r. .u u ' '- i i7tr,yr ' rjf BHInli lUIHr Inll , Vyf-'-7.-vr-j.jn Doing of the Mosquito Meet which is the chief source of Prince Rupert' prosperity IK' I' lian'.'c fur I ,1. I' s., Ii;.. Ii: w ii 'h has fol- IllldllllfS in ,i;fv AIIIioukIi r,j fish lias r . uas r. Jer ond i i . fully 1 uf ami luKiiiaij. . In deeji sea s lias mil heen is wis reported palrhy'jHaouhl Hers Preparing u; : iv 1 1 y amoiiK nf iir iiiflmg fleet s arc rapidly lie annual exo-ffilmv lo Ihe n I i ifiiiiiM n : APPLICATION FOR BEER LICENSE i Dial .11 I lie 4111 '.r -iinifil inlriHln il liixrd rir "'ii lirinr pari t.'; I Mrl i l.'liiHiit !MHil. yiiwo ' IlritMl f. -ri llicil a lit II . Mill- :r.''l inrt fnrlv- '" ' i i'inii .... ;li:; mi tlx' fl It.' . OiU llh TIVII.EY. ' "" 'illranl. LNT L D OR IflT PPLICTI0IK FOR BEER Ilf'fir r:.'n that mi w 1 it'll Uir iimlfrtlriiml iik i.iqimr conlrril ;e . ; r p. , t i, rircliiiv 1 h ill'IK krutu-n i! If! j.iiiaii'rt at Hip ror-:n ainl Smh sifMAi I! -t, I'ronnrr 0 ' Hie lands rtc 1 l:i and rinirlirn 1 M Sertum (inn lliiln-rt. arrnrd-:.i ir..j;i if niiin dpTnilit4l at the i:iiv r an rnihcrpil it:, ror tin-tin r tiv ihe ri(xn j!l lhj nN.ml.. " ''II mrt . It H.I. ik i . ..lin will 1 r.i. "iY LIMITED, ter Mtnaitrr. r ai bill 1 niiinn r w AfPI trr. - ih-;i iiihi nn inat I 1 jl L . t lim 1 Innr.f r -,.1 . . . " 'M111.T1 i luiinar kmmn a U!) 1 tin. I-.... ......... . . iiiiy-ioiir rirtv.r....H (Ml II .....'... .. lit' 'I r fir I. i , ' U,,,IT K ! - ti ll 111 Ihm 1 h..lll. r." V. " '.!"" R.C . thl sir, day V t t.i.i...,. "y.Pirt llntM, Plilirril iK'rfh" i., .. . ih.. VT "ersiriicf n(! in ::r. . .wnirui ii.. i. .. . .'" "-' of iimii.i.' .' ."'"' lllrln..n.. rilled .'nl as iniJ T .,.' Rl'Vell ?'! .a,-"'irn Si'i-ii.Tn ijg. I In "1"K m,,,,, ''III ((II i -- j 1 iur. ' uiis tin "I'" It n Mm. NT kiyuUR ACT. r klLATIAM - pf 1 mm nn thai . 11 MPII 11.. . ." ' IIIA U.. ."'n,' ' III " lepe,. , 1, 7..., ""'Unit k ."":! Mil II A i-A. ' "l liii...h. 'iue, 1,1 ii,. 11 Mini I....... ' "nrn n, ,... ""-hiiiii one ri .wi. Hri'tii.tii... .. ,.::' i'in (ir..i.. ."." an, Hie ci" "T. , "! la., , : i.'"'..'"' I'M' 1.111111 '""ii lint...." on 0 ;' ."" ii"" "I'M' II1IHI1 liremiaM 'V i.i' 0s' 1. "-C n.c V thl 1 nn.' 'V'y fosroi . f Knyal lintel, AfPlUant. f, ;n (if Ihe'salniiin kwmhIs. Afi-ialy (several he water- (rollers have mrl with a niiuurn u ly nf irici-;or micccs ami have obtained around IC(j jicr iioiiiiil fop iheir catches, the waters around Dumlan Islam) have proved re-muniTaHvo areas. The Inilliiii: fleet is in guild xIihjic in clear from ,jnirl al an early dale ami plnH(lri'4i(ly lln-re I lalk (if the Wil slalinn-'lo Island fleet leuvins fur (lie ic Ami'i-icah 1 u irinifr operations , ,1 vestenliiy fori Fish Business i hi g.'ii ral ujiln-1 I'rnin Monday lo Friday 851,1 t ...in. ITOII ii.iiin.L ..r i ... 1 1 1 i ii . -m's iiiiii iui i..'tiii'j--. in iiaiiiiut nits neen iti i i in- meric;iiiMiId on llie Fish Kxcliaiifre, Can- iai in ' ' m ikkiii- i-iiiiiir. i,ic iiiiii in o.niic ami it; . f i.aiil- lo ifetjand low nl ftp and 3c. Aineficans T s v 'i i lias seen were high al 10.70c ami .50c i i: ;i!iil Americanlaml low at Tic and 3c. The ar- u;-i',n 'o fnll'rivals. were: American Kalnla, i u. ;: are mit onjOraniis, Anna .1., llelianc.e. Cape i !i ic lie wralli-l'lar, liouey. Tillicum, Alice II., Kodiak, Wizard, Arrow, I'ortlocli, l'residenl, Youn America, Ta-homa, enilh, Tir.leiiskjoli. Amundsen, Honaiua, I-airway, Sadie K., " Wireless. Yellowslone, lirolh. Oniric, Im-lierial,-. Linculn, Defence, Dona, Yakulal, hansee, Sitka, and Texas. Canadian Mali, Seamaid, Cay-peini, Hraydl, Selma, Point May, Inez II., J'anny 1. Karen (sal-ninn. P. Doreen ami Annie May. Foxes Doing Well The six pair of hlue foxes recently inslalled hy Ihe Nes Hrolhers1 on Ness Island, Kilkalla Inlet, aredolnp very well and are thoroughly al home in Ihcir new ijuarlers. Two men have : ii.tnn, n.(:..lieen on Ihe island I: 'e-i orric- iiiiooKins after the all winter little fellows 1 " ti,"'l-ta,Sinn.l they will soon he rewarded for their care by Ihe appearance of several litters of "lillle strangers" in Ihe fox world. The original six pajr nf ftixes were purchased in Kelchilcan last fall. Tln power boat Sadie, owned and skippered by 1-31. Camble. is undergoing a thorough overhaul on the Cow Hay Creek ways. A new keel has hern filled and llie boat is being n-ili'ekcil. Trollers In The trolling boat Skee-na Oily. Capl. Deo. l.adicos, nrried in port on Wednesday with JO salmon weighing lion pounds which averages around 42 pounds a niece, (feorgo is very pleased Willi the outlook for a heavy salmon run this year and prophecies a good season. The GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT. NOTICE CF APPLICATION FOR BEER LICENSE. 1NOTICE is hereby rlvon lhat on tli lh ila.v nf Mnrrh next tti iimlerslnit'tl llfiflfil fi.f linj'.lifr 111 rnciM.i'l In ftrf.liiUp : : "r L-v- K....... I J ... ..I 1... .... a Ind . .. CIH..I -,ii. iiiiivi. .viiiiiiii i i.wn r 11 ti iiiniii III lln r.Uy or rrlnce llujm-. Cnivlncc of Hrltlnti Oiliitiilila, iiHiii ilm lund.4 do-nrlliid ns IMS lIHrt'i'C (13) and four-K'i'ir .(H). Hi tiKx'k ililrlv-tlirof (.l3lt SM-tinn-'in (1 1. miyor VrlniH- niipcrt, nrnirdinir In a nirllrri'd mnp or plan deikiitlieri. In lli Land llcrlstry orrir al nn- :tty of I'rwiri' Hnirl and niimliiTed 0V3, for I he Hale of Imit liy Ilm Irian or tiy Urn iipeii liiilil- for riiiMiiiiiilon on iho lriinli". I1ATKI1 al Prince Ilnpert, K.C.. Ihls dlh day of rchriiary. 11)J. A. J. I'lll'lUIOMME and A. FISIIKIl. Manna-ers and 1'rnprlclor of Savoy lintel. Applicant. GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR BEER LICENCE. 1 iltl tii v of Mnrrh nevt. Iho nnderslinied 'nlend lo apply lo tlin Liquor Control II.....I :.m - 1........... tn ..r n.i.tnlBi.1 " 'i'i l"i o iiii-imt III irl-n I'l m. ....... - 1 lie nir nan part ,,r of Die the hnii.iinir hiillillnar Viiown known I at Caledonia Hotel, Kltuate at Imrferln Street, I'ort 151 n ir n.C. upon the land de-erllieir'at Loin :o. 3 and , Murk Nn. 3. Map .No. (37, city or Prince Import Land HeRlmrnlloii Dlstrlrt. In the Province of Ilrliluli r.oliimtila, for the Kale of lieer liy llie RiiiKK or liy the oien lioiile Tor ron-mimpiliin on the premise. liATKIt thU 7th day or rchriiary, tSSS. M FflF.li II. PEHKINS. Proprietor and Manai-er, pplieant GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT NOTICE OF APPLICATION rOR BEER LICENSE. . NOTirn In hereby riven thai nn Ihe 7lli day .or Marrh next the iindemlRiied intend to apply U Ihe Liquor Control Hoard for a llrensn In renjiert to pri'inUcs tielnr part of ihe' htilldlnr known a Centrl Hotel, lliinlcd at the corner of Kim and Seventh street. In the Cliv or Prince Itiiperl, Province of Hrlllli Coliim-ula, upon the land deacrlhed a Lol eleven (11) and Iwelve (t. thirteen (13 1 and roiirteen (HI, In niock len (10), Section line , City or Prince llupeit, arcordliiR: to a rerlstered map or Plan deposited In the Lam) licalMry or-nee at the city or Prince llnperl and niiinliered 023, ror llie Kale or beer ly Urn alaa or liy the open lintlle. ror rnn-umpMnn on the premise, tiATP.n at Prince llnpert, B.C.. this Oth nay r reimiary, 1B5. pETrn nLACk'. Owner and Mannrer or Ceniral Hotel, Applicant. roller.-Karen. Cit.it. liillv Thane, also arrived in nnrt n'n Wc.lne. day afternoon wild 700 iiounil of red salmon., The penial ,,l)oc", I'liippcrinn. wmii iias i.een ennrined Id hj' lied for llie nasi lwo weeks with rheumatism, js nw aide In lie! around allhnusli nol iierfeellyj ' recfuered. j : Hepairv '.Jiavc been riiiiipleled ' lo llie lialflMil selioorier Cape' ! Spencer, CapTflian Harden, which i recently broke ),(.r camshaft' wlule mil mi Hie fisliihp grounds and hostilities are hein" renewed' with Ide lialllml. Lumber Arrives The Iuk .M.T..I. Capl. Il.-fireen,; arrived in purl on Tliursday IwinIiih: in low Ihree scowloads of luiiiher made. up (if one scowloail of fish hnxes for Ihe ISoolh Fish. jerfes. a scow load of boxes for lie i .ii nil- risui-ri(s iinil a sciwload of liimher fur llie Provincial !overnmenl for Ihe liuii.liriz oT Ihe new loot shed al Cow May. In a'ddilion lln. con-slftnnienl will iiiclinle liimher for Ihe Hip Hay I.umlier Co.'s yards. Jack Lindsay's pleasure launch in on Ihe Cow Hay Creek ways for a piV-seaon fixing up. Con-siderahie work is In he done on the hull which was badly damaged las! fall when Ihe boat was driven on 'the rocks. Getting Acquainted H. Sharpe, superinlending en- ineer for the .Northern Con- slruclion Company on the build - ing of Ihe foundations for the government elevator, was find - : ing no dillicully in getting ac - quainled along Ihe walcrfronl on Ihursday morninsr. Mr harpe is very pleased with the ! "THE DAILY NEWS way in which things -are goingleck on lop of (ins, giving him and expects to commence upon j the appearance nf a lighted jual-driving (iT piles at the end of tress after a fire. It was at Ibis next week. With llhe arrival ofliunclure that 5us ilisciiveied fresh water sand from Ihe soulh Ihe pouring of concrete for the foundation piers will commence immediately. Adilitional' fresh water sand, i( required, will be secured from along die Canadian National railway where there are several beds or suitable- materia) handy lo Ihe city. The heavj snow falls along Ihe track ca?i j of here prevented any suitable sand being procured locally andj lo prevent holding up the work ine on.y aiiernanve was 10 lnng ,0(h.r .(.wingl,.n, Capl. II. it from Ihe south. Mr. Sharp? relumed Orniiston, this week has superintended some thirty frol a SIciaI liu,y.,pill lo Cjll)1 million dollars worl. or construe- Sl. .,aI110fi ,jh,,1(ni,c where ,. lion work in the past leii orlfiro . destroyed the liv- Iwelve years and was superin- : quarl,.rs ,,r M.c lighlbouse lending engineer on the Italian- LPl.I1PP .,,i i,u ir,. i.:,.i, ,.. lyne tiier, Vancouver. Patent Line Hauler Capl. Sorenson, owner and skipper nf Hie power boat Jen nie, has invented an ingenious j labor and lime saving contri-.lary living quarters in the lighl-vanre for hauling in the liuelbouse. Tom Morrison. chiif en- when Imlling which is beinglgineer. was one of the firsl manufactured by Akerberg Thomson. II is made from ap's own design and is operat ed from the engine. The hauler is made nf angle iron, oblong in shape, whirh sils in Ihe deck of the I111.1I, and has a brass groov ed wheel al, the extreme epd. The brass wheel is operated by a cogged shaft. In Ihe. engine, anil !Ver Mr, and Mrs. Will S ephen. . . . 'v .1. .ill'.! .". 1:.. .! ' ' works admirably. 'I his new line hauler has been tested nut practically and has proved to be a winner. Cap says he can now go trolling in silk gloves and a high hat. A Magician Yes, sir, this is a Utile, story of how easy it is lo change Ihe surrounding atmosphere to any color desired and it is not necessary lo carry any dye works or paint polsviip the sleeve, (ins Itolslrom, seconV) engineer on the lighthouse lender Newing-lon, discovered llie theory all by himself"' willi I li cv aid. of a few drops of salt chuck. It happened Ibis way. ius was solilo- Huising oil the lower di;ck of Iho steamer when Hie .decks were being swabbed above, and while taking in the scenic beauties un- GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT. NOTICE Of APPI "CATION FOR .BEER LICENSE. NOTICE I liercliy , riven tl.at on the 7th day or March next the iiiiderslirned Intend to apply to the Liquor Control HnHCd for a license In rcpecl lo iceinlse icIiir part or the rnilldlnir known a knnx lintel, altunteil on I Irst A 'cntie, In the filly or Prince ltiierl, "rovlncc of llrlllsh Coliinilila, upon the laud, do-rrl!ieil a Lot thirteen (13) and fourteen I4, in Block two ), "ectlon (lire (), City or Prince luiperl, aecordlnir lo reirlslered map or plan deposited In the Land ItcB-IMry iirrice at Ihe City or prince Impel t and nuniliered VS3, fdr the aale or Peer liy the rla or by the open lint tie for rtmsiiiriTii ioti on ine premiw. ihtkm at prince 11 liipert, B.C., this lh day or rrnrnary, ivyn. KNOX IIOTKI. COMPANY. LlMITEn. per T E William, Manarer. Applicant. lliinkinulv look tin n tirwihim fil jthe deck rail. The deckhand .above, a master hand at emitting water from a hose, let umpteen pallnns loose usl as the boat lurched. Ihe result was 1 hat the .who e darneil wvnks -rertilv iri.-t. led over llie side of the upiier Hie above menlioncil trick with the atmosphere while the deckhaml, a far as is known, is, riinnins yel. it - Deo. Ness of I.ockepori recently had Ihe misfortune lo catch a rock with Ihe propeller of his nower lm.il wilh Inn rosnli n,..' repairs had lo be done locally. Lighthouse Fire T,. rnver....i,.,.t liiiiimii-J siluated adjacent lo the light. The only thing saved from Ihe conflagration was a few bedclothes ami mighty lillle wearing apparel. After the fire the light house keeper ri ed up tempnr meinliers of the crew'- In g'i ashore and distinguished himself in making out a list of wearin-j apparel replacements. TIk? launVh Oh llabv, skippered by Laurie l.ambly, relnrned from a trip lo Lewis Island 011 Wednesday night after Inking The Canadian Fish A Cold Storage herriijg seiners Lord and Chief l.egiac arrived in port yes- Itenlay with 00 tons nf herring caught' in local waters. The herring seiner Tip-Top. Messrs. Itradbury and Yclf, arrived in port on Wednesday afternoon loaded wjlh herring. So heavy was the cargo that the decks were awash. The befrlnt run is Improving daily. , Capl. "Humpy" Itrowii Is busy doing'a lot of work on his I roller Ox in preparation for the coming season. Rapl. Khorl expecls to .have his new' deep sea trollitV,' hoa' all ready for Ihe big nine and upon inslallalion of his new engine will be out on I nil I pips In readiness Tor leading Hie Hippo Island fleel In Iheir happy hunting grounds in the near future. Purchase New Steamer The Iloolh 1'isheries recently purchased the steamer Kaslcrn Oale from the L'.S. Shippinr, Hoard, which will be used In the' transportation of oulflls and pack between Seattle and Western Alaska canneries. The vessel is nf steel conslruelion and a gross tonnage of 1,000. The Tobacco OLD CHUM erfaci o also W VACUUMZED TINS MANUFACTURED BY IMPERIAL TOBACCO COMPANY OF CANADA LIMITED. RUPERT ENDORSES A REQUEST FOR SURVEY Backs up Resolution of Victoria! Chamber of Commerce in Effort The Hoard of Trade last niglu endorsed a resolution asking for a survey of Ihe west coast sernt Ihem by the Vicloria Chamber ol Commerw. In their resolution they particularly included tin vest coast nf Queen Charlotte Islands. The resolution received ironi Vicloria read: "llesolved lhat Ibis chamber if commerce petition, the Minis ler of .Marine & Fisheries In commission a suitable vessel for use in the preparation of an uji- lo-flale hydrngraphic survey ol Hie wesl coasl, and that Hie sup- inrt of Ihe Vancouver, Port Al- berni and Prince llnpert Hoards nf Trade, together wilh that ol the Associated' Hoards of the Island, be also sought ; "And that we seek the active support (if .. V. Xeiii, M.p. for the Comnx-Alberni district; F. lork, M.P. for Prince Ituperl; C. II. Hickie, M.P. for Ihe Nanaimo district, and Ihe Honorable Dr. Tnlniie, either on behalf nf romiiiissiniiing a special vessel for Ihe services nf the steamers (iivenchy or Thiepval for Ibis nirpiise. "And further thai we enlisl Hie interest nf the shipping companies In (lie extent of petitioning Ihe minister, either individually or collectively." HOME NURSING SUBJECT 1NTREST1NG ADDRESS Girl Guards of Salvation Army Received Good Advice From Head of Hospital Miss K.lilli MrCaul, U.N., lady superintendent nf the Prince Ituperl ieneral Hospital, delivered a lecture to the Cirl Guards nf the Salvation Army last, night on "Home Nursing." MrsRea presided and there was a large attendance. Prior To the lecture Hie girls spent an hour in the HEART TROUBLE SHORTNESS OF BREATH Mrs. Oeo. E. Bowman, Morrlshurfr. 0nt wrlle: "I am writing yon a rew lines to let yon know or my experience wilh Mlltiiirn'a Heart, ami tvef pill. Two year airo I became Very poorly wilh my heart ai'd nerveand whenever I took 11 least lltlle lilt of exercise my heart would start to Jump and Duller. I could not walk np-Mnlr without havlnir to sit down and rest lief ore I wa hair-way up, nn account or my hreatli' lieeisnlng no nliort. I commenced taking MILBURN'S HEART AND NERVE PILLS ami In 110 time, t Ml a rrent Improve, ment, and. ran now heartily recommend them to all those who are roiilited wilh any arfectlon or: the iieary'A II, & N. rill are ror ale. at all rinift and general More; put up only by The T Mllburn Co Limited, Toronto. Oat. of Quality GET IT AT! 99 PHONE 586 BULK COCOA 2 liis. for 25c friew stock) gymnasium. : Miss MrCaul divided" her lec-11 re into three parts devoting ach pari respectively lo per sonal cleanliness, care or a pa tient, and the necessity of a clean innie. The girls were very ieenly interested and followed Ihe address throughout wilh evi- lent appreciation. At Ihe close (iiianl .Nellie (iurvieh thanked Ihe speaker on behalf of Ihe troupe ami tiiiard Edith Leek recited the pledge and declaration. Miss Salloway, head operating nurse, accompanied Miss Mc laul. Refreshments were served' it Ihe close. Dick Howe sailed .his morn ing ror Vancouver nn a len day airiness trip in connection with the Swifl-Canadian Co. GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR BEER LICENSE. NOTICE 1 hereby given that on the Jth 'day or -March next the iinjerslrneit Intend to apply to Ihe Liquor Control noard Tor a license In resperi to premises lielng part or the building known a Port Clements Hn'el, situated at Port Clement. Vueen Cn.irlntte Islands, Pro v.nre or llrltish C.nljimbia, upon the lands described as Lot seven (71, Block rortv-seven (47), Snbillvlslon or Lot seven hundred and tnrty-slr (74), Queen Charlotte iiistrlrt, B.C., as shown im a reglslered map or plan deposited In the Ijnd Ileglstry orflce at the Clly or Prince llnpert and rumlvrcd 1079. ror the sale or beer by ihe glass or by the oiwmi bottle ror consumption on the premises. not." ai rrince unpen, II. u tnis Din day or Kebrnary. 1!5. FRANK HICKS. Owner and Manager Port ClMnents Hotel. . Minllr GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR BEER LICENSE. NOTICE Is hereby given that on the 7lh day or March next the undersigned Intends to apply lo llie Liquor Contr&l Board Tor a license In rrspeel lo premlsea being part or the building known as .New Kmpress Hotel, situated at 388 Third Avenue, in the CJtv or Prince nujiert. Province or British Columbia, upon the lands described as Lots nine-lii'ii (19) and twenty (?n), In Block Iweiuy-tnreB i3). Section One (1), Cltj or Prlnee'. Iiupert. according 10 a rerls- tcrert; man"' plan d'iosited lu. Hie, t.inil negisiry "men ai ine (;ity or iTUice. mi-beer' bv Ihe 'Blass or hv ihe oni.il Ibiiili. pert anil numhernd 9J3, ror the Mle or ror consumption on the premises, n.ATKIi al Prince Itupert, B.C, this Cth uj ui reuruary, ivj. MIIR. ANNA M. rtOSS. Manageress and Lessee Ot .New Empress Hotel. ' Apnlicant GOVERNMENT. LIQUOR. ACT, NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR BEER LICENSE. NOTICE Is hereby given that on or arter the tstn day or March next, the undersigned Intends to npply to the Liquor Control Board ror a license In respect or premises iicuig pari or ine nuiKiiug Known as Queen's Mule I. situate on Lot 5. Main one 'rnniiptfi v,eelii mles Haled this I Oth day or February, 1923 MBS, M. I.. DUNN. 2IA P7v3E",FTVT!:, Owner, Applicant. HIGH CLASS -GROCERS DRY Birch Wood FOR SMALL HEATERS, 60c Per Sack I HydeTr ansfer 139 Second Avenu. Phon 680. Night or Day Wf BUY BOTTLES. Fox Farming Let. CLKAIIY Iin.OSM .witli, I heir Celebrated Strain nf BLUE AND SILVER BLACK FOXES Shnw you t lie road lo Financial Independence, Wealth, and True Satisfaction. Write or Wire for Iteliable Information. NOW -TODAY I "Ont or World's Largast Fo Farma" CLEARY BROS., Fox Farms, Seattle, U.S.A., 645 Empire Bldg. Member Seattle Chamber or Commerce, nrrerences Bradstreets. Marine .National Bank i Seattle . Dr. E. S. TAIT DENTIST. Helgerson Blook, PRIKPE RUPERT, B. 0. Offlc Hours, U . Phone A8B. Open Evenings Only Far Spsclal Appointments. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone SS. Cartage, Warehousing, and Olstributinfr, Team or Motor 8ervlce. TTCoal; featid and Gravel k-u'.We Speolallzs In Piano ana Furniture BJovlne.