AQP. 8TX. A Watch Sale Worth Watching The Watch worlli while IS the AVatch than can tick, When other watches Arc feeling sick. For a Boy - - - $1.50 Watch Chains, 25c We are running an extra special Watch Sale in Ladies' and Gent's High Grade and Medium Grade Watches at lixtra Special Low Prices, DON'T OVERLOOK THESE BARGAINS. Save Your Eyes Our 'Optician has had over 25 years' experience testing eyes and fitting glasses Satisfaction Guaranteed. Max Heilbroner The Diamond Merchant of the North. Special Dessert For Tablo Use Del Monte Apricots. 2's. re?. iOc. Special, 5 tins SI .40 Del Monte I'eaclies, 2's, rep. 33c. Special, 5 tins for $1.25 Del Monte Peaches, 2's, reg. 50c. Special, 5 tins for ... $2.00 Del Monte Asparagus Tips, picnic size, reg. 30c. Special, 5 tins for .. $1.15 Dl Monlc Asparagus Tips, while, re?. 50c. Special, 5' tins for $2.00 Del Monte Spinach, 2Vi's, rr. 30c. Special, 5 tins for $1.15 Del Monte Pork and Heans. tails, reg. I5c. Special, 5 tins for 50c Del Monlc Catsup, re?. 10c bolllc. Special, 5 bottles for $1.50 (Limit 10 (ins lo each euslomcr) Don't forget Hie five per cent discount Mussallcm's 417-423 5th Ave. E. Phones 18 and 84. P. O. Box 575 Kindling 1 Vc are offering for a short time only an d for a limited number of loads' our "DIUHD KILN" kindling wood delivered for 0.00. This is nice clean wood and easy to split. You have been wailing for this kind of wood for 3 years. Order at, once from the The Prince Rupert Transfer & Taxi Co. 3rd Avenue Hive us a chance lo do your drayage, wc can satisfy you in every way. Our Taxies will lake yon any place and at any time for 50c. Nice clean Sedans. Phone 189-112 SUMMER EXCURSION TICKETS EASTERN CANADA, UNITED STATES, And to JASPER NATIONAL PARK. One vay via Vancouver or direct rail both directions. For full information apply: R, F. McNAUQHTON, District Passenger Agent, Prince Rupert, B.C. CHARLES T. CABRERA, Mine Engineering and Contracting 017 Second Avenue Toronto 407 Common- t wealth Huilding 2m NOTICE OF CANCELLATION OF RESERVE KUTICE IS IJE1IEDY GIVEN tint Uk! resvrve covering t-rrlaln inula near lite Junction of otslall iikI Skft-tia Itlver designated Lot Vi, Hantre 5, Coast LU- irici, is caiiieiicu. Deputy Minister of Lands. beiiartnirnt or Lauds, victoria, b.l... Alajr tli. ivii. LAND ACT. Nolle of Intention to Apply to Lean Land a. In Hie Land Itecording- District of I'llme lluit-rt, and slluale on Hie imrtti- u ., -,.al ..f l..r.u ll,l U ' imately Hirer miles north from the mouth or Winter Harbor. Take .otu-e mat l. rieldlusr Stranir or Sumiyslde, B.C.. oerupatloii canneryinaii, In tends- to apply for a lease of the following- desrribed lands: Coiiinienrlnir at a Dost planted aeerux- iuiatrly tliriV miles north from the mouth of Winter Harbor, I'earse Island; thew-e Herorder or with Ihe CotiiMroller of Water Itlithls, Parliament Huildinirs. Vic toria, ill., within thirty days after the rirst appearance or this notice In a local newspaper. The date of the first publication of this notice I May ?6th. I9ti. illi.vii ndiiijvv Applicant. LAND ACT. Notlca of Intention to Apply to Laaat kanaa. In the Laud Iterordlni- District of rlnre huiert. ami situate on the north west coast of I'earse Island, B.C.. approx-mately six miles tvirth from the mouth or winter iiarnor Comment:!:) ir at a nnsl nlanled annrm- Imately sit miles north frrotu the mouth of Winter Harbor, I'earse Island: thence northwest two -(2) chains, more or less, to low water mark; thence northeast along- low water mark, one hundred and slity (160) chains-, thence southeast iwo i mains; menre southwest one hundred and silly 1 00 1 chains, more or les. to ilnl of commencement and con-lalnluif thlrly-two (3) acres, more or less. , COSSK-MllXEItn LIMITED. i'mi-u Tiny itiii. iwia A'auie of Applicant, LAND ACT. Notlca of Intantlon to Apply to Laaaa Lands. In the Land Itecnrrtliiif Uistrlct of rince ttuuert. ami r tuate on the north west coast of 1'earne lidund. H i:., niii-iii- liualely three miles north from the mouth of Winter Harbor. Take .Notice that Ki-lire t's 1 Imlieit r,f 'nice ituperi .:., occupation packers. InuniH to apply for a lease of the fol- lowlni- dvsrribed lauds Comiiieneinir at a ttost nlanled anoroi liuately three miles north fmiu the mouth of Winter Harbor, Pearse Island: thence northwest two ( chains, umre or less, to tow- water mark: t hence southues alomr low water mark one hundred and sltly (101)) chains; thence southeast Iwo (4 rhniiis; thence northeast one hundred and silly (I6n rhalus, more or lea, to i'oiiu or coiiiiiieiicement ami con-tainiiiH- thlrly-two (asi acres, more or less. ntlZZELL'S MMITEIl. , , Miiiiib of Vpidlrant, imifo smy itiii, ivra. LAND ACT. Notlc of Intantlon to Apply to Laaaa Land In Skeena Land Inslrlrt, llernrdinir District of Prince Itupeit and situate at Pott Edward, 11. C. TAKE MlTICE that the Skcena fllver I'ackltnr Compuny, Limited, or Port Edward, B.C., occupation Fish Packers, In lends to apply for permission to lease the following described lands: Coiiiiiieuclinr at a Host Planted at the southwest corner of Lot IU H.V. oast (list rUt i thence southerly s loll ir low-water mark, uu ft.: thence southwesterly, parallel to the southerly boundary of Uii Hit, 160 fl.i thence northerly parallel to water mark, sou feet! ih,i,i. nin.. easterly alonir the southerly boundary of Lot U71 produced, 150 reet lo the point of commencement, containing hulf An SkEE.NA HIVEfl PACK1NO ' COMPANY, LTD. KppUWt Ualed May ,al, . (SPENDING CASH Far and Another Five Thousand to Complete. IMAND FOHKS, June . The body of tlic late Peter Yerigin. ruler of the Doukliobors, now rests in its toiuli on the hill high ahove lirilliant under a costly sarcophagus, made of three kinds of Koolenay granite. Three doves of while marble stand in the gable of the main cap, fruit trees are carved in the panels of! the sides, and the end panel is ornamented wrth three singing birds on a branch, carved in relief. These decorations were- the suggestions of Anaslasia Verigin, niece of Peter Lordly. Son to Chooso Wording The inscription plate incised til (op ami bottom, is blank at present. When "Young Peter," son of ( lie lale ruler, and present leader, arrives from ltussia, he jwill be asked to choose the word loria; (ieurge Roger Chute and Donald Macleod, Seattle; Frank K. Halls and C. II. Ilizzcll, Winnipeg; .1. A. Williams and Dr. (i. K. Hay field, llella Coola; Donald S. Home, Olympia, Washington' II. II. Frevel, Slaiiuiore, Alia; Miss Kathryu Ilyan, Weslporl, New York; Miss Maclie Flaherty tlk Iliver, Minnesota; Dr. (!. A Charier. Williams Lake: Ian ije police inai uosse-.tuueru Limited ,., n ,. ll.lllCevllle, .,,,.. 1 1 In I. 11.ISII.IW, ii.j.,,,.. of Vancouver. II. L.. oerupatloii packers, -MaCIlae, KMK."''",n,",,FM wnson, Dtibu.iue. lowa; I-. Jiacieou, uiiuioii) ener, aiewart. Hupcrt. Central Charles S. Slapalls, II. It. Hip- stein, Mrs. Ii. Carson, Kd. Carson tnd A. Alfredson, Vancouver; CM of Odegaard, Delia Cool a; M. S. Palmer, San Francisco; 0. Chase, (i. Morrison and F. Dug gan, ; T. S. O'Connor, Port lidwrd; II. D. Shepherd, 'Prince Mr. ami .Mrs. James Martin. of Massetl sailed last night on Hie Prince Hupcrt (o spend a holiday in Vancouver and other southern points. LAND ACT. CA8SIAR LAND DISTRICT District of Lassiar, Stikine Division TAKE MlTICE that I. Waller Julian i upturned soldier . of Tcleirraiih creek n.c. occupation Miner, Intends to apply for permission to purchase the followluit described lands: CiiiiimenrlnK at a tost planted about one tulle east nf Mrt.eoiU SIoukIi near Ihe stlklne Iilver and about 3S mile) soutliwest of Teleirranli Creek: them- nnrth 80 rhalns; thence east U chains thence south 80 rhalus; thence west 40 (halns to point of commencement and containing 320 acres, more or less. WALTEIl U!LIN. Applicant April inih. Ht. mine ureeK, n thence north SO LAND ACT In ITInce Hupcrt Land district) District of I'rlnre Itupert. T.UE NOTICE that I. Merlll Des Brlsay, of Vancouver, U.C.. oerupatloii aalinoii liruker, Intend lo apply for pennlsslon to purrliase the follow Inir deserllietl lauds: Commencing at a post planted Vt mile soiitti of the southeast corner of Lot 67U9, Itanire 4, Coast District; i I llllllllll, IIICIII.U WCII S'l r.uwin ciroy uarnum, Acni.. ... iii Dated April 3rd, IVJ. THE DAIL7 HEWS IN THE MORNING HER TONKIIR WAS COATED UN SARCOPHAGUS had bad taste in mouth PETER VEREGIN Five Thousand Dollar Is Cost so ing for this. The sarcophagus has cost tint Doukliobors $5,000 up to the present time, and it is expected it will cost a lillle more before i' is finally completed. It rests on a concrete platform which in turn lies on thu cemented lop of the tomb i't which the body lies. It- is I-' feet 8 inches long, 5 feet 0 inches wide, and about 8 feet high at its highest point. The lower base and the slightly smaller upper base are of light grey Nelson granite. The sarcophagus itself is of dark grey Nelson granite vvitli light grey granite caps and pilaster-of brown pearl Ymir granite. Ground Terraced The ground all about the luinb noiiiiwiH two (si rhan, more or irs,'ias been terraced by I lie Douk- along- low water mark one hundred . and! Iiobors, and will be sown III Kitty 1 1 &o i main; tnenir soulliensi 1 1. IU'ii . ftlalll.1- lliultrn .... I...- a. ..t.u M l " " ltefore it stands a little hundred and nuy (I din chain, more or, ml table on which are the huge taiiiing thirty -two (as leas. acres, more or;nyti oi nrean, tne jug oi water JAMES FIELDING STUANO. .Name of Applicant. Hated May tstb. 1115. WATER NOTICE. (DIVER1ION AND U8E) T.lfcE Mirich that William Morgan, ulio.- address Is UKliKirl, O.i:.. will apply for a licence In take and use V.OOU gal-Ions dally of water out of Sprint- on west Hide of jorkeort. O.V.J.. B.C., which riows Miiitlicily and drains Into west arm. "IjuiiiTcIIow" Mineral Claim. duly Crown Granted o. 2J3 y.CJ. The water win ne (ineriea rroiu the ttreani at and the fruit always put beside their dead hy the Doukliobors, a lypifying the necessities of life. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert Ii. S. Antle, Oeeau Falls; W. McLean, (ieorgc II. Harvey, I)n A. S. Lamb, .1. S. Appciucllur, II. a point rirhi at soune, about i.soo feei J . (Jribb, S. Marshall, J. M. Mer-or wi rroni Lorkcport Harbor, and will be ,, ' .. ,. . ' . . , used for domestic cannery purpose upon leer, It. . heiltlsll-llailKIII, Will, the Uuuif-stlc Cannery at Lnrkeport. y.c.1. i s: "a I.1V lU himu Hm-ill .1011.111 Imi-ili This notice was losled on the I2lh div ftlll.lll, of May, ttti. A ropy of this nollie and i phillios. Charles L. Hales A. an aiphcatloii pursuant thereto and to;,. ... . ' ., tins "Water Art. ion,' will be filed in.lwiighl, and L. It. (loodwui, ali- the orrire of Hie Waaler ftecorder at I'rlnca ., ....,.. will V 'll,,....,,..n ." n Ruiierl, n.t'.. 'Objection to the appllca- 1 oln el " 1 ' l',0"l," ' lion may he filed with the Mid Water Alenct urn I 'I' VIp. Miss I'earle. L. Zlnck, Baras Cortifr. .X.S.. writes: -l was awrully troubled with my liver, and used i ?'t such dliay ells I would have to down while I was dolni- my work. In the inornlni-, when I used to ret up. my touirue was coaled and 1 had a bad taste In iny mouth ' ami often times, throughout the day, 1 was troubled with pains In my stomach. I surrervd In this way until a friend of mine who had used your MILBURN'S LAXA-LIVER PILLS told me or having taken them, so I de rided to try tlieru. ami t can trulhriilly say that tbey certainly did me a lot or Kood. I cannot recommend them too iilfthly to all those who suffer a- I did." You can procure Mllbnnr Lata-I.lver fills at all drumrlsts or dealers; put up for the past So years, by The T. Mil-burn Co.. Limited. Toronto 'nt. BUYS PUAKO FOR TOWING Hecate Strait Towing Co. Adds to Fleet; Cape Scott and Lome Busy The local ollic-e of lite Hecate Straits Towing Co., Ltd, announce that the company has re cently purchased the American barkculiue "Puako" whieli will be added lo their fleet and used in (heir coastwise coal and lum ber trade. The "Puako" is a wooden vessel of 1,085 tons gross, -21 feci long, l." feet beam and was litiil: in Oakland. California in 11)02. She lias lain at anchor in Hsquiiuult Harbor for about five years awaiting litigation against her, and whs' sold lo the present owners at a sherilf's sale. The tug Lkipe Scott owned by lite same company is due to arrive at Prince Hubert tomorrow wilh a large tow from Surf Inlet for the Prince Hupeft Sprure Mills Ltd., and the tug Lome, now enrouto from Uumshewa O.C I. to Captain's Cove with a deep-sea raft is due here for fuel oil on the same date. These two tugs have jul do livered 77 sections oT logs total ling million feel to the Paoi fie Mills, Ltd. at Oeean Falls. The large steel barge Druin- ock, 5,000 tons DAY. which the eca e blralls lowiiiu (.. is iiuippiug at Vancouver for I lie log carrying trade is progressing atisfaelorlly and is expected lo be in commission by the iniddl" of August. FIRST PARTY OF SHRINERS IS DUE HERE M TUESDAY C.N.Il. steamer Prince (ieurge, Cap). Harry Ncildcn, making pecial trip north with 2-5 mem bers of Assyrian Temple Slirjn ers from Cincinnati, is due here it l o'clock tomorrow night. Tin) visitors will have 3 hours hero before leaving at midnight for Slewart , and. will return lo Ihe city at 7 Wednesday evening, leaving for the wist at -'10 -by special drain. The Prince (ieorgc will brim: north freight and mail tomorrow but will have no room for pas sengers oilier than the special parly. The vessel will return south from here at S p.m. Wed nesday, handling regular busi ness. A second big Shrine parly consisting of 300 1 members ol Xulirah Temple, Minneapolis, is due on the Prince Hupcrt Thurs day morning. These Slimier are returning to (heir homes in the Fast after having attended a convention in Los Angeles. BORDEN STREET WON JUNIOR SOCCER GAME High School Sustained Its First . . . Defeat of tho'.Season In Match Played on Hoideii SI reet School defeated the High School ill Saturday nf lernuon's Junior football gnino by a score of 3 to .2. The match was a very interesting one and, after the learns had crossed over at half (line wilh Ihe score 'i to in favor of the high school, rhalns; llienre south to shore line In an the Horded hi reel, boys Just to-easterly direction to point of coin. ,, u n. ,, , ........ .... .... , . ,, . mencement: mencemenii Conlalnlna roniainlnt iO to acres, acres, mor mora or or Wlllds warns the tne close nose Willie ounie Up up frOfl nuni . '' ilin lino Willi lu-ri trr: Hull won MEHILL DES BttlSAY, Applicant. . Ti ' " 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 o game. The next game be on Saturday between RRITISH COLUMBIA The Mineral Province of Western Canada " TO END 'OF DECEMBER, 1924. Hits produced Minerals (is follows: Placer Gold, S77 ;in: r, i , .m.llK); Silver, $l8,H2i,r7l); Load. $7l),5i8,r7N; Go.per, 1st! ,x'i .. 171,107; Miscolliiiieoiis Minerals, $l,KU,:i-iO; Coal and Coke, 2n hho n'w''i ' atone, Hrick, Ceiiient, etc., S-,2,22.",8t-i; nwikiiig ils Mineral Proiiu.'i,,, ' . ' Hl ' lulM show an u r K Aggregate Value of .$859,427,386 Production for Year Ending Dec. 1924, $48,704 604 The Mining Lnws of litis Province arc more liberal mid the fee- imvei n,, any other Province in the Dominion, or any colony in Ihe Hrilish Kiupuv "" 1 " Mineral locutions arc grnnled to discoverers for nominal fees. Absolute Titles tire olilnineil ly developing sm h properties, the ,e. uv,(, ,,, ' gnaraiileed ly Crown Grants. 1 Full information 1 together wilh Mining Hcptrl a"d Mnp. mav e ohtr,,,,,-,1 addressing THE HON. THE MINISTER or miiuc. Victoria, British Columbia. " N.H. Praclienlly all Hrilisli Goliiniliin Mineral Piopeitie upon W,,, , work has been done are deserihed in some one of Ihe Aiimtal Hi pm-i- ,, - t oT Mines. Those eonsitlering niiiniig invcstnienl. should reier u -m-h arc available without charge on application In the liep.-irlme nt ,,i M,,,. - ',, i)......i.. ..r ii, ., r:.,., i, ,,,.., I t.,,., ,,. ,.i f ,1 li.....r. . n..:i i - I'1 iii:m,ii. ii 1 1 1 v n.i,nifti. hi nii in iiiiiitiiiii, i 111 1 1 ii iiiitiuing. ;i;n nnr nientlcil iis valuable sources of information. tionleti and Booth Seltools. FISHING GOOD IN KLOYAH RIVER BUT NOTYET IN LAKE The I rout are iiiliug well in Kloyah liner but not yet in the lake reports an angling party onsisling of W. V.. Williseroft. William Iteiil and .lock Watson which made the trip there yes terday in Mr. HeidV boat Mary-It. They brought back some. nice died fish which were caught iy the river. W. N. Iloss and I leg KfUey also visited Kloyah yesterday on tngling bent. RIFLE RANGE Only Four Marksmen Attended McNcholl Creek Shoot Yesterday R. Wilson High Man (Inly four members of the North HC. Hegimeiil III fie As socialiiMt participatetl in the shoot which was held yeilerday afternoon on Ihe McNiclioll Creek range. Scoren were as follow: It. Wilson .. M. M. Lamb W. Hrass .... I'. Lavery .. 200 .)(( 0ll .. S3 :i ao : sa -.'7 -'I 17 DECIDED ON SITE FOR Til HI it 7 a Gi BIOLOGICAL STATION Hon. W. H. Sutherland Went Into Matter Saturday With Local People Hon. W. II. Sutherland on Sat urday in consultation with John Dyliliavn of the lliologieiil Hoard and ollicials uf the public works department chose Ihe west end of lite (ioverinnenl dock as Hie site for Ihe new biological sla-lion which is Id be biiill lierev It is understood that work on this will be commenced al once. BIGGERSTAFF WILSON OF VICTORIA IS DEAD VI'TOWA. June H. Wold is received here of the ilea I ft in California oT lliggerstaff WiUon, a local btisinessimin, prominent in Hie sport of golf and long identified with the commercial life of lite city. BASEBALL SUNDAY GAMES. National League Iio(on 2, Cincinnati 3. Ilrooklyn 10, Chicago U. New York C, SI. Louis 2. American League Chicago t, Washington 2. St. Louis 5, New' York 2. Auditorium Dancing Every Evening, 8 to 11 1 Dance 10o 3 for 25c Wed. live., song by II. Astoria, Impersonation of H iCIiliiiiiiiuii singing a song. Thursday live., songs by Sabotirin and (,0011110, "nTiirrnrrTTriii ii.. 1 I TO GLASGOW Hatiiriiin : t ii I,,.,,. I n l.eliliii . . -m iaji WESTHOLME THEATRE Monday and Tuesday, 7 and 0 p.m. Larry Semon The Girl in the Limousine' Larry's firl le.iloir Irpglh iin-. (er with a lug asl ol popular -i im I , .1 1 1 -Larry, as a bashful lover will tin; weeci I loll) w ood helping, ipiainler, funnier, nioi . . ever. Hix liig reois oi putt- fun lor yon n !. . and thrill al. Oh! llo. what u heaiily! 'I daiii'iog loe. No wonder he fell fur In 1 I. surprise in store even ;i wizanl ionin 1 jazzy, frilly, peppv pholu-pl.iv. Snperli 1,1- Larry Somon, Claire Adams, Charles Murray, Larry Steers, Oliver Harding, Lucille Ward and others. THE "TELEPHONE GIRL" SEniES, No. 10 ALDEPTA VAUGHN IN "LOVE AND LEARN." INTERNATIONAL NEWS Admlision 35c and 10c SALMON TROLLERS He fore onllitlnig it will pay yon I - Trolling ficar. We have a ne.w line ol Swivclls, Cuttyhunk and Gear of ail kind. Ill our Mock yoli will find everything Anchors, Rope, Chain, Marine Hardware Salmon Hooks, miieiiiit .inn' Cunard S.S. Co., 022 Hastlnns St. W., Vancouver, or flfjenis. EXTRA SPECIAL Lad I os' Panama Hats for Children's Panama Hats for . . .... M,.,.,lnt llllll TlH' I. J Hull iiml Copper Paints, Galloy Stoves .nnl n.-n-,-. If It's for Ihe Iioal we have it. Ilonls arc lost every year hy fire hav k 1 Pyreno Fire Extinguisher yet? We ell Hi. in till and sec us. STORK'S HARDWARE, LTD. 710 Second Ave. (Near Post Office) TO PLYMOUTH-CHERDOURG-LOND0N Anlouia . . June in. July 18 U ' J Ascaiiia !" A '"' TO LIVERPOOL Aiiruiiia June 20. July Alainn J' B.C. O g per cent discount O Ladies' and Children's HATS The above specials arc ior m.i....j Ltd. Phone 645. 3ra B"u ' I" 51.00 50o titl -