I "'" "'V tl, TAXI I c Hit- itssrssnieni on inc nun, iiuiicr Hit; same agrre- fAR VETERANS FINED $1,000 SELLING BEER l ;in oi'Katllillimi. COLLINS' BODY funeral Scrvlco Held at Wouth of Shaft This Afternoon (Ai: CU V l eb. 17. - - I hc lilllllll I mill in uhleli I'b.v.l PUI ! I'lllll II II "Cot- kill- I'l'iiny III lunii'd alive nearly 'K awn will leinain his dituh iiwiiif; In Hie dan-'iitn- ,e body. Tin' 'aid l.ollhis had been r' Ihree In five day body was reai-heil es- I'lllt' .sei'Mees fiioon nl I'll' iNfiwi -I... ri were held lite inoiilh of MISS TOLMIE Mict of Suicide Whllo of Un- sound Mind Brought by Jury ir'"IIIA. IVI I'' Wlllll' '"'urtii'i I'l.i'nii,., "iilh i. 17'. A entic! of unsound inlml )eslei ila v bv I he " -Miry itmuiriiiL' Inl o llie uf Miss (ierul.llni. 'l',.l,i,, 1,',!' 1 r"'"l "'I a cut pall. I'" second Morey wlmlow "' "''III!'. Shi '"imy l.l,.,, i was a niece of ''iiinil (iovernor l'al- , 'nul made .r ,,. wilh If 1 I'nli'i' ,,,,, .., i, ... ,,, , - I 'HI' t.piilliils. KING GEORCE HAS BRONCHITIS ATTACK l.livi.,.,. ' I'VhT It ' i ' . " is nrrn,.i.. vni' ,r. ii.. ( "is run, i.t,. i , , , i Kinir from lirini- repoiled aflerniinu. menl, will stand u at prei-n. j .Mayor Xewlon, In opening the ; subject. I oli I of an informal j Hireling Dial hail I n held .y I In- rily council last week where it had lii'fti decided to recom- mend thai tin1 iisscssmenl should stand a til pri'M'iil ami Ho- n) power rale of ftv per kilowatt' : should In.' granted together vvillt "' a flat rale of 10 for wulrr. Thi bglslrata Decides Dominion woubLbe, for Hit; . priWl': year OrBanlxatlon Liable For (only ami not Inler lliati October Local Branches lHT(iliiA( I rb, 17. -For rll- tninors a fine of llllM)StMl u ll . (In' V 'ran-. Association Mm police court lu ini'iit. It had also been nim-rd Ihat the 'mill owners should be asked to sell their product It) llie rily ami cill.cns al a price 1 1 1 o I rxceedinx i?2 over Vattcoii- -.- hi ol Hie evidence viT prices. .This slipulalimi bad MiiHistnile Jay dis-' suloeipn'iil ly been agreed lo by l unit Hie aiumeut.H Dial (he mill owners in the following I .i i ,.4 were tltslinel fiotit leleuiain Dial had Jtisl been re- i reived: 'supply "We will undertake In our lumber In llie eily ami local eonlraclorr tit Vancouver prices plus Jfi'J per Ihoiisaml. providing Ihc eily t'rant power and water rale as disrussed wilh .Mr. Hell." Cily Solicitor .liiues ipieslioucd thi' powers of Hie eily lo make an nurecnif nl iTarilim; lumber price In rill.t'iis i-'eneritlly. The proposal was it novel one and would probably have ait cITccl on other lumber companies. Would Take' Chanco .Mayor Ncwloti was in favor of Inking a chance on possible i 1 1 K.ilion when Ihi' nion lunily pre-senleil ilselr lo oblain eheaper prices for cili.ens. Aid. I'.asey fell similarly. Inasmuch its Ibis li'iilalive aitrei'itieul iiad ln'cn made, he (Aid. Casey felt llie nrriinpenient shout, I be conllnn-fd. He itioveil ai'corillnyly ami Aid. I'crry said he wits - i 1 1 i 1 1 k In MToml provbled I bel li wit .some limit lo Hie water Ihat might be roiisumi'il uutler the flal rale. .Mayor Xcwlon fell Ihat Mipula-lion a o waler niiytil be waived in view tit llie fitet Ihat Ihc proposed iigrrcmenl was In he for .si'clt a simri penoil . ir necessary, be would approve of Hie whole Mil,' beiny put lo the vole of Ihc people al Ibis time Aid. Perry also Ihoiihl il milit be wise to lake the advice of the t:ill.cii.s. Aid. Casey could not see Hie necessily of sjoint? In llie people wilh Hie temporary nurre-iiieiil. ills molion Ilial Hie aree-itieut be ciiuflriueil ami Ihul the eily ,olldor hi aulhori.i'd lo ilraw up llie cotilract was seconded by Aid. llrovn. Stophens Disapproves "I can only register my di"-approval of Ihc whole agreement," declared Aid. Slephenx. "It eoiislllulcs a eoniplelu ami iitieondllioual .Htirrcmler lo the company by Hit' eily. Tin elli-zeus will gel uolhiug while lite mill will Kd till il has asked for. 'emil limed on pa?e I wo (25 BOSTON GRILL Large Upstair Dining Hall, Library ... Legislative v with nrwly laid dancing llulldirtg, Parliament floor for hire. Suitable fT Anywhere i . dances, banquets and wrd Stand Royal Hotel, 3rd v. ding parlies. and bin oi. PRINCE RUPERT For rat-s, apply In Iioston MATT VIDECK, Prop clrilli Third Ave. Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Phono 457. km, XV NO. 1. Tono.vm. i pii it ... Tlii' returns no In mum today given mil by Hie Church Cuinii bureau in- tliralc thai I;jo:i ronrr- gallons jiad then voted in favor of Church t u ton ami t:il against. This is in ailililimi lo Hit' large llllllllK'l' (if rOllgregillltlU favijiiiii union wliirli do jioi vole. :P. BURNS GETS ll i lie council anil company would ifct to.-i'thcr aain to Railway lu.'Xolialr a pcriiiani'iil ayrcc Company The way is now open for. I'. Hum ( Co. I, Id. lo build Hie ahal-loir thai lliey have in'oposed lo erect at Cow Hay. Tlirouuh Ihc local Mtperinleiidenl's offiee, the company has been offered Hie lease of loll feel of water frontline jtisl west of Ihe Imperial Oil Co.' dock. This i prac.lieally idenlical wilh what it asked for. Whalever Irarkapc Hie eoniiauyi re,llires will also he sranleil. I In reference lo Ibis, II. I "., ' .Moore, llie local mauamer for l'.j Hums Co., staled this afternoon that the plans Tor llie ahal-l loir were in Ihe hands of llie head office ami he could not av! definitely when t 1 1 i I 1 1 1 1 would proceed. Itefillile decision has not yel been reached by llie railway company wilh respect In Hie appli-Ciilimi of Ihe Filsott Co.'il Co. ami Ihe Cousuiucr.s Coal Co. for waliTfrouliiKc ailjoiniiiK lli.il which has been pnuiled lo I'. Hums. It is expecled Ihat lltese applicaHims will also be deriu-ilcly sellled wilhiu a short Htite. INQUIRY INTO HUGE SWINDLE Alleged Obtaining of False Certificates and Permits of Entry For Foreigners j . OTTAWA, Feb. 17. searching Inipiiry into n liuue swindli1 was allegedly unrarllied by Ihe Cauailhiii Mounted police In Ihc Illegal obtaining of eet liNealcs of iialui'Jili.aliou passports ami immigration permits ror entry to Camilla or relatives and friends id foreigners by conspiracy ami fraud I lieing continued by Ihe authorities. n is iiciicw'ii mom are ninny case of large sums paid agenls in ( .n n in I it ror ilhigally bringing fnreiiMiers to Canada. Itrv. Arthur Harner id Toronto, siiperlnrendeut oT Methodist .Mis. sinus, iiner having spent Ihe past month in I his district, is sailing wilh Mrs. Harner this afternoon nn Hie Canlena for Vancouver. . l'HixuE m Pi:irr, H.c., tli:.siiay, fkhul aiiy 17, Announces Lease of Property Has Been Granted Attack Government Policy 3ut no replies From Other Sido of House j OTTAWA, l (Jb. 17. The d-.'Itale on (lie address finally end- il In lite House of Cominons last nielli. Tin- address was adopted mi it division Inil without g ,ic tml recording of tin' Mile and without (In- submission of at ami'iiiliiifnl, : Mnr llie debate wii triii mi1 I'riilny, Mo' t'liraki'r.s were en-! 'iri'ly f mm.. 1) lie dmnrrvalivc! t'irc.. Umiubl tfiilherlaiid ofl I'lllt Oxfiirtl ullarki'il V. T. I'rcftoii. wlm iniesli'f.ilnl Ho-Xorlh Alliiitlir Toiiiliinc. Horatio lloi'ki'ii of Wt Toronto sajil i:aii;nla was lii-iiiir. Iiixn'l lo tli-alh. .1. X. Sliins(.7ir Kasl li-iii nuk- ril whitl wits tisi of siimhIIiis innncy on iinmiKmlion when ror wry raw liiiTiii$rranl who t-ii-It'trd Mir rmiiilry (wti nallve i'.anniliiins wrhl mil. Hon. J. P.. llaxlrr ih'tlatfd'llo' spcirli rpon lln Ihroiif was. nolhin but ittt alli'iiipl a( patrjiwiirk. Vote for Elevator at Ottawa Half Million Dollars in Estimates OTTAWA, Felt. 17.. The. main e.stinuiles ror Ihe mining fiscal year tabled in Ihe House i,f Uonunons last night liv; lion. .1. A. Molili, ailing minister of nuance, cunlaiii a .sum or Vnoo.ODO for the grain eli'viiltir at Prince Hupi'il. Halifax gels 57;,ooo lor tin elevalor ami Iv-iiuimall tlrytloik is jiruviiJcd lor In Ihe exleiil or !j!,(iiM,(il)li. The lolat esliniales for Hit; year provide for expeiuliliirc or ):iiS,ii;ilS,ri7, a reilnclion oer lust year of !?t!,li;t:i,27ii, ror similar services, OFFER IS MADE FOR PROPERTY Proposal to Erect Concrete Block If Sale of Government Land Is Made An olTcr has I u made In the provincial government fur one IiuihIi m feel frontage on Third Avenue al Hie corner of fourth Slreel, wlii'ivr the library building now stands, the person making the nlTer is ready" to give .,.,ti,o(il) or Ihe properly and lo ereel a Iwo slurry roncrcle block thereon al once. There is nothing to indicate whether the' tiovernmcnt will iceepl the ull'er or not. The (oM'inim'iil had been- expecting to gel more money than Ihat f iodic land. If it is sold il will a1 once become taxable, whereas a! present il pays uolhiug In Ihe eily. It is also argued Hint it would begin to fill up a bad gap which at presenl inlerferes with business. The Provincial lio eminent assured Ihe Library Hoard at Hie lime I bey were given the ustftif llie building, Ibal lliey would he allowed lo. move il olT, in case of Ihe properly being sold. Thi lliey will doubtless do If Ihe sale Is foustitnimilcd. II Is understood Unit I lie eily ha room for Ihe library building' on its properly near Hie City Hall. .Mrs. F. C. l.a Trace left on last night's train for SI. I'aul, Minn., on a holiday trip. POOR FARMERS WANT PROTECTION AGAINST SWINDLES I.OMiOX. Feb. 17. A score of .Middlesex rarm-cr. reiiuesli'd. Ihe Coiern- niciil lo aid them In covering the sum .fl'KH.iMM.) iuM'sled by in Texas nil slocks. allege they were victims ot one of he Kl'calcsl swindle cut staged Ontario, TMttrdty'i Clreieatlon 1702. ttritt SttM 404 First Attack on Policy of British Government by Opposition Falls BJiCK DOOR PHOTECTION I.OMiOX. Feb. 17. Tim pov-I'litinriil was liclm-imis In n; IIuihi' of C.oiiiniofis last liijjlil i'.'.'uinsi first oipiijoii attack on ils uriii'ial polioy wlnti hy a olc of ;i.'!." lo 1 Hi i ilc-Ii'.tlcil llaiusjiy '.Macilmtitld'.s re-Milnliim ili'i'lariitK Ihal tlo; inrlh-! ml proposed by Ihc KUVi'('tiiiienll Tor reviving ami are;ruahlliiK fjfj industries- by duties nnisl lead lo! a sysleni or enciitl lariffs.; I'ri'iiiier lliiblwjit. defi-ipliim' ; Ihc overtiincitl, leileraled Ihat he Inlemleil lo abide loyally ,y Ihc ciiiiiilry's derision at i veneral elecllmt it yi-ar afro au'tttiisi proleclion, and lia l no idea or tryiii lo iitlrodnee pro-Icidimi by (he buck door. HOCKEY SCORES Vancouver 3. C.al-.'aiy I. fteu'ittii li, Kdntonloii S. re- or I hem They in STORK'S MOTION IN HOUSE OF COMMONS COVERS LOT OF GROUND The molion lo be moved by Fred Stork asking for returns in Ihe House of Commons, mention of which was made Saturday in it special despatch from Ottawa asks that Ihere be returns of all mimics received by (he lUuninion goM'riimcui from all sources within the boundaries of each province ami Ihe aiimuul expended by the dominion in each province. In addition he asks Ihe amount of money eonlribulrd lo eaeh province hy Hie dominion since eoufederallon with a view lit ascertaining whether the present basis of contribution by provinces is fair and equitable. Advertise In the Dally News. PRICE FIVE CENTS. MILLION SET ASIDE FOR ELEVAT GREEMEHT WITH ILL OMRS B TO EE VOTED OH BY MTlPtfh; greement with Sawmill to go Before the People lor Their Endorsation Before Effective lives Concessions regard to Power and Watert 1 but in return City Gets Cheaper Lumber AHer u U 1 1 C 1 1 1 V discussion which wu nul devoid of some , lu: i in imonioii rrniaiks particularly between AM. Lia-ci nltAlil. Stephens, the t-ily council lal night derided In Miluuil i ic people iiu iigrcemeiii, spoiiMimi y .Mayor .ewloti, whric- llu'Se :i Cove riivntill will given ror Ihe linlnure of Ibis year . . i i i i i . hut:: .JUi": Willi iTicri hi wmrr ami power supply ill iT'llini vim !i Jt lit; mill will agin- In Miily li Ihc rily anil eilizriis liiiltr:- if ,i rif: iiol cxrecuiug if r iiiotisuml out Vaiiron- ri' !'" ! CHURCH UNION HAS 1300 VOTES AND 431 AGAINST CONSERVATIVES BALDWIN GETS 1 MAKE SPEECHES GOOD MAJORITY Proposal to Place All City Lots on Market in near future under Comprehensive Plan says Casey A debate, or some lenglli as to Ihe principle that should bo applied bj the city in disposing of lols, that liad revcrtetl io il at lax aie was indulged jit at Ihe meeting or Ihe council Ias.1 night. The mailer eame up in couueelioii wilh Ihe iiiening or lenders for a number tr lots for which npplieuliun itad been made ami which had bceii .siib.sciuenlly adierlised ror sale. Jl ,ws sug-gesleil by Mayor Nrvvlnii thai Ihe bitls be referred o Hie rinaiire eoinniillci; wilh jiower lo del ami Aid. Casey moved lo Ibal ef-fecl. Aid. Sli'plM'iis felt Ibal Ihe principle Ibal might be involved was loo imporiaul a one lo be dcall wilh summarily by the finance eoimuillce. Tte eittire council, he Ihouhl, should share in Ihe responsibili'ly. . There should be a definite policy which could be applied lo all such lots. i lieu lite city eouiii noi be ae- usi-d of playinjr favorites.. lie Would reroiniueml that the as- sej.sei ill mi I iitu would bi; a fitirer hitsis in ilispnsiug of such lols than thai of accrued taxn- lion aiainsl Ihein. Aviiinsl two of thi' lots now under considera- lloii llipre was a total of t,7ou in aecrued taxation. An offer of Si'Oli each had been. made. In. this Jittili U-'X-"'""''' ',aJdly exjicej In i itT'Im the S (7(7(7 T "HtV "Ylie olhi'r hand, he.wji mot in favor of s.-icri firing lot at less than (In' assessed values because litem was only it .small amount of luxes against them. Aid. Casey's Plan Aid. Casey Ml thai, ir Aid. Mephcn.V policy lo hold out for Ihe assessed i allies was ailoptrd, the eily would be able lo do no. business in lo .selling. The eily-now held over Hon tax sale lots PROTECTION IS BATTLECRY OF CONSERVATIVES Party Headed by Arthur Molghon Would go Limit In Higher Duties OTTAWA, Feb. 17. - Protection to the hill U (he proposed remedy fur all Ihe ills of state ,ae4;6riliiiKto- ' Ihe - lm.ervalive parly now pulling up a vigorous opposition to Ihe government. This is directly opposed to the policy of the Progressive I'arty, which is also part of Ihe nominal opposition but which through lis vole Is keeping the government in power. The debate, oil the a I- tlress shows clearly Ihat the t'ro- grcssives have nothing to hope for from the Meiglicn group. during the debate on lite address Hie policy of mots I of the ami lie fell dial its many of I Item Conservative speakers has been as possible should be disposed lo pa i n I a nloomy picture and of. ir Hit- eily could sell all then to place beside It another lltese lols ror the taxes Thai picture or what might be it nro- slood against, Hiein it would teetion were put into Torce. bring in a revenue of ijlln.non. 11 does not look as if Hie op-All Ihe rily should expect lo gel position would pierce very deeply out of Hiem was Hie money owed j the armor of the government and them. II would be wise, be fell, get rid of litem on Hint basis. He fell that the present offers might' be referred lo the finance' committee wilh power lo act. Later on," said Aid. Casey, "af ter Ihe assessment has been cllled, it is my intention lo lay before Ihe council a program lo dispose of Ihe entire bulk of lltese lols." - Aid. Stephens inquired if it' was AM. Casey s inlention to sell any of Ihe properlyjit less than Hit- laxes against il. lit reply, Aid. Casey said it would be his inlention to lake sill Conditions into consideration, such sis past ami present values ami fill ure prospects, and judce on Ihat basis. Some lots, be felt, miuhl bring more than Ihe taxes against litem, others less, lie would hope lo strike a balance, dough Hie rily might stand lo lose some inonev in lesnrrl of accrued luxes1. In any case, Ihe'f"' eily would be able lo know jusl how much il was going lo lose. Reply to Casoy Aid. Stephens said that his platl would be Ibal, if Ihe assessed value of die lots could not bi- taken as a basis, at, least a peieenlage of could. Aid. Casey 1 1 it ( I said Ihat the eily would gel t 10.0011 H it obtained Ihe laxes against all its lols. However, il was not his (Aid. Casey's, policy to get thai 110,-ono for he had said Ihal Hie city would lose on some while il might gain on other. "If the. eily does not consider lis lols worth anything, then how ran the private holders 'be expcoled lo do so?" Aid. Casey Ml that, ir the city continued on page 5' an elect ion is ; bilily this year. carcely a proba- WATSON COMES FACECHARGE Left This Morning for B.C. After Waiving Extradition Pro ceedings SIL'1TLK, Feb. 17. - Moss Watson, former Seattle ib lec-tive, left on the D o'clock boat today in custody, of the provincial police for lliitish Columbia lo face a-charge iif participating in Hie Nuuainio Hank. I robbery. Watson waived exlra-jiliHou after two months of futile fight against It. He declares he will prove iin itlihj. Application lay. bail will be made -without de- COLLINS DEAD WHEN REACHED Rescuers Came Too Lato as Life Had Fled Sovcral Days Before CAVF. CITY. Feb. 17. -- Afler more Ihaii Iwo weeks battle with ' nature the rescuers yesterday reached Floyd Collins in the gravel cave where he luuf' been pinned by a rook wldeh held hi foot, only lo flnit.iiiti'i dead. Physicians who examined the body said that 'Collins, had been dead several days.