eS | LETTERBOX | Ray REFLECTS BACK CONCERT SERIES and R . TO RETAIN FINE MUSIC | Editor, Well, there’s one thing that | pay for fp oy : ; ; = Daily News: can help out in this nurse Wonder = Cdmare On Wednesday, Sept. 24, our shortage business. Physicians | pect wien ae F yf | Fst ¥§ as city will be host to three top- , and patients can stop marrying | start looking fed i ~ et polt i | 3 2 Prince Rupert Daily News | acy a is, Saturday, September: } ap independent ibla fj ; 4 Circulations " ASS iation rt Daily News Limited H. G. PERRY, Vice-President 3, 1952 upt ding of Prince Rupen a ; ’ by per year, $10.00 ee Tae —_ drawer musicians who will on | them. ive the first of four de wccccdaall ; ; 7 that day ¢ Chrtena u sil by the Post Office Department, Ottawa. coneerts planned for the Alaska/| Sixteen-year-old school boys | g, . : cc eae BO ots Music Trail during the coming in Edmonton are paid nine dol-| ¢ esi this sansa 2 2? ° , : season. lars a day to deliver the city’s | FOtal of 99 Million 4 What About Our Radio: Hello to Mexico For some reason these coneert light and water bills, Pretty fair | nae i . series in the past have not been j Ph er ge ee Hy migh LTHOUGH voters did not stampede in their TIJUANA, Mexico: It || the financial success they should Lib ti sented, Shaul the : eee 1 . wea : 2 been co ; desire to obtain a new telephone system for seems presumptuous to . ~~ ieee a wa ! efa ion Prince Rupert, the ballots allow no doubt that the |say you have been to || Civie Centre has sponsored the | A WORD op I a: || Alaska Music Trail locally. It is By Force | More and mui public is weary of the present service. Mexico when you come to rumored thet 4 thie season agein | rence Waterways g Those who went to the polls to support the by- | this part of the world— results in a deficit, that spon- | \gye ’ into the news of gy . 1 . ns “ sae + atl el sorship will have to be dropped. | t | is called Gut ie law are sure in the coming year's to earn the grati- for it is almost like bis See alae at catia fanaa 1 feel | sas rous | vast engines tude of those who, for one reason or another, did |ing Uncle Sam’s Point that would indeed be unfor- | KANSAS ‘CITY «

payments, the bed : . the same as handball. The The steward shrugged. Weekly Papers ¢ way of providing narassed by soi] erosion and drought. |players use wicker-cage bats to, ts or er - y “I don’t Know about you,’ income for the y these same _ districts ‘ ' —jhit the hard white ball p|said, and: then he looked“ at Favor Ike Discuss your p which now make up the prov- °° against the end wall and the Hamish and Little Augie and NEW YORK: ‘(AP)—A maga- with a Mutual Life ince’s Special Areas, support a U > Politics opponent must hit the ball on the Colonel, “but if those three eturns to zine poll of 617 weekly newspap- NOW ON representative. thriving population of grain : rebound or on first bounce, | characters go just as they ate, er editors showed 75 per cent EASY TERMS farmers, ranchers and mixed Scene of Much or lose the point. they’re a dead cinch te tie #or sf fayor Republican Dwight D.| ne farmers Thousands of Americans, and | first place in the funny make- rivate aw Eisenhower for president, 20 per ¢ Teale rom 1931 to 1937, residents in hii a.few Mexicans, attend the! up section.” cent want Adlai Stevenson and + WITH ESSO FURNACE Olt ve the areas received direct relief Speech r Ma ing games every night. They bet’ That poor steward was play-|. VANCOUVER (CP) CONFRAGT ASSURED of CANAD! of almost $1,000,000 In 1961, : total direct relief to the same population was little more than — British five per cent are undecided, it ] I heavily on each match, exactly|ing foolishiy with his life be-|Columbia’s former attorney- was announced yesterday. The WASHINGTON (AP) —Gover-'! a; on a horse race—that is for cause I could see Little Augie @eneral Gordon Wismer today poll was taken by the American | y r ilai Ste . “heer, 7 ; . , | nor Adlai Stevenson, cheered by | certain contenders to come first, reaching for his gat and the| waved a jaunty farewell to pol-|Press, monthly publication of! 6 the suceess of his first try at). : : : bet , : sai tats $5,000. agp - j second, or third. But they also} Colonel for his sabre. ities as he resumed his private the American Press Association, aii The Special Areas were or-| WBisue-stop speaking, invaded | have special betting wrinkles| eae jlegal practice he has badly ne-| national advertising represen-| Representatives: ‘ 264 townships and have a rura’ se te ee te known as quinellas. In these GO AS STEWARDS | glected for 16 years tative for 8,892 weeklies. RICHARD SEPHTON, population of 12,552. This popu- his liegt ta oe security Sp you try to pick winning couples,| But it was Hamish who spoke) «44>. great to be back,” said eee a ‘o lation figure has remained con The Democratic presidential in order they finish. p ithe Liberal, who had been at- ° stant for the last six years, candidate travelled from gan| he net result of it all is that ‘i ——, we nid, looking at torney-general twice and an Youn Girls The Special Areas waere Or- Francisco yesterday, making| ‘he visiting Americans leave| i, oe ba aoe bgp: MLA most of the time since g ganized to assist farmers and eight short stops and quick large sums of money behind st eyes of his, “that I'l go as 1933, as he sat in a comfortable | ranchers financially and agri-| speeches along the way. Crowds|them every night—but go home #au : chair in his new Vancouver of- Tell Court culturally and to control settle-| estimated at 1,500 to 2.000 on the| feeling that they have had a| The steward didn’t have a| fice. | ment in the traditionally-dry re-| average, with a high of 6,000 in| Wonderful time, and yearning to|chance. And as the engines} He said he is glad that he was} Rh. E. MORiIMER, tive, Prince Rupet | WELL ROBINSON (B Ltd.) Represe IMPERIAL OIL LIMITED Shenton’s Sheet Metal a wenper, CL gions. One of the first phases! precno, responded with crack-|8et back. |drown out every other sound in|defeated and that he won't go! 162. 75 Howe ’ f : | ie : sat —or e J anager, 475 5 of the program was government~ | jing reaction, shouting: + + + the vicinity of our cabin, nat-|near politics again. He won't be| ou rugs eae, F enn oF se assisted depopulation to a point ‘Attaboy, Steve... give ’em|THE PLAYERS themselves vary | urally ne one heard his screams|a candidate for his leaderless ee | ss Ab “s where the remaining farmers Adlai in nationality. There are|of protest. We. lashed him to|party. He won’t run again fot} VANCOUVER (CP) —' A nine- - and ranchers would have enough) . his two major addresses | Mexicans, Cubans and Basques | the lowe buxtk ait-geve hina) Vaneouver-Centre and he is not | year-old” git! Thursday told tn land to make their operations!+oqay however. Stevenson re-!~WMe seem far the best of the|gag to chew on. ;éven slightly interested in the| court of watching a baby-sitter successful, oe ee ea - “~\lot. There is even one lone I must say that He ish| federal field. at her home taking narcotic , : : turns to his careful custom of 1 ay a amisa |’ we : ic From 1936 to 1938 economic speaking from prepared texts. Yank. | looked very smart ina steward’s | Only one string still holds him fixes. f ‘ and water surveys were made| The Los Angeles visit aiso| It is a joy to watch them|uniform. to politics—a libel suit. But he! Police were amazed ‘at* the and the lands were divided into) wa, q sentimentgl journey—-he|handle their basket-bats. We| “That looks after one of us,” hopes that will be done with knowledge of the nine-year-old | GEAR-SHIFT three major classifications- was born in the city. He planned | found the game far more ex-|I remarked. “But how about|500n, though no date has yet and her six-year-old sister in} submargina] land suitable only to visit his birthplace—a two-| citing than tennis, and in a|the rest?” been set for the trial of libel} the ways of drug addicts. The CONTROL for grazing, yuarginal land suit- | torey frame house which now is| way just as rugged as box la-! “They probably will send a charges brought by him against little girls glibly detailed every | POWERFI/L able for combination grazing and | 4 boarding house run by regis-|crosse—though they don’t chop,relief man to find him,” said | Maclean's Magazine. | step in the procedure of "taking N wheat production, and land suit-'¢-req Republicans each other down as in the|the Colonel, and the old chap| Now, @s an associate counsel|a fix.” : 12 H.P. TW! able for wheat production. | REPUBLICANS latter. was absolutely right for once,| With Russe! and Dumoulin and The baby-sitter was Shirley = Desay, SAOG AOS heres of EB | Op, ihe other side of the Unit + + + This time Little Augie got the| With _ a“ practising in vhe| Taylor, 18-year-old unemployed Other Models i Speciz nw t Side of tne . ifor ‘ sa ' same firm, Mr, Wismer says »| ste € s f ' 166 rs cate sesak ae ed States Stevenson's presiden-|NEXT SUNDAY the Mexicans| form, apd except for the }looks back on politics kena aad ee eee ron} about 3,700,000 of the remain- ‘8! Opponent, Gen. Drwight D themselves will turn out in Fai cher he seiead tee 9 4 | regret. | She was paid by Mrs. ein! ing acres are leased from the | =!8nhower, worked busily in his|vast thousands to see a big bull) “around eight o'clock ‘that|, Of at least one accomplish-|Simister, 43-year-old house- RUPERT R government or used as com- New York headquarters polish-|fight—-which is advertized ra- | : : a ‘“\night there were four stewa |ment he is proud—the advances| keeper, hired by the children’s ing up speeches for next week’s ther luridly in full colored O0-) aa ta the eee ras nade in penal reform under his|father to look after the home campaign tour in the midwest. | tion picture posters be bunks in Qe) ee wisi The larger percentage of rural! phe landslide ier af fas- oe ars, |stateroom and four fully-cos- supervis on. |duringehis absence in northern population is engaged in mixed gto, Joseph R. McCarthy, Wis. I gues I'm full of Anglo-| tyumed passengers—namely the We've lifted the prisons right | British Columbia. farming, with 2,730 listed in consin Republican, for renomina Saxon contradictions and hy-| Colonel and Little Augie and out of politics,” he said. “There| Two women and Ervine An- 1951. The average holding is tion is said to’ be oe, pocrisies.. I love roast beef.) Hamish and me—ascended from|#%¢ MO friends of anybody in|derson, 19-year-old mechanic, 1,500 acres, while 110 residents eeatias einen tele ae” | rare. I don’t think I could take | the depths of the ship to the the penal system. With our open|are charged with contributing have holdings of 10,000 acres Or gists. How far should the Gen- |, bull fight—though I Suppose | prilliantly-lit ballroom, and closed “borstal, and eyery-|to juvenile delinquency by tak- munity pasture, & ELECT : it’s no more brutal than the| course body doing their stuff ‘ve more y a Of course,, no on y @ thelr stuff, we've|ing narcotics in front of chil- is 0) te een ees singh oth aeeorns McCarthy's annual orgy of animal slaugh-| thought we were an ae really got something. Our youth|dren and also are charged with " re on : ter that we politely call “the) costume—they took us for cal has a chance.” possession drugs. duced water development, re-| The Wisconsin Senator is a hunting season.” At least the | ords—and the results are too grassing of abandoned lands,’ controversial figure because of| ok and allowed grazing rentals on his Communists-in - government = rn Ais ap cena ok td for me to relate at this the basis of carrying capacity of drive which some laud as high- | pm aain bi saad la the joe the land. More than 500,000 ly patriotic and others RORDUMLS | ee end what nor which get | PAINFUL pounds of free crested wheat as a smear campaign to innocent HO USE WI VES! grass and brome grass were dis-| persons. paig ‘bumped off by man—also in| I might say, however, that we . tributed by the government. |” Risenhower flew into New| the name of sport. helped serve the supper which Administration of the areas is York yesterday, ending a 6,300-| Reminds me of the uncon-/ followed the masquerade, and 4 Be Sure To See undertaken ty 2 three-man mile mid-west swing whieh, in|sio¥s humour in an obituazy|it might have gone off quite Our Fine Selection Of %* ALL COLORS i special areas board located at turn, followed a successful in-|R0tice I saw in an English| Nicely if it had not been for weDGES Hanna. The board is assisted vasion of the south. | paper a few years back. It|those long sleeves of Little ; TOWELS, FACE CLOTHS te, HIGH AND.LOW : i by an advisory committee of 16 Among the major moves still|lauded Lord Somebody as a|Augie’s. He was detailed to } P fully uo aan ratepayers elected annually to to be made: A conference with|gteat “nature lover” and re-|serve the soup, and the sleeves TEA TOWELS, DISH CLOTHS, Just slip a foot into one of these wonder!’ } represent their respective dist- Senator Robert A. Taft of Ohio,|Ported he was “rarely seen| kept getting tangled up with POT HOLDERS and OVEN . and float off on your round of activities: ricts. "1 the man Eisenhower defeated for | Without a gun in hand.” |the tureen. The fact that he At one time, grain harvested the nomination, to determine) 9=£———-——— we | Spilled it in the lap of a stout. elderly lady who turne ; ide WELL EQUIPPED be the wife of the sional 5 aay the finest in Canada. If irriga-, PROVOST, Alta, CP)—A chihk- | company’s president, did not Pes | ‘tion is introduced to the dry belt, CANNED ASPARAGUS en on the farm of Mrs, Allan! help any, particularly as it was ‘e and the possibility exists, the Canada’s 1952 pack of canned Shurner here has four legs. The Cream of mushroom soup, which ST ¥ y Th Y , Special Areas of Alberta may asparagus totalled 295,318 dozen | rhicken is quite lively and gets is rather sticky stuff at best, sl ate hha e athe Dollar F 0 W become leadipg producers of | cans with a net weight of 2,932,-|along very well with the extra| The chief steward immed- 518 3rd Ave LTD meat en as ton prize grain in the province. 160 pounds. _| 2, |equipment, iately fired Little Augie, which yer + working, relaxing .. . nothing eauals " at Cereal in the heart of the Taft’s role in the campaign| comfort, Special Areas, was considered ahead. |