AGE SIX Optician and Optometrist YOU CAN'T AFFORD BAD SIGHT. WE FIT YOUR EYES COR-RECTLY. Carefully trained, experienced, registered optometrist. Qualified by experience and practlca knowledge of optometry, to render you the very best service possible, while our charges will be found reasonable In every Instance. WE REPLACE BROKEN LENSES Diamonds, watches, clocks, silverware cut glass, Ivory, genulno leather goods, and a large stock of umbrellas. OUR MOTTO "Price and quality." Inspection Invited i ! Max Heilbroner ! Diamond Specialist f&SSSiSlsSi MILLER IS AT SWANSON BAY C.Q.M.M. Vessel Arrives at Mill Town To Load One Million Feet for Atlantic. C. (i. M. M. Steumor Canailiau .Miller, Cant. Doiillon, was off Haehrl Island at 8.30 (his inorn- intr on lier way lu Swanson Hay, where she will loail one million feel of lumber for t lie Atlantic seaboard. The vessel Is jn-liouml from the Orient anil is expected to arrive at Swanson Hay about seven- o'clock this evening. Cap I. John MeKernan, G. O. .M.M. coast pilot; W. McKinistry, supercargo from Vancouver, ami W. J. .Nelson, local' customs officer, left here at 2.30 this morn ing on inc. launch racnena lo pick Uii the vessel at Triple Is land. The Miller has 1 10 tons of Oriental cargo which she will discharge al Vancouver after loading al Swanson Bay. This is the first visit of I lie Canadian .Miller lo this part of Guessing O LADIES AND GENTLEMEN You have read about many sales, but this is a little different We have just finished our stock-taking ami find lliul we are much overstocked in our UNDF.HWHAIt DEPARTMENT. We ran sulkily the City of Prince Rupert's children and adults with a garment each and a little to spare. WELL, WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO ABOUT IT? HERE IS THE ANSWER! We are going to offer it at a ridiculously low price and I urn it into cash. A dollar in the cash register is heller lliau leu on the shelf. We are going lo keep you guessing Regarding the Price bill we assure you it will he a good one. Turnliiill's Pure Wool CKKTKK Combinations.. Reg. .57.70 Watson's Pure Wool Combinations. Ileg. $0,75 . . Watson's .Silk ami Wool Combinations. Ileg. $0.50 Penman's 05 Combinations. Ileg. $5.50 Penman's 71 Combinations. Ileg. $2.75 Sale? Sale ? Sale ? Sale ? Sale ? I unibiill s pure Wool Vests and Rloomers. Heg. SI. 75 . sale ? Wnlson's Silk and Wool Vests. Ileg $:t.50 Sale ? To find out the prices compare, (he above with our window- AS THE AUTHORITIES HAVE OBJECTED TO OUR $10.00 PRIZE GUESSING COMPETITION, WE HAVE HAD TO WITHDRAW SAME Although aou might not need it now, these prices will make you buy. Sale continues till February 10th. Also wilh Ihe guessing sale, we are offering Ilem-nants or Silks. Dress (ioods. Flannelette, Shecling, While Cotton, (irpy Collon, Voile and Cretonnes at greatly reduced prices. Jabotir Brothers, Ltd, Phone G45. Corner 3rd and 7th. WESTHOLME THEATRE Tonight Only, 7 and 0 p.m. William De Mille Presents 'The Fast Set' An adaptation for the screen of Ihe brilliant hinge success "Spring Cleaning." A picture thai sels the pace for dramas of smiiii society and tells the truth brilliantly about husbands who lose their wives' love. The story or a husband's clever experiment to save his wife from u crowd of society fast steppers. Wives! Here's a pholo-play thai shows you how lo make your husbands love you. Husbands! Here's a film that shows you how lo hold ymir wives. Superb cast. Betty Compson, Elliott Dexter, Adolphe Menjou, Edgar Norton, Fred Wa'ton, Zasu Pitts ami others. FELIX COMEDY CARTOON. FOX NEWS-GAZETTE Admission 35c and 10c CATARRn of the BLADDER tlewanofeountmfeiU ihe coast. She was liuill al Montreal in ISM!) and is similar m size to the Canadian Scottish. The vessel has been operated in : lie Atlantic service. Had Rough Trip The l'aehena returned to port al 10 o'clock this morning bringing in .Mr. Nelson, (lie customs officer. The Canadian Miller arrived off Triple Island at 2..10 this morning-, but, owing to Hie roughness of Ihe seas, it was impossible for (he pilot to j-et aboard Ihe vessel. At 8 o'clock he and Ihe other officers board ed Hie Miller at llarhel Island. Capt. Jloulton reported a rough passage of 22 days across Ihe 'acific ocean from Miike, a coal-ng port in north Japan. Oilier-ric the voyage was uneventful. The skipper also reported that he Hose .Spil lipid was out and hat there was a menace lo navi-ra I ion in the form of two submerged logs northeast of Lan-rara Island. SALMON IN LAKE ONTARIO SUCCEED For Six Years Experiments Have Been Conducted and Fish Are Now There. Salmon from Ihe seaboards of mrrira Ihe and grow Tat in Ihe valers of hake Ontario and the I reams of ilrilisli Columbia, ae-ording to a bulletin issued by hL Canadian department of murine and fisheries announcing success of a six-year .experiment. Fully matured sockeyes, native lo the Pacific coast, have been laken from Lake Ontario litis year and 2-year-old Atlantic salmon have been caught in the Pacific coining down the Cawich- tu river or Vancouver Island. An ueruge or 200,000 young -iockeyes have been released in .like Ontario each year since '918, and 500,000 Allanlic sal mon have been planted in In rivers of Ilrilisli Columbia in the same period. Last year's Canadian fisheries production was estimated al l 12,505,5 ID, with llrilish Columbia having the most extensive salmon resources on the eontin-eul accounting for 50 per cent of Ihe business. Salmon, halibut, lobster and codfish constitute (!! per cent of the. Dominion LONDON NIGHT CLUBS TO BE SUPERVISED Evidence Eelnn Collected By Scotland Yard Prior To Legislation Being Passed. 1ONDON, Feb. 5. -Piopri-lors I and habitues of niglil clubs suf-j fet ed n jolt when they learned yesterday thai Scotland Yard had Iliad Us eye upon them Tor weeks ! I he police have been galhering evidence for Home Secretary ioyuson Hicks, who is preparing bill giving Ihe police greater powers of supervision, especially in preventing the sale or liquor out oT hours. BARGE BINGAMON HAS DISCHARGED HER CARGO Harge Itingamon has discharged her first load of logs al English J!ay and has proven a success as a carrier, uccording to Ihe owners. .I. .I. ('.(Highland, managing direelor of the llrilish Pacific Transport Company I. Id., expressed himself as much pleased with the experiment of carrying logs in that manner. She encountered heavy weather on the way south but round no difficulty. A CANINE SPEEDOMETER The clly motorist was indignant. "How do you know I was exceeding the speed limit when you haven't a watch or anything?" he demanded. "WVil, ye seen that yallcr dog a-chasliig ye, Albju'll yef in ijuircd Ihe rural constable. "When Mint dog can't keep up with a feller I "know Unit feller's goui moron thirty miles an hour." Advertise .n the Daily News THE DAILY NEWS Thursday. Februa fy 5th. Pre-Inventory Days ARE MONEY SAVING EVENTS FOR OUR PATRONS All oddments and broken assortments are offered at very low prices to effect a speedy clean up. The limited number of lines mentioned belox are bat a few of the many reductions in all departments Boys' Heavy Wool Ribbed Hose .Sizes U'i lo 1 1 i. Ileg. 1.25. 95c Heavy Boys Mackinaws Purs Wool Fjiiosl materials. To clear $5.45 . Children's All Wool Pullover Suits Cardinal, hark Saxe-(.amcl, includes '1'oipie. Mills and Cap. Sizes 2 lo 5 $3.95 1 1 only, Hahics' Caps. ft) Pair.' Ladies' lteg.ii."c. f2 Yards Fancy cl, 'ill' Heg. $1.00. Iteg. Jul 95c Any Article 50c 1- Hadiiim Hosiery. Heg. 80c yard. 50 Yards Hlack llaliau Clolh, Vt". of". Iteg. 85c yfcrd. Men's Hndiutu Cashmere Sox. 85c pair. Hoys' Fleece Lined Shirts and Drawers. Heg. 85c garment. J00 only, Men's Silk Knillcd Ties. Ileg. 75c. 2 Dozen Men's Police Suspenders. JUMBLE SALE PRICE Ileg. 95c 12 Pairs Women's Plaid .luliet Slippers. Heg. $1.75. $1.95 Service JUMBLE SALE PRICE $1.95 Any Article See These Lines in our Window '1 only, Men's Silk Senrfs. Heg. :t.50. 2f Men's Wool Jerseys. Heg. $:i.75. .10 Pairs Hoys' Dress Shoes. Heg. J.'I.S.". 8 Pairs Youths' Tan Cnlf Miilliwcar Shoes. Hi Pairs Men's Hrown Calf House Slippers. y i Boys' Strong Wurk Shirts In Khaki ami ltluc. Ileg. $l.:i5. To clear 85c' JUMBLE SALE JUMBLE SALE PRICE 15c Any Article See Ihe Following Lines in our Window 15 Pairs Children's Wool (iaiters. Ileg. tile. 50 Varies While Flannelette. Ileg. I5; per .ynnfT iO Vjjj-ilS W'hile Cotton. Ileg. .'15c per yard. 100' YarJs Print. Ileg. 50c per yard. f i 10 Dozen .Men's Collon Hose. Ileg.25c. v 15 Dozen Men's Touko's Soft Linen Collars. Ileg. and :55r. t .. ......... , 50 llozen Men's Lawn llandkeirhiefs. Ileg. 25c. jal, 2 Tor 15c. 00 Tins Diilibin Waterproof Creasing. Ileg. 20c. eial, 2 for 15c. -A JUMBLE SALE PniCE dUC 50c Any Article Sec Uii'Ve Lines iu our Window 111 only, Misses' Winter Vests. Heg. S5c each. 50 Yards Curiam (ioods. ileg. X5e per yard. II only, Haloes' llouiiels. Ileg. $1.00. 15c 25c '.it? Spe- Spc- BOYS' WEAR at clean up prices Mackinws, Qvercoits, Underwear, Hose, Bo3ts, etc. at Re.luced Prices Boys' Leather Gauntlet Gloves Willi Star on cuff. Ileg. $1,511. Special $1.00 Boys' Fleece-Lined Shirts and Drawers Ileg. 00c. Pei gannrnl '55c Combinations llegiilar $l.5n. I'd .inr $1.10 Children's Olier Twist Sails Neatly made in S; patleru. Heg, 80.00. JUMBLE SALE PRICE 25c Any Article. $4.45 For Friday and Saturday Terms Cash; No Exchanges WHAT IS A JUMBLE SALE ? Ilrieriy. il is a Slock Iteiliicing Sale which lakes in every department and seeks no profit. HMt-d down ami shown in our windows under a classifi raliou of prices only. 15c (ioods wiil be Stc Ihe Following Lines iu our Window 25c 20 only, Cold Leaf Shoe Polish. Ileg. lOc. J00 Dozen Ladies' Handkerchiefs. Heg. , for 5m Spr t'ial, :5 for 25c. 100 Yards Cretonnes. Heg. foe per yard. IJO Yards Collon Crepe. Heg. 50c per yard. !!0 Yards Cingham. Heg. 75e jier yard, .'tl only. Lace Door Panels. Heg. tiOe each. 50 Yards Drapery. Heg. fOe per yard. $50.00 KLWARD The wholesale cost price of ,every article advertised in the Jumble Sale will positively exceed the prlco at which we are offering it. I will back this assertion vith a $50.00 Reward, same to be distributed to local charities, If this statement is proven to be false. (Signed) J. C. GAVlGAN. $1.45 $1.95 $2.95 Iteg.4$:t.50. Heg. $:i.oo. ! Pairs Women's Satin Comfy Slippers. Ileg. $f.oo. i.) l arils iiroeatieii Mik. Ileg. $:i.riO per yard. 'i only, Children's All Wool Sweaters. Heg. $:t.2,-,, f only, Ladies' Skirls. Heg. $:i.t)5. 2 only, Ladies' Kimonos. Heg. $f.O0. I only, Silk and Wool Sweater. Ileg. $2.05, 0 only, Hahy Huggy Holies. Heg. $M.25. 50 only, Collon Comforters. Heg, $11. 50, JUMBLE SALE PRICE $1.45 Any Article See lliese Lines iu our Window 5 only, Hahy Shawls. Ileg. $2.50. only, Hahy Holies. Heg. $2.05. !1 only, Hahy Caps. Heg. $2.00. 22 only, Hahy Pullovers. Heg. $2.05. 15 Pairs Children's Palenl Lace llewilsou Shoes. Heg. $2.25. 0 Pairs Children's Hrown Kid Ankle SI raps. Heg. $2.25. 50 Pairs Hoys' Hioomer Pants. Heg. $2.50. 95c JUMBLE SALE PRICE 95c Any Article 95c Men's Strong Work Slurls. Ilej. $1.75 lo $2'.50. Men's Caps.' Heg. $1.50 to $2.oo. Hoys' Flece Combinations. Iteg. $1.50. Men's Wool Hihhed Hose. Iteg. 75c; .'J pairs for 05c. Hoys Medium Weight Cuinltiiiu- lious. Heg. $1.85. 10 only, Ladies' Silk and VH'"I Vests. Ileg. $2,00. 5 only, Ladies' Light WeiglH -oiii hiiialions. IJeg. $1.75. 8 only. Fleece Underskirts. ? . $1.85. CI only, Fleece Hloomers. Ih'if. $1.75. 7 only, Hahy Dresses. Heg. 11 only,' Ladies' Wool Scarfs. H"g. $1.50 and $1.75. 0 only, Hahics' Wool Pullovers Keg $1.05. !lf Pairs Made-up' Curlaiiis, lb'? $2.00 per pair. HI Pairs Cent's Plaid House Si- pers. Heg. $1.50. JUMBLE SALE PRICE $2.95 Any Article See these Lines iu our Window $2.95 10 only. Men's Navy Sweaters. Heg. $i.05. 5 Pair Palenl Oxfords for Misses. Heg. $1.25. Hoys' Leckie Shoes, nil sizes. Heg. $1.25. 15 Pairs La Duchesse Women's Hlack patent Lt'"""'1' ' Sandals. Heg, $o.oo, 5 only, (iirls' W'uul Capes, H,.g. $o.r,0, 2 only, Ladies' Skirls. Heg. $0.00. 1 only.' Ladies' Silk Underskirts. Heg! $5.:i.i. 2 only, Ladies' Flannel Dresses. Heg. $0.00. 2 only, Ladies' Wool Sweaters'; Heg. $1,05. 11 only, Ladies' Silk mid Wool Scarfs. Ileg. $1.'"" $0.00. j Universal Trading Co. Satisfaction