1 l 1 AOE SIX THE DAILT NEW 3 Friday. M.iM, , Optician and Optometrist YOU CAN'T AFFORD BAD SIGHT. WE FIT YOUR EYES CORRECTLY. Carefully trained, experienced, registered optometrist. Qualified by experience and practlcaV knowledge of optometry, to render you the very best service possible, while our charges will be found reasonable In every Instance. WE REPLACE BROKEN LENSES Diamonds, watches, clocks, silverware, cut glass, ivory, genuine leather goods, and a large stock of umbrellas. OUR MOTTO "Price and quality." Inspection Invited Max Heilbroner Diamond Specialist TAILORED FROCKS in Flannel and Kasha Cloth. Fro in $13.00 to $32.00 "Demers" P.O. Box 327. Phone 27 Dress Flannels THE LATEST IN PLAIDS AND CHECKS Lovely Soft Flannels for the New Dresses. 51 inches. Priced at $2.75 and $3.25 STORE Third Ave. Dr. E. S. T AIT DENTIST. Hclgerson Blook, PRIKCE RUPERT, B. O. Orrico Hours, to 8. Prion ess. Open Evenings Only Far 8poUI Appolntmnnts, i: CROSS WORD PUZZLES REACH CENTRAL EUROPE Fad Gets Even as Far as Balkans Following Spread Among English Speaking People HOME, .March I.V-Tlie crossword puzzle craze lias reached 1 1 aly in its Iriuniiihal mart;! from the United Slates. The engaging: pashme which lias made dictionaries liesl sellers, llrst took (ileal Hrilain by storm and then crossed ' into France wliei'e it overcame Hie prejudices of thousands, of citizens of lhal nalion which, more hliau any oilier in Europe, had I been famous for its philological insularity and for its passionate insistence upon I lie purily of it? verbal expressiveness. Now, the fad,, disguised a "Ilniloviiicllo tlclle 1'arole lr cruciate" has crossed ihe Alps into Italy and its proponent predict confidenlly lhal nothing can slop ils advance into tin liearl of central Europe and eve:, into the geopraphical crazy quill of Ihe llalkans where language.-and dialects abound. Foreigners in Italy had fo. WATER NOTICE. USE AND STORAGE T.Vhi: MO'lll.E Hint Masselt Timber Co.. ! 1 . 1 in I led. wlmse address is 708 i'ariri. liuilillnir, Vancouver. MX., will apply for a llrt'lice to take and use ,ruo ruuic. lev. Hr wt'oud, and to store 75M. acre-fen .r water out or stream known as Al . lllvcr, wlilcli Tluws soullierly and drain Into Maxell Inlet, about one and one naif miles easlerly ritmi liuikley lla. II. C, The HtoraKi'-daiu will be loealed ui I hi' outlet or Am Lake or lit a iHilnt be low the suid outlet, to be determined' al ler survey have been made. The rapaelt. ui the rcsvrmir to be i-reateri Is alwn i5M. acre-reel, and It will flood aboul il.fwo acres of land. The water will be diverted from Ihe stream at a point about I lie location or the storage-dam, iiamcl. the outlet of Aln Lake, and will be useu Tor Kiwer and Industrial purposes upon.! Hie land tiesrriwti as Lot 1437 or oiii.ui 4 4 4. Tilts notice was posted on 111 irround on the S7tli day of February. iVii. A ropy or this nolire and an anoli ration purMiaul thereto and to the "Water vt, i h a 4 , win im rueu in tne ornre or Ihe Water Ilerorder at I'rlnec 1 1 u perl objections to the application may be Tiled with the said Water Ilerorder o. with the Uiiiiipttoller or Water IlltrhUv Parliament luiildmirs, Victoria, n.c. within tlilrty days arier the Him appear mire nT this notice in a loeal newspaper The dale, or the rirst publication of lilts notiee Is Monday, March 2, 1933. MASStTT TlMDlill CO.. LTII.. NOTICE. Appllcaui. J. w. scnoonover. irei:t. An examination Tor Forest Itanirers will lie liild at Hums Lake on March SIM IK.'. Applications will be received up in noon or Nairn smiii ny me ni-iriei I iiiesler. court House, i'rlnce Iluper;. from' whom application Tonus and fui pnrllriiliirs may be obtained. Fee, il.un Candidales must be lirlllsh subjects not mure than roily years or aire, resident In Urlllsh Columbia rnr at least on year, of Kood rharacler and, physical met 1 1 it-ii, with woimIs experience am' raiolliar Willi Ihe practical side or lor irlmr. limber riuisliiir. siirveyimr an-forest protection, wILIi knou Inljrc i-Ihe Forest Ad anil abl to organize wur and Handle men. This evamlnatliin Is to eslahlish i, ellirlble . I fur the net year rrmn wlrd-' aplniliitmelils will 1m- made as ramrers re(iilred, One ranirer l reiiuirod Inline dlalely. W. II Macl.WES. Civil Service Oniitiilssluiii-r. Victoria, B.C. SPECIALS For This Week WE OFFER SOME REAL BARGAINS Milk, all kinds, per case $5.60 Muur, '.) ll. sack ... $3.15 Potatoes, 1 1 Ml ,lh. sack $3.15 Sugar, 2t lb. sack .. $1.65 Jain, 1 Hi. I in 85c Get Your Supply From Economy Store 417 Fifth Ave. East"' Phones 84 and 18. GEO. D. TITE The Quality Home Furnisher i &tart Now? Stop Falling Hair This is the wonderful new Van Ess applicator bot' containing the new way hair treatment. Theruhhrr jpplcf feed the lotion dirtdly to the hit roots. The scalp seotljr fnssasd nd a lieilth-elvinc impetus sent directly to the hair roots. Van F.M stops falling hair crows new hair. Money bat k if it doesn't. Ask about money bark Guarantee. C0VENT GARDEN THEATRE BECOMES A DANCE HALL Has Been Used for Many Purposes Before But Now Invaded by Jazz l.UNDOX, March 13 London's famous Govrnl. (wirden Theatre, ollicially known as l.he Moyal Opera House, has come at las1 under the spell of jar... .The Ihealre, built in 1858, is to Aw taken over by a syndicate which jrives dances every night in the week at popular prices. 'I'lti will bo llu) .first time (bat the Ileal re has been used as a dance rliall, although many public dances have been held I hero in former limes. The dancing sea son will .end laic in Ihe jiring. jl is announced, in lime for what is In be knliwn as mi interna lional season of opera. The Royal" Opera House, which became popularly known as tJuvenl. (iarden Thealre because if its location near the famous market place, has had varied ex periences, having been used Tor opera,, drauia.'cireus, ballet, pan tomime, revue and films. Iur- ng the war it served as a slorc- iiouse lor ruruilure from olhci iiuildings taken over by the gov ernment for other- purpose. IN PROBATE. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. Ill II le Mailer or the Administration Art; mm In Hie Mailer or the F.slate or Jean l.aurr lieceaied. luleslale. j IN PROBATE. I IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH I COLUMBIA, j li! the Mailer or the Administration Arl: and In the Mailer or the Ksiate or 11. J, Hen nelt. I it-reused. Inte-talr. I TAkF AOTIOF. that h Order or Ills Honor F. Men.. Y ipiinir. made the I Slit day 1 or February. lli!S. I was appointed Ad j nihil-trn tor or Ihe estate or the lale II. J I Jiennelt, dereased, and all parties liav- luir ehilins naalnst the said estate are : liereby required to rurnlsh same to me I properly verified, on or before Ihe SKI dar of March, IV?,'. and all parties In-i delited to Ihe said estate are required t'- pay the amount of their Indebtedness time rorthwith. NOrtMW A. WATT, orrirlnl Administrator Dated this Sll day or February. ll'f. IN PROBATE. IN, THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA III Ihe Matter or the Administration Art and III the Matter of the Kstate of William auieroii slm, Ooreased. Inlestale. TVKF. MiTICF that by order of Ills Honor -. Hell. Vouiiir. made the Still day or February. A.l. I US.',, 1 was appointed (liniiilslralor or the estate of William Cnuieroii Sim, deceased, and all parties havlnir claims airalnst the said estate are nereny reiuireu 10 rurnlsh same, into perly veriried lo me, on or before the S.MIi day or Mai t il. A.li, togs, and all tmrtlfs indehied to the elale are reipilred lo pay the amount or their Indebtedness in ine lortnwiiu, -VMIMVN A. WATT, orricial Admliilstrator, I'rlnce Unpen, II.C. oated the 5th day of February, 1S5 SPRING STOCK OF CURTAIN MATERIALS Just Arrived! Nets, Marquisettes, Madras, Cretonnes Season's Latest Dross Goods- 3rd Avenue, IN NEW DESIGNS. -IRISH WOVEN LINEN 35 inches wide. ' . See Our Window for Engraved Oriental Brassware. Phone 20 ORMES LIMITED, Prince Rupert, B.C. some time interested and disturbed the natives by their peculiar antics and gesticulations in front of black and while squares in foreign newspapers, but it re mained for a weekly newspaper to explain Ihe mystery and in-eidently to introduce Hie cull. WIRELESS INSTALLED ON BARGE BINGAM0N Big Craft, Which Nearly Wrecked Near Here, Is Now at Rivers Inlet Loading Logs W ireless has been installed un the big lot carrying barge. JUng-. anion. So, if I lie vessel ever gels into ilillicull ics again like she did near here on hnr maiden voyage a couple oT mouth ago, she will at least be able to keep in touch with shore. The Jling-ainoit is al , presenl al Rivers Inlcl loading logs, having been lowed ttiere this week by Ihe lug Pacific- Monarch. WIRELESS REPORT 8 a.m. OKillY ISLAM). llaininl, calm; baroiueler, JU.20; leiuper-alure, 10; sea sinoolh; 8 p.m. spoke steamer Anyox, Anyox for Vancouver, 300 miles from Vancouver; 7:15 p.m. spoke sleamei Prince Ruperl oil" Kamsden I'oinl soulhbound. ' I)i:.M TRKi: ' POINT. Raining, calm; barometer, ' 2'..t7; leinperalure, 17; sea-sinoolh. RUI.I. IIARItOR. Overea-I. calm; baroiueler. 30.17: temper ature, il; liglil swell; 8 p.m. spitke si earner Spokane, 250 miles frum Quadra, norljibourid, 8 a.m. spoke tug llape'Scoll ofl Pointers Island light soulhbound. Noon DKiHV ' 1SI.IM. Raining calm ; baroiueler, 30.0'.; leinperalure, 3H; sea siiitHdh. liKAl) TRKK POIXi'. Raining, light -southeast, wind; barometer, I'ii.'.O; tempqralliru, 1; sea smooth. RUI.I. IIARItOR. Overcast, i am. .ah i ii i. inai uy uruer or ins Honor F. Mill. Vouiiir, made the ISIh day I calm; harolliclf1 m rciimarj, a.ii. i was uptiiiiii'ii i vuministraior or me estate or I lie laie lean l.auer, ileeea'ed, ami all iarlies lav-i n If claims airalusl Hie said csiale are hereby required lo riirnl-li same to Hi". DrolMTly verified, mi or before the Slsl day of March. IKi'i. and all parlies In- debieil to tlie said estate are reuulred to pay the aiiHiunl or their Indebtedness to me fi-rthwith. NWIVVr A. WATT, ornclal Administrator, prince Ilnperl, n.C. fiateil this i'l-l dify of February. Ml: 13; leinper alure, 18; sea smooth; 1:55 a.m. spoke s earner Venlure, enleriiit; Milbank Sound; biiuud for Prince Ilnperl: 1 1 :.'t0 iSi.ni; spoke steamer Princess Heal rice off Ivory Island northbound: 11:1.") a.m. spoke sleainer Amur off Salmon! River bound for Prince Rupert. HOLLAND'S QUEEN HONORED LI:YDI:N. Holland, March 13. I'Ihs old-world town bus just celebrated the 3501 h anniveiarv of the fontnliuir of its famous university. Upon Oueeii Wilheluiiiia was, eoiiferit'il the honorary decree of doctor of laws, anil (he wpiwen students presented her with tlie first tulips of the season... THE IMPORTANT ONE Customer You've made, two mistakes in this bill, one in your favor, and one in mine. Orocer - In your favor? Where? "This presenl ONLY EXPLANATION laxiirieler can't inisre-iinylliili." said Ihe driver. "NVhal s the (be passenger. mailer?" iuiiiired "Is il broke?" IN PROBATE IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA In tlie. Matter of the Administration Act; and In Ihe Mailer or the Kstate of Charles Later, lieceased, Inleslate, TAkF MiTi;-: that by Order or Ills II r F. Mill. Vouiiir, made the liflli tlav or February, llisr,, I was appointed Ad miulsiralor or I lie estate of the lale Uiarlcs Later, deceased, and all panic, havlnir damn airalusl the said estate are hereby ret uired to furnish same, properly veriried to me. mi or before Slat day or March, tugs, and all parlies In debled to the said estate are retiilred lo pay the amount or their Indebtedness to me forthwith. MillMAX A. "WATT, (irnclal Administrator. I'rlnce Ilnperl. II.C. Imled this js day or Febriia ry . I . IN PROBATE IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITI8H COLUMBIA III the Mailer or the Administration Act: and In the Matter of the F.stale or V. Wakl-inoto, lieceased, Intestate. TAkK MITICF- that by Order t.r Ills Honor F, Mr II. Vounir, made the ISth day or February, 1 093, I was appointed Administrator of the estate or the lale V. VVaklmotu, deceased, and nil parties liHUnif claims aitulnst tlie said estate are hereby retiulrrd to rurnlsh same, properly verified to me. nn or before 21st tlav or March, IPCS, and all parlies Indebted to the said estate are retiuired to pay the amount (if their Indebtedness lo me forthwith, NOHMAN A. WATT, nfrllal Administrator. I'rlnce Hupert, H.r. Paled this VUl day or February, u BOBBING HAIR GIVES WOMEN JMPLOYMENT Number of Unemployed Females In Britain Reduced to 250,000 LONDON. Mar. 13. Th women and I r I in KiiKland arc being absorbed back itilo industry far more quickly than tho men and boys, at'Cimling lo recent statistics on unemployment. Hair ilressin;.', owl i if.' lo IJie Ihib-bed hair craze, has given employment to a larfie number of youiiK vvonien who earn betler vvitfreM than Ihe Inen baiiiers because of t lit exlra chaisres made. Tor trimming bobbed locks. Men in Loudon pay approximately 25 cents for a hair cut, while women pay double I hat amount. Last spriiur" there were 300,0(11) women anion;; the unemployed of (ileal Hrilain, while today Ihe number is soiiiclliiug like 25n,-000. Allhoush aboul 1,000,000 exlra women and girls are now at work comparts! with the figures of Ihe year before the beginning of Ihe .war, women and rTirls Ingetlier do no I re present tnie-tpiarler of the total number of unemployed, (ioveru-inetil ollieials say there is every indication lhal the nuiiiber of Vine mployed, boh men am! women, will be trrenlly reduced tluriiiK this year. A BAD COLD DEVELOPED INTO BRONCHITIS Mrs. lev I OKtleti. .tiiilieri-t Shore, writes:- "My baby Klrl had a Very bad cold whirli turned to bront hills, and she could not sleep at liitrhl for the et4irh!nr. 1 true her everythiur I could think of tti relieve her, but notlitnir seemed to do her any food, and she was ikiI rclllnif an) leller. I was adil-td, by a friend, to n y DR. WOOD'S NORWAY PINE SYRUP 1 did so, and after pOnir her I few doses I sew Kisid erfects so I kept on with II. 1 Kive lM-r two bottles, and Iter ruuph soon h 'l her, and now she Is a well us ran be. I caunol praise ir. W (sills' eiHjuifli; It Is errlaluly i won-tier ml iiH-diclne." This iirt'iiarallon has been on Ihe mar ket for I In- past Jfi years; mannTa lurnl only by The T. Mllbum U Lliulled, Tirt,olo. Ittit WATER NOTICE. USE AND STORAGE TAkF. Ml I i. K thai the Canadian l.utii Iter V arils, I. nulled, whose atldir-s I- VI: standard Hunk llldir.. Vaitcuuter. II. i.. Mill apply for a Mceii-c to take and ti'i iiu runif feel er second and lo store Mi. utiii am feel or water tun or Ian. .-kun dale, and Mn lakes, and Mil Itiver. which ritiws southerly ami drains lulu M-i-fti Inlet, tlniMivh Indian Deserve An. i. The storaire-daiu will be loraled al or bear II" oil I hi of AMI Uke. Tlie cnp.iclly lie reservoir to lie created is lion I :,o.uo acre reel, and It will rioiHl Hltout i lo Ih tleleruilued acrer of laud. The water will Ih- diverted from lie' stream at a ihiIiii al "r near tlie storaire-datn. ami will Ih-usetl Tor Industrial Power riirp"-e u:in Hh land descrllH-d as Part id Indian llt-M-rte Xo. i,. This notice was -osteJ imi the rroiinil on lite 4th day or Mar.li. IUf5. A rup or this notice and an application pucsiiaiii thereto ami In Ihe "VValer Vti. IVM." will be rileil In the tiffice or Ihe VValer heintrder at I'rlnce Iiuim rl objection t" Ihe apidlratioii ina.t Ih- riled with the said Water lleeonler or vrtlh the ( juiiptrpller i-r VV-aler lliirhls, I'urlliinenl litilhllnirs, Vletntia, ll.i:.. wlltnn thirty days arter the rirst apHaraiirt or this in. lice In a local tiew-ltaner. The dale of Hie rir.t piiblicallon of this notice is March la. tuts. :anaiia. i.i .viiiih wnns. i.tmited. Applicant. Ity K. I'losl. Secretary. Canadian Laundrv and Dry Cleaners OiieratiiiK I In only power clean itiK ami pit'SK (.life' eiiuiinienl in Ihe eily. Service, am vvorkiuaiinlii) un-suriiaHseil. A plione call will hriiiK our cur. 515 6th Ave. W. Phone 8 St. Regis Cafe Prince Rupert's Leading Restaurant. A Bakery Unsurpad Third Avenue. ( isO OGDEN'S UVERPoct! BIG Shoe oale for Ten Days Only From Thursday, March 12 to Saturday, March 21 lit re arc live lnl ul Shoo win 'i f air tilTering Ilium ;il it jirice wli't h v, iuiek. Lot No, 1 li Vuir l.ailla S4in i v !?D.(Mi In -,s.-.(i. SU l'riee . . Lot No. 2 T( Pairs CluldrenV Hut sui's from ' lo X. ltugiilur ::..'-'. s Lot No. 3 21 Pairs Ladim, Strji S; . (limn heel.' Hcgiilar f lO.Oii. s Lot No. 4 -(in Pairs LinlieM Siide si s iinil high licei, in lilaei., iirown .; ii In r S.,"(i. H- Pi i Lot No. 5 :W Pair Mines' tinii H- v !- 2. Ilefriilur .i:. Huhr Pri. i 'J'liese urtt hurgain foe and an ltiilile. Willi every i 1 1- Iiukc froin ... Ladies' Shoes, apart frum 'lit alinw n give free a pair of Ladies.' Silk II i wnrlli !l.7r. Anil vvilli every purchase from our regular -luck we will ahsn! of l aslimere hose. SEE OUR WINDOWS. Jabour Bros., Ltdi Corner Third and Seventh. Phone II WESTHOLME THEATEi Friday and Saturday, 7 and 9 p.m. t Saturday Matinee, 3 p.m. Samuel Goldwyn Presents IN HOLLYWOOD with Potash and Perlmutter Tlie I'iilv-fiflv parlner- in ii nev. ever, in vvliii h lin y h.-i.e lell Ihe dull now movie niugiiali'. Collie anil -' pieltire. in which appear I lit vampi' most wiekeil lie-vamp, Willi fire in Ii ill his hair, ever hefore. Ihe itjlilic. II 1 of llio M-reen anil tiu'l jus-l liuke ami 1 I- -lliitl fil iiiiv ftice. High wnislMl llin! I l-'roin cloaks' mill soils in lli -'' 'J'o filniing "lifiiuls" in iiiuli 'ii ( U'mon ami liilf. COMEDY "WALL STREET BLUES." Admission 50c and 25c. PATHE FEVIE I Family Shoe Store Li'Mie in mill -.ec Ihe ae-t t'v I' fur Spring. We art' -ulc ngeol- for Ihe laino" also MURRAY'S SHOES ami ulhcr wt-n Perfect Fit Guaranteed Phone 357. ONYX SJ .. i- tc nn and UP' SHOE TriirdH SPECIAL SELECTED CfrV CANADIAN RYE WHl Dottcdw Bond under Dominion Govcrnm s Tim Hi t !. Wl ucL-v nf f!nnada- tl. UtlAi.J 1111117 v. w QfJ since This adverllsenicnt is not published or duIJ Jeuiol Liquor Control Board or by the Govern" British Columbia. 5W S' .. HZ u m t2ll