BANQUET BY MEN'S CLUB "One Hundred and Sixty Persons at Unique Affair In Methodist Church Last Night A successful bamiuol under Die 'auspice of the Melbodis' Men's Club look place last night in the social ball oT the church.! The slogan was "Men Provide' ami Men Serve, Women Specially Invited." The food was wonderful in ipiaulily, ipialily and vai iely while chefs and waiters, attired in while coals ami whifp aprons, presented a very smart appearance. It reipiired thro.' rooms lo seal the I GO gnosis. Decorations were daffodils. Tio program consisled of a violin solo by William Murray, jr., vocal solos by Mel li Davies, Miss K. Jones, 0. (i. Minns and John V.. Davey. A huiporous address on Ihe lopic of "Humor" was given by Principal J. C. Itradv in wliich ho Irealed (ho huinort of llje Irish, Scotch ami Anion can. j Musfbe Fresh A Very unique a'ddros wasj delivered by W. Uobinson, foro- ban of Ihe. Canadian Fish k Cold Storage Co. He look for his: topic "The Fishing Induslry"1 particularly Ilia pari of It rn laling In the liamlliug of fish. Mr. Ilnhiiisoii slreed Hint cooperation was Ihe keynote in llm fish business with speed and cleanliness as essenllal factors, He said the dog ripened its meat Miiivi, 1 , , . McManUs Ar, f Aire rovm Tn-PArt.T XVfii ; y y . . Prlilny. Friday, ASKS FOR MORE BRINGING UP FATHER By George POLICEMEN IN Lyl ' W V T jost L jr m&tawone-ioont ,A J O PRINCE RUPERT Commissioner Coombs Urged Appointment of Six Permanent Men Here A rosnlul ion proposed by Commissioner CAnmhs thai III! oily police force lc increased from ils present strength of four regular nlHrers ami one special ollieer lo six permanent men including dm chief fnilcil In finil support at Hie hands nf (!mii-missinner .Mnulpnniory a n il Mayor -Newton at the nionlhly mooting or t 1m conimfsdinu yes-.' tenlay afli'iinon ami was ie-ferreil for a inonlh'. In siihiiiilling his rpsnluljmt ('ninmissinncr Coombs staled hn was still of the opinion, as he was last month, dial there should he a force of six inri. 1 here sshoiihl he a man con slanlly at (he station at niyiii as a matter of safely am) the water- front was culilled lo some pro tection in tin way oT palrol. There could mil he an oilh'ient policing of the oily without six men he fell. Commissioner Montgomery look the view that the city wax golfing along nicely with fh present, force and he did hoi. think an Increase was necessary. The mayor and chief should at nil times, however, have the right to engage special ollieer when j seemed necessary so lo do. The city could pot afford sullicieul ollicers lo maiulaiit i palrol of the entire cmiimuuily. Mayor Newton desired Jo kepfc Hie force down lo it? strength if possible. January ami February reports showed tliat conditions. were ipiiel. in the city "I He did not consider that there was great danger in mil always having an ollieer 'in thn fttalion for the building ilsel was never empty, lie was desir ous of curtailing expenses .us far as reasnnahle. If condition made il necessary, the force could readily lie augmented a any 'lime. The mayor suggested that one of the firemen might lake up his quarters in the police station during the night but this idea did not find favor with the remainder of the hoard In answer In the mayor, Chief Vickers staled lhat, even with Hie force of five, it might he possihle lo send an ollieer along the waterfront occasionally. A man had already heen engaged for the walerfroul al jiiglil. Ho was being iiaid by Ihe -fishermen. Commissioner Coomlis insisted op submitting his motion which was finally laid over by Hie mayor until such time as the proposal now on fool lo have an amalgamation with the provincial police force was settled upon. by burying it and the Knglish-maii made his game high 1iv hanging il. Neither of these methods were applied in ham ling fish which must In- placed on Ihe markel while fresh, lie then traced I low Prince Ituperl fish found jls way In the most. distant part 8 of the wifrld and said thai Hie' population nf Prince Ituperl depended on Hie ipialilv of Ihe fish marketed. A humorous debate "Unsolved thai .Men's Troubles are (irealer than Women's" followed; The allirmative was taken by Alfren It. IManl and Frank Vickers, lb' negative by. iliss Isabel Haddock and Mrs. I'lani. The debate was lecided. by imnular vo!e. the ladies winning, il is said, because all the Indies voli-il foi themselves and all Ihe henpecked husbands also voted for the women. The closing item was a sketch entitled "The Yan- go. name as .Mui'v Ann made a greal hit as did .l;i-:, prcseiU Klevens. who took Ihe pari of a Dutchman. The oilier pails were well sustained by liliam .Murray, Jr., Juck Deati. llenrv IJeilhrouer ami .lim Parker. Dr. W. T. Kergin acted as nbairuian and the accompanists were "Miss Marjnrie Lancaster, Mrs. C (i. Minus, W. Vaiiglian Davies and (JlilTonl (Uiiiierou. Tbe progwim committee con-: sisled of Frank I libit, Alfred Plant and CHIT Cameron. The refreshiiienl commillee was mad Up of Frank Vickers. W. (i. Wat foriL .John Woslenhnlnie anil liev. (i. G. Hacker, Waiters were (Jeorge Huni, I.ance Pollorlnn, W. II. Cornish, .1. Woslenbolme. 1'. Dibb, Jattk Cobb, F. Vickers Henry Heilbroner, Cliff (ariieron Alfred Plant, .lack D'an, Jairk Stevens, Frank I lorry ami A. .1. Lancaster. FUNERAL OF A TERRACE MAN Archibald Donald, Formerly of of Paisley, Scotland, Durled at Kltsumkalum TFIlttACi:. Mar. i:t. - The I'll n oral' look place bore this week of Archibald Donald, HH rars of ago. at the Kilsnm- kulum cemetery, the services bo- -"" C1S23 by Intl FcTURit SrRvict. Inc. . iV-V T "flJCrLi & W r '' -" Crtit Britain righii ttwtve J. Q'3 I . .i J-S?. i V hpl y)"Vw '. '"") ITtm. J .... i of r Fine for catarrh friends friends at at ,..., card playing viiig and:i Wanted I-I .r-j WW lilaneiii" aneing. I-i-nm From lln Hie fiisl firsl wall ror oaie up the note and ffr'& at at '.I '! p.m. until IMllil Hie Ihe In home Wall For Rent Head and Chest Colds Relieved In a New Way A Salvo which Release Medicated V Apart when Applied Over Throat and Chett. Inhaled as a vapor and, at the same time absorbed through the skin like a liniment, Vicks VapoUub reaches immediately inflamed, amp-sted air passages. This is the modern direct treatment for all cold troubles that is proving so popular in Canada and the States where oyex 17 million jars are now used yearly. Splendid for sore throat, tonsilitis, bronchitis, croup, head and chest colds, catarrh, asthma or hay fever. Just rub Vkks nvrr thrmr and rh and inhale the medicated vapors. It quit-my loosens up a cold. w V aro Rub Ores 17 Million Juts Used Yearly lug conducted by llural Demi March. Pall hearers were James Uichmond, Wiilluim Little, (too. Dover, Pole McDonald, J. Sigfried in. I J. Warne. Mr. Donald was born at Pais-:ey. SoiHaml, ami for i8 years .vas in t lu employ of the William Poison March, Mmtnrd ami oriiflnur . maiinfacturors of Paisley, lie came lo Canada twelve 1 years ago with .Mrs. Donald ami an unmarried daughter to join his son William who lived at Kilsumknliim before Terrace was on the map. .Mr, Donald is survived by his .vidow, three sons, Archibald still in Paisley, fioorge in Seal-He, ami William at Terrace, two dauiglilers, Mrs. , Hubert. Donald. who married a man of the same iianie and who rosjdes in Tctv race aud Miss Jennie Donald. who nursed her father during lus hing illness in the fall and ORANGEMEN HOLD ENTERTAINMENT AT METROPOLE HALL A deligli! 'il (social ovenjtit? was bold last nighl in the Mel-ropnle Hall when inenibers nf I I for "balung JM Home made gsm . Bread Loyal Orange Lodge No. entertained a number al 1 a.m. floor manager long kept things lively with lb" latest "circle one slcos, fox trots ami moonliglil waltzes lo excel-Uenl music fiirijished hy Mrs. It 'P. Ponder, piano: Harry llasl-;mnn. saxapboue; Itob Arlliur, jr. I violin, ami .1. Kelly, drums. For those who did. mil dance card it aides wore provided. Doleolnhle refreshments were served al midnight under the icapahle maiiagoinoiil of Miss ! Mabel Veiriek, .Mrs. T. Monitor iml Miss Ittilh Lemon. The singing of (iod Save the King al a few minutes past one iiroiighl a happy evening In a 'it ling close. SUCCESSFUL EVENT LUTHERAN WOMEN HOME OF MRS. HART ium of $55 Realized From Tea nnH Anpnn ami MnmA f!nnU- I ' f . - Ing Sale A tea, apron and homo sale at the home of Mrs. F, W. Hart yeslerday tifleninoii lirnvod very successful, the sum if .5f being raised by Hie ef-fnrls. nf Hi! lailyies for Hie Minion's auxiliary of t lie Kinglish Lijtheran Chunili. Mrs. Maislnr vrts general couxvner. The apron sale was in thtfliands of Mrs. II. 'catfebol; linnie cooking, Mrs. C. 'i, H, Anderson; program, Mrs. I. IMwards and Mrs. Field; cashier, .Mrs. Halberg. Tea was prrttred by Mrs. Un-fer ami .Mrs. Thor. Jnhnsoji, as- islcil by. Mrs! John Ivorsnii and Mrs. L Skog. f . ; , A vocal solo by .Mrs. Field, a liauo sole by Miss Morgan, ami i dance by little Morris, ac-ompanieil by Mrs. Willon, woj-e -uiicli enjoyed. DEASE LAKE COUNTRY FOR YOUNG MEN SAYS VANCOUVER SPEAKER VANCOl VKK. Marob ;. 'Prospeclors are naturally nomadic: a passing race of men," said (ioorge, oorge, F v.. .Winkler, iiiKior, spVakfug .ipcaKiiig lo the "Hie anil all courage chase a leaving fields. M.l Vf.Ih.itbiliftrt li'lji.. Is ii((cj.;e,iTjimi Jhr i5bs s, IliK mli'tnnlls 1 tiiMer. (iiU ami they move in search of fresh Holds in cumpiep. "Ami yol I would advise any yoipig men possessing ami hackhoiie lo pur liokel for Ilie next boat for Ihe northern mineral " I... ...III.. .ml .IIII.II...H ..... 1 c. Ihal the old sourdiiiighs must devolop Hie Dense Lake; ami right there the mistake is made. "This is a young men's country; lot Ihom 'dig in' if Canada is ever going fo see I bo prosperous limes our hears so much abnul." WILL SHIP PLANES FOR NORTH POLE TO SPITSBERGEN ISLAND OSLO. Norway. Mar. I .'I. Suc cessful lesls have boon carried out by Hie first of the I wo air planes which Captain lloabl Atnumlsen will use In tits llighl lo lln North Pole. The 'trial was conducted at Pisa bv Lhmlcuaiil Hielrielisi'ii, vvini js ,, , I one of the machines when Ihe aclual (light Is maile. A second airplane, now coinplellun. Is lo be loSileil ulinrlly ami hIioiiIiI if pass the iosi potti macliiuos wUl lie packed aud shipped to fjpllzbergcu. DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c'perJword in advance. No Advertisement taken for less than 50c FOR SALE FOIl SALF. F-disnn Diamond Ambernhi pliomiMraph, abnni nr. roooriU. Jiiatl.iH). Apply , Hlh Ave. F. (1 FOH SALK.- Soiioru plmiif graph With records; good condition. Phone (ireon 57:1. lit FOIl SALK. Singer Sewing machine, :r.ii(i. Apply P. I.e Cliiire, Seal Cove. Ill BOARD IIOAIID. Tin. Inlander, 8:t0 Socniul Avenue. Phone 137. Ill I.MID,-Table boarders, homo cooking. Phono I ted 707. If LOST LOST.- lluneh of keys on ring Tuesday evening. Finder phono -'li.'t. d.'i FOUND FOUND. Hunch nf ky on ring, including one switch key. Apply Daily News olllce. FOUN'D. Pair of nhild'K brown woollen mitts. Apply Daily News ntlice. FOUND. Pair -child's fur trimmed kid mills. Apply Daily News oIUch. l-W'D. Post ollice key. , Appi Daily N'ows nlTiee. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY WANTKIJ. A purl nor to lake an active iiilercsl in a long es-lablishod business. Kxcollen' prosjiecls for making money. For full particulars write Ilox 231 Daily News, Prince Jlu-phrl, n.C. COLUMBIA RECORDS NEW ProeesH Columbia Itoeords - mi scratching. Finest re-productions of latest Fox Trots, Songs ami Instrumental music by World fumed artists. Call in atuL hoar them. PRINCE RUPERT MUSC STORE, Third Avenue GENERAL BLACKSMITH Every description of ItlaH, smith work dune. Hnal work a speciality. Prompt at I on I ion and 'luiide'rate prices. A Trial Solicited. J. M. WALKER Near Shoekley's I'lailing Mill. Captain Amundsen intends in start no t ln riihl In Ihe Pule ahnul .Iuik' I. WOMEN ARE STUBBORN EVEN IN CRIME SAYS PRISON COMMISSIONER Repeats More Common Among Females Than Those of Male Sox LONDON, March l.'l. - The mos babilital olTemlers against Hie laws of (treat Urilain are wunioii,. acenrding lu I he repnri. oi I lie commissioners nf prisnn' and the direelors nf ounvicl pi'isnns. for Ihe past ycaj1. No rower than 7.158 out ( Hie K.Kiil women received into prison in Hie year had boon convicted before, or H.'l fier cent, oomparod Willi fl-2 per cent of Ihe nn-n. More than I .(ton women MII lieeti convicted ft to -in limes ami Sf.HKi; more Hi, in JO I mies. A. Pringlo, pnsi -dllce ii,(),.e lor returned In Vancouver on Hie 1'rince Cieorge Ibis moruiiia. ROOFING ; KLICKUDD" Coaling. The host I coaling for .shingle, iron or paper roofs. It preserves Hie roof and slops ihe leaks. Also g I for brick, connrele or stone walls. Cheapest and best. F.sliniales given.' P.O. Ilox 1 1 I. Phone I 'J. MARINE TAXI SERVICE LAFXCII "Th lliiby" at your service day or nighl. Comfort Hafoly Courtesy. If it's a water trip call Laurie Lambly. Phonos 570 or I. II. TAXI 592 THE DF.PKNUAMLK TAXI.- Da) ami Nighl service. Comfort and Courtesy is my motto, j PHONE 592 CONRAD LEE i Stand: Uichmond Unions. TAXI Taxi C7 Phono (Call Ceorge, Paul or Oust1 Prompt Sorvioe and Comfort Day or NiM Stand: rtOSS BROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Clock, Across from Kmnross Hotel RADIOl RADIOl Alii: you interested in lladio sets or parts? I.caii save, you money. 2 lube sols complete with aerial, phones ami batteries, installed, $55. Phone lied 707. FURNITURE. New and Secondhand Furnl-ure Store. We Jluy. Sell and Ex change New and Secondhand (ioods. , OfcO. PAHAUUPULIS, Third Avn. Phone 4r, FURNITURE WE handle Hie l-'AWCJ'n' Lruflriiuleoil copper boa rill ' Sleol Ilanges and all grades of high grade furniluio wo exchange. PRINCE RUPERT EXCHANGE, Auel ionoers TIMBER SALE X C928. Sntlml Temli-r will lie ntHvii! Iy llio Mlnlxlpr or IjiikIs, in Vlrinrlii. mil Uirr lliin ikuiu mi tie- il;iy if April, IW!j. Tor tlw piirrliasi- r l.irrlH-e . H, tu nil l.jiii.iiiiii ret-1 nf i, llfiulnrk, HilMin ncl Sprui-i- mi an arm dliialnl on IImi imrlh ilmn- n( Naywi -li ImIi-I. Iianirc t, i:nul l.aml IHslrlil. rurti V. ycitrH will lx allnuml for r iniival ifr HnilM-c. KiiruVr jartla-iilrs of IIih ci,pr fnrr-ler, Vlrinna. H.c, up liisii o i Knrtolrr. ortom liwiwrt, II. C. TIMBER-SALE X C811. Thi'iT will lie nrri'ii'il fr nalfl nl full-lo- .Minimi, at mum en iiw ivili d.iy nf Man ii, luvi. in tiio orrice or iii nitii lUlilrr. Ilaii'llim. II. C, IIih l.lrrni-n XOSII, in cm vuu.Httii liiieal reel nr idar I'nM ami h:i.imiii llniilurk anil Jarkplne Tien nn I nl I r, 7 ami aillulnliiK l.'iml sltu.llcal nurtli of llueUon. l.anil iltrlr. Tlircc Cli tears ulll lio alloui-il fur rn-movai nr tlinfit-r. "Ornvlilnl any Hin un.ihln In annul thn aiiriinii In (vrwin may anfiiiilt a M-alr lien nut treali'il as iuih Mil." Kurllii-r i.irilriil,n-i nr the riilcf Knr-li-r. Vrnrl, It.C, nr IHtilrt Konmlcr. I'rlni-i! Ililirrt. II.C. TIMBER SALE X 0103. Acaled Trnilcrn will lm rrnlvril hy tho Dlflrlrl l-'ni'CHlcr not lain1 limn innni mi tjif. Hlh ilay nr Marrh, lOfft, ror III" purrtiaw or l.ii-cni'n Xfliol, .ot I37C, jynil lMirc or MnKurtl Inln, Oiicimi Char-lotlo llanil.4 lilstrlrt, lo nil 00,T7f Mhl rprt or spniro, nniiir, ami iinn-liii-k Snwlnjm. oiip (l) year will Iip allnwon for-ri" niMVal or tlmlirr. Furitipr particular or th Thir ForP- !nncV'air,,',," Fo,",,,r' Article, MAIL SCHEDULE For the East Monday- i , :,. i; , unlays, oo-e ai i . -From the East Moiidav-. ! , Friday . ilu-To Vancouver Tuesdays Mail elr. . . Saturdays Fridays. Ma..-., ' Prom Vancouver Sundays Wednesday ISfl il n C.P.U. M.i - :. , To Anyox, Alice Arm. Sum and Premier Weduesd, 1 - H Sunday- . .: n From Anyox, Alice Arm, 'Saw and Premier Tinssdays H Fridays tl To Port S Imninn and Nam I Points ' Slllll:i - i i uiii ruit uuiip9wi n'Ji, " Rlcr Points Tueda - To Alaska Points Mareli From Alaska Points March lo To Queen Charlotte lalaji Pj- March i From Queen CharkitU 'k. Points March :i f DDX COLLEyflOM ii if. ii (Iriuinin & A 1 1 i n Avv'i it Ml Ave A I - i" .till Ave. A Ims.' Stri Avn. Si Tlui.r., si I llli Ave. fi Shci lir Ave I I hi Ave. A Cum ad mil Ave, .v lla ' Ave (lib Ave. A Hay- ). ' Circle 8th Ave. A fiolioi. S Stli Ave. A Mcllnili ProrOov. Jllds-Prov. Oov Wharf U.T.'P. Wharf -ml Ave. & -mi S jrd Ave. & Fill on SI ird v ,v '1t t:th '-I! i , I llj 2 ' Ki. U LAND ACT. Notice of lnttl;,'n,PP" r In Skopim Lml I'! ' , lli't-nrilliiir I"'"'. Maml In -,1 ; : Hell Hi or - il' 1 , . TAKI-: .NOTIi:; I! ' !rM nt liuriiali.v. IIIINHH to Pi"' .. ,i, , I rmiw tin' follow"'- cninnieiiriiiK ' ralTrly n'1' "r,'",h illalcly ""' ,." , iiri'it limm pliniml al li aalil Hiniil. ",1"L , -w!' Miami. TH' , iiiiwii.v wniiii ; v, , taint Hip lm"1'' ' itakeit hv "" ", ,, Dlcit January I m ti i ? ,:, ti a ;, 13 . til COAST LAND DIITJIC,, REGARDING DISTRICT Of TAaK mitick imi 3 11 llMl, fir Vail' !!' anil l'atr Milieu rnr a mi ,' laiul-t, In t:nasi Hi I'rfivtnif nr Hi h. walrr lot un U" l-li-t, mum rain Iowa: nwiiiiii'in -mt-' i title lino en tli Inlet rilMant ..itr. rrfiin tli' sniilh. ' coatt lilsirn'i i. tSlfK.t;., a ill--1'",, lo Hi'-I cil 1I6U; llicni. tlld win 111 li Il'''' roriifr (ii,iiii nr aul - it" , Hie hi Hi Hit'' n 7,immi ri.. I"1 , rninnii'lirfliu'lil, "'!'- nr IrM. PATKP 4niii II ,'T I .:; I'Mrt;' ' ; ill ifl- " 4 . .i