The Fresh Flavor HO DAIIY EDITION of delicious ALADA GREEN TEA is preserved iiv the air-tight SALADA packet. Finer than any Japan or Gunpowder. Insist upon SAIvADA. The Daily News 'I'lllNCG RUPEtlT - BRITISH qOLUMlUA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, tliri Prince n upori Dailv Nnvvs, Limited. Third Avenue. II. F. PULLRN, Managing Kditor. Advertising and Circulation Telephone Editor and Reporters Telephone - - A Lesson in Success Teah tyour children to save. Open a Union Bank Savings Account for each of them. Let them be friends with the Bank Teller and take their own deposits to him. Th fit road lo tuccw it Ihm ttn'nf hmbit -98 - 86 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. Friday. April :i, 1925. Oriental Problem, Is Always With US. The Orieitlal iirolilem is always with us. Wltnn il is not an iiidii.slriiil problem il i a political problem or u social problem. II will coiL-lanlly come iip when- lliere is nothing else lo talk about. We may be sure of llial. Just now A. V. Neill of Comox-Alhorni is discussing the subject al Ottawa ami is complaining that the agreement wilh (he Japanese is not being carried out. If any officials are allowing Japses in the regulations they should at once be dismissed. There should be no difficully about thai. v The problem of unfair competition is always before us. It is claimed that Orientals have a lower standard of living lo the rest of Hie community. They do not want their houses furnished like we do and do without things iu everyday life flint we consider necessary. The result is that they can underbid us in the labor ni.arkel. The merchants complain that they do not spend their money here bill send most of it hack to their own country. The charges are that they compete unfairly with while labor, they are of no value "lo the white .merchant, tind the races do not mix well, consequently social intercourse, is not conducive to best racial results. ...... Best Remedy For Present Conditions. l.el the Japanese and Chinese develop their, 'standards of living in their own country; let the laboring classes demand, as Indians do here, Ihe highest wages commensurate witli sir vicev rendered: let them get rid of the industrial -objection to Iheir presence and the other objections wnuld not wuTy;jeople! much. What people raise a row about! iV v4Iini 4omlies" th'eir nockel. If monev is involved, the affilaliou is ktipt . up aild eventually wins out. The political objection would cease once Hie industrial objection were setlled.' Of tale. Chinese and Japanese have been opening stores in Hje while sections of the coast cities. I his Jias aroused n gooi deal of criticism and had led merchants lit the agilatioii against their presence in 'Ibis counliv. J ' . . . Beatty Humorous And v Also Serious. - K. W. Healty, president of h' O.P.M., nl.a dinuej- recently, said: "The fact lliat difficullies are before us is just nnnlhur incentive tiiitVerome them and by oijr own prudence am) aji-ily and by Hie support of -policies which are designed to improve the whole of the country bring about the object which we seek to achieve. In the' words-of the lale Thomas I)'Arey, Mrfiee, a man of great eloquence and of almost uncanny vision, 'Kach for himself should contribute to the country's, prosperity by li own Individual effort.' , "You may properly ask what are these difficullies ami what sleps taken lo overcome them. I am hot speaking in any political sense because, politicians ami I are almost strangers. ...In fact, some time ago I was asked if I knew nnvv thing about politics and the only reply I could make was that which was" made by the young man to the elderly lady who jiicl al ;t garden party and who said lo him: 'Young piau, are yon married?' The gentleman replied: i'nforliinalely, no, madam, lhaiik fiod.' Hut speaking entirely apart from politics, an excess of which iu mailers of commerce is probably one of our greaMripiiniltoiis. we are confronted with a situation which is partly!. -mi -.honorable scar and partly a, self-inflicted wound. We have obligations due lo our war parlitipalion which constitute the most brilliant page) tit Mik'tilf (rirv .Or.thjsj.couiitryrobligatiyis which must, be met. and vvhtHi nre' being' cjie'erfuily ''n'fp.t ,afid;vvJ: have obligations wlncli are due. to our own miscalculalioiis or lack of jndknienl, and lhee '.obligations niusl'he met but in Hie naliire of'ithings are not so cheerfully met. All of litem hiusl off'tiecessily be 'discharged and none of them should be iu creftsid. . "My own conception of the situation can be. reduced lo very few words. I believe, first, that we need have no apprehension of Hie future of t'.iiiiaila unless we ourselves retard Dial fuliire by acting on false economic principles. I do not know of any country more bountifully endowed by Nature than Hii country. I do not know of any country whose progress in fifty years wtln snp ami downs has iteen more steady or on sounder foundation. On the other hand, a serious if cool and comment, consideration oi us commercial ami economic pro- Itlems is jusl now necessary in (.annua. UNION BANK OF CANADA Prince Rupert Branch H. H. Little, Manager RUPERT GIVEN FINE WELCOME Delegates Reported on Wonderful Hospitality of Portland People The wiiuderfud luispiialiiy of the Portland people was shown during; Hie recent convention according lo the .delegates to Hie district- conference of Notary IteM there recently. At Hie ltt Jury hniciicoii yestenlay (ieorpc Miyant, Waller FisliV and Waller Vance reported on the trip, telling of the splcixiid reception tliye were given. There vv,ere in the party .Mr. and Mrs. Itryaiit, Mr. and .Mrs. I'isIpm-. .Miss) Fisher and W alter Yiui'c. and I hey enjoyed il all. Speakers .MtV lltyant lohl of Ho ers. There, were among OlllCl't Ho blind editor or the Portland Onvuniiju and of the speech by Itev. Leslie Pidgeon. the banner address of (he convention. Ilev. Mr. Pidgeon compared the ; growth pf Itolary with ihat or a flower, ; ik'Claring that the real meaning of growth could not lie fully apprccialel until the flower came into liliyon. The history of Hie idealistic side of llolary was traced from -Hie basic which was declared to- he I he idea'ol brlpia.u each other in business. The second stage of the development, he declared, was the recognition and adoption of Hie idea Ihiil every nvan who was a member of the , order and all id hers holding similar ideals should do their daily ,;'sk as members of society. Hrauching out into Hie inter nal ional sphere was considered as the tiling and final step of the organization lo date. 'There is no phase of life which is mil social," llev. Mr. Pidgeon declared In considering the common practice of having one standard of conduct , and re lationship for social world and another for the business. In considorinjr the pilernation- al ideal, he declared that only by ilMtefsnltfcing thoughts could nian really 'decide whether they were right or wrong. "A smalt man." he said, "is one whose concise life and service takes in the narrowest possible circle of society: Materialism Not Satisfying "Alan-caitnot satisfy the infinite," he continued, "by adding one finite thing lo another, ami be cannot satisfy life by adding one material thing to another." There is much to be done in fostering, the international ideal, the speaker said, am) as a first step it , is necessary that thinking be on an international scope. "If I we're lo give my opinion as to what is the mailer with the world," he said, "I would ,stale that our intellect has grown faster than our moral conceptions. man should be true to his. own onnlry but it is mil. necessary thai he stop there. Anything thai should he dime can be done ami will be done. Kotary is doing something lo foster Ibis inlet national (ilea and international understanding.' . Yacouver showed up well at the convention about eighty from mat town netng preseui ami forty lo forly-five from Victoria. rti8''- Hospitality1' Features ' W. S. I'isher. lellincr of the Mr. Vance as struck by the advertising the various lowns Vol from the convention and urged thai Prince lltiport be well represented al Victoria next year. Al Portland Victoria delegates were all dressed iu little sailor liats ami each had a telescope which was also a hnznn Their song leader was a big man wilh a big voice and I hey made a great siiowlnig. ililo a song. Following are one or two of their dillles: Vaccination Tune: John Hrown'n Ilody i Vancouver l a City everybody i in the I 1 Kitchen I Try a small portion B of Glilett's Pure Flake Lye in the dishwater when H I jfl and pans. It will H I H save jcu much hard H ! I- A m MADE INXANADA I ought to see, Vancouver men are vtici-inated just above the knee. I Vancouver Vancouver Itotary llolary bnlies. bnlies. (Ill, they also had to be. For' we ALL were hound to eon.e. niioms Vaccinal inn, Vaccination. Oh, what a beautiful sensation. Vaccinatum, Vaccination, Tu I a scare, .0nialliox there. V-a-n-c-o I own Vancouver Town V-ii-n-ivo'-u.v-ffflftllu rbund. ' 't&ti'i f you don'l,' ItiujW 'where tpwn might year that It's ,.' wtMiderfttLeils in old V-a-ii-c-o-o-v-e-J'ii.iial's some town. J' T ' tilt; ' A Little Scotch Tune: lloamin' in llie'tiloatniji' 'toaiuin' iu the glnamiif. With a little scotch inide; 1 Itoainin in the gloani'in", Willi a bollle we can hide. 1 NN'hen lie family's gone to.resl Then we loosen up I he vest, h! it's lovely roajniit' in the gloatnin . HOSPITALS ROBBED BY LOOSE CORSETS LONDON. April :r.The tialit corset has disapi"ared ami w II never come back because sebp.e lias declared., against il, lM oO's-sor W. W. Dixon, of (Cambridge Einversiay, asserted recently" in a lecture -under the auspices of the People's League of Ilea) I 'i. ' Twijnly years afc'o Hie Loudon hospital were visited regularly by great numbers yVf tflrl tir.d W0nj.eip'.jjiltTyiJiiiJ from-' aiiaeitija, tno'sl nf llieui. worker hi factories and ollices. , ; " The ktipl of uiiaepia wjiich Hie djicJiir, pft Miofijays haiflo conlelllr w!mi'' tuiV Knllrely y dis- apieared,4 averred the hospitably of the Portlaml peo-!""'"."' 1 1 i ""' reason is , Ihat - .. lecturer. tighl- pie said there were MO aillos "' ''" s'-is are no longer worn placed al their .lisposal andi" '""'"" " V'" II.m-.imi.,. I nli I l.i.v c.u i noni.l"ioi ,,, m .in., ...... ,r ii,..,,. .,i nnullheir iiiitiiii' i , iiiij inn. i in. in .i, ""JW i mm... ..i .I.,., .H iimh". i hi urn. ivi'ii a niMi'ii-i fill drive forty miles up Hie Columbia lliyer highway ami In til hep directions. ; There wiih a reception for the ladles at which 110(1 were preseui, a fashion show and finally the gover- IN m .in- are ooi interested irs,,-,, l:allh." THE SUPREME COURT COLUMBIA. OF BRITISH Hip 'Mnllpr or IIh "ConinanlfV Act. 19JI"; ami In ttii- Mailer or an Appllrallon ly Urn llixhrr ii llonlp . upper c.uiiiuii.v to Im- restored to Hie lleitller miller Seelloii Ifi or Hie M Art. TAkt: MiTICK llml an , application Will lie liinite In tlie (' l(-si1 1 II If J I Hi If i- Ill ti'm-V limn I, hall ..II al ..I ,, wiilrli I.I.I, llmi-n ineie wo were, pe ' ' .. W"" .... U"' T I-O'IH l . llnllsr, dv I'rinee r no walirioweis. the home lowni The saw neoide nf I April, v.n. injr,. ai tin- i.r iii,:iii ' It, II... ri.Mn.u... ... ,(U.n ll.i.i-n. lO il thai ; ariPi' a Ihe iin.llon mav lie lieanl on lie- ovorv vlailnr .lnnr.o.1 nil Dm Mm. " .'"? ineill oneil i.Oinpa.ny for ' an ui'ocr Hint the K.i I.I company he re stored to Ihe realslrr or Joint Spick Com panies, , An TAKK MITICK lll.1t III llporl of said will lie Clld Ihe f'cllll.ill of the .Company Issuer herein and .the arridiivll iff Lewis VV. Palnioir fworn on Ihe :uiih day of Mar. h. A. It. I2!. and riled li.relll. HATI -It at Prince lluper), )I.C., IhlS flOlli Hay or March, a.ii. . d - r.fif fiW n, i.f ri.i,i...ii Solicitor ror, the fftttl'iiier: LAND ACT, In Sktena Land )ltrtrt of Prince, rthpert lieciirdliiK dMlrlct. TAKK .NOTICK J hat fleorne Utile, of Terrace. 11. C. i'fiirntlr.n liirnlieriiiiin. and Vancouver delegates all l.nd In' $ZnU:.WreA "iSKivTr lie vacctllllleil tiefore crossing peniifsion in purrna. Ihe roiiownn ue or Mid river; thencii fi.llnulnr shorn line, ainiiiKi imann 10 point i,r coinnienreinent, roritalnlnif H ai:re, mnrn or lesa, OKonriK LITTI.K and CI.AIIIK I.. M. nmnKY. fl.pii'anti Dated tbli sin day of January, IS'JJ, GOT BACK PAY AFTER EIGHTEEN YEARS OF ABSENCE FROM B.C. George Hill Gets Word or Man Who Left Years Ago and Now is Back In Province (ieorge Hill of this city was surprised Hie other dav fo read in a southern newspaper about the return of an old acquaintance to the province. 'The Ifeiu was dated al I rtuulieler as follows: , .Misfortune often pursue. one to the hitler end, but good fortune, contrary to well established !fact. sometime doe '.same thing, Al Ernie Mavis, one of I lie memlier of the Alias mine, Drumhelb'r, and one of tin' Irjislees iif Hie. Miner's Hall. Ernie also believes idiat there are a few men left in the world ye I, and ifiel Hie olllcials o Hie Cauadfan Pacillc railway can He placed'' iu : In s category. Mr. Davis worked for the Han- udian Pacific railway back in, Ontario some eighteen years nyo, or to be exact, in April and May, Hut. Hut being nf a rovlntr bs)osilioi, he bad not time to wail for bis pay checks for Miese two' months, so be hil mil i his round the world trail : t 1 kissed goodbye to the said two months' wages. Of. rour.e. in I tflt i. two mouths wage were not vvlial they are today, but -still a dollar went a great distance jn I hose ilays or real spoi l However, after spending some time iu the gold fields of Nevada, ami many oilier miiiinv fields. Mr. Davis landed in Hu lled Deer Valley coal field wher be lias heen for some lime. He had forgotten all about his back Wages, and the other day. just as he had a trip lo Alaska all ai ranged, he got a notification from Hie Canadian Pacific railway thai if he would send Hie proper idi'iitificalion papers and satisfy lliem that he was Hi same Ernie Davis, they would b I t Hie veryl least' so hln!-. onlv too placd In semi Hun i cheek for his back pay. Now, next lo finding yoursei; suddenly faiuous getting it teller like that affer eighteen years, i Hie most pleasantly nerve wrecking experience one could enjoy, ami Ernie promise Pat Eonroy ami I he boy. Die cigars before lie litis Hie trail for Alaska. Of course while he will nol object lo eighteen years' interest. Jic will he glad lo gel the principal an 1 promise never again to forget to call for his pay cheeks. GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT NOTICC OF APPLICATION LICENSE for aecn .MiTICK I lwri-hv rlvrn Ihnt fm Ihn 4lli 1.11- i.r Anrll npt I Hip unibTnUru-il lulcniM ti'aily lo Ihn t.lqnor Cmilrol luwnl fur a llrciw m re'lTl in pn-inUM b-inir tMirl nr Hie biillrtinir known a lhi Purl iiu-inmu iloul. tlhutnl at Con r.lciiirnu. ijinn C.lwiloil Man1, ItovIik-p or llrlllh Coliunhla urn I ri land dfirlhed as riv" 'J, IUok furly-foiir nil1ivlliii) of l."t rv-ii hmiilppil anl forl.v-l i.mwn Chnrlotio niirlri, li e' 14 uliown on a 'rfKHI'i-ed man .or i.i.i ii iiprxiliiil In tli Land llfirlMrv Of- flrp al Hip City of l'rln lluiirrt anil nnriittoml 1079, for the al- of ln-ir hy ili la or iiy itif ojh'h IkiiiIp for ton. tiimiiiK.n no lh nrrmlsp. OVTF.n at rrlnre nnporl. n.C. thl 4th dav or Man-h. I0J5. n, i.. Tixni.F.v. CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS (Wtttern Raglon) CONSTRUCTION COVVICHApj BAY BRANCH, VANCOUVER ISLAND SKAI.Kli -"jNrir.ns will lie received a( Ihe. office .f the Chief Einriiu-er. VVIiuil-ie Vlamt.ilia, nnlll Iwelie n'rlmk noun Monllav. Anrll laili. 10iv ror llw -rnn. Inirllon iif 'fimher ,tirlilresnii(ttnr-lnt' ilimiptnv trestle at cowlriian nay. an.l Tor the roiiiriieiion of thirteen mile of rciielnir. Plans, p'orile. t.cciriiaM.n and form or ciuiUiii't may lie wen and roriii or lender ohliilned al the orrices or Clilef Kllklneer. Wllllllfwtf. Man.; puiiict 1:11 irlueer. Vaiuuuvvf, II. C; rilvUI.ui I iigm err. Prince llupert. ll.C.; Arllnir PMrlcl I'.nxlueer. Vlrlorla. ll.C Tenders will not lie considered nnte-is made. 011 tlii' form Hippllcd hy Ihe Il.nlv.nv Comiiany and arrompanled Iiy an accepted i'iie(iin on a rnariereii oaiiK eitnai in rive per "'in nf he value of the vn.ik, nay utile in the order of the Treasurer. Canadian National Hallway. The InucM or any lender not neres sarlly accepted, A. F.. WAIUIK.N. neneral Manager Winnipeg, Man., March 30th. 19.',. g WATER NOTICE. U8E AND STORAGE TAKE M.llil: that I lie Canadian Liiin-tier Yard... Limited, ul.i.-p adilreta VI Staniliiril Hunk nidir., Vancouver, ll,C. will apply ror a licence to take and use 50 eiililr reel pir nei I and lo n.,rc, oho acre reel of water out or tun. Skim-dale, and Aln l.akeK, and Aln lllver, which flow Koiiiherly ajid drain Into Ma'-oll Intel, lliroimli Indian llescrve .No. n, Tlie flora ire dam will tin loraled at or near Hie millet i.r Aln Lake. The rapacity .r the lefervolr lo In' rrealed Is alioni 60,01111 iicre feet, and It will atioiit (lo l.e deleriolnedi acrea or land. The. water will lie diverted rrom I lie atre.ain at a puliil nt or near the ftorait-dani, and will li.i iimimI ror Indiwtrlal Power purpose iiH.n Ihe limd (lesriilied as I'arl i.rindlan llesirve No. ft. This noilre was po ted 011 the Kround ml the (til day or March, IOH!i. A ropy of this notice and an anptlrallnn pursuant therein and lo lh "Water Act, 1014,'' will lie riled In the orflcn or I he Waier llcrnrder al Prince Miiperl, otijerilom to Ihe border. They capllalid II i wrineu, iiin.1 mVp mr ' n iVni". oe: it on.h vva.eT" ec 1 ' " J "'7 eon i.i iM.ii.n fin aien near huh III or 101. . i.r vva er liiirliK I' imi.,..i ii.iw.... fiiinkalliim luver and lyinr near hank virlirla. It.C, within tinny (lava arter u.e nrm n.iearance or tnis tiMlee Iu a loeni ni-wfpaper. The dale o the flrt pia.llcatlnn or this notice is March in. 1 nsrfi. eANvniv.N i.HMtirn yuius, i.imited, Applicant, Br C. E, Froii. Secretary, canadianT PACinc AtIMIT s,4lf ' dftr. April :i (5 SSSta U(Buy only pure laundry sol$ it's, real economy" satjs Mra Experience 'mm I' j . "Many women, I've found, choose their bur Try soap merely because it is extra hard or heuiuc th.. l- !r js big and bulky regardless of the soap's quality "As for mysflf, I always insist rjn Sunlight vp. r. -,1 learned many years aJ;o that it is more cconomi...' pure laundry soap, and I bclicvt that Sunlight 1 di 1 re laundry bar soap mide in Canada. Every bar 1 4; carries a $f,000 Guarantee of Purity. "And as every bit of Sunlight w pure clean-; af1 cleans qtiickly with very little mbh'rjjj, and a Itttli i u 4 long way. For washing clothes, diH and ijencr.i! ! - v give me Sunlight every time. Sunlight doesn't ni .k t rough and red, either." Lever Brothers Limit J, T make Sunlight. Sunlight Soap WINTER Steamship Service I S. princc RUPERT ail from prliim MuKri TOR VANCOUvrR, yiTpaii. SEATTLE, llilediicdlaie (icllilh each f rlU)' V a.m. For STEWART and ANfOX W' '.' " P THE S.S. "PRINCE JOHN" Uaitt PRINCC RUPERT fofttlah'ti ' VANCOUVER, Via QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. F PASSENOER TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE RUTIRT MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, SATURDAY, .011 pill. T t t'no. . WINNIPEO, all fmliiU M-lTH Canada, IJnllid ,SIte AOENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. City TlcWt orrtct, S2S Third A, Prjoca Rupari. OaOflTO Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert .Djursl UIDV For Kttchlkan, Wrangill, Juneau and Stgwt April 6, 17, 27. For Vancounar, Victoria and Statu April 10,' 21. S.S. PRINCESS BEATRICE. , u " For BuUdalt, Swanton Bar, Eait Bella Balla, Ocean Falli, Nimu, Camoball Rlitr. and Vancounar r Saturday 11 "I. Aoaney for all Staamahlp Llata. Full ..laforaialloa W. C. ORCHARD Oantral Agtnt. Cornar 0 4th Straal and 3rd Anua, Prlnea Rupari, B.C. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY 0FB.C.,LTD. Sailinira from I'rinr ftupert. g 'or VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, fwanaon Bay, and Alarf Bar, TuHf. r VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, .Alart. Bay, and Swanion Bif, BalurdaK For ANVOX, ALICE ARM, STEWART, Sunday, S f.M. 'For ANVOX, PORT SIMPSON and Naaa RUtr Canntrlti, rlld' .u'.wt, l i. Bamalay, Aont. SAVAGE Washer and Dryer Ifns no Wringer, UcoiIk tioiu- '" Mr-dnl nl lnt OneliiT hMid'i'i'1'1 m AnuTiran mid Canndiuii Mf 'j1'1 ((,rnlf, Kaien Hardware Co. corky! CANADIAN RYE WHISK TI10 Qualify Wliisky of Oinatla- sinccio i" This ndviirUsefiient is not pithlislied' or ilispl'J'cl Liquor Control Hoard or by tlio .(lovernin1 ) Uritish Columbia.