing for Amateurs. Films brought in before noon will be finished the same day. ORMES LIMITED The Pioneer Druggists Sunday and Holiday Hours From Noon to 2 P.M. and from 7 P.M. to 0 P.M. TUGBOATS Day Phones 423 539 Gr. 601 Black 735 FHBHHHF Rupert Marine Products Ltd. GEO. G. BUSHBY, Man. Dir. Night Phones' 687 539 Gr. 601 Black 735 He Plire Scotch Whisky RICHEST IN FINrST MICIILAND MALT DottlrJ and twerantrtd ljr Willi."! G'.M h Sine Uitiilt. GI.bIkMkK B.lv.n.CltJ.y.l rii.lill.tK. Dull-lwn4-CU.f4'. ScatLad. , A 'I'lus advertisement is not published or displayed by the unpior control Hoard or uy in u"'5"1"111" w British Columbia. Local and Personal Valhalla Picnic, June 21. IJ.G. Undertakers. Phone 41. Hales reduced. Arthur. Taxi. 'hone 07H. 138 ltaseball tonight at 15.30. S.O.C. vs. Gyro. A real 5uc Taxi Service. Drown axi. Phone 80. You'll like our joall Consum crs Coal Co. Phone 7. tf La Parisicnne Ueauty ourlh St., Phone 301. ome lime. Shop tf the city stalled men workine on the rock crustier on Sixth Avenue this morning around -i a.m. 1. S. Honney, district forester, returned on the Cardena yester day afternoon from a trip to the Swansoii Hay district on departmental business. James Sturgeos returned on Hie (,aniena yesieruay from a l)usine?3 trip to Vancouver. He brought with him .a new Dodge sedan for his taxi service. V. H. George, the well known Stewart mining man, was a pas sengcr going through on the Cardena yesterday afternoon bound from Vancouver to Stew art. Glen McMillan, draftsman a! Hie local dry dock, sailed last night on Hie Prince Huperl for Vancouver lo join Mrs. McMillan who has been visiting there for H. V. Kentish-Ilankin of Van couver, western inspector of the Sun Life Insurance Co., arnyed in Hie city at the end of the week and is registered at Hie Princ llupert Hotel. Coal $14.50. Double-screened Nanalmo-Wclllng-ton positively the best domestic coal In British Columbia. Albert & Mc- Caffery, Ltd. ..Phone and 116. 5G4 tf ! Frank J'hiscator,' well known old tinier of Terrace, and J. M. Siegfried, also of Terrace, sailed on the Princess Louif-e this morning for Wrangell. They are on their way to the Dease Lake gold diggings. W. K. Durrill, formerly court registrar here, who left Ihc city two or three years ago lo start a law. practice in Kdmonton, lias now removed lo Vancouver where he contemplates taking up permanent residence. Tlie Women's Auxiliary or St. Peters- Church, Seal Cove, held a saltv of work, home cooking and candies in the Melrbpole Hall on Saturday and the net proceeds after paying expenses amounted lo $100. June 1) is the-closing date for entries in the club championship tournament 'being held by the Prince llupert Tennis Club, commencing June 10. Names may be placed on the lists at the courts or handed to any member of Hie executive. 133 At 5:30 yesjerday afternoon the fire department' had a call to Hie residence of Alex Comadina. 031 Second Avenue, lo, extinguish a chimney firci The smoke attracted .n.uile a crowd of specta-lors but no damage was done, it is reported. , A. C II. Gerhardi, head of the lloinestake Mining Co. which is developing the Toric properly .at Alice Arm, was a passenger going through on 1 lie Cardena yesterday bound north after a trip on mining business lo Kugland. He was accompanied by Mrs. Gerhardi and family. Al Falconer of AHee Arm, who went south lasl week with the remains of his faUier who died recently in Alice Ann, was -i passenger returning north on the Cardena yesterday. He 'was joined here by Mrs. Falconer and THE DAILY NEWS PA0I5 THREB KEEP COOLI Ice Cream A Purely Home Made Product We have recently installed the latest type of Ice Cream making equipment and are now in a position to make and supply ICK CHHAM equal to anything produced in Canada. NO SUBSTITUTES ALL PURE FRESH CREAM Try it and be convinced KILLAS& CHRISTOPHER Wholesale and Retail De Luxe and Royal Ice Cream Parlors t Phones 193 and 17 Rich and poor can ride now. 50c for a Taxi, lo go anywhere Drown Taxi, phone 80. ; If Mrs. Vincent Lr.de of Stewart was a passenger going llirougn on the Prince Rupert last night bound for Halifax on a holiday Irip. , Oscar Gray, well known Alice Arm business man, was a pas sengcr bound north going through on the Cardena yesterday afternoon. JI. D. Rochester, manager of the Prince llupert . Hotel, boarded Hie steamer Cardena last night and is making the round trip to Stewart and Anyox as a holiday Frank Warren, conductor run ning out of here on the CN.lt passenger trains, has left for SI Albans, Mass. He will be away there on holidays until Septem ber. Douglas Lay, the newly ap pointed resident mining engineer for Hazellon district, arrived on I lie Princess Louise Ibis morn ing from Victoria on his way lo the interior lo assume his duties F. K. Wilson of tbe Telegbaph Herald Co. pf Dubuque, Iowa printers and binders whose spec ially is hole! registers, arrive) in the city on the train yesler day afternoon, and is registere at the Prince Rupert Hotel, lb: is here on company business. Sir Charles D. Piers of Vancouver is making the round trip north on: the steamer Cardena, this week lo Stewart and Anyox. On his r.eturn to the city to morrow, he may slop over to visit wilh George G. Husliby. Sir Charles is well known as a writ er. Dr. West's Ford sedan, which disappeared from Second Avenue on Friday night while the regi mental jilney dance was in progress, was. located lhenexl morn-i ng on Dorden Street. There was no trace, however, of Ihose who had removed it. The car was undamaged. Miss Kalhryn Ryan of West- port, New York, and Miss Maelie Flaherty of Hlk . River, Minnesota, "arrived' in the city by train Saturday. They sailed this morn ing on the Princess Louise for Juneau and will be back here a! the end of the week on their re turn Fast by CN.R. C 11. Hizzell, an ollicial of the Carler-llalls-Aldinger Co. of Winnipeg, who will be located here' while the elevator superstructure is under, construction, arrived on Saturday afternoon's (rain from the, Fast. Mrs. Hizzell and family who are now at Jasper, will shortly arrive here to take up their residence. . It. F. Mc-Naughton, CN.R. district passenger agent, sailed lasl night on the Princess Rupert for Vancouver where lie will meet and accompany north the Zuhrah Shrine parly or Minneapolis which will arrive here on a special trip of "Hie Prince Rupert on Thursday. Mr. Mc.Vaughlon will also accompany the-party by rail from here to Jasper. Sam Cecil and John Tratc, Peter Gamula left on this morning's train for Hemo 011 a holiday trip. J. G. Scott sailed last night on the Prince Jlupert for Vancouver and Victoria. He will be away for an indefinite period, Mrs. G. A. Clothier sailed last night on the Prince Jlupert for Victoria where she will visit witb her mother, Mrs. Joshua Kingham. At the jitney dance Friday night Miss Mary . McKenzie ac companied by Piper Leslie gave fine exhibition of sword and highland fling dancing. Judge I'. McH. Young sailed on Hie Princess Louise Ihis morn- for Atlin where lie will pre side over a session of the County Court. He expects 16 be away about a fortnight. Miss Mary MacKenzie, who has been visiting witli Mr. and Mrs. D. McLeod, Thompson St. for the past two weeks, returned to her home at Moricelowu by this morning's train. Miss Margeta Antich arrived in the city from Ihc south on the 'rincess Louise Ibis mornin She comes straight from Jugo Slavia and is on her way lo Alice Ann lb visit witli relatives. Corp. Hall of Hie Royal Cana dian Mounted Police at Telkwa arrived in the city on yesterday iflernoon's train having in his custody A. J. Hishop who is to serve three months at Okalla having been found guilty of theft from the drug store there. LATE HARRY DAY LAID TO REST Large Number of Mourners at Funeral Which Took Place under Masonic Auspices Yesterday There was a large assemblage of mourning relatives and friends lo attend the funeral of t lie late Harry Day which was held yesterday afternoon under Masonic auspices. At 12 o'clock there was a service al the H.C. Undertakers Parlors, Rev. K. G. Turner olli- dating and W. Vaughan Davies presiding at the organ. Then the body was taken to lb Masonic Chapel where riles peculiar lo (lie craft were performed. A large corlege including some -'7 motor cars followed the body to its lasl resting place in Fairview Cemetery, where a Masonic service was again, performed. The pall bearers representing the various branches of the Masonic Lodge in the city, were C. G. R. Anderson, Jack Nelson, R. Gordon, Andrew Small, A. J. Galland and Duncan Kennedy. Among those sending flowers were Kaien Chapter, Royal Arch Masons; Kincolith Prcceplory. Knights Templar; Tsimpscaii Lodge, A.F. A A.M.; Mechanical department, oflicc slalf and shed and freezer men, Canadian Fis, & Cold Storage Co.; Mr. and Mrs. W. . Goodsell, K. Sanderson, Mr. and Mrs. D. Kennedy, Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Smith, Sergeant ami Mrs. A. II. Hailey and famil; Andrew Small, Ladies' Aid of the Haplisl Church, Mr. and Mrs. E. Davidson, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hougan, Mr. ami Mrs. F. Grim-ble", Mrs. Annie Hills and family, Mr. and Mrs. Chris Flkius, Mr. and Mrs. J. Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. II. M. Hale, Mr. and Mrs. F.. Valentine, Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Short ridge, Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Anderson, Mr. Ioflus, Mr. ami Mrs. David Scott, Mr. and Mrs. R. C Parsons, Mr. and Mrs. G. Vaccher, Mr. and Mrs. Kroak, J. S. Nelson and Mr. and Mrs. II. Parr. FORMER LOCAL GIRL IS TO BE MARRIED Miss Rosalie Director to Become Brldo of Dr. J. J. Gorosh of Vancouver Local friends are interested to hear of the approaching marriage of Miss Rosalie Director, both Indians, were fined $10 and formerly of Prince Rupert, and ellv court Or. J. J. Gorosh of Vancouver. , i 1 1... 1... 1 1 ;Jui.. ensla i-.i llm -noliee l'lis morning for iutoxicalion.'Miss Director is a daughter of iimnl!, in the cilv T W Fai- roncr will be returning to Alice . I'vid Nnsh and David Hammell Ann on the Cardena next week.' while men, similarly charged. failed lo appear ami each tor Mr. and Mrs. I. Director who resided here for many years. Shu attended the local public schools. rv feited 25 ball. William Moorc'Last week a shower was given in ANNOUNCEMENTS Indian, charged with huvingjhonor of Miss Director by Miss liquor in his possession, .was re - Miriam I.ando, also formerly of Moose Pic-nic June 23. jnauded until this afturifoon. 'till city., LADIES! The Burden Has Been Taken Away Has Yours? Are you one of the modern womcn'who have learned by experience how easy, how ecohomicul uiid how 'Satisfactory it is lo just step lo the phone uud have the CANADIAN STEAM LAUNDRY tae this burden from your shoulders? We have THREE distinct kinds of Laundry Service to meet THREE distinct kinds of Laundry needs. You will find listed below the EXACT service that you have always wanted but never got before. 1. WET WASH For the woman who prefers to do her own ironing. Clothes deluered lo your door damp, ready to iron, 5c per lb. Minimum charge, 75c. 2. THRIFT-T-SERVICE Wearing Apparel delivered dump, flat work nicely ironed, 5c per lb. and 1c additional per piece. Minimum charge, $1.00. 3. SOFT FINISH Wearing apparel delivered dry (stareahed if desired). Flat work iroued, per lb. 7c and 1c per piece additional. Minimum charge SI .25. Just Phone No. 8 and leave the rest to, us. . OUR MOTTO IS "SERVICE." CANADIAN Steam LAUNDRY Phone S. Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating Q. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant is equipped to handle al! kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 3SP COAST STEAMSHIP and Train SERVICE S.S. Prince Rupert and Prince George, will sail from Prince llupert for VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE and intermediate points: June 10, 8 p.m. Juno 12, 15, i p.m. For Anyox Thursday, June 1 1 ut 'A p.m. For Stewart Sunday, June l i, al 12 noon. '.After these dales ships will resume regular schedule) PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT DAILY itpt Sunday 11.30 .tn. ror rrlm-e GeurKt', WINNIPCO, n pinl Eatrn Camilla, UnlKrt sutp. AQCNCV ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. City Ticket Offlc, 628 Third At, Prlnc Ruptrt. (CANADIAN? PACinci EDMONTON, Phon 280. Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert PRINCESS MART. For Kttchlkin, Wringtll, JunMU und Skigwty May Sth, 1Sth, 29th, Jun Slh Tor Vncoutr, Victoria and Saaltla May 1t, 12th, 22nd, Jun 2nd, 13lh. 8.8. PRINCESS BEATRICE. For Buttdat, Swanton Bay, Eait Bella Blla, Ocean Fall, Namu, Altrt Bay, Canpbell Rlr, and Vancouver tery Saturday 11 a.m. Agency (or all Sttamthlp Lima. Full Information from W. C. ORCHARD General Agent. Ccrner of 4th Street and 3rd AnUe, Prlnc Rupert, B.C. UNION STEAMbHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. Sailing! from I'rlnce nupert. 'or VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Swanaon Bay, and Alert Bay, Tuatday, 5 P.M. 'or VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Alert Bay, and Swanaon Bay, Saturday, 10 A.M. For ANYOX, ALICE ARM, STEWART, Sunday, S P.M. For PORT SIMPSON and Naa Rlr Cannerlee, Friday A.M. 123 2nd Anu. i. Barneley, Agent. Print Ruprt, B.O.