PAGE FOUR n.tT.v mvfj TllUrsrlii ASSESSMENTS ARE APPEALED Cannery Asks Reduction on Site Near Seat Cove Its The court (if revision on- (lie city's lOifS assessment roll con vened again this morning but adjournment was taken until to morrow, I ln assessor nnl hems present. , V. M. Williams amieured be fore Ihc court in roiinirtioii with I ho appeal apalnsl the. assessment on 201. t feci of waterfront land near Seal (Jove leased hy I i Canadian National Itailways to the Mjller.l Cannery. .Mr. Williams based his claim for a reduction on a comparison with Inn properly of I lie. Canadian Fish A Gold Storage Co. which is as sessed at Ihe same figure $in per fool frontage. He claimed dial Ihe cannery properly did not possess the same advantages as thai of Ihe cold storage and therefore, was not so valuable, I lie colli storage properly had a direct road, cily fire? protection and was easily accessible, none of which advantages were pos sessed by Ihe cannery site which was also more exposed. In addition, (ho, culil storage plant had level land behind II while Ihe cannery was praclir.-flly against a lilutT. In view of the respective conditions of Ihe two siles, he asked fur a reduction lo .$25 per fool for Hie cannery. The; treatment I hat was accorded Hie cannery might alTecl oilier industries proposing lo come fo the cily he suggested. Opposed by Assessor There was some lit 1 1 o discussion in the course of which Aid. Stephens was inclined In admit llia it was nnl equitable lo assess. Ihe cold storage nnd can-' nery siles similarly. Killicr llio cannery figure was, Ion high or the cold, storage loo low. (illy Solicitor Jones .staled thai the assessor was opposed lo a re duction in view of Ihe. effect it might have on other water. frou properly. ' Tlie court Jhen adjourned un til tomorrow morning so that the assessor might be present. In addition lo Ibis appeal, I here remains lo be disposed of llial of Jessie (S. Sen 1 1 against assessment on various lots in Ihe cily and also Dial of M. Me- I.eod on two seel ion lots. .Mr Williams is also representing these appellants. Aid. Stephens notice of mot ion for a general reduction of assessment of 1(1 per cent In all city assessment is also lo be dealt with before the court completes its business for the year. OBJECTION TAKEN TO AUTO RACE COURSE AT BROOKLANDSjN SURREY Too Much Noise and Smell Say Residents of Neighborhood WI'AltllllXiK,, Feb. 19.- -llesidents of Ihe very select neighborhood of Weyliridge in Surrey long ago protested. In (lie auuioriiies resuming Hip poise and smell which the.y have top ciidure because of the proximity oT Hie famous llrooklands auln mobile racing Irark. The.e protests so far have fallen upon deaf ears, but the1 lasl has not yel been heard of, for Ihe owners of the St. Oeoige'.s Hill pslnle. and ten Weyliridge and llyfleet, residents have served a writ upon Ihe 'Hroolilands' Automobile. Ilacing BRINGING UP FATHER ,TA.Hlsi-TO TOO t TO DO THAT MS" TOOR l OVER.! CONNIE MACK'S MYSTERY TEAM Dark Horse In Big League Base, ball Race Causes Interest .N'KW YOIIK, J-YIi. III.- Wash inglon and New York will fight if out for American fx'.ague pen nant honors in 11)25 wiflr l)e-Iroil ilogginvr the heels of this pair and Philadelphia, Connie .Mack's "Mystery leam". loominc :is Ihe dark horse of Ihe race I'll ix appears lo suniarie the sit uation as Ihe loams look on paper preparatory lo Iheir South ern training sessions. " SI. Louis, lloslon. Cleveland and Chicago are uncertain quantities now, all four facing the barrier in Ihe experimental stage with green limber in Iheir ranks llarring an upset, none of Ihe ipiarlel figures to be more than t threatening prospect. High Ranking the Senators will find Ihe way lo Iheir second pennant barricaded principally by the Yankees. Iigers and Athletics, all of which will likely figure prominently in tho season's Jiigh ranking. And despite the advantage of several beneficial trades wiieli Washing Ion has made during Ihe winlei season. Hie- Yankees appear lobe III choice of the league al this early stage. ' Hut Stanley Harris, yoiilhfin pilot of Ihe world's, champions, has not been idle. He has traded wisely with his contempor aries. ITe has called fo his aid veteran pitching assistance. The acquisition of the trio of twirl ing veterans, "Dulclf Mouther, obtained from Ihe Hrooklyn Na tionals; Stanley IJovdeskie, from Ihe Cleveland Indians and Venn Cregg, purchased from Ihe Seal-lie l'acific Coasl loam, should bolster up Ilic deflated slalf which lias dwindled lo a Irusly, quartet beaded by Waller Johnson and including (ioorge Mog-ridge, "I'irjio" Marberry and Tom Zachary. Outside of Ihis twirling slaff, arris will stand pal on bis leant Ihis year. Like Harris. Iluggifis wilt sl.'ind pal except for the Veteran I'rlian Shocker, who came to the. Yankees in exchange for lhre pitchers, Joe Hush, liaiil and !aslon. Cobb's Benaala v ''O'&iOddi's ' fight I hg-.f cam- of. Ucngals will lake the field this season similar in every respeel lo Hie l'J2 edition with tin exception of m ml base where a new face is sure to be seen. Merrill Pratt, veteran infielder. has been given his unconditional release. The keystone sack will be a problem for Ihe Tigers, O Itourke, former Hoslon nnd f'Jiili Willi a view lo havine Ihe duel of I he Rl-LUCO I I MA,CCE-l WMST ( wnL.,T. I Ijf AND REMEMBER 'I nff J v, Anderson W. II. Jarrnan ((J.) 'ft.- 750 150 150 712 738 51)0 873 1 1 50 1151 11 13 1112' 113'.) 1132 850 It 10 1)80 558 1218 01)1 1 223 1)51 810 207 I1D7 000 111? .11)1 200 1157 1021 1127 710 It ID 738 1)511 812 1)32 821 820 7H 210 82 OH GREAT WAR VETERANS 150 150 150 118 118 118 1 10 1 15 111 113 11 3 1 12 I 12 11 1' t 10 I 111 t 10 131) 138 130 130 130 131 133 132 130 13(1 130 120 I2H 125 125 123 123 120 121' 117 117 117 100 i or. , 89 pi' WIN AT BILLIARDS Defeated Prince Rupert Billiard Parlor In Games Last Night The Prince Ilupert Hilliard Parlor was defeated by Ihe Ureal War Veteran in lasl night's irsl division billiard lourna ineril by an aggregate scoro of 1002 lo 1)80, thus leaving Ihe way open for Ihe Vols lo win the league championship next week if they can run up an aggregate of 1200 in Ibo. final tournament o!' Ihe season wllh Ihe (Irolto. Severe defeats wore suffered In individual games by both sides lasl night and there was not a single close score. Of the five matches the feature was llial. Iiolweon Col,. McMorflie (Vols) ami Ocorgc Mcllinoyln (Hilliard Parlor i. The colonel sustained Ins first defeat of Ihe season, Mcllmovlo scoring 250 lo his i n. Art r.assnn also Mint an unprecedented run of- good for lune when he defeated .1. An rlrews by 25(1 to 105. Ibo individual scores of Hid evening wore as follows: Oeorge Mcllmoylo (Hilliard I Parlor' 250; Col, S. P. McMordlu FOR ItKNT. Machines.v FOR SALE Foil SALK.--Chicks, 30c each (not less I ban doon lots;. Order now for famous Columbia Poultry llatich, Dominion Provincial championship eg, laying strain. Order through local agent, John Piiuler-Moss, P.O. llox 027, Prince Ituper! lt.C. Special alleuliou lo out -of-lown orders. i: CIK.NTIFIC HOOKS for sale. T KngineersI If you want to succeed in your examination you need books concernint boilers and engines. Also hooks on oil engines. Apply lo P.O. llox 781, City. 11 FOIl SALK. (iasoliue fishin; boat, "Daisy No. 2" 20 feel long, 10 reel. Iiealll, It ll.p. Oil gine. Terms, spot cash. Apply lo I',. II. Mortimer. 32' Second Avenue, Prince Huperl H.C. it I'OIl SALK. Cash register and baby buggy. Snap for cash Phone lied 720. ; TO RENT HOOM TO HF.NT in coniforlabli homo. Hreakfasl If desired Apply 330 Fourth Avenue Kasl fOreal War Veterans), 117. Fred Stephens, 181; Sgl. Jcl son, 250, . If Singer Sewim Phone Hlue 389. I BOARD HOAHD, The Seconil Avenue. FOUND Inlander, 830 Phone 137. FOUND. Hunch of keys on stool ring on Fourth Ave. West. Owner'. can, Jiavo. sanm by iden; Fhi'fNf). ifhncll-of'k'I'ys1 mVrinVf including one switch key. Apply Daily News ollic.e. FOUND, Pair or woollen mills. News oflieo. child's Apply brown Daily Charles Hahigiin, 150; I'red Pyle, 250. II. Jelich, 155; ft. p. Tinker 250. Art Kasson, 250; .1. Andrews, 105. League -standing lo dale rol- lows: flames Pis P. II. H.. P 8 1)23(1 (!. W. (Irolto V. A. K030 7537 QUEEN A NOVELIST Ave I ir.r I I 18 10 OSLO, Tel.. 11). If Queen .... t ... . .muni oi .Mirway nan nad lo earn her own livelihood, dio would probably have adopted a literary career. Hie has a decided in nidation inwards wriling and liol only finished one novel but is winking steadily on a second yueen .natni is reported lo have lot. i a friend Dial If her novel were published II would he Issue. under a. pseudonym, and nobody would have any idea as lo Ihe real identity of the writer, ROOFINQ KLICKODD" Coaling. The best coating for shingle, iron or paper mors. II preserves the roof and slops Ihe leaks. Also cemepl waterproofing. Cheap est ami best. P.O. llox III. I'.sl imalcs Phone ID. RADIO! RADIO! FURNITURE. New and Secondhand Furnl- ure Store. We Hoy, Sell and F.x- change New and Secondhand loods. GEO. PAPADOPULIS, 139 Third Ave. Pbone 616. AUCTIONEERS WGUU-OtNT-, ii ii . . i i ami 1 1 i lrn. i i 1 1 . . . . . . . . . i j i i ruA v j ii i ' i c ii .r" ;- vou dio-at vni cs wm iven. IIK you interested in lladio sets or parts? I can save yon money. 2 lube sols complete with aerial, phones and batteries, installed, $55. Phone Hod 707. TAXI Taxi 67 Phone (Call Oeorge, Paul or (lust) Prompt Service and Comfort Day or Nigf.t Stand: .108S BROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Clock, i!F' from Kmnr iss Hotel r will pay you to consult u when you desire lo sell or purchase furniture, or any article. PI1INCK nUPKRT EX-ClIANOK, Auctioneers. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. SEA WALL AT PORT ESSINQTON. ThuIi-iii w ill lie rn't'ivrtl liy ilw uinlr- il lied up u limiii, Mirrli Viul. for Mill. lytnir ami l r I v iiik I -Hi I'lli s al Curl sFiiiKiarri. Mwririiauuh inn v be niiiain- il at t I'iiIiIii- Works orriri, rrllirf IIIIMTI. I.uwist ur any imitcr not iipifanrlljr ll-ri'pldl. o. i:. M.i:kvv. 10 liimrlil Hirlnerr. LAND ACT. .Votlct of Inttnllon to Apply lo Pirchaaa kana. n Skcena Land lilairirl, Prlnc Huperl licrorilinit IHnlrlrt. ami ulliiala un Islaml In Skcena Diver luum-tlutel) south or Snlvin Nlaml. TAkK ViTI'n thai lioinrlan s. Clarke J Huiiialiy, H.C, omiiiailiiii Sali'Mnan, iiipiiim in inn r rnr H'l'iniAninii in iiur elms iiu, tfilinttinir ilisrrilK-il laml.i: .oNiiiicmlnit ,m a ) il.tulMl on Ilw nliilv 1'ini ur ilic luLinil Ivim iiniiic llalflv miiitll of Salvua Nlnml ula iik lii'lnir l.l.inlccl at tlie pitrrnie rat mil of aid imiuki, ami I'liniainina- all nr mi rl lulamt. This Make I" latilel 400 yard! ilirtTily miitli or Salmi statiun ami run- (alna Hip name or limiirlas s. Clarko. and iikt'ii ny ari'hl Tlioma Mill, ami run aliilni? 300 arri'K, more nr lea. IHII OLAS S. C.I.AIIKE, I'er A cent THOMAS MILLS. naiert January nth, IdjB. LAND ACT. Notlct of Intention to Apply to Purchaaa Lino In Skeena ljml Mtlrlrl. n' Irlnpi lliiriert lleconllna IiMrlrt. and annate approximately one ami one hair oiiti wmi of Salvua Mlatlon, on Snlvns laianil, Skeena Miver. rake mollre that lludolf l.ataaon, fit 1413 Carlelon SI.. Hlirmiliv nrrnnallnn Loinrer, IlileniN lo apply for permljaion lo iiirliae Ihe rnllowlnir learrliiel land: Coinmeiie nv at a 1h.i m ih unuihwent nirner or Lot oni, salviis Nlnnd: thenee aonth'A'ealerlv, approximately HiiO ynid; Ihenee northerly approximately Hun yards; llienie m.rlhwenl-rrly npprnxhnalely mill vnnts; Ihenre aoiithcily how yards, to point or lieirlnnlnir, romprlKlnir all Hint portion of Snlvua Island w.-n in .m m ami roniainlnir Juo neia, more or Inaa, THOMAS MILLS Alrent for ill not.- i.Artssn.n. LAND AQT Notice of Intention to Apply to Leaae Land In Trlnen Ilupert Land nislrlrt. nv rnrdliur Dlirlet of prlnre llnix rl, and nil- rriuneaa lloyal ialand II C Take fioilrn that Somervllle Tannery Toinpany Llmlled, or Vaneimver, II 0 . In' lend, tn apply fnp permlaalnn to leae the following ileaerllieit IninH: Coininenc'.nir at the hem or llarnard r.ove, prlneeaa Unyal lalaml: Ihenre enM five (H) chulnat Ihenee nonh forlv Km rhatni- tnen'e wet ten (10) rhahn, more or lea to low water mark; thenen south itluiie nw waior mark tn point of ronimenrement. and n ni) rr''"' W SOMEnVll.tF CANNEnY roMpANv i.niiTrn Naiun or Applicant, bated DecernberVri, WiYT' hm' ,vj , (N For the East Mondays. V it; urdays, elo- ; m From thb East .Mondays. w Fridays, dm m To Vancouver Tuesdays-Mall .Saturdays I ' I ij Q IMS BY Intx FtATiiai- SrityiC. Inc. Ctel Dritii tittili iwll- " noise or racing constitutes a nuisance, destroys the pence of the rural neighborhood and causes serious deterioration to properly. For IK years the majority of airplane and nolo experiments and tests have beeji made al llrooklands, and it is claimed llial; an atiloniob'ile passns through sliffer tests hernJ,wilh- In 21 hours man is possible In a full veap on roads. This lineal of legal action has not deterred c(ub officials, who have arranged full program race meetings for the ensuing year. IN TWO SENSES Lady passenger (after the nc cldenl. We skidded, tipffl, and after that all was blank. , Rescuer Ves, blankely blanli, nrcording In Ihe language the chauffeur was using when I eame alont. Toronto player: Ochriiigcr, pro Michigan-Ontario track closed on Ihe grounds that l-easue and Ilurke, will bo (he leading candidates for Jhis post lion bul '() Itourke seems o have bail Ihe. most experience of the trio and will likely gel Ihe as signiuenl despite a weak throw ing arm. Formidable Outfit Down in Philadelphia Connie Mack is silently building un formidable' outfit. The veteran pilot 'made a loud ballyhoo about paying . 1 00,00(1 for "Lefty (iroes, llaltiniore southpaw, bul aside from this ho has been working rather than lalking (roves will bolster up a weaken oil pitching stall while a younlb fill catcher In Ihe form of (ior don ,S. Cochrane, lloslon t'niver xily star, who was obtained from lh Portland Club of llio Pacific Coasl .League, will be a big aid ullliough "Cy" Perkins will serve a Ihe mainstay in the. receiving department. Oieorgc Sisler al SI. Louis, F.d-di Collins at Chicago, Lee Fo'il al lloslon and Tris, Speaker al Cleveland have gone in for youngsters and will experiment i with several comhinnl ions. The Ideal which sent l'ush, fiiard and! Oaslon lo Ibo llrowns aided the. SI. Louis cliib fully as much as it did Ihe Yanks. Of the quartet, Ihe Jlrowns look Ihe nest of Ihe four leam Which do not figure lo be in Hie running. , Rebuilding KdPiio Coiiins will lake llio helni of I ha While Sox to build ul earn which was shattered by the scandal of I Kit) and which has never fully recovered from hat disastrous shock. . Speaker it Cleveland will try out several college youths. Joe Sewell al short, JaiiiiCsnn in lofl and Myall Ibehlud the bat arc the oiily ones sure or Itioir jobs Willi the Indians this eon'iin season. J-'ohl has the Hod Sox considerably slrenglhened by winter trades but for Ihe most part the Hed Sox will build up for Ihe fulur'-with an ear to I lie ground foi further strengthening. Abut Dishes JflJu''! 'I1'en ol Si. .lmtlci Milli, m complied with oiaiiwy muii, invri new nd dellclou flor to !l di j! t l hoi rlll .rmi!k. SmJ lor I trt Si. Chvlti Rtciu Bock ...A HJ II OUt. TLc liordenCo. Llmltfi Vancouver. r.o..i4-t4 -s Sport Chat The (iyro Club has not ye Infinitely decided upon its play rnuiul program for thy prcscn ear. The subject was thorough !y discussed al Ihe last meet in: if the club ami several proposi ions arose. One was thai i more or less ambitious progran bo launched on the armory si! on Hordcn S free I and anothe was that the Seal Coye am Weslview.dislricls bo taken can of. There are park siles al tin Iwn extreme ends of Ihe eil these it js fell might be obtained by llio club for Ihis purpose Definite decision on the year' irograui is being delayed pend ing further investigations being 'iiaue by Ihe club's playground onimillee. - The Callies foolball club ha: ulTereil another disappoiiilmon! of which il has had plenty dur ing Ihe past season or so. They were practically assured of Hi" services Ihis season of Jimmy Morrico of Vancouver who had come hero lo lake a position with the t'niversal Trading Co. How ever, aflef having been hero only a. couple of month, Mr. Mnrrice has hied himself back In ineouvor and will pot bo re turning. I .no general looipaii p'ublic.; will " v'i:.eL, sliis.ideparlvlre for 'lie' is' saTd'-io He) ! p1a'y'i'ff some skill especially in Ihe posi tion of goal keeper, llo has also held executive positions with Vancouver amateur football eagues. 1)1 BILLIARD AVERAGES First Division Oamcs. Sgl. Jebson (A. . . . A. Donald (ll.l'. .. W. Stewart (0. ... W. J. Nelson (fij . . ii.. Mcllnioyle -ll.l'.i A. A. Kasson,. (II. l'. L.llillman (('i. ... I'.' Stephens ll.l'... . Col. Mc.Mordie (V.) Alex. Vfilunio ,(V.) . ii .1'. Tinker ;(Y.) .. I Pjle (V.) . West V.) I'ca'rce (fi.'i II. Jelich (H.P. Walsh (V.) .. Ilalagno (ll.p Morgan (fi.'i Drown (0.) . lllytbe (0.) . Waugh (C. Andrews (V. Fleming (V. Second Division llillman (1. ... 5 lien Seir rp;ll. ... 1 I. Weir (O.) '. Xiemali (H.P.) . . 5 I). Howe (H.P.) .... 5 .V. Stewart "!.) .. 1 V. J. Nelson (ft, I . 0 ' . llcesloy (U,j .... 8 . Drown iS.A. ... 8 : Aldridgo (ll,p.) . 8 . Andrews (S.Aj .. 8 M. Andrews (S.'A.) . 8 )ii. West tx.v .... 8 . Donald (U.l.) ., C, '.I. D. Suga (O.i ...... 8 Macdonabl (S.A.) 7 ft. Wythe (ft.) llabe Fort in (11.15.) 1) Maclean (ft.) ... 5 .Milcbell (H.p.i . p MacLacliaii(S.A.) 7 Murray (C.) . . 0 Mallet (H.P.) .. 2 May (C.S.) .... J Wearmoulli (V.l 5 Allan (S.A.) 7 P. Tinker (V.) . . 3 Fleming fV.i ... 2 Lamb rC.'i' ; . .. (I Fenelon (V.) ... 8 Darlon (C.S.) ... p L. Youngman(V.( 0 McAuley (ft.-) .. 0 i. Kelsey (C.S,) .. 0 L. Warrior (V.) . 8 I. Hulger (C.S.) ... 7 W. Williscron .(C.i 8 I). McLean (ft.) ... 7 I. Parr 'ft. a. , .... 7 . Hales fC.S. ' .... 7 f. Stephens,- (ft.) ,. , 2. I. McDoiigafl i(h)li 1 Ttl. 17 5(1 2.)il 250 485 11)27 11)21 171 10 IK 1017 102 1375 151)8 227 1582 1701 055 1720 1500 I 188 4 1 1 I.Ti 1 105 157 Av.1 250 1 250 250 , 2 43 i 211 2101 230 Wanted For Sale 2 For Rent DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. ) 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken for lets than 50c WANTLD. Sleigh dogs wauled. Apply .1. K. McCoy, Hoyal Hotel. 13 2.15! 23'MFOU PLAIN 231 ' lllack 237. 220 221 218 210 215 213 200 11) 2 t()5 157 SKWIXri, phone Prices reasonable. POSITION WANTED !MA. AXD WII'K lo cook in camp ! or run hoard in u: bouse flr summer. Kxperienced. , P.O. llox 1005. Prince Ilupert, 10 I' nt Fridays. C.P.It. IV:. From Vancouver Sundayi! . Wednesdays Thursdays C.P.It. F-lii y To Anyox, Alice and Premier Wednesdays Sundays ii lb 8th Pro. Gov. Illdgs Prov. Gov. Whar (i.T.P. Wharf .lid Ave. A 2nd Si ird Ave. A Ful in $ :rd Ave A fll' " Situate in the .ir ihi Itanre A. Lost anil Found,4c Arm, Slfw in MINERAL ACTJ! lorated, Snulh uf I'Jl kalinn Lake, and r mi the I ail end f ' XV Trenton and II. W -I r ..If 1 3." i.n ,55 it.?' 'ii From Anyox, Alice Arm; 8'w and Premier Tuesdays ti Fridays l i To Port Simpson and Haas R Points Thursdays From Port Simpson and River Points-Saturday - I'd Alaska Polnts-i February From Alaska Points Vbruary I i .inn ' u vueao wiiai iui" ,3I.. February I i'1.'' From Queen Charlotte m Points-February 1 1 a; ii 8. EDX COLLEcriO. " ,J ira.iam & A :: i Ji tit Ave. Fig!.' fl J; l ith Ave. A I'm on silt Ave. & Thompson 81 I lib Ave. ASIierbr Ave 1 1 lit Ave. A Conruo illi Ave, & Hays Ave Ave. A" Hays 1 T " Circle Ave. A Coll in Si 5th Ave. A JlcllruP S HAWK MINERAL., CLl( Vrv Miners' C.'lfi.l- v Wllnil 7 HO 10. .;, TWn Wntire t int w .. H .No. nurini- and fi ; 4 No. n?00iT. intend l t dava from the dale lir. il t Mliilnit Hecorder M - f rtiy proveiuenia for the e ' a Cioxvn Orant of in; '., 0 fillthennore lake n:ii: " I See. OH of Ihe Mine. I meneed lieforii the - rirale of nipmvetnii i i. n.t.i ihi anth iliti ir ' u . ami w. r invin Tor a leae or lands, III :ost H. I' I'lllVllll'K of llrlll xxaler lot Ml Ihe 1 'el. mom piiillru1 town: ilnininenelnir l 1 lido line on the !' Inlet ili.l.iul aiiiilheil' rrom the aniilhiaM Coast lilstl'li'l, 4:idi'ir.i:., a dulnu', lea, li Ihe hiillli' 1 I ot I Infl; II i' the miiiIIi houndai v n .illktnnre nf ').'. mrner if "aid I'd Ihe .lilah tide line Wli .. fj K I COAST LANS b'SJ,CcT0t. OF REGARDING DISTRICT TAKK MITICK liiil or Vhiii'oiiv tlai I! Caiier Maniirai-ii it re' n i 1 1- ,:llfu T. 11(1(1 ri.. innri' "i i. rotiiineiirpiiient, roiiian-nr le. . ,n.) t, 'I' iiTFn jannarv -i'--... . j .if