,ie Busy Season Has Commenced Let Us Do Your AM "I "ones 423 539 - 'WW I rW"' l S3 3SEOS HIJ MAJESTY KING GtORGE V There is no uncertainty about J5N ADIAtf (TJJB, WHISKY The age is guaranteed by the Dominion Government. Observe its Stamp over the capsule We guarantee that these whiskies have been matured in oak casks in Rack Warehouses for the period indicated by that Stamp. Read the label on the bottle Your purchase is made from the Gov ernment Store, which is a guarantee that you get what you demand. DISTILLED AND BOTTLED BY Hiram Walker & Sons. Limited WALKERVILLE - ONTARIO Montreal. Que. Th ' 'servient 1 not J He irJ or by Un s Distillers of Fine Whlskiet time 1858 London. Eng. NewYorl.U.S.A. published or-dfcnl.iyril by the Liquor Government of Ilritish Columbia. w TOWING Rupert Marine Products Ltd. r lo 1 1 iv! ill : ,-- - vultr I'li'-t Aid ktl .mil -ec Mml it is com- llii wre sonic ill llio thing- it -iioubl have nil l 'trftrre VOII JMil 1(1 st'u: , IODINE ADHESIVE PLASTER BANDAGES EPSOM SALTS LYSOL BORACIC ACID DRESSINQ FOR BURNS, ABSORBENT COTTON, FIRST AID BOOK liii- voiir I'er-onai Kit ni' v " iNo uecji RAZOR SHAVING SOAP RAZOR BLADES SHAVING BRUSH SOAP TOOTE PASTE COMB TOOTH BRUSH III' Uy Miidii's fniiii ii- mill In. -'.ire of receiving y satisfaction. ORMES LTD. Pioneer Druggists The Rexall Store ra arnn nnnnes az. ana uu Ask for a Tide Book for 1025. They are Free. RupeYt Fish Fresh rrozen All varieties. Fresh Fish- All varieties In season. Smoked Fish Our well known "Rupert Brands." Finnan Haddlo "Thlstlo Brand" Nova Scotians. Canned Salmon Pinks, Skeena Sockcye, etc. Salt Fish- Herring, Salmon, Black Cod, Grey Cod Shell Fish -Crabs, Shrimps, Clams. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. igcrson!Block. Prima Rupert, 8.C. Phone 109. r. r. r. KtNNi - UlMM '"'I my I'Mimntc mi voiir lienliil Work CROWNS, PLATER, BRIDGEWORK I iiroiulilioiiully (iuniiiuleed. I il" nil ii i y own work. Tln mi'. mis PERSONAL SERVICE TO EVERYONE Night Phones Red 618 Gr. 601 539 MEN COMING HERE TO SEEK EMPLOYMENT BUT LITTLEjSOFFERING Logglnq and Pole Camps Expected lo Opon In About a Month Kvny boat uml a few iiiimi lo I he employment on I In? other construct inn if in jirosiicet. Sn Irani bring rity seek in;; levator and work which far however, Hutu lias been little il Tin; city lias a good (rmi maud, on al inadwork but they are Hie lJrinc Hupfrl peoplis who arc geUin:; first consideration. .iiiimi oi iiid men coming' seem in nave u mile money ami arc not Badly in mod. A few carpenters wens sen I to I lie mill at I lie bcfrinnintf of the week but so far there is litllc demand for labor In Hie city. The biggin;; ailil p(dc Camp' will nul be opeud up for uboul a motif Ii yet. There is aboul six feet of snow al many poinls in Hie interior and Ilia! makes pole. ciilliii.' almost impossible. As soon as Ibis snow is Rone, work will prorl-ed. Work on I he 'shuid will open, j j. expected a! alHiul lln same lime. PARENT TEACHERS' bers. ASSOCIATION MET Program For Coming Season Was Discussed at Meeting Last Evening A uiy'etiug oT Hie Prince Hiiperl Parent Teacher-' Association was held in Hie Itoolh Memorial School last evening. Mrs. Spen cer presided and there was lairiy gnoii aiiruiiauoc or mem I in' program lor Hie coming year was discussed and Mr .-Miencer annoiHircii jmigp Young mid II. ('.. I'm mm, inspec lor of schools, hail consented to address the association jtl Hie April and May meetings respec tively. In March an exhibition of lantern slides, purchased by the P.'I'.A. for the school, will be given b Mr. Marines. Il was il'o ileeideil to bold a debate in lie i all. Milijecls uiy illscussion at the oilier meetings were lalk-d over and many valuable sug gestions were maile. ' A circular was. read, from the King Fdward High School P.'I'.A Vnnc'iiivcr. on Ibe aims of Parent Teacher Associations and il was ilecided thai a similar circular be sent lo all the parents and teachers in Ibis city in an i l'forl lo create a wider interest in Ibe wol'k of Hie association. Itefresliiiieuts were served al ibe cIom' of ibe meeting. EVEN CALIFORNIA HAS ITS RAINFALL E. C. Gibbons Was Away a Month and There Was Rain Almost Evory Day Went as Far as Frisco "II rained almost every day I was jivvny even in the repulcd sunny California," says F,. C. liibbous who returned yesterday aflernoon on the Prince Ituperl from a mould's business trip which look him as far soulh as San Franrisco. Mr. tlibbons found 'Frisco, where be spent four or five days, to be in an apparently flourishing ami prosperous condition. He was also In Portland. Oregon, where be visited with his former Inisin ess partner here. I'd. Moyfe, who is doing very well. FUNERAL NOTICE Ibe rimeral of the late A. (t. Hraiuau will lake place from the P. I'.. I'nilerlakers on Friday at 2. ail o.in. Ilex. (,eo. (i. Hanker ollieialiug. Tlw firH mot tnudi tnatantly itopa the fiery jiulii an.l biling itrlu II wiihIkvi otil In a marvrtously fliort time tlir w(.r.t (ornw of (kin llcr. Hard crusta ami walt'ii. wcrplns aorcn, iMiiMinntu raihca, iisly. rriiiitloiit. nlniplca and akin Wi-ml.liM yitl t to m ulntle bottle. The iril $1 00 htrttU rrlietvt you vr yout nuniy bock. IryU.U. U. iuul, loo. ORMES LIMITED i Local and Personal ll.C. Uiiderlakerd. 1'lioiie 11. Iliiynoif, UiiiicrukerH, 1'lioms 35 1 You'll like our joall L'i-8 Coal Co. Plioiie 7. If You'll like my laxi! Iteason-able charges. I'h'onc JO I, day or night; 0. V. symes. If Fresh halibut, fresli spring salmon, fresh soles, fresh herring. Prince Ituperl Fish Market. Phone 18.- (i. Cicconi) returned on. Hie Prince Huperl? ycslerday ufler i weeks ansenre on a iiusiness hip (o Vancouver. Col.' P.,.McMbrdie relurned on Hie I'rincij iiuncrt yesterday iflernoon from u, I en day busi ness trip lo Vancouver. Mrs. S. VolkrcJ timed !o the pity on the Prince Itiipi'H yeslcr- lay aflernoon. She has been on i (rip lo fhe Old Country. Ilishop Ii. M. Ilunnz relurned oil tlie I'rince Hupert yesterday afternoon from a trip lo Vancou ver on panic mia4 ills-mess. Daughters and tons of F.njr- laml whist drive ami social, lo- tuorrow, Friday' uiifht. Feliruary 20, in Motion Hall at- K..')0. Al- llllssloll 50C. Mr. md Mrs. A. Carlson and bilil, who have been on a 1ml i- 1ay trip soulh, relurned to Hn lily on Ibe Prince Ituperl ycs lerday aflernoon. Mrs. . S. Sargent of llazcllon. iiccompaiiied by her HI He daughter, is here lo soend a coupleof weeks visiling wllh her slsler. Miss A. M. Ilarbeau. More heal less ash. Union learner Chilliwack has unloaded :too Ions Nanalnio-Welliiiglon coal for Albert & McCalTery. l.ld Phones IIC and 5(1 1. If II. I'.. Clark, represent alive of the Frasi-r Valley liairies, arrived from Vancouver o'u the Prince Ituperl ye-slerdaV!' lie wenl Ihroiigh to Stewart 'ami later will visit Ibis city. J. V.. Miller, customs i iispcrlni' and '1'. Mason, his assistant, ar rived from Victoria on the Prince Ituperl yesterday aflernoon; They went through In Aiiyox and will visil lhi fily laler. Charles F.. Slarr, manager of Ihe Pacific Fisheries, returned lo the city on the Prince lluperl yesten'lay aflernoon after bavin? spent Ihe winter in Seal He. Mrs. Slarr will be returning laler. After having spent couple of months on trip which look her as as the Mexican border, M. Ilarbeau relurned to on Ihe Prince" aflernoon. Hie past :i holiday far suulh Miss A, the cily rtuprrt yesterday Harry M. Selfe, manager oT Hie recreation hall al Any'ox, passed Ihrnuglr on the Prince Ituperl ycslerday afternoon returning lo Anyox ufler a coinbincil business and holiday lri to Vancouver ami other southern points. .1. K. Oyer relnrned lo Ihe cily on Ibe lriin't" Ituurrt yeslerday aHeruoon from Vaiieiuiver bringing vvilh him a couple of Cadillac cars which be will place hi Hie jilney service between Ibe ci'y and Seal Cove. With Ibe reopening of Ihe sawmill, Mr. Oyer, expects a big increase in Hie volume of his business. Cap), II. I.. Nrvwninbe, well known master and owner of Ibe ino.lorboal lixie Ituperl, relurned lo Hie cily on Hie Prince Ituperl yesterday aflernoon after having spcnl Hie winter in Nova Scolia. lie was married in Parrsboro and brought his bride hack vvilh him. His ninny friends are tendering liliu hearty The Indians of lla.ellou will put on a play on Friday evening, February 20 in Ihcir hall al llazcllon. The chief be old lime native PAGE THREI J B j "ecscan ways to H H ii the nme of little booklet ery -QyV I 'fe!v jrvy housewife, particularly every mother, H fhould have. It containi nearly a w s jr H iSSliST---(xW hundred leil'd, economical recipea H , 2!fil2feiu beiid;wealtholauthorilativelact H CJ)r about cheee. It ug?eia ways to H aerve "aomrthing difTerenf in the H menu of children and grown upa Ka , without aacrificingettential nourith- H m Kraft Ch;te alwaya bean ths nt. U it indexed, illustrated in H KraJt trade mark on the tinfoil. , color and free. Fill out and mail B (variably inaiat on teeing it before coupon below, H H yoa buy, even though you have Kb Name AJdrem ... .ludgi' Young left on last nighl's train for Smilliers where, In; will preside .over sessions of' Hie Coiiulv Court. .Mrs. (ieorge I. Mile, who has been visiting in Ibe oily with Mrs. Olof Hanson, U'TI for home on last night's train. I.ouis Mazzcj, charged under the .Motor Vehicle Act vvilh furious driving, was found , guilty and fined $25 in the police court Ibis morning. Ilalepayers Association nicel-j ing Friday night at K in Council I Chamber. Address by Cyril Ornie, on School situation. All rale- payers welcome. Sale of home cooking and afternoon lea served by the daughters oT Kn gland al Ihe Hut on Saturday, February 21, from ;tlo (. F.vcryhody welcome. 13 1 :.!. M..M. freighter Canadian j Hover is again in service al'lcrj having bad repair made al Wallaces', Vancouver, following her recent ' stranding. The vessel left Ocean Falls a( noon yester day for Scuttle. .Members of Ibe Holary Club this aflernoon had their photos taken by Harry Mcl.eoil at Hie Conrl House steps. They are Homos! northerly club on the coti-linenl and Ihe picture is lo be published along willi the most soulherly club ill Ihe Holary, magazine. j A. C. It. Yuill, Vancouver hydro electric engineer, who has been engaged by the cily lo make a survey of the situation al Wood-worth Lake vvilh a view lo further power development there, will arrive here on the Cardenn on Sunday aflernoon uexl and will comiucncv jjis work at thej first of the week. Charles Harrison, formerly of (Jueen Cliarlolle Islands but now of London, I'.ugland, has completed a book on Ojieen Cliarlolle Islands, dealing chiefly vvilh Ihe 1 1 a i'la Indians, Ihcir customs, religious ceremonials and legends. II is illustrated by photographs of Ihe natives and the district and Is named "The Warriors of the Xorlh Pacific." Hon. T. I.' Pallullo and his nephew, Neil Pallullo oT Aberdeen, Scotland, will return lo Vicloria on Ihe Prince Ituperl tomorrow morning after having spent the past leu days' in Ihe cily. .Mr. Pallullo expects to bo back during the summer and will Ibeii cover Ihe northern districts more extensively than he has done on this trip which has been in Ihe nature of a holiday. VIA THE VOCAL CHORDS O'llricn - OJ fear no man aloivet Oi am ready lo foiight as long as I here's a brilh in me loalues will , t'iy. dances anil t.asshiy Ms; dial s plivvat songs, old lime plays and sleigh' of hand performances; old time customs such as Ihe making" of fires .uiif the way this fire was carried about for fulure, use, In making camp, ami olher old lime jyex O'llricn. always foight with. ANNOUNCEMENTS F.Ik.' Annual Novelty dance. customs. It February 10. ierk ma mm WINTER Steamship Service b.B. PRINCE RUPERT sails from Crime Ituecrt FOR VANCOUVER, VICTORIA. SEATTLE, mil rrut-iliale Hjliil each r'rlilay D.uu a.m. For STEWART ami ANVOX THE S.8. "PRINCE JOHN" lea.fl PRINCE VANCOUVER, (la QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. VVi-iliii'Milay, 11.00 pm. RUPERT fortnightly for PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT a MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, SATURDAY, i.OU p In. for I'rllK'U OuoIKe, EDMONTON, WINNIPEG, all (minis tal iril Canuila, l inlcil Stale. AQENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. City Ticket Office, 628 Third Ate, Prlnca Ruparu f CANADIAN VAciric w.aauair Phona 260. Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert PRINCESS ALICE PRINCESS MARY For Ketchikan, Wrangnll, Juneau and Skagway February 23. For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle February 27. S.S. PRINCESS BEATRICE For Butedale, Swanson Bay, East Bella Bella, Ocean Falls, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, and Vancouver, every Saturday, 11 a.m. Agency for all Steamship Lines Full iiifiirmaliou frnm- W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent Corner of '4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. Sailings from rnnre R;pert. or VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Swanaon Bay, and Alart Bay, Tuaaday, 6 P.M. 'or VANCOUVER, VICTORIA. Alart Bay, and Swanaon Bay, Saturday, 10 A.M. For ANVOX, ALICE ARM, STEWART, Sunday, S P.M. For ANYOX. PORT SIMPSON and Naai Rltrar Cannarlaa. Friday A.M. 123 2nd Aianua. i. Barnaiay, Rotnv. rrinca Hupari, aj.o. SAVAGE Washer and Dryer lln im Wringer, neeils none. Won. Hold Medal al lust (Jiichec Kxliilntion over all Ameriean ami ('.amKliaii Machines, t.ali Price $185.00; also sold on terms. Kaien Hardware Co. LOGGERS' CLUB HAS REMOVED to luiikling uexl door hi Frizzell Huleher Hliop, across from Hie Knipress Htdel We curry it lull line or CIGARS, TOBACCOS, FRUITS, CANDIES SOCIAL ROOM IN CONNECTION James Zarelli Proprietor RAW FURS K you want lo lie paid highest possible. HASH prices for your HAW KI MS, forward them to R. S. ROBINS.ON A SONS, LTD. Branch Receiving Office: 1225-6 Standard Bank Bldg., Vancouver, B.C. lk'iul Orrice: ll.S.ll. Hldg., t.'t-ol Lguise St., Winnipeg. Man. '; Incorporated 1 020.