February 5lh. 102 rgains ! Silk, Wool and Evening iresses emers . 27 P.O. Bor. 327 buy your !sh Meats ECONOMY STORE l: Ui'.'t tier ill. - 10C B, ... (i:- (II. 12 ami 15o . i.i.'i llu:,'. Hi. 20c c.: n T lliinc Steaks. 30o I Sh'iii s per Hi. 25c I. Ill tat- . . 25c III ; I'ilki'.t 25fl I'm: Chop. Hi, 35c I'r. . A Chops, per 25c ,.r- nv Hi,. . 30c, ! fUT III,. . 20c momy Store Fifth Ave. Phone 18. DRY serson Block. 5rd Avenue. East :ch Wood SMALL HEATERS, BOo Per Sack deTransfer 3J Stcond Avenue. 580. Nloht or Dav. 8UY BOTTLES. E.S.TAIT OtITIST. H'lfltrton BI00V. pCE RUPERT, B. a "Tlce Hours, S t S. Phone (SB. tenlngi Onlt fmr PKl Appointment. MOOSE INSTALLATION HELD LAST EVENING Two Hundred Persons Attended Ceremonies Which Were Followed By Social Evening In Mctropole Hall. A jolly crowd of about 2l)0 persons attended Ihc installation oT officer f Hip Moose Lodge at (lie Melropole Hull last nighl. Tin' installation Wits conducled liy Sigurd Wallsled ,of Juneau, deputy supreme dictator, who (gave a very itilcrcsiiiiR address I imi Hie work of the oi'ilor al .Mnosehcart. ami Mooschavcn. TIih officers installed were: Past Dielalnr Fre Seaddcn. Dictator (illlis Hnyer . Vice Dictator I. lavllnini I Prelate .luck Judge. Secretary Percy 'Cameron. Treasurer -Thor Johnson. Si'i' can I -a I - A rin s A . Dimes-j i r jr. Inner (iiianl Sam Anlns. I Outer (iuard ltalii Kiefhabcr; I rtispcs-.v Sweel, X. Mus-sallcm ami I'.inar Larson. Tin' installation proceedings were followed by- a ilaiicp- amlj Iho serving nf refreshments. ; .Mimic was furnished hy ihe' Moose Orchestra, assisted hy h' psllinliiip Orchestra. Joe Slag-gard was floor manager ami llie eonnnillcc consisted of H. .1. Paeon 'chairman , A. Ohnesarg. X. Mussallem, Ralph Kiefhaber, Sam Anlo ami Percy Cameron. WIRELESS REPORT 8 a.m. Kiaby Ixlaml - Clear, calm: Ibanimeler, 211. .1(1; li'iiiM'raliire, j?8; ea xmriolli; 7 p.m. puke isleanirr I'rinc,. .lulin Inailinv al 'alu:i Itivcr. sniiMibnuml: H p.m. npnke !leanier Anynx wilb barpej Uivfrftlale in low 7. milps from Aiiyox mirlliliiiiiinl; miilnilil. nike steamer I'rincp Iluperi a-lieam l.ucy lflaiiil, noiihbntiml. Iiead 'Tree Pninl (Hear, calm: liarnmeler. 2l).fi7; lenippralurp, .'i: nea smonlb. Hull Harbor Overcast, n.,1.1 smil liPal Aviiiil; baroiiipfer, 2!l leiiiperaltirp. 30: imnlerale swell: 8 p. in. spoki I'rince .Inlm arriving al Skiileale inlel, soiilh-biiiiml. Noon Disby Islaml Part rlmnly. calm; barometer, 21). 18; Ivmper-alure, :); sea smooth; II a.m. spoke steamer (Canadian Miller off Wat sou Hock bound for ! Swan son May. Dead Tree Point Cloudy, calm; barometer. 2'.). (55; lemper- jalure, 30; sea smooth. I Hull lla'bor Overcast, fresh southeast wind; barometer. 21).:):) iteiiiperaiure. Il'.i; moderale swell. Mr. and .Mrs. .lames HrniiRb arrived in the cily from Seattle Min the Prince Ituperl ARE YOU TORTURED WITH ECZEMA? Fru-ina, or Suit IiImmmii, m Is muni) raiii.it. i iii nt i h- must axunidntr nt ill skin dlKfiiif. Th liitrnu liiirnlnir. Iichliiir ami Mimrlliiir. fiHMTl.illr l nliflit tir wImmi Ihe iru are (.xiunpd in heat arc nlnnu un-liiarnlili' ami ri llcf u (troaily weli-nincl. Tlio most rHl.-ilili- ami errprtlv rpfwcly for till ti'ffiililf- U BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS Mr, i, It, jiiliiiMin, n.lt. Xn. l, OMuiwa, fint.. write: "lor yphib I win tronlili.! will) ei'ieiii.1, .and had I lu I lorrl- ; lik- Hi-hint ami Ixirnl utr ciiiiiii.ii, and ririild rind no relief Tor It. finally, I wm mlvl-i-d In ne H.H.H., and after my nerond Ijfillle I iM-iran to w a (Trent dirreienee, ami I ran, now, advle anyi.iie trniihled a I win to use llils wonilerrnl remedy." I'nr ale at all dnijrirlsn anil dealer; put up only hy The T. Mllbiirn Co., I.lmlleil, Toronto. Ont. ASSISTANT GENERAL MANAGER TELEGRAPHS A. C. McConnell Appointed To Important Position In Big System. j TOIIOXTO, Teli. !i. ,V. fi. iltarlicr, (tiMiPral manager Oan-ailian Xalional 'll'gi-aplis, an- iintincps Hie anpninlinenl .if A.i C. Mcnniinell, formerly secretary atnL. amlilnr of Hie Canailian Xa-jlioiial 'I'elegrapbs, In be assis!-lanl- jreneral manaser ami secre-jlary. ami of i. II. Hemvick, for-tnerly of I lie compl roller's ile-Iparliiienl, lo lie aiulilor. ' The jappoinlmeiils are erfeelive; frotii 'Hie first day of Hie month. I Mr. MrConyell, who liecomes' chief assislanl to treneral man-' nany In IH(:. lie was iiiovpu m, Toronto upon Ibe amalgamation with Hip (ireal. Xorlh Western Company and for bis whole per iod of sprvice has been eonneel- 1 ' - 1 1.. 11... ..,.;.,t iceivinir hearty cnnnraulalions inaiiy local fripuds. Phone 109 r. F. P. KENNY - DENTIST S! niRt-rs connnir In inv offico for Dental Work are my PHHSOXAL ATI KNTIOX. The work is I'l leieii wilhoiil delay. Aj.jViiiitiiienls me maile anil kMm. .My fees alwavs have lieen inmleralp. II will von (,, GET MY ESTIMATE FIRST lll'll. Ill HI'" .-H-l llfl Ofjlll'MIIS , Itrilisli Isles liroadcasl. put on GEO. D. TITE The Quality Home Furnisher Ihe air last nijrbl by radio stallion C.MIA, Canadian Xalional Station at Mouclon, was included a message fronv ' Sir Henry iW. riinrnlon, which had been wrillen in Wfunipesr Jusl before I Sir Henry's departure for the (Fast . "jestenluy, lelcuraphed Jo Moncloii, ami I lie re sent out as pari, of Ihe broadcast. Telegraphic advices received in Winnipeu late last night announced thai Sir Henry's message lo British lisli'iiiTs-in K,d been disliuclly heard across llie Allanlic. pecials! Specials! TURKISH "URKISH TOWELS TOWELS FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. I, .i.lore, TiuUisli Towels,, wir . . . . 65o rW Miile Turkish Towels, Siecinl, per pair ' ""flered Turkish Towels,' per pair .... W While Turkish Towels, pair . 75c lr $1.40 $2.00. $2.50, ami $3.00 pecials In all lines of Cotton Piece Goods and Blankets, Shoets, Pillow Cases, Bed Spreads and Curtain Materials. WILTON AND AXMINSTER CARPETS AND SQUARES AT SPECIAL PRICES in nil sizes for Priilny tiiul iSalunlay. . Patrician Silverware Community Plate to clear at Half Price. Phone 20 THB DAILY NEWS .PACT FTVr- SITKA TOTEM MADE JOURNEY TO ST. LOUIS i Is Now Erected In Public Park There And Is Fine Specimen t Native Artistry. One of the finest ami lallest lolein poles' in exislPiice is in Hie Silka National Moimmeni park ailjaeenl lo the Sbejilon .laekson School campus, )iy a Silk-t paper, Carved by Habla artisans and originally creclt'd iii'Jhe Village of Kasaan it wits ilivoQurcd for Hie World I'air "at ST. I.onis in liiOS and removed lo that cily as a pari of Hie Alaska exliihtl. At the close of Hie fair, Ihroiili Hi" efforts of (iovprnor llrady, il was sent lo Silka lo be erected ami permanently preserved in 1hr public park, alonu' Willi other liileins of similar iiriftin. The totem pole, which is hul " one expression of ; Hie lolemic system, is now a lliinc of tin; 'past in Alaska. Aside from the diminutive ami inferior spcei-jinens prepared for lourisl trade jlolem poles are no lotijier made ami imp loiem carver, a nuiii o! ability" and dislinciion in funiu'i-limes, has vanished along with bis outgrown social conception. The passing of (be toleni pole and of Ihc loleinic sylein in reneral carries w'ilh it Ihe disappearance of a real art ami brings a reeling of refrrel even lo' lhose who have been ino-l insl rtiineu-lal in siipplautiiii' old siiperslili lions with modern truth. Tolem poles were iif four principal vlasscs: genealojrical, his-lorical, legendary and mortuary. In as much as (ho- natives or Alaska believed lliat iueii were once annuals Ihe principal char- laclerislic of Iho loiem pole is its ui?er liarlier, has speni ainiosi ..ni,.,..! riff,.,w. k,.,,,,, h, Pn,n. fifty years in the lelefjraph busi-u,,.,,,.,!,;,, ,,(lsjn (,r Ml0 ,olpln iipss. becoming identified willil.,,,1,, ,,..11.., .u .,.,. .., i( ilbe old Montreal lelcjjrapll COin-.. al:iiien In ilisllnonisli II11. clou of lb), communal house in front of which It stood anil lo deter mine whether or not TT WPrconii awn 1 1 ni wiinin. I lieso carviups were nnl worshipped as iilols nor III.!:)"'" W"" "", a""",n,-r "pl",n- inlended to represent tli'ily. They .meni. ne was appouiii-o au.n-1 wn.,. ,,jj,iy honored. and revered lor in lima ami nine years later 1 !,,. vilally associated, in'llip I '....I ... il : ..fi . . . .. . ' was jiroinm i""" Imiiuls or Hie .Natives, with iues- secrelHry and ainliliu-. linio. of oriitin, Hie sunernnlural. Mr. HenwteK joineil llie t.an-; iIH , , j,,.,,,.,. ,.pSieel. ilue" lo Hie adian Xorlhern Hallway In I !M)V j trroiit las a ntemtier of Ihe aiitlil invr and, arcounlinjr slaTf in Toronln. ami latterly was chief clerk to .1. F. Ailcbeson. assistant comptroller of the cenlral region. SIR HENRY THORNTON SPOKE TO BRITISH BY MEANS OF RADIOPHONE WIXNIPKO, Feb. 5. by radio fan in Liverpool, yesterday ' Manchesler and other rilics" of afternoon on their way to Smith-' '"' i.nnii isies, as wen as u... wimp., llie. will reside. Mrs. I foumllaml last nielli of a nes- li,.,,.,.-!, w.is formerly Miss Alice I sajre wrillen il. Winnipe iMoncoeiir. Thev were married ! bours previously . I-.X...M I K- lii SiMillln nnrl nr.. re n few was aunounceii ilodav by Canadian Xalional of- lieroes ol Hie past. IMMIGRANTS ARE ALREADY COMING People From Many Countries! Help Build Up Canadian Prairies. WIXXIPKO. Feb. B. Speaking many languages and garbed in as many si range clolhin;; outfits, a parly of sevenly-niue immigrant represenling Hrilish, Scandinavian, -nnl ceil Ira I Furopcau countries, reached Winnipeg last night over Hie Canadian Xalional Hallways, completing Ihe second lap of their journey to new homes in Canada. The party comprised 25 Poles, 20 Russian, Hi Kwciiis, 12 Xorwegians, 8 llungnriatio, and Hie balance from Ihe Hrilish Isles. ; l.tisl night julerpreters from the colouixation depart meni. met.i a parly or irom ine ne- gina, of whom 1 1) were Knglisli.j fiermans, 3 llanes, and I Swede. Tonighl's train wilt bring a furl her spvpii immigrants from I hp S.S. La llourhounais. on the way lo parts west of Winnipeg. CITY MANAGER AND POWERS AGAINST IT lOllawa Cilup.n' One of I lie iirincinal objections lo the. cily manager plan is Hint Hip system Is undemocratic. The answer is that political patronage is in itself umleniocralic. The cily manager plan has been devised mainly for Ihe mirpose of aho ishinc no ilical patronage fund thereby removing one of Ihe most umleinocralic faclors In all kinds of Rovcriunpiil. TIip cily managpr plan has mot wilb defeat only when the powers of polilical patronage have ' Iippo temporarily more active and of more avail than the adhprento of Hip nipril system. Dr. Martel's Female Pills Hav. aaibtrd natnrt thou.andi raictUit half e.ntury. corrctin( ctu.t. bulioiner up and and PAINFUL MENSTRUATION, NERVOUSNESS, UACKACUE, DIZZINESS, eto. dm tl N BOX with our ilrmtur. Dmrriit. verywhere, or dirfrt by mIU rlaln. packair. tl 00 K.it1.iVmIi. K.amli i T.rti.U, C... Clft.ltr ma 1.. . 11 1. nut si.. lUfl rtaMi. 1 Ihe chea-pest world aside K'- K- :i. t. r. a. 7. 8. t". !0. It. 12. in. II. Is your wife wiser than you? IF YOU read only the stock and sporting pages, and your wife is like other women, she is wiser thrn you. She reads the shopping news. She likes to hear you jingle money in your pockets. She likes to stretch money to the limit, so she won't have to ask for more. She likes to shop strategically. Know what she does. Comfortably at home in a cushiony armchair, she scans advertising columns. She compares, judges and selects the goods she desires; maps her route; with least effort and minimum time, goes direct to the planned store and buys. She obtains what she Wants at the lowest price it is offered. She is certain of fall satisfaction, for she knows adozrlised goods live up to their claims. She saves time and steps, and returns sufficiently alert to enjoy new advertisements and lo prepare you an appetizing dinner. These advertisements are written for your benefit too. Read them. Help her help you save. Buying advertised products is a bind investment- not a stock spsculatio.i mi., uul.i.MIIMI II II II IMF- GREAT INCREASE IN ! TEA CONSUMPTION! The consumption of lea, it is estimated, increased in I '.12 1 thirly-niiie million pounds. The price, as a result, may go lo !l per pound, bul even then, tea is beverage in from water. WORD PUZZLE The following word piuzlc was made by a local lady. Kadi number .is represented by 0110 word anil the initial letters of all of them spells the name of one or Canada's natural resources. 1 A fish. 2 An al tack. 3 A mood. 4 Useful in the ktlcben. 5 A I roe. 0 Silent. 7 A garment. 8 Ileyond reach. 0 Xecessary to life. I A A beverage. 1 1 Part or the body. 12 To swell. 13 A headland. 14 A pronoun. ANSWER TO PUZZLE The name made from Ihe in- 1II..I UllnMA I.. II. a r,.lA Roach. Onslaught, Cheerful. Ketlle. Yew. Mum. Overcoat. Unattainable. Xilrogen. Tea. Arm. Inriale. Ness. She. BOAT ARRIVALS C. X. II. Steamer Prince Huper '.apt. I). Donald, brought the fol lowing passengers from tb' south yesterday afternoon: For Prince Hiicrl Miss Mary Fvans, A. C. Knight, Mrs. Cole, Mr. ami Mrs. A. Forlin and family. D; Puller. Caol. M. Lawler. Ihe Ueorae (iroenway. Ceorge Stan ley, D. While, A. McCorkindale. !ll. II. Hlaek, Calgary; Olier Hes- """"I II t 1. .IK I I'IM'I, II. 1'IHIIV, t. II ll'llill III, o. j I A. Ward. Hell, C. Prevosl, C, D ' Forbes, Kilmonlon; C. P. lliel, ,. 1.. 1 v:..l. .nr. aim .iirs. m. .ioimisoii, .m-n MuiPliie, II. S. McLeod, T. lllaek, Mr. Christiansen. Mr. Dopoulis, Xewton, .1. S. lingers, .1. R. Donnelly, A. Farrow, Mr. McKinslry. Mr. Wall and W. Doucel. For Stewart -JiX' Whilahnll, Mr. and Mrs. Krnest lllue, 11. M. Stewart, Thomas (larrelt, Mrs. McKinley and children. Waller Hroad. Mr. ami Mrs. Ilelnipr ami child, Clay Porlcr and Mrs. II. D. lloehforl and child. , For Anynx II. Duval, Lpp J 1 fit 1 irurrs ill inr mini u,'fcl 'published Tuesday was "llocky!, jy 'n C '' Mountains.' words were: rl... 2 I ...!.... I I ," The individual II. Maker: Kv Ilainlon, Capt. .lolm McKernan, F. W. Lang, Vander-boof; A. Lees!, W. Smilli, D. D. McMasler, Mr. and Mrs. James Hrongh, Mr. Ilnzenevig, Kdmon-lon, II. McDonald, F. D. Wbil-mnre, Prince (leorgo; R. Lawrence, .1; Callum, Mrs. X". Oats, C. Cliidley, F. Woolman, A. Lip- Isin, .loo Sigmund, Mayor S. M. Young, Mr. Mc- Lyectl, A. .1. Cur.on, Dr. A. H. Payne. S. C. F.ltner, .1. A. Price, S. Stewart and W. A. Del leek. w 4- PHINCE RUPERT TIDES Thursday, February S llicb 11:32 a.m. I8.fi ft. Low 5:28 a.m. It:l p.m. Friday, February lllftb 0.32 a.m. 12.011 p.m. Luw li.ll a.m. 18.50 p. in, 6 0.5 V.8 Ifi.O 19.1 8.0 4.1 Canadian Laundry and ' Dry Cleaners Opi'rating the only power cleaning and pressing piiuipmenl In the city. Service ami workmanship unsurpassed. A phone call will bring our car. 515 6th' Ave. W. Phone 8 St. Regis Cafe Prince Rupert's Leading Restaurant. A Bakery Unsurpassed Third Avenue. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage , Phone 6S. Cartage,- Warehousing, and tintributlnn, Team or Motor 8ervlce. Coai, Sand and GraveL We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Movlnfl. 1 il, 1