For economy's sake I buy supply and let it age" says Mrs. Experience, speaking of the economical use, of soap. "I always keep a Rood supply of Sunlight Soap on the shelf because I find that Sunlight actually improves with age It becomes harder and so goes much further. "With this added economy of lasting longer, I've learned that Sunlight is by far the most economical soap I can buy. Th. r - " is tnat every particle of Sunlight i pure, cleansing f( Vn a little of it does a lot of work. Sunlight, you know, is r .it J to contain no injurious chemicals or harsh filling n-r.r to make the bar large and hard. These filling mater-isl . f - ursc, arc just' so much waste as far as cleaning goes. T arr woman who want? to get real cleaning value out t ; f r her money, I dLidedly say, L!-c Sunlight,' and k i .. J ipp'y 'n the shelf." Sunliht is made b ' Lever Brother; Limited, largest in the world. unlifhtSoap FOUR NEW PATTERNS di m Ml I'flerson Block. Q 2 CONGOLEUM "GOLD SEAL" GUARANTEED HUGS .iihI - - - 2 DOMINION LINOLEUM RUGS. T i: :. 1 two Canadian made products ait' the ntul nenngs niniiuraclnred -ltnliiir combined i design make these nig v uceci!ulle to :::' Wi ft". Choose yours now from our spring stock arrie's Home Furnishings J 1 M . 1 u htciiuc ana isi ovrcev. HIT AT! PHONE 586 SAVAGE Phone 123 HIGH CLASS -GROCERS BULK COCOA 2 Ins. for 25c (new stock) Washer and Dryer llns no WrinRiT. neeils none. Won fioM Medal al. lust (Jucln'i: Kxliibitnm over all American and (iaiimlian Marhinc-. Cash Price 5185.00: also sold on Icrius. Kaien Hardware Co. Phono 103. r. F. P. KENNY - DENTIST t' ' my Estimate on your lentat Work. CROWNS, PLATES, BRICGEWORK I'ncoiitlilionally (iitarattlccd. 1 lu all my iiwn work. This means PERSONAL SERVICE TO EVERYONE Htiiimants. Itemnaiils all inds. Wallace's, Friday ami a turd ay. 01 A. K. Wright sailed tills inorn- in j ou the l'nuce (o-orge lor Victoria ou a business trip. A view of the lodges at Jasper National Park appears, in the current issue of the Saturday Kxcnlug Post. G.X.Il. steamer Prince Johu Uflpl. h. .Mabbs, from Vancouver via the Oueen Charlotte Islands, is mpee-Utl to arrive in pprl to morrow morning'. C. It. (iillierl, the Terrace in u ranee, adjuster, arrived from I lie interior on tins morning's train and sailed for Vancouver on the steamer Prince lluperl. At the meeting of the school hoard last night Miss Mill's re ported liejiig tn receipt or supplementary readers purchased from the proceeds of a'" school concert. They cost sftlO. lenders for school supplies were rw.civcii :rom . . w . wrai- liall and Mcltae Hros. the fiirnu'i leiideriug 17(1.10 and the lallei $l(iri.l(l. The tender of the low est bidder was accented. The first response lo the Fair Hoard's reo,Uc4s for . special prizes in iMiiiiu'clion with thi year's l'.xhihilitu has been re reived from Hie W. Allee Hurhee Seed Co. Philadeliihia which is putting up the usual list ofsei agttiti. Mr. ci. SetlfcrL inesidrtil Hie i:uiict-ifi.iMu'i Mil. will he hack in towunT Hie Knox Hole about Marcli IH, and would like lo get in touch with all uuil holders of Hie North and South Land Syndicate to arrange foi Hie allotment of their stock. 02 The Fair Itoatirs p ,'iuanenl mineral exhibit has been -set "l mi the cabinet -provided for il at Hie Canadian National Railway olalion by Phil McDonald and (Jeorge . did display Iraeling a I Ion. Kerr. II is a splen-wliieh Is ali-endy at-greal deal mT alten- .The enrolment of pupils al Hoolli School is 10U or an in-erease of leu ovtr Hie inontli of li-iirnary. At Horden Slii-e' school the number is 'JV1. with several new arrivals to enter within a few days. This was reported al the school board meeting last night. At the High School the. total number enrolled is las. W. T. Muse and two daugh ters will ail tomorrow on Hie Princess Hoalrice for Vancouver I'liroule lo (Jharlollesville, Vir- uinin. wliere .Mr, .Muse will visii his mother anil sisters. Mr. w Mum hopes that he may so recover from the serious injuries he sustained in a logging accident last winter thai be will ho able lo return In Prince Ituperl hul Hmh-c is a .possibility that he may go in business with his brolher al Mountain (lily, Tennessee. In any case, il will be several inonlhs before he returns to Prince .Ituperl. Mrs. Muse and the remainder of, Hie family will be slaying in city for a while yet. New Coals ami Hals. ANNOUNCEMENTS Wallace's Gl Knights of I'ylliias whisl tlrivo ami ilance, March , Musical cumin;.' in llaiilist' Church, March 2G, lo 8 p.m. If Callmlic Sprihr," Sale, afler- I. 1), Mump, district repre entatho if lha, Land Si'ltlemen Hoard, reached' the city from crrace ou this mornings train and will return to the interior tomorrow itighL -T- f , Mr. and Mrs. (tcorgc Hryant ailed this morning on the Prince ienrge for beaUle. l'hey will proceed to Portland where Mr. Itryanl will represent the local llolary Club U district con vention. ! Having in custody Simmi Fowler, '"an Indian prisoner who will do twelve "months at Okitlla for theft, Provincial Conslalde I. Service of Smilhcrs sailed this- morning on the (icorgi! for tlie south. Prince At hoard meeting last oiht a request from Miss ltulli Slewar. for a suti'idy of tool for the aiiilor to use in making minor epairs was granted. Tenders will also be called fur a new cupboard for S"eal Cove school. steamer Prince Ituperl. lfler returning from Stewart ami nyox this inoriiing, proeeedec lo the dry dock Where she Is nov on the iioulooiis for annual nvei haul. The Prince Heorgc pieken up the coast schedule with tnr sailing south from here. Chief W. H. Vtckei's of (lie city police sailed 1 lus morning on Hie Prince (Jeorge for. Hie south Having in custody Herbert 11 Valpey who is lo serve si months al Okalla Prison. Duri: - Hie absence (iTTirder Vickers, Sergeant of the lor Italic w,Ul 1 cat forcef1 Ilorden St. sclioVil Jiilplts ' already hae 'l(Jt hanked in con nection w'tlirilie s'Miool baukim.-svstem recenlly initialed by the Itnyal Hank ami. at Hoolh sclioo' Hie systcnl lias just been started and the 'results are not. yet known, it was reported lo Hie clioolhoard last night by Hi" principals of those schools. The l!onlh school was men tioned again last night at Hi meeting of the school hoard when a letter was read from N. 1. Sweet asking for an opportunity lo plaster the walks and slop the leaks in the fire walls and otrering In' guarantee the wort. The letter was filed and Mr. Sweet ,will be inToi-inci no work will lie done on it until the A man named Arnold Xeilson is in the (ieneral Hospital suffering: from sculp . injuries which are not regarded as, being serious after having been slruck on Ili-i Cow Hay bridge last evening hv a motor car driven by Hubert Ward. Coast able Alex Maedoii- abl investigated Hie cirruiiistau- m . . 1 . ccs oi me nccmeui ami lomni Ilia! the drivec was not lo blame The man apparently fell in fron ' of I he car. Passctijii'i's- suilinjr for the south on the H..N.H. slenun'i' I'rince (icorye, ('.apt. Harry Ncl-ilen, this niiMiiiny: incltnlcil Me. ami Mrs. F.. II. Slpickley ami raniily, A. 1'rtnsrle, .I. A. Hobday. .Mr. ami Mrs. .1. llarl ami child (from AtynX', (Icorfre. Powell Mrs. V.. It. Parker, V. .1. Massey ll,i. (. P. lirown, v.. I'eterson ant Mrs. T.A. Lambert for ancouver; A. Wrifihl, YV. .1. Service, ('., H. (tilberl. II. Karl and V. II. Vick-er for Victoria; .1. A. Harnwcll, It. Myers ami T. W. Sieirs for Ocean Falls; Mr. ami Mrs. ieo. ! (Itryanl ami O. Leiness for Seat- " j lie CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT ' Take notice I hat Sixtli Avenue, from Mfltride Street to Hays (Jove Circle will be closed for Ihree weeks, comniencintr March noon of April ;'0, Melrojiole llalldti. ltcsiiionls are requested lo followed by social evening. 'gel in their supply of coal, elc, I before that dale. VeeklCind,'rella Dunce, Sal-! . F. W". l'FAUSON, unlay nijlit, Elkb' Home. DOc. 01 City Kugiuccr. M 13, 1925. THE DAILY NEW3 PAGE THREI - ymsat.-iCTJirjw.-a.fc.Tiwamapni New stripe broadcloths. Wal-01 I I in I laees. j Local ana rersonai j j n - - - -r- At your service day and night, n r i-i -- - - - - - .m l Arthur Taxi, Finnic 078. Stand, H.C. Undertakers. Phone 41. next Klks' Home. If Iteiiiimuttf. Sale aL Wallace's. Union steamer Chilkool, Cap). 01 William w'asjju port this mora inir southbouifif from ine .vaas Ladies" Sport Sweaters Mrs. lltver to .Vancouver. ' -'At ,. (j rahlman's. v.-; A. llrooVsbaljfc ii-luiiicd on this You'll like our .ioall Coitsum- inorningfs ' IrftjjOf after haviu ers Loal Co. Phone 7. If spent llio pasCfweek in Smithcr on business jiff cniiiiertion with The Indian gasboal Herbert U. the Hanson timber & Lumher iiIj'iimI last night from Ilyder. Co. It's like Magic! What is? That first Taste Why s? It tells you so much You know right away that you are tasting the smoothest, loveliest milk chocolate you ever came across. Which bar do you mean? Well, here's its picture Sc & 10c TAKING NO CHANCES "So you W'l: married. M;i. considered Hi lo leave lo get I lio'-r V"U have mailer seriou.x- ly?" "Oh. I have. mum. I've been lo two rorlune-i'dters aiid clairvoyant, and looked in a sign-book, ami dreamed ou i lock jf 'air, and I've been lo a mediutu a aslerologisl, ami they all lell me to go ahead mum. I ain't one to marr reckless like, mum." London Opinion. GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT NOTICE OF APPLICATION LICENSE FOR BEER Mrrir.K is licn-liy irtvcti lliat m tin' HI tl.iv of Mh-iI ih-xi tin- inHhTiimn-O liit.-ml- to lny In Uif i.Nluor l.ohllnl IKiam Tr llmnM- In 1tihtI to piniiisis Im'Iiu iirl ir tlw luitliliuir kimwii a." lliu I'ur ( IrtiMlil- llnti'l, sllnaliil at I'nrl CIcllHlit-o mill llmrhitlc lliimls. I'mvlnre i! I'.rllli Columbia mum I hi- lamts (Ic-rrilM-i l.ol rive ir.i. nkirk forty-rmir iO subillviiiltHi or I'll irvrn liiMHlrol mi' rorty-sl (7K.I. vm-en Clnrlntle IH-lrn-l ll.:'. u- liowii mi rtiirifleiTil mii i.liin ilclMi-ilril In Uif IjiiiiI lifiritlrv Of ru-c .il On- l ily or ITiniT IIiiimii anil imiiiiIh' 'i il I ii7. Tor alf or lui-r by yln or by Hie om-ii bottle bir roll-sumptli'ii on IIh premise. HAIKU at I'rliMf lluiH-rl. Il.C. tills till (l.iy or Marrli. t9ii. This Is For J. ICS. Hale-Oatmeal for are easily lieve Ibis is II. 1.. TI.VII.EY. iiwimt. Apiillrint GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR BEER LICENSE. I MiTlit I" IipitIiv trOi'H I hat 'H "fl fur tlx- mill (1.1 v or Ma nil nrst. th ini(ltTslriii-l Intends In innlv to the l.Kiiii i' Conlrol Board rorn nrrtif- in re?iwr oi limnis! itrinr pan u iiip uiioiiiii kiiow.i unpens nniei. siinaii' on i.oi ,. main Slrert, Maselt. (Jiiwn (.harlotie isiapd. In flip pronnci- or tiriusn cmumuia. ior tin- fair or bprr tiy the Rlam or by the otwn botlle ror coiiHiinpllon on tne rmleu tin? IBUi day or trnnnry. tvan. ! MIIS. M. I.. ni'NN. Owner nnllrnnf LAND ACT. Notlct o(. Intention to Apply to Purchase Land In Pkii-iia laml luslrlrt. ir t'rlnrr liotH-rt lirrordlnir Illslrlrl. and ltnati' aepnultnati'lv n mil one liair miles Weft nr Salvus Station, on Salvus Island, Skerna niver. Tnke Nnllre lliat IHidnir tJirsoon. or 4t4S C.arletnn St., Hnrnaby, oermiatlon l.oKirer. Inlends to apply Tor permission io nnrrliao the riilliiwlnir dcserllipil land-: C.onimenrlnir al a post planted at tbei .(Hitliueft corner of Lot (S03, Salvusi lland; tlielire .oiitlrAeliTl , approximately Kill Aaijls: tlielire northerly ap: prnvlinalelv ffdo yard: theiire norlhwust-erlv appnixlmatrly Mil yard?; tlience oiitlwrlv 800 yanl. tr jMiInt or bea-lnnlnit. romprw'nir all thai portion or Salvus Island west or l.ol 4 sua and eontalntuir 300 aeres. more or le-". THOMAS MILLS A rent Tor Til Pf'L" LMlSSON. Si tVrnRWt, cakes made. yon ask W e he- Hie recipe you mean: Two cups 'oatmeal, J cup sugar, Vt cup 1'aeiiie Milk, Vi dip water, ft cup butter. -' teaspoons leveF bakiii!i powder ami flour enough to roll well. Filling is 1 Iti. stoned dales, t cup brown sugar, t cup water, ltoil until jelly-tike. Put between cakes as used. Pacific Milk Co. Limited Head Office, Vancouver Factories at Ladner and 1 1 Ifel FISHERMEN! Look over your First Aid Kit and see thai il is complete. Here are .some of the things you should have on board before you put to sea: IODINE ADHESIVE PLASTER BANDAGES EPSOM SALTS LYSOL BORACIC ACID DRESSING FOR BURNS, ABSORBENT COTTON, FIRST AID BOOK For your Personal Kit von wilt also need RAZOR SHAVING SOAP RAZOR BLADES SHAVING BRUSH SOAP TOOTE PASTE COMB TOOTH BRUSH Huy your supplies from us and be sure of receiving satisfaction. ORMES LTD. Pioneer Druggists The Third Avenue Ask for a Tide Book for 1825. Rexall Store Phones 82 and 200 They, are Free. Ruilding lfaterial LUMBER Itiniension. Kluplap ami Finishing; Shingles, Lath, Moiililings. Oak, Fir ami (Jo It unworn! .1 I'ly Veneers, Sash ami Hgors. Cement, Lime, Plaster, Brick, Firebrick, Fireclay, Keene's Cement, Plaster or Paris, Sand and Gravel, Asbestos Products, Wood Pipe, Vitrified Pipe, Agricultural Tile, Building Papers, Asphalt and Rubber and Asbestos Roofings. Hum the Famous NANAIMO.- WELLINGTON COAL ALBERT & McCAFFERY, LTD. Phones 116 and 564 New Spring HATS BROCK $6.00 BILTMORE $5.00 BILTMORE $4.00' STEVE KING Phone Green 85. Third Avenue "TRY A NIP TONIGHT." BEST PROCURABLE a BOTTLED A GUARANTIED BY fl.Wcn - .Iwsatl r U S L MHwn rv Atx nun rJOCum sicwf uLm0 k WOOUCt Of SCOTIANO Oit.iu.'l :nt auaiftMC uio uivcwc unuvct owm Knitui The Original Label look for It at the Vendors and Insist on GRANT'S "BEST PROCURABLE." This mlvorlisemenl is not published or displayed liy.tlie Liipior Control. Hoard or ly the (loverninenl, of . v UtilUli- Colmubia