"HI 0 PAGE FOUH Fri, FLIRTING WITH LOVE BRINGING UP FATHER By George McM? AT THE WESTHOLME ' TO HIDE NTT pocket OOOk ! 'vg cot fo "hp. 1 ' "1 1 ttP 1 M$$l rrT " i' Picture Features Conway Teaflc WHV DID FROM oUR -A.THEl5 ItjN'T V ? '1 CUTE O; ? JC -1 1 TVUMK I'LL p?S li and Colleen Moore and ls'. NtXJ HAVE V KEEPHt ' dWlS Y ' THAT WLL 1 rmf FA Worth While JEL ...y 'IN- WtVv t mm ..v "I'lirling wild Love" i Hie popular pielure lifting Minvyii (um'S innislil wild Ooiivv.-iy te.irje 1im L.niioen .Moon in llic principal pari s. (i i lila i- an aelress, and, like many! aetressos sin i eoufronl e.l wjlli I li problem of- bold in her .Indienros liy giving iii the drama she loves for .rin'ino farms She does it hoetiuso slip .and hop manager eaniioj cat on Ihe profits-oT "artistic suiffW sis.' Only Hinse who see (ill, la si niggle from Iho factory bench In diyine ilrainalic gifts can an predate I lie sympathy she: really deserves. I'u enniplefc her' come-down slii lias a press agent who surrounds her Willi shucking fates of his imagination. SaV 'immed iately- iiecomos nniorious, anil we see Hie sincere little, creature suddenly transformed inlni.i vio Ion I ly.leiupera menial prima donna in order in live up In her ropu lalioii, i.oiiseniioniiy, wiumi sue is starred in "Tint Lost Kimono." a veritable Niagara of fame and fnrtupo begins, Ilul even this wri'sli'd Troiii lior within twenty-fonr hours. Wade Cameron; a psychoanalyst who acls as chairman of the "Hoi lor Plays Cnm-iii ill , oliisi's tho show as im moral. ' "Action" inadequately describe wh.it follows fast and furiously. Tho camel's hael has' been, broken, and ils, attempts In pass through the eye of a needle could; not he more onlerlainingfy full of humor and pathos Mian Hilda's revenue upon Cameron. ODDFELLOWS GIVE FINE ENTERTAINMENT TERRACE THIS WEEK TF.IIHAC.K, Apl. :i. A splendid ovoninji's onlortainment was Bixyii liy tho Oddfellows ul thoir luinslrel show, Wednesday even-in?. The Italic! soleol ions ami chnrusos' which consisted inoslly of Iho old plan I ul inn soiifis worn very popular. The jokos wore now and look well. The solos revealed a gxeal deal of lalonl lalen(. 'Iho guitar and violin iiiaileui very prolly accompani- imii I lo many of the sons. Then; wpro slon dances by J. a. KsfKloshaw, Jlohl. Donald and (1. .McLaren which wore very in-loroslinfr, especially the first which Introduced some Itnssian Jlops. NEW TELEGRAPH J. D. ; w. i. Lawrence, Will Succeed O MacKay Who Is Transferred to Ashcroft . J. I). Knwronee, rnannnoi' of the oyjininenl telegraphs at-Anynv f'ir several years, arrived in Iho ciiy Ibis mnrninjr to lake up his lifisl'lipro as local manager suo-c'eilinK (1. W. MacKay who is Iransrorreil lo Asbcrofl. .'"Mrs. IJawronco aNo arrixorl. Mr. and Mrs. MacKay will sail 0i Iho Princess Heal rice tomor row ior Vancouver onnnile (1 A?lirnfl. TERRACE NOTES i-V.. (".. ManniiiR and P. 'P. Hoiiny of Prin'co Huporl ar'o in Imyn-ln cnniiecliou with Uic' aii-nuaroxainlnaliniiw fire wiirdeiis .lark Null and .lelTrey Odon who liavo been al Homo Jor the winter aro in I own. V . Dr. Wrtneh, M.P.P., was town on Wednesday. M.rs." Plicnvood weiil up IHuolloii W'odiiesday oveniiiK. A. Orowlcr ilaiichler reliinied Huporl Wednesday TC'I vTlli to and 'infanl, from Prince evening. roilirnod to Tor aiHjlber prospoclivo tmiTli.wr frtr 'ins' mine Ilench. on Iho R. rf.AHe'n or1 IIann.il) xvns n:biislnris'"visilor to Terrace this xveek, . . ? , . , Mrs. A. V. Wilson ofiHeinov.M Hi TorraVo ortYodiiesdaV,. Jnck Couture, Oscar Gondron and Paul lirodin of Kalum Lake have gone few days. .own .o iiupen for I WALTER VANCE CALLED Henry Walberg after a u'mlor in is Ii.'ick in (own the south. Harry iVci'Iiuan returnod homo Wednesday owning:. SIMPLE JEWELLERY FASHION OF TODAY Trade Suffers Through Changing Fashions; Ornata Settings Gone Out LONDON, April 3. . Women's nnMarilly chaiifriiiK: ideas re. tfnrdinjr what lliey shall or'shall not wear always affocl. soino trade or another. This limo il is Mie jowellory li-siilo which is suf-foriup, owincr to Iho new simplicity or lasles roganlius: Iho woariiif; of jowoUory. All women want pearl necklaces for Iho mnmcnl. and if Ihoy cannol gel real ones Ihoy will liavf imita tions, wj.lh Iho result Unit pen- ilanls wUh ornalo pobl soltinps as- well as 1iroiM-hes aro out of fashion. 1 According 1o tho head of a jowollory association in, llir-minahaW wheio much jcwollbry is manufacluiod, there is today a slump in jcrnbl watch wrlstlols because women are now woarin a plain mono ribbon band, and uiM-e;i.H ii was quuc usual, lor a woman In wear four rins il is now. only usual lo wear two. woildin-j rinfr. and an ena.wiuonl POOREST CATHEDRAL IN ALL CHRISTENDOM LOMlO.N, April 3. The poor- esl cathedral in :iirisIendom is Houlhwark cathedral, accordiiiir lo the Hislion of Woolwich. Them is practically no ondow- mont., tio hislion explains, and Mil llVI IIU I It'll Llllll lol41 nil. I MANAGER HERE! camiiif won- not paid a sinale penny. 'Tho cathedral is in a poor locajily and for '12 years Iho windows have" not boon cleaned because of lack of fi nances, iho organization faces bankruptcy. John HULK IS DOCKED C. Potter Brought From Anyox For Cleaning and Painting Here Tho r'.oaslwise Sloanisbip Hai'se flo.'s bulk John ('.. fml'ler. which fs used in carrying ore lielvyeen Maple Hay ami Anyox and oilier liorllier.n tn'inint: poinls. was'Uikon up on Iho local Iry dock today for cleaninit ami renm BLUFF OF HIS FRIEND Was Not Expected at Hockey Match at Victoria Although Invited Whoh lltiiold Cahipboll, for-nierly of princo Huporl, wired lo Vnl1ci' Vance inviliimr lilin lo allend the hockey match al Victoria Sal unlay nisliti he had no idea Dial il would bo accepted. II was rather in Iho- form if a leaser, lie was much surprised when il was accepted promptly and was followed up by Iho ap-pearattco. or Mr. Vauco. Mr. Vance says there was no suspicion thill the paine was thrown by the Victoria team.- II was foii-flil hard and Iho winning Minis oi i n o visitors wore somewhat in Iho nature of flukes. In lolling Iho Itolary Club this al their luncheon oslriay Mr. Vance' said anyone who saw Iho frame would not suspect crooked work. People 'wore loO-npt to slispocl others or thai, sort of tiling. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert .J. Mehlrani. H. 1. pnnlifor. '. V. Delcotirl and P. Wallis, Vancouver; Mr. ;( Mrs. .1. I.. Atkins, Victoria: .1. K. hnrd, Miss V...... M. C M "in .i. Jlilirs, .Mi's; Miiri-s and Mrs. II. W. Ilarils, Norlh Paciric; .1. p. Hawkiiisoii, Stewart; H. W. Jjiuclair ami V. II. lioodenoiiph, tnveiiioss; K. Woodworlh ami O'eorgp Keofo, Smithors; A. Y .Wilson, Homo; A. .1. K. Hishop. Victoria; Slophpn Dumas Alice Arm; Mr. and .Mrs. . D. Lawrence, Anyox; A. (Jed-- dos, llyilor. Central 1'. Ilennelt, Hums Lake; K. Uiillin. ball filled claimed lo invented by One, of Iho "TRY A NIP TONIGHT." ,C BOTTLtO & GUARANTttDJV OltTiU.tlitft - - ii- SA NEW TENNIS BALL HAS BEEN INVENTED I.ONDON. April .1. A tennis with nihopcii and lie airlight has. been a! Icchnichl export of big: rubber couipau- lesl i ' l is said Iho new ball will no! II i l II nil III ;l I Ti il I In. II 11 I i mil ('. , i,,. ,.-. i iifiii hi nee Jciinis halls were inailo: standards of compression ami tiiiunco (win be osl.'iblisiied wiih (ionliric exactitude WOMEN HOCKEY PLAYERS COMING TO AMERICA tllvl.r AST, Ireland, April 3. Announcement thai a Scotch- Irish women's hockey leaiu would painlinp. The hulk was liro'tiglit Hnake a tour or the I niled Stales in yosloplay afloruoon by tfto ti(n1 Canada in September, has llltf Marmion. . aroused in lores) hero, and inoi-o BEST PROCURABLE PRODUCt Or SCOTUND The Original Label look for it at the Vendors and insist on GRANT'S "BEST PROCURABLE.'' fW Tliis ailvorlisenieiit is pot published r displayoil by Iho Liquor Conlrnl Moanl or by the (iovenimcnl of' Uritish Columbia lhau a score of aspirants foi: Iho i leant have already entered their I names Tor Iho Iry-ouls, The team, which will include eifshl Scotch and .eight Irish players, will bo chosen Ibis month. TENNIS COURTS TO REOPEN TOMORROW Painting and Repairing Has Been Done by Club at Acropolis Hill Having been closed for several iays while work of painting and repairing was under way, the. Priitco Ituport Tenuis Club's courts al Acropolis Hill wil he reopened for the season tomorrow. A good deal of work has been done ami the courts are now much improved in appear ance besides boiliir in firs! cliim shape for an active season of play. - - t-.-.. , , -,.,n . Sport Chat 1 t i The following have lieon de clared amateur M.tJ. boxinL' am! wrestling champion-, as a result or Iho provincial championships staged la -.1 week in Now Westminister: Boxing 171 pounds,'' Iliissell Dock- ..:.!.. steador, aneoucr. Ii'irt pounds, Jack Vancouver. 1 17 pounds, Vancouver. 135 pounds Slave falls. I I'll pounds, llunlliigilim. IIH pounds South Vancouver. Henderson, Jhn Crawford, Ilriico (jleig, John Mc(llei, Tom Po.iuesa. Wrestling 131 pounds Allaii' KeHoii, Van couver. 115 pounds, -Frank In-apcr, Port Moody. IfiH pounds Poll Mosdell, NvV Westminster Y.M.xL.' 171 pounds, Archie ,Matiue, Vaneoiiver. ID I pounds," A a ion Olson, Wosliuinsli'r. Special event ( heavyweight ) It. C. Macilouabl. . (ieorge llaekenschiiiliU' lint given up wrosllluir With .men In wrestle with iililliisonhy,7. ; Hac- koiiscbnildf lias'-' vv);illeiiiii Ion vWrtiui'v'w'ork in f iJi W i Ui it" lfy Vl y wrefUjl.gl !aSy15rf,T(r',(;ieH'if,1 llackensclimiill. '"I'liero are other niiich more iinporl.ini! things to do in the world, and 1 have tried lo do my little ser vice o piankiml by working oiii a theory of life whiciT'fs heller . 3" 'A . . iiian me one under "winch we live. In my opinioiiino hue philosophy will over in? evolved until we uudersland how all in lellecltial and ineiilarivalues re lale In seiillnienl." Sporting editors on this side of-the pond won't be asked to review line keuschiuiill's loji volumes nf philosopy. fur they are wril.leu in 'ieiinan. James .1. C.nrlell, forinoi world's heavyweight boxing champion, makes the following olassiriealions or all lime pugil- il ic greatness, in Iho series or articles bo is writing hi Iho Saturday Kvniilng Post: 1. 3. bo ns 1. Welterweights Joe Wafpoll.' Mickey Walker. Jack Urillon Mlko 'when a vvoller). Henny I.eiinard. Mlddlewelghts I. Iloherl l-'ilzsliunions. rummy Kynn L (ir lie had llveiir. 3. Jack lienipsey (ilie ginal) Slanloy IvcH'dief.' L Danny Kelleiie'r r. Ilnrry Oreli fleorge Hlanche. Oi'b f)arcy Pt'i- l.n Wanted ForJSale ForRent DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2crper word in advance. No Advertisement taken'for leu t ian350c VVANTKB W'A.M'l'.D.- A live man to go into business for himself h handling Iho J. It. Walkius Company Prodm-ls in Prince Huporl ami vicinity. Apply The .1. H. Walkius Company, 1 150 1 1 1 a mi il I on Slreel, Vancouver, I I.C. K WANTF.D. Second Will pay cash. Wrt. FOR SALE hand piano. Phono Hod F ill SALF.. Al Terrace. 11.0.. .several Ion aero t raids and one I -aero Irnel. Look I hem over and make me an olrer. A C. Lillle. FOIl SALF. U'i and M.irgains. Two Incubators, -5il egg capacity. Sherman's Marivol Kil TO RENT Ft'llNISllFD Hnuekeeoing Suite for rent. 1 1(1 Sixth Avonnn, Kasl. Phone lllue 278. If FOIl IIF.XT. Two furnished bed- ftilling rooms; every com fort. Kiln First Avenue 83 AUCTION SALE N AI CTION SALF. will be held al No. I Clapp block, on Sal-iirday. Apl. 1, at 2.3(1 p.m. consisting of book ease, oak buffet, oak armchair and rocker, gale leg table, congoleuiu rug, small gramophone, Yukon bed. library (able, heater, bureau, baby buggy, ami crfbh, Kiddy-coop, lino, kitchen table, etc. Pliilpolt. I'.vill ,1 Co., Auctioneers. 80 BOARD HOAIU). The Second Avenue. Inlander, 830 Phone 137. HOAIID AND HOOM, or hoard only. Phono Hod 7I7. LOST LOST. Small parcel wllh .la bour' slip inside on Third Avenue or Mcllride. Finder please roliirn to daily News Ollice. LOS'lV-Vest Ownv I ineke. (jaril ease. lvj,aiK;'.iiiiili'! Ijider iift,ri';re)iTrn. .'to, I laily ' News ollice. FOUND FOUND. Hunch of keys on ring. including one C.N. It. switch key. Apply Daily News ollice. FOUND. Pair of woollen mills. News ollice. child's Apply FOUND. Pair child's Tur tiled kid mills. Apply News ollice. brown Daily FOUND. Post ollico key. Appi Dally News ollice. CORNETIST COHNFTIST desires orcbesjra or dance .engagements. Thirty years experience. T. Wilson. SI. KIiiio llolel. g PRINCE RUPERT Tinr High Low High Low High Low Saturday, April 4 10:31 2.1:2(1 1:13 I7:(18 a.m. p.m. a.m. p.m. Ifi.it 17.2 . B.7 Sunday, April 5 11:22 a.m. 17.8 23:5S) p.m. IK.2 .rf:28a.tn, 7.8 17:17 p.m. ' Hi Monday, April C . n."... Ti:ni"p.in. iH.fi :nii a. in. 0.5 18:23 p.m. J.2 f!. fl. I BOATS AND LAUNCHES PHIl'.FS OF FASi llOPI. 1 CV'CLF Marine Fngines 1-II.P. wilhoul clutch $185.1)0 1-U.P. I cylinder MD 200.011 (i-H.P. I eylimler IIU ir.n.nil 8-ll.p. I oylimler III) 75ll.ini 8-11. P. 2 oylimler MD ir.d.Oil H5-1I.P. fi eylimler LD 175.UH All the above except lie flrol include Iho Famous -lorts lie. verse (ienr, nl)d full eleolriodl mid propeller eiiipuieiiL The . best Dial money can' buy. Haslhope llros., 1717 Oeorgl.i SI. W. Vancouver, 1 1.0. Always at your service. If COLUMBIA RECORDS' NF.W Process Columbia IlceonN no scratching. Finest re-productions of lalesl Fox Trots, Songs 'and Instrumental music by world famed artists. Call in anil hear them. PRINCE RUPERT MUSIC STORE, Third Avenue MARINE TAXI SERVICE LAUNCH "Oh llaby" at your ser vice day or night. Comfort Safety Courtesy. If It's a water trip call Laurie Lambly. Phones 57(1 or 131. TAXI 592 TIIK DF.PKNDAHLF. TAXI. dav ami -Night service. Comfort and Courtesy is my mollo PHONE 592 CONRAD LEE Slaiiil : Hiehinond Hooius. TAXI Tail 67 Phone (Call George, Paul or Oust' Prompt Service and Oomlori Day or NUM. Stand: .1088 BROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Elook, Ar.rr'ss from 7,innr s Holei FURNITURE VK handlo Hie FAWCFIT giiaranleeil ropper bearing Sleel Manges ami all grades of high grade furniture we PRINCE RUPERT EXCHANGE, , Auctioneers FURNITURE. New and Secondhand Furni-ure Store. We Huy, Sell and Ex- chnngo New and Secondhand floods. OHO. PAPADUPULI9, fl.1U Third Ave. Phone 110 GENERAL BLACKSMITH T Kvery descripllon of lllack'smilh work done. Hon I. work a speciality. Prompt alleulioii and moderate prices. A Trial Solicited. Near J. M. WALKER Shockley's Planing WOMEN'S EXCHANGE Mill. HIIINO us any plain sowing and fancy work you wish lo dispose f. The articles in llm Women's I'xehange Dept. are tint limited lo $.(K). THE DOLLAR STORE Phone' lied 321. ' TIMBER SALE X 7038. SralrA TrniliTft will lie rcrHvi'tl liy lln PlMi'lri I'ni'cuii-r not uicr limn mum mi llm Vlli ilny nf Airi, i wyn, ror tlin pnf fli of l.lrcnrp X injs, mtuiiipil iiii inlM ""Tlh ur l.i. t KIT, Jiilin-iii Clinniii'l. Cill. 3, In nil l K5.ioo rm-l iNinnl iiifuniri' nf SliruiT, lli'iiiliu k. imi-nin mil ccilur SdW-1'iirs. I Two () jpum will hn nllnvvnl for rn-hmv of lliiil)ir. ' riiilhiT luirllnitir nf llm riikf i'nrin ler, MrtnrU, nr ihi Duiiki Fnresifr, I'lince lioperl, U.C. For the East- Bth Monday- V i onlay-, i vtm Is J !&l92i ay Iwt l Fcturc Scuvicc. Inc CihI Riium nhi fwivrd. V 3 f J v. 7 . " Arficlt, MAIL SCHEDULE From the East Mon. lay-. "iIim.ih I'ridia iii:.- ,i , ., , To Vancouver- Tuesday Mail .1..-Sitluiil.n . Friday. C.I'.H i Prom Vancouver Sunday; -O.IMt . ,'. i; To Anyox, Alio and Premier WoIiiom:i ' I 15 fl Arm. h$v, VI nl From Anyoi, Alice 'Mt. and Premier- Tuesdays """ M Friday- ii To Port Simpson and lnl Points Thm-.i-From Port Slmpsoq (ind k River Point Salin.l.n - ..I: To Alaska Points April i'. From Alaska Points Anril I" i To Queen Charlotte Island April II From Oueen CharlolU Points-April '. i r' COX COLLECTlCl PI it tlrH.iam AMm av- . ' IH : lv K,.j!,'!i ..... .V - . S Slh Ave Si Tlimn; a "J" St. I I 1 1. .... I. SI, or).. I . ill ""'vJ I lliL Avft. A C.'nr .dSl.-iJ4 nth Ave. A Hays t Ave. t Ave. .1 HaJ'i ,:!v Pi til A """" ... U Sth Ave. & i:o(Mii .vi " l. . ....n. ..I si:iw Dill iWC. M " Pro. (lov PIiIk-' I'rov. Gov. Wiisrf (5.T.P Wharf .ml Ave. Si '-'nit it Urd Ave. A Hit on trd Ave A 'ir i Nolle Of InUntlon III . i.i i 10 P'' Lin'' v.tf ,irT COAST WW R Pco rcoardino oistfict f k TAKK SoricE llnl, of Vtti" and I'jiti m hi ' for i ifaw laiidN in V .'. ', 1 rmvlnre f I1' IT lil '' in, ninri' l'f 1 low: , title linn "" Inlet rll-i.'in 1 friiin the ''' i nil IHslri' ' 4Jiok:.. Inwi. te Hi' ll MM. Hi" llir Mill III l"; 1 ' ' " k jIMillH-' ii.rin-r t Ihf hltli ll'l'' 1 " 7,ft ri.. ii" " rMIIIIK'IK'I'llK'lll. ' or !! IIATKH J:n " iii I ' uil ,n" - .,"'rV. 1 " ',;"! I, r ll A "in,? j ..all . rv, Skrrn. . licriirilinir ' ffn' flf UlirlMtO . II' , J.:..'JiT . ' ...II H'll' ,1 ..,....n..inrm:' I .,1 ratlrlv Mill ''" ,, I '' ..iiiT. iimii.lv Kiiiitn ,,r ..' , .in"1 hnlnir ' nlmili 'l '. " m-rn il ll'- " '" M k,. : ,ii l.l.nrf T II" " ..... T .lirprllV V,, f I' "l3'vi- " lUkfil liV " m ''. ill" . ...i... ami bi v llllliinn i"" - nfii'i i.kciii i Ml TiioMvs':; . ... uil 'I - M IijI 11 15 1 IJ til l! tf I. v I.. ii5 1! a j'i i j C I