-AGE SIX THE DAIO NEW 3 Optician and Optometrist YOU CAN'T AFFORD BAD SIGHT. WE FIT YOUR EYES CORRECTLY. Carefully trained, experienced, registered optometrist. Qualified by experience and practica knowledge of optometry, to render you the very best service possible, whilo our charges will be found reasonable In every Instance. WE REPLACE BROKEN LENSES Plamonds, watches, clocks, silverware, cut glass, Ivory, genuine leather goods, and a large stock of umbrellas. OUR MOTTO "Price and quality." Inspection Invited Max Heilbroner Diamond Specialist VOLUNTEERS TO i BE TRAINED BY ! PETTYOFHCER G. H. Kinch Permanently Ap-j pointed Here for Position of Instructor Willi llii- arrival of Chief Petty Olllccr (i. li. Kinch from the Ks- 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 : 1 1 1 nuYiit training station i lie work of flu local naval i volunteers will l immediately got under way from a practical standpoint. Chirr I'i'lly Ollirer Kinch, who has been pernianrnl- jly appointed Jiy the Ottawa gov-icnunenl lo give" naval training to the 52 rulings lo ho voluntarily enlisted in I'nneo lluperl, has hail Iwi'iity-ninc years experience .in the lloyal Navy and Hoyal Canadian Navy and will bo responsible for all future training of recruits iirior to their leavin? for more advanced iiislruclioii at Hip Ksuiniall navnl harracks. In addition lo giving instruction this Chier Petty (illicer will he in charge of rer railing. ltecraiis will lie signed on for WESTHOLME THEATRE Tonight Only, 7 and 9 p.m. "THE ARIZONA EXPRESS" A niile-u-miuiilc railroad thriller ndnpled from Lincoln J. Hurler's famous melodrama of llial name. An express that carries a large consiguiiienl ir love, inyslery mid nnuiiiice. A; superb pholu-plny abounding in re-shi ring inciileiils set amidst an iiiieiiiliug variely of lieanlifiil scenery. The romance of n young mail clerk and a lieanlifiil girl anil Hie exciling adventures that lie fell Ilium whilst saving her Imillier from Hie dealh penally fur n crime he hail i)cver eiuiiinilleil. None should miss Ihe Wiisheil out Ireslle and the train wreck, and the hold-up liy mail-car bandits. Strong east. David Butler, Pauline Starke, Harold Goodwin, Francis MacDorTald, William Humphrey, Evelyn Brent, Anne Cornwall anil others. "FIGHT AND WIN" SERIES, No. 7 JACK DEMPSEY IN "THE TITLE HOLDER" INTERNATIONAL NEWS. 35c and 10c MAKE YOUR OWN- Chesterfield and Lounge Cushions- With our Kapok or Spring Cushion Forms. These forms are round, square, oldong or bnlsler. In our slock of (Irelouiies ami Tapestries you will surely find something thai will blentl with your furnishings and draperies. Barries Home Furnishings 3rd Avenuo and 1st Street. 5 Days Phone 123 aS2JEEHJ 5 Days Specials THURSDAY, FEB. 12 to TUESDAY FEB. 17. . White Cotton lleg. ;t()e per yard, o yards for . . . . $1.00 Grey Cotton Meg. ;t(le per yard, r yards for $1.00 36" Striped English Flannelette III Pieces to choose from. Meg. tdc per yard, 1 yards for $1.00 30" Striped Flannelette-ltcg. IKle yard, ' jnrUs for $1.00 Whlto Flannelette - Iteg. ;i(lc, 5 yards for $1.00 Dish Towelling Meg. yrc per yard, (I yards for .. $1.00 Ladles' White and Black Fleece-lined Gloves lleg. otic per pair, for per pair 25c 3 dozen Children's White Flannelette Nightgowns 2 lo (I years, lleg. tyl.'M each, Tor each 85c Misses' Natural Wool and Cotton Vests and Drawers Meg. each, for each 70c Infants' Black Woollen Hose lleg. l."r; each 25c Women's Black Cashmere Hose lleg. $.:ir ,for ... 90c Boys' Heavy Ribbed Cotton Hose Sizes 5 to 7Mi. lleg. 'Hie; pair 25c Boys' Heavy Cotton Ribbed Hose Sizes to U'j. lleg. ('.: pair; It pairs for $1.00 Willi these are offering a large assortment of Iteninaiils which must go at half the prices. Tliesu bargain prices speak for themselves. WATCH OUR WINDOWS Jabour Bros., Ltd. Phone 645. 7th St. and 3rd Ave. I MOST OLD FOLKS REQUIRE A HEART AND NERYE TONIC After mlililln (.' Illtle Klrfclii'sse ml alliiiinU hwiii tinnier tu fluke urf tlian riirim-i ly u I lie lira r I aitlnii limmii'S wrak anil iiiiii'ilalii sunt llm mTr arc Hut a stfinlv o nicy wcro In Hie similiter layj. NAw s Hie time when all strtt l-.i' who wish li maintain llwlr licnlUi ami vlKor anil iHain llielr enew unimpaired sfumliL usu MILBURN'S HEART AND NERVE PILLS Mrs. M. OViiiiiht. WlillcsUilic, Out., wrllrs; " Ikivr bci'ii tniiilili'il, must of my lir. Willi liirlncss or breath, imlpl-Ulhin or the heart, and ralnlliiff kmIU. I was advlM-d. Iiy a rrlrnil, lo try Mil-Lunrs II. & N. I'lIM, whiili I did, nnd ill iMirp rmind relief, and J Have never bad n really bad ell since. 1 am 80 yearsi ir aire and I away keep iheiu in Hie liuiise, and reel that Willi llielr help I will cee ninny year yet. I aluay re-riiinineiid lliim In anyone who Is surrer-iiilf from heart trouble." For ale al all Urupirlli and dealer. a three year term under the existing naval volunteer scheme, and afler a course in preliminary I raining locally in .seamanship, rope splicing and other branches nf nasal knowledge, Ihey will undergo addiliimal and more advanced training at the lloyal Canadian naval harracks at Ks-ouiinall. The training periods al i;s(uiiiiall have heen set down :or .May i lo l(; -Mine 15 lo 27; Sept. 21 to Oct. ;i; and Ocl. 5 lot IT. 1. pun enlistment, and al Ihe oncliisjon of prcliaminary Iruin-,iig, all recruits will he in reccipl if pay Jroiu the lime Ihey leave .he local cumiiany headiuarlers until Ihey return first class I ralisporlalioii heing furnished al government expense. Physical Training A feature of the Ifiiining will he that of physical culture. Ijioii Ihe enrollment of 25 ineii in tin) volunleer reserve Ihe guvcrniuenl win lurnisii gyiuuasiie equipment consisting of vaulting horse, parallel liars, Imrizoiilai hars, Indian clulis, elc. Chief Petty (Illicer Kinch is pratieu- laily widl qualified in this branch of iiislruclioii, he heing a former heavyweight champion of lliel .Medili'rrauean fleet and an ex-.lerl in the art of .Iiti-.1it.sit. Gunnery Training A twelve pounder, IS cwl., iiaval gun, mounted on a regular ship's iiKiiml ing, is already at the local naval hcadiiuarlcrs, ami will he used "for gunnery iiislruclioii. Ilifles and the ncees-mvy leather accnulreineiils are ilready here. The local heailiiiarlers of III" lloyal Canadian Volunteer lle--erve delacliinenl have heen es-iildished in Ihe 'Hays building iml Chief I'elly Ollleer Kinch will attend daily to receive enlistments ami lo give roll parlic-ulars of Ihe many advantages of this lirauch of His .Majesty's ser-. ice. BEN SELF NEW I FAIR PRESIDENT First Meeting or 1925 Board Held Last Night Exhibition Dates, September 8 to 12 TO IMPROVE GROUNDS Erection of Permanent Grand Stand and Removal of Rock on Tapis The IU 3 I'ali Hoard is already; in harness ami is imbued with determination thai nothing' is lo he left undone lo make the Inhibition and alt its alleiidaul functions this year a more successful and attractive event Ihaii ever liefiue. Last night the first meeting of die new hoard was held and it was decided thai the -'a ir would open this year on September H and ennliniic until September I-. Tlij-re was n full attendance of directors at llm ineiding. The eleclhni of officers for I lie year from the board resulted as follows: President H. V. SMT. Vice-president John Itulgcr. Honorary secretary Frank Dibh. Managing ill reel or I. Mel). Hunter. lion. T. I. i'allullo was ve- elected honorary president and . Fred Stork honorary viee-presi-' dent. ' 'I'lie new ni'cslili'iil will Inlor 'announce his sliuidiiiig eoimnil-i lees for Ihe year. Perhaps the nwal Important derision reached lal night was Tuesday F Hexes a 2 Day Spec That Spells Value on Sale Wednesday and Thursday Only, All Day MALKIN'S BEST COFFEE. This line of coffee will relail al 7lc lb. williiu im days. Extra Special at 60c lb. V ll LIFEBUOY SOAP livery home should use .this soap. Special 3 for 25c BROWN SUGAR, :i lbs. for 25c 7 lbs. for EOc Limit I 'i lbs. In each customer. Instant Posium .S oz. tin. lleg. ,-,; i Special 45c por tin MALKIN'S BEST SLICED PEACHES, I's, tails. Special, tins for .. MALKIN'S BEST PURE STRAWBERRY JAM, 1 lb. I'aiU. ' Special ... . AUNT DINAH MOLASSES, V Mi tins 20c ! lb. tins TERRACE TURNIPS 'Ihe best value in roodsluris today) 1(1 lbs. fur V Limit 1.00 In each ciislomer. Service The Home of u20th Century" Clothes Universal Trading Co. SPECIALS FROM LADIES' WEAR DEPT. See these lines in our window SUITS 6 only Ladies' Suits, regular values to $45.00; to clear at $9.95 COATS 6 Girls' and Misses' Winter Coats, full lined with fur collar, regular $17.50 and $18.50; to clear at $9.95 I only Ladies' Plaid Coat with fur collar, regular $21.50; , Special $9.95 CASH AND CARRY SPECIALS FROM 9 A.M. UNTIL 12 NOON ONLY FOR MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, AND THURSDAY 300 TINS SOLID PACK TOMATOES, li'-Ts. lleg. file straight.. Special 3 for SOc 5?0STUM r im 45c 65c 40c 25c Satisfaction lo appoint a eoinniHIee to con-i rer with various civic organi.a-j lions, parlicularly sporls' hodies.j Willi Hie lllliliiale objeel in viewl of having improvements made at Ihe Acropolis Hill recreation ground. II. is desired llial the, rock idle, so long a handicap and menace lo Ihe conduct of games ami sporls, should be removed Ibis year. The Fair Hoard also has in mind II reel inn of a permanent, grandstand. The coinnilltee' delegated by I'resl- ilcul Seir lo pi'oe I Willi this mailer consists oT S. P. Macdon-ald, W. If, Vance", and V. Sherman Jrj . The cily councirs feace Itiver coiiim.il tee, consist lay of Mayor Newton,' Aid. Casey, Aid. l'rrry and .1. C. McLennan, is to uirel this aflejnoon wilh lion. T. I). I'allullo, minister of lauds, along with e Hoard of Trade coiiuuillee recently nppVihleil fur Ihe 3 Diniogroom Suites at a Bargain 8 Piece Hardwood Suite 8 Piece Fumed Oak Suite 9 Piece Hardwood Suite 3rd Avenue. GEO. D. TITE The Quality Home Furnisher $100.00 $120.00 $130.00 phon 1