Ap'' ' 6, 1025. THE DAILY NEWS PAGJ3 THREI j Local and Personal AST Mj ...At i i 1 Baskets Candy Boxes Chickens Rabbits Cards Egg Dyes Novelty Goods You'll find them all at Irx II m m mm m i y" w m tf a m 1 1 f rsXfKTi Air I Sale I have received notice to vacate my present store, and far have been unable to secure a location. Therefore I must clear out my entire stock of Shoos ' of jif,rlili Solid Lcilher, High ami Low , , 'I lii SH.iiH. Sale Price $0.53 . . . . . . .i tf 1 a tl t- r. '. i I -i - i : 57.50 mh ii" one1 i nrp H" .iini'b. i .i 1 1 1 in ai i 1 1 i it i ..-iifi i w immii 7.50 JU.IIirai V V V. wn.v....r...i.,i. . . ... ...... w W W I . $3.75 $10.00 . , ens rine onucs ;ijhi piiini ii iiuicr iiuis mine. rm' $3.95 CKMlIt. Uln lRlnnI C 1 n 'I'l... ..I. I I It .(. iM'irf .- :.UU E0. HILL r The Shoeman Next to St. Regis Cafe hale Bone rushes i' Hone llriish used in (iriisliiiiK II"' hair will II ' ti 1 1 i.l i, ..nil . I Itiiiilt.ln tl... ..... it. rlli nf . ...- .-.. ' iiii nun . I 1 1 1 II ii 1 till pi"i"iii ii ii o 0-. ...... i. ... ......... ' i-leul use. liae a sliiniiciil of Whale Hone Hriolies iiiiiurleil n 'I fii.in II.. i ......... r.. ..i :.. i. i I ...I.:.. I r '"hi tin iiiiiimi l ii in ri III J.lliaiKI, Willi ii (lit: hi n rtn.'it'ii- i. I i:i.. 1 :.. : . ei"i iiiaiiij nun iow in ji H e languid From $1.25 Up. Iy Ui ulrt liiirk fidil tin' Wlliilc Mimi will shun! ' "fit iiuiir itwji I'oout .....i it..;. iii-.t- ....... i..-t llPllll III UIIU Wlll- .UUI I ll'U l IIHIIII. ORMES LIMITED la Kinnnn. n i . n . w.ivvi uruygisis mo iiexau oioro 3rd Avenue and Sixth Street Phono 200 and 82 i u t- -Tiin v . . . (In "hi "ULt AIM-UP PAINT UP" CAIYlPAIGnl NOW. 1 "i''v slock or lloiiseJioM ainls, Varni-lies, Hn-ihI A ,.S jns UITju.,t j will pay nu In I (. 1 1 1 1 1 :i tl i I " Ii.... I I,... V',,1 ni.liiK Sl-.ui mill "I" I I" 'I. 'Ill .III II I!" - . .1 . i"'" --. ()l slocks nr UiiiMeis llar.Kvare, tar-jtuil M' clumieV ''us C.,irken .Nelliii;?. (i.inlni -""ueiieral IIuiisuIkiM Ni " i" U.I 1 1 iecessilii's are genei'iiusls i e iinr linn nr 'i.' mi i.'Vi.'M m, m tn if ii.ui h ' ,1111111111111111' H9Cnts for thn - Mill IIUI-VAIVIW IIHUJWU TAntri w. . . . f I I IK II ' V A II It 111 1 III1 'I'D' UU1 ri U II .V a h' H I III u oCConH n.. Noar Post Office. 9 ew Spring HATS BflOCK s-nioS::: :::;::::::::: STEVE KING Third Avenue fl.. UC. Undertakers. Phono 41. You'll like our :o;ilI ConSum- its Coal Co. Phono 7. . II lor Tacksee folio "six- scvcii-alc." Hob Arthur. II Jtoy Lam-aster arrived in the city on litis morning's Irniu from Mnilhers, l.adysmilh - WdHngltiir. . "j lu bes!," also "Pot'rUi.ss,- 'smokeless." Prince lUiffcrl Coal Co. Two new cars al your service lay ami nighl. Moderate cliarir's Phone lleil 501. II. V. Syincs II Saturday next is declared n lioliilay for Ihc provincial 'cjvil service, according ' lti an ;t,T ' nounccmenl in (he 1 .(., fiazcttc. -0 tier cent off -Men's ami I. ailies' soils. ()n"er good unMl April .10. .M. T, I,ee, la.lies' ami gentlemen's tailor, Third Ave'. H. U. Walker left on Salunlay veiling's (rain fur HI. Paul, Minnesota, on a' ciiiiiliini'il husiiiess ami pleasure Iriji. He e.xpecls lo he away two or three months. The Kasler lea ami sale, held mi Salunlay afternoon hy ih." l.mlies' Aid or the Methcnljsl Clinreh, proved a very sm-cesafu altair. The sum of $175 was realized. Thomas Wallace, manager o. lite (llaxlon tannery, alul Mrs. allaee arrived at (ilaxlon or Hie Cnrih'ua yesterday aflernoon after having speill (ho winter in Vancouver. ' Mr. and Mrs.. II. Mochida ol I'raser Street, who have heeii oi an exlended I rip In .l.'ipan, re-lurned home un llm dnloiia yes- (eriliiv afleniooii acemimaUied lit Heir f,'iuily. .1. IlHtiiillon was filled 510 nil I lie eily police eourl Ihis morning for driving an aulomohile lo i lie i-niniimn danger. His vvliile license was cancelled, ami ,u Idur one issued. f! lleceived our new slnek ol PralCs I laliy Cliiok I'nnd ami loiillry sujiplies; Flciseliintui's dry yeast; garden ami field seed; Sprall's hird ami dof -upplies. ami our famous Kdsui '.nal. Phone S8. Prince Huperl Feed Co. 02 .1. I.. Itlain, eoiitrae.lor. ha" taken ner K. II. Sheokley's sloe! nf ihuible dressed luinher, .sash ami doors. Also the agency foi .1. l'yfe Siuilli Ltd. hardwoods I'm- liamlsawiiig ami ilaniug johhing ami repairing, phom Hllie 2K. If W. K. Walker, manager of I lie rramlale (latinery, and Mrs. Walker a u i ' family jiassetl through on lW Cardeaii yesterday aflerlioou liouml niirlli. Then1 were also alumni I he vessel ahoul a dojten meiuhers ol I lie Arrandalo slafT. Suslaiiiiug iulerual hums Ihrnogh havju'g'driink uilrie acid on Sal unlay aflernoon, the two-year old daughter of I'ily Police Constnlilc ami Mrs. Alexander Mncilnnnhl, is in (he hospital where he;- condition isreporled lo he as satisfactory as could lie exiiecled. Owen NN'hile. found guilly of assaulting an old man named .lames lleid, was fined $.' in I he eiiy t'olice court Ihis morning. Yesterday aflernoon. in attempt ing In force lleid out of a sliark on Iteach Place, While threw the old man In the Door ami itijnvies Which the latter sustained to his head made necessary Hie services nt a doctor. T . NAJOUNCEMENT8 HatTodil Dance, Queen Mary ampler. I.O.D.F... lloslon Hall. T.astcr Monday, April i3. v Catholic, Spring Sale, aflei'-noon of. April "0, Mclropolo llll followed hy social evening. Tennis Club Hall, Friday, April Itidley Home, Sale, Thursday, May 7. , . If Weekly .Crniierella Dance, Saturday niglil, F.lks' Home. 50c. (iuilly of drunkeJiness, .loseplt Urosney ami iliitfli Kent were ach fined $23.in the cily police ourt Hits morning with (he op ion ' iif Ihirly days' iuipriso'i iiieni. I'., Wnodworlh, ' who arrived from Sniithrrs on Friday, ailed asl night on Ihe- Cardcna for Slewnrl. lie is ponnecled wilh Hie iirnylucial puhlic . works union freighter Clilltlwack, Capl. .1. 1). McPliee, arrived lale lusl 1 night 1 i Lr 1 1 1 from rriiin llm Hie south kiiiiIIi ami, !iml afler discharging luinher cargo it Hie All.erl t MeCalTerj' Wharf, sailed un her return lo Vancouver al nonii loday. FOUR PARTIES IN Gingers Out in Open Rebellion Against Regular O TTAWA, April (i. There was a decided break between Hie "(finger" group of Progressives iir Hie House uT Commons and the regulars. The (Singers number thirteen in all and they can not agree with Hie oilier members nf (he parly. For sonu lime, there lias been a feeling ol irritation between Ihc two ami now Ibis is aceenluated ami from now nn (here will he four parties represeuleil here, Ktlieral, Conservative, Progressive, ami SHERIFF WINS IN COUNTYJOIIRT CASE Action of Charles Johanscn vs, John Shirley ct al Is Dismissed With Costs .luifginciil dismissing I Ii e action with rosls was given this morning by Judge Y'otiug in the ' County Court case of Charles. Johauseii vs. Sherilf Shirley et al in which wrongful seizure of household effects fur rent was alleged. ' K. Fisher liiul Hie ease for (he plainlilT' and Williams, Maiison i (ion.ales for t lie defendan. LARGE PKG. OF HALIBUT PRICES ARE HIGH TODAY Eighteen Cents Paid For Fish Here Today; Arrivals Few M....I. I.. .. 1 1 ii 1 1 1 1 (he atisfaclion of the fishermen operating FOR 35? the fCAV boats that marketed fares, high prices were once again I he order it the Fish Mxchange Ihis morning. "Americans averaged over 18c ami lie. while the one Canadian boat received Iwo cents less for first class am Hie same for second. Five boats marketed 5l).5(io pounds as follows: American Columbia, 1 8,0(10 lbs., al 17.7c and lie, and Oona, 7,000 His., al IK.lic and (ic, In (he Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co. - Valorous, 1 1,000 lbs., at 18.5c and (c, and Cape Clear. 1,000 lbs., at 1 8.5c and lie. In the Uoolli Fisheries Canadian Co. Canadian Hanaro. 5.500 Jbs., al Hi. 3c ami (ic, to the lloyal Fish Co. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert N. K. llyman. Vancouver; M '.. Clark', (ienc;.'ilowil. Central . It. Hal lie. Cily. Vdverlise in I he Daily News A Foreign Municipal Bond we recommended to our clients fifteen months ago, and which went begging at $40.00 is now valued at $14,750.00 Splendid opportunities exist to-day for the far-sighted investor in selected foreign govern-ment and municipal bonds, the merits of which have been exhaustively studied by ourselves. H 'til ftt ftrlicnUn Th. lnv.atm.nt llout. ol C M. CORDASCO 4 COMPANY 290 St. Jm Strett MONTREAL, CANADA V r?. THE OOiTl'ciGARETTE '- M: I 15 PER PKG. - I REMOVAL NOTICE DR. F. P. KENNY,. Dentist, lias moved from llclgersnii IMoek lo moro commodious and np-to-dalc quarters in the Exchange Block Cor. Third Ave. and Sixth St. PERSONAL SERVICE AND RELIABLE DENTISTRY Dr. F. P. KENNY DENTIST Building jVfcteris LUMBER Dimension, Sliiplup and Finishing, Shingles, I.alli, Mouldings, Oak, Fir and Collouwood il IMy Veneers, tiush and Doors. Cement, Lime, Plaster, Brick, Firebrick, Fireclay, Keene's 'Cement, Plaster of Paris, Sand and Gravel, Asbestos Products, Wood Pipe, Vitrified Pipe, Agricultural Tile, Building Papers, Asphalt and Rubber and Asbestos Roofings. Hilrn Ihe Famous NANAIMO - WELLINGTON COAL ALBERT & McCAFFERY, LTD. Phonos 110 and 564 LOGGERS' CLUB HAS REMOVED lo building next door lo FrizzeTl Hulcher Shop, across from the Kinpress Hotel We carry a Dill line of CIGARS, TOBACCOS, FRUITS, CANDIES SOCIAL ROOM IN CONNECTION James Zarelll Proprietor .i s.' . i A 5 if