WHALEN ASSETS E' Bondholders Appeal to Courts for Permission to Dispose of Concern 'Y.I.MX H VIR, Mar. 7. -NolicC If ii;: mr ui heeu filed here o'l Hair -r Hf M. ntreal Trust Co. r.... It... I II. ..1.1. . .-. uji i in." uoii'jii'.i i'm i Bi jiiiltfinriH and for nn older mule hut the one Prince Huperl Mul all undertakings, properties would like lo see adopted would M aw s of Mi- Whalm Pulp he that coiiiini: out hv the Pence I'ape I be pin up for jiidi- pass and from there lo conned ai Tin motion is return- Wiih Hie Canadian National, main, Emi ll W 'lhtrsday lime either at llaxclloii or al or 50 FISHERMEN LOST ON ICE pent Out With 60 Horses to Bring In Catch and Were Carried Away 1 1X111 lllNd. Mar. ;. .- One (lanlreU and fifiv fishermen ami fhly horses were drowned or l: lc.it Ii when eaiiuhl in M ' ic fines nn Hi. i s;,.!..i.r' iv fill'' flslieiiu'en w-illi llii-ir li'i'M- vvcm out lo haul in Ihe R" '' "f when in miihlle of i" sea Ihe ice broke and they l"'e carried away before assist- in utTed, ML STRIKE IS ION NOVA SCOTIA fHure to Noqotlato Now Con- iracts Results In Work Being Stopped tVl.v, ... ""'-v Mar. 7. K.dl.mii.u- li" ia 1 1 n i,r ii i, . " iicKoiiaiiou oi I new IHllll I'lll-I In. lu...... If... " " ' ' " in'" inn- i, i t '"'J'he S.,. (;;0I.. ..i ialtt ,,. - - ........ Il ...1... I r in Nova Seolla, eessa I" ' wi.i-k n praelieallv all V llllll llllll ..P li , ' e provinei' - '"iice.l III eloM-n n-elnek i It I i . - " -,- " "jvc'vina Him im-n. " PIER OF LOCAL I MANDIESjN SOUTH in ' "cM"lan, Who Passed ""y lesierday, Was Post master for Many Years ln North Vancouver Muhu ,, North McMillan, poslinuslev '-.uuvcr lor 1 nn. ii v lirs nn.l f..n . . t.. '-'nil ill I, itii i ni.. P Uock. m" ,,B ,ai icM.ii,,,, .'T" r' r ell nn tiii.. ... t ii. "e v , morn nn Vcnfure r,.i. v...... ..... 'iv- ir, , , 'iii,n nn. " ' ei , 1 1 ,e funori, near Yanderhoof or Fori I'raser. Prince Huperl is not opposed to the Grand Prairie-Hansard ruloir, hul tin1 general opinion! seems lo he thai the oilier route would heller serve Hie Peace River district and would open up a good country on this side yl (lie mountains. today Ihe hulk of I he popu- laliou ic Ihe Peace River -country is around the line of I lie F.d-moiiloti, Dunvcgan and II.C. llailway, oiicraled under lease by the C.P.U. The lease expires in ahoul a year hul. Ihe company has the option of purchasing it. Tho general opinion is llial ii will either buy it or renew Ihe lease. This year so far over a million bushels of gj;aiu has Uiccu shipped oul over llns Hue through Edmonton. People Moved Out Al one lime there was a large selllemcnl on Ihe llrilisli Colum-Ida side of Ihe border al. or near Police Coupe. Most of (he set tlers have moved oul because (lie railway was not extended to that point, which is sixty miles from Spirit lliver or ahoul forly miles from Ihe head of si cel. There is a branch line running from Spirit Hiver south lo iii-.nnlit Prairie, a distance of ahoul 7(1 miles, and IB miles be yond lo .Wembley. II is from this point proposals have, been -made lo exleud the railway eillicr in llrule or Obed easterly or com- inir out al Hansard westerly llMiidsard is only IB miles east of Prince George. The Hansard route is most lit favor Just now, following u report on Ihe feasi bilily of the route by Engineer lones of F.dmonlon who esllni, ales Ihe cost of coiislruclion a A0.000.000: whereas lo llrule Ihe cosl would be $13,000,00(1 and coming oul by Pine Hiver Pass il would be $11,000,000. Nn estimate has been made of tho cos t of a lino by Ihe Peace Hiver puss. Serve C.P.R. Only The ohleclloii lo Ihe Hansard With a view lo taking action! on a complaint that was made (o Ihe city council Ibis week by Ihe Deep Sea Fishermen's Union rcgran ling Ihe low prices being paid locally for halibut, a inect-iiiK or the joint fisheries conu I millees of Ihe cily council,! board of Irade. Fishermen s Union and Itual Owners' Association was called fur last niglil The only persons who turned on were Mayor Nevvlon. Aid. Smith, Aid. I.arsen am) II. M. Daggett.1 so Ihe Hireling was called off. i I. II. Meagher, secretary of; Ihe Deep Sea Fishermen's Union, , staled this morning that the manner in which the mailer was taken up by. Ihe cily council Ihroush the Joint comuiillee was suitable neither to his union nr Ihe'ltoal Owners' Association. Tieri'fore. they were not rcpre-senled al Ihe meeting. These two "rganialions arc aJreaiJyAlakl,ug Ihe mailer up with Ottawa, asking for an investigation. SWANSON AND GAMMON Selllemcnl of I lie lawsuil in the Admiralty Courl between Capl. A. Swanson and Hichard Gammon of Ibis city against the Coastwise Steamship & tlarge Co. arising out of the salvage of Hie defendant's coal laden barge Griff near here over a year ago has been reached. The owners of Ihe barge have increased their lender from .-.'.000 lo 1,001) and this has been accepted by the plainlllfs. The matter of costs in Ihe action remains lo be set-I led. FINE NEW HALL IS BUILT AT GREENVILLE Concert and Basketball Qamea Held There Last Week: Palntlno Yet to bo Done The fine hew hall which has been under coiislruclion for some lime at Greenville is now compleli'd except for the paint ing of Ihe building which has been delayed until the weather improves. The building is lui feel long and 10 rec.1 vvide wilh 10 foo( walls "-and '.IniSlU'sV s'ti -far has been .$5,300. ' Last .week the Greenville con cert band gave 'it concert in tho hall which was attended by u large nuvher of people. After Ihe concert there was a basketball match. The secretary of the JJoai'd of Trade reported last night al tint monthly meeting of Ihat organization that he had received a iiiery from Ihe Dominion Government fair wage olllcer asking what was the current wage here for carpenters, lie was .informed that for first class men Ihe wage paid was seven dollars lor eight hours. C.P.H. steamer Princess lleal- roule is that it would lap only .nee, uapi. i. uiiue, arrivcu ironi Ihe eastern part of Peao" Vancouver and wayporls at 8 lliver. now Already served by a o'clock this morning returning four1 south al 1 1. 'continued on page GET $4,000 SALVAGE Case Over Rescue of Barge Qrlff Near Hero Over a Year Ago Settled Except Costs TAXI nd BOSTON GRILL Larje Upstair Dining Hall, Ambular. with' newly laid tlanctns Servlc floor (or hire, Suitable for Anywhere at Anytinv "'U;,.' 'o dances, banquets and wed Boyal Hotel, 3rd ding parties. Stand ana win o. PRINCE RUPERT For raW apply to Bosttn MATT VIDECK, Prop, 1 Orfll. ThirXj Ave. Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Pbne 457. VOL XV., NO, 00. l'ULNUE IlUPEUT, il.fj., SATURDAY, MAUC1I 7, H'2Z ' rtt6r cireui.non ises StrMt 820 PRICE TIVR GRN'I ' PEACE RIVER OUTLET BY PRINCE RUPERT AIR ROUTE FROM LONDON TO T0K10 IS PROPOSED BY WAY OF ALASKA Prince Rupert as Outlet INVESTIGATION for Peace River District heveral Routes Through Mountains Advocated; I (IhtoriinttQ tn Hnntnrn nnn Peace Pass Vmwi- Iltjperl is the natural oullcl (o I lit? world markets for it ft li: I:, i.'.-i ii it i if'iaill luiM'U ill i in; react: niiiT iiisirit-i or in me iiuriucrii pari p(,r tht provinces of Alberta "and Saskalrhewaii. A revision of Ihe (iriphl rales promised liy me guveninicni should make it pru- Jilalilii lo ship gram from I lit whole of raknlchcwnii and even iium (lit: western part of Manitoba westerly through Prince JtUjUT' Lnlil itiili: reccnlly the Peace Hiver grain has gone In the li ia J til Hit- (ireal Lakes, a distance of over 1000 miles, when ASK FOR SALE .there was tidewater here only !000 lu 7(10 miles away. The jeost of carrying grain from I Prince Rupert to Liverpool would about the same as from Foil Villiam as one handling would saved. The diuieully today is that there is no direct route from the Peace lliver to the Pacific Seaboard bul the Dominion Oov- erniocut has promise! llial the mailer wfll he dealt "willf al" the present session of Parliamciil. j Several Routos There lucre tire several proposed IS CALLED OFF i Only Four Turned up at Joint Meeting on Price of Fish Ilj.as just I luconie known Ihat Nina Kuinono, above, has hern die wife o) Lou Tellegeu, movie aclor and : former husband juf (ieraldine Furrar, since December 17, 'ItiVII.. T Proposed Air Route London to Tokio by Way of Alaska; Test Flights coming Summer HAN Fit AN CISCO. Mur. 7. Ilaacken Hammer of HeutUe, Amundsen's clner aide in the 1023 attempt oil trans-polur flights, announced plans he is making for a lest flight from London lo Tokio by wtiy of Alaska this year with the object of establishing an air mule. Hammer said .the 5,000 miles across the Pacific wtiuld be flown in 50 hours wilh two slops for refuelling. He has just relumed from Japan where he secured the promise of assistance from the Japanese government. He said Ihe atmospheric conditions were ideal for flying - - - along the proposed roule between' May and September and such a roule, thoroughly established, would be of value slategically as well as commercially. PRISON FOR COMMUNISTS IS PROVIDED New Law Passod by Japanose Parliament to Curtail Propaganda TOKIO, Mar. 7. The Peace Preservation Act, also known as the Anti-Bolshevik law, providing punishment by Imprisonment for nearly every form of Communist activity, was pasod by Parliament yesterday while a heavy police guard surrounded tho buildings. The law Is designed to chock Bolshevist propaganda and Is said to be tho direct result of tho jtusso-Japaneso POLICE AGENTS BURN PRIEST KII'.Y. MaC. 7. Falher Andre FdoukovilCh. a Polish Catholic priest, was burned alive in a I own of .liuir near here. The authorities allege thai the as. sailauls were agents of the Polish police . BIRTH At the Prince Huperl General Hospital lo Mr. and Mrs. Wil REFORMERS WON COUNTY COUNCIL LONDON, ENGLAND LONDON, Mar. 7. Municipal reformers were again chosen tut . Hie eighteenth year (0 serve On Hie London County council. Of the 121 seals the reformers won 83, socialisls 35, progressives U. r 4 . MANY AT FUNERAL OF HON. WILLIAM PUGSLEY ST. JOHN. N.H., Mai'. 7. Hundreds of alliens, including representatives of the federal and provincial governments al- Icmled the funeral of Hon. Wil Ham Pugsley. OLD COUNTRY FOOTBALL English League Division I. Arsenal I, llolton Wanderers 0. Aston Villa 0, Tottenham I. Hury I. Kverlou 0. Manchester C. 2, Notts County I Newcastle U. 3, Preston N. TS. Notts Forest 1, Sunderland 1. West Ham U. 0, Leeds United 0 Scottish League Division I. Airdrieonians 2, Hearts 2. Morion t, Cowdenbeath 3. Itailh Hovers 2, Third Lanark 0 SI. JohnsloneM. Parlick Thistle VANCOUVER ARRIVALS WLNNIPFO, Mar. 7. -The car of grain arriving at Vancouver since Ihe beginning of the pro Ham Griinsson of Oslarid there, sent grain shipping season last was born n son on March 7 I August has been 3,400 cars. Armlius Jarvis Pays fato Court T Fourteen Thousand ouf)( Sixty Thousand Fine imposed upqn him TOHONTO, Mar. 7. Amelhis Jarvis, it was announced .by the attorney 'general this morning, has paid $ 11,000 elf thcSCO,-000 fine imposed on him following his conviction on u churge Of conspiracy toi defraud the Ontario goveriimenl. Jarvis cjiims tliat the umoinil paid represents his actual Kuril on the lioild .sale involved pliia five per cent interest lie claims that the balance of the profit went ,'tu Andrew Peppalf, now under arrest in Los Angeles. The attorney general made no comment' on the phbib;.j effect .of the Jarvis payment. FISH PRICES SHOW FOfiTRAM flip UUMUUiLi UVvUHjUIVJ Four Canadian Boats Sold 22,-' 600 Pounds of Halibut at Exchange This Morning Tint li:ililtul fit'ii'i itn ilif lmn1 Fish l.xcliauge seems lo lel gradually recovering from. ..the! recent slump although bids, are as yel far from being satisfactory lo the fishermen. This morning four Canadian boats offered -2,500 pounds "Sftil the catches were disposed of -as fol lows : Scrub. 0,000'lbs.. al 8.5c and ic. and Fisher. 10.000 lbs., at tc and ic, to Ihe Canadian Fish A Cold Storage Co. llanaco, 1.000 lbs., at . H.Oc and ic. to the llooth Fisheries Canadian Co. Cape Spear, S .500 lbs., .at 8.0c and 4c, to the Hoyal Fisli Co. WIRELESS REPORT 8 a.m. DIGIIY ISLAND. Cloudy, strong southeast wind; hatometr r. 20.91; temperature, t0; sea ougli; 7.10 p.m. spoke Canadian Freighter passing oul hound for Genoa Hay; 8 p.m. sooke tug Cape Scoll 10 miles south of Honilla Island hound for Cum- hewa Inlet: 7 a.m. in .steamer. future northbound; 8 a.m. in si earner Princess Beatrice north bound. DULL IIAHHOH. Overcast, calm; barometer. 30.00; temper ature. 40; moderate swell; 7.30 a.m. spoke steamer Prince John left Allison Harbor southbound. I) FAD THKK POINT. Raining light southeast wind; barometer, 0.70: temperature, 30; sea smooth. Noon DIGIIY ISLAND. Raining, fresh southeast wind; barometer 20.00: temperature, 13; tnoder-ale swell; 8..'U . a.m. spoke tug Cape Scott anchored al Cuinshe- wa village. HULL IIAIUlOlt. Overcast, fresh southeast wind; barometer 20.07: temperature, IB; moderate swell. DFAD THKK POINT. -Cloud), calm; barometer. 20.70; lemper- ilure, 42; sea smooth. COLEMAN WINNER AMATEUR HOCKEY AGAINST ROSSLAND VANCOUVER, Mar. 7. -Cole man amateur hockey champions of Alberla defeated. Rossland II.C, the senior champions, by1 five goals lo one ju Ihe first! game of the western elimiiialion! series for Ihe Allan cup. BANDITS GET PAYROLL PATT'ERSON'7 New Jersey, Mar. 7. -Three robbers held up employees of the Manhattan Shirt Co. Ibis morning and escaped wilh the payroll of 17,000. GAMESPLAYED CdVnpletlon of Fourth Round 'Brings 8erles Near to Close ' 1 ION DON, Mar. .7. Moth Eng-liliiajid SepUish football teams plaje the fourlh round of the annunfVcup tieiseries today. The Scottish vgeiuUfinals wilt be playeit.onJUrchct and Ihe Eug-Hsh March 2l .This will, be followed by the Sinai game which will be. the spectacular events of i me season. tnim, games played today were: i ', ' English Cup n Southampton 1, Liverpool b Cardiff 2. Leicester 1. v Sheffield United 2, West Brom wioh 0. Blackburn 1, Blackpool 0. Scottish Cup Dundee 1, Broxburn United 0. St. Mirren 0, Celtic 0. Aberdeen. 0, Hamilton 2. Kilmarnock 1, Rangers 2. RAILWAYMEN IN I GERMANY STRIKE Freight Handlers Join Movement ana umers txpcciea to Follow BERLIN, Mar. 7. The German raitway:iien's strike spread this morning to Ihe freight handlers in three principal Berlin stations one fourlh of the workers only reporting for work this morning. It is likely the maintenance of way men will join the movement. The men are demanding higher wages. OPERATION ON LORD CURZON Suffered Collapse While Addressing Moating Thursday at Cambridge LONDON, Mar. 7. Marqufj Curxnn of Kedleslon, who swtt-t fered a collapse while addressing a meeting Thursday night at Cambridge, will undergo an up-, eration Al outlay lo relieve tbp etusc of bleeding. VICTORIA WON FIRST GAME IN PLAYOFF OF HOCKEY ELIMINATION VIUTORIA, Mar. 7. -Victoria won tho first game in the hockey playoiT to decide the right n meet Calga'ry for tho wester,, championship. Tie second gamt Is to bo played al SaskalooTi Tuesday. Tho ncoro last nlgtt stood: Victoria 3, Saskatoon t.