J The now fLX.IL leiiner Prime Charlesv .formerly St. Margaret, which arrived on the roasl last week and-whieh isfdue lion this nionlli relieving the Prince John on the Uueen fJliailiil-lp Inland service, is a m'w lypo in coast lio.ils. Slip lias a. clipper bow decked Willi n golden figurehead ami yacht like rakish masts ami funnol. About 205 foot Inn ami wilh a forly-font beam, the now slpainpr has arrimiimidntion fur UK) pnssenperx ami 100 Ions of freight. J I ''i average speed is twelve knots. Tin1 Vancouver Sun carried a picture of Hip Prince Charles lasl Thursday. CHANGES MADE IN MOTOR ACT No Ladies' Pictures Must be Stuck " to Upper Portion of Windshield Hereafter SnniP changes have been n.au in Hip motor regulations. One limviihvs Ihal nvrry motor cyrln shall ltj pqniniicil with a rpllrelor nr latny mounlpd on Mm rear rapalih' t)f raflnctiug or displaying a iPif Jijfhl towanls Hip rear ami such Jhimh slfall ho kpjil lifrhfoil luriB? Iip iriotl Inmi ' on half hour after snnspi to one half-liour lipfnrn sunrise. It is proviilpfl llial no moUir vphielp shall hsp a signal similar lo that uspiI hy Hip iiroviticta! pnlirp forrp. Dpvipps allowpd for signallinte arP W.S.W. Anlo signal, MUcIipII safety signal, Universal sipial ' syslPin, (.onion signal, and MpU lis hand siprnnl.. Nolhiiijf is allowpil lo ho slurk to Hip Uipr half of dip wind-shiill nr to tin- rear window of a niolop vpImpIp. NO NEED FO IE LABOR Plenty of Men Here Now to Handle all Work at Present OffeVinn Whili; thorp is nioro local work iir IIip city gnjng'i.i. at Iho jirpspnl limp Ihroiisfli I h- mill rpoppiiinff, plpvalor huildinp, cilyi finunly Court ca-ios for the mnnUi of April wen- sol as follows by .Judge Yimni; this fnorn-ing: ; Charle,? Levi vs. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., 175 wages in liPU'of wrongful dlsinisaal ; j Williams, Manson iV Vion.ales for plainlilT, W. ,K. Fisher Tor Je-fpudant; April 8'. Mrs. Kmma Kdwards vs. Ilert Hanson, .$'.17 for ronm rent; Pat-' imTre VFullnn for plainlilT and' WUi)J"UH Manson (joiijyilps for dcfemJanl, April 25. liuif?rjal Machine Works vs. I C.urles;y'. Wnul, 3r..l(T for re-pairs.o pnlMat ; ' Palniore A Fulton for plainlilT, Williams, Manson (ionales for defendant. April '15. The apidicaiion for Kxpositn Vincent for naturalization was approved. ' . The Oaelle announces that WilliHin lleerintr Lukens of Pall ing bus been appoi'hleiltii 'notary ' public 1 1925 by Imt-l Feutuhs Sewvice. Inc Cr'at Jritain riphtft rervect. CHAPMAN WAS. DARING BANDIT Escaped Number of Times After Engaging In Many Holdups in States . XKW YOItK, Apl. 0. Tiprahl t.hapiiuin, who iSatu'rday was spnlpucpd to han on .Juiip' I, oflon calli'il a nioili'rn Jpsp .lamps, first fiaini'd nolorioly in hjs- daritlR li-ailwsliip of Hip VensaMrtnul'S?. .00,000 holdup, of a ffovcrnmpnl mail truck on lmv-pr Ilrtjadxyay in Oclnhpr, 1021.. Cbapman and his hand hail wntahftl Hip downtown post, olTiri for wWkA. l-ParnmS: of a rich ship.mpiri of rppisJ ered rnaih Uioy folUwpd. Hip seeld mall triiek in an aulnfnhldlo wIipii it slarloiJ fo Hip grnpralifosl otlh-p iijdown jusl hpforp dayhi-pak. Iiiawiii-,' aloiiKsidP, I hoy crowded , IIip fruek In IJip curb. Willi ImUIi vehiule aill inovinp, Cliapnian htm tiled flrr Riivii-nninl v.fn nml povered I hp ilrivor wilh a pistol. I'liPn Hip ,rnhlprs turned t In Iri-t'k into l.ponard Sfrppt ami rp-inovpd its" walfh "nf pnsh an, -sppuril ios at Ihftr ltiiure. . diapinan was trarHl and eatipht a fpw monllis Ta,lPr in j fasliionahli (traniPYcy lark viurp hf was found limg in a liixnri ous apartiiiPnl . riniii(r hi- sulispiiumil prilliHfr on an upjnrfloor-4iMl! KtMi huildinp. he suddenly di-;ipe;i' oil Ihrouglr an tppji window while hU lynjlorft'- iiacks were luriicd. Hp was eornerpd after crawling along a, iiHrrpw I wl ., liiKh ahovp llroadw-ay ami op-posile Hip Woohvwrlh Iniildin. Ho had nearly rnlioil a window in another otiieo farllipr down wliieh would likely have led lo freedom - cMade Get-Away Chapman and (ipnrjje It.- ('MMitel.") Andprson, an aeeoin sti-ccl work, ,pIp. than I here liiisjplj(.e, were spnlenee.il, Tor tlio 'Been Tor a long lime, Hip provin-jmail rohherj- in jVu-ysd, i'J22, eial lahor bureau emphasizes IJio IkIi. receiving 2r.-year terms in slatenienl thftl Ihere are plonly.Hie 'Fedo'4il peiiilenffary al Al- qf men here lo mwj reiiuiro- laaln, (iearjfla,, Holh aflorwardfl.1 ijieni ami mere is. no can lor ; escaped. Allilerson IS Still ar Oni her iieoplo jome hare seek-ilaruc. , . iiik eoyooyinrni. i nere aro very few pernianenl rrsidpnis of Ihel cily wiUjoul work lyjl there are alioul 100" men rcristefvd a seeking Jobs. The riwui of lise Have pfbmo in from l.ie' soulJi and prairies and there are a number of loggers among Ihein. The riiovenienl of men to Hie city still rohlinues despite wartiirips that have been Issued that there may be no.. work for them. COUNTY COURT Cases Were Set This Morning for April Three Actions on Docket AN INACTIVE LIVER IS THE CAUSE OF CONSTIPATION Wltfii jour llwr Krts xhimclsli mi l lii-artlve ftiur huht IKallh nurri i-. Yiiur bouel liriini ci.iiiiiiilfil; .iH luivn lrk ami biltong' iM-ailai ln i; y.rtir tfi.flie r.iiaien xnd Curry; ymir lin-alli ?wk flint bftrort ymir eyes, awl iiftMl you feel ir you were goinn l taint, erl11y If hi i rrwiltl ptnre where llM-ri' Is lllll nr iw vrniilatlim. WlMMl (n Ihls roiliimi.n thprc is only ine ililnir In dn. xml 'Uial Is l title L&XA-LIVER' PILLS U) tl pruporly n Hie Ik.mHj. ami ibitx clla away all th p't8'iniei iruttrr Umi Is resHitfaltt fftr H jFour llvor innibhw Fop aln al a4l lnttrirlj and ihalrr; pill un only by The T. MUliurn Co.. I.lai IImI. TfrtMnto. Onl. in Alheiisi, i. WiUrii) a month. and si ill in the care of the surgeons, he escnned niysfirioi!1 a second time. Tor nuuiMis he eludeil a nal iuii-w ide scareh in Which home of I he best inan- Irackers in the country look his trail. Various crimes and "join," iwanwliile. .which apparenJrv could not he otherwise explained, were pill down as:. "it' r.han-inan.' AIhio-I iii arial.lv. Iimv .ever, fliey in'nei I,, i;,m' In done try siiiiiciiiie .'Im'. 1 Escaped Again Pal ruliiiaii .lames Siev nf Xew Hrifatn. Conn., was i ;t i i when lie surprised two safe blowers in a depiu'liii4ul store Kiinda) niyrning. Dctbber i, ii'i. lb-fell under the bullets of one yeic who shot bis way out. I'lie other was raufrlu ami proved lo be Waller K. Shean, son of a Sprintf field, Mass.; hotel owiiur. Shein and ObapniauV Uw man who Rid away. Three months laler, January IS lasl, Chapman was finally pun lo carlii " in Muncie, Ind., by postal atrenls who had never re laxed Iheir two-year hunt. Ho was taken Imok to Atlanta, bu' was later brought to Connecticut for frial for the Skelly killing. Chapman-made bis own first John. Smith arrived in Hie city successful dash in March, 11123. from Sniilhers, Ihis innrniit; to Jle was re-eanhireil two days lake un Ins iIhIkvs as sfleno- laler, hleediHg from various grapher in the loe:rl ntllce of lh woiinds, and placed in a bnspil;:! - i-iiviiieial notice. At the end of washday And a few yeart of thU tiring toil will make you actuklly i.s oid In apptarince as one day' work now makes you feet Keep your youth by using ouf Thrif-T-aervica. Its coat is very alight, yet your entira bundia wjU bt washed carefully, the flat work how old H fl do you feel? ivi its juxwiwa will be ironed, and just th wearing apparel left for you to finish. And this comes back to yon damp, ready to starch and iron or hang on the lit.. May we send for your bundle next wasbdayf 5c Per Pound, Plus 1c Per Pieco. Minimum Charge $1.00 CANADIAN LAUNDRY AND DRY CLEANER Phono 8. ' SnJ tttt ruif vets 3, page rotm PRINCE CHARLES BRINGING UP 'FATHER By George McMar anus ( . vrt-ut-rcuet I f f vei well wasn't KH t HSNC I "PRETTY SHIP" ILL LT RCNQf J XH OUT THfb Evem.no Ol IT p-ui r- .. .. - . ' - ,1 T., , fTT iHtot 1 cmt uu er. cuavO toco ir4i . I A M- I V K. ET A M a I r c-i-y- i " swevj,- inc. i With Clipper Bow and Yachtlike ..-J Lines, Is New Type In V Coast Boats . , i . , i a. POWER BOAT'S Between Elohty and Ninety Miles Ntede by Racer liin itOIT, Aid. (i.- The .greut-i's !eod lest of all lime, so far as power lMttt. are concerned, is 'anticipated when Commodore Unr A'ood aho a Kreiieh driver, as yl 'Unij7Un3tl, ninluh skill and ewfl on,;irAit rhior for the f!TOwurtrtvifitpu. Wfiea the ll-opjy tet defen'ded Wool wa ptHN'jte show a sK-ed of Tltey will silmulalfi thf flmnrtsli livor ' Sl bs3Lj, "ol , ' . . ' ' Ibat II will rrtiihle Om ON., uf blfc- ' oowvnr, iyr bis opponeni inei wttb mishap ami sunk before Hie fV.e wu ivofljleli'd. Thai vva iiv 1 92 1 , and AVood's Miss America II., which had developed more IJiaft 8(1 miles an hour in otllcial Irials, never1 has raced since. A new crfl oT Hie hydroplane lypf, powwud as wa' Miss Amoiie II., with J'our Liberty moltri of 2 cylinders eacb. probauty will be huill for Wood !o tlrTend I hi- "H.I.-T."' as the Mftjniiswnrtk jtijlicially is desig-rated. Since the deed of gn fl covering the j;obl cum trophy ha- been revised In limit compel it ion to ran or the rimahoul lype, me 'inlish Inlej'uationiil. trophy is fie onU renmining event that ,'ives rep. rein to conteslauls -eking sjm'pI records. Tim gob! up went hack i'ar lasl fall for Mie Tirsl lilno -ince 11115. - . i Sport Chat -a I i a Willi considerable improve ments lo be effected al Hie Park Avenue range ami compel it ion will! oiilsidV learns in prospect lor lajcr In Ihe. season, llift .'rince Hnpert fiuu Club is look- ng forward to an active ami cn- Miusiastic luapshooling season. J'his will be fne third year Ihal ; lie chili has been in active operation. The pant. Iwo seasons iiavd been tboroiisnly . enjoyed by Ihe members who are on Ihe increase. II is expected dial nine trophic will bo put up this year lo further .sUimilalo Hie in ret in the sport. 'fhe IwiMilyftviJiifannual longress f Ib lifttJifhM iWlilst ).e)rii will lake place In Toronto I'roiu Thursday to Friday of this week. The tournaments will on-isi Im.IIi of w"!iil and bridge ind ihere will he an international bridge game oneu In Hie enliro wo; -Id for team of four players Sold medals will be presented to Hie winners. Among Ihe, cities o lie reine.-enled nl this con-L'ri ss will bo Toronto. Hamilton .omlou 'Oul.i, Woodstock, (d- MiiLwuod. Moulmil, Cleveland, New York, IlartfoHl, llelniil, spriiigfiold, Chicago. As far as he conmess Is concerned, in ercsl in whist "has been flagging n i ent yeart, ffivlns way to iriilgr 1 1 4 1 1 1 . I sjKhlly Ihroiigb having miole an ext ra call nl Claxlon in Ihe Skeena Hiver, Union sleamer Ujirdeiin, Caid. A. I. Dickson arrived from the soillli al 5 o' clock yeslordav 'afle.rnoon, sail ing al 8 for AHJ'J Alice Arm and Stewart. Among Iter pas sengers, the Canlcnn bad Ihe following: for Prirtce Itupert Jumps ftpiers, Mr. .Ibliahsen, .1. Hiinell, Alex Yule, Mr. and Mrs 1.1. Moehida and. faintly, K. Carson, A. Itichnirind, N. 13. Ilyman; for Arrandale, Mr. apd Mrs. W. Walker ami family, Han Olirblophersnn, 11. MuITpIJ, Mr. Smith, (leorge Latids, A. Ilowan, F. Ilowan. . Flolnhcr, L. Wil-riain- ami Mr. I'ollieringlifini; Wanted For Sale For Rent FOR SALE TO RENT FUHMtSHEl llousekocping Suite for rent. 4IQ Sixth Avenue, lUtst. Phono IMue 278. If FOIt IlKXT. Two furnished bed- sitting rooms; every comfort. J0I0 First Avenue. 83 WILL HKNT Furnished desk room our ollien. estenhav,r , Mros. tf AUCTION SALE vnrnox salk win bo held at the Alaska llnonis. Iehiml Prince Itupert Hotel oh 'Tliurs day, April 0, at 2.30 p.m. consisting of oak chairs, bulfet, dining table, living room suite, upholstered in tapestry bedroom suile. in French gray. Vietrola, heit, bureaus, Chiii-goleum rugs, linoleiim, llur-ney range, healer, electric healer, aluminium ware,- etc., carpets, etc. Philpolt, Kvilt A Co., Ltd. Auctioneers. BOARD MOAMD. Tim Inlander, 830 Second Avenu Phono 137. MOAIU) AND UOO.M, or board ohly. Phmie Hcd 707. LOST LDST. .snmir parcel Willi .la bour's slip inside on Third Avenue "or Meltride. Kinder please relurn lo Daily Xews (Ulicc. LOST. Vest pocket c;ird case. Owner's name, inside. Flrtder please relurn lo Daily News ollicc. FOUND FOUND. Munch of keys on ring, Including one C.X.H. switch key. Apply Daily Xewu nlllce. FOUiXD. Pair of child's brown woollen mills. Apply Daily Xcws omee. FOUND. Pair cbibTs fur Iritn- med kid mills. Apply Daily Xews olilcc. FOUND. Post nlllcc key. App Daily News ollice. COLUMBIA RECORDS NFAV Process Coliimhia Ilecnrd no scratching. Finest re , productions of latest Fox Trols, Songs and Instrumental music hy world famed artists Call in and henr thorn. PRINCE RUPERT MUSIC STORE Third Avenue and Mrs. V. K. Ward, P. A. Oluok and A. n(Jdions; fnr Anyox .inmes Kerr. Dr. Kpp pv and Mi for Hlewurl Mr. lluniilton, Mr.j.N. Wilson. Marine Engines l-II.P. without clutch 1 80 .0 t-II.P. 1 cylinder MD 2Uii.ni) G-il.P. I cylinder IID :.. mi 8-11. P. I cylintier Hi 7rn.oD 8-U.P. 2 cylinder MD t50.nu lfl-ltJ. t cylinder LI t75.ml All Hie above exeepl the first include the Famous Joes lie-verso (Scar, and toll electrical and propeller ciUi,i!ient. The best that money ran Uuy. TAXI S92 TIIH DP.PKNDAIJLR TAXI.--Daj and Night service. Comfort and Courlosy is my motto. PHONE 692 CONRAD LEE Stand: Richmond Iloom. TAXI Taxi 67 Phone (Call Oeorge. Paul or Oust Prompt Service and Comfort Day or Nig' t Stand: ROSS BROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Elork, Ac.cs 'rom ;mr llotoi FURNITURE WK handle the KAWCK'IT guareinteed copjior bearilJiT . SIppI Ranges and all grad of Jiigh grade furniture we PRINCE RUPERT EXCHANGE, Auctioneer FURNITURE. New and Secondhand Furnl-ure Store. We Muy. Sell and Ex change New and Secondhand Hoods. QEO. PAPADOPULIS, 339 Third Ave. Pboie Ho GENERAL BLACKSMITH Kvnry description of Mlncksmltb worksdone. Moat work a speciality. Prompt alleinion and moderate prices. A Trial Solicited. J. RV WALKER Near Shockley' Plnnintr Mill. CORNETIST CfillNKTIST desires orchestra nr dance engagements. 'Thirty years experience. T. WlUnn, SI. Klmo Hotel. 8t MONUMENTS P. LeClalro Sub. P.O. No. 1. Prince Itupert, M.C. Agent fur Granite, Marble -and ,StDno Monuments and Headstones. STENOGRAPHER Public Sfenographer E. M. EARL Office: Dollar Store, Third Ave. . Phone: Ilcd 324. If DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2f per.word in advance. No Advertisement taken for leu than50c WANTRD Itupert rind vielnliy. Apply The I. H. Watkins Company, Will pay cash. Phone lied 108. IOII SAL1L Al Terrace. ILC. snveral ten acre tracts and one I acre tract. ljik lloin over and make me an offer. --A C. Lilfle. TO EXCHANGE WAXTF.l). A live man lo go 'WILL KXCIIAMiK improved Ohio into htishiens for himself b; farm. 108 acres, for improved handling Ilie.J. H. Warkina' Prince lUiperl properly. West-Conipany I'rodue'ls in Prince f euhaver Ilpis. C BOATS AND LAUNCHES iriii iiauuitnn birent, an-ipnn'w; iiij icastiiiiI'K 4-(iYni.R couverj iLC. WA.VIKD. Ili4laW laly r geiiileinaiK. for photo operating room or finishitiK and lo look after studio and hotel, olllre IvekfilT Stuilib, cor. Second Ave. a nd Sixth SI reel. 82 WA.NTKD. Second hand piano. 3 .Arid Ut.nj .MAIL SCHEDULE Mro... 17 IT (ieorg... KaaHjbpe To Any L St V. Vancouver. H.U. anti Prtmler- . i ways at your service SHEDDON TAXI 134 Anywhere at Anytime. Five pas senger Dodge. rVdao Coinfwrl and Cotirfesy. Hales: Stic for I or 2 passenger, 2.pu' for each additional passenger. PHONE 134 M ARINE TAXI SERVICER . j' LAUNCH "OlilMabV aJiyOlflPA' vice day or niglit. Comfort Safe.- ConrlMrJ. If tff a water trip call I.ailrie Lambly. P men 570 or 131. For the East-. Moiul i urda) F rni the Eust MoikI,, Fridav To Vancuuf er Tuda . V i ... Sal up! , From Wedii- Sundu- J From Anyox Aiica-ita, tw and Prtn i - l'uesii,i - ti Fridav - il. To Port Sln-.jjf jn jiui'llialf Points llnir- I From Port Sir:. nb YRWer Points To Alaslu Pc r,; - April From Alask.; Po'sX-At.nl ! To Queen Charlotte April : From Queen Chr'' Points April,'-' . , E1X LOLLEv.nO. Uri.i.iri a lt Ave rilti Ave. A Y 8lh Ave v : si Mill v. A ve. . It HI We .v (SIB V P. A Ave. Bth We ' Circle 8th Ave A 1 ' Slu Ave. 4 v ' Pro. 'it 1 -Pro v. 'i"v O.T.P. Wi 2nd Ave. a lld, of V.iv and I'slwi tar s lea.', land. IB ' 1 I'rqvlme "i water let, n n- lows: Ctlll'I'K'U' : Ue Inlet " i rrorii I'm -(oar i ' 1 tKK K I . ' lew, ' " Ut i ' U the - '.'li " a di-i"l" rorin 1 'r ' lie ii 7M'" II-ennrii'-iiri'iii' ' l --p vi icn S' 3rd Ave. & K sn ip.! Ave & "I f Vl COSST XSZatfUi " BE0ARDIN0 LAND AfT. None, of .""n,yr , y In Sk.'iwi i li mriiM Mimi 11 ' - . 1 1 1 a Of Ilinlliiln Iftleii'l- ., Ctm-i' . II . I IK'I " . cni-i'! ' , '", dlili'h uclii.' : 1b'"C-'i m i ": dirpci'' Mill 1 :l" , sink' ,,v 1' '" toininr paled Jnl,rv IS l in hi i i ... ii ii ej .2 VI lilt