PAfi"TWO?'' True Economy is not so nuch what you pay for an article as what you get in return. "X1 JEi jSL, H441 is incomparable in value. Try it today. The Daily News PRINCR RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince ' Rupert Daily Xev., Limited, Third Avenue. II. P. PULLE.V, Managing Editor. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION Thursday, Feb. 5th, 19J5. Signs Of Progress Seen In City. Mere iiiv a. few of th signs of progress for the city and district and there art others in the offing: Elevator contract mid equipment on the way here. .Seal Cow Mill to opt-n this spring. New cannery to he built near Seal Cove. Port Clem.ents .Mil) to operate. I Intra I and other mills to. open soon. Abattoir to he built by P. Burns. Contract let for building for I.d.D.E. Plans being. prepared for other buildings. More boats then ever before to eugagtf' in fishing. Victory For Auto v' Over The Horse. - Only a feV years ago people were wondering if the automobile was here, to stay. .Now we are told in the city of Los Angelas the horse is to be prohibited access to the crowded Ihorofares. Protection against horses is to be established. The horse has served a useful purpose. He has been n faithful slave Jo niair and lie is still the faithful friend of the farmer. For speed -and distance, however even, the farmer lakes to the berated Lizzie and steis on the accelerator This is a world of change. If some of us are slow, we move torwarii wnn the mass. Keeping Animals In Captivity. There is a controversy going on in Victoria over the keeping In captivity or the little while bear cub that was taken to thal4cily frtirir Biltcdale, Princess Royal Island. From a sricn-liO'tind tourist point of view it is1 nrgued'lhat he should be Heptj,aiiu properly housed. riie opponents take two lines of argument. One is (hat of expense and the other that of eriielly to animals. The members of the Property Owners' Association see in the bear no tiuilerial gain but just an expense to the citv. The oilier group advocate returning the bear to his natural hab itat on Princess Royal Island, as being the only solution of the problem. They say it is eruel to shut any animal in a cage or smaii nouse, r.veu in Hit city council there is strong difference of opinion and it was only on a vote of six to four that it was determined to spend a thousand dollars on a suitable bear house. The Victoria Times says: What I?rsiis Kermodei really needs is a trip to home and friends in northern British Columbia. Captivity and loneliness have reduced her to a pitiable spectacle. She is losing her hair and shape ami at her present rale of deterioration simui will be anything but fin attraction to even the guileless Occasional tourist interested in white bears, if there, is such a person. The impression created in the minds of most visitors by the pathetic little captive would not be-complimentary 1o the good sense and humanity of the city of Vr-oria. IT we really want to make a hit with visitors with bears, let us start with either a family of the burly polar species, or three or four eight-fool grizzlies with -authentic records of crime whose baleful glares would give even.-the most sophisticated tourist a real thrill. Similar Controversy , , Over training Animals. There is a similar controversy going on in other parts of the world .over Hie trainiug.of animals. There, is a big group or people Rial says it is cruel to train an animal to do tricks. There a club, kijuwti as the Jack Loudon Club, which uses its inllii-ence against the training of animals either pets or wild ones a no me exhibiting or their cleverness in public. They alt claim that cruellies are common in training these animals niid thai the only way to prevent it is to stop-training them altogether. Possibly these sympathizers with the animals, wjiile well-intentioned, allow their sympathies to carry them too far Thev do not give any credit to the people who treat animals kindly and tram I hem to do things which Hjey enjov doing. , People who have-kept animals know how much they enjov doing tricks usr are especially Iraclable. Let a boy throw a s'tick and have'a dog fetch it and the animal fairly pleads for a continuation of the gartle. Every gesture indicates enjoyment, , Doubtless there are cruelties and these should be slopped, but there are kind trainers and they should be encouraged "Headaches, Bilious Spells, Are Now AH Gone" Mr. John Ireland, Nobleton, Ont, whet: "I wai a great sufferer from levere headachei and bilious pellt. I tried a number of reme-diei withoui obtaining any benefit until I was advised to use Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills. These completely relieved me, and made me feel like a new person. I am very grateful to Dr. Chase's Medicines for what they have done for me, and you may use my letter for the 1 benefit of others." Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills 15 cu. box of Si pill, Kclnunaoa, Hti Co., Id., Toronto JUNEAU WANTS COLD STORAGE iiFen contend that tins-city is belter itualed for a fresh fish-ing centre than any other in Ihe Terrilorv. She is neni-cr Mm COMMITTEES OF GYRO i CLUB FOR YEAR ARE ! NAMED BY PRESIDENT! The following committees of! ihe (iyro Club for the year ti25 have been appointed by the new lunsblenl. II. l MeXii'tighlon, Ihe rirsl-mentioneil in each case being chairman: Civic arrairs Dr. I,. V. Ker-gin, Y. J. Nelson and It. V. Cameron. Knlerlainment S. V. Taylor. I. I'. Stork ami I,eo Wlaush. Arfilialions V,. V. Wright, ('red llenning and Harold Mc-I'.weh. Athletic K. A. Mann, 0. K. Starr and fieorge H. T?te. Uiilletin n. U. Hunter ami Frank Hibb. I'layproumlsn. A. Harlow, Milton Honza'.es. W. V. Wright, K. A. Mann ami C. C. Mi lb. Sergcanl-aL-arms A. Lionel 1 1 oil by. O reeter I). P ,5ork. WOMEN ARE HANDY WITH j KlUfcS Al ANCHORAGE Make Good Scores In Club Shoot and Expect to do Much Better A.NT.HOn.UiK, Tel,. 5. Women here are good slinls. They have! a women s section of Ibe Anchorage llifle Club ami some of them can hit llie bull's eye. nr. len. Some of llmni have shot bear and are able to defend themselves as well na an old hunter. Al a recent rifle club shoot nine, ladies made, out of a est route. ' , Thursday, February ,r,, WALKED THE FLOOR . FOR HOURS NERVES WERE SO BAD Wherever ihpra at n'Minl who are wrangen nas a nam ana 19 ; trmitili-d with de rnnFvii nerves they ' Erecting a Second For' Fish fhul in Mtiimm' Heart and .Nerve riiK a Business ' r,'""',,' ,ni" wl" restore llie equilibrium . 1 nf these rifranin-tf centre ami bring bark the shattered nervous aysteiu In a pei-teil Lal year public spirited cili-1 , -reus oT AVrangell luiilt a cohL Mrs. W. V. Aitlthnuse, Wixwtroiu, out., storage plant, savs the Juneau 1 writes: "After havlnga severe atiark of .. , , ., 1 bmnehltls I was left In a very weak, run- Kmpire.. they round so pro- nvn nnuUlUm. niv J,ms wn .11 filable that the plant Will be en- broken up; rmild not sleep at night, and largcd for -lilts year's business. ' would liave to Ret nut f bed and walk Xot itiilvtliiU but a second cold lhnr r"r no,lr-slorapo'.plant "m"r "i,n is Loins erected - h2 ftnd pri'jiurod for business there., MILBURrTS rresh f isle business to a connin- HEART AND NERVE PILLS nity the people of Petersburg itre,' hewn tn reel mijen belter, and after jiI ready raising Hie money witlt iMin ' m"r 1 r,,uM iny , j , . 1 11. my rest a well as I ever dirt. I always which to I d a cold storage rcc(llnllicnt ,,,,., l0 a my rrlpnli... plant at thai place. The peters- pur sale at all druggists and dealers; burg Herald' says tlu money will Pt up only by The T. Milhurn Co., t.lni- soon be subscribed. This enter-:""'- Torftnfl t. prise 011 the part or I'elershurg is following Hip construction or possible :5 scores ranging from a municipal water, electric light- -3 l,nv lo ,y- By end of Hie insr and hydro-eleclrie system. It season they expect to be able lo shows what an enterprising, make 35 twice out of three times. community can do through co- operalfon when it se.s Hse.r R(JPERJ MENTIONED ' illllilll IL. Juneau's Neglect 1 Juneau lias almost wholly neg- AS PRAIRIE PORT leeled the business and w, Do Business This, Way Only' is benifr proved Tvery yeari - f t s Least Expns,e hat she has missed a lot in do- s NawspapeP. insr so. I Ins ctly is still Hie lar- - test and. financially speaking.! , mnvmn, u f,.i i 1...1.1 ,. Ibe in the strongest territory, conference; nrobably in Kdin.m- inai is necause or nor minintr IM., -nmrt,11, . , ,.,. inlerests, because she is the . ,;,,,,, center or one f the f,ot. pro-.knl,.ltt.WIin an, AU,erta with Ihe un niii i 111..S1 piospvinus sn-,lM . rM.. ,kf ,, Hons or Ibe PaciHc coast be,,,, n resenta- cause she js the capital or the .,,. wllBtlM,Pnu,n. lerrilory and t.rricial lieadquar- , , .,. 1 its mi- si 1 many nraiicnes 01 ine Tovernmeni and because, in The object is slated to be lo Tfiiil tt-i,lir PoAn tm 1 1 iitti tut llt.k spile or hersetr. she has fine T :r. 1 mil., f: 1. 1... r i - , ...m, ui . tiu nuu-i it. hut HUM il-MI IMI-IMI-. HIT ' III OWO. ,,,,. , . .. I .. , , . ,, 11.. 1 il : 1 1 1 , Tm,fciim ,itiiii-i iiiiij inii-i inr ti 1 1 1 1 1 think hnw .mieli l-tt-irnp n n . I ' ...,.. . .....I On. .1. tronger she would be lT she had .., , .. . , ,, . , , ,, not neplected the Hsh business! T " . " V" Think what il would mean H ",r V1, - ' " an'J 11 that some- there were 1..0 more Hshing ln.!,; Im.-its onoei.lin.r .v,l ..f il.U ,..H . 1 w"rl1' V aiTOIll- n .. . .,, 1 fdished at a "sel-togelher" or Miyuinciib rur Hll ,. . .1 llllfvili'i nn.rlnel up. nf !. Klllll. M"' interest of Vancouver and ..nai h... ,.h.,i ..r f..i..4 .1. nf ri'is,, 'blinlda ill the .pies - is- conceilen: ir.o fiisl ' ' ' "f 'h"rU MvV l.ard .tclrlf,;ig a js)iing dustry h4 would be' the estib- I n,t ;'alchewa Is equally real ",,,Ufrl' '",n,nL I'rair.e tishment of a larse enl.l slo,,.Te people i.l.n.l. T'V,.!r..ll'n.i lPl,.-.:ar,, ,f"''''-'ied in fretting their tiurg can build cold storage product lo market by Ihe cheap- Plants and Had them pror.lable,, ,M. lm,K' "npmg in I, ,..,,. f,..,i i .i a t.'i.i...',l,(,,r imports also by the cheap- it mpy. are 10 no their selling and buying via Van comer or Prince lluperl that wilt be because that is Ihe least ex- Hshing hanks than any other ;,,0,ls,v" ,,,",ho'1- Any reduction lown that has equally advan-"" M,p r:xt'' ''"'"'"I '"'s lageous shipping r.-rt-ilities. Slie,,,oin,f nuHt ,','ae' '" M" ,lmv" has larse stores ami machine Hie j-ales pointr anil coming ocr shops. She has good schools ,i"l,,,', nutle. H the pro-and Hno ivinK conditions ror11""""'1 ''0,1'',,,,,',e develops into a those who want lo live here and COIlf,'M,c', "n frii-hl "' britiK their families here. She hmv lo p ,J",M r'lnefi that has hospilals ami all the other wi" l";rll!,l ,'" effec-necessilies. She has ahonl Iho-' Hve .way of promoting the com- rinesl population on earth. inon interests. The Man in the Moon .IAKK says publicity ami mat rimony are much alike. Many people gel I lie kind I hey don't want. ' ,- IK I'limly knewi liiiw Jii (to without things' I'd be a' rich nian today. Seeins lo me they leach us everything except how lo get along wilhoul buying things. TIIK art of spilling was invented In give the street' corner loafers somelhing In-do. I IIAV1-! known young men so considerate of others they would not work for fear of doing someone out of a job. WlATII is preferable lo pay menl of taxes. )n,ilb is a pen ally you nay only once. Taxes! are paid several limes a year. II'" a man is a good example thai Is usually about all he ls TIIKHK'S on., thing to be said for cross word puzzles, they are heller for Ihe youngs folks than reading sex novels or-outre magazines, -TIIK first ,ing n do In train ing a child is to kill off the parents ami keep him, away fruin other folks. .IAKK says he dreamt he saw heaven once and since that limine has nnl been very enthusiastic aboul religion. ' WK don't iriiiid them playing harps in heaven but 'v us hop. there are not any amateur violinists there. IK I though! 'lliesn dull limes were going lo keep "on, 1 lhink I should turn communist and goi broke. KHIKMS are those wljo can work together over Ihe same cross word pinnies wilhoul feel ing cross with each oilier. I T A A 1 i i en i ears rvgu I in Prlnre Rupert February 5, 1915. The premises of Ihe llrackman Ker .Milling C.o. on Kirs! Avenue were cleverly burglarized and several bas of oals and flour removed diiring Ihe night. An overcoat was also taken but no money is missing. The- city "police are investigating., The Hulkley Valley Agricultural Association has decided to make' Telkwa the permanent annual fair' site, turninvr down Ihe offer of Smilhers, The'coulract was awarded yesterday, lo the Asphalt I'aving Co. of t:anala for the erection of pump house, boiler house, set-tin? of Hie boiler and two small tank roiimlalioiis at the ilry dock. expect cp:r. ships to dock at esquimau VIC'IMIUA, Kelt. 1. It is ox- lec.ted that as soon as thi new tryibek at Ksfjnintalt i iMn- for laisiiiess the bin K mp losses of "he CP, It. ocean service, plying lelween U.C. and the Orient will lock there. It is lo accommodate iust such vessels as that that the lock was built. Hitherto they UiiM' done their overhauling in 'lie Orient. HIS FINISH Movie director You are des-ierae because she has rejected on. (io jump into the lake. Young actor Itul I can't swim. Director Oh. dial's all risht. You don't appear in the later 'cene anyway. SYNOPSIS OF L4ND ACT AMENDMENTS PRE-EMPTIONS Vacant unreserved, urveyd '."rown land may be pre-empted by ilriMtli sutjjfeu over 18 year of ukh. ind by uUens on declaring Intention .u umraif nniifn nunjects, comll-lenal un residence, occupation, nd Improvtmvnt for aricultur lUrpost'M. Full Information concerning regu-ttlons rrcardlng ,. pie-emptlrfnn la .oven In UullHIn No. 1, Lund Series, 'How to l'm-empt Land," copies of which can be obtained fret of charg 'y addrt-relnx the Department of uandH, Victoria, H.C.. or to any Oov-Tnment Asent. . Hei-orda will be Kranted covering only land ultalle for agricultural :urposi, unit which la not tlmlwr-land, l.e., currying over S.UOO board feet uer acre went of the Coast Uanga und 5.000 feet per acre east of that KangA. Application for pre-emptions are to be addrefiKed to the Land Com-mlwdojier of the Land Hecordlng Division. In which the land applied for situated, and are made r printed forms, copies of which can be obtained, from the Land Commissioner. I're-emlitlons must be occupied for five Years and Improvements mads-to value of 10 er acre, Including clearing and cultivating at least five acres, hefor'a Crown Grant can be received. For mora detailed Information set the Bulletin "How to I're-empt tlod." PURCHASE Applications are received for purchase' of vacant and unreserved Crown lands, not being tlmlierlund, for agricultural purposes; minimum Price for first-class (arable) land Is lt ir acre, and second-class (grai-lnit land $2.50 per acre. Further Information regarding purchase or leuso of Crown lands Is given In Uiilletin .No. 10, Land Series. "I'urchase and Lease of Crown Iands." JII1T, factory, or industrial sites 00 timber land, not exceeding 40 acres, may be purchased or leased, the conditions Including payment of stumpags. HOMESITE LEASES Unsurveyed areas, not exceeding 20 acres, may be leased as homexltes conditional upon a" dwelling being erecteil In the first year, title being obtainable after residence and 1m-Vrovement conditions are fulfilled and land has been surveyed. LEASES For grazing and Industrial purposes areas not exceeding 640 acres may be leased by one person or a company, GRAZING Under the Grazing Act the Province Is dlvldeO Into grazing districts and the range administered under a Grazing Commissioner. Annual grating permits are Issued based on numbers ranged, priority being given to established owners, Htoclc-owners may form a Nidations for range management. Free, or partly free, pennlta are available for settlers, calipers and travellers, up to ten head. BY APPOINTMENT T7T77 Tl PURVEYORS TO VA j - Distillers of Flit H'hiilri'l linct ISS3 Montreal, Qye. Loi-xfoa Er. HIS MAJESTY Nw York. U. J. A. Thi ailvrrtisemmt h not published or displayed by the I Control Iloaril or by the Governmenr of British Colum! Oil kinc ctoRce v, n Important facts about a whisky are: Quality Age Method of Maturing Read the label on every bottle of T APIAN- JJB, WHISKY Observe carefully the date on the Government Stamp over the capsule DISTILLED AND BOTTLED BY Hiram Walker & sons. Limited WALKERVILLE , ONTARIO Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK SHIPYARD Operating C. TV P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant is equipped to handle all kinds nf MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 385 WINTER STEAMSHIP SERVICE 8.S. PRINCE RUPERT sails from Prince Ilupert FOR VANCOUVER, VICT0RI. SEATTLE, liildNii-ill.itn point each Friday II. 0d a.m, Foe STEWART and ANVOX WVdiwurtiiy, THE 8 8. "PRINCE JOHN" leaves PRINCE' RUPERT fortnlflhtly VANCOUVER, vis QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. ' PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, SATURDAY, 6.00 f.m. for I'rliwe ileorse. EDMONTON ,winnipeo, an pninis i:anm csnnda. t'ulieibKtsies, AGENCY ALL OCEAN. STEAMSHIP LINES, Clt, Ticket Office, B28 Third ., Prince Rupsrt. Phost 260- CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAV 8.C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert PRINCESS ALICE PRINCESS MARY For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway January 12,. 26; February 9i 23 For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle-January 2, 18, 30$ February 13, 2 S.t. PRINCESS BEATRICE. For B-itedale, Swan son Bay, East Bella Bella, Oceu' Falls, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, and Vau-aouver, every Saturday, 11 a.m. Age.icy for all Steamship Llr6- . Kill I information from W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent ftTner of 4th S'reet and 3rd Avenue, Plnce Rupert Good or Bad Weather We Can Do Your TOW I N G Day-Phones 423 539 Or. 601 Rupert Marine Products Ltd. Night Phones Red G18 Gr. GOI 539