Red Shield i ] , Ee Prince Rupert Daily News ro recon Straight Lines Feature Fall Fashions "5:22.82 is ee JEWISH FEAST | ~—~*é‘ o Sport Shop 500 The post-war styles with un-| eFinolines to straight skirts eae tight and tapering Jack Guthrie 2.00 padded ‘houlders, microscopic with waists coming anywhere Lo a ial ae Lorne McLaren 2.00 waists and rustling skirt full 188! feom under he: bank ds One oft e amnartest waist e358 Totem Gift Shop 2.99 introduced by Christian Dior, oie " Styles is the big-shouldered Jack Judge 2.09 have been whittled down to such| IPS, and back again. Gaucho jacket shown in London V. Ciccoie 2.09 #8 the Schiaparelli hobble-skirt-! The stately swan look of the by Lachasse and featured in} | Mrs. H. K. Mark 2.09 ©d, moss-green suit with bolero- 1900's gave place to the hobble Paris by Bruyere,as the Poncho Cliff Borge 9 backed jacket fronted by enor- Skirts of 1910 followed by the jackef. This makes a «mart iif Borge 2.00 i l | Mrs. N. Rorie 209 Mous hanging lapels of beaver |tango dress of 1913, the tunic casual top to straight-skirted Friend 1.09 Jamb. : |look of 1915 and the Dresde , Suits and dresses*and should b<« ‘ shepherdess style of 1916 And *a winner on the winter fashion SLOWLY DYING l from wide + ¢ 1918 ‘4 ; Total to date $1,559.15 : from the wide sl! rts Of 1916, it rails. So far, the big-skirted look is | making a slow exit—but worse | OBJECTIVE $3500.00 | GIVE GENEROUSLY readers THE WHIPPET ic a hot so smart; comfortable and practical that it will soon . Clearing small amounts of many different items at a real saving / 4 ios" ecome your favorite. Its snap -_ and woe @ Cash for old gold — Bulger’s| Cte & ue edge give you that trim, businesslike up prese » > Pr . ster i ’ é | | d MA Dy z + yn POLE Migros ee ee a RED SHIELD @ First United Church Kinder- | AVL] handsome appearance. f here by Mrs, Norah ‘Withers, SERV Sieniste garten reopens Monday, Sept. 15, | ita. JL = Daughters of the Empire. The ‘ “8 ICES pen For further information, | I | “a the Navy drill hall where HMCS Pproximately 1,546,000 phone Green 325 (216) | | ~ “welt | | N . Canadians . . . | j ~~ i , red a public reception for the rially ‘Senne ae ae Sept. 15th to Sept. 20th Cr 4 bf ae S i E } S by the personal services | ®@ NOTICE — All persons wish- } ON pnt | <— aes S of = Salvation Army jing to bowl in the Mixed 10 Pin | COME IN AND FIND A BARGAIN | in its - Maternity Homes | League please attend meeting at, General Meapitais Bowling Alley, Sunday, Sept. 14,} Old Folks’ Homes jat 8 pm (216) ; J @ Sunday: School at St. An | drew’s Cathedral recommences | PAB companion to your spring wondrhe i | teyin WO The Storke Shoppe || WATTS & NICKERSON A onal District Votes is Give Party to Recent BETTER HIRE ~ ith a children’s servi 2} MEN’S CLOTHING om densfoony hakente” maannal | Phone Blue 810 | Prince Rupert, B.C. . Phone 345 | LOCAL APPEAL (it) | ; , — Wedded in Vancouver SEPT. 5-26th | o — een ee » a7; | Tom Christie—Campaign Chair. | ee = — = thered at the home of Miss gq Gladding—Campaign Treas.| DON'T YOU den Street, last night -in honor Campaign Headquarters DAGWOOD, THINK yuo )é ARE YOU REALLY GOING TO TRY TO REPAIR THAT OM a Calderwood, nee Yvonne Larson, © PERCY TINKER & CO., LTD, | ae BESNER BLOCK — NE 5 place recently in Vancouver, |_~~""* BLOCK a, \. Johannson, of Northwest Con ee aed ction Company \ CEILING, YOURSELF ? ti painted the