1025. 1 DAILY NEWS Mm THE PA, IE Fir? in Success A P , vour vour children Clinuicu to save. "Ml nlKcS J7 r.cV Dnen V u'" " them be "ends w,ln tne uamc r-ili- una ujkc ureii umu m.- nosits to rum. . -r a nil i hikm-. n l n L TT II T :itl etter Health Improved Absolute Appearance Satisfaction . IL III I IV I I I U II Mlllt IIII .IIIm I' 'II J t 1 1 1 HI - Kit M TnUM'V lirnrr uii'iiiiiii iiimiit hi, Mi 1 1 j i .... 1 1 .... I I 1. II PTTIMl ' I ( nnit'i im miiii niiui 4t 1 1 1 i i rit 1 1 1 1 1 1 . II. Li. filGAaiiUGI DLNTiST i i i J . . o r UIOCK. nuura o iir u 575 Evening by Appointment loan n v&vii rt 1 1 v ui iw.9 icsn nan Mil vai icucs in svasviu uiuftcu noil' - win nun nuunii iiuuui t. uiu ui innin Harii a "Th ef n llrnnrl" ranuil srniiatK. - - - t I r " --I"? I J! r i o r u Pi f. ! iJ an an r sn v i.n n inraue , .. liu. Prirtoe Rupert, B.C. i m . i r ! adian National laiiwavs . Prince Rupert YDOCK SHIPYARD poraiing G. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry uock i uuiiui ninni a) j - matters, Founders, Woodworkers, tic. ELECTniC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. linn I .. 1 . II ..II I. ....I.. .t mum is pmimtipfi ui n.-muie .-in k ui MARINE AND COMMEnCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 38F Telegraphic Address: "Bushmarine Prince nupert." UGBOATS .735 Rupert Marine Products Ltd. Night Phones 687 539 Black 735 Or. G01 GGERS' CLUB MAC TT?1ilirTT?T rv r. viri v r.i j "l,linB noxi iliinr in Krizzeli Hutclicr Simp, nernss flU ti. II... I. I . . I ..I "'i no: jnipiCHS Wo oarrv n I'ull linn nf R5s Tadaoo snrmi . . 7irnii7 u UI1 IIM CONNECTIUDI "l Dunnr IttnP I I Wl 1 w w t of i ; PARKING CARS; stronghockey team . . . . j Possible Winners of Trophy rit- city rn..r.n Council L L 7 to be Asked by! a, A c ., Police Commission to Pass Bylaw 'I'" !iliiv 1-iiiiiinisiiini yiKlir-l.'iy MfliTiiniiii ii ri'Kiilu- linu H'fdiniiifiiiliiijr Dial tli! cily I'mmril aini'iiil lint narKint' hylaxv so as tn (iiiililliit the slamlinrr il cars wilhiii siiccifii-il ilislanccs Iocjii Hie apiiniaclic In pulilii? place siii'li as ilaiicn IihIU, Ihealrcs, i-liiiri'lics, clc. Tim inalli'r was lirinijslil hy Cum- imssHincr OiiiiiIis who slaloil Ilia! Ilic parking nf rars near pn-niiscs when' ilanci-s ami on-l'rlaiiiiimnls worn in jinifxros liail Imoiiiiic a nuisance. So greal was I he oinifreslinn al I linos I lia' il was alums! .inuM-lii fop a liixi In drive up In an enrraneo In iliseliaw a fare, lie innve.l Ilia! Hie ciiimcil lie rcijuosloi) in lake action. Commissioner .Moiilnuiery si'eontleil. Cniiffoslinn nf cars in Sixlli SI reel liolwoen SoConil and Thinl Avenues and the prnmisciinus liarkinp nf ears on I lie stroolH was also refeiToil In. RIOT OF FUN IN THE WEEK END COMEDY AT WESTHOLME THEATRE Potash and Perlmutter as Movie Producers Is Hilarious Event No I so Inn? an, a motion picture company, in taking i veulory nT its slock, discovered in il vaiills a picture which lial never heen issued. Safe in lis liu hnx these five reels of film had resloil for Hie past ten years, liavinlieen made in the days when liu motion picture was truly in ils infancy. II was discovered thai the picture hail hecii denied dislrihulion when it was first made simply hecause of an over-supply existing at Hull lime. II was a serious society tlraina in five reels. The officials of Hie company ilcciilnl to view II. In tlieir pr-jVction iimmii a dark miniature Ihoalre whore pictures are ofeeiiejl for pielure was executives, thrown on The Hiei screen, and from llieu on shouts of merriment and mucous laughter rang throughout the office. The story, intended as a very serious dcirma, hud, after Ion years turned iuln a most hilarious comedy. The acting, which in ils day had heen considered superlative, now seemed crude. The story appeared grolesijuo and overdrawn. The titles read like a paper-covered novel (if IHKU. Finally it was decided In re-edil and re-tillo Hie picture and issue il as a comedy. This picture shows Ihe Iwn famous einal; and suit partners in their initial atlempl In hc-enme movie producers. Their first serious drama, like Hie movie of Ion years ago, liecomes the mosl side-splilliiig comedy. The picture within a .picture, however, is' jiisl one of the many adveiilurt'f That .Mcssis. J'olasli iiud I'erlniuller encounter in "In Hollywood with Potash a'nd I'erlnrilller." HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert Oscar A. K.vans, 'J'oronlo: .1. J. Thompson and W. .1. Cnmpholl, Vancouver: .1. Itoi.I, t'sk; W, Vanderllp, Terrace BILIOUS AND SICK HEADACHES ARE CAUSED BY CONSTIPATION Once yon nllou- j-nur (hhvpU in Iioimkih' rniii!iilfl .von will lici'iuiiit trimhli'il wltli lilltotis nnil slrk heiiilurlies, ami for relief yon iiiiit liHp )mr llvir to ihimivo th poisonous Mle Uiu Is rlirulailiiK In Die liloiul mid Uw'Ulnir Uh fhMi-f biliary -leiii, t-'ni' Ihl liorposfl tlicrn u no other ri'iiinty lo equal MILBURN'S LAXA-LIVER PILLS Mr. t. n. NoihwoU, Ii, . Nn. , nrinnn, Out., wrlli-s: "J nuTutly troulilril Willi roiHllpiilloil, nil slrk anil lillloiit iK'.mlnrlH'it i-iuiiunlfd wJIU (levoi-H voiiiIUiir cpolls hi i-li uunle nm vrry iniKPnil)!!'. I Irli'il Oirfi'lrnt reinetlles.. wllliont itIIoT, bill Hue UklnK l.a l.lvcr I'MM Urn linaU.H-in'ri uu ouiHtliiailmi i ti.-ive illsappfareil, mul I nm vrry lliunkfiii 1 rnr wlint tiify liv ion ht m." j fnr sale al all (Ii'mrkIsm ami ilenlerH: I put up only by Tli T. Mllbui n Co., Llm UtJ, Toronto, Oat. Good Men From Puget Sound Coiiipi-isiu the lock, slock and harrel of I he Vicjnria Cougars who are Ik)I favorites In finish nn lop in the- NVj'sIoni Canada Hockey League raw sul Huis enter the final for tliii Stanley cup, emhh'nialic of the hockey supremacy of Hie world, four old Seattle Mels have lieen inslniiiieiila! in giviup; Victoria Hie Riealesl hockey machine in the history of Hie capital cily for Ilicli !i21-.Tj season, says a Vancoiixcr sporls wriler. "Hap" iJnlmos, one nf Hie ffrealosl goalies thai ever strapped on a pail, lias heen playing Hie greatest game on his loug career while in rout of him (innlnu J-'rase'r has been por- mrniing ui me siyio, which was) prettified hy i'ele Alulilnnn when lie signed Ihe alnrily ilefonci! man with Hie Soaille Mels two seasons ago. , In Ihe forward line Hie speetjy r'lyslou has heen parljcularly i4ffeclie in the relief role to J-' ra nk l-'reilerickson, fjoigar ace, and on more than one occasion his eagle eye has liirueil Ihe liile of victory in fuVnr of Ihe (.oogjirs. "I'oxy" .lack Walker, kuow,n as one nf Ihe hardest men fn the league In slop, has heen playing in even -heller form Ihan last season, divpile his long association with Hie ice game. - i When Ihe lineup nf the Con-, gars was announced .last fall and it was seen Hiat Lester I'alrickV practiced eye had deninnstraled his keen insig)i, local hockey loxporls at oniM' irediclei :i win ning loam fur the Island entry. j Willi such players is llnlmos. Walker, Fuysloir and-l'raser the very cream nf Ihe old Soatlle, .Mels hnlstcrcd up hy the pick of the old Victoria sijuud, Ihe leuii'i could not help hut. finish in Ihe money. As a matter of fact only for a diasJrous trip through the prairies when Ihe mercury liov- lered around Hie JO below mark the Cougars would have finished j on lop of the league pulling up. As il was lliey made Ihe playoff I wild something to spare. ELKS CHAMPIONS OF MEN'S WHIST LEAGUE Won Again Last Night Over Moose; Sons of England and Sons of Canada also Winners The I'.lks are Ihe champion nf Jlie men's seel ion nf Ihe l'ra- Menial Whist League. They added another, tn their firing nf victories during the reason when lliey defoaleil the .Moose last nighl hy In 3. The Snns of I'.nglanil won hy n Vimilar margin over Hie Knights nf I'ylhias and Ihe Sous of Canada won over the Kuigllls of ColunihiiK hy to S. ' The letigiie sliiiuling o dale is as folloWs: ; . - . ; !j ' I'.lks K. of H :. SI. Andrew's S. of C w: S, of V. Oddfellows (I. W. V. A Moose ... I.. O. I K. of l. ' i. MOST USEFUL PLAYERS IMs. i I II in 7 10 10 7 10 lu 7 10 !i !l 8 l K II 8 8 ! 8 7 10 7 (i 1 2 (' I 1.1 I BASKETBALL SEASON Vic Menzles Best In Senior Lca- , gue; C. Mitchell, Ladies; W. Gray, Intermediate; S. Gurvlch, Junior Vie llonzie. isons nf Canada Senior League team; Miss Caroline .Mitchell, or (ill's Ladies' League lean); William Owiy of Hie (irollo in Hie Julermodiale League, ami Spirit (lurvich of the Colts' Junior aggregation will receive gnld incilals as heiug Ihe inns) useful in their resMcliv! leagues during Hip recenl haskel-hall reason, 'l'his anunnuccmcnl Ts Iiiaile hy J. Camjihell, presl-dejil jif Hie iMince HuperJ JJas-keHiall Assncinlinu following a vole heing tuken hy Jhe exeou-I Ivft. The wJeclion nf Vic Menxiesi was almost unanimous. Lillian Lowo save Carolin'o Mitchell u It costs you seven out of every ten dollars to live ECONOMIC experts tell us that it costs the average family about 70 per cent of its total income to buy food, clothing, household utilities and all the multitude of little things that keep a family comfortable and happy. Seven dollars out of every ten and that doesn't include rent, luxuries or entertainment. Think what a job it is to spend this large proportion of your income wisely and well. To get the biggest and best possible value from every one of those seven dollars! The clever woman goes to the advertisements of her daily paper for help. There she finds a directory of buying and selling. She learns about the offerings of merchants and manufacturers. She compares values. She weighs quality and price. She takes this opportunity of judging and selecting almost everything she needs to feed, clothe, amuse, instruct and generally bring up her family. Do you read the advertisements? You will find them willing and able to serve you in the daily business of purchase. Advertisements are guardians of your pocket-book read them carefully close run in Ihe Ladies League while Hill Oray j ti ! nosed ou' Arthur Phillips in the Inler-nicdialc. S. (lurvich had a good margin over Vnshi Kalsuyama his only compelilor in Hie Junior League. SCHOOL ATHLETICS j ARE ENCOURAGED' School Board Agrees to Pur-i chase Football and Catcher's Mask for Borden Street Al Ihe molding of the school hoard last nighl il was decided lu purchase a fool hall and a calchor's mask fur Hie use of Hie hoys nf llurden Street school. Miss Mills, principal if Ihe school staled thai an Alhlelic Association had heen formed in Conneclion with the schnnl and Dial Mr. (VXeil was helping in Ihe work of supervision. Certain days were sol aside for fnol-hall and haseiiall allorualcty. j Sport Chat There hat heen nn rrjily from Ketchikan regarding negnlia- lions for the scmliug of u local haskethall learn there since the wire was sent lasl week asking fnr a guarauloe of 9oo fur u men's loam and $8iin fnr hoth men s- and ladies leainn. II is assumed thai Kelclilkan consid ers these terms Inn high and thai Ih" mailer has thus lieen dropped. The locals would jki in make Ihe trip hill cannot, do so wlllin.ul. Insing rnnsidorahlr time and at a ralher largo ex pense, (in Hie nitier liainl. if is reali.e, Ihal il might he dilllcuH fur the Alaskans In finance In the exleul neenssary. A haseiiall nrgauiiilion meet lug was held in Slewart last week al which preliminary plans SPRING will soon be HERE! START THAT "CLEAN-UP PAINT UP" CAMPAIGN NOW. Our new slock of Household Paints, Varnishes, Kn-iimels. ami Alahasline hns jusl arrivoil. It will pay you In invesligalc inn1 "Cliiiiamel" Depl. for Varnishes, Stains and (irainiiig process. Out slocks nf Huihlers4 Hardware, Oar-peiilers' anil .lccliaiiics' Tools, Chicken Netting, Onrden Tools anil Oeneral Household Necessities are generously fomplclo. Call anil see our line nf WKAIi-BVKIt Alimiiuiiim. Agents for tho famous Gurney-Oxford Ranges STORK'S HARDWARE, LTD. 710 Second Ave. for another active season were discussed. J. S. Slickney was chosen as coach. James Mc- Aleenan as manager and secre- relary-lreastirer and Hnli Me-Cumho, John McDonald and Hi'inie .MrDoiiald as an enlei-- lainmenl coimnittee. A dance was held last Saturday night in Ihe Slewart Hotel In raise a "nest egg" fnr the treasury. , The play-nff holwoen the Moose Ladies and the Daugh-loo of KiiiMand lo decide Hie championship of I lit Ladies' Section of the Fraternal Whist League has heen postponed from louighl until next Tuesday evening when tl'Xvill lake place in 1 lie Melrupoln instead of the HofIuii Hall. The successful Ladies' leaiu Wi 1 1 later meet (he Klks, champions of the Men's oclinu. fur the Oyhluivn Cup. significant ui cily championship. iB r & tm CATARRH of th BLADDER fed. Swunm F.tr-h r.i.ul A.Mns bettlfim.tTVrv' Hnwanofaounterfeit Near Post Office. DRY Birch Wood FOR SMALL HEATERS, 60o Per Sack . HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue. Phone 680. Nlghi or Day. WE BUY BOTTLES. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phon 6S. Cartage, Warehouslus, and distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal, Band and Oravel VUa Specialize In Piano anj Furniture Movlnn. - r