Should Refuse To Renew. Sealing Pact. Canada gains very little from Ihe sealing treaty with the I'niled States. The seals are caught on Ihe Pribybiff Islands, slaughtered like pigs 'without a chaiue for life. All sport is Lken from the' business and part of the pro'ceeds of Ihe calch i handed oxer lo the Canadian (iovernment, Ihe sum going into general revenue. If pelagic sealing were again allowed, boats could go from Victoria, Vancouver and Prince Rupert and take the seals in Ihe open sea. They would be brought here and sold and Prince Rupert would gel a share of the benefit. The Pacific Coast ports should unite In opposition I t the sealing treaty and insist that Ihey be allowed lo engage in this legitimate business. While in Ihe open sea the seals are Ihe properly of suiy who may take them jus as are the halibit' or the salmon or herring or whales. They go south to the coast of California and pa the coast of British Columbia on tileir yay north and may be easily taken in the course of their migration. During that time they get a chance for their lives. There i an element of sport in the hunting, but what is done at the Prihylnlfs by the American duvernmeut is mulling but butchery. This is the time to take action to prevent the treaty being renewed. There is no politics in the move. II is simply a national industry that is affected and we havea right to our industries and should refuse to have them destroyed by action of any government. Police' Proposal' Worthy Consideration. 4 The proposal of the Allorney General. hi take-over tho policing of Ihe muiiiripnlityViiitl thus-prevent duplication js some thing to be considered carefully and aclec) on only after full investigation of the details. As Ihe law stands today, if the At-lorney fieneral is not satisfied with Ihe manner in which Uir liquor laws are being enforced in a municipality, special offj. cers are sent in and the cost is deducfed from the share of liquor profits. In ti early every nluuicipality Jast year there was a deduction of some kind for special police. Prince Rupert paid her quota and the Attorney fieneral made il very clear that this was one of many places where Ihe liquor laws were not salisfac-lorilv enforced. Everyone understands the difficulty of enforcin'g Ihe liquor laws. It is difficult for local men to undertake, so outsider are brought in quietly Tind often wilh good effect. If the policing were in Ihe hands of the provincial force they could change their men as oflen as tliey wished. There are objections to handing over Ihe policing to Ihe province and also there are factors in favor of it. All should be carefully weighed before action is taken. It is to lie supposed that the people will be fully informed before they are asked to vote on the mailer. Proposal -To Build Gymnasium And Swimming Tank. There i a proposal being made fnMhe citizens of Prince Rupert lo lituld a gymnasium and swimming tank which will hi Ihe pri potty of the ejty. At the liiucheou of the Rolarv (Hub yesterday it was reported thai a lentalive nrrauuenient had been made lo secure a suitable properly for the purpose, centrally lo caieu ami without cost, Hie lillelo lie vested in Ihe .city. A. A Cox. the aifhiteit. had also .surged to .prepare tentative plans without charge together 'wflh r-slitualeV of Hil Vf a' f.b'uiblliig anil swimming lank suitable for Ibis place. - ' If the scheme goes ahead the people of the cilv will" be asked lo subscribe the money necessary lo build it, but before that is done full details of cot and plans for operation will be sulttnitteil. . I here has itcen a general demand for such a plae here ami this is llie first concrete proposal to be nrenared. Commit tees of Ihe Rotary Club ami fiyco Club are working on il, as being representative organizations, but the cily will own the property when conipleled. The comniillee it is hoped will go fully into every phase of rost and operation ami make everything clear to the' people before asking for their support. The institution i badly needed but il is desirable that when it is established il shall be .just whal Ihe people want and operated in such a manner a to give the besl possible resiills. Lfifl mjtt "sMi WMr Strength StrenathBffll for the Weak AN EXCELLENT PRESCRIPTION Hot Milk -Hlf cup. HotWter-Hll a cup. OXO-One teasjpoonful or an OXO Cube. Squeeze of Lemen. Trtia prescription should hm taken since or twico day ana always lust bclor f oinc owl. Il fhres warmth and stra nauriahmant to trt systara, and is an ideal sale-guard against Infactioa. 0X0 Cubes are concentrated beef. Oxo creates strength, vigor, vitality. It relieves tiredness and is both a food and tonic Oxo Cubes used in cooking convert commonplace dishes into tasty fare. In tint o( 41 Sc. The Great Beef Economy as a 'frel up" lo the tlotr and as a designation Tor travel by dop-drawn sled. Avoid Hazards Tragedies of Ihe'trail for men, are comparatively few, partly because Ihe winter drives are undertaken only hy hardy, experi enced men, and largely because of Ihe uncanny ability of Ihe logs lo avoid hazards of Ihe trail. Overflows are dreaded nos- : . 1.. .1 r II... nm'liMI fT Ulltlllt . .'lUM ll 11117 IIMJ.IIIIIH J is done on the ice of rivers or. seas' ami Ihe rest of it overland from, one body of waler lo an- olher. .Sometimes the swiftness of Ihe current or the entry of a side stream causes the water lo flow above Ihe ice. making slush of Ihe snow. There lurks death for man. If he gels into it Ins legs will freeze Irnvperatures of 50 degrees- below zero are frequent ,on the trail. Freezing follows instantly afler emer gence from the slush, and the inusher is helpless. Hut a good lead doc deleels an overflow a qiile off. lie scents it. and suddenly depart from Ihe deep (rail and Jean tlii" team off through unbroken snow. Around the overflow he detours, canning back to the trail when 'past Ihe slush. Mocassins on Dogs On tee entered wilh projections, called spear ice, oc curring on rivers ami seas, ine dog wear moccasins. Sometimes under pressure, such as when :ton,iino units of antitoxin were taken from Nenena on the Alaska Itailroad January 27 and delivered in Nome, by relays of log leant February 2, several log are carried on Ihe sleds, the animal taking turns at rid-iug ami running. , The principal sled dogs are . . . . ml 1 ' II I. . I THE DAILY NiTTS PAflE TWO ' ' " W f : - You Cannot Surpass "SALADA" GREEN TEA Its luscious freshness & rich strength make it finer than any Gunpowder, Japan or Young Hyson. Sold everywhere. Ask for SALADA to-day. The Daily News IMUNCK RUPERT - BRITISH COLU.UWA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited. Third Avenue. 11. F. PULLEX, .Managing Editor. Advertising and Circulation Telephone - 98 Editor and Reporters Telephone - - - 86 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION Friday, .March 13, 1925. 1 Dog Travel in Far North is Filled with Peril but Few Casualities Result from it SEATTLE, Mar. 1:1. The diphtheria epidemic in Nnnit', Aliik, bringing deperale race between death and dyg teams wilh antitoxin, centered the attention of the country on what has become a comnioplace lo 'Sourdough,'4 Ihe usual method or (ranspoiiation in the frozen interior of Ihe northern territory in winter an adventure at best. II is only on such invasions as epidemics thai Ihe mushing is carried out at such hazardous speed, but the usual progress across Ihe centre of Alaska is made ouce a fortnight throughout' the winter liv the mail earner. vi..i HZ it miles from Xe-i hills a team ami Iwo men m;iy tana lo Xnnie. Xuinenuis other ! work from six in the iimrniuK trailers, prospectors ami trap-j ulil nine at nijrlil advalieinp only pers are on Ihe ;o froiiucully j ten miles. for lonir-or short journeys. French-Canadian's in the employ of Ihe Hudson's Hay Com pany .too, years affo, ininimn the ne of ditfrs unl spvls from j Eskimos in Ihe Tar northwest of America, used lo shout "marche '; when I hey wauled Ihe iIojjs to M,e,..l on. In the mouths .of Twenty-one Kiiviish-spcakinsr men this lie-i came "mush," which has stuck; SCHOOL USES In Month .1 TOO MUCH FUEL and a half Tons Consumed at Booth School .lust how much fuel si school the size if the Booth ehoo should consume in healing il was dieuseil lasl. night informally by Hie school board. ll,wa reported by ihev janitor thai II! 4 Ions was used in Ihe month or! about a ton a day for each day; Ihe building was used. This ill was considered hy the school i hoard was excessive. The com-j inillee in charge of that school was asked lo investigate further, and try to find out what was! wrong with Ihe healing system and reoorf hack at a future meeting. II was mentioned that llordeu Street school consumed only lihout 200 pound a day. Those present at the meeting were C. II. Orme, chairman: V. K. Williams, II. II. Hochesler. V. K. Fulloil, Sid Johnstone. lecretnry anre and the princi pals of t In s 'hools. POLICE REPORT Twenty-two Cases In Court During February and Collections Totalled $320 There were '2 cases in thej cily police court during lhe 'month of February, and roller-1 """'.lions totalled 3-'(l according lo Ihe report of Chief YV. II. yckers suhiniltcd lo Ihe, police commission al Ihe regular monthly meeting yesterday' afternoon. The 22 cases dealt wilh resulted jn lit conviction, 2 dismissal and one perilling. The collection or .'I20 included -f2t Tor keep of provincial prisoners, Ihe ihalaurc being fines. There were three raid under the Oovern-nient Liquor Act resulting in !lwo convict ions. . Weights of JlnsKles ami, jium.-p , , ;jm are crosses of domestic dogs mull. . fnllI11, ,.,., Tlm prairie wolves. They weigh Co: totalled ii:tli lo r,5 pound. Malamui are ,,. ,, crosses of domestic dogs anil ' limlmr wolves. 'I'llOV weigh 75 : ifi. n-..--.-.. pound and up. The leatler arejl light in weiahl.They are tirain worker, and really lead. They. J do not work,- luit watcn me trail.. Trail 'dog's seep comfortaby in J,he. finoykv.. 1J eyee blizzard ;Hh"5'Atiiskai: will leave hi dogs lo hlirrnw in (he snow and oullasl Ihe storm if they can, nnd he will make his way lo shHIer. Half Wolves The hond between a driver anil til dogs is nol. exactly thai pictured by a dog-lover in the Stales. The mushing dog. being half wolf, generally would live like a wolf except for restraint-. Most sounlinigh profess lo feel I no love for sled dogs, and aver l that the tings 'feel none for them. tin the nher hand such a writer a Hudson Stuck, Kpitcopal The Man in the Moon . VYS:- T1IKHHS one 'thing aboul cross -word; puzzle,. I hey hayo inlro'llii-.l lpmai(itijiif peojde lo a new book and thai hook N the dictionary. I KNOW a man With hugs in his allie, Who gels up and talks Hill il sounds just like sialic. IF I hail all Ihe money I have earned ami was paid' all I t It Ink I am worlh, say hoy, I'd he rich I 'TJIKllK'S one thing about Ibis general inn, IJie girls are nnU loo prudish to say "legs." nrrhdeaenn of the Yukon and HKIirCLNfl seems to he nonu Arctic regions, affirms Ihat lar wilh many super-slouls and some 'sled dogs love some men. jso my hanker tells me il is wilh lioizs are used in Alaska fnrihiin. He like to see me re-winter travel only. In the sum-'ihire my overdraft, mor Ihey live in camps, where j they are chained each lo a trol ley wire Hint gives lilm a run.j For If Ihey could reach each other, there usually would be trouble. In winler. work and the blncksnake whip keep Ihpm in order. On the trail they are fed once every 21 hours on whal ever the master i able lo give them. fttfteti il is dried fili. Ride and Walk A passenger may ride on Ihe sled,, hut Ihe driver Tuns behind il and rides on the rear runners alternately. A good day's traieli is to In SO miles, hut In a uiorm and la bad going amonl ff TMi suflrt-r Mially tvrtni with sVIn dlf f U 15 vrut ol aufrcrlni thr M wlxilt fir Indy clrarrd off In 4 $ days a nrw skin frown noiMin, noiicmng, no IrrlUtioi. I Ills story arrms lnrrJiLle ai dn tmndrrns M nOirr caart rrlirvrd by the powerful liquid tot tlie trratmrnt U skla dlmim. T firn ttM k,ni, t,litn tr ymr mwi Trt U. D. V. ft. It, O RIMES LIMITED V? Ercry ulkiug . 1 machine h nut , JVICTHOIA I Uliybuyasub' 1 tti'tutryou I Aofx-will doa 1 I wcll.Grnuinc I I VIL'TROLAS I coslnoinuff 1 I LoukfurthetnuUnuirk I NOTICE. IN THE MATTEII OF AN APPUCATION tor I ho lne of 1 frffh Ccrtiriratc of tnui for iMlt tlUrjy 3i) ind Ihlily-itfir Uli, lilm-k wvwi (7). Sorilon rive (&), :ily f I'rlnrp IIiiiktI. Mn J. SiUsfanory piW nf llw Iims mid rtc -tf-uetloii nr the r.ct liriontfl ir tllle ntvrr-Iiir aUoi'e Isml ImvHiir bewi iimdurrd In inn It l my Inti-nllon lo inir., tiler Uir-I'Vjiltittliin or otn- inixilli f in riii 1 lip first iiit)iu-m hm iH'inir, 1 rrriiii rriirii'ni nr lllln In Ihe name r i:1r(l II. Merre, fur llw sihl Islirt, wblrU Cm tiricati. r IIIIp l (IntiMl the 301b June ISI1, and I iiiiniborvd 3 I. 11. r. VACinm. , . , ncyllrar nr TltliM. Land ficrl'lry Ofrirr, Prime UuiH-rt, H. t;. Isnnari- anih. LAND ACT. In Skrena Land rxstrirt nf rrlnrr ntmprl l-nirdliir Mslrlrt. TAfcK Mlljr.i: mat Oenrirn t.UU, (, Torrace. n.r... nt mini t inn liinibprman, tM n. I., m. Olaiffy, nr Tirrary. It:., on-u. imllun liiiiiliriinan, jnu-ml m apply rur INftnUaluii tn pnrrtia tlH fdUowlMr d-riild lan-l. fur nilulrlal Uln: tnimiiiiPrwhiir at 1 io (.lnnlr-,1 m vnith ""d ,"f Hlatid Miuti'il iK-ar inniiUi r K'll-iiinkiilliitii Itlvre and lylnr near wi dank of Mid river: tliiiwn fiillowinir lKim lini-ai-niiiid laland in point nr ruirnniMici'incnt 'nliUliilnr acrea. rnrirn nr bus iironot; mm and CLAIItE L M, OIIIOKY. AppllClDtl, Mahogany or Walnut complete with albums SI 50,00 Tj,'"- ' if '211-8 Vlctrota Vlctrota No. 21 1 -S E .... . 1 Radio-Adaptable COMPLETE musical entertainment in one beautiful cabinet is found in "His Master's Voice" Victor Radio adapt-able Any suitable radio equipment you may choose to buy or construct may be installed in this beautiful model Victrola; removable panels on left side and back make this easy and convenient. IS Hear all the great Victor artists when ever you please, with Victrola quality and clearness of reproduction and the music of the air besides,all out of one artistically designed cabinet. Ask fa ViElrola-Radio adaptable Other Virtrula $25.00 to lilS.dt Victor Talking Machine Company f Can4a.,Ni.tli His Master's Voice1 Victor J Ten Years Ago ! j in Pilnce Rupert , March 13, 1915. Young Martin of Ihe sleatnc" Prince .lohu has jssiietl a challenge lo meet any light or welterweight in llritish Oolumhia. Word, ha beea received of Ihe death in action of Waller Smith. son of K-Atd. Venittr W. Sniitli. 1le enlisted with Iht't 7Jnd Sea. forlh llighla'.ders of Vancouver. The recent granting of fishery iint'essions lo this port was one if Ihe chief items considered at he monthly meeting of the Hoard tt Traile Ihst nighl. It is Tell that epneerU' aclion is now necessary lo place Prince Ilnperl ui ti same Jiasis as Ketchikan regarding Ihe supplying of fishermen wilh Ice, hail, provisions, fuel, etc. WINTER Steamship Service 8.S. PRINCE RUPERT Mil from I'rlnra nupwl fOR VANCOUKt". V SEATTLE, ilitm-riu-lllaUi IMiintu farh 'r(ly .l HI. for STEWART and ANXOX W 1nr:daj, tlX-P THE S.S. "PRINCE JOHN" Ua.ei PRINCE RUPERT lortl,Mll VANCOUVER. la QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. PASSENOER TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE RUCIRT MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, SATURDAY, ..Od p.m. nr ITlnre Or ' le WINNIPEG, an iiuintt East.irn t;anada, l;nltd State, AGENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. City Tlcktt Otrict, 52S Third Aft, Print Rupart. (canadianT WaanwiY Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rup1 PRINCESS MARY For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway - ' ,7 March 6. i For Vancouver. Victoria and Seattle March 10, 2 S.S. PRINCESS BEATRICE f) For Butedale, Swanson Bay, East Bella Bella, ocm Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, and v every Saturday, 11 a.m. Agency for all Steamship Lines Full inforninlldu front W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent gt Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Bo? UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C LTD- SaMlinn frwn rrluifi Bupnrl. . i f or VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Swanaen Bay, and Atort r. . iur4i " or VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Alarl Bay, and iwanton Bf. For ANVOX, ALICE ARM, STEWART, SunBaf, P.M. ... a. , For ANVOX, PORT SIMPSON and Naaa Rltar Cannarlai, W1', jnii 123 Zntf Avanua. J aaaal. '