'V .. l Pr,F. TVd AGREEMENT WITH SAWMILL TO GO BEFORE THE PEOPLE TTER THE DAYS WORK FOR THEIR ENDORSATION 9t -MB BEFORE EFFECTIVE. relieve the tiredness and tempt the appetite for your next meal with a hot cup of 0X0. Tim of 4 Cubes 15c 10 " -30c 1"be Great Bcel Economy. OX0 Cubes are food Beef-food. OXOsoothes thenerves, and rests the body. It is easily assimilated Beef-nourishment, seasoned, ready for use. The Daily News 1'flINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Kvery Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue.' II. F. PULLE.N, .Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, liy mail or carrier, per month t 91.00 By mail .lo all parts of (lie British Empire and lh United Slafes.'in ndvance, per year Sfl.OO To all other countries, in advance, per year 7i50 Advertising and Circulation Telephone - 98 Editor and Reporters Telephone - - - 86 All advertising should he in The Daily News Office liofore p.m. on day preceding puhlication. All advertising received siihjeci to approval. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITI0& BJD Tuesday. February 17, 1t25. Power Situation In Prince Rupert. The power problem for Prince Rupert preents many difficulties, the Milulinn oT which will require the best efforts ol the brightest minds. it present all the' power ir (radically all is contracted for and it is posibIe that power will have to be purchased from the drydock in order to enable everything to carry on. The plant at Shawatlans is capable of extension but just to what extent only an exjKTt can tell. At any rale it will be but a temporary palliative. II cannot be looked upon as the permanent source of supply for the city. To go outside to the Ecslall River would involve so great col that Ihe city would hesitate to embark ou the project. Un det present cxuidiioiis it would -overload the rity with -debt and would, be too much of a speculative venture. i - - . , , , Enlist Outside . - , . ' Capital Here. Under these circumstances what is to be done? If it were possible tu enlist ome capital looking for Investment conditions might arise within Ihe next' year or so thai would make the proposition an attractive one, .Should the owmrs of the mill decide that next year they were ready lo erect a pulp mill and wanted five thousand horsepower for IJieir purposes, the city could not Mipply it and even with ' additions thai might be made at Sliawnllaus would still be inadequate as a source of supply. With a considerable load offering. as a nucleus for further extension, it j possible that a company might be induced to invest in a power scheme here which would enable them to meet any demands (hat might be made for commercial purposes. Only on Mich conditions .arc we likely. to be able to interest anyone here. Such a condition has In be met sometime and in considering the remedy for Ihe present situation it might be well to consider all the circumstances. This paper will welcome any discussion of Ihe power question from any possible angle II is so big and so important! thai we cannot afford lo overlook anything: The whole situation is worthy of the closest review. If anyone has any fads bearing on Ihe situation, lhi is a good lime to lei Ihe. people know about il, for the iieople will be Ihe final arbiters. How Much Work Can -A Person Do?. Mow much work can a person do2 It used to be common to work for 'twelve hours a day, but in Ihose days they did not Msrjn to wink as fat as they do loday or us intelligently. On the other hand there is complaint thai, today people lack stability. They' are not as consistent' work'ers ns'thelpnsl generation. lliey do not learn their trade and slPck lo ll aiiil do theirwiirk. well bill are more inclined to branch out. People today "Now Feeling Fine and Able to do my own work" -Mrs. Walter Grieves, Coe Hill, Ont, writes: "I was in such a weakened, run-down condition that I could not take care of my houehold duties. I was unable to leeD at night, and the doctor told me I was anaemic. I commenced a treatment of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food and to-day I am feeling fine and able to do all my own work. "My little girl had eczema, and different remedies took no effect 'whatever. We got a box of Dr. Chate't Ointment and lhat one box irelieved her." Dr. Chase's Nerve Food 60 rM. box of BO pill, UtmaiiMiii, llale-H & To., Ai Toromo ask more variety man lormerly. With the further development of machinery and the .e id eledrir power it is possible that people will work less than ever, -as the years go by. To what this will lead is impossible even ill guess. AW shall either become fal and lazy or we shall lake up various forms of recreation lo take the jd'ace of labor. As the (ineaus of production increase in the world, it will be necessary ror the hours of labor to decrease unless Ihe lime formerly devoted to producing necessities is devoted lo Ihe production id such article as radio sets, aulos. gramophones and similar luxuries. (onnllnuptt from nao one) The citizens will fool Ihe losses. And, as far as Hie luxation agreement is concerned. Ilw cilv is nol in a position to enter into a contract with the mill Itecause (lie laud is teased Hiroii;rii the railway company. . At present Ihe mill only pays Slum) in taxes whereas, if it was located just across Sliawallaus Passage on government properly, il would be subject lo taxation on improvements which would probably come much heavier, swansou Hay mill, which is not in nearly as advantageous a position, pays iluiost "three -Jimes as much taxes. The proposed power and waler rates, which are considerably below Ihe regular rales. I would oppose alone on the grounds of discrimination. Other iibluslries just as imino-lanl as Ihe mill would he just as iMilillc! lo .advantageous rates. And, as far as Ihe agreement with regard lo lumber price is concerned, f cannot see that would he oT much advanlag-e lo Ihe city for Ihe product here will he dilTerent lo that of Vancouver. In any case, I do nol think we should invite - litigation ami t would trongly advise dial Ihe agree ment at least secure the approval of Ihe people." Mayor Xewlon said thai was Ihe very suggest ion he was going lo make lo Aid. Casey. Attacks Stephens I certainly am mil afraid of Ihe people, regarding I heir ap proval of Ihe coiilrad,' said Aid. Casey, "but.. il does seem lo me that il 'is a I rival maLlcr fts Ihe lime will be so sborl until we will have a lasting contract for uhmissiou to the people. Of course, there are alwuvs I wo ides lo a question. Aid. Steph ens is liauking himself on there being an opposition to the agreement. Ie Is assuming Ihe part of a critic of this council. .We want to understand I hat he U not taking his part seriously as regards administration hu! is mcnuy embarking on an opposition.' Aid. Stephens -expressed himself as being ''Worry thai Aid. Casey should lake Ihe view that he was nol taking his position seriously, . ,11c would say thai any 'person, who would make such irresponsible statements as Aid. Casey himself eould not lie taken seriously. He .submitted thai he was taking Ihe. business of Ihe city as seriously as any member of Ihe hoard. When Aid. Casey anticipated ,al he (Aid. lephens) would oppose Ihp agreement n would not he dis appointed, lb) would oppose il' just as energetically when it ' came before a vole as he had the operation of (lie lone at the -council tonight. .Newton again urgi Iniquitous Thlna 'mailer he submitted "I think it one of Ihe most people. Hi iuinuilous thin'' Unit tins Win Ihe principals before the council for a number: 'hear iif years," continued Aid ens. fseverai years Worship' paper look purl in the fi lit a Wednesday night. Defends Stephens Aid. l.arsen fell thai, in fuip. aiess lo Abl. Stephens, be might j stale than he (Aid. Stephens) had always been. opposed lo Ihe ; proposed concessions. j Aid. Perry sni, he was in favor of vnljntr for the atrreenion!, houph he did synimllil.e to a Itreal exleul with Ihe nl.lilud'j of Abl. Klc.phons. After slating thai Ihere was nothing perxnnnlly In be irained for him other than what would bu sulhcd by all cilimis with IK" : A Wonder Year for Mutuaiists i fcll'pli-ui,f'",lunalt'ly for him, lluy) had js .come afler hiin while i was in a b-aifuiif Vancouver. He hal lold llinn ainst f i N liitt lliey would jri'l reasonable oriplnal ajriveiiieiil vWlh lhe mill. 1 1 rv I i! fn(m the (-oiincil and Tonihl, he '.tpoitiMiringr an (' 111,1 wi'is a'H ', fiir-a he.-haM jrone. ajrreeinenl. oT Ihe vi-ry xainej" -'l- 'Hnnvu lll'oubt . lhat nalure. I.el. me tell yon, t .iij-tmillior Mayor Newlftn nor, any not llileml be bamliooled inlo 'ulijv.tit'h H'lrrt'Cineiil 4is I bis." Abl. McKeclmie IIioiil-IiI Mini olheri a conn hi i is a I wOh ImlN f l ip? nemlji'rj of 1 1 1 o hail 'ii fly ull'ri'iiifr or per- inolives. All he Ihnunbl. Abl. Stephens was 'merely I ukint:-1 win : sincere. He did nol see Dial; ah oiiiiosilion. I.asl week he hail ! I'10 Hfc'reenicnl was iniiniilous. iheen in favor of Ihe agreement 'for six months. Abl. Stephens was jtnl slow lo correct Abl. McKerhnieV illusion that he (Abl. Stephens) bail at .any lime been in favor or Hits ?i nienl. I.asl week 'he hint taken I lie llonitrhl. Hinim samj as he look : Abl, MpKechniiv than charged ,Abl. Stephens willi nol havinjr hail Ihe courage lo come tip to last W'eilnesilayV meet in? ami (fifrhl Ihe agreement. Abl. Stephens correctly ailviseil Abl. McKeclmie lhal lie hail told Ihe' council when a date was beinfr 'sought for Ihe inrclhi? last week j lhal be would be unable lo nllemt Micro was further discussion which finally repulloil in Abl. Casey giving; his consent in hnv-ing I ho agreement placed boforo Ihe people for a vole. I'erniissiou was iven the I.O.I Uv by tbe city council last BAD BLOOD IS THE CAUSE OF PIMPLES AND BOILS Wlwt ynti iioml whnn the lilnml ,tH (.lit r nnler -In nmil tiiiile In Inlie nrnl IhiIIiI it i tho nynlcin snit put tin' hluoil lulu pi'iipfr uliaiic. Fur fqunl tliis iiuiHfi i here 1 niitliliiK lo BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS Mr. I A. Iii'lliorl, ,inn. Sniiky wrlh-nV evrul jfiim '! , -was i.rcoiltilrd M.H.n, Iiiii. mid pimpip. J trlil nianV tivmrnpiiti ,Ijii I'nuiii .ft no k'miltis I llii'ii lo. ik Miirilnrk Mlnoit l)riiii rri'i ir my irmililn (inly iiMilii-iim 1 ivfr tmik miy friiml," i - Illllrr and It 1, Hip that did 'W earned for Policyholders of Striking Statements from Addesses The results of the year are sufficient, you will agree, to point the moral that co-operation, scientifically' employed, as it is in our case, eliminates the middle-man and his profits and, thus, assures to the policyholders a more generous distribution. Hume Cronyn, President. A Mutual, Company exists for the express purpose of furnishing maximum protection at a minimum cost and its success is indicated in the amount by which the cost of protection is reduced. When it is said that, during the lifetime of The Mutual of Canada, $15,963,134.27. was paid in dividends to policyholders and that, of this amount, the large sum of $12,870,044.28 was paid out during the past ten years, it will be self-evident that the aims of tin- company are being realized, and th?t it is functioning in accordance with the altruistic motives of its founders. Chas. Ruby, General Manager. iviutuai jure or uanaaa Previous High Mark Passed by Half a Million, Dollars A YEAR of most gratifying results was reported to, the policyholders of The Mutual Life Assurance Company of Canada at their 55th Annual Meeting on February 5th. In eyery phase of its business, the .growth of Canada's pioneer Mutual Life Company was eminently satisfactory during 1924. The real test of a life insurance company operating on the participating plan is its surplus earnings from year'to year. It is, therefore, of supreme interest to our policyholders who alone constitute the company that the 1924 surplus earnings reached the record total of $3,500,258. Increased Distribution to Policyholders During the past yjar an increased distribution was made to policyholders of $579,962.33 more than was paid out In 1923, a total of $2,689,007.99 baring been paid out in dividends This sum is most signifi-cant when it is realized that it meant a RETURN to the policyholders of approximately 25' of premiums received by the company during the year Healthy Increase in Business During the year a total of $43,324,297 of new aisorancts was written, representing an increase of $4,283,179 over that of 1923. This increase shows a healthy, progressive expansion of the company business--expansion as rapid as compatible with the best interests of the policyholders The business In force now amounts to $295,729,866 on 135,235 policies, compared with $269,982,566 at the end of 1923 a net increase for 1924 of $25,747,300, after allowing for policies revived and bonuses, as well as new business, and deducting tbe various terminations. The Company's Exceptional Strength Three effective factors contributed to the exceptionally high surplus earned for policyholders. These factors were economy in administration, remarkably favorable mortality and high interest rate on invested assets. Despite the fact that the new policies issued for the past year ex-ceeded that of 1923 by over 4', millions of dollars, the percentage of income required to cover general expenses of administration wfs tedvved from 16.15V to 15.52V. The mortality experienced during the year was extraordinarily low, the ratio existing between actual and expected death claims being only 36.01, as against 39.26 in 1923, the previous low record in recent years. Likewise, in the face of a downward trend In interest rates- -eipe dally on high-class bonds in which so larce a part -of the company's asset , is invested the average interest yield on our invested assets was 6.41 reflecting the satisfactory earning power of the company's investments. The company's happy situation Is further revealed in accumulated assets of $65,960,767, an increase over the previous year of $6,233, .,,'8, The consistent prosperity enjoyed by the company invites the confidence of the insuring public. MUTUAL LIFE f CANADA V ATE RLO O iifilil lo ilevinle slightly from Ibf MiihliiiR bylaw in oomiec.lmn .villi Ihe erection of Ibelr assein illy ball on l-'iflh Avenue Ka"'. i.'nrler Ihe ulricl leller of Ihe by-aw, a veneer fire-wall would be e.piireil for a buihlinjr of I his I i'scriili(in but il Wits ileemeil .inner essary in Ihe case oT a luildiiipc thai was not Iiciiik .reeled wilhln No. I fire limits. iiitr. o. ;...it. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert II. .frail. Terrace; H, J. Porcher Island, Central llardal iml A. Wasden, .NOTICE OF I-'. 1). Daimpre. Kilkalla. GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT. APPLICATION LICENSE. FOR BEERl NOT1CK I hiTi-liy (tlvrn thai on tlii-i Tin day 't Marrh next the iimUirxIrticil ' Inn-nils to apply lo llu- Liquor Cimirull lin.-ii-il Tor liri-iup in r'M'i-i in pn-miti'-! Inliilf pirl of the Imllillii- known ii k pw Kniprpim llntpl, miniiir-il m ijk, llilril avi-iiiip, in Urn city nr Prlni-e fUipi-rl, Prnvliii-n or ItrllMi Ciliimhla. iipnn l ho laiuls dPitrrllii-il b.H mm lis-n (19 ami Ittpnly (So.. In iiliu-k lPHl.V-tliri'0 IJ3), Sci-Unii )Mie (,, Cllv or I'rlnnc lliiTt. ni-iinrillnr In a ri'l-ti'i-Hil map or plan ili-pnuiti-il in uii I. mil ncirlKlry orrii-i' at tin' Cliy or I'lim-p liu-hmr li.v llio Klass or liy Hie ou-n holllo piM't ami niinilii'ii'it 023, for Ihe sih- i,r tor 4'ii4iimpiitin on llio pri'Miln m Il1i:i nl Prlni-p llnprii, M.C., thlK f,1h day or ruliriiary, 10i.'.. MIIS. ANNA M. IHIflS. Manaei-rnm anil . f New Kinpn-m HntM, Mipllnint GOVERNMENT NOTICE OF LIQUOR -ACT. APPI 'CATION LICENSE. FOR hp.-., on Un- markPt for llio ' rt-l'US'?s,?i..l;,i,,,T',,,,r- ,,X ,ht BEER .T.'.rE ,,,,,rrl'V ftvn tl.m on Hip I tin Hi liny or March n.u thn iimliTi-lem-il ,"'l".ls. "I'f'y in Urn Liquor Cnntrnl lioai-il Tor a lpint In rt-fpi-ct in nri-mlion IipIiik part of the liullilinir known mhh llciici, Kitnatpit on l li-nt h -i niii!. in Xi'i ,vp",r Ktn''t' riuirt. ''ihvHiit of Mrlllsh rnlnmiiiii. upon ihi l)Mil4 ((.. M-rlh..rt a ,ot imripi-n (is, mm ronrmrn iM). In lilock lii-ii Spriion Oiip m '.111' -iT Pilni'o luipm-i, ,ni-mrilliir to a -.irljlorfi map or plan ipM,Hlr,l hi Hip ' I l lit t p uirv iirrii m n... r-n.- ... mo 'jliiH'i-t ami inimlipi-pil fiir'ihp sain of pat in ymrv put up mly by The T. K'N'iX llorri. :opNY IIMITHi Mllburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Out. ,Fr T. K Wllliains, Manairer ' applicant. O N TA R I O n V 5 null. Mayor il Ilia! I ho lo a vol I.' of bad nol 'smi'lil of 1 1 1 lrfill in nrnlialiiuis. I'Prhapw. GET IT AT! Y00 HIGH CLASS -GROCERS PHONE 585 BULK COCOA!? for 25c 'now TKV mr'TO.HICHV Best Procura (Hit ORICINAll hip" Pure Scotch Whisky RICHEST IN FINrST HICIIUND MALT Botll.J tni g,ilMd I, William Ctanl h Son. Limii.d QanliMuk and Ualvrnir.ClaAWt DalilltiMl, tM. lawaA CIutox, Scotluit. Tho (iiigitml jnlicl look jfor it ill llio Vcnd(ir) nnd insist on GRANT'S "BEST PROCURABLE." I Ins ftilvcrlisemenl is not piitilfslicrl or (lisplnyel I'V liiimr Coiitrol Hoard or llio Government of liiilish Columbia. it i Ihe