ROTHER USMAR rolin II: WAS CHARGED; lilt Stand Trial For Manslaugt- er Following Death of Boy. hli'MHi i I en. 0. - Follow In, -j v. .. . r :-: of 1 lie coroner' ; lutii wjlh respon r death of Henri LACK EVIDENCE IGAINST WATSON """Be Against Former Seattle Policeman Withdrawn In Bon Marcho Case. SI- a 1 1 1 .,.(,. 5, 'i i,,. u(r- 'l:t'- W"-- made in emir! yes-'! rhio ,-es against lloss ;" : ' line of the ilefeni-u' '".uun Hon Marehe :i tin- al (.'ore roliliery trial, 1 " ' ornary 0, might he.dis- "" rn lurk of evidence. V - 'i:i s exoneralion in till" a,, D.i II" X;:. Ull'h il; I ' iiiii mn n have no direel i-rfect 'lial'UI. 1 1 r imi'liriiiiilliiii ill -::. i mrt hank rmihery. for now .being .held for W ii xiii) whs formerly lt mi'in ie Si'niHo police furcel iROKE RECORDS SKI JUMPING Nolson N World for Distance, Boating Professionals Hi vi:i,s i (iici. I'l.i, r. w.i a r Hevcl-dnkc,' holder of 'lie ' I I , T h rlmiMiiliiiolili. nmn. Ill'lli !(! M'.l ,,f .fl.( f..,. t , J,l Victoria, 0. I tin. Lll. lailway is Closed as Result of Mud Slides in Kootenay District NF.LSON I Two lives wen; snuffed out iiml a ranch ,i, l iiyiMi .-an Ihe railway line closed fur Hie season n-U -m-liilcs (luring Hit' pal 5M hours roltowiitg n ilnyV Tlif ' ia on Wednesday morning caused a -now slid-' h ilrnw i- hrd (III1 raiK'h houe of John llnvle at Quecii-ini- whe riK "i'' portion rniitniiiing llovle mill his wilt' nli .il g 'he upper scrlinir where the son and mtviiii. -,- nii-ii in uti . Tin' loiter Iwo escaped serious Injuries Iml ,. ! -),' w'i' buried, ami a gang of !2 men were, work 1 : ,C ad eight years ofl Hi'.'o 'lB -scliool. t. i wiH rhaf&ediwillfi , d on .limitary 21 ii scalding he suf-' brother, pave hlmjt school. luur'Ut'i physician, ui.' Iy I ho, "lad loid ill r water," as not .--Kin m ulilc.l lull flic ma; Ii had begun to 1.1'uim III,,);,, lU llVl'tl t'lifitil'il liV . ' w . It H.V.MO ft J ' ii a ImirnainPiil and in "Huso,,,,,.,,! Pv.., ii iiiiiw..!. a ""nil i.r "to iy,.i i;.:..,u inu- the IW-UI'1,1 s ,.1,f.w , ,. ... -fiuinii ill Hill in I., ;," r I''ltl hy Henry Hall of '''"Ki. Hi,. 111V,.. IW1"MI III nw.'.l oT Ilevclsloko world record 1 18 feci, HOCKEY SCORES I ing yesterday In remove the Ions ( iiiihI hut without finding tin1 bodies. Work was resumed As a result of I lie three big on the Kaslo and Xakusp of the C.I'. II. Hie Kaslo it nil Sloean service will he discontinued for the winter. FORCED TO LAND AFTER FLYING TO WESTERN AFRICA I'AHIS. Feb. 5. T.apl. I, eMail us and Lieul. Ac rnrlmril, French .-aviators, who left Klampcs yesterday with - the intention of making a non-slop flight to Dakar in Freluich West Africa, were forced to laud yesterday after flying- over miles. They were 131 miles from Iheir declination when Ihey alighted. MILBANK SOUND BUOY IS REPORTED ADRIFT Lighthouse Tender Newlngton, In Command of Capt. Joe Peterson, Sailed This Mornlna to Localo It. III,, litthlhousf lender New inuioti sailed this morning for Milhauk Sound where it will eu dciivor to locate the Vancouver rock light buoy, which was re norlcd adrift al I he first of Hi week bv Caul. A. K. Dickson ol I In Union steamer Canleua. I he w.uiiiL.iioi is Icninorarily in command tif (Japl. Peterson ininlcr of t lie llirnie. Iler regu lar skhmer, Caul, Harry Ormi Ion. is expected hack al I ho first of the week Troiii Victoria where he to attend, the funeral oT i. u I.,.,. Hi,. iv lh, lale Caul. Silas III.-' n"i ev f ' Onnlston. JACK MILLER FOUND GUILTY CONNECTION WITH RUM RUNNING i,.,.i Miili.i". formerly of Ibis clly, has been coiivicled on four counts in l.os Angeles in eon-,n wilh an alleged. lliiior siniwglini; conspiracy from Can ...i.. I., i 1 1 r, ii'ii in. lie. together it. i.i I,. ".... iii, n number of his associates who were also found g"iHy, w'" , i,..tii,.ii come up roe seiucun- uu ary '.. . INDIAN LEGISLATURE RETALIATORY BILL DCr.lll. Feb. G.--A hill propos I in t ion against Hi'iU Pllllll I flOS it n.l Hie Uniled Stales ,.i,i..i. ihe iieonle of India mi inferior race, was adople yesterday hy the hegl-lature. EQUIPMENT IS EXPECTED HERE AT ENDOF WEEK Actual Work on Elevator Will Have Commenced by This Tims Next Week It Is Thought V. C. Ainell s dredging cipiip- nienl which will he used in cou- iiecliou With the litlihliiig of the wharf for Ihe grain elevaior here, is ex per led lo nrrie from Vancouser Inwards the end of Ihe week. As much of the gen- al e(iiipnienl as posihle for Hie job of foundation building as .vol I as the wharf will he sent north on Ihe dreilues by Ihe .or-Ihern Crfinslruclion Co. it is an ticipated. Actual work will have com menced by this tune next week. it is expected, RAILWMTRACK IS NOW CLEARED Train From the East Hill Arrlvo About 9 Ton'qht And One For the East Will Leave Shortly After I lie lour ilay. lie-un, oi laihvav between Kwinilsa and Auisluiry on lureounl of snow lides and drifts was ended tins morning when ine roiary piow thai, had been working from this end got through and llu west bound passenger train, which has I i wailing al I'aciric, was ilesnalclleil lo Prince lluperl. It was slated al the of lice of Hit' general suiieriulendenl al noon thai the train from the has I. would be in between H and II o. lock lonight, probably nearer eialil o'clock. Ihe train for Ihe Has! will leave soon alter thai from the Fast arrives. II Is over five Hays now ince Ihcre has been a train in, from Ihe Fast and il was last Saturday thai Ihe lasl one leTti here fur Ihe Cast. The company Intends to keep lis snow plowing eiuipment near Kwinilsa until all danger of further tie-ups from snow is removed. Fred Weaver, American- vice- consul here, is leaving tomorrow for Vancouver en route lo Cor till ii where h" is lo assume the posilon of vice-consul. ciM'd in large numbers telling f successful Irans-Allanljc raiismission ,by the Moncton latiiui of the Canadian .National tailways on numerous occa sions. So Hie voice which went ipiiv- eruig oul over I lie Allanm was Hie voire of Canada speaking lo Ihe .Motherland, a voice, that was caught up in London by Hie powerlul stations of the Iliitish hroadcasling company and re- 'iroadcasli'd from that station throughout the lliilish Isles. Value of Wireless Sir Henry in the message which was delivered for him as one of he features of Ihe program, says ii part. " The experiment we are -onducliug lonigld shows Ihu value of Ihe wireless In bring ing large enterprises such as Ihe Canadian National llailways into close coulacl wilh Ihe slaff and the public. Here in Canada with our vasi ami wiueiy iiiiug ran way mileage, we find wireless of ureal value in maintaining a human coulacl between the ad- luinislralioii and our men. For after all i ho success of any large transportation undertaking depends upon Hie goodwill of Hie public and Ihe loyal, enthusiastic support of Ihe staff." Land Of Opportunity "Allempls have been made in co-lain quarlers in Creat Hrilain lo discredit Hie name of Canada ami to discourage inimigralion front the l ulled Kingdom lo Canada, said Sir Henry. "As one who has lived anion'.' you over there, as one who has coine lo know you and lo love you well, give ypu my assurance based upon thorough know-lcdgo of conditions in Great Hrilain and in Canada, thai Can ada is sill llu land of great opportunities. For the man and the woman not afraid lo work, there are in Camilla opporluui ties lo he found nowhere else In the world." After a firm declaration uf his TAXI BOSTON GRILL 25 nrtd mm Large Upstair Dining Hall, Ambulance with nrwly laid dancing flour for hire. Suitable for Service dances, banquets and wedding wwhar at Anytime. parties. fsuntf Royal Hotel, 3rd Av. PRINCE RUPERT For rap, apply to Boston and uiu Grill, Third Ave. MATT VIDECK, Prop. Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Phone 457. P1UXCK JtllMIltT, H.C., TKlillSDAY, FKUHUAHY 5, Wo. VMttrdty't Circulation 1T2t. lr Mm Bit PRICE FIVE CENTS. iAKM "'ii' ARRANGEMENTS OPENING OF MILL NO WSLIDES, FOLLOWING THAW, TAKE TOLL OF LIFE IN SLOGAN COUNTRY Marshal Jollre, known during t he war us (he "Lion of France," is shown wilh his wife al their newly erected home, which stands on a plaleau overlooking Paris. From left to right are shown: Dr. Lnpeyre, Mile, .loffre, Murshall Juffre, Mine. Joffre, Mine. Keiupf. Slandiug are Mine. I.ypeyre and Monsieur Kempf. Sir Henry Thorntons Message to People of Great Britain is Broadcasted to Them by Radio ' ' M()Nt;TN. N.H:, Feb. 5. - "Canada wants; no oilier flug than Ihe I nion .lack uml wauls iiOiollier fprjn , of. gineniineiil lhaii thai which siibsMs under Ihe Ihrone of (ireal Mritain,' declared Sir Henry W. Thornloni ehairman 1410 1 presidenl uf lln Canadian Xnlioiial llailways, in a message .s'enl oul from ladii Inliou ('MIA in u broadcast which forged u now link in l.'n bond of I'liipjic- which joins Canada lo (he Molhcrlaml. 11 wa Ihe fii I real allcmpl of any luliou in Canadu lo broadcast u concert dusigned entirely for Ihe. eiilerlaiiinioiit of li-.teiieis-in U Hie oilier side of the Atlantic. j - It was made, pimildu by Hi'?, belief in the of Can- messages winch nave neen. re- ada. Sir Henry coiilnnied. "Or lale there have been some recurrences of those rumors reflecting upon the fidelity of Canada to the Itritish throne, II has been my opportunity to visit every part of Canada every year and I can assure you thai Can- ida wauls no other flag, than Die L'u Ion .luck; that she wants no other form of government Hum Dial which subsists under Hie Ihrone of Hrilain and that Can ada is as loyal lojhe l.mpin In lay as she was in the summer of ItMl, when, win or lose, she threw all her resources, men. money and materials, iulo (lie Minnie struggle (ireal Hrilain was forced lo ligui lor nonor s sake." In' conclusion Hie orcshlcnl aid: "I hope you will all enjoy our concert ami nun we in mla may see many of you before Hi), year is oul. In Canada you will find much of interest in all Iho acliviles of I i To and alluring Meld for industrial enter-prlse." SWANSONBAY MILLLEASED Operations To Be Continued By Southern Alberta Lumber Company. Word brought to the eily on the steamer i'rince Huperl yes terday aflernooii was lo Mie ef fect that Hie lumber mill of the Whalen 1'ulii & Paper Co., al Swanson Hay, had been' leased for a period of Hirer mouths to Hie Southern Alhertu Cumber Co., and that operations are lo be continued. Al the end lif the lliree inonlhs, il Unexpected Hie lease will be renewed or cutlln continued Under Mm reeeivcrshl' which has been in effect for the past year over all the Whalen plunts on Iho coast Representative of Mill Owners Discussed With City Council Water, Power and Assessment J. A. Ward Hell, jcprcsenling the new owners uf the Prince lluperl mill, niel Ihe members of Hie vily council night informally and laid before them the situation in connection with the operalion of Ihe mill here. He discussed with thorn the ipies- lou of wider supply, power and a fixed assessment on the plant. Mr. Hell said he was given, u fair hearing and his proposals were promised eareiiu cynsiiicraiion. .Members of the council .bowed IlicniscJves, desirous of co-opera ting lo secure, tin agree ment which would prove satisfactory. This agreement may have tu be submitted lo the people. .Mr. lh-ll will be in the city for I I'll days and during that lime will probably discus Hie mutlei further wilh I In; council. iirnnp ftRTTrtrkriirknTt Arriving will, Ur. 1MI yes-! WP.Kfr M K IKKK 1 lerday from Ihe south was D.; ii-.-a- ii-Ju maas D. McMaster, superinlendent of; t lie plant, ami two or three men Bodies Found Burled In Shallow who will be employed there Oilier men required will be so-cured locally. Work is cum.- niencinj; at once on the recon ;rrsn for three hours and a half. Al its ronclusion, Mr. Hell "was 'oM that Hie- eity's answer would be made In n few days, Outlnes Plans and Ihe treatment given them here would influence them lare- y in connection with it. Al present, the company would purchase ils logs rallier" thani culling from ils own limits. John Smith ami himself were the only ones inlcresieii in ine concern and it was an operating proposi tion ami not a promolin.? plan. In connection witli the possi bility of erecting a pulp and paper mill here, Mr. Hell said it would take six, seven or eight million dollars and il was difficult (o induce people to put that much money into it just now. He was satisfied, however, that I Ii 1 could be done and that it was suited only for pulp pur poses. WON RACE AND CARRIED HOME CRIPPLED DOQ TIM-: PAS, Man., Feb. 5. Fmile St. (ioddard, 18 years or nge, won Ihe eighth annual dog derby over a .'Ul mile non-slop-course, llrrtviug here last night at U.35, and carrying one of Mie dogs, which was crippled, on Mie sled. TWO CHILDREN REPLAYED GAMES IN CUP COMPETITION LONDON, Feb. 5. - lleplaycd games in Hie second round of the F.nglish cup competition yesterday were as follows: Kverlon, '.; Sunderland, I. Portsmouth, 0; lHackburn, 0. lllaekpool, !i; Hradfonl, I. Hollon. 0; Tdllenhani, 1, Advert Ue in tho Daily N'ew Grave at Los Angeles Victims of Foul Play. ditioning of the null, in order I.OS. ANCF.l.F.S. Feb. 5. tndi- thai it may be ready for opera-jcalions that May and Nina Mar-lion al as early n dale as pos-itln, twelve ami oighl year bl sil!e. jaijc fesiect fully, vlio diaappear- Thc eonferencij last night be-0)i f,0m home here last Auguiit, ween Mr. Hell and the members an, whose bodies were found ii, ine cuy council was m iiru-jyenieriJay In a shallow gravo, hud been at lacked and slain, were revealed' bydpnuty""i!heriffs who are workfns; on Ihe case The hunt ks being directed to finding- clews which may indi- 'In outlining his plans to the ca(e (hose responsible for doing council, -Mr. Hell said that, while. away wi!h the-children, il was the intention at present! , -r; lo' cut lumber and to put in n iio'x factory and shingle mill, Ihe ultimate plan was 10 inslal a pulp and possibly a paper mill. Ibis would lake a lot of money SAYS INNOCENT KILLING WOMAN Manheart Had Been Drinking for Two Weeks and Does Not Know What Was Doing SKATTI.F, Feb. Manheart, arrested 5, Klmer here in con- .....,.! nection with the death of Mrs. Morley oT Victoria, claims that he is iunoej'ul hut the taxicab driver says he is pretty sure prisoner was the same man who was with Mrs. Morley in Ihe taxi. Manheart inltuilled to the police thai he .had known Mrs. Morley Mince 1!)23 um had considered her his sweetheart at one lime. He said he had been would be the economical method drinking hard for two weeks and of handling the timber, ,5 per cent of which in this district did not reinendier where he had been or what he had done. lie refused to say anything further. ;IB0RR0W MONEY FROM ENGLAND Return of Pound to Par Will Result In Cash Coming to This Country OTTAWA, Feb, 5. -With the approach of a par poilnd sterling it is probable Ihe Dominion will resume Ihe pre-war custom oT obtaining most of her capital in Hie Loudon market, it was staled here. Depreciation of ster ling resulted in Canada seeking money in New York. HOTELS CANNOT TURN COLORED PEOPLE AWAY LONDON, Fell. 5. The licensing board warned hole! keepers against refusing accommodation In colored people. This U Ihe result of the refusal of a colored mail and woman from a croWn colony whom the chairman of the board characterized iu charming cul lured people.